Joshua Williamson: The Flash 1 – Lightning Strikes Twice
His name is Barry Allen, and he’s the Fastest Man Alive.
But he’s also so much more. As he learns more about the Speed Force that fuels his incredible powers, the Flash is also discovering secrets about his past beyond anything he’d ever dreamed-how he created a Flashpoint that changed history and helped create a new world, watched over by forces unknown.
And when the same Speed Force that flows through him is unleashed all over Central City, striking cops, criminals and ordinary civilians alike, it’s up to the Flash to train this new wave of speedsters to use their amazing abilities wisely.
But while some may become his partners in crime-fighting-forming a true “Speed Force”-others will use their godlike powers for a more sinister purpose. And the Flash is about to learn that there’s some evil even he can’t outrun…
“Minä Aku Ankka” on ehkäpä Suomen kaikkien aikojen tunnetuin sarjakuvakirja.
Minä Taikaviitta tuo uljaaseen jättikirjasarjaan uuden ulottuvuuden, Akun salaisen alter egon eli supersankari Taikaviitan!
Koko on tutun muhkea, ja kaikki sarjat ovat unohtumattomimpia Taikaviittaseikkailuja.
Sarjat on muokattu alkuperäistaidetta arvostaen jättikirjakokoon, ja klassikoiden joukosta löytyvät esimerkiksi kaikkien aikojen ensimmäinen Taikaviitta-sarja Akun hahmonvaihdos, Taikaviitan paluu ja Taikaviitta saa vastustajan.
Sarjat ovat lähtöisin parhaiden Taskari-piirtäjien kynästä – mm. Giovan Battista Carpi, Massimo De Vita ja Giorgio Cavazzano saavat Taikaviitan ystävät hyrisemään tyytyväisinä!
The most anticipated issue to date of Seth’s iconic comics digest, Palookaville 23 marks the culmination of twenty years of serialization: here, Clyde Fans comes to a conclusion.
In this final chapter, we return to Simon Matchcard and the year 1957—exactly where we left off at the end of the first Clyde Fans volume.
After his disastrous attempt at sales in the city of Dominion, we witness the out of body experience and ecstatic “vision” that sets Simon on his path of lonely isolation in the years to come.
But of course that’s not all—an issue of Palookaville always feels a bit like coming home— a comforting structure that promises new surprises and updates on old favourites.
The next installment in Seth’s memoir, Nothing Lasts, follows him from late childhood to his high school years, from innocent crushes to adolescent brooding, all told with what has become Seth’s signature anecdotal approach to autobiography.
Readers will also be privy to highlights of Seth’s exquisite fine-art practice—paintings and drawings from two recent gallery exhibitions which transport us back to an era where style was snappier, moldings more orate.
As always, the three-part digest is carefully designed by Seth in a callback to classic 1940s textural book design. From one of Canada’s greatest artists, Palookaville 23 offers closure, while evoking excitement about what’s to come.
Vesa Vitikainen: Isku Porkkalaan
1940-luvun lopulla sodat ovat ohi, mutta taistelu jatkuu.
Suomalainen yhteiskunta kokoaa itseään ja panostaa jälleenrakentamiseen. Neuvostokomennon alaisena olevalla Porkkalan alueella piilotellaan jotakin todella vaarallista, kenties atomipommia?
Marsalkka Mannerheim kokoaa kaikkien aikojen iskuryhmän, johon kuuluvat sotajermut Viljam “Rokka” Pylkäs, Aarne “Marokon kauhu” Juutilainen, Lauri Törni ja Simo Häyhä. Neuvostoliitto ei arvosta asioihinsa puuttumista, käskyn käytyä turvallisuuspoliisi eli ns. Punainen Valpo lähtee tutkimaan Marskin ryhmän aikeita. Mutta onko atomipommi sittenkään edes pahin paha, mikä Porkkalassa piilee?
Käsikirjoittaja Vesa Vitikaisella on laaja suomalaisen historian tuntemus. Hän on sovittanut useiden legendaaristen suomalaisten sotasankarien elämäkerrat sarjakuviksi. Kuvitteellista Isku Porkkalaan -seikkailutarinaa varten Vitikainen on koonnut todella kovan tekijäjoukon.
Mukana ovat mm. Anssi Rauhala, Petri Hiltunen, Jouko Ruokosenmäki, Mauri Tuure ja Mikael Mäkinen.
Becky Cloonan & Andy Belanger: Southern Cross 2
Hazel Conroy was ready to retire.
She left her life as a detective behind on Earth for a cushy job as a personal assistant on Titan… That is, until the disappearance of the Southern Cross dregs up skeletons from her past, shedding light on a bigger, more sinister conspiracy.
As the refinery she works on descends into chaos, Hazel teams up with some unlikely friends and loads her service blaster one last time–taking aim at the very company that now employs her.
Methane, ice, hell, and iron: The search for the Southern Cross begins on Titan.
G. Willow Wilson: Ms. Marvel 6 – Civil War II
While CIVIL WAR II brews, the next generation of Avengers has bigger things to worry about — like a tri-state academic competition!
As rival schools clash, Ms. Marvel’s teammates Spider-Man and Nova are now her enemies!
But when Kamala gets called to the real battle’s front line, she faces a fight she can’t embiggen her way out of. She’s about to learn a valuable lesson: Never meet your idols!
As war intensifies, tragedy strikes too close to home — and Ms. Marvel must choose between her heroes and her family. When friends become foes, Ms. Marvel struggles to put her life and Jersey City back together. Kamala will be forced to grow up fast and find her true place in the world.
But will she be an international sensation…or a menace?
Collects Ms. Marvel (2015) #7-12.
Henri Vernes & William Vance: Bob Morane
Klassinen sankari Bob Morane palaa hienona kokoelmana!
Vauhdikasta toimintaa ja huimia tieteisvisioita tyylikkäästi 60-luvun henkeen yhdistelevä ranskalaissarjakuva tuli tutuksi Suomessa 70-luvun Zoom-lehdessä sekä 80-luvun albumeissa.
Muhkea kokoomakirja sisältää sarjan esittelyn ja kokonaista viisi seikkailua, joista neljä on aiemmin suomentamattomia, ja viides on legendaarinen ”Silmät sumussa”, joka on ilmestynyt aiemmin suomeksi vain jatkosarjana.
Kuvittaja William Vance tunnetaan myös menestyssarjakuvista Bruno Brazil sekä XIII.
G. Willow Wilson: Ms. Marvel 7 – Damage Per Second
Civil War II is behind her, and a brand new chapter for Kamala Khan is about to begin!
But it’s lonely out there for a super hero when her loved ones no longer have her back.
It’s time for Kamala to find out exactly who she is when she is on her own.
Plus: it’s election time! Kamala gets out the vote!
Collects Ms. Marvel #13-18.
Charlier & Giraud: Blueberry – Kenraali Kultatukka/Kadonnut kaivos/Kultaluoteja ampuva aave
Charlierin ja Giraudin luoma luutnantti Blueberry on yksi kaikkien aikojen maineikkaimpia lännensarjakuvia.
Omapäisestä mutta oikeudenmukaisesta sisällissodan upseerista kertova sarja tunnetaan moniulotteisista tarinoistaan sekä upeasta taiteestaan.
Kertomuksessa Kenraali Kultatukka Blueberry joutuu todistamaan verenhimoisen kenraali McAllisterin ja ahtaalle ajettujen intiaanien hirvittävää taistelua.
Kadonnut kaivos ja Kultaluoteja ampuva aave muodostavat kaksiosaisen tarinakokonaisuuden, jossa Blueberry ystävineen jahtaa petollista kullankaivajaa sekä kovapintaisia palkkionmetsästäjiä halki armottoman aavikon.
Sarjakuvien lisäksi kirjassa on kattava artikkeli Blueberrystä sekä runsaasti Giraudin laatimaa oheiskuvitusta, jota ei aiemmin ole Suomessa julkaistu.
Ryan Browne: God Hates Astronauts 1 – The Head That Wouldn’t Die!
GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS follows the story of a group of incompetent, small-minded, super powered narcissists called “The Power Persons Five” who are hired by NASA to stop all farmers from launching themselves into space in homemade rocket ships.
Unfortunately for NASA, this goal is scarcely even addressed and the book focuses more on extramarital affairs, bank-robbing owls, big gross swollen heads, ghost cow heads, olde tyme boxers, tigers eating cheeseburgers in the Crab Nebula, buffalo judges and tons of aggressive swearing.
Not so much a superhero book as it is a parody of basically everything and a celebration of weird that is jam-packed with references to RoboCop and Die Hard.
Jorma Pitkänen: Jopen juhlakirja
Kuvatyön sankari, sarjakuvan stahanovilainen Jorma Jope Pitkänen on saavuttanut miehen iän. 70 ikävuoteen mahtuu muun elämän ja elämöinnin ohella 40 000 julkaistua sarjakuvaa.
Se on maailman mittaluokassakin uskomaton luku.
Jopen hahmot eivät ole sarjakuvasankareita vaan antisankareita: vastarannan kiiskiä, omissa heikkouksissaan rypeviä tyyppejä, jotka kiskovat itseään suosta savolaisen vääräleukaisuuden voimalla. Näkymätön Viänänen on pontikkaa keittävä pirttiviljelijä, kirjaimellisesti näkymätön tapaus yhteiskunnan laitamailta. Lempi on monissa liemissä keitetty evakkomummo, jonka suuta ei kuolemakaan tukkinut. Naapurin koira Lyyti haukkuu tasapuolisesti kaikki.
Täsmätarpeisiin suunniteltuja sarjoja eri alojen ja alueiden lehtiin on kymmeniä: Kisko, Paperitiikeri, Vossikka, Muikku-Koponen, Mauno Mansikka… Edes taiteilijaeläkkeen saaminen ei pysäyttänyt tehtailua. Jopen Juhlakirja on tiivistelmä yli 40 vuoden jälkeenkin jatkuvasta urasta.
Kirjan ovat toimittaneet Ville Hänninen, Vesa Kataisto ja Kari Puikkonen.
“Savolaiselle ei pitäisi koskaan antaa kynää ja paperia käteen, siitä meikäläinen on varottava esimerkki.” – JOPE
Charles Soule & Ryan Browne: Curse Words 1
A wizard has appeared in present-day New York!
His name is Wizord, and he’s here to save us all from dark magical forces bent on our destruction.
He’s the best wizard of all time! Or…he’s not, and he’s lying to everyone, and secretly is the dark magical force, but wants to hang out in our world for a while because it’s so much nicer than the hellhole he comes from.
Secrets, and spells, and talking koalas—CURSE WORDS is a gonzo dark fantasy from CHARLES SOULE (Daredevil, Letter 44, Star Wars) and RYAN BROWNE (GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS).
Collects CURSE WORDS #1-5.
François Boucq & Alejandro Jodorowsky: Bouncer 4 – Pyövelin kosto
Bouncer on lähtenyt kostamaan ystäviensä karun kohtalon.
Hänelle paljastuu, että kohtaloon on punoutunut paitsi Barro Cityä tyrannisoiva öykkäri julmine roskajoukkoineen myös raaka veljesmurha, kulta, joka on henkeä arvokkaampaa, ja oikeudentuntoinen intiaani…
Puolustamalla vanhaa karjatilallista Bouncer nostattaa riistetyt maanomistajat tyrannia vastaan.
Yllätyksiä on kuitenkin luvassa, kun samalla junalla kaupunkiin saapuu kolme kuolemanenkeliä sekä Bouncerin kurjan pestin jatkaja, Barro Cityn uusi pyöveli, joka ei ole sitä mitä on odotettu.
Lisäksi Bouncerin menneisyydestä palaa unohdettu hahmo, ja vaiennetut muistot nousevat pintaan.
Bouncer on timantinkova western, jossa yhdistyvät Villin lännen raaka todellisuus, mystiikka ja ihmismielen pimeät puolet.
Sarjan kaksi ensimmäistä osaa Kainin silmä ja Armottomien laupeus muodostavat yhtenäisen tarinan, ja kolmas osa Käärmeen oikeus aloittaa kolmen albumin kokonaisuuden.
Charles Soule & Renzo Podesta: Twenty-Seven First Set
The dark mysteries of rock and roll royalty”s “27 Club” are revealed in this collection of the hit series, winner of a spot on the YALSA 2012 Great Graphic Novel for Teens list.
All the twists, all the action, all the weirdness, in one beautiful package!
Full of extras, including an all-new, 12-page backup story, it”s the most exciting thing to hit since the Beatles at Budokan!
Collects 27 #1-4.
Jill Thompson: Ihmenainen – Todellinen amatsoni
Tämä ainutlaatuinen ja omaperäinen tulkinta Ihmenaisen alkuperästä esittelee uudenlaisen prinsessa Dianan.
Jill Thompsonin kirjoittamassa ja kuvittamassa tarinassa pilalle hemmoteltu nuori kuninkaallinen tekee kauhean teon, jonka hyvittääkseen hänen on pakko kasvaa sankarin mittoihin.
Palkitun tekijän maalattu taide herättää myyttien sankarittaret henkiin ainutlaatuisella herkkyydellä.
Charles Soule & Renzo Podesta: Twenty-Seven Second Set
Troubled guitar hero Will Garland has regained mega-fame by revealing his supernatural creativity powers to the world.
Enter Valerie Hayes, a 1980s one-hit-wonder turned witch who is desperate to steal Garland’s power that she may return to the spotlight.
A mystical battle of the bands is on, winner take all, with the god of fame as the judge!
Collects 27 Second Set #1-4 with never-before-seen extras.
Roger Leloup: Yoko Tsuno 21 – Kuolemattomien temppeli
Yoko saa avunpyynnön ystävältään Khanylta ja pian vinealainen kiituri lennättää sankarittaremme Skotlantiin, josta matka jatkuu kohti maan ydintä.
Peruskallioon louhitun fantastisen maailman salaisuuksissa riittääkin selvitettävää.
Kelttien muinaiset tarut heräävät kirjaimellisesti henkiin tässä huimassa fantasiaseikkailussa.
Joe Harris & Martín Morazzo: Snowfall
Writer JOE HARRIS (The X-Files) and artist MARTÍN MORAZZO (Vertigo Quarterly), creators of GREAT PACIFIC, reunite for a brand new science fiction series.
In the year 2045, it no longer snows following a crash that left the climate ravaged, society splintered, and the newly christened “Cooperative States of America” propped up and administered by the powerful Hazeltyne Corporation.
Only one man wages an all-out weather war against the system, wielding the forces of nature themselves as weapons. He’s the White Wizard.
The Ghost in the Night.
Genius. Terrorist. Outlaw. Hero?
Sophie Labelle: My Dad Thinks I’m a Boy?!
Stephanie’s dad doesn’t listen to her when she says that she likes bugs, Ninja Dog and all sort of books.
Also, he thinks she’s a boy.
The author of the transgender webcomic Assigned Male is back with a heartwarming story about identity, autonomy and body-positivity.
Muñoz & Sampayo: Alack Sinner – The Age of Innocence
The first of two volumes that present for the first time in English the complete Alack Sinner comics by the Argentine-born team of artist José Muñoz and writer Carlos Sampayo.
Sinner is a hard-boiled private detective whose adventures are played out to a jazz soundtrack in a noir New York from 1975 through the 2000s.
The stories are imbued with a deep political conscience and present a scathing critique of corruption in society, juxtaposed with meditations on the nature of violence and exile.
The authors have rearranged the stories in chronological order of the characters and events, rather than dates of first publication, providing a novel reading experience for both new fans and old.
The Age of Innocence collects eleven stories: “Talkin’ with Joe,” “The Webster Case,” “The Fillmore Case,” “Viet Blues,” “Life Ain’t a Comic Book, Baby,” “In His Infinite Wisdom,” “Twinkle, Twinkle,” “Constancio and Manolo,” “Dark City,” “Memories,” and “Encounters.”
Alack Sinner is an international bestseller and between them Muñoz and Sampayo are winners of Europe’s top comics awards.
This 20 pages monochrome comic is about the friendship between Ciel and Stephie, the characters from the webcomic Assigned Male (
The story is set at the beginning of the comic series, when they met each other.
As the characters explore their femininity, they learn to care for each other, empowering themselves along the way.
Brandon Graham & Simon Roy: Prophet 2 – Brothers
The distant future war continues, Old man Prophet is awake now and searching across the universe for old allies that have survived the centuries since the last war.
Collects PROPHET #27-31 and 33.
Sophie Labelle: The World Needs More Trans Cuties (SIGNED)
In this uplifting collection of strips from the webcomic Assigned Male, Stephie and her boyfriend Frank are having a movie night, Ciel and their brother Virgil have philosophical discussions in their backyard, and Ciel invites all of their friends to celebrate the Winter Solstice at their house.
Includes the mythological origin story of Ciel’s rubber chicken, exclusive to this book!
Brandon Graham & Simon Roy: Prophet 3 – Empire
The Earth Empire is now rebuilt and gaining a stronger grasp on Earthspace.
Facing an even more menacing new threat, Old Man Prophet and his team look for the help of an old ally.
Sophie Labelle: Dating Tips for Trans and Queer Weirdos
Dating Tips for Trans and Queer Weirdos is about the relationship between Ciel and Eirikur from the webcomic Assigned Male by Sophie Labelle.
Does not include the spiders but might include some cute dog pictures.
Brandon Graham & Simon Roy: Prophet 4 – Joining
The Superbeing Troll’s plans to lure out Badrock come to a head.
Sophie Labelle: Ultra Chicken Fun-Time Super Special
Ultra Chicken Fun-Time Super Special is a spinoff of the webcomic Assigned Male, written and illustrated by Sophie Labelle.
The exclusive adventures of everyone’s favourite rubber chicken and their sidekick Ciel!!
Brandon Graham & Simon Roy: Prophet 5 – Earth War
The epic conclusion to PROPHET!
A clone general goes against his Brain-Mother overlords to gain control of an alien egg.
Collects PROPHET: EARTH WAR #1-6.
Jonathan Hennessey & Michael Smith: The Comic Book Story of Beer
A full-color, lushly illustrated graphic novel that recounts the many-layered past and present of beer through dynamic pairings of pictures and meticulously researched insight into the history of the world’s favorite brew.
The History of Beer Comes to Life!
We drink it.
We love it.
But how much do we really know about beer?
Starting from around 7000 BC, beer has emerged as a major element driving humankind’s development, a role it has continued to play through today’s craft brewing explosion.
With The Comic Book Story of Beer, the first-ever nonfiction graphic novel focused on this most favored beverage, you can follow along from the very beginning, as authors Jonathan Hennessey and Mike Smith team up with illustrator Aaron McConnell to present the key figures, events, and, yes, beers that shaped and frequently made history.
No boring, old historical text here, McConnell’s versatile art style—moving from period-accurate renderings to cartoony diagrams to historical caricatures and back—finds an equal and effective partner in the pithy, informative text of Hennessey and Smith presented in captions and word balloons on each page.
The end result is a filling mixture of words and pictures sure to please the beer aficionado and comics geek alike.
George Miller & Mark Sexton: Mad Max – Fury Road
The same minds behind the breakout hit, Mad Max: Fury Road-writer-director George Miller, cowriter Nico Lathouris and cowriter-storyboard artist Mark Sexton-present this series of prequel tales set within the world of the blockbuster film!
In the brutal and lawless Wasteland, witness the rise of the veteran hero turned tyrannical warlord known as Immortan Joe, along with the story of one of his War Boys, the indomitable Nux.
Then follow the journey of Furiosa, Joe’s most feared Imperator, and experience the cycle of violence and tragedy as the Road Warrior Max Rockatansky fights to rebuild his Interceptor-the vehicle that ensures his freedom!
Finally, exclusive to this collection, comes the tale of the mighty War Rig and the lives it claimed throughout its wild road battles!
Robbie Thompson & Nick Bradshaw: Spidey 1 – First Day
Think you know everything about Peter Parker? Think again!
Expect action, adventure and hilarity in equal measure as we head back to high school to explore Pete’s early days!
Modern talent combines with the classic Marvel flavor to present the web-slinger’s wonder years in truly amazing, spectacular, sensational style.
It’s a return to the hassles of overdue homework, not knowing how to talk to girls and a never-ending merry-go-round of madness courtesy of the best rogues’ gallery in comics! We’re talking Doctor Octopus, Sandman, the Vulture and…Doctor Doom!
But could our young hero ever be ready for an arch-nemesis like the Green Goblin? With these and more faces from Peter’s past — both familiar and surprising — you’ll remember what made Spider-Man the world’s greatest hero in the first place!
Collects Spidey #1-6.
Soule Charles & Steve McNiven: Uncanny Inhumans 1 – Time Crush
They fell to Earth; they changed the world — now Black Bolt and the Inhumans get Uncanny!
Can the silent king stay quiet when Queen Medusa finds new love with the Human Torch?
Or will the situation erupt in a battle of sound and fury and fire?
Johnny Storm isn’t the only new recruit to the Inhuman cause — the X-Men’s Beast is on their side!
And they’ll need all the help they can get when they face the most dangerous villain throughout history: Kang the Conqueror! Kang’s battleground covers thousands of years, and he’ll attack the Inhumans in a horrifying fashion. What move will Kang make, millennia ago, that will wreak havoc in the present — and which Inhuman will work with him?
Collects Uncanny Inhumans #0-4 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2015 Avengers.
Robbie Thompson & André Lima Araújo: Spidey 2 – After-School Special
The early days of Spider-Man like you’ve never seen them before!
As the wall-crawler continues to build his amazing rep, he’s making new friends — and plenty of enemies — across the Marvel Universe!
Electro harnesses the power of New York City!
Kraven hunts…Peter Parker?!
And Scorpion stings — with a twist in the tale!
But when master of sound Klaw makes some noise, the Black Panther lends a hand!
And as Spidey gets a taste for team-ups, who better than living legend Captain America to stop by for a lesson in heroism? While Spidey is busy making pals, Peter could find a new BFF of his very own: Flash Thompson?! But fun time is over when the Sinister Six strike! Can a lone Spidey defeat his most powerful foes all at the same time?
Collects Spidey #7-12.
Soule Charles & Brandon Peterson: Uncanny Inhumans 2 – The Quiet Room
Welcome to the Marvel Universe’s newest nightspot, the fascinating Quiet Room.
But don’t let the name put you off — things will get rowdy! There’s a heist to solve, a brawl on the club floor and two evil geniuses turning a game of poker into a game of super-powered chicken.
No wonder Black Bolt is pulling in the big guns to put his house in order!
Meanwhile, Prince Ahura vies for power, Reader is separated from his best friend and Inhuman investigator Frank McGee is on the trail of the jilted ex-leader of Ennilux. But the big question on everybody’s lips: How did Medusa and the Human Torch get together? You’re about to discover how a catastrophe turned into a meet-cute for Marvel’s newest “It” couple.
But so is Crystal — Medusa’s little sister and Johnny’s first love. Uh-oh!
Collects Uncanny Inhumans #5-10.
Becky Cloonan: By Chance or Providence
BY CHANCE OR PROVIDENCE collects BECKY CLOONAN’s award-winning trilogy: WOLVES, THE MIRE, and DEMETER, with lush colors by LEE LOUGHRIDGE and a sketchbook/illustration section.
These stories cast a spell of hypnotic melancholy, weaving their way through medieval landscapes of ancient curses and terrible truths that will haunt you long after you’ve set them down.
Kansi: Reima Mäkinen
Reima Mäkinen: Magneettimies muistelee
Johanna Sinisalo & Hannu Mänttäri: Tiskivuoro
Evangelos Androutsopoulos: Sankaruus
Kaltsu Kallio: Paarmamiehen huimat seikkailut
Aura Ijäs: Ihmepelastuminen
Timo Kokkila: “Sankari”
Krisse Tuominen & Veijo Lindgren: Arkipäivän tsupertsangar
Valtteri Tavast: Avaruussankarin arkipäivää
Juho Sihvonen: Gary Cooper on sankari
Jyrki Linnankivi: We Don’t Need Anohter Hero
Ruth Johansson: Arkiset
Sami Myllyniemi: Pyyhkimään
Aleksi Siirtola: Paradise City – Fresh off the Plane
Otso Höglund: Töiden sankari
Mikael Salo: Satu Sammalkorpi – “Down by the Water”
Arttu Heikkinen: Teppo Tolkku – Tolkun sankari
Markku Myllymäki: Varsinainen sankari
Oskari Siirtola: Harmaa ritari
P.A. Manninen: Kapteeni Kuolio ja Seko Pönttö
Sarah Glidden: Rolling Blackouts – Dispatches from Turkey, Syria, and Iraq
Cartoonist Sarah Glidden accompanies her two friends―reporters and founders of a journalism non-profit―as they research potential stories on the effects of the Iraq War on the Middle East and, specifically, the war’s refugees.
Joining the trio is a childhood friend and former Marine whose past service in Iraq adds an unexpected and sometimes unwelcome viewpoint, both to the people they come across and perhaps even themselves.
As the crew works their way through Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, Glidden observes the reporters as they ask civilians, refugees, and officials, “Who are you?” Everyone has a story to tell: the Iranian blogger, the United Nations refugee administrator, a taxi driver, the Iraqi refugee deported from the US, the Iraqis seeking refuge in Syria, and even the American Marine.
Kari Sihvonen: Nuppuset 14 – Pallerot
Fourteenth book in a series of cute books for children and adults.
Kari Sihvonen is a productive illustrator and comic artist.
His Nuppunen is a science fiction story about a silly trip to a furry planet.
16 full color pages, 10,5×10,5cm.
Edition of 500.
Gilbert Shelton: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Omnibus
All the Freak Brothers stories, book covers, posters and merchandise collected together in one big volume.
Includes a share certificate offer for the upcoming animated movie.
The definitive Freak Brothers book for years to come.
Fifteenth book in a series of cute books for children and adults.
Frédéric Fleury is a French artist, whose imagery is full of humoristic and grotesque situations.
So is his “Fartville”, which offers a hilarious sightseeing tour into a beautiful and smelly town.
16 full color pages, 10,5×10,5cm.
Edition of 500.
Gilbert Shelton: The Fat Freddy’s Cat Omnibus
Fat Freddy’s Cat began life as a footnote strip to the Freak Brothers and later appeared in many comics of his own.
He is often to be found sleeping on the unfortunate Fat Freddy’s head.
His constant battles with the never-ending army of roaches out for world domination drive him to distraction, as does Fat Freddy’s never-ending failure to feed him or empty his kitty litter box.
This cat has variously gone travelling to Mexico, saved the world from alien invasion and worked as a government agent in Washington trying to save the world from the hee hee hee’ drug.’
Roope Eronen: Jaiksfukin värityskirja
Jaiksfukin coloring book is an independent object, but connected to the world of Jaiksfukin magazine.
It has 24 pages full of funny images to color, and some silly puzzles.
It also has an impressive appendix of full color stickers.
Gilbert Shelton: The Best of Wonder Wart-Hog
Gilbert Shelton is the creator of the multi-million selling Freak Brothers and Fat Freddy’s Cat.
Wonder Wart-Hog was his earliest creation and probably still his favourite.
The character has appeared over the years in publications varying from Drag Cartoons to Zap Comix as well as several comics of his own.
There is even a Wonder Wart-Hog motocross team!
Si Spurrier & Connor Boyle: Hook Jaw 1
The iconic and controversial comic series Hookjaw returns in an all-new series!
The seas off the coast of Africa are the setting for an action-packed, visceral tale of the Great White shark that is a relentless force of nature!
Research scientists, the US military, Somali pirates… all of them may feel they’re the hero of the story, but they have reckoned without the near-mythical Hookjaw!
Gilbert Shelton: Not Quite Dead – Last Gig In Shnagrlig
A splendid satire on fundamental religion and Western imperialism starring a Cadillac, paper bags and the world’s least successful rock band.
It’s every band’s dream – an international concert tour!
A chance to spearhead freedom, democracy and the American way of life among the benighted peoples of the world, through the medium of massively amplified rock ‘n’ roll!
How was Not Quite Dead able to get such an opportunity? It might seem like pure luck – although not necessarily of the good kind…
Margaret Stohl: The Mighty Captain Marvel 1 – Alien Nation
Behold the mightiest, fightiest super hero there is!
Captain Marvel returns to her helm as Alpha Flight commander with the world cheering her on.
She’s the biggest hero in the world – but has Captain Marvel become someone Carol Danvers no longer recognizes?
Collects The Mighty Captan Marvel (2016) #0-4.
Christa Faust & Gary Phillips: Peepland
When a chance encounter for Peepbooth worker Roxy Bell leads to the brutal murder of a public access pornographer, the erotic performer and her punk rock ex-partner Nick Zero soon find themselves under fire from criminals, cops, and the city elite, as they begin to untangle a complex web of corruption leading right to city hall.
Captain Marvel – Earth’s Mightiest Hero 4
Stellar combat and Secret Wars!
Captain Marvel’s time as an astronomical Avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer, not least the Haffensye Consortium!
They’ve been tracking Carol and Tic for weeks – and now they’ve finally caught up!
Carol Danvers barely survived the last time she squared off against the Haffensye – is there any chance that she could be so lucky again?
Then, when the Multiverse ends, there is only Battleworld. And in the domain of Hala Field, the elite Carol Corps are the best of the best, who will take down anyone and everyone who threatens their Captain!
Riding with them takes guts, guile and a whole lot of grit – so get ready to aim high, fly, fight and win!
Walter Hill & Matz & Jef: Triggerman
After years behind bars, Roy Nash never thought he’d walk the mean streets of Chicago again… let alone see his beloved one last time.
But when the city’s Mafia elite spring the notorious gun-for-hire, Roy once again finds himself thrown headfirst into a life of bloodshed and bullets as he sprints a breathless race to save the girl he left behind.
This beautifully illustrated and emotional story is an evocative memoir about the search for a better future and a longing for the past.
Exploring the anguish of immigration and the lasting effects that displacement has on a child and her family, Bui documents the story of her family’s daring escape after the fall of South Vietnam in the 1970s, and the difficulties they faced building new lives for themselves.
At the heart of Bui’s story is a universal struggle: While adjusting to life as a first-time mother, she ultimately discovers what it means to be a parent—the endless sacrifices, the unnoticed gestures, and the depths of unspoken love.
Despite how impossible it seems to take on the simultaneous roles of both parent and child, Bui pushes through. With haunting, poetic writing and breathtaking art, she examines the strength of family, the importance of identity, and the meaning of home.
Serge Lehman & Fabrice Colin: The Chimera Brigade 1
Amidst the turmoil of the First World War, a new breed of superhuman is born as a result of illegal chemical weapons.
Marie Curie experiments upon them, sometimes with terrifying consequences.
While some members of this unique new class of society choose to fight against injustice, others use their extraordinary capabilities to spread terror.
However, something far more powerful is lurking on the horizon, a threat that could erase them from existence for good.
Up against enemies who can hypnotise, walk through walls and even more unimaginable things – what chance does the human race have?
Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo: Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Box Set 2
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s game-changing run on BATMAN set the comics world on fire with THE COURT OF OWLS, DEATH OF THE FAMILY and ZERO YEAR.
Now collected for the first time are standalone stories that expand and enrich the world of the beloved series.
This second special-edition box set collects volumes 4 (Zero Year – Secret City), 5 (Zero Year – Dark City) and 6 (Graveyard Shift) of Snyder and Capullo’s acclaimed BATMAN stories.
Xavier Dorison & Christophe Bec: Sanctum
A Lovecraftian and claustrophobic Sci-Fi thriller set under water.
After receiving a distress call from another submarine off the Syrian coast, the crew of the USS Nebraska search a series of massive caverns, where they discover a 70-year-old shipwrecked Soviet sub, whose crew died under mysterious circumstances.
While investigating this enigma, the Nebraska’s away team discover a massive underground sanctum dedicated to Môt, the ancient Ugarit god of death.
Now, the crew must find a way to escape the death god’s prison without freeing him to wreak destruction upon the world.
Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez: Locke & Key – Heaven and Earth
Following the Small World deluxe edition, this special deluxe release finally reprints the oft-requested and long-denied Eisner-winning one-shot, “Open the Moon!”
Plus the other long-sold-out one-shot, “Grindhouse!”
PLUS plus: the even more hard-to-find IDW 10th anniversary Locke & Key tale, “In the Can!”
And additional covers, behind-the-scenes photos and more, all wrapped up in a beautiful 72-page hardcover package.
Jim Rugg & Brian Maruca: Street Angel – After School Kung Fu Special
Jesse “Street Angel” Sanchez takes the Ninja Kid to school!
Her fists are the facts and his face is the report card!
Don’t miss this very special After School Kung Fu, er, uh…Special?
Meanwhile, Saturday night’s the big dance and Jesse doesn’t want to go! Is love in the air? No.
Ales Kot: Zero 1 – “An Emergency”
Edward Zero was the best spy the Agency had—and then he realized he was working for the wrong side.
Jim Rugg & Brian Maruca: The Street Angel Gang
What if Kal El had been found by the Warriors instead of the Kents?
The deadliest girl alive accidentally joins a super violent street gang.
Are the Bleeders the family Jesse never had, or is Jesse the child they never wanted?
What? Free snacks at the gang tryout party!
Also, SCANDAL—one of the Bleeders is a spy!
Frank Castle stars in an explosive epic so big it took three titles to contain it!
When the Punisher undertakes his most extravagant hit of all – collapsing an entire skyscraper on a group of crime bosses – he ends up presumed dead himself!
A vigilante vacuum is created on the streets, and a number of psychopathic killers lay claim to the Punisher’s crown – and iconic chest symbol!
Take your pick from the skull-masked Hitman, jaded cop Lynn Michaels, postal worker Desmond Kline, media-savvy author Dean Swaybrick or British Frank-ophile Outlaw!
Bullets fly as the pretenders take on criminals and each other, learning the hard way that to step into Castle’s shoes is virtual suicide… But in all the chaos, will the one true Punisher make his return?
Heroes for Hire by Abnett & Lanning – The Complete Collection
“Hello, hero, are you for hire?”
With those words, Misty Knight enlists streetwise vigilantes to tackle the jobs no other super-team will.
When she calls, people listen – including Falcon, Black Widow, Ghost Rider, Silver Sable, Moon Knight and Paladin!
But while Misty takes control, the Puppet Master might be pulling strings of his own.
Can Iron Fist and the Punisher help her uncover the truth?
The events of Fear Itself and Spider- Island call for some serious street-level do-gooding – luckily Misty’s little black book is crammed full of costumed contractors like Spider-Man, Black Panther, Satana, Shroud and Daimon Hellstrom!
But when the manipulative Purple Man unleashes his Villains for Hire, she’ll need a whole new recruitment policy: Fight fire with fire!
The Punisher Max – The Complete Collection 6
Frank Castle’s relentless war on crime continues!
It’s Christmas, and the Punisher is checking off his naughty list!
Frank gets creative to take down snuff filmmakers!
In the United Kingdom, he takes on some of Earth’s hardest soldiers, the SAS, and unleashes his war wagon against a biker gang!
But when a hit woman releases her lurid tell-all book, will the Punisher be her salvation, temptation…or damnation?
Plus: stories from the murky world that exists in the Punisher’s shadow, starring an opportunistic psycho, a frantic father, a mild-mannered accountant and the young son of one of Frank’s victims.
Bryan Q. Miller: Batgirl – Stephanie Brown 1
Stephanie Brown is no stranger to crime-fighting.
She’s taken down criminals as the Spoiler and worked with Batman to keep Gotham safe, but she’s assuming a new identity that everyone in her city knows…
A typical college freshman by day, Stephanie takes to the streets at night, recklessly seeking out danger as the new Batgirl. But her nocturnal adventures have attracted the Gotham underworld’s gunfire, and even Batman and Robin don’t know what to make of this new vigilante in a secondhand costume.
With the support and guidance of the original Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie must learn the difference between playing dress-up and being the new Batgirl. Can she prove herself and earn her title, or will she fail to honor the legacy of her cowl?
Matt Fraction & Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá: Casanova – Acedia 2
Casanova Quinn, interdimensional superspy and assassin, has crash-landed here on Earth— on OUR Earth—with absolutely no memory of who he is or the terrible things he’s done.
Working for a man with just as mysterious a past as his own, Cass struggles to find his new normal—and that’s when the end of the world begins.
Written by MATT FRACTION with art by FÁBIO MOON, this volume also features exclusive back-up stories written by Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist MICHAEL CHABON and drawn by GABRIEL BÁ. Collects issues #5-8.
Sina Grace: Nothing Lasts Forever
Cartoonist SINA GRACE returns with another chapter in his growing library of reflective memoirs, producing his strongest and most compelling tale to date.
Chronicling a year of heartbreaks, writer’s block, career highs, emotional lows, and the emergence of a mystery illness, NOTHING LASTS FOREVER is Grace’s unflinching exploration of how to pick up the pieces and find hope when absolutely everything falls apart.
If life’s a show, GRACE makes certain that it’s worth every pay-per-view.
Brandon Thomas & Juan Gedeon: Horizon 2 – Remnant
Zhia Malen has delivered the first crippling blow to Earth.
Now, Chicago braces for a super storm as she kicks off the next phase of her invasion.
But the connection between her world and Earth runs deeper than she imagined, making this planet hostile to EVERY species in the galaxy.
Brian Wood & Garry Brown: Black Road 2 – A Pagan Death
Having located Bishop Oakenfort on the extreme northern coast of Norssk, Magnus the Black moves in on this rogue Vatican outpost with the intent to shut it down.
But as formidable a Viking warrior as Magnus is, he is still one man versus a fortress.
The epic conclusion to the story started with volume one’s “THE HOLY NORTH.”
Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips: Kill or Be Killed 2
Brubaker and Phillips’ bestselling series keeps on hitting, as our vigilante hero goes deeper into the darkness, and the NYPD begin to realize there’s a masked man killing bad guys all over town.
Both a thriller and a deconstruction of vigilantism, KILL OR BE KILLED is unlike anything this award-winning team has done before.
Sarah Andersen: Big Mushy Happy Lump – A Sarah’s Scribbles Collection
Sarah Andersen’s hugely popular, world-famous Sarah’s Scribbles comics are for those of us who boast bookstore-ready bodies and Netflix-ready hair, who are always down for all-night reading-in-bed parties and extremely exclusive after-hour one-person music festivals.
In addition to the most recent Sarah’s Scribbles fan favorites and dozens of all-new comics, this volume contains illustrated personal essays on Sarah’s real-life experiences with anxiety, career, relationships and other adulthood challenges that will remind readers of Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half and Jenny Lawson’s Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. The same uniquely frank, real, yet humorous and uplifting tone that makes Sarah’s Scribbles so relatable blooms beautifully in this new longer form.
Sarah Andersen: Adulthood Is a Myth – A Sarah’s Scribbles Collection
Do you love networking to advance your career?
Is adulthood an exciting new challenge for which you feel fully prepared? Ugh. Please go away.
These casually drawn, perfectly on-point comics by the hugely popular young Brooklyn-based artist Sarah Andersen are for the rest of us.
They document the wasting of entire beautiful weekends on the internet, the unbearable agony of holding hands on the street with a gorgeous guy, and dreaming all day of getting home and back into pajamas. In other words, the horrors and awkwardnesses of young modern life. Oh and they are totally not autobiographical.
At all.
Adulthood Is a Myth presents many fan favorites plus dozens of all-new comics exclusive to this book. Like the work of fellow Millennial authors Allie Brosh, Grace Helbig, and Gemma Correll, Sarah’s frankness on personal issues like body image, self-consciousness, introversion, relationships, and the frequency of bra-washing makes her comics highly relatable and deeply hilarious.
Brian Michael Bendis & Alex Maleev: International Iron Man
The award-winning creative team that turned Daredevil’s life upside down sets its sights on Iron Man!
But who is Tony Stark?
Since learning he was adopted, this question has cast a shadow over his life.
Now, it’s time to uncover his true legacy — a journey that will carry Tony into new directions as both a man and an armored adventurer.
Alongside unlikely quasi-ally Doctor Doom, Iron Man will discover answers to questions he never knew existed! But as a new international crime boss beats him at every turn, can Tony unravel the mystery of his past before deadly history repeats itself?
Revelations will send him reeling — and even if Iron Man makes it out alive, his new standing in the Marvel Universe might be the death of him!
Collects International Iron Man #1-7.
Sarah Andersen: Aikuisuus on myytti – Sarah’s Scribbles -kokoelma
Oletko ihan päällikkö ja spessu tyyppi? Ovatko verkostoitumistilaisuudet ihania mahdollisuuksia edistää uraasi? Onko aikuisuus jännittävä haaste, johon koet olevasi hyvin valmistautunut?
Tämä kirja ei ole sinua varten.
Tämä kirja on meille muille. Oheisissa sarjakuvissa tuhlataan koko kaunis viikonloppu pyörimällä netissä, tuskaillaan komistuksen kanssa käsikkäin kulkemisen sietämättömiä vaikeuksia, haaveillaan päivät pitkät hetkestä, jolloin pääsee kotiin jatkamaan pyjamahengailua, ja aprikoidaan, milloinkohan se paljon puhuttu aikuisuus mahtaa alkaa.
Tiedossa on siis tunnontarkkaa dokumentointia nuoren aikuisen elämään liittyvistä kauhuista ja kiusallisista tilanteista.
Sarah Andersen on nuori taiteentekijä New Yorkin Brooklynistä. Kirja ei ole missään määrin omaelämäkerrallinen. Siis ei kertakaikkiaan missään määrin.
Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan: Birthright 1 – Homecoming
For the Rhodes family, losing their son was the most devastating thing that could have occurred…but it couldn’t prepare them for what happened when he returned.
Skybound’s newest hit turns fantasy into reality in this all-new series from the creator of NAILBITER and GHOSTED.
Pick up this introductory-priced collection and see what everyone’s talking about!
James Venhaus & Pius Bak: Night Owl Society
High school loner David Foxworth’s best friend is killed by a local mob boss, and the police won’t do anything about it.
With nothing but his allowance and an overdeveloped sense of right and wrong, David gathers a group of fellow outsiders and misfits and decides to take matters into his own hands.
By night they sneak out to disrupt the mob’s business and by day they maintain their perfect GPAs.
They are The Night Owl Society.
But, one of them is hiding a secret that could destroy the team. Will they survive without getting killed or grounded?
Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan: Birthright 2 – Call to Adventure
Fugitives from the law, Brennan will need all the survival skills Mikey learned in Terrenos to stay alive.
But something has followed Mikey back, that’s strong enough to tear the brothers apart.
Collects BIRTHRIGHT #6-10.
Amy Chu & Carlos Gomez: Red Sonja – Worlds Away 1
The barbarian She-Devil with a Sword faces a whole different world – New York City – in this new adventure written by Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Kiss) and drawn by Carlos Gomez (The Dresden Files).
Somewhere deep underground, strange and powerful demons clad in metal armor attack and roust Red Sonja from a deep magical sleep.
Confused and weaponless, she must find a way to defeat these mysterious creatures, escape from her solitary prison, and make her way to the surface to discover where she is, and why the evil Kulan Gath summoned her there!
Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan: Birthright 3 – Allies and Enemies
As Mikey and Brennan’s quest to hunt Terrenos’s worst war criminals intensifies, their parents make deals with new and dangerous allies to protect their sons, but a mysterious foe debuts, threatening to destroy the Rhodes family forever.
Collects BIRTHRIGHT #11-15.
John Arcudi & Toni Fejzula: Dead Inside
The Jail Crimes Division of the Sheriffs Office in Mariposa County investigates crimes committed inside county jails.
With a limited number of suspects who cant escape, these are usually easy cases to solve but not this one.
As detective Linda Caruso gets closer to the heart of the case, she discovers uncomfortable truths about her friends, her job, and her community.
Collects issues #1-5.
Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan: Birthright 4 – Family History
The longer Mikey Rhodes remains on Earth, the more the evil within him is unleashed.
As the remaining mages gather to take him down, a lost member of the Rhodes family returns…but can they recover from the damage already done?
Collects BIRTHRIGHT #16-20.
John Ridley & Georges Jeanty: The American Way
Academy Award-winning author John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Three Kings) presents an alternative U.S. history with the Civil Defense Corps, a team of superheroes, and their handlers, the FDAA (Federal Disaster Assistance Administration).
The FDAA stages showdowns between “superheroes” and “super-villains,” who in reality are little more than super-powered actors that front for the public.
What will the manufactured “superheroes” do when real danger arrives at the door?
From acclaimed novelist and screenwriter John Ridley with penciller Georges Jeanty (BATWOMAN, Gambit ) and inker Karl Story (BATMAN, NIGHTWING), comes a graphic novel that remains relevant 10 years after its original publication.
This special 10th anniversary edition collects THE AMERICAN WAY #1-8 and features previously unreleased bonus content, including design concepts and cover sketches!
Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan: Birthright 5 – Belly of the Beast
Born during a time of endless war, Rya will do anything to give her child a better future.
Whether that’s on Earth or back on Terrenos, she fights for that future alongside her new family.
Even as they all start to realize something’s not right with Mikey…
Collects BIRTHRIGHT #21-25.
Matthew Rosenberg & Jorge Coelho: Rocket Raccoon – Grounded
He’s used to having a whole galaxy to guard, but now Rocket has found himself stuck in the absolute last place he’d want to be – the backwards, no-class, pit of a planet called Earth!
It’s where those dumb furry things that people say he looks like are from!
One thing is clear.
The how doesn’t matter…nor does the who or what that gets in his way…he’s gotta get off this mudball. Now!
But that’s easier said than done…
Collects Rocket Raccoon (2016) #1-5.
Gerry Duggan & Scott Koblish: Deadpool 2099
Nothing can prepare you for the Deadpool of the year 2099!
Leap decades into the future to discover the legacy of the regenerating degenerate.
There’s a new Merc, with a new Mouth – but who is she?
What could make her want to inherit a codename from Wade Wilson?
And are there still chimichangas in 2099?
Some or all of these questions may be answered – and new ones will be posed!
Find out if there’s a Zenpool 2099, catch up with one of Wade’s old teammates, and choose your side in a battle for the right to be Deadpool, in this collection of sci-fi shenanigans from the world of tomorrow!
Collects Deadpool (2015) #6, 12, 19, 25.
Timo Ronkainen: TV:n parhaat Tähti Sarjat
Timo Ronkaisen sarjakuvia.
Joe Keatinge & Leila Del Duca: Shutter 2 – Way of the World
Kate Kristopher crosses the Earth to unlock a family mystery taking her far beyond her own reality.
Collects SHUTTER #7-12.
John Wagner & Carlos Ezquerra: Judge Dredd – The Complete Case Files 14
The Dark Judges return to destroy Mega-City One!
The Big Meg is under siege from the Dark Judges and the Sisters of Death.
Meanwhile Judge Dredd has been exiled to the harsh wastelands of the Cursed Earth and time is running out for the citizens he once swore to protect.
With the body-count rising, will Dredd be able to return in time to stop the utter annihilation of the city!?
Joe Keatinge & Leila Del Duca: Shutter 3 – Quo Vadis
Kate Kristopher, once the most famous explorer of an Earth far more fantastic than the one we know, is forced to return to the adventurous life she left behind when a family secret threatens to destroy everything she spent her life protecting.
In Volume 3, Kate’s a world away from everything she knows as everyone she holds dear is on the road to execution.
Collects Shutter #13-17.
Aino Laine: Psykiatria pelastaa
Joe Keatinge & Leila Del Duca: Shutter 4 – All Roads
Kate knows everything; we don’t!
Clues from the past contain answers to where Kate and company go next.
All roads converge, but not everyone survives the trip.
Collects SHUTTER #18-22.
Huone yhdelle on lämmin, pieni matkakertomus, jossa ikuinen vanhapiika Ilona Piippo uskaltautuu matkalle ilman seuralaista.
Naapurin Tertun kauhisteluista huolimatta Ilona pakkaa laukkunsa ja matkustaa rakkauden ja kauneuden kaupunkiin Firenzeen.
Yksin matkustavan pitää olla itsenäinen ja rohkea, mutta onnistuuko se Ilonalta?
Huone yhdelle on aikuisten satu: tarina on sympaattinen ja pieniä kommelluksia täynnä, se antaa ajateltavaa, mutta jättää samalla hyvän mielen. Jokainen meistä tuntee jonkun Ilonan ja jokaisen meistä pitäisi joskus lähteä matkalle yksin.
Joe Keatinge & Leila Del Duca: Shutter 5 – So Far Beyond
The final chapter of the SHUTTER series begins with explorer Kate Kristopher facing a greater loss than any she’s experienced before, leaving her more determined than ever to end Prospero’s grip on the world.
JOE KEATINGE and LEILA DEL DUCA’s surrealistic odyssey through time and space comes to its epic end.
Collects SHUTTER #23-30.
Mimi Pond: The Customer is Always Wrong
A young woman’s art career begins to lift off as those around her succumb to addiction and alcoholism.
The Customer is Always Wrong is the saga of a young naïve artist named Madge working in a restaurant of charming drunks, junkies, thieves, and creeps.
Oakland in the late seventies is a cheap and quirky haven for eccentrics and Mimi Pond folds the tales of the fascinating sleaze-ball characters that surround young Madge into her workaday waitressing life.
Outrageous and loving tributes and takedowns of her co-workers and satellites of the Imperial Cafe create a snapshot of a time in Madge’s life where she encounters who she is, and who she is not.
Johanna Jasmine
Ilkka Lappi
Katariina Lappi
Nikke Lindholm
Tiina Mäkitalo
Anna Nummi
Timo Niemi
Apila Pepita
J. Pukkila
Tiia Salmelin
Juho Sihvonen
Robert Crumb: The Life and Death of Fritz the Cat
Robert Crumb’s first great character — rivaled only by Mr. Natural — was Fritz the Cat, the horny hip-talking, feline, whose success (especially after the release of the 1972 Ralph Bakshi animated movie, which Crumb loathed) is back in print as an inexpensive hardcover and as a companion to The Book of Mr. Natural.
It contains all the Fritz stories from teh earliest sketchbook-drawn tales (“Hey, Ol’ Cat!” and “Fritz Comes on Strong”), to the wild adventure stories (“Special Agent for the C.I.A.”), all the way to the despairing “Fritz the Cat, Superstar,” with its infamous ice-pick ending, Plus, an introduction by Crumb, sketchbook pages, and more.
Andrea Pazienza was part of a group of Italian cartoonists and illustrators who pioneered a breakthrough approach to comics in Italy, comparable to what Moebius did at Les Humanoïdes Associés with Métal Hurlant in France and Robert Crumb with Zap in the U.S.
Pazienza was a true visionary, with a fluid line and an uncanny sense of color and composition, and his innovative graphic style served up stories that were iconoclastic, outrageous, humorous, and deeply personal, often based on himself and his microcosm of friends and collaborators.
Zanardi portrays a lost generation of late-1970s/early-1980s teenagers, coping with family problems, school, sex, and drugs — a universal tale in many Western countries.
Pazienza was a revolutionary cartoonist who ushered an underground sensibility to Italian and European comics, breaking from the more staid tradition of genteel adult (and children’s) graphic albums. Pazienza has never been translated and published in English — until now.
Fantagraphics is proud to introduce American (and English-speaking) readers to this blazingly honest cartoonist of international stature.
Henri Joela & Ville Koskivirta: Tarinoita muinaisesta Pohjolasta #3
Tarinoita muinaisesta Pohjolasta on 1200-luvun Pohjolaan sijoittuva seikkailutarina.
Sarjakuvan maailma on sekoitus historiaa, kansantarinoita sekä muinaissuomalaista mytologiaa.
Tämä julkaisu sisältää kaksi tarinaa: Liivinmaan jalokivi ja Staalo.
Joe Orlando: The Thing from the Grave and Other Stories
This special collection features more than 30 EC classics from the pages of Tales From the Crypt, The Haunt of Fear, The Vault of Horror, Shock SuspenStories, Impact, and Crime SuspenStories.
Of special note is Orlando’s “The Monkey,” the classic realistic EC story about drug addiction, considered to be one of the most cautionary of “the preachies,” and Orlando’s adaptation of Bradbury’s eerily haunting “The Lake,” about a childhood tragedy.
This volume also includes the title story “The Thing From the Grave,” a special Orlando frightfest originally printed in 3-D that hasn’t been seen since its original publication more than 60 years ago (and is presented here for the first time in easy-on-the-eyes 2-D).
Plus all of Orlando’s Panic stories, including parodies of Mother Goose, TV commercials, and soap operas. Like every book in the Fantagraphics EC Artists’ Library, The Thing From the Grave And Other Stories also features essays and notes by EC experts on these superbly crafted, classic American comics.
Erik Kriek: In the Pines – 5 Murder Ballads
The murder ballad holds a rock-solid position in US roots music and the Great American Songbook for decades.
Telling the stories of sometimes true and often not-so-true-crimes and other horrific events, they are raw stories full of unrequited love, betrayal, life, and death.
The song form stems from the Anglo-Saxon ballad tradition, where stories were orally passed on to a mostly illiterate population.
Dutch cartoonist Erik Kriek was inspired by five old and new murder ballads — including songs by modern masters such as Nick Cave, Steve Earle, and Gillian Welch — and used them as a launching point for five special and ruthless graphic narratives that dig deep into the darkness of Americana, in which guns and religion maintain an uneasy balance.
Joe Orlando: Judgment Day and Other Stories
Joe Orlando was a mainstay at EC, especially on science fiction, and this collects 23 of his best SF stories.
All of them, most scripted by Al Feldstein, serve up classic O. Henry-style endings, such as “I, Robot,” and “Fallen Idol.”
The title story is one of EC’s most famous, with its blunt anti-racism message. When it was printed during the era of the Comics Code, publisher Bill Gaines and Feldstein had to fight to keep the story’s final panel “reveal” (and thus its whole point) intact. It was a Pyrrhic victory, however, as “Judgment Day” became the last story in the last comic book EC published.
This volume also features two of Orlando’s outstanding adaptations of classic Ray Bradbury science fiction stories: “The Long Year” and “Outcast of the Stars.” Also included are all of EC’s “Adam Link” adaptations, a series which was later also adapted for The Outer Limits TV show and featured Leonard Nimoy.
Charles Forsman: The End of the Fucking World
TEotFW follows James and Alyssa, two teenagers living a seemingly typical teen experience as they face the fear of coming adulthood.
Forsman tells their story through each character’s perspective, jumping between points of view with each chapter.
But quickly, this somewhat familiar teenage experience takes a more nihilistic turn as James’s character exhibits a rapidly forming sociopathy that threatens both of their futures.
He harbors violent fantasies and begins to act on them, while Alyssa remains as willfully ignorant for as long as she can, blinded by young love.
Forsman’s story highlights the disdain, fear and existential search that many teenagers fear, but through a road trip drama that owes as much to Badlands as The Catcher in the Rye.
Forsman’s inviting, Charles Schulz-influenced style lends a deadpan quality that underscores the narrative’s tension.
The End of the Fucking World was one of the most talked-about graphic novels of 2013. Now that the world is ending, it’s sure to become the most talked-about graphic novel of 2017.
Katie Skelly: My Pretty Vampire
Clover — the “pretty” vampire of the title — is a Bardot-esque blonde who dreams of the (now dead) girl she once was four years ago before becoming a fanged bloodsucker.
She is being kept prisoner by her brother, Marcel, who fears Clover will be hunted by the outside world (and who may have other, more selfish motivations as well). Clover’s curiosity, however, will not be suppressed: impetuous, sensual, strong-willed, and fearless, she plans her escape. The resultant havoc would make Dario Argento proud.
My Pretty Vampire is a sexy, sophisticated horror romp that heralds author Katie Skelly as a powerful voice in comics.
Her inherently sexy work wears its colorful Pop sensibility and keen fashion sense on its sleeve; that her strong visual style and sex-positive attitude is in the service of such strong female characters and emotionally rich work makes for a wonderfully moody, progressive, and engaging read.
Lewis Trondheim & Brigitte Findakly: Poppies of Iraq
Poppies of Iraq is Brigitte Findakly’s nuanced tender chronicle of her relationship with her homeland Iraq, co-written and drawn by her husband, the acclaimed cartoonist Lewis Trondheim.
In spare and elegant detail, they share memories of her middle class childhood touching on cultural practices, the education system, Saddam Hussein’s state control, and her family’s history as Orthodox Christians in the arab world. Poppies of Iraq is intimate and wide-ranging; the story of how one can become separated from one’s homeland and still feel intimately connected yet ultimately estranged.
Signs of an oppressive regime permeate a seemingly normal life: magazines arrive edited by customs; the color red is banned after the execution of General Kassim; Baathist militiamen are publicly hanged and school kids are bussed past them to bear witness.
As conditions in Mosul worsen over her childhood, Brigitte’s father is always hopeful that life in Iraq will return to being secular and prosperous. The family eventually feels compelled to move to Paris, however, where Brigitte finds herself not quite belonging to either culture.
Trondheim brings to life Findakly’s memories to create a poignant family portrait that covers loss, tragedy, love, and the loneliness of exile.
Jacques Tardi & Leo Malet: Fog Over Tolbiac Bridge
Paris, 1950s.
Nestor Burma’s past comes knocking when a young gypsy woman leads him to a hospital where he discovers a recently deceased old buddy from his anarchist days.
While Burma has chosen to move onto the (more or less) straight and narrow as a private eye, his friend had stayed on the other side of the law as a counterfeiter and worse. So now it’s up to Burma to avenge his friend, keep the girl safe, and hopefully unravel a mystery whose roots run far and deep back into the past…
Fog Over Tolbiac Bridge is the first of four major graphic novels adapted by Tardi from the legendary French crime writer Léo Malet’s original Nestor Burma novels, each set in Paris. Tardi’s stylish use of mechanical gray tones provides the book with a lovely period feel which, combined with Tardi’s usual obsessive visual research, gives it a uniquely personal, authentic quality.
Tardi’s adaptation is a cracking good detective yarn and a milestone in comics history.
Mézières & Christin: Valerian and Laureline 17 – Orphan of the Stars
Running away with the unhappy heir to the galaxy’s biggest fortune, even if it’s because he wants it, is bound to cause some problems.
On the lam with the Caliphette of Iksaladam, Valerian and Laureline are relentlessly pursued by the Quatuor Mortis, who are still after the enormous reward offered for the child’s safe return.
Stranded among the Asteroids of Shimballil, they must evade the hunters, recover their ship, dodge profiteers and traitors … and decide what to do with the little brat!
Santiago García & Javier Olivares: The Ladies-In-Waiting
In 1656, Diego Velázquez, leading figure in the Spanish Golden Age of painting, created one of the most enigmatic works in the history of art: Las Meninas (The Ladies-in-Waiting).
This graphic novel, written and drawn by two of Spain’s most sophisticated comics creators, examines its legacy as one of the first paintings to explore the relationship among the viewer, reality, and unreality. (It guest stars Cano, Salvador Dalí, Zurbarán, and many others.)
Olivares’s art moves from clear line to expressionistic; from pen nib to brush stokes; from one color palette to another, as The Ladies-in-Waiting uses fiction to explore the ties among artists and patrons, the past and the present, institutions and audiences, creators and creativity.
Their combined efforts have garnered not only international comics prizes, but the equivalent of the National Book Award in Spain, where the book has been a commercial and critical sensation.
Mazen Kerbaj: Beirut Won’t Cry
Thus begins the online diary of Mazen Kerbaj, a Lebanese painter, jazz musician, and cartoonist, as bombs rained down on his hometown of Beirut.
Throughout the summer of 2006, during the Israeli aerial bombardment of Lebanon, Kerbaj published drawings, comics, and writing, a creative chronicle during a time of intense and unspeakable brutality.
Drawn and written in English, French, and Arabic, Beirut Won’t Cry shows us how an artist views the world and everything in it — his relationships, his family, and his creative pursuits — as it crumbles violently around him.
Historically vital and occasionally hilarious, Beirut is Mazen Kerbaj’s first graphic novel translated into English, introducing to many American readers his unique voice and urgent pen, showing them how to carry on and resist in times of war and oppression.
Raina Telgemeier: The Baby-Sitters Club 1 – Kristy’s Great Idea
Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of The Baby-sitters Club.
Whatever comes up — cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls — you can count on them to save the day.
Baby-sitting isn’t always easy, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets.
But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship.
Raina Telgemeier, using the signature style featured in her acclaimed graphic novels Smile and Sisters, perfectly captures all the drama and humor of the original novel!
Director no more, Nick Fury is a plain ol’ Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. – but that won’t stop him from calling the shots!
And there are plenty to be fired, because Baron Strucker has a new vision for Hydra…and S.H.I.E.L.D. As Strucker strikes and Nick Fury faces treachery and betrayal from within his own ranks, he reunites with the Howling Commandos and Captain America – as well as a few faces he never thought he’d see again!
And it all builds to a cataclysmic confrontation with Hydra that will usher in a whole new era for S.H.I.E.L.D. – and reveal the group’s definitive secret origin!
Plus: Nick crosses paths with Luke Cage, investigates a murder and flashes back to the Cold War…but how does a decades-old adventure affect the here and now?
Collects Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1989) #36-47; Fury (1994) #1.
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis – The Complete Collection 1
Bendis reunites the Big Three as he reassembles the Avengers once again!
If Thor, Captain America and Iron Man can find a way to work together, they may just survive long enough to join Spider-Man, Wolverine and more on a fresh roster for a heroic age!
Who will answer the call when Kang the Conqueror strikes from the future?
There’s worse to come when the Hood makes his move from smalltime gangster to big-league bad guy – by hunting the all-powerful Infinity Gems!
It’s a story that will draw in the secretive Illuminati and the not-so-stealthy Red Hulk! Plus, an angry Wonder Man returns, blaming the team for the world’s ills, and he’s brought his own team of Revengers with him! Fight!
Jim Starlin: The Infinity Watch 1
Run the Gauntlet from War to Crusade in this essential companion to Jim Starlin’s Infinity Trilogy!
In the aftermath of INFINITY GAUNTLET, Adam Warlock wears the almighty glove — but no single being should wield all six gems.
Adam recruits his most trusted allies to guard one each — including the deadly Gamora, the destructive Drax, the demanding Moondragon and the diminutive Pip the Troll!
But who holds the Reality Gem?
The team finds a home on Monster Island, but INFINITY WAR rages when Adam’s dark side, the Magus, strikes!
This sounds like a job for…Thanos?! Warlock wrestles with himself, Drax battles the Hulk, and Pip takes charge when the Goddess sets the Marvel Universe on an INFINITY CRUSADE!
Before the Guardians of the Galaxy, there was the Watch!
Collects Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1-22.
Jim Starlin: The Infinity Watch 2
The uncanny adventures of Adam Warlock and his Infinity Watch conclude!
But before the band breaks up and goes its separate ways, there are plenty of adventures to be had —like a battle for Monster Island against the Avengers!
There will be new love for Adam, and heartache for Gamora! The Watch will face the full fury of the Man-Beast, learn how Count Abyss traded his soul for power, and be caught in a subterranean war between Tyrannus and the Mole Man!
The mysterious Strange targets the Infinity Gems, and the members of the Watch face execution for their sins at the hands of Zakaius!
Will they escape that fate only to be brought down by one of their own? Time will tell before the Watch is stopped!
Collects Warlock Chronicles #6, Warlock and the Infinity Watch #26-42.
Jim Starlin & Alan Davis: The Infinity Entity
When last we saw Adam Warlock, he was held captive in the Negative Zone by Annihilus!
So why is he now hanging with the original Avengers?
Things only get weirder from there as Adam struggles to piece together his lost recent past.
Could the Guardians of the Galaxy help? Or perhaps the bizarre and powerful In-Betweener?
As Adam begins a nightmarish tour of a ravaged universe, each answer he unearths only leads to even more vexing questions.
But will Adam at last discover the truth about the role he and Thanos played in the destruction of reality? Will the cosmic powers-that-be grant him the chance to put right his mistakes and save all there is?
Plus: Learn how a devastating defeat in Thanos’s past set events into motion that will redefine the Marvel Universe in the near future!
Collects The Infinity Entity #1-4, Thanos Annual (2014) #1.
Jonathan Hickman & Nick Spencer: Infinity
Thanos makes his world-shattering return, and his armies fire the opening shots of a galactic war that will be fought both on Earth and in deep space – with our heroes caught between both battles!
As the mad Titan’s secrets are revealed, the Inhumans’ city of Attilan falls, and the members of the Illuminati find themselves on the front line!
And as every Origin Site on Earth goes active, the Builders enter the Marvel Universe. But can the Avengers return to Earth in time to save it, when betrayal in the Galactic Council has left them prisoners of war?
Collecting Infinity #1-6, New Avengers (2013) #7-12, Avengers (2012) #14-23 and Infinity: Against the Tide Infinite Comic #1-2.
BATMAN ARKHAM: CLAYFACE collects some of the villain’s greatest stories by some of the industry’s greatest creators, including Ed Brubaker (Captain America), Len Wein (SWAMP THING), Mike W. Barr (BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS), Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER), J.H. Williams III (BATWOMAN), Mike Mignola (Hellboy) and many more!
Washed-up actor Basil Karlo.
Matt Hagen, a common crook.
Preston Payne, tragic scientist.
These are just a few of the many people who have claimed the name Clayface!
Some of them have incredible shape-changing abilities, while others have a deadly touch that can melt a person into a puddle of protoplasm.
All of them have tormented the citizens of Gotham City and been defeated by the Dark Knight and his allies.
Now witness the origins of their transformations and learn their ultimate fate!
A humane, moving and often very funny graphic novel about the life of a country doctor and those of his patients, cartoonist and doctor Ian Williams introduces us to Dr Iwan James: cyclist, doctor, would-be lover, former heavy metal fan and, above all, human being.
Weighed down by his responsibilities – from diagnosing personality disorders to deciding who can hold a gun licence – Iwan doubts his ability to make decisions about the lives of others when he may need more than a little help himself.
Incontinent old ladies, men with eagle tattoos, traumatised widowers – Iwan’s patients cause him both empathy and dismay, as he tries to do his best in a world of limited time and budgetary constraints, and in which there are no easy answers. His feelings for his partners also cause him grief: something more than friendship for the sympathetic Dr Lois Pritchard, and not a little frustration at the prankish and obstructive Dr Robert Smith.
Iwan’s cycling trips with his friend Arthur provide some welcome relief, but even the landscape is imbued with his patients’ distress. As we explore the phantoms from Iwan’s past, we too begin to feel compassion for The Bad Doctor, and ask what is the dividing line between patient and provider?
Wry, comic, graphic, from the humdrum to the tragic, his patients’ stories are the spokes that make Iwan’s wheels go round, as all humanity, it seems, passes through his surgery door.
Ian Williams is the author of Sick Notes, a weekly comic strip in The Guardian about the state of the NHS. The Bad Doctor was highly commended in the Primary Healthcare category of the British Medical Association Medical Books Awards 2015.
Matthew Rosenberg & Ben Torres: Kingpin – Born Against
Wilson Fisk builds an all-new empire!
The Kingpin has done bad things. Deplorable things. Unforgivable things.
He has cheated the law. He has blackmailed rivals. He has killed.
But that’s all in the past.
Now he’s back in the city he loves and ready to make his mark as a titan of legitimate industry.
But before he can take a fresh bite out of the Big Apple, first he needs to transform his public image. As Fisk makes disgraced journalist Sarah Dewey an offer she can’t refuse, the spiraling saga of crime and betrayal begins anew.
His road may be paved with honorable intentions, but nobody in his circle will remain pure on his climb back to the top!
Reacquaint yourself with the Kingpin in all his brutal glory: the man, the murderer…the Good Samaritan?!
Corinna Bechko & Geraldo Borges: Angel Season 11 #1 – Out of the Past
Angel, a reformed vampire cursed with a soul, is tormented by a vision linking his shameful past to something very big—and very bad—that is coming.
As Angel and his friend Fred begin trying to solve the mystery, the goddess Illyria gives Angel some insight and incentive. Then she really gets involved, and Angel discovers that it might be possible to change the future by changing the past.
Collects issues #1-4 of the series.
Wendy Pini & Richard Pini: The Complete Elfquest 4
The classic fantasy comic by Wendy and Richard Pini delves into more of the past of your favorite elfin hunters in Hidden Years.
And the wicked Winnowill allies herself with the warlord Grohmul Djun, twisting his heart to evil and setting the course for centuries of conflict between humans and the elfin tribes.
Collects issues from ElfQuest: Hidden Years (#10-15) and the ElfQuest: Shards saga (#1-16).
Mike Richardson & Gabriel Guzman: Echoes
Troubled pilot Fred Martin is caught in a bizarre storm and loses control of his aircraft.
Martin awakens unharmed, only to discover that he is thirty years in the past with the impossible opportunity to right the wrong that ruined his future.
But to prevent murder, will he commit murder?
Mike Richardson & Gabriel Guzman: Father’s Day
An action-packed crime thriller written by Mike Richardson (The Secret, The Atomic Legion, 47 Ronin).
Once a feared mob enforcer, Silas Smith has found peace in seclusion . . . until his estranged daughter shows up with a major axe to grind.
And though Silas abandoned his past, his former bosses are now on his trail and intent on showing that crime doesn’t play! Collects the four-issue miniseries.
Mike Richardson & Fernando Baldó: Deep Gravity
He didn’t get onto the most lucrative interstellar mission for the money—Paxon came to be reunited with the woman he loves.
But his high-stakes journey takes him to a savage world full of the galaxy’s most dangerous game, where the gravity can turn your bones to powder.
And the reunion isn’t all he’d hoped for, when they find themselves on a ruined vessel in a deteriorating orbit above the planet, trapped with their own alien prey on the loose. Collects Deep Gravity #1-4.
Greg Pak & Greg Land: Weapon X 1 – Weapons of Mutant Destruction Prelude
Decades ago, the Weapon X Program produced the deadliest mutant killers on the planet.
Now, with more research, more funding and more Adamantium at its disposal, the all-new Weapon X Program isn’t just experimenting on mutants anymore…it’s eradicating them – all of them -using killer cyborgs that can hide in plain sight.
Now it’s up to the uneasiest of all alliances -between Old Man Logan and his once bitter enemy Sabretooth – to hunt down the revived Weapon X program and stomp it out before it gets any stronger.
They’ll need a whole lot of luck and maybe that’s where Domino comes in?
But what could make Weapon X and its mysterious new director turn their sights on the Totally Awesome Hulk?
The Weapons of Mutant Destruction are coming – and there will be blood!
Collects Weapon X (2017) #1-4, Totally Awesome Hulk #19.
Matt Owens & Juan Cabal: Elektra – Always Bet on Red
Running from her tumultuous past, Elektra attempts to lose herself in a vibrant sea of neon, noise and anonymity: the gambler’s paradise, Las Vegas!
But how long can a former ninja assassin really hope to escape the vortex of violence that encompasses her life…especially when there’s a new would-be kingpin in Sin City who has her in his sights for his newest game?
Enter: Arcade!
Elektra is in his crosshairs, and a string of clues, including high-tech weaponry, kidnappings and assassins, will lead her to a game of chance more deadly than she ever expected.
However, Elektra hasn’t forgotten her past, or any of the skills she’s learned – and Arcade will find that she’s more than ready for a Casino Battle Royale!
Collects Elektra (2017) #1-5.
Marc Guggenheim: X-Men Gold 1 – Back to the Basics
In the wake of their war with the Inhumans, the X-Men are at a crossroads – where do they go from here?
Luckily, one beloved X-Man has the answer to that question! Now, Xavier’s dream comes full circle as Kitty Pryde returns to lead the team into a golden future!
Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rachel Grey and Old Man Logan will renew their mission to protect a world that hates and fears them, as the next chapter in the saga of the X-Men begins!
But even as the new team rises out of the ashes of IVX, a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants isn’t far behind.
And when their rampage through New York City begins, there will be some surprisingly familiar faces in their ranks! Who has turned their backs on the X-Men…and why?
Collects X-Men Gold (2017) #1-6.
Cullen Bunn: X-Men Blue 1 – Strangest
Like a bolt from the blue, the original X-Men reunite – like never before!
This time, Jean Grey takes her place as leader, and Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Beast must follow her into action as they seek to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team.
But how can they do that when their new mentor is their old mentor’s arch-frenemy?
That’s right – Magneto has joined the original X-Men!
But due to their long history with the Master of Magnetism, not everyone on the squad can put old rivalries aside… With tensions rising, can the X-Men come together to be a cohesive force for good?
Or will ulterior motives and personal quests derail the entire enterprise? At the end of the day…who can be trusted?
Collects X-Men: Blue (2017) #1-6.
Deadpool World’s Greatest 8 – ‘Til Death Do Us…
You’ve never seen marital problems like this!
It was a whirlwind romance – Deadpool traveled across the world with Shiklah, fighting all sorts of threats at her side, and finally married her as a way to thwart the evil vampire lord, Dracula!
But the honeymoon is over, and reality has set in.
Wade’s bride is a demon succubus and the queen of a monstrous kingdom hidden beneath Manhattan. So when this Monster Metropolis declares war on the surface world, Deadpool’s loyalties are divided between his husbandly duties and the role he’s crafted for himself as a hero.
Can Spidey and the Mercs for Money help him decide whose side he is on? Brace yourself for a domestic dispute that’s really going to break some things up!
Wolverine by Daniel Way – The Complete Collection 2
Continuing the blistering run of Daniel Way – with a blockbuster assist by Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi!
Wolverine has been completely shattered by recent revelations, and must now ask himself some hard questions. Can he continue on his quest? Should he? He finally remembers who he was, but who – and what – is he now?
The answers involve Madripoor, Jubilee, old foes Cyber and Omega Red, and the deadly debut of Daken – the son that Wolverine never knew he had!
Learn Wolverine’s secret history with Black Widow…and gasp as a savage showdown with Sabretooth draws the manipulative mastermind Romulus out of the shadows!
Plus, ask “what if?” tragedy turned Logan away from the path of Wolverine – and on to that of an even more punishing vigilante!
Jim Starlin & Alan Davis: Guardians of the Galaxy – Mother Entropy
When the Guardians are entrusted with an important but seemingly straight-forward delivery, nothing can go wrong, right? Right!
Until everything starts going very wrong.
Things might get a little more chaotic when the team meets the mysterious Mother Entropy: Who is she and what is her business with the Guardians?
Steve Orlando & Fernando Blanco: Midnighter and Apollo
Even though they’d broken up, it’s impossible to keep the heroes known as Midnighter and Apollo apart.
But that’s exactly what Henry Bendix is counting on.
The man who created Midnighter wants to destroy him, and he knows that the perfect warrior has only one weak point—the man he loves. So if he can’t send Midnighter to Hell himself, he’ll get Midnighter to walk right into the underworld…to rescue Apollo, whose soul has been stolen by the Lord of Hell, Neron.
Midnighter is coming to Hell…and Heaven help any demon who stands between him and his man.
Mark Fertig: Take That, Adolf! The Fighting Comic Books of the Second World War
Between 1941 and 1945, the greatest super villain to adorn a comic book cover was not the Red Skull or The Joker — it was Adolf Hitler!
Yes, Hitler was featured on more comic book covers than any other villain — being pummeled by everyone from Captain America to Wonder Woman, until he was beaten for real by the Allied forces.
Take That, Adolf! is a compilation of more than 500 stunningly restored comics covers published during World War II featuring America’s greatest super-villain curated by Mark Fertig, who also contributes an introductory essay examining comics’ coming-of-age amidst the greatest cataclysm in modern history.
This magnificent oversized volume offers an unprecedented look at the moment when a bunch of talented dreamers and hustlers, most of them Jewish kids in New York, created iconic characters who battled it out with Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito while the fate of the world hung in the balance.
From Superman and Captain America to propaganda and racism, Take That, Adolf! is a fascinating look at how legendary creators such as Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Alex Schomburg, Will Eisner, and Lou Fine entertained millions of kids on the home front and buoyed the spirits of GIs fighting overseas by using Adolf Hitler as a punching bag. Ouch!
Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp: Wonder Woman 3 – The Truth
They say the truth will set you free.
That’s what Princess Diana—the hero known to the world as Wonder Woman—believed.
But she discovered a far darker truth, learning that her entire life and history had been transformed…and it has driven her to madness.
Even as her life unravels, sinister forces threaten all she holds dear. No matter how great the trauma, she must continue to fight against the evil and lies that have destroyed her life.
With the help of her closest allies—and her greatest enemy, the Cheetah—Diana will put the pieces of her broken mind back together and do battle against her fearsome new foes.
Will she defy the will of the gods, save her Amazon sisters and solve the mystery of her own existence once and for all? Or is the cost of the truth too steep for even Wonder Woman to bear?
Joe Golem, Occult Detective 1 – The Rat Catcher and the Sunken Dead
Forty years after disaster left Lower Manhattan submerged in thirty feet of water, the Drowning City has taken a turn for the weird, and Joe Golem is there to investigate.
A mysterious and terrifying creature has been snatching children and pulling them into the depths of the canals, and those that drowned in the floods are coming back to the surface—alive.
Collects the five-issue miniseries.
Lauren Barnett: Unicorns of Planet Earth
In her new comic, Barnett presents herself as ‘unicorn scientist’ and delivers 28 pages of hilarious/honest/sweet commentary about the behaviors and rituals of the modern unicorn.
As in her previous work, Barnett deftly uses comedy to tap on the fragile psyche of our time.
We read her new book as commentary on the dangers of fantasy escapism.
Sure, you can devote your life to unicorns — or anything else — but the world is still a tragic place.
And that’s funny.
Barnett walks the line between tragedy and comedy better than anyone we know, and – as always – we’re ecstatic to put out one of her comics.
Glynnis Fawkes: Reign of Crumbs
Glynnis Fawkes is an award-winning cartoonist who lives in Vermont with her family.
When she’s not galavanting around the globe documenting archeological digs, she’s producing some of the most wonderful memoir comics in the field.
The beautiful brush pen slice-of-life comics in this collection honestly show the love, frustration, and just true surrealness that come from being a parent.
Living with two kids who are constantly evolving, growing, and changing can be amazing and challenging – what’s right one minute is wrong the next, but the need stays the same.
Fawkes deftly articulates these challenges while never forgetting to remind the reader how precious that weird thing is.
Noah Van Sciver: Slow Graffiti #3
This is a mini Noah did for his Patrons and for Kilogres Kickstarter.
Printed just 500 copies, 1/2 of which went to his Patrons and the other half to our Kickstarters.
This is Noah’s sketchbook zine he does every once in a while, and #3 finds him alone at CCS as the Artist-in-Residence. Perpetually out of place, Noah spends his time drawing, honing his craft, and studying nature.
It’s a beautiful little comic, and it won’t be reprinted (at least not in this format).
This may be our best issue of the Quarterly yet.
With five short works by some of our favorite cartoonist, and two hand written interviews, this is about the best value in comics. The loose theme for this issue was ‘orphaned comics from cartoonists we love,’ and they all fit together amazingly well.
Here’s what’s inside:
– Dappled Light by Summer Pierre – In this story, Summer delivers five pages of nostalgia that is touching and sad without getting overly sweet. If you are unfamiliar with her, please check her out. She makes autobiographical comics that are actually interesting, and her artwork will pull you in.
– Steve McQueen has Vanished by Tim Lane – In this 18-page excerpt from his forthcoming book on McQueen, Tim shows that his book will not simply be an autobiography. Instead, he takes facts and fiction and melds them all with his own psyche, making this a semi-fictional, autobiographical, biography.
– I Told You So by Joseph Remnant – This 16-page story originally appeared in a 2D Cloud collection, and is worth repeating. It’s a story of obsession, of art, and of love, and not at all in the hackneyed way we’re used to seeing those three elements woven together. As always, Joseph’s drawing is warm and inviting and we’re excited to put out another fine Remnant piece.
– The Desk by Leslie Stein – This twelve pager originally appeared as an Oily $1 minicomic. It’s a delightful story of a young girl playing, and the tension that comes about. It’s not sappy, it’s really funny, and we love it.
– K. Trout Makes a Move by Sam Spina – Ending this issue is this great four-pager from Sam Spina. Kilgore has worked with Sam a lot, and they’ve always said he’s one of the nicest guys in comics. Well, he’s also one of the funniest, and his time at the Cartoon Networks, ‘The Regular Show’ has really helped him fine-tune his gag writing ability.
– Also included in this issue are two hand-written interviews conducted with the Norwegian cartoonist Jason, and the American rock star Grace Slick, who used to front Jefferson Airplane. Jason did the covers, which are based on a classic Margritte painting, and there’s one of Herb Greene’s 1967 pictures of Grace with the interview.
Fran is a keen amateur cryptozoologist – an expert in the study of animals that may not exist – and she can’t quite tell if the animals she meets are real or part of her imagination.
But one thing is for sure: monsters are all around us.
The year is 1993, and we join Fran on a wild ride around London while she negotiates its real or imagined menageries.
Tales of strange creatures that might-have-been introduce each stage of her journey.
Fran’s adventure, often with her best friend Alex in tow, is a psychogeography of London and its suburbs – a picaresque graphic novel in which the grief of losing her mother is punctuated by encounters with her semi-estranged dad, her out-of-touch East London Nana, a selfish boyfriend, and the odd black dog or two.
Hannah Eaton shows in sensitive pencils and beautiful penmanship what happens when your emotions become personified by monsters, and how you can learn to live with them.
Woodrow Phoenix’s impassioned and beautifully drawn graphic novel questions our love affair with cars, and asks why, when you are in the driving seat, killing other people is not murder. Or even manslaughter. It’s… misfortune.
Over 1.2 million people are killed on the road each year. By 2020, road traffic accidents could outstrip stroke and HIV as one of the main causes of preventable deaths. Our increasing dependence on vehicles to ease our crowded lives has led to a critical imbalance in power between drivers and pedestrians – a situation where road deaths are viewed as acts of God, random events with no cause and no recourse, rather than as the result of human behaviour.
Woodrow Phoenix’s dry, sometimes painfully mordant wit, backed up by accident statistics, personal observations and case histories, offers a trenchant analysis of the problems of road users everywhere and the risks we all take every day.
Rumble Strip surprises, challenges, asks us questions that badly need answers and makes us think about things we may prefer to ignore. But sometimes we all need a wake-up call: Woodrow Phoenix personalises the experience of the commuter, the driver, the pedestrian, the accident victim – because any one of them could be you.
Daniel Clowes: Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
Originally published in 1993, Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron was Daniel Clowes’s first long-form graphic novel and was heralded as an instant classic and exists firmly in the canon of great graphic novels.
Disturbing, funny, and surreal, it tells the story of a young man, Clay Loudermilk, who stumbles into a screening of a bizarre snuff film that wraps him up in a mystery surrounding a series of cult-inspired killings, dubbed “The Harum Scarum Murders.”
The subsequent path Loudermilk’s life takes is both a terrifying journey into madness and a jaw-dropping tour-de-force of visual imagination fraught with psychosexual and conspiratorial tension. In the wake of Clowes’s 2016 smash hit Patience, and on the eve of the release of Fox Searchlight’s Wilson (adapting Clowes’s book of the same name, with a screenplay by Clowes), Fantagraphics is proud to release this new edition of Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron, featuring a new, wraparound painted cover by the artist.
Darryl Cunningham: Supercrash – How to Hijack the Global Economy
An eloquent and devastating analysis in comic-book form of our economic world – and what makes us tick.
Darryl Cunningham’s latest graphic investigation takes us to the heart of free-world politics and the financial crisis, as he traces the roots of our age of selfishness to the rightwing thinkers of the previous century in three fascinating chapters – Ayn Rand, Supercrash, and The Age of Selfishness.
He takes a fascinating look at research carried out on the psychological differences between liberals and conservatives and suggests how their traits have defined them.
Nicola Streeten: Billy, Me & You
Nicola Streeten’s little boy, Billy, was two years old when he died following heart surgery for problems diagnosed only a few days earlier.
Ten years later, Streeten revisited her diaries and notebooks made at the time: this wonderfully vibrant narrative recounts how she and her partner recovered.
Gut-wrenchingly sad at times, her graphic memoir is an unforgettable portrayal of trauma and our reaction to it – and, especially, the humour or absurdity so often involved in our responses.
As Streeten’s story unfolds and we follow her and her partner’s heroic efforts to cope with well-meaning friends and day-to-day realities, we begin to understand what she means by her aim to create a ‘dead baby story that is funny’.
Streeten is the first British woman to have published a graphic memoir.
Henny Beaumont: Hole in the Heart – Bringing Up Beth
On Mother’s Day 2001 Henny Beaumont gave birth to her third child.
For the first four hours, her baby seemed no different from her two other little girls.
When the registrar told Henny and her husband that their daughter might have Down’s Syndrome, she thought that her life was over.
How would she be able to look after this baby, who might die, and manage her other two children at the same time? How could this weak little baby, who needed so much more from Henny than her other two children, provoke such feelings of hatred and resentment? And how would she learn to love her? If she can’t trust her own reactions to Beth, how could she expect other people to overcome their prejudices and ignorance about her condition?
Hole in the Heart is a moving, funny, ironic and refreshingly honest look at living with a child who has special needs.
Henny’s remarkable journey speaks not only to parents who have had a similar experience and the medical and care professionals who try to help them, but to every one of us who feels anxiety about our children – wondering whether they are achieving enough, whether we do enough for them, and whether we love them enough.
As the PE teacher asks: ‘Who’s really got the special needs here?’
Daniel Clowes: Caricature – Nine Stories
The dramatic short stories included in this softcover edition of Caricature have drawn comparisons to Nabokov for their complex naturalism and sense of humor.
Anchored by the title story, considered the first apotheosis of Clowes’ seminal Eightball underground comic book series, Caricature also includes eight other stories, including “Green Eyeliner,” a six-page full-color short story originally published in Esquire as the first work of comics to be featured in the magazine’s fiction issue (and commissioned by then-editor Dave Eggers). Also included are: a rare fully-painted short, “MCMLXVI,” the full-color “Gold Mommy,” “Gynecology,” “Immortal, Invisible,” “Blue Italian Shit,” “Like a Weed, Joe,” “Black Satin,” an all-new cover, and more.
Cristy C. Road: Spit and Passion
At its core, Spit and Passion is about the transformative moment when music crashes into a stifling adolescent bedroom and saves you.
Suddenly, you belong.
At twelve years old, Cristy C. Road is trying to balance the values of a Cuban Catholic family with her newfound queer identity, and begins a chronic obsession with the punk band Green Day.
In this stunning graphic memoir, Road renders the clash between her rich inner world of fantasy and the numbing suburban conformity she is surrounded by.
She finds solace in the closet—where she lets her deep excitement about punk rock foment and, in that angst and euphoria, finds a path to self-acceptance.
This superbly evocative graphic novella by the award-winning Norwegian cartoonist Jason (his first appearance in the English language) starts off as a melancholy childhood memoir and then, with a shocking twist midway through, becomes the summary of lives lived, wasted, and lost.
(Imagine a version of Stand by Me in which not all of the kids outrace the train.)
Like Art Spiegelman did with Maus, Jason utilizes anthropomorphic stylizations to reach deeper, more general truths, and to create elegantly minimalist panels whose emotional depth charge comes as an even greater shock.
His sparse dialogue, dark wit, and supremely bold use of “jump-cuts” from one scene to the next (sometimes spanning a number of years) make Hey, Wait… a surprising and engaging debut. Love and Rockets co-creator Gilbert Hernandez calls this one of the best graphic novels ever.
Mézières & Christin: Valerian – The Complete Collection 3
This third book of the collected edition contains volumes 6 to 8: Ambassador of the Shadows – the story that directly inspired Luc Besson’s film – On the False Earths and Heroes of the Equinox.
Over the course of these titles, among the finest in the series, Laureline takes her rightful place as the brains of the outfit, while Valerian fully embraces his role as anti-hero: always brave, but often a bit out of his depth.
You will also find the end of the interview with Luc Besson and the authors, and an in-depth portrait of Jean-Claude Mézières, the artist.
Graham Chaffee: To Have and to Hold
Couched in the traditional trappings of a noir heist thriller, Graham Chaffee’s To Have and To Hold is a hard-boiled disquisition on the darker regions of married life and the American Dream.
Set in October 1962, while the world holds its collective breath awaiting the possibly apocalyptic climax of the unfolding Cuban Missile Crisis, the banality of everyday life goes on, as Lonnie and Kate Ross confront their own domestic cold war.
As Kate, frustrated and disillusioned, looks outside her marriage for satisfaction, Lonnie’s justifiable suspicions of his wife’s infidelity lead him down a deadly road of increasing paranoia and violence as he seeks to reclaim what he’s lost.
Possession, jealousy, lust, and betrayal — the classic ingredients for a rocky marriage in an America on the verge of nuclear apocalypse.
Masterfully paced and drawn in Chaffee’s fluid, inky brushstrokes, To Have and To Hold captures the pulpy, nocturnal atmosphere of classic noir.
Gareth Brookes: The Black Project
The much-awaited debut from the winner of the inaugural Myriad First Graphic Novel Competition, The Black Project is a darkly funny story of obsession, beautifully crafted in embroidery and lino-cut.
Getting yourself a girlfriend is easy, according to Richard. All you need is papier mache, string, soft material, a balloon, some old fashioned bellows, and a good pair of scissors. The difficult bit is keeping her secret.
Set in an English suburb in the early 1990s, The Black Project is the story of Richard’s all-consuming passion for creating ‘girls’ from household objects.
But as his hobby begins to flourish, his real life friendships and family relationships deteriorate.
Richard is an unreliable narrator, and the reader responds to his loneliness and his dogged attempt to find a companion, while being horrified by his warped creations. The novel’s focus is on the divide between childhood and adulthood; where sex, perversion, and the grotesque feature in their many forms.
Fresh and funny, this perfect gift for new mothers is a refreshingly different guide to breastfeeding.
Packed with hilarious and stylish graphics, it will entertain the rest of us too: partners, friends and anyone who has ever wondered how it all works.
Kate Evans, celebrated author of the breastfeeding bestseller, The Food of Love, acclaimed cartoonist and mother, turns her attention to the joys and pains of growing a baby.
Evans deftly handles the physical and emotional changes that come with being pregnant, looking at the practicalities of every stage as well as the challenges that may arise.
Her no-nonsense, quirky and accessible text is illustrated throughout with detailed artwork to guide the reader through the intricacies of human reproduction, whilst her customary laugh-out-loud cartoons demystify the complexities of pregnancy and birth.
The book includes: a graphic guide to conception; practical help for those trying to conceive; early pregnancy advice; information on abortion rights, miscarriage support, screening and scans, physical preparations for birth and the art of birth.
Paula Knight: The Facts of Life
A clarion call to recognise that parenting isn’t the be-all and end-all of family life, Paula Knight’s extraordinarily powerful graphic memoir is a beautifully drawn, funny and sometimes painful exploration of what it takes to be a woman, and a mother – or not.
In 1970s Northeast England, best friends Polly and April are sitting up a tree, whispering about periods and swapping their hazy knowledge of the facts of life. They both expect to have families one day – it’s the normal script to follow, isn’t it? But, as they grow up, education and career become important, too, and they believe that they can have it all.
When, some years later, Polly settles with Jack, her career has taken off and she feels torn over whether or not to try for a baby. Has she left it too late? Did she have any control over that choice? They go ahead, but after repeated miscarriage and chronic illness take their toll, Polly must confront what family means in a society where ‘family’ usually means ‘children’.
Dame Darcy is one of the sui generis artistic talents of the past two decades — musician, actress, fortune teller, dollmaker, Gen X/feminist icon, and last but not least, cartoonist to the core — and has been bewitching readers for more than 20 years with her neo-Victorian horror/humor/romance comic Meat Cake.
Alternating between one-off (often cruelly tragic) fairy tales and ongoing romps starring her eclectic cast of characters, including Effluvia the Mermaid, the roguish roué Wax Wolf, Igpay the Pig-Latin pig, Stregapez (a women who speaks by dispensing Pez-like tablets through a bloody hole in her throat), the mischievous Siamese twins Hindrance and Perfidia, Scampi the Selfish Shellfish, the stalwart Friend the Girl, and the blonde bombshell Richard Dirt, all delineated in her inimitable luxurious scrawl, Meat Cake is like a peek into the most creative, deranged dollhouse you ever saw.
The Meat Cake Bible is the definitive collection of the series, collecting every story from all 17 issues (1993-2008) — including “Hungry is the Heart,” Darcy’s legendary collaboration with Alan Moore — as well as new stories from the unpublished 18th issue.
A gorgeous, unjacketed hardcover edition replete with cloth deboss, gold foil stamping, and a die-cut cover.
Daniel Clowes: The Complete Eightball 1-18
Before he rose to fame as the author of the bestselling graphic novels Ghost World, David Boring, Ice Haven, and The Death Ray, Daniel Clowes made his name from 1989 to 1997 by producing 18 issues of the beloved comic book series Eightball, which is still widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential comic book titles of all time.
Now, for the 25th Anniversary of Eightball, Fantagraphics is collecting these long out-of-print issues in a slipcased set of two hardcover volumes, reproducing each issue in facsimile form exactly as they were originally published.
Included are over 450 pages of vintage Clowes, including such seminal serialized graphic novels/strips/rants as “Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron,” “Ghost World,” “Pussey,” “I Hate You Deeply,” “Sexual Frustration,” “Ugly Girls,” “Why I Hate Christians,” “Message to the People of the Future,” “Paranoid,” “My Suicide,” “Chicago,” “Art School Confidential,” “On Sports,” “Zubrick and Pogeybait,” “Hippypants and Peace-Bear,” “Grip Glutz,” “The Sensual Santa,” “Feldman,” “Glue Destiny,” and so many more, including many never reprinted before now.
Gareth Brookes: A Thousand Coloured Castles
Myriam is a woman who sees things a little differently from other people.
Strange figures in garish costumes accompany her to the post office, wild exotic plants sprout from supermarket shelves and phantom walls rise up to block her path.
Her husband Fred doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Whenever he looks there’s nothing there, and besides it’s no excuse for his breakfast not being ready on time.
But when Myriam sees a young boy shut up in the house next door, who is apparently being held captive, she is determined to investigate, much to her husband’s fury. Soon he brings in reinforcements – their daughter, Clare – who is concerned about her mother’s state of mind, and the state of her inheritance. Myriam’s only ally is her four-year-old grandson, Jack, who is more than happy to see things her way.
A Thousand Coloured Castles is a graphic novel where the sleepy suburbs of southern England melt into a world of hallucination, taking the reader through the doors of perception into a life where the surreal co-exists with the banal. With his customary wit and unique artistic approach, Brookes conjures both sympathy and despair for his characters trapped by the routine of daily life. If only they could just see…
Kummitus kummitus kummitus.
Anssi Ylirönni: Ämpärinjonottajien sukua
Ämpärinjonottajien sukua tarjoilee 112 sivua tykitystä!
Sarjakuvien lisäksi albumissa on karikatyyrejä, kuvitettua runoutta ja sarjakuvaesseitä.
Albumin koko on ja hinta 12 euroa
Pertti Jarla: Fingerporin iso Postilla
Aikojen alussa yksi Karl-Barks-Stadt -sarjan maineen kasvattajia oli strippi, jossa Jeesus toteaa vaatekaupassa sovittaneensa housut asiakkaan puolesta.
Naurun ohella se nostatti myös paheksuntaa. Kun sarjan nimi vaihtui Fingerporiksi, uskonnot pysyivät mukana yhtenä keskeisistä teemoista.
Fingerpori-sarjakuva tuomitaan pilkaksi myös silloin kun kyse ei ole pilkkakirveellä iskemisestä kirkon oman ristin juureen. Hyvä sarjakuva ei karta arkojakaan aiheita. Totuus on myös se, että on mahdotonta tietää etukäteen, mistä ihmiset loukkaantuvat, mutta aina jostakin jos päättävät niin tehdä.
Pertti Jarla ei metsästä aktiivisesti pilkan kohteita, eikä harrasta järjestelmällisesti eri uskontojen ivaamista.
Fingerporin uskontoesitykset ovat peräisin hänen omista kokemuksistaan koko elämän varrelta. Jarla toivookin, että häntä pidettäisiin enemmän siltojen rakentajana kuin kirkonpolttajana.
Fingerporissa vallitsee ekumenia ja oppien välistä dialogia käydään kiihkottomassa sävyssä. Fingerporin ISO postilla on täydennetty laitos aiemmin ilmestyneistä Fingerporin heräämisoppaasta ja Postillasta. Jumala, Jeesus, paavi, gurut, gootit ja apotit kuljeskelevat kaupungin kaduilla kuin tavallinen Mustanaamio ikään.
Fingerporin ISO postilla on lastattu kannesta kanteen runsaita selityksiä vaatineilla, henkistyneillä Fingerpori-sarjakuvilla.
Pertti Jarla: Fingerpori – Juhlakunnossa
Fingerporin ihmekaupunki on saavuttanut ensimmäisen 10 ilmestymisvuotensa aikana paljon.
Pertti Jarlan sarjakuva on muuttunut kansallisteokseksi, ja satavuotias Suomi on puolestaan entistäkin fingerporilaisempi.
Tietokirjailija, FM Satu Jaatinen on laatinut perinpohjaisen selvityksen Jarlan vaiheista eli siitä miten tähän on tultu. Kirja sisältää myös kaikki pitkät Fingerpori-tarinat Pikku-Fingerpori -lehdistä sekä aivan uuden seikkailun. Jokainen tuttu fingerporilainen pääsee näyttämään uusia puolia itsestään.
Mukana lisäksi Jarlan itsensä valikoimat 100 tekijälle itselleen rakkainta Fingerpori-strippiä kommenttien kera. Ehdoton ja historiallinen hupipaketti kaikille Fingerporin ystäville!
Huippu hyvä.
Pasi Rahikainen: Väinö ja kissan yhdeksän henkeä
Väinö sijoittuu Suomen sodan aikoihin 1800-luvun alkuun.
Väinö on maailman laiskin mies, jolle työ ei maistu, väkijuomat kylläkin.
Tomera vaimo koettaa saada Väinöön edes vähän eloa.
Albumi sisältää 100 strippiä “kunnon junttihuumoria”. Väinö ilmestyy säännöllisesti mm. valtakunnallisesti Maaseudun Tulevaisuus -lehdessä. Väinö ja kissan yhdeksän henkeä on kolmas painettuna ilmestynyt Väinö-albumi.
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri: Druuna 4 – Serpieri Collection
The final chapter of the erotic fantasy saga of Druuna.
Between heroism, mysticism and violence, the fate of humanity will be revealed.
Includes the chapters Forbidden Planet and Clone.
The man known as Blutch is one of the giants of contemporary comics, and Peplum may be his masterpiece: a grand, strange dream of ancient Rome.
At the edge of the empire, a gang of bandits discovers the body of a beautiful woman in a cave; she is encased in ice but may still be alive.
One of the bandits, bearing a stolen name and with the frozen maiden in tow, makes his way toward Rome—seeking power, or maybe just survival, as the world unravels.
Thrilling and hallucinatory, vast in scope yet unnervingly intimate, Peplum weaves together threads from Shakespeare and the Satyricon along with Blutch’s own distinctive vision.
His hypnotic storytelling and stark, gorgeous art pull us into one of the great works of graphic literature, translated into English for the first time.
Jason Latour & Robbi Rodriguez: Spider-Gwen 1 – Greater Power
Gwen Stacy is back in the webs and has an All-New, All-Different mystery to solve: the reappearance of the Lizard!
The Spider-Woman of Earth-65 was convinced that the Lizard’s threat died in her arms along with Peter Parker.
But a new reptilian rampage leaves her with doubts not only about Peter’s life, but also his death.
While her father, Captain George Stacy, struggles with Gwen’s double life, troubles mount as the Osborns make their debut — and Gwen finds herself on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most-wanted list!
Perhaps Jessica Drew, the Spider-Woman of Earth-616, can offer some wise lessons about power and responsibility that might be handy when Gwen battles the Goblins!
Plus: Discover who wields the shield as Earth-65’s Captain America joins the fray — but will she be on Gwen’s side?
Jason Latour & Robbi Rodriguez: Spider-Gwen 2 – Weapon of Choice
Gwen Stacy is reeling from the consequences of SPIDER-WOMEN — and the loss of her powers!
She might be better off as Spider-Woman no more.
But who is Gwen really if you take away her costumed alter ego?
The ever-majestic Mary Janes might have an answer to that — but the deadly Frank Castle will offer a punishing counterpoint!
Just as Gwen starts to give civilian life her best shot, she finds herself in Frank’s crosshairs without her spidery abilities to fall back on!
So when the Mary Janes head to a haunted house for a laugh, will Gwen be along for the fun, or will she already be one of the ghosts? And will Earth 65’s Mysterio scare her bandmates to death?
Alejandro Jodorowsky & Juan Gimenez: The Metabarons 3 – Steelhead & Dona Vicenta
A must-read cult spin-off of “The Incal,” by Moebius and Jodorowsky, centering around the fascinating lineage of the ultimate warrior.
This collection introduces the Metabaron’s bloodline and reveals the origins of their deep-seated principles.
Find out the source of the family’s vast wealth, learn why every Metabaron has cybernetic implants, and why the only way to become the next Metabaron is for him to defeat his own father in a mortal combat. Follow each successive generation as it struggles to overcome the forces amassed against it in a galaxy corrupted by greed, power, and terror.
A true classic in the pantheon of graphic storytelling and Science Fiction as a whole.
Scott Snyder & John Romita Jr.: All-Star Batman 1 – My Own Worst Enemy
The #1 New York Times best-selling author of BATMAN returns to the Dark Knight in ALL-STAR BATMAN VOL. 1! But he’s not alone. Critically acclaimed, legendary illustrator John Romita Jr. joins him on this epic new series!
In this new graphic novel, Batman finds himself trying to help old friend Harvey Dent…now known as the villainous Two-Face!
The Dark Knight accompanies his foe on a cross-country trip to fix his scarred face and hopefully end the Two-Face identity forever. But when the former Gotham City D.A. sets his plan into motion to free himself, what deadly secrets from the past will bubble to the surface?
Cullen Bunn & Luke Ross: Star Wars Darth Maul
Raised on hate, fear and anger…steeped in the ways of darkness…and trained to kill!
Darth Maul’s time as apprentice to Darth Sidious has long been cloaked in shadows – now at last his tale of revenge is revealed!
It’s a story of rage unleashed as Darth Maul prepares for his first encounter with the hated Jedi. But when a Jedi Padawan is captured by sinister forces, why is Maul so determined to find her?
And what role will a band of bounty hunters, including Cad Bane and Aurra Sing, play? Get to know the galaxy’s deadliest Zabrak like never before!
Trina Robbins: Sax Rohmer’s Dope
A talented young actress becomes fatally ensnared in London’s mysterious and glittery drug culture of the early 20th century.
Trina Robbins’ comic book adaptation of Sax Rohmer’s sensational 1919 novel.
DOPE was both the first novel to speak openly about the world’s international drug trade, and the first story to center around the death of a celebrity by drug overdose. As for the art, it is considered by many (including Trina herself) to be her best work ever as an illustrator.
Alex Alice: Castle in the Stars 1- The Space Race of 1869
In search of the mysterious element known as aether, Claire Dulac flew her hot air balloon toward the edge of our stratosphere―and never returned.
Her husband, genius engineer Archibald Dulac, is certain that she is forever lost. Her son, Seraphin, still holds out hope.
One year after her disappearance, Seraphin and his father are delivered a tantalizing clue: a letter from an unknown sender who claims to have Claire’s lost logbook.
The letter summons them to a Bavarian castle, where an ambitious young king dreams of flying the skies in a ship powered by aether. But within the castle walls, danger lurks―there are those who would stop at nothing to conquer the stars.
In this lavishly illustrated graphic novel, Alex Alice delivers a historical fantasy adventure set in a world where man journeyed into space in 1869, not 1969.
Caitlin Kittredge & Steven Sanders: Throwaways 2
Fugitives Abby Palmer and Dean Logan know now what the ULTRA program is and why it wants them back—but that’s the least of their problems as enemies emerge, allies betray them, and Dean slowly but surely begins to lose his sanity to his psychic abilities.
When Abby uncovers a plan by the program’s sinister leader, Dr. Ostrander, to manipulate elections and direct the fate of the country, she thinks they finally have a way to expose and stop Ostrander once and for all…but even Ostrander doesn’t realize what she’s unleashed with her latest Alpha subject, and now Abby, Dean, and Kimiko are in his crosshairs, too.
The latest chapter in the thrilling sci-fi spy saga from CAITLIN KITTREDGE and STEVEN SANDERS.
James Kochalka: Superf*ckers Forever
Jack Krak is Back!
After kind of destroying the world (whoops!), the wonderfully profane and destructive Superf*ckers are brought back to life to hang out, make out, punch each other out, and generally cause a ruckus.
But when their leader, SuperDan, insists on their help in rescuing an old friend still trapped in Dimension Zero will it lead to the SuperF*ckers return to glory, or will they remain selfish jerks?
Collecting all five issues of Superf*ckers Forever, the first-ever Superf*ckers comic series by creator James Kochalka, and featuring back-up stories by acclaimed indie creators!
Jon Schnepp & Guiu Villanova: Slayer – Repentless
The ultimate thrash-metal juggernaut, Slayer has laid waste to stages and audiences worldwide for over thirty years, with their latest album, Repentless, furthering their brutal legacy.
Based on the savage Repentless videos by BJ McDonnell, this expansion of the video story lines drives deep into the darkest heart of America, a raging road trip down a bloodstained highway, a tale of the doomed, the damned . . . and the repentless!
Collects the three-issue miniseries.
Duane Swierczynski & Pepe Larraz: Deadpool vs. X-Force
Journey back to the gritty, hyper-detailed days of the 1990s, when two characters debuted who would change the face of comics; Cable and Deadpool!
Now, in this new tale, we learn of the pair’s first meeting , as Cable and his nascent X-Force race through the timestream to stop the reckless mercenary Deadpool before he destroys American history for good!
From the Boxer Rebellion to the present day, can Cable’s team stop Deadpool from rewriting the timeline?
Collects Deadpool vs. X-Force #1-4.
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection – The Rebellion 2
The rebels and the Empire – locked in conflict!
When Leia announces plans to marry, will the Rebellion lose a princess, or gain a new safe haven?
Darth Vader is on a mission to instill fear and discipline into the Imperial ranks using his elite stormtroopers! But as Obi-Wan Kenobi haunts the Dark Lord’s dreams, the name Skywalker dominates his mind!
Meanwhile, Luke fights side-by-side with a veteran of the Clone Wars and Han Solo flirts with an old flame.
When Leia risks everything for a childhood friend, Han, Luke and Chewie must risk it all for her!
Ed Brisson & Mike Perkins: Iron Fist 1 – The Trial of the Seven Masters
The mystical city of K’un-Lun lies in ruins.
The chi that fuels Danny Rand’s power is wavering.
Can there be any future for the Iron Fist?
Danny must push himself to the breaking point, finding fights to prove his worth. But a bigger battle than he can handle may have found him: On a mysterious island stand seven deadly kung fu masters.
Can Danny run a gauntlet through them all and regain his place in the world? As the battle begins, the Iron Fist is in for the fights of his life!
Rob Williams & John Ostrander: Suicide Squad 3 – Burning Down the House
Deep within the world is a hidden flame—an inferno of hatred and vengeance that consumes everything it touches.
In the aftermath of the war between the Suicide Squad and the Justice League, one of Amanda Waller’s greatest foes has seized that flame, and now he’s going to use it to burn down everything she holds dear—starting with her home base, the Belle Reve Penitentiary.
The result is one of the Squad’s greatest challenges yet: holding together as a unit while fighting to keep their fellow super-villains behind bars. When faced with the chance to escape Waller’s control, however, one member of the team will seize the opportunity—and launch a bloody betrayal in the process.
Can an enraged Harley Quinn track down the traitor—and take down the mastermind behind the mutiny—before Task Force X is terminally disbanded?
R.L. Stine: Man-Thing by R.L. Stine
Marvel’s melancholy muck-monster as you’ve never seen him before – courtesy of beloved author R.L. Stine (Goosebumps, Fear Street)!
After so many years of somber silence, Man-Thing has found his voice -and taken Hollywood by storm!
But when an ancient evil threatens his old swamp stomping ground, Man-Thing will have to choose between his new life and celebrity, and the world he used to call home.
An old ally pays a visit, but everything else is out to get Man-Thing -including crocodiles, bats and mosquitos, oh my! Can the balance of the swamp be restored, or will the cause of this calamity be beyond Man-Thing’s control?
Plus, bone-chilling bonus horror tales from the master himself, R.L. Stine! Reading this will give you goosebumps…but beware – for whoever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing’s touch!
Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata: Death Note All-in-One Edition
All 12 volumes of Death Note in one monstrously large edition!
This hefty omnibus combines all 2,400 pages of the megahit thriller into a single massive tome, presented in a beautiful silver slipcase.
A perfect collectible conversation piece and a must-have for Death Note fans.
Also contains an epilogue chapter never before seen in English!
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind.
But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god.
Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer.
With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal…or his life?
Liv Strömquist: Prinssi Charlesin tunne
”What is love?” kysyi saksalainen eurodance-artisti Haddaway jo vuonna 1993.
Prinssi Charlesin tunne on kymmenen sarjakuvan mittainen odysseia, jossa Liv Strömquist etsii vastausta tähän kysymykseen.
Hän ehtii kysyä myös joukon muita kysymyksiä, kuten: Miksi miesten on mahdoton puhua tunteista? Oliko Ronald Reaganin vaimo kommunisti? Mitä mustasukkaisuus on? Miksi kaikki rakastavat Raymondia, vaikka Raymond vihaa kaikkia naisia?
Länsimaisen kulttuurin totuuksia riemukkaasti kyseenalaistava Strömquist tutkii Prinssi Charlesin tunteessa parisuhdetta, romanttista rakkautta ja avioliittoa – sekä niihin kuuluvia valta-asetelmia ja hullunkurisia ehtoja, joita olemme tottuneet pitämään normaaleina ja jopa ”romanttisuuden” määritelmänä.
Strömquist kuljettaa kirpeän humoristista analyysiaan läpi historian ja kulttuurien, ja tarjoaa lukijalle virkistäviä, vapauttavia oivalluksia.
Miksei kukaan puutu maailmanlaajuiseen ongelmaan nimeltä äärimmäinen rikkaus?
Miksi etsimme mindfulnessia itämaisista opeista, vaikka oma länsimainen, kapitalistinen järjestelmämme on historiallisesti täysin ylivoimainen mitä tulee hetkessä elämiseen?
Miksi Chris O’Neill tunsi heti jotain aivan erityistä prinsessa Madeleinea kohtaan? Entä miksi vasemmistolla menee niin surkeasti? Nousu ja tuho käsittelee kapitalismia, yhteiskuntaluokkia ja varallisuuden jakamista.
Nousu ja tuho on tuttuun tapaan pullollaan tietoa, nerokkaita oivalluksia ja hillitöntä huumoria. Liv Strömquist on terävän yhteiskuntakritiikin ja koomisen ajoituksen mestari.
Created by Hergé, the titan of European comics, when he was drawing the first few Tintin adventures, Peppy in the Wild West is a lighthearted, freewheeling, farcical, and briskly paced adventure featuring anthropomorphic characters and some of the loopiest takes on tried and true tropes of the Old West that you’ve ever seen.
When his hat business fails, the adventurous bear Peppy heads west to start a new life. Brimming with good-natured naiveté and a dash of all-American grit, Peppy, accompanied by his sweet wife, Virginny, and his faithful steed, Bluebell, find an idyllic patch of grass somewhere in California, where Peppy’s hats start a craze among the local Rabbit-Ears tribe.
Threatened by the influence of foreign goods on the local feather headdress economy, the chief declares war and mobilizes the tribe, but Peppy’s screwball defense — involving a Gatling gun with arrows, canned goods, and a well-placed magnet — works. What follows is a rollicking cascade of one darned thing after another — not one but two kidnappings, a river full of gold, a bulldog outlaw, and even a side trip to Santa Barbara!
First serialized in black and white in 1934, this is the first publication of Peppy in the Wild West and the only English translation since 1969.
Nick Spencer & Sean Izaakse: Captain America – Secret Empire
In Cap we trust!
But as Steve Rogers ushers in the Secret Empire, what will this new order mean for Sam Wilson?
Find out, as a crucial mission brings Sam back out from the shadows – and into the skies once more!
Collects Captain America: Steve Rogers #17-19, Captain America: Sam Wilson #22-24.
George Herriman: Krazy Kat 1916-1918
Runollinen mestariteos jälleen Suomeksi!
George Herrimanin klassinen sarjakuva pääsee oikeuksiinsa tässä suurikokoisessa teoksessa, joka sisältää Krazy Katin sunnuntaisivut vuosilta 1916-1918.
Uraauurtava, upeasti kuvitettu ja runollisesti kerrottu sarja kissan ja hiiren omituisesta suhteesta tenhoaa ja kiehtoo yhä 100 vuotta ilmestymisensä jälkeen.
Uudessa kirjassa on runsaasti aiemmin suomentamatonta materiaalia.
Jujja Wieslander & Sven Nordqvist: Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis juhlivat
Neljä kivaa sarjakuvatarinaa, joissa Mimmi Lehmä suunnittelee retkeä, ihailee koiranpentuja ja harjoittelee yhdellä jalalla seisomista.
Pääseepä Mimmi kyläilemään ensi kertaa Variksen kotipesässäkin!
Varis puolestaan keskittyy oleelliseen – retkieväisiin ja muihin makupaloihin.
Jujja Wieslander & Sven Nordqvist: Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis leikkivät
Neljä hauskaa sarjakuvatarinaa, joissa Mimmi Lehmä pyöräilee ja opettelee luistelemaan ja Varis leikkii salaista agenttia.
Illan tullen kaverukset kiipeävät heinäparvelle nukkumaan.
Kuvitus Micaela Favilla.
Jujja Wieslander & Sven Nordqvist: Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis juhlivat
Mimmi Lehmä viihtyy navetassa, mutta Variksen mielestä yö sellaisessa olisi kamalinta, mitä sille voisi tapahtua.
Mutta sitten se joutuu yöksi kanalan orrelle… Ruotsalaisia Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis -tarinoita on käännetty 36 kielelle ja myyty yli miljoona kappaletta.
Jo useammat suomalaisetkin lukijasukupolvet ovat nauttineet hurmaavan ystäväparin edesottamuksista niin kirjoissa, elokuvissa kuin teatteriesityksissä ympäri maata.
Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis juhlivat on ensimmäinen Mimmi Lehmä -sarjakuvakirja, ja sen parissa viihtyy koko perhe!
Frank Miller & Andy Kubert: Batman The Dark Knight – Master Race
In 1986, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS changed comics forever.
In 2001, THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN went back to the future of Batman and shocked the industry to its core.
Now, living legend Frank Miller joins forces with superstar writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS) and an alliance of comics’ greatest artists to unleash the highly anticipated epic third chapter in the DARK KNIGHT saga: THE MASTER RACE.
It’s been three years since the Batman defeated Lex Luthor and saved the world from tyranny. Three years since anyone has seen Gotham City’s guardian alive. Wonder Woman, Queen of the Amazons…Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern…Superman, the Man of Steel…all of the Dark Knight’s allies have retreated from the front lines of the war against injustice.
But now a new war is beginning. An army of unimaginable power led by Superman’s own daughter is preparing to claim Earth as their new world.
The only force that can stop this master race—Batman—is dead.
Long live the new Batman…
John Barber & Fico Ossio: Revolutionaries 1 – Crisis Intervention
THE REVOLUTION MAY BE OVER, but the future is just beginning!
KUP is a CYBERTRONIAN literally older than the universe; ACTION MAN is the ultimate special agent trying to live up to an impossible legacy; MAYDAY is a G.I. JOE leader trying to rescue her first command; and BLACKROCK is a CYBERTRONIAN that thinks he’s human.
It takes the mind-bending clash against the OKTOBER GUARD to bring this unlikely team together… and the secret they learn threatens to unravel the entire universe.
Good thing they’ll have help from ROM, the MICRONAUTS, the ADVENTURE TEAM and more!
Grant Morrison: The Invisibles Book One
One of Grant Morrison’s most controversial and trippiest and abstract comic book titles!
Follow the adventures of The Invisibles, a secret organization out to battle against physical and psychic oppression brought upon humanity by the interdemsional alien gods of the Archons of Outer Church!
Collects THE INVISIBLES #1-12 and features art by Steve Yowell, Jill Thompson, Dennis Cramer, Chris Weston, John Ridgway, Steve Parkhouse and Duncan Fegredo.
Terry Moore: The Complete SiP Kids
It’s a year of fun for all-ages with Francine, Katchoo and the cast from Strangers In Paradise… as 6-year olds!
The SIP KIDS navigate the perils of childhood in their own peculiar style and always seem to come out on top.
Winter, summer, spring and fall, this collection of all new stories from cartoonist Terry Moore is fun for the whole family.
Collects SiP (Strangers in Paradise) Kids #1-4.
Jack Kirby: Mister Miracle by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby reinvented the superhero genre with his sprawling saga of the Fourth World —a bold storytelling vision that was decades ahead of its time.
In honor of this extraordinary talent’s centennial, DC Comics is proud to re-present the groundbreaking work of the King of Comics in a brand-new edition collecting his classic DC titles in all their four-color glory: MISTER MIRACLE BY JACK KIRBY!
With MISTER MIRACLE, Kirby unleashes the breakout star of the Fourth World. Scott Free, a child of New Genesis, was destined to one day reign alongside the Highfather in the golden city of the New Gods.
But heavenly New Genesis was at war with hellish Apokolips, and the two immortal worlds were trapped in a neverending cycle of violence.
To break the stalemate, the Highfather struck a deal with Darkseid, the ruler of Apokolips. The two adversaries sealed their pact with a sacrifice: each would exchange his infant son to be raised on his enemy’s world.
Now Scott Free has grown up, and not even the blackest dungeons of Darkseid or the parademon hordes of Apokolips can hold him.
Breaking out of his captors’ clutches and heading for the world called Earth, he reinvents himself as the unstoppable escape artist, Mister Miracle!
But his flight from Apokolips threatens the fragile peace with New Genesis, and Darkseid’s sinister agents will not rest until their former prisoner is back in chains. Will Mister Miracle be able to avoid their ever-deadlier death traps?
No matter the cost, he will remain Scott Free!
Katie Green: Lighter Than My Shadow
A graphic memoir of eating disorders, abuse and recovery.
Like most kids, Katie was a picky eater.
She’d sit at the table in silent protest, hide uneaten toast in her bedroom, listen to parental threats that she’d have to eat it for breakfast.
But in any life a set of circumstance can collide, and normal behavior might soon shade into something sinister, something deadly. One day you can find yourself being told you have two weeks to live.
Lighter Than My Shadow is a hand-drawn story of struggle and recovery, a trip into the black heart of a taboo illness, an exposure of those who are so weak as to prey on the weak, and an inspiration to anybody who believes in the human power to endure towards happiness.
Rick Remender & Greg Tocchini: The Last Days of American Crime
In the not-too-distant future, as a final response to terrorism and crime, the US government plans in secret to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts.
But the media has leaked news of the anti-crime signal one week before it was to go live, and now Graham Brick, who was planning a huge heist, has just a few days to turn the crime of the century into the last crime in American history.
Jonathan Hickman & Nick Dragotta: East of West 7
The final year of the apocalypse begins!
Armies rage!
Nations at War!
A family fights to be reunited.
Collects EAST OF WEST #30-34.
Tim Seeley & Javier Fernandez: Nightwing 3 – Nightwing Must Die!
As the original Robin, Dick Grayson has long lived in the shadow of Batman.
But now, as Nightwing, he’s finally his own man. He has a new city to protect in Blüdhaven, and a new love in his life—former villain Shawn Tsang.
But someone doesn’t think that Nightwing is quite the hero he could be. They’ve sent a twisted doppelgänger, Deathwing, to Blüdhaven to kidnap Shawn…sending Dick on a globe-spanning chase to get her back before something terrible happens.
Together with current Robin Damian Wayne, his partner from his brief stint as Batman, Dick must stay one step ahead of an enemy who seems to have all of his skills and memories. But when Nightwing finds out who’s pulling Deathwing’s strings, he’ll realize the shadow of his time as Batman might be too long to ever truly escape.
Jay Longino & Caanan White: Son of Shaolin
A kung-fu epic set in the back alleys and subway tunnels of Harlem, New York.
Kyrie, an aspiring street artist who is struggling to make ends meet, learns that he is the last living descendant of a secret sect of ancient Shaolin elders.
Confused and unsure of where to turn, he finds a father figure in the mysterious Master Fong. Fong trains Kyrie in martial arts in anticipation of an attack from Red Fist, a relentless killer who has already murdered the rest of Kyrie’s bloodline.
David F. Walker: Power Man and Iron Fist 3 – Street Magic
The battle for Harlem begins!
As Luke Cage and Danny Rand struggle to pick up the pieces after Civil War II, the ultimate turf war erupts right under their noses!
Tombstone, Mr. Fish, Piranha, Cottonmouth, Black Cat and a mysterious new player are all vying for a piece of the pie – and New York is caught in the crossfire!
Power Man and Iron Fist fight to take back the streets, but Luke has other problems too – big ones. Jessica Jones has left him, and taken their daughter with her.
Cage isn’t taking it well – and while Danny wants to be there for his friend, he’s got issues of his own.
Meanwhile, double, double, toil and trouble are brewing… Luke and Danny are handy in a fight, but how do you punch magic?
Jeff Lemire: Moon Knight 3 – Birth and Death
The secret history of the man behind Moon Knight’s mask!
Marc Spector was born in Chicago – but where was his alter ego Steven Grant born?
A story of birth, death and rebirth digs deep into Spector’s past -and redefines the history of Moon Knight as you know it!
Trapped outside of reality, his survival depends on answers -but Spector is plagued by nothing but questions!
Is Moon Knight stronger alone, or more vulnerable? Where has he really been all this time? Where was a man like Marc Spector forged? And where will he face his final battle?
The answers are here!
Jason Aaron & Chris Bachalo: Doctor Strange 4 – Mr. Misery
As magic faced its last days, Mr. Misery helped Doctor Strange defeat the Empirikul.
But that doesn’t make Misery a hero. Not one bit.
Now the nightmarish creature is about to show Strange the full meaning of his name – and he’ll do it by visiting pain and suff ering on one of the Doc’s closest allies!
The Sorcerer Supreme won’t stand for that -but to bring the thunder down on Misery, he needs a little help from Thor!
Then, Clea walks back into Doctor Strange’s life just as he’s picking up the pieces from the worst beating he’s ever taken. Is she there to make things all better -or will she make that battle feel like a walk in the park for Stephen?
Plus: Savor the debut of the Sorcerers Supreme!
Wendy Pini & Richard Pini: Elfquest – The Final Quest 1
The dream that Chief Cutter and his Wolfriders fought and died for, the Palace of the High Ones, may be the very thing destroying them.
The skills that helped them survive the harsh world are fading, and there is a growing threat from a tyrant obsessed with exterminating all elves—creating a disastrous brew that must surely boil over.
Collects ElfQuest: The Final Quest #1-6 and The Final Quest Special.
Wendy Pini & Richard Pini: Elfquest – The Final Quest 2
Sunstream, son of Wolfrider chief Cutter Kinseeker, finally fulfills his destiny and becomes the psychic link among all the elfin tribes scattered across the World of Two Moons.
At long last, the seeds planted 20,000 years ago in the original, classic quest can come to fruition.
But a devastating secret, hidden in plain sight, is moving into the light, and it will affect the elfin race forever.
Volume 2 collects Wendy and Richard Pini’s issues #7-12 of The Final Quest, the newest adventures of the Wolfriders!
Wendy Pini & Richard Pini: Elfquest – The Final Quest 3
The late Angrif Djun’s destructive fleet looms closer, seeking to wreak havoc on the elves and any humans that stand in their defense.
Rayek, influenced by the dark, dangerous spirit of Winnowill, fights for control of his very nature.
And the Wolfriders try to track down their chief, whose own spirit hangs in the balance.
Collects issues #13-18.
Alan Moore & Jacen Burrows: Providence Act 3
The soul-crushed final arc of Providence is unveiled in this special hardcover-only edition!
Everything Robert Black thought he knew is called into question as the tapestry of history and the stories of H.P. Lovecraft get wound ever tighter.
All the secrets are revealed and nothing will ever be the same by the end of Providence!
Alan Moore’s quintessential horror series has set the standard for a terrifying reinvention of the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
It is being universally hailed as one of Moore’s most realized works in which the master scribe has controlled every iota of the story, art, and presentation.
The result has been a masterpiece like no other and a true must-have addition to his essential works in the field.
We present a collected Providence Act 3 Hard Cover edition that contains Providence issues #9-12, and all the back matter, in this one-time printing of this edition.
Daredevil Epic Collection – Heart of Darkness
All hell breaks loose!
Things really get heated as Daredevil is caught between the diabolical Mephisto and his monstrous son Blackheart!
The Man Without Fear and his friends will be forced to face their demons like never before!
Are they fated to burn for eternity in the fiery underworld, or can they find their way back home?
And what role will the Silver Surfer play?
As Atlantis Attacks, Daredevil must face…Spider-Man!
And DD, the Surfer, Punisher and the Hulk will be stalked by Lifeform!
Meanwhile, Acts of Vengeance puts Daredevil well out of his weight class in a battle against Ultron!
Good thing Karnak and Gorgon of the Inhumans are around to lend a hand (and cloven hoof)!
Sybille Titeux & Amazing Ameziane: Muhammad Ali
An original graphic novel celebrating the life of the glorious athlete who metamorphosed from Cassius Clay to become a three-time heavyweight boxing legend, activist, and provocateur: Muhammad Ali.
Not only a titan in the world of sports but in the world itself, he dared to be different and to challenge and defy through his refusal to be drafted to fight in Vietnam, his rejection of his “slave” name, and ultimately his final fight with his body itself through a thirty-year battle with Parkinson’s disease.
Witness what made Ali different, what made him cool, what made him the Greatest.
Lynda Barry: The Good Times Are Killing Me
Young Edna Arkins lives in a neighborhood that is rapidly changing, thanks to white flight from urban Seattle in the late 1960s.
As the world changes around her, Edna is exposed to the callous racism of adults; sometimes subtle and other times blatant, but always stinging.
At the heart of The Good Times Are Killing Me is the forbidden friendship between Edna who is white and Bonna Willis who is black, and how the world around them forces them to challenge their loyalties to each other.
As Barry does in her comics, she perfectly captures the awkward and earnest adolescent voice as Edna moves from childhood to middle school.
Joseph Remnant: Cartoon Clouds
Joseph Remnant’s first original graphic novel Cartoon Clouds follows the recent Art School graduate Seth Fallon and his three friends as they try to navigate that anxiety fueled time between finishing school and trying to figure out what the hell they’re going to do with the rest of their lives.
With a mountain of debt and no clear path to financial or emotional stability, Seth struggles to find a creative direction that won’t leave him homeless.
In this world of fashion conscious art snobs, talentless social media “gurus,” and drug addled, trust fund hipsters, he tries to hold on to the few meaningful relationships he has when the institution that held them together is no longer a part of their lives.
Drawn in a naturalistic style while never losing its essential cartoon idiom and written as an ongoing conversation among the characters that uncannily captures the preoccupations, fears, and ambitions of twentysomethings embarking upon their life, the philosophical nature of Cartoon Clouds is reminiscent of the films of Éric Rohmer or Noah Baumbach.
Cartoonist Joseph Remnant has been a prominent presence in the cartooning scene over the last decade, self-publishing his own comic book Blindspot, illustrating Harvey Pekar’s acclaimed Cleveland, and appearing in such magazines as The Believer.
Mandrake the Magician – The Complete Series: The King Years 2
Hermes Press’ complete reprint, the second volume and final volume of the series, of the comic book version of the 20th Century’s most famous fictional magician in this deluxe version of King Features comics’ ― and Dell’s Four Color Comics’ ― Mandrake the Magician!
Lee Falk’s newspaper strip, Mandrake the Magician, offered readers, magic, occult and the fantastic and King Feature’s comic book version, which saw print during the height of the Silver Age, was a worthy entry into the world of comic books.
This Second volume of the complete comic book run of Mandrake the Magician presents six complete comics (issues #6-10 of King Comics and issue #752 of Dell’s Four Color Comics) restored to their original four color glory.
This volume also contains and extensive interview with Fred Fredericks, who worked on the comic strip and well as the comic books for over 25 years and an in-depth historical essay with tons of extras!
Kalat eivät enää hyppele, sammakoiden kurnutusta ei kuulu.
Taru kertoo, että Jäynäjärvessä lymyää häijy vesipeto.
Se ei mahdu katiskaan, syö uistimet ja rikkoo rysät. Iltahämärissä järveltä on kuultu ivallista naurua…
Lomalaiset Kippo, Nappo ja Kuuppa tulevat vaarin luo kalastamaan. Oveluutta ja koiruutta tarvitaan taas, kun kalavaleet ja aprillipila osoittautuvatkin todeksi.
Niin sarjakuvistaan kuin hölmöläistarinoistaan ja lukuisista lastenkirjakuvituksistaan tunnetun Martti Sirolan sarjakuvakirja tuo iloa ja kihelmöivää jännitystä koko perheen yhteisiin lukuhetkiin.
Martti Sirola: Rottalan kummitus
Rottalan kylässä kummittelee.
Haamut ja hirviöt rellestävät autiossa kartanossa, mutta onneksi Kippo, Nappo ja Kuuppa tulevat vaarin avuksi. Aputoimittajina kolmikko joutuu viettämään yön kummituskartanossa…
Niin sarjakuvistaan kuin riemastuttavista hölmöläistarinoistaan ja lukuisista lastenkirjakuvituksistaan tunnetun Martti Sirolan Rottalan kummitus on pelottavan hauska koko perheen sarjakuvakirja, joka saa totisenkin iloiseksi.
Trina Robbins: Last Girl Standing
Born on the cusp of WWII in 1938, at a time when other little girls dreamed of being nurses and secretaries, Trina Robbins’s ambition was to be a bohemian; and indeed she did. She chronicles a life of sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll — and comics — in Last Girl Standing.
Robbins describes her upbringing in Queens, New York, reading comics through her childhood in the 1940s; visiting the EC offices and becoming part of SF fandom (dating Harlan Ellison at age 16); and posing nude for men’s magazines in the 1950s; living in the Village, over her own boutique where she made clothes for and interacted with rock royalty like David Crosby, Donovan, Cass Elliot; her close relationship with Paul Williams; entering the orbit of underground cartoonists like Art Spiegelman, R. Crumb, Vaughn Bodé, and Bill Griffith, when she started contributing comics to The East Village Other; and, in the ’70s, moving to San Francisco, contending with the phallocentric underground scene, marrying Kim Deitch, co-founding Wimmen’s Comix, and being invited into Felch Comics (she declined); her work for the National Lampoon, Marvel Comics, and Eclipse in the 1980s; and her crisis as a cartoonist and transformation into an historian and lecturer in the ’90s and 2000s.
From science fiction to the Sunset Strip, from New York’s underground newspapers to San Francisco’s underground comix: Trina Robbins broke the rules and broke the law.
From dressing Mama Cass to being pelted with jelly babies as she helped photograph the Rolling Stones’s first US tour, from drunken New York nights spent with Jim Morrison to producing the very first all-woman comic book, this former Lady of the Canyon takes no prisoners in this heavily illustrated memoir.
Jerry and the Joker – Adventures and Comic Art by Jerry Robinson
In this art-infused memoir by the late Jerry Robinson, learn how a seventeen-year-old became the artist on Detective Comics and Batman and created one of the most famous villains of all time: the Joker.
This volume includes never-before-published full-page artwork from Detective Comics and Batman, covers featuring Batman, Robin, and the Joker, and much more.
Kirjan henki tiivistyy kanteen.
Vanhat kannet herättävät muistoja ja ajatuksia jostain jo miltei unohtuneesta. Monia teoksia ei tahtoisi ajatellakaan muussa muodossa kuin siinä itselle rakkaimmassa. Tuntematon sotilas ei tuntuisi samalta hengettömällä elokuvakannella, ja Tove Janssonin Kuinkas sitten kävikään? olisi suorastaan lukukelvoton ilman kannen reikää.
Kirjan kasvot nostaa esiin yhden teoksen kultakin Suomen valtiollisen itsenäisyyden vuodelta. Ajan henki näkyy kansissa – valitut kannet kuvaavat aikaa ja sen virtauksia, aikansa kansityylejä ja -taiteilijoita.
Teos kertoo unohdettuja tarinoita jopa ikonisten, kaikkien tuntemien kirjankansien synnystä. Se tuo esiin myös ihmisiä kansien takana – suomalaisen kirjataiteen mestareita.
Pat Thomas: Did It! From Yippie To Yuppie: Jerry Rubin, An American Revolutionary
This overstuffed book is not only the first biography of the infamous and ubiquitous Jerry Rubin — co-founder of the Yippies, Anti-Vietnam War activist Chicago 8 defendant, social-networking pioneer, and a proponent of the Yuppie era — but an overstuffed chronicle of Rubin’s life (and ours) through those tumultuous times, including correspondence with Abbie Hoffman, Norman Mailer, John & Yoko, Eldridge Cleaver, the Weathermen, countless candid photos, personal diaries, and lost newspaper clippings.
Thomas interviewed more than 75 of Rubin’s friends, foes, and comrades including Chicago 8 defendants, participants in the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Paul Krassner, Judy Gumbo, John Sinclair, Rennie Davis, and many others.
It reveals Rubin’s and the Yippies’ historical yet bizarre personal interactions with the likes of Allen Ginsberg, Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Mick Jagger, and other iconic figures of the era, and explores the often-misunderstood relationship between Rubin and his partner-in-crime Hoffman, with new insights into their Yippie vs. Yuppie debates.
Sarah Andersen: Adulthood Is a Myth – A Sarah’s Scribbles 2018 Calendar
Whoever said adulting is hard was probably reading Sarah Andersen’s cartoons.
Or maybe it WAS Sarah Andersen.
Whatever, Sarah’s Scribbles knowingly documents the real-world anxieties, concerns, and insecurities of young modern life.
The struggle between getting up and staying in bed, the feeling that you’re the only one who doesn’t have it together, and giving that favorite sweater a sniff to decide whether you can get one…more…wearing out of it before washing it, the comic hits all the big issues that come with being a grown up. Whether you feel like one or not.
Get a different Sarah’s Scribbles cartoon and colorful background on each monthly spread of the Sarah’s Scribbles 2018 Wall Calendar. Relatable angst was never so much fun.
Juba: Viivi ja Wagner -seinäkalenteri 2018
Viivi ja Wagner -seinäkalenteri 2018, kierreselkäinen kalenteri.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland -laukkutunniste
Tom of Finland -laukkutunniste.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland -avaimenperä
Tom of Finland -avaimenperä.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland -parkkikiekko – Biker
Tom of Finland -parkkikiekko
Materiaali paksua pahvia
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland -tarjotin – Koppalakkimies
Materiaali: Laminoitu vaneri.
Koko: 270 mm * 200 mm
Väri: Mustavalkoinen
Paino: 130 gr.