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Käytetyt sarjakuvat
Kadonnut henkilö voidaan Suomen lain mukaan julistaa kuolleeksi viiden vuoden kuluttua siitä, kun hän ollut tiettävästi viimeksi elossa.
Suomessa katoaa vuosittain lyhytaikaisesti jopa tuhansia ihmisiä, joista noin 20 jää selittämättömästi kateisiin. Jokaisella kadonneella on oikeus tulla löydetyksi riippumatta taustastaan, elintavoistaan ja virkavallan resursseista.
Näiden sarjakuvien tarkoitus ei ole luoda skandaaleja, etsiä syyllisiä tai kauhistella kenenkään elämänvalintoja. Tavoite on jäsentää tieto yhdelle sivulle, jotta katoaminen saisi ansaitsemansa huomion, ja joku ehkä muistaisi lisää.
Lauri Mäkimurto: Tuuli kääntyy ja kello lyö
“Tämä on vähän niin kuin tekotaiteellinen Kotikatsomon jakso.”
– Tekijä
Sfäärien musiikkia ja arjen soraääniä, soitinten sulosäveliä ja tolkutonta mekkalointia.
Turun sarjakuvakerhon antologiassa tasapainotellaan tänä vuonna häiriön ja harmonian välillä.
Antologia sisältää 16 eripituista novellia, joissa hiljennytään kuuntelemaan universumin kohinaa, käännetään nupit reilusti kaakkoon tai marssitaan täysin omassa tahdissa.
Sara Ahola
Jesse Enho
Jesse Ghost
Timo Hainimo
Sirkku Lahti
Lappi & Lappi
Nanne Leskinen
Nikke Lindholm
Ekku Meronen
Tuomas Myllylä
Aku Osmanen
Pinja Peltonen
Mikael Salo
Sari Sariola
Juho Sihvonen
Esa Turunen
Toimittanut Katariina Lappi
Viivi Rintanen: Sarjakuvaterapiaa ja muita kertomuksia hulluudesta
Sarjakuvaterapiaa ja muita kertomuksia hulluudesta kuvaa sitä, miltä tuntuu olla sekaisin.
Kahdentoista sarjakuvanovellin takana ovat todelliset henkilöt, joiden mielenterveystarinat Viivi Rintanen kuvitti Hulluussarjakuvia-blogiinsa.
“Idea Hulluussarjakuvista virisi ymmärrettyäni, etten ole ainoa, joka häpeää hulluuttaan ja haluaa vapautua siitä. Jos hulluudesta ei pääse eroon, ehkä sentään häpeästä.”
Kirjan kehyskertomus käsittelee aikaa, jolloin Viivi piirsi muiden kokemuksia sarjakuviksi ja kävi psykoterapiassa läpi omaa elämäänsä.
Mihin se johtaa, kun vuosia syömishäiriön ja loppuunpalamisen välillä sahannut nainen puhuu terapeutille äidistään, koirastaan, kuntosalinsa anorektisesta juoksijasta ja inhoamastaan lifestyle-bloggaajasta?
Omaelämäkerrallinen terapiakuvaus nivoo kaikki kertomukset yhteen ja näyttää myötätunnon, puhumisen ja kuuntelemisen muutosvoiman.
Taina Hakala: Merkintöjä Koronakevät 2020
Sarjakuvapäiväkirjaan tallennettu aikalaisdokumentti koronakevään arjesta ja tunteista.
Pauli Kallio: Ammatti: käsikirjoittaja
Pauli Kallio ei tiennyt pienenä, mikä hänestä tulee isona.
Epätietoinen taiteilijasielu keksi vasta kolmikymppisenä työn, joka sopii hänen lahjoilleen ja luonteelleen: hänestä tuli Suomen ensimmäinen ja ainoa päätoiminen sarjakuvien käsikirjoittaja.
Kirja kokoaa yhteen parikymmentä Kallion kirjoittamaa lehtisarjakuvaa. Kramppeja & nyrjähdyksiä, Ornette Birks Makkonen, FC Palloseura, Sekametsä, Onnen lahjat ja Lyhenevä kesä ovat tutuimpia. Niille tekevät seuraa Suhteita ja suhteettomuuksia, Annan ja Oton olohuone, Josefiina leipoo, Sirri ja Rautiainen sekä monet muut vähemmän tunnetut.
Piirtäjälista hakee vertaistaan: JP Ahonen, Saila Juuti, Ulf K, Jussi Karjalainen, Kati Kovács, Maarit Kytöharju, Karri Laitinen, Mika Lietzén, Jan Lindström, Reetta Niemensivu, Christer Nuutinen, Pentti Otsamo, Ville Pirinen, Tomi Riionheimo, Jii Roikonen, Tiitu Takalo, Petteri Tikkanen, J. Tilsa, Piipa Toivonen, Sami Toivonen, Katja Tukiainen ja Sami Vähä-Aho.
Teos on paitsi muhkea sarjakuvakokoelma myös tietokirja, joka kertoo, kuinka sarjakuvat syntyvät käsikirjoittajan ja piirtäjän yhteistyönä. Kallion ja taiteilijoiden kommentit kuvaavat sarjakuvantekijän arkipäivää ja juhlahetkiä. Samalla opus valottaa suomalaisen lehtisarjakuvan lähihistoriaa, nykyisyyttä ja tulevaisuutta.
Taina Hakala: Helene – Maalarin matka
Nuori Schjerfbeck lähtee 1880-luvulla ulkomaille opiskelemaan.
Yhteiskunnan nurjat asenteet kampittavat naisten taideopintoja mutta eivät voi heitä estää.
Saatavilla myös ruotsiksi (Helene – Målarens resa) ja englanniksi (Helene – Painter’s Path).
Droonisotien jälkeinen Amerikka vuonna 1997.
Teini-ikäinen Michelle matkaa lelurobotin kanssa länsirannikon poikki etsien kadonnutta veljeään.
Autioitunutta maisemaa hallitsevat jättimäiset sodassa särkyneet taistelurobotit ja laajennettuun todellisuuteen koukkuun jääneet ihmisrauniot.
Valtameren lähestyessä Michellen on pakko myöntää, että enää ei ole normaalin vyöhykettä, johon palata – ainoa tie ulos on edessäpäin.
Liittymiä on yhtä aikaa silmiä hivelevän kaunis ja vatsaa kuristavan rujo kuvitettu romaani.
Tukholmalainen Simon Stålenhag (s. 1984) on kansainvälisesti tunnustettu kirjailija ja kuvittaja, joka yhdistelee töissään retrofuturistista teknologisen kehityksen kuvausta tunnistettavaan ja nostalgiseen maisemakuvaukseen.
Hänen esikoisteoksensa Ur Varselklotet (2014) pohjalta on tehty Amazon Primen tv-sarja Tales from the Loop (2020).
Liittymiä on ensimmäinen Stålenhagilta suomennettu teos.
Anne Streng: Kulkijoiden juhlat
Kulkijoiden juhlat on sadunomainen kertomus Fredeika-tytöstä, joka elämän näennäisen perusrakenteen sortuessa tempautuu mukaan fantasian täyttämälle vaellukselle.
Salaperäisen kulkijan johdattelemana koetut monivaiheiset tapahtumat lujittavat hänen uskoaan elämän pysyviin arvoihin, hyvyyden ja toivon olemassaoloon.
Anne Streng (s. 1956) on myrskyläläinen puutarhuri, jonka sarjakuvia leimaa runollisuus ja humaani ihmisen ja luonnon suhteen tarkastelu.
Jarkko Vehniäinen: Apostolin sandaalit
Apostolien tekoja sarjakuvamuodossa Jarkko Vehniäisen omaperäiseen tyyliin!
Apostolin sandaalit on yhteisnide kahdesta Aikamedialle tehdystä albumista, Apostolin kyydillä ja Sandaalit sauhuten. Se on riemukas sarjakuvaseikkailu, joka kertoo apostolien teoista Asterix-henkiseen tyyliin.
Näin hauskasti Paavalin, Pietarin ja kumppanien reissuja ei ole vielä kuvattu!
Täydellinen lahja esimerkiksi rippikoululaiselle!
Aurinkoalus vie lukijan nostalgiselle matkalle vuosina 1972-74 ilmestyneen Sarjis-lehden maailmaan. Veikko “Joonas” Savolaisen toimittama lehti toimi ponnahduslautana useille tämän hetken eturivin sarjakuvantekijöistämme.
Yksi heistä oli Kari T. Leppänen (s.1945), joka tunnetaan nykyisin parhaiten kansainvälisestä urastaan Mustanaamio-sarjakuvan piirtäjänä. Tämä albumi sisältää Leppäsen Sarjis-lehteen Oskari-nimimerkillä tekemät yhdeksän sarjakuvaa sekä tekijän aiheeseen johdattelevan esipuheen.
Jarkko Vehniäinen: Daniel & kumppanit
Danielia varjeltiin leijonilta, Bartimeus sai näön, Jerikon vesi muuttui hyväksi ja leski sai rahat velanmaksuun.
Jännittävä sarjakuva tempaa mukaansa!
Jarkko Vehniäisen Daniel ja kumppanit on kokoelma Jees-lehdessä ilmestyneitä sarjakuvia.
Timo Varpio & Sami Toivonen: Kuningaspolku
Kuningaspolku on piirtäjä Sami Toivosen ja käsikirjoittaja Timo Varpion toinen yhteinen albumi.
Tarina juhlimisen vaaroista, kalastuksesta, matkustelusta, paperimukeista, gastronomiasta… sekä hyvinpukeutuvista miehistä, jotka ajelevat mielellään skoottereilla.
Muun muassa.
Late ja kumppanit: Vastatuulen saluuna #5
Yoshihiro Takahashi: The Last Wars 17
Orion hioo itsestään asetta Monsoonia vastaan.
Sirius yrittää voittaa Monsoonin luottamuksen.
Gennai puolestaan haastaa karhujätin taisteluun…
Ikäsuositus 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu
Jason LaTour & Robbi Rodriguez: Spider-Gwen – Amazing Powers
Gwen Stacy has lost her spider-powers – making this a very bad time to find herself in Frank Castle’s crosshairs!
So when the Mary Janes head to a haunted house, is Gwen along for the fun, or will she be one of the ghosts?
Thanksgiving should be a happy time with friends and family – unless crime lord Matt Murdock and his ninjas crash the party!
Is it time for Gwen to put a stop to the Kingpin of Crime – or does Matt have a thing or two to teach her?
Plus, the Mary Janes get loud, and Gwen spends some time with her ever-expanding social circle – including Captain America! She-Hulk?! Her BPFF (best pig friend forever) Spider-Ham! And her new body-swapping bud, the All-New Wolverine!
Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips: Cruel Summer
In the summer of ’88, Teeg Lawless comes home to plan the biggest heist of his career.
But Teeg’s son Ricky and his friends are starting down the same dark path their fathers are on, and this is about to become the worst summer of their lives.
An epic tale of tragedy handed down from generation to generation, CRUEL SUMMER is a crime comic masterpiece from the most celebrated noir masters in the industry, creators of CRIMINAL, FATALE, KILL OR BE KILLED, and THE FADE OUT.
Collects CRIMINAL #1 and #5-12 in a beautiful new hardback edition with additional behind-the-scenes material.
Zeb Wells & Will Robson: Spider-Ham – Aporkalypse Now
Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary tail! (Get it?)
Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham returns to the pages of his very own series!
As if the swiney super hero’s recent adventures across the various dimensions of the Spider-Verse weren’t enough, Spider-Ham now finds himself jumping through time!
And accompanied by Spider-Man (the human version), no less!
It’s the human/porcine/arachnid Marvel team-Up you’ve been waiting for!
But can Ham and Man prevent the horrors of — Aporkalypse Now?!
What threat could be so dangerous — so deadly — that it imperils the Marvel Multiverse’s piggy protector, even with his cartoonish resistance to injury? Find out in one of the wildest adventures the Spider-Verse has ever seen!
Derf Backderf: Kent State – Four Dead in Ohio
On May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard gunned down unarmed college students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State University.
In a deadly barrage of 67 shots, 4 students were killed and 9 shot and wounded.
It was the day America turned guns on its own children – a shocking event burned into our national memory.
A few days prior, 10-year-old Derf Backderf saw those same Guardsmen patrolling his nearby hometown, sent in by the governor to crush a trucker strike.
Using the journalism skills he employed on ‘My Friend Dahmer’ and ‘Trashed’, Backderf has conducted extensive interviews and research to explore the lives of these four young people and the events of those four days in May, when the country seemed on the brink of tearing apart.
‘Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio’, which will be published in time for the 50th anniversary of the tragedy, is a moving and troubling story about the bitter price of dissent-as relevant today as it was in 1970.
Peter Hogan & Steve Parkhouse: Resident Alien Omnibus 1
A small town’s salvation is in the hands of an alien! Resident Alien — starring Alan Tudyk in the lead role — is soon to be a SyFy Television Show in Summer 2020!
Living undercover as a semi-retired, small-town doctor, a stranded alien’s only hope is to stay off humanity’s radar until he can be rescued.
When he’s pulled into a surprising murder mystery by the town’s desperate mayor and struggling police chief, “Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle” learns more about the human condition than he ever wanted to.
Acclaimed creators Peter Hogan ( 2000 AD, Tom Strong) and Steve Parkhouse ( Milkman Murders, Doctor Who) deliver a truly unique sci-fi adventure tale with heart and humor!
The Flapper Queens – Women Cartoonists of the Jazz Age
Fantagraphics celebrates The Flapper Queens, a gorgeous oversized hardcover collection of full-color comic strips.
In addition to featuring the more well-known cartoonists of the era, such as Ethel Hays, Nell Brinkley, and Virginia Huget, Eisner award-winning Trina Robbins introduces you to Eleanor Schorer, who started her career in the teens as a flowery art nouveau Nell Brinkley imitator but, by the ’20s, was drawing bold and outrageous art deco illustrations; Edith Stevens, who chronicled the fashion trends, hairstyles, and social manners of the ’20s and ’30s in the pages of The Boston Globe; and Virginia Huget, possibly the flappiest of the Flapper Queens, whose girls, with their angular elbows and knees, seemed to always exist in a euphoric state of Charleston.
It has been years since an insane family of neo-Nazis murdered her boyfriend and almost killed Hope, now she is tracking them down and exacting her bloody revenge.
Trained by her father in martial combat, Hope grew from an angry and grieving teenage girl into a cold-hearted bounty hunter.
When she discovers the family who brutalized her is now running for public office and controlling a cabal of violent white nationalists from the shadows, Hope gears up and hits the road with the intent to slaughter every single Nazi that stands against Hope.
Victor Santos (Polar—now a hit Netflix movie) writes and draws a new story with brutal fight scenes and impactful revelations that echo across decades of the main character’s life.
Terry Moore: Five Years 2 – Stalemate
The Phi bomb is under construction in Russia and Katchoo is determined to stop it.
Her diplomatic trip to Moscow is sabotaged by a dangerous KGB assassin and Zoe must complete the mission and find the man developing “the last bomb.”
Meanwhile, Stephanie retrieves one half of the Cleopatra scroll that started the new arms race and quickly discovers the author wants it back!
The stakes have never been higher as Katchoo and friends try to leave Russia with one of the country’s top physicists and bring a dangerous nuclear game to a stalemate!
Faith Erin Hicks: The Nameless City 3 – The Divided Earth
The Nameless City–held by the rogue Dao prince Erzi–is under siege by a coalition of Dao and Yisun forces who are determined to end the war for the Nameless City once and for all. And the people of the city–the Named–are caught in between.
Meanwhile, Rat and Kai must infiltrate Erzi’s palace and steal back the ancient and deadly formula for napatha, the ancient weapon of mass destruction Erzi has unearthed–before he can use it to destroy everything Rat and Kai hold dear!
In her third and final installment in the Nameless City trilogy, Faith Erin Hicks delivers a heart-thumping conclusion. With deft world-building, frantic battle scenes, and a gentle and moving friendship at its heart, the Nameless City has earned its place as one of the great fantasy series of our time.
Jonathan Hickman: House of X/Powers of X
The next great evolution of the X-Men!
“While you slept, the world changed.”
With those words, Professor X announces to the people of Earth the new mutant nation of Krakoa.
It is a safe haven for all Homo superior, with its own rules and its own language.
In return for international recognition, Xavier will offer humanity great scientific advancements, borne of Krakoa’s unique flora.
But the time for integration has ended. Xavier’s old dream is dead -and now a new one begins.
But is mutantkind’s greatest enemy the prejudice of humans or the cold artificial intelligences that await a hundred -even a thousand years -from now?
Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman (FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS, SECRET WARS) transforms mutantkind’s past, present and future -and sets the stage for the Dawn of X!
Marguerite Abouet & Mathieu Sapin: Akissi – Even More Tales of Mischief
Our favorite troublemaker is back in this graphic novel collection of wild childhood adventures set on the Ivory Coast by award-winning author Marguerite Abouet (Aya of Yop City) and artist Mathieu Sapin.
With the first volume selected as a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2018, Akissi is back for round three with more stories of silliness and chaos with her plucky crew of neighborhood kids–there’s never a dull moment when she’s around!
Faith Erin Hicks: One Year at Ellsmere
With revamped art and now in full color, One Year at Ellsmere is an endearing–and surprising–middle-grade friendship story from beloved author Faith Erin Hicks!
Was boarding school supposed to be this hard?
When studious thirteen-year-old Juniper wins a scholarship to the prestigious Ellsmere Academy, she expects to find a scholastic utopia. But living at Ellsmere is far from ideal: She is labeled a “special project,” Ellsmere’s queen bee is out to destroy her, and it’s rumored that a mythical beast roams the forest next to the school.
A love story between a vampire and a werewolf by the creator of the enormously popular Sarah’s Scribbles comics.
Elsie the vampire is three hundred years old, but in all that time, she has never met her match.
This all changes one night in a bar when she meets Jimmy, a charming werewolf with a wry sense of humor and a fondness for running wild during the full moon.
Together they enjoy horror films and scary novels, shady strolls, fine dining (though never with garlic), and a genuine fondness for each other’s unusual habits, macabre lifestyles, and monstrous appetites.
First featured as a webcomic series on Tapas, Fangs chronicles the humor, sweetness, and awkwardness of meeting someone perfectly suited to you but also vastly different.
This deluxe hardcover edition of Fangs features an “engraved” red cloth cover, dyed black page trim, and 25 exclusive comics not previously seen online.
Filled with Sarah Andersen’s beautiful gothic illustrations and relatable relationship humor, Fangs has all the makings of a cult classic.
Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips: Incognito – The Classified Edition
From the best-selling award-winning creators of FATALE and CRIMINAL comes the classy deluxe hardback edition of their brutal “Super-Villainin Witness Protection” saga… INCOGNITO!
Collecting both INCOGNITO and its sequel BAD INFLUENCES along with many behind-the-scenes extras, previously unseen illustrations and even a few articles, this is the edition you want on your bookshelf!
Gilbert Hernandez: Love and Rockets – Three Sisters
In Three Sisters, which collects the graphic novels Luba: Three Daughters, High Soft Lisp, and more, the children are growing up and lovers have come and gone (and come and gone again).
Luba, Petra, and Fritz are moving on to the next phases of their lives and careers, which puts their own pasts and relationships in perspective ― and, since they’ve all settled in Los Angeles, showbiz comes calling.
Venus shoots a backyard superhero movie, Fritz becomes a B movie actress, and children’s TV show host Doralís has the grandest of finales.
Black & white illustrations throughout.
Alejandro Jodorowsky: The Panic Fables
The complete series of filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky’s spiritual comics, translated into English for the first time.
– Contains all 284 of Jodo’s Panic Fables comics, published weekly from 1967 to 1973 in Mexico City’s El Heraldo newspaper
– Includes an introduction describing how the Panic Fables came to be
– Explains how he incorporated Zen teachings, initiatory wisdom, and sacred symbology into his Panic Fables, as well as himself as one of the characters
In 1967, in response to theatrical censorship rules that put him on the political “black list” in Mexico City and caused his plays and his pantomime classes at the School of Fine Arts to be cancelled, Alejandro Jodorowsky decided to pursue a new form of artistic expression to earn his living: comics.
Working with his friend Luis Spota, the editor of the cultural section of the newspaper El Heraldo de México, Jodo initially planned 3 months’ worth of weekly comics, which he would draw himself.
However, his “Panic Fables”–named after his early ’60s avant-garde theater movement in Paris–were met with such insatiable popularity that he continued the series for six and a half years, from June 1967 until December 1973.
Appearing for the first time in English, this book presents all 284 of Jodorowsky’s Panic Fables in full color, along with an introduction by the author.
He reveals how his first comics reflected his pessimism about the future and the meaning of life, the negativity of which soon exhausted him. He realized he needed to show the positivity that he encountered in life, and thus, little by little, he began incorporating Zen teachings, initiatory wisdom, and sacred symbology into his Panic Fables.
Through this transformation and the outpouring of support from his devoted readers, many of whom cite the Panic Fables as providing pivotal guidance during their adolescence, Jodo discovered that art can serve to heal as well as raise consciousness.
Writing himself into his comics, Jodo can be glimpsed as the character of the disciple who talks with his master and, as the series progresses, gradually grows to assume the role of master, providing psychomagic solutions to the problems of everyday life.
In reading the complete Panic Fables in chronological order, much like his film The Dance of Reality, we witness in colorful detail Jodorowsky’s own path of spiritual growth.
John Constantine, Hellblazer 23 – No Future
In this volume, England’s favorite low-rent mage skips town to avoid incarceration and heads to India.
But Constantine’s quest for purity in an attempt to resurrect the love of his life is quickly interrupted when an expat friend gets him mired in a series of grisly murders.
Then, Constantine reluctantly becomes embroiled with a group of anarcho-punks who worship a powerful effigy of Sid Vicious.
Plus, discover the centuries-long history of the King of Voodoo, and original Hellblazer writer Jamie Delano returns to John Constantine, alongside superstar artist Jock!
Gilbert Hernandez: Garden of the Flesh
Award-winning cartoonist Gilbert Hernandez gives his own unique spin to Bible tales in this graphic novel.
As only the unfettered Id of Gilbert Hernandez could conceive, Garden of Flesh is a sexually explicit retelling of the story of Adam and Eve up to Noah’s Ark.
Hernandez presents a straightforward adaptation of the Bible parable, but one that also blurs the lines between erotica and pornography, as only Hernandez can.
Griffo & Jean van Hamme: Authorised Happiness 1
When the notion of welfare state gets out of control, where will bureaucratic absurdity stop in its quest for universal happiness?
This series of vignettes depicts slices of life from different people – different destinies that will all come together for the terrible conclusion.
Alex Alice: Castle in the Stars 3 – The Knights of Mars
What if man journeyed into space in 1869, not 1969?
In The Knights of Mars, the third volume in this breath-taking fantasy graphic novel series, Alex Alice draws on Jules Verne and nineteenth-century romanticism to create a watercolor world of adventure and wonder to enchant adults and younger readers alike.
When Seraphin, Hans, and Sophie returned from their voyage to the moon, they didn’t come home empty-handed―they brought with them aetherite, a miraculous substance that defies gravity!
To keep their secret safe from the Prussians, the trio lives in hiding on a remote island in Brittany.
Meanwhile, Seraphin’s father has founded the International Society of Aether, a group of scientists dedicated to the peaceful pursuit of space exploration. But on the eve of their inaugural meeting, he vanishes without a trace!
The Knights of Aether’s last hope lies in a daring rescue of King Ludwig and Professor Dulac. They will find them on the farthest outskirts of the Prussian empire―the planet Mars!
Devin Grayson & Alitha E. Martinez: Omni 1 – The Doctor Is in
What would you do if you could think faster than the speed of light?
Gifted doctor Cecelia Cobbina was once held in the highest regard by peers and patients alike.
But that was before an incident in Africa changed her life forever.
Now with the ability to process thoughts at the speed of light, she faces the unimaginable burden of literally having an answer for everything. As the truth of her origin slowly comes into focus, Cecelia must overcome her fears and tackle the one mystery she can’t seem to crack: the truth behind her new abilities.
Written by fan-favorite author Devin Grayson (Nightwing, Black Widow) Doctor Cecelia Cobbina bursts on to the scene as the world’s newest favorite female hero.
Alex Alice: Castle in the Stars 4 – A Frenchman on Mars
Alex Alice’s Castle in the Stars: A Frenchman on Mars is the fourth volume in a lavishly illustrated graphic novel series set in a world where space exploration began during the Victorian era.
As Seraphin, Hans, and Sophie make their descent to the Mars surface–with stowaway Loïc and the wicked Gudden in tow–they’re prepared for danger.
But with its gravity-defying rain and giant carnivorous beasts, Mars is even more treacherous than they expected.
When Seraphin suddenly finds himself separated from his friends and alone in the Martian wilderness, he must trust a mysterious shape-shifting creature to guide him back to safety. But this creature has an agenda of their own…
Faith Erin Hicks: Comics Will Break Your Heart
Comics Will Break Your Heart is a sweet, funny contemporary teen romance for the inner geek in all of us from graphic novelist Faith Erin Hicks.
Miriam’s family should be rich.
After all, her grandfather was the co-creator of smash-hit comics series The TomorrowMen. But he sold his rights to the series to his co-creator in the 1960s for practically nothing, and now that’s what Miriam has: practically nothing.
And practically nothing to look forward to either. How can she afford college when her family can barely keep a roof above their heads?
As if she didn’t have enough to worry about, Miriam’s life gets much more complicated when a cute boy shows up in town . . . and turns out to be the grandson of the man who defrauded Miriam’s grandfather, and heir to the TomorrowMen fortune.
In her endearing debut novel, cartoonist Faith Erin Hicks pens a sensitive and funny Romeo and Juliet tale about modern romance, geek royalty, and what it takes to heal the long-festering scars of the past (Spoiler Alert: love).
Blake Bell & Dr. Michael J. Vassallo: The Secret History of Marvel Comics
The Secret History of Marvel Comics: Jack Kirby and the Moonlighting Artists at Martin Goodman’s Empire digs back to the 1930s when Marvel Comics wasn’t just a comic-book producing company.
Marvel was but a small part of owner Martin Goodman’s publishing empire, which had begun years before he published his first comic book.
Goodman mostly published lurid and sensationalist story books (known as pulps) and magazines, featuring sexually charged detective and romance short fiction and celebrity gossip scandal sheets.
Artists like Jack Kirby, who was producing Captain America for eight-year-olds, were dipping their toes in both ponds.
The Secret History of Marvel Comics tells this parallel story of 1930s/40s Marvel Comics sharing offices with those Goodman publications not quite fit for children.
Tiitu Takalo & A-K Laine: Pussailua barrikadeilla -kalenteri 2021
Seinäkalenteri vuodelle 2021.
More than 250 vintage stickers featuring Marvel’s classic heroes and villains!
The Marvel Classic Sticker Book is the first to feature iconic, vintage stickers, including images from the comics and trading cards, published in time for the company’s 80th anniversary.
Showcasing all of your favorite heroes and villains, the book includes five double-sided pull-out posters so you can make your own unique sticker creations on one side, or create your own posters and comics on the other.
Whether you are a lifelong Marvel Comics fan, or if you are just discovering these iconic comic book characters, the Marvel Classic Sticker Book is the perfect package for fans of all ages to enjoy!
The Last Full Measure (Blu-ray)
The true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a USAF Pararescue medic who saved over sixty men in the U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division before making the ultimate sacrifice in one of the bloodiest battles of the war.
Thirty-two years later, Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman investigates a decades-long Congressional Medal of Honor request for Pitsenbarger and uncovers a high-level conspiracy prompting him to put his career on the line to seek justice for the fallen airman.
Pohjoismainen versio.
The Outsider – Kausi 1 (Blu-ray)
Stephen Kingin samannimiseen menestysromaaniin pohjautuva The Outsider seuraa 11-vuotiaan pojan murhan rikostutkimuksia.
Jäljet johtavat suosittuun lukionopettajaan (Jason Bateman), mutta ristiriitaisen todistusaineiston putkahtaessa esiin, on rikosetsivän (Ben Mendelsohn) liitettävä avukseen hämmästyttäviä kykyjä omaava, epäsovinnainen yksityisetsivä.
Pohjoismainen versio.