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Viikon 5/2021 uutuudet


Kotimaiset uutuudet
Ulkomaiset uutuudet
Lehdet ja kirjat



Underground-henkinen kokoelma, jossa ovat mukana Mikko “Vilunki 3000” Viljakainen, Ville Pirinen, Jii Roikonen ja Irisz Simon.

Suuri Kurpitsa esittää 1.





Aino Laine: Kädet








Kaarina Uimonen: Squirrel’s Door Stories

Autobiographic comic.







Pauli Kallio: Pieniä tapauksia keskikokoisen ihmisen elämästä

Seitsemän sarjakuvanovellia, joissa seikkailee sama päähenkilö mutta hieman eri näköisenä.

Piirtäjinä Sami Toivonen, Kivi Larmola, Christer Nuutinen, Pentti Otsamo, Kyky Ahonen, Kati Kovács ja Reima Mäkinen.

Käsikirjoitukset on tehnyt sarjakuvan sekatyömies P. Kallio.

Kurpitsa-albumi 5.


Charlier & Giraud: Blueberry – Kenraali Kultatukka/Kadonnut kaivos/Kultaluoteja ampuva aave

Charlierin ja Giraudin luoma luutnantti Blueberry on yksi kaikkien aikojen maineikkaimpia lännensarjakuvia.

Omapäisestä mutta oikeudenmukaisesta sisällissodan upseerista kertova sarja tunnetaan moniulotteisista tarinoistaan sekä upeasta taiteestaan.

Kertomuksessa Kenraali Kultatukka Blueberry joutuu todistamaan verenhimoisen kenraali McAllisterin ja ahtaalle ajettujen intiaanien hirvittävää taistelua.
Kadonnut kaivos ja Kultaluoteja ampuva aave muodostavat kaksiosaisen tarinakokonaisuuden, jossa Blueberry ystävineen jahtaa petollista kullankaivajaa sekä kovapintaisia palkkionmetsästäjiä halki armottoman aavikon.

Sarjakuvien lisäksi kirjassa on kattava artikkeli Blueberrystä sekä runsaasti Giraudin laatimaa oheiskuvitusta, jota ei aiemmin ole Suomessa julkaistu.


Kaarina Waris: Velho & Västäräkki

Slapstick-magic action fantasy comedy from a bird’s-eye views!

A Silent comic.






Kari A. Sihvonen: Kapteeni Kanki – Tositarkoituksella!

Hei sä siinä joka osaat käyttää silmiäs!

Tässäpä olis sulle ja Hentun Liisalle saamarin kova läpyskä.

Tää sopii kirjahyllyys Waltarin ja Viisikon väliin (ja oikeestaan väliin ku väliin) kuin nyrkki nenään.

Kuuluu joka pojan ja tytön ihqulukemisto-sarjaan.



Lauri Mäkimurto: Euro Jack

Sarjakuvia, piirroksia, maalauksia.





Peter Bagge: Buddy Bradley managerina

Buddy Bradley managerina on kertomus 24-vuotiaasta tyhjäntoimittajasta, joka päättää tehdä elämälleen jotakin.

Hän ryhtyy äänekkään ja suoraviivaisen rock-bändin manageriksi.
Karuhko todellisuus ja Buddyn suojattien käsitykset omasta tähteydestään eivät välttämättä kohtaa toisiaan, mutta onko sillä väliä, kun pitkätukkaiset koltiaiset pääsevät ensimmäisen kerran maistamaan rock’n’rollin ydinmehua?

Kurpitsa-albumi 6.


Tomi Riionheimo: Talvella voi hiihtää

“Tomi Riionheimo, Joensuun suuri poika, geograafikko ja kulmikas naivisti sarjakuvittaa lähinnä kolmentyyppisiä verbalisteja.

Mikko Kekki havainnoi tarkasti tilanteita ja sananvaihdantaa, Jarse Lehikoisen rimmaavat opetukset muistuttavat moraalista pimeyden hetkellä tai oitis sen jälkeen.
Lauri Hannu on kolmikon aforistikko, lukija vangitaan runouden ja proosan eksaktille välialueelle pehmeästi tahi ansaitsemansa kipupiston tuntien.”
– Petri Kemppinen, asiantuntija

Kurpitsakermaa 4.

Greg & Roba & Franquin: Pikon ja Fantasion seikkailuja 37 – Tembo Tabu

Piko ja Fantasio matkustavat syvälle Afrikan uumeniin, jossa heitä odottaa pelottava ja huikea seikkailu.

Viidakon pimeydestä ilmaantuu toinen toistaan uskomattomampia yllätyksiä, ja äkkiä sankariparia uhkaavat sotilasmuurahaiset, punaiset elefantit sekä verenhimoiset lihansyöjäkasvit!
Onneksi mukana on ihmeotus Marsupilami, jonka ilmiömäisillä kyvyillä onkin nyt käyttöä.

Tembo Tabu on yksi legendaarisen Franquinin hurjimpia Piko ja Fantasio -kertomuksia, ja nyt tämä mestarin laatima seikkailu julkaistaan viimein suomeksi albumimuodossa. Mukana on myös lyhyt Marsupilami-tarina Häkki sekä yksisivuisia Marsupilami-hupailuja!

Olli Nuutila: Oido Boa – Tiukka puristus

Oido on lemmikkiboa, joka päättää karata.

Hän tempaa mukaan kaverinsa Iso-Anopin (huonekasvi) ja jättää taakseen terraarioelämän.
Karkureissu saa nopeasti uudenlaisia ideologisia tarkoitusperiä ja eksistentiaalisen kriisin sävyjä.

Edessä on tiukka puristus, missä koetuksella ovat niin Oidon oma fyysinen että henkinen kunto, sekä hänen ystäviensä ymmärrys boan dramaattista luonnetta kohtaan.


Tome & Janry: Pikon ja Fantasion seikkailuja 36 – Virus

Pikon ja Fantasion vanha vastustaja John “Mureena” Helena palaa kuvioihin, mutta tällä kertaa hän tarvitsee sankariemme apua… ja kipeästi!

Mureenaan on iskenyt outo, keinotekoinen virus, joka on saanut alkunsa salamyhkäiseltä tutkimusasemalta Etelämantereella. Niinpä kaksikkomme lähtee hyytävälle tutkimusmatkalle, josta ei vauhtia tai vaaroja puutu!

Piko ja Fantasio ovat yksi eurooppalaisen sarjakuvan kulmakiviä. Heidän seikkailunsa ovat hauskuuttaneet ja viihdyttäneet kaikenikäisiä lukijoita jo yli 50 vuotta.
Parivaljakko Tome ja Janry on luonut monia klassisen sarjan parhaita tarinoita, ja vihdoinkin heidän ensimmäinen Piko & Fantasio -kertomuksensa Virus on saatavilla suomeksi.

Timo Vaittinen: Finntrip 1988.

Weird and wonderful colour collage paintings and xerox works.







Cauvin & Nic: Pikon ja Fantasion seikkailuja 33 – Hiljaisuuden salaisuus

Fantasio ei millään malta pysyä aloillaan.

Nyt hän on väsännyt laitteen, joka vaimentaa kaikki äänet, oli kyseessä sitten naapurin television möykkä tai liikenteen möly.

Vaikka ajatus melusaasteen torjunnasta onkin kerrassaan mainio, tuottaa keksintö hyvin nopeasti Pikolle ja Fantasiolle roppakaupalla hankaluuksia… varsinkin, kun eräs ahne konnakaksikko saa hiljaisuuslaitteen haltuunsa!


Matti Hagelberg: Venuksen sulttaani

Matti Hagelberg, tuo eksentristen visioiden ziljardööri ja BEM-universumin isä, on raapinut tuntemamme maailman ruvelle, jonka alta tiiraa toinen todellisuus.

Hän harppaa ytimeen ja näivertää korkean matalaksi. Hän soittaa polyfonia suuressa viihdeorkesterissa ja pakottaa meidät tanssimaan Nissenpolkkaa oopperassa. Hän viittaa vaikka ei kysytä. Hän antaa sarjalipun suureen seikkailuun, joka on jo alkanut.

Matti Hagelberg on Bonuskaupungin kauhu, Niksulan napamies ja Nallepartion henkinen eno!
Matti Hagelberg on Marsin sankari ja Venuksen oikea käsi!
Itsensä kaima ja Lauri Kentän renki! Adrenaliinia! Varokaa!

B.E.M. 5.

Kurpitsakermaa 7.

Matti Hagelberg: B.E.M. n:o 3 – Bonuskaupungin vitsaukset

Tämä numero sisältää seikkailut: Tuomio Bonuskaupungille, Kannibaalihotelli, Tuomiopäivän robotti, Sankarin paluu, Ray Kroc ratsastaa jälleen, Lauri Kentän kuolema, Saiberspankki, Viimeinen naula, Bonuskaupungin hirmuiset vitsaukset ja Viimeinen tuomio Bonuskaupungille.

Kurpitsa-albumi 11.



Mia Ikumi: Tokyo Mew Mew à la Mode 2

Avaruusolennot on kukistettu ja Tokioon on jälleen palannut rauha – vai onko sittenkään?

Salaperäinen St. Rose Crusaders -järjestö hautoo jotakin ikävää… Uuden koulun aloittava Berry-tyttö eksyy MewMew-kahvilaan ja joutuu eriskummallisten tapahtumien pyörteisiin.

Pian viuhuu oikeuden käpälä!

Ikäsuositus: 9+


Yoshihiro Takahashi: The Last Wars 22

Sarjan päätösosa! Koiratarinoiden mestari Yoshihiro Takahashin sankarit kokoontuvat viimeiseen taistoon

Last Wars -sarja liittyy pitkään tarinakokonaisuuteen, jota on voitu seurata suomeksi jo vuodesta 2010.

Kahdesti maassamme vieraillut Yoshihiro Takahashi on koiratarinoiden tekijänä maineensa veroinen, omaa luokkaansa. Last Wars jatkui kaikkiaan 22 osan verran!

Ikäsuositus 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu

Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul:re 12

CCG on ainoa ghouleja vastaan taisteleva organisaatio maailmassa.

Keinoja kaihtamatta se pyrkii puolustamaan ihmiskuntaa saalistajista vaarallisimmalta. Tämän salatun sodan uusin ase on ihmiskehoon asennettu kagune, ghoulien kauhua herättävä saalistuselin.

Kagunen myötä tutkijatkin saavat ghoulien voimat ja kyvyt. Tuleeko heistä valttikortti sodassa ihmissyöjiä vastaan, vai muuttuvatko hekin hirviöiksi?

Ikäsuositus 15+ / Kauhu/Toiminta


ONE & Yusuke Murata: One-Punch Man 4

Netflix-animaationakin tuttu sarja muistuttaa alkuasetelmaltaan My Hero Academiaa.

Siinäkin sankarius on ammatti muiden joukossa, ja erilaisilla voimilla varustetut sankarit pitävät superrikollisia aisoissa. Mutta One-Punch Man ottaa ison harppauksen komedian suuntaan!
Päähenkilön murheena on niukan toimeentulon ja kaljuuden lisäksi se, että hän on päässyt liian vahvaksi. Kun suurinkin hirviö kaatuu yhdellä iskulla, käy elämä tylsäksi…

Kukaan ei tosin usko arkisen näköistä heppua maailman vahvimmaksi sankariksi!

Ikäsuositus: 12+ / Toiminta



Tuuli Hypén & Vesa Kataisto: Karu kissakirja (ENNAKKOTILAUS OMISTUSPIIRROKSELLA)


ENNAKKOTILAAJAT SAAVAT KIRJAANSA OMISTUKSEN JA PIIRROKSEN! Voit jättää toiveen omistusta koskien ostoskorin “Toimitustapa”-välilehdellä.
Valitse “Lisää lisätieto tai toivomus” ja kerro, kenelle haluat omistuksen. Huom! Voit halutessasi samalla tilata myös Nanna-kirjoja ja pyytää niihinkin omistusta. Tarjous on voimassa 15.2. asti.

Karu kissakirja on tarkasti kuviteltu, riimitelty ja eritelty kokoelma aitoja kissakokemuksia.

Kissat ovat kiehtovia olentoja. Niitä kiinnostaa esimerkiksi syöminen, nukkuminen ja riehuminen vailla syytä.
Pieni mutta tappurainen kirja sisältää yli 50 aitoa kissatilanetta. Mukana ankkataituri Kari Korhosen kissojen Tiukun ja Hipun asiantunteva esipuhe!
Karu kissakirja on oleellinen opus kaikille, jotka pääsevät tai joutuvat kissojen kanssa tekemisiin.
Olkaa varuillanne!



Kieron Gillen & Stephanie Hans: Die 3 – The Great Game

In the world of DIE, the players are now real players. Countries are their pieces and the board threatens to run red with blood.

Who is the Queen and who are pawns? Who’s playing to win? Who’s forgotten what they’re playing for?

And what will they do when they’re reminded of the real stakes? The critically acclaimed dark fantasy smash hit goes epic in its third volume.

Collects issues #11-15 of DIE


The Cimmerian 1 – Queen of the Black Coast/Red Nails

BY CROM! Robert E. Howard’s famous Cimmerian UNCENSORED!

For the first time, Robert E. Howard’s Conan is brought to life uncensored! Discover the true Conan, unrestrained, violent, and sexual.
Read the story as he intended! The Cimmerian Vol 1 includes two complete stories, Queen of the Black Coast, and Red Nails, plus bonus material, in one hardcover collection!

In Queen of the Black Coast, Conan seeks refuge on a merchant ship, after being pursued for killing a judge.
But soon after setting sail, the Cimmerian and his new companions face a threat: the legendary Belit, self-proclaimed Queen of the Black Coast!
Soon finding himself smitten by the lovely Belit, Conan agrees to joins up with her and her crew to brutally pillage and sail the poisonous river Zarkheba, encountering ancient ruins, lost treasure, and winged, vicious monstrosities!

In Red Nails, Conan finds himself in the Darfar region, whose territory is almost entirely covered by a huge forest.

Here Conan pledges himself a mercenary, promising his sword to the highest bidder, fighting alongside fellow mercenary and fierce female warrior Valeria.
After a clash against a terrible dragon, the two go to a strange fortified city, apparently deserted…but the duo will quickly discover that a civilization lives hidden inside, and that the citadel hides a heavy secret.

Writers: Jean-David Morvan, Régis Hautière
Artists: Pierre Alary, Olivier Vatine & Didier Cassegrain

Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips: Reckless

Sex, drugs, and murder in 1980s Los Angeles… And the best new twist on paperback pulp heroes since The Punisher or Jack Reacher.

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, the modern masters of crime noir, bring us the last thing anyone expected from them – a good guy – in a bold new series of original graphic novels, with three books releasing over the next year, each a full-length story that stands on its own.

Meet Ethan Reckless: Your trouble is his business, for the right price.
But when a fugitive from his student radical days reaches out for help, Ethan must face the only thing he fears… his own past.

Claudia Gray & Eric Zawadzki: House of El 1 – The Shadow Threat

Welcome to a brand-new vision of one of comics’ most famous tragedies from New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray and illustrator Eric Zawadzki.

In this first graphic novel in a trilogy, explore Krypton like never before: through the eyes of two teenagers on opposite sides of the same extinction-level event.

Zahn is one of Krypton’s elites: wealthy, privileged, a future leader.
Sera is one of Krypton’s soldiers: strong, dedicated, fearless.
Their rule-bound society has ordained that their paths should never cross.

But groundquakes are shaking the planet’s surface. Rebellious uprisings are shaking the populace.

Krypton’s top scientists–Jor-El and Lara–conduct a secret experiment that is meant to reform their planet from the cellular level up.
Zahn and Sera must join forces to investigate the hidden dangers truly threatening Krypton. In the process, they form a bond that will endure past the end of the world…

Kirk Scroggs: We Found a Monster

Acclaimed monsterologist KIRK SCROGGS brings his hilariously scary pen to the page in this all-new graphic novel showing that friendship and trust go so much deeper than scaly, slimy, or squishy skin.

There’s a reason scary movie fan and master of the macabre Casey Clive looks ten times paler and more exhausted than the average sixth-grader: MONSTERS! He’s got tons of them!
For the last…er…unusual year, monsters have been arriving on Casey’s doorstep needing a place to stay, something to eat, and lots and lots of attention.
It’s getting impossible to keep these haunted houseguests a secret, much less get a good night’s sleep. Casey has to find a solution, and fast!

But someone is onto Casey’s supernatural stash. Zandra, the new girl at school, not only knows about his creature collection, but she’s found a monster, too.
And it needs his help! Now Casey must juggle location-scouting for his house of horrors, keeping his monsters protected from the townspeople and an evil droid of doom, and navigating middle school. Good thing he can trust Zandra…or can he?

Target Age Group: 8-12

H.P. Lovecraft & I.N.J. Culbard: At the Mountains of Madness

This is a tale of terror.

The barren, windswept interior of the Antarctic plateau was lifeless or so the expedition from Miskatonic University thought.

Then they found strange fossils of unheard-of-creatures, carved stones tens of millions of years old and, finally, the unspeakable, mind-twisting terror of the City of the Old Ones.



Craig Thompson: Ginseng Roots 1-6

Set of six comic books. Includes Hello Chunky Root mini-comic and a sticker.

From ages 10 to 20, Craig Thompson (author of Blankets, Goodbye Chunky Rice, Habibi, Carnet De Voyage, Space Dumplins) and his little brother Phil, toiled in Wisconsin farms weeding and harvesting ginseng.

The medicinal herb fetched huge profits in China and funded Craig’s youthful obsession with comic books. Comics, in turn, allowed him to escape his rural, working-class trappings.

For the first time in his career, Thompson is serializing his story.
Part memoir, part travelogue, part essay– all comic book–Ginseng Roots is a sweeping narrative that unearths surprising connections between class divide, agriculture, holistic healing, the 300-year-long trade relationship between China and North America, childhood labor, and the bond between two brothers.

Eric Powell: The Lords of Misery

Writer/artist Eric Powell presents a spinoff of his Eisner Award winning title, The Goon, in the graphic novella The Lords of Misery.

Bridging the gap between Once Upon a Hard Time and A Ragged Return to Lonely Street, this stand alone story reveals the adventure the Goon (along with several other mysterious figures) found himself entangled in after he departed the Nameless Town.

The Lords of Misery… a mysterious organization made up (unwillingly) by history’s most notorious dregs.
Through the ages they have battled an enigmatic and unstoppable force.
A being whose evil makes the Lord’s crimes look downright petty in comparison.

Always it returns after a long hibernation. And always the Lords have died trying to thwart it.
But if generations of Lords haven’t been able to stop it, what chance does the Goon and this current incarnation have?

Jeremy Haun & Danny Luckert: The Red Mother 2

Daisy has taken the mysterious Leland Black up on his job offer, giving her a new outlet to excise her demons — but quickly realizes that the dangerous conspiracy goes much deeper than she ever imagined.


Daisy has taken the mysterious Leland Black up on his job offer, giving her a new outlet to excise her demons — but quickly realizes that the dangerous conspiracy goes much deeper than she ever imagined.

All roads lead straight to the Red Mother.

And the Red Mother is heading straight for Daisy.

Writer Jeremy Haun (The Beauty, The Realm) and artist Danny Luckert (Regression) present the next chapter of the haunting series that digs below the surface of reality to unveil the horrors just beyond our sight.

Alan Moore & J.H. III Williams: Promethea – 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Book 3

Alan Moore’s entrancing fantasy masterpiece concludes in an all-new Deluxe Edition hardcover featuring the spectacular art of J.H. Williams III.

“A Higher Court” presents a fantastical trial in the Immateria, presided over by a strange judge and jury.
Their task? To determine who shall be the one true Promethea: Stacia or Sophie.

It’s a battle of best friends who both happen to be Prometheas.
Whichever way the fates turn, one thing is for certain: A door will close in Sophie’s life.

Everything must go as the landmark series nears its conclusion!
This is it, the end of the story, the one that answers all the questions!

Alan Moore and J.H. Williams III deliver the most gloriously experimental collection of PROMETHEA yet, in which the reader takes an incredible trip through the magical cosmos with Promethea as a guide.

Oliver Bocquet & Jean-Marc Rochette: Altitude

An exhilarating graphic novel about the thrill and the terror of mountaineering.

At 16, bivouacked on a mountainside beneath a sky filled with stars, Jean-Marc Rochette has already begun measuring himself against some of Europe’s highest peaks.
The Aiguille Dibona, the Coup de Sabre, La Meije: The summits of the Massif des écrins in the French Alps, to which he escapes as a teenager, spark both exhilaration and fear.

At times, they are a playground for adventure. At others, they are a battlefield. The young climber is acutely aware that death lurks in the frozen corridors of this Alpine range.

In Altitude, Rochette tells the story of his formative years, as a climber and as an artist.
Part coming-of-age story, part love letter to the Alps, this autobiographical graphic novel captures the thrill and the terror invoked by high mountains, and considers one man’s obsession with reaching the top of them.

Warren Ellis & Bryan Hitch: The Authority Book One

Warren Ellis’s New York Times bestseller THE AUTHORITY is back in paperback. Pick up one of the most renowned tales in the WildStorm imprint’s history!

The Authority are heroes in only the strictest sense of the word.
Ruthless and unforgiving, this group of insanely powerful superhumans face down countless menaces to Earth, protecting mankind with their cold version of justice.
An invasion from an alternate Earth, an international terrorist who is laying waste to major cities and a hostile alien intelligence who calls himself God all fall under their rule.

This is THE AUTHORITY. Pay allegiance. Or get your head kicked in.

Lauren Myracle & Isaac Goodhart: Victor and Nora – A Gotham Love Story

.Seventeen-year-old Victor Fries has a cold heart.

After his brother died in a tragic house fire for which Victor feels responsible, his parents have isolated themselves, and Victor has dedicated his whole life to one thing: science.

Nora Faria is full of life.

She is suffering from an incurable illness that will slowly consume her, so she’s decided to live her last days to the fullest at her summer home outside of Gotham City until her birthday. On that day, she plans to take her own life.

When Victor and Nora happen to meet at the cemetery outside of town, they are astonished to find the connection they have each been missing in their lives.
Their summer quickly spirals into a beautiful romance, and Victor’s cold heart begins to thaw, allowing him to enjoy life just a little more. But when Victor learns of Nora’s illness, he’s driven to try to find a solution to keep from losing another person he loves…by any means necessary.

Victor & Nora: A Gotham Love Story is a tragic tale about living life to the fullest and what it truly means to love…and to let go.

Mark Waid & Kev Walker: Dr. Strange, Surgeon Supreme 1 – Under the Knife

The impossible has happened!

Stephen Strange’s hands have been healed, restoring the surgical skills that he lost long ago!
But now, Doctor Strange finds himself torn between his obligations as the Sorcerer Supreme – and as a life-saving neurosurgeon!

And when Strange is forced to choose which set of vows he must uphold, who will suffer most for it? After all, magic always has a cost…

Join writer Mark Waid, artist Kev Walker and Dr. Stephen Strange, M.D., for a brand-new era of modern medicine, mystic arts…and horror!

John Layman & Karl Mostert: Man Who F#&%ed Up Time

Sean Bennett is just your everyday, ordinary lab worker in a high-tech lab with a prototype time machine.

And, yeah, he’s got the same temptations any of us would have about going back in time, just a bit, to correct mistakes of the past and right old wrongs.

So when he meets a version of himself from the future who encourages him to do just that, Sean takes the temporal plunge.
Only … can you guess what happens next? Did you read the book title? Yup. All of TIME is f#&%ed up now, and it’s up to Sean to correct it – or else!

Presenting a time-twisted sci-fi action-comedy, a butterfly effect noir, by multiple Eisner-winning writer John Layman (Chew, Outer Darkness, ELEANOR & THE EGRET) and talented newcomer Karl Mostert.

Matthew Rosenberg & Otto Schmidt: Hawkeye – Freefall

When a mysterious and ruthless new Ronin starts tearing a destructive path through the city, suspicion immediately falls on Hawkeye, but Clint has more to worry about than who’s wearing his old costume.

After a clash with the Hood ends badly, Hawkeye gives himself a new mission that will place him in the crosshairs of one of New York’s most dangerous villains.

Hawkeye’s mission and Ronin’s secret plans will set them on a collision course that only one of them will walk away from.


Aminder Dhaliwal: Woman World

With her startling humor, it’s no surprise that Aminder Dhaliwal’s web comic Woman World has a devoted audience of more than 150,000 readers, updated biweekly with each installment earning an average of 25,000 likes.

Now, readers everywhere will delight in the print edition as Dhaliwal seamlessly incorporates feminist philosophical concerns into a series of perfectly-paced strips that skewer perceived notions of femininity and contemporary cultural icons.
D+Q’s edition of Woman World will include new and previously unpublished material.

When a birth defect wipes out the planet’s entire population of men, Woman World rises out of society’s ashes.
Dhaliwal’s infectiously funny instagram comic follows the rebuilding process, tracking a group of women who have rallied together under the flag of “Beyonce’s Thighs.”
Only Grandma remembers the distant past, a civilization of segway-riding mall cops, Blockbuster movie rental shops, and “That’s What She Said” jokes.

For the most part, Woman World’s residents are focused on their struggles with unrequited love and anxiety, not to mention that whole “survival of humanity” thing.

Woman World is an uproarious and insightful graphic novel from a very talented and funny new voice.

Trung Le Nguyen: The Magic Fish

Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he’s been keeping from them, and it might change everything. An amazing YA graphic novel that deals with the complexity of family and how stories can bring us together.

Real life isn’t a fairytale.

But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library.
It’s hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn’t even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he’s going through?

Is there a way to tell them he’s gay?

A beautifully illustrated story by Trung Le Nguyen that follows a young boy as he tries to navigate life through fairytales, an instant classic that shows us how we are all connected.
The Magic Fish tackles tough subjects in a way that accessible with readers of all ages, and teaches us that no matter what—we can all have our own happy endings.

Kat Leyh: Snapdragon

Kat Leyh’s Snapdragon is a magical realist graphic novel about a young girl who befriends her town’s witch and discovers the strange magic within herself.

Snap’s town had a witch.

At least, that’s how the rumor goes.
But in reality, Jacks is just a crocks-wearing, internet-savvy old lady who sells roadkill skeletons online―after doing a little ritual to put their spirits to rest. It’s creepy, sure, but Snap thinks it’s kind of cool, too.

They make a deal: Jacks will teach Snap how to take care of the baby opossums that Snap rescued, and Snap will help Jacks with her work. But as Snap starts to get to know Jacks, she realizes that Jacks may in fact have real magic―and a connection with Snap’s family’s past.

Corinne Maier & Anne Simon: Marx, Freud, Einstein – Heroes of the Mind

Through Anne Simon’s irreverent illustrative comics style and Corinne Maier’s witty, researched writing, readers can join the fight against capitalism with Karl Marx, meet the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, and discover the fundamentals of physics with Albert Einstein.

Explore complex scientific, psychological and political ideas in a wryly intelligent graphic novel format!



U.S.Agent – The Good Fight

First he was the heroic Super-Patriot…then he was Steve Rogers’ replacement as Captain America…but John Walker’s true heroic destiny lay in the red, white and black garb of the U.S.Agent!

Walker is an all-American hero with an attitude problem – and these are some of his edgiest adventures!

First, see how Walker comes to wield Cap’s shield!
Then, U.S.Agent hunts the murderous Scourge of the Underworld – and seeks answers about mixed-up memories that throw his past into doubt!
When U.S.Agent is hand-picked by the Commission to take charge of the country’s superhuman incarceration, it’s his chance to finally get out of Captain America’s shadow – unless a deadly conspiracy, a woman from his past and his own bull-headedness mess it all up!

Weird Tales of the Future 1

Bug-eyed monsters, two-timing homicidal husbands and wives, rampaging corpses and even one or two cases of severe halitosis or crossed-eyes.

This title has the lot . . .including a better-than-healthy dose of the one and only Basil Wolverton, his intricately detailed grotesques of bizarre or misshapen people, earned him the title of “Producer of Preposterous Pictures of Peculiar People who Prowl this Perplexing Planet”.

Just the covers alone have had the gang at PS muttering in their sleep just crossing off the days that this baby would come along.
And here it is. This is the way comicbooks were!

Heck, it’s the way they should still be, Chauncy!
You get even more ‘wacky’ Wolverton with the inclusion of ‘Robot Woman’ from WEIRD MYSTERIES #2 December 1952. Featuring Fozzmo, a horribly disfigured but brilliant inventor who builds himself a robot woman to love!

This first volume covers the Stanley Morse title of ‘Weird Tales of the Future’ issues 1-4 from March – November 1952. Plus bonus issue of ‘Weird Mysteries’ issue 2 from December 1952.

Terry Moore: Ever – The Way Out

Ever is a savvy seventeen year old when she meets Timothy, a sophisticated charmer, who soon reveals she will fulfill an ancient prophecy on her next birthday.

When Ever realizes Timothy is a fallen angel and her destiny is to be a human sacrifice at the Gate of Darkness, she runs.
With Timothy on her trail, Ever searches for answers and learns the terrible truth about the prophecy and why she must fight like hell to stop it.

Ever: The Way Out is a complete story in one graphic novel, written and drawn by Eisner Award Winning cartoonist Terry Moore.

Drake Waller & Matt Baker: It Rhymes with Lust

This “picture novel” has been called comics’ first graphic novel.

This also has the distinction of being the first comic book work by writer Arnold Drake of Deadman fame.
The story is very much in the pot-boiler/noir genre featuring Hal Weber, onetime crusading journalist, who is summoned to Copper City by his old flame Rust after the death of her husband, mining magnate and political heavyweight Arthur “Buck” Masson.

As editor of The Express, a newspaper with an anti-Masson stance secretly owned by Rust, Hal is drawn back to her even as he falls for her stepdaughter Audrey.

Warren Ellis: Bad Signal

Warren Ellis’ e-mail column shows that he is a modern master of the short form essay as his biting wit makes even the most esoteric of topics must-reads.

Ellis describes the work as “Bad Signal is me on the move, emptying my head of thoughts and shoving them into a handheld computer with a wireless modem plugged into it, so that I can instantly bug four thousand people with useless email from public toilets all over the world.”

Collected for the first time, this book features the Bad Signal columns profusely illustrated with dozens of stunning new illustrations by celebrated artist Jacen Burrows.

Warren Ellis & Ken Meyer: Atmospherics

For the first time, comics legend Warren Ellis and painter Ken Meyer unleash the terrifying alien tale of Atmospherics in full color!

She’s in a hospital…or it may be a police station.
She’s been traumatized…or possibly she’s being held for questioning.

She’s either the only living witness of a cattle-mutilation style attack on humans, or a multiple killer whose psychotic reaction to heroin led to massacre.

Who is this mystery woman?
And will her interrogators survive the discovery of her true identity?

Warren Ellis & Mike Wolfer: Strange Kiss

The original STRANGE KISS storyline collected, featuring the introduction of William Gravel!

Strange Kiss is best described by Ellis himself: “A horrific murder/suicide in the middle of a busy city street at midday; an old man rotting and bloating in a hospital bed, something sick gestating inside him; in a darkened place close by, people screaming, impregnated, doomed.
Something beautiful and awful is trying to reproduce, and its strange kiss is only to be feared…”


Warren Ellis & Mike Wolfer: Stranger Kisses

Finally, back in print!

Warren Ellis brings his mad visions to life with the same team who brought you Strange Kiss.

Stranger Kisses is about people for whom two genders are not enough, no matter how you play mix and match with sexuality.

It’s also about videotape, bad secrets, and what it’s like to have an entire city wanting to kill you.
The videotape is of seriously physically modified whores. Possibly altered at the genetic level. Because those extra orifices look grown. And those weird protuberances don’t look artificial….

A very 21st Century comic, mad and modern and speedy and full of nasty ideas.
In LA, the future of rich man’s whoring and trophy women is being designed.
Two sexes are not enough. People like their kisses stranger than that.

Matt Furie: Mindviscosity

This is a collection of paintings, a one-man bestiary of monsters, weirdos, beasties, and anthropomorphs, all painted in Furie’s meticulous brand of representational surrealism.

Furie’s cheerful, anthropomorphic comics character, Pepe the Frog, became a meme that was appropriated by hate groups (as seen in the documentary Feels Good Man, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.)

Furie’s recent paintings reflect this experience.
This is a showcase for an unsettling menagerie; creatures seem to be hiding their true intentions.
Furie is plumbing darker depths in these works, despite the paintings’ inviting colors and friendly cartoon iconography.

Full-color illustrations throughout.

Fiona Avery: Araña – Here Comes the Spider-Girl

Out of the pages of AMAZING FANTASY comes a spectacular hero!

Not Peter Parker, but a wallcrawler for a whole new generation – Anya Corazon, a.k.a. Araña!

When scrappy Brooklyn high-school student Anya accidentally crosses paths with the mystical Spider Society, she finds herself empowered with a magical tattoo that generates a strange armored exoskeleton – and grants her amazing powers!
But as Araña gets more and more involved with the Spider Society, she learns of their ancient, hidden war against a ruthless enemy.

Will Araña become a Hunter? Can she keep her father, an inquisitive reporter, from learning the truth? And what happens when her brand new arch-enemy transfers into her school?!

Meet the modern marvel with the heart of the spider!

Mark Russell & Steve Pugh: Billionaire Island

A savage satire reuniting the critically acclaimed team behind DC’s The Flintstones–writer Mark Russell (SECOND COMING) and artist Steve Pugh (Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass)–in a new graphic novel.

Welcome to Billionaire Island, where anything goes…if you can afford it.

But the island’s ultra-rich inhabitants are about to learn that their ill-gotten gains come at a VERY high price.



Thor Epic Collection – The Thor War

Thor Corps unite!

Eric Masterson is still settling into his role as the replacement Thor – and Hercules’ “training” isn’t much help.
Will Eric be able to keep up when he joins forces with Beta Ray Bill and Dargo Ktor, the 26th-century Thunder God?

Zarrko the Tomorrow Man may be more than even they can handle when he plucks a cadre of classic Thor villains out of the timestream to join him…including the scheming Loki!

Meanwhile, Balder and Sif search for the real Odinson. When Dr. Donald Blake returns, could it be a clue? And why is Eric Masterson heading into Hel itself?
Plus, Operation Galactic Storm takes Thor into space!
Dargo meets the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Thor battles Absorbing Man, Titania and…Spider-Man?!
And the deadly debut of Bloodaxe!



Comic Book Creator #24

Comic Book Creator joins up with comic book veteran Timothy Truman to talk about his varied life in the field, from his start at the Joe Kubert School, breakout success on Grimjack with writer John Ostrander, and current collaborations with son Benjamin.

Also, there’s part one of a career-spanning chat with Scott Shaw!
About the early years of San Diego Comic-Con, friendship with Jack Kirby, co-creating Captain Carrot and the Amazing Zoo Crew, and unforgettable Hanna-Barbera stint as the best Flintstones artist of all!

Patrick McDonnell selects and comments upon favorite comic book pastiches from his award-winning MUTTS comic strip in a special gallery!

Vampiress Carmilla #1

Vampiress #1 revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!




Heavy Metal #302

George C. Romero’s THE RISE – a prequel to the film “Night of the Living Dead” – serialization starts in this issue as well as Michelle & Bart Sears haunting tale of revenge, MAIDEN!

We look at our distant past and follow Liberatore’s LUCY in an era where the ascension of the hominids had just begun.
In Brendan Columbus´ SAVAGE CIRCUS Deputy Brady Harrison must navigate through a city of deranged animals, psychotic criminals, and crazed ringleader Lewis Savage to protect his citizens and save his town.

Balcarce and Jok show us what happens when God dies.
In the distant future, Medney’s Benedict Gunn guides the DARK WING crew in search for a new world to call home.
Taarna returns in this issue!

Plus a plethora of short stories!

Gilbert Hernandez & Jaime Hernandez: Love and Rockets #8

In the new issue of the World’s Greatest Comics Magazine, Rosy spends time her dad and his wife — and discovers that her mother Fritz made a short film with her dad years ago and sees them young for the first time.

Also, Rosy visits the woman who raised her, for possibly the last time. Meanwhile, in “Princess Animus,” lonely Lumina finally makes it home only to find out things aren’t quite the way she left them, and Tonta enrolls in Mr. Dominguez’s life drawing class.

What could possible go wrong?


King-Size Conan #1


Revelations, surprises and savage action prevail in the all-new KING-SIZE CONAN!
In 1970, Roy Thomas brought CONAN THE BARBARIAN, a creation of author Robert E. Howard, to Marvel Comics.

With art by the incomparable Barry Windsor-Smith, CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 introduced the Hyborian Age to a whole new audience, paving the way for decades of comics and Conan’s conquest of pop culture.

Now get ready to celebrate 50 years of CONAN with an oversize special spanning the breadth of Conan’s life and times by the most dazzling array of creative talent ever assembled in one book to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth!
Experience Roy Thomas and Steve McNiven’s all-new prelude to that original story from 1970!
Thrill to a tale of revenge by Kevin Eastman (co-creator, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), writing and drawing his FIRST Marvel story!
Chris Claremont and Roberto de la Torre team up to unveil a turning point in Conan’s career as a mercenary!
Kurt Busiek and Pete Woods recount an early brush with sorcerous forces that will shape Conan’s destiny!
Conan and Bêlit sail together again for the first time since the 2019 relaunch, with Jesús Saiz illustrating the Marvel Comics maiden voyage of Steven S. DeKnight (Netflix’s DAREDEVIL writer/director/ showrunner)!

The perfect introduction for new fans, and an essential adventure for die-hards, this is the can’t-miss CONAN comic of the decade!

Gilbert Hernandez & Jaime Hernandez: Love and Rockets #9

Gilbert takes us back to Palomar!

Luba’s daughter Doralis adapts Pipo’s angry memoir of growing up in Palomar as a screenplay, prompting questions about the truth.

Meanwhile, on Jaime’s side of the ledger: What do you do after you’ve bullied your favorite teacher’s girlfriend? Heck if Tonta knows!

Also, the deadly Hellmets continue their search of the elusive Princess Animus!


Dave Sim & Benjamin Hobbs: Hermann #1


Aardvark-Vanaheim parodies a comic less than a year after it comes out! (of course, this means we have no idea what, specifically, we’re making fun of…)

See! Hermann, the modern-day Ayn Rand enthusiast and bovine-flesh-covered Aardvark!
Witness! the pulse-pounding first appearance of the Bronze Age Hermann: Mr. H!
Ponder! how a Bronze Age character can first appear in 2020!
Marvel! at Hermann working from home as a stock boy!

The Excitement Builds! as Kevin Eastman’s Lucky Frank Miller Wall returns!

