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Viikon 21/2021 uutuudet


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Juba: Viivi ja Wagner 24 – Parisuhdekriisisuklaa

Albumin täydeltä sian ja naisen uusia kohelluksia.

Sortsisankari Wagnerin makuun kotona on liikaa naishormonia, mutta sitten Viivin äiti ja mummo yllättäen katoavatkin nurkista.

Wagner odottelee perintöä käsiään hieroen ja opettaa Viiviä törsäämään varmuudeksi jo etukäteen.
Eripurastaan huolimatta tämä suomalaisten rakastama pariskunta toteaa aina lopulta sopivansa toisilleen kuin kalja käteen.

Tiitu Takalo: Rakkaus on köyhän rikkaus

RAKKAUS ON KÖYHÄN RIKKAUS – KOOTUT SARJAKUVANOVELLIT luo kattavan katsauksen Tiitu Takalon uraan. Teos nitoo yhteen kauan sitten loppuunmyytyjen Tyhmän tytön (2004) ja Jään (2008) parhaat tarinat. Niitä täydentävät Tiitun omakustanteiden helmet, tilaustyöt ja erilaisiin antologioihin syntyneet sarjakuvat.

Tekijän kommentit kutsuvat lukijan sarjakuvien kulissien taakse. Taiteilijan punnitut puheenvuorot kertovat paitsi luomisen ilosta ja tuskasta, myös siitä, kuinka suomalainen yhteiskunta on muuttunut viimeisen parinkymmenen vuoden aikana.

TIITU TAKALO on Puupää-hatulla palkittu tamperelainen sarjakuvantekijä, joka tunnetaan feminismin, vähemmistöjen, vastakulttuurin sekä ilon ja rohkeuden puolestapuhujana. Hänen tähänastiset pääteoksensa ovat Memento mori (2020) ja Minä, Mikko ja Annikki (2014). Jälkimmäinen palkittiin Sarjakuva-Finlandialla.

Nanna Johansson: Vitsaa säästämättä

Vaivaannuttavan tunnelman, höpsön pilailun ja veitsenterävien analyysien mestarin Nanna Johanssonin Vitsaa säästämättä on hillitön kokoelma sarjakuvia ja pilapiirroksia.

Ruotsin kenties hauskimman sarjakuvataiteilijan Nanna Johanssonin ensimmäisessä suomennetussa albumissa seikkailee huonosti käyttäytyviä tätejä, fundamentalistisia kahvinjuojia, Tukholmassa toilailevia maalaisia ja pitkäpiimäisiä hääpuheenpitäjiä.
Kirja paljastaa miksi pronssiset rintaliivit ovat turha vaatekappale ja miksi Leijonakuningas on silkkaa diktatuuripropagandaa.

Johansson vinoilee normeille, patriarkaatille ja kulutushysterialle.

Nanna Johansson on luonut omintakeisen tyylin, jossa herttaisuus kohtaa karmeuden ja nokkeluus kulkee käsi kädessä ällöttävyyden kanssa.
Gävlessä vuonna 1986 syntynyt ja Skånessa asuva satiirisen sarjakuvan mestari Nanna Johansson on yksi Ruotsin tunnetuimmista ja luetuimmista sarjakuvataiteilijoista..

P.A. Manninen: Kapteeni Kuolio ja Kissanmaan hirviökissa

”Mikä julma peto, aikansa tultua viimein, hiipii syntyäksensä Betlehemiin?”

Tuon arvoituksen esitti Nobelilla palkittu William Butler Yeats runossaan ”Toinen tuleminen”. Sen mysteerin selvittäminen vaatii tiimityöskentelyä Kapteeni Kuoliolta, Kapteeni Kököltä ja Ajattaralta.

Millä asialla liikkuu hirviökissa, joka tuntuu johdattelevan Tampereen supersankareita kohti sopivasti Kissanmaaksi nimettyä seutua? Mitä tekee muinaisvampyyri Lamia, jolla on ongelmia impulssikontrollissa? Kummitteleeko maailman ilkeimmäksi mieheksi sanotun Aleister Crowleyn henki Tampereella?

Albumi perustuu tositapahtumiin ja se on kuvattu aidoilla tapahtumapaikoilla.

Pauli Kallio & Pentti Otsamo: FC Palloseura – Kulmalan isännän kisahuuma

Kuudes FC Palloseura -kokoelma vie meidät keskelle suomalaisen jalkapallon ikimuistoisimpia hetkiä.

Miesten maajoukkueen hartaasti odotettu EM-kisamatka varmistuu, kun Huuhkajat löylyttää Liechtensteinin Helsingin viileässä syysillassa.
Helmarit puolestaan harppaa Edinburghissa kohti naisten EM-turnausta Amanda Rantasen riemastuttavalla nenämaalilla.
Hämmästyttävän triplan täydentää lopulta miesten futsaljoukkue, joka sekin porskuttaa Euroopan valioiden joukkoon.

Pallo pyörii ja pomppii myös viime vuosien arvoturnauksissa, Veikkausliigan viheriöillä, Valioliigan kirkkaissa valoissa sekä tietysti FC Palloseuran alasarjaotteluissa Tervakorven Pedon ja Pöhniön Urho-Veikkojen vieraana.
Lisäksi käväisemme Rio de Janeiron olympialaisissa, Kalevan kisoissa, Pihtiputaan keihäskarnevaaleilla ja Suomi–Ruotsi -yleisurheilumaaottelussa.

Suurin osa kokoelman sarjakuvista on julkaistu Ilta-Sanomissa tai Urheilulehden jalkapalloliitteissä vuosina 2016–2021. Mukana on myös muutama varta vasten tähän kirjaan tehty jakso.



ONE & Yusuke Murata: One-Punch Man 6

Osa 6/20.

Rouva Ryppymummon ennustus lupaa maapallolle todellista täystuhoa puolen vuoden sisällä.

S-luokan sankarit kutsutaan tämän hätätilan johdosta Sankariliiton päämajaan.

Saitaman sosiaaliset aidot joutuvat siis koetukselle! Ja niin joutuu maapallokin…

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 9

In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal.

But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself!

Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.

Tanjiro and his friends accompany the Hashira Tengen Uzui to an entertainment district where Tengen’s female ninja agents were gathering information on a demon before they suddenly disappeared.

In order to investigate, Tanjiro and the others disguise themselves as women to sneak in!

As they close in on their target, the demon reaches out for the courtesans of the district!

Paru Itagaki: Beastars 12

As a consequence of his savage battle with brown bear Riz, doors begin to close for gray wolf Legoshi, and he must strike out on his own.

Temptation arises when he makes a new herbivore friend, Merino sheep Seven, who is being harassed at work by her carnivore colleagues.

Then we finally meet the current valiant Beastar, horse Yahya, who shares a history with Legoshi’s family.

Like Legoshi and Louis, Yahya strives to make the world a better place—but do his ends justify his means?

And finally, both Louis and Legoshi must come to terms with their father figures…

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 10

Despite some comic misunderstandings that almost blew their cover, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu have smoked out Daki, a demon that has been devouring the residents of an entertainment district for years.

The Hashira Tengen Uzui and his ninja companions engage Daki, but if they cannot handle her, what chance do Tanjiro and his friends have of taking on one of Kibutsuji’s Upper-Rank demons by themselves?


Ukami: Gabriel Dropout 9

Osa 9/10+.

Ei ole helppoa olla Taivaan lähettiläs, kun mieli tekisi keskittyä nettipeleihin!

Nuori enkeli Gabriel, ystävien kesken Gabi, on tullut Maan päälle oppimaan lisää ihmisistä, jotta osaisi auttaa ja johdattaa heitä.
Mutta ihmisten huvitukset kiinnostavat heitä itseään enemmän…

Tässä kirjassa koko enkeli- ja demoniparvi lähtee kesäjuhlille pitämään hauskaa. Luvassa on herkkuja ja huvituksia, eksyilyä ja äksyilyä!

Ikäsuositus 10+ / Komedia

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 11

The battle against the powerful sibling demons Gyutaro and Daki is not going well.

Although finally able to fight alongside Tanjiro against the monsters, Zenitsu, Inosuke and even the Hashira Tengen Uzui may all be overwhelmed.

Battling even one of Lord Muzan’s Twelve Kizuki is hard enough—can Tanjiro face two of them alone?


Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul:re 14

Osa 14/16.

Kuolettavasti haavoittunut Kaneki syö oggaiden ruumiit nähdäkseen vaimonsa vielä kerran.

Tämä epätoivoinen teko käynnistää kammottavan muodonmuutoksen.

Yhdistävätkö ihmiset ja ghoulit viimeinkin voimansa, kun heillä on vastassaan uudenlainen armoton hirviö?

Ikäsuositus 15+ / Kauhu/Toiminta

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 12

For the first time in over 100 years, the upper ranks of Muzan Kibutsuji’s Twelve Kizuki are not full.

Angered, Muzan dispatches the survivors on another mission.

Elsewhere, Tanjiro journeys to a village of swordsmiths and has to explain how his sword was so badly damaged to Haganezuka, the smith who made it.

While Tanjiro waits for his sword to be repaired, enemies close in…

Kousuke Oono: The Way of the Househusband 5

Tatsu is ambushed by a yakuza with a beef, and there’s only one way to settle things—an epic rap battle!

But this throwdown is only a warm-up for the buffet battle yet to come, because when you’re the Immortal Dragon, you don’t choose the househusband life, it chooses you!



Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 13

The strange shape-shifting demons Hatengu and Gyokko attack Tanjiro and his friends in the hidden village of swordsmiths.

The Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito, engages the demons, but he’ll need some help from Tanjiro and another Demon Slayer, Genya.

It’s bad enough that they have to fight two upper-rank demons, but can they handle a foe who can split itself into four separate bodies and regenerate almost instantly?

Marie Kondo & Yuko Uramoto: The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and star of Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, this graphic novelization brings Kondo’s life-changing tidying method to life with the fun, quirky story of a woman who transforms her home, work, and love life using Kondo’s advice and inspiration.

Marie Kondo presents the fictional story of Chiaki, a young woman in Tokyo who struggles with a cluttered apartment, messy love life, and lack of direction.

After receiving a complaint from her attractive next-door neighbor about the sad state of her balcony, Chiaki gets Kondo to take her on as a client.
Through a series of entertaining and insightful lessons, Kondo helps Chiaki get her home–and life–in order.

This insightful, illustrated case study is perfect for people looking for a fun introduction to the KonMari Method of tidying up, as well as tried-and-true fans of Marie Kondo eager for a new way to think about what sparks joy.

Featuring illustrations by award-winning manga artist Yuko Uramoto, this book also makes a great read for manga and graphic novel lovers of all ages.

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 14

Tanjiro’s sword is still not ready.

The swordsmith Haganezuka tries to concentrate on finishing while Tanjiro and his friends engage the two upper-rank demons, Hantengu and Gyokko, in a ferocious battle.

Hantengu continues to create different forms to attack the Demon Slayers.

Meanwhile, the Mist Hashira Tokito regains his memories of the past and confronts Gyokko, but what will these memories reveal?

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 15

Tanjiro finally chases down the main body of the upper-rank demon Hantengu.

However, dawn is approaching, and the rising sun is a threat to Nezuko.

Tanjiro’s concern for his sister is a distraction from the focus he needs to fight Hantengu, and if he hesitates it could be the last mistake he ever makes!

Elsewhere, Tamayo ponders the nature of Nezuko’s curse and how she could be so different from other demons.

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 16

Tanjiro goes to see the Stone Hashira, Himejima, who intends to prepare him for the battles to come.

The training to become a Hashira—a high-ranking member of the Demon Slayer Corps—is intense and demanding, and earning Himejima’s approval seems impossible, but Tanjiro won’t give up!

Meanwhile, the demon lord Muzan continues to search for the location of Nezuko and Ubuyashiki.

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 17

The Demon Slayer Corps plunges into Infinity Castle to confront Muzan.

Shinobu engages in a fierce fight against Doma, the Upper Rank 2 demon.

Poison doesn’t work on him, so she finds herself in an intense struggle.

Will she be able to defeat the demon who killed her older sister?!

Then another demon appears before Zenitsu and blocks his way….


Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 18

The battle between Tanjiro, Giyu and Akaza continues.

To beat Akaza, Tanjiro must use an advanced technique his father taught him—the Transparent World—which will push him beyond his limitations.

Elsewhere in the Infinity Castle, Shinobu, burning with hatred, confronts Doma, the demon who killed her family.

Can she take on the powerful demon by herself?

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 19

The Demon Slayers fight hard to get their blades closer to Muzan’s neck!

To avenge her family, Kanao must continue to battle Doma head-on while Iguro and Kanroji find themselves slashing through the shifting rooms of Infinity Castle.

Elsewhere, Tokito, Sanemi and Genya come face-to-face with a villain who recognizes Tokito, but Tokito doesn’t know him.

Who is this powerful adversary?

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 20

Their initial confrontation with Kokushibo, the most powerful of Muzan’s demons, has left Tokito severely wounded and Genya cut in half—but still alive!

Can his regenerative power heal even this fatal wound?

The Hashira Himejima and Sanemi square off with Kokushibo and unleash all the skill they have against him.

Himejima is blind, but if he can see into the Transparent World he might have a chance.

Who will survive this whirlwind of flashing blades?



Juba: Naurava enkeli ja muita kauhutarinoita (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Jussi ”Juba” Tuomola on ollut kauhusarjakuvafani lapsesta lähtien. Tuolloin, 70-luvun puolivälissä, Suomessa koettiin kauhusarjakuvan lyhyt kulta-aika. Kauhulehtiä ilmestyi puolen tusinaa erilaista nimikettä, tärkeimpänä niistä Shokki.

Ensimmäiset omat kauhusarjansa Juba teki 80-luvun alussa Kaliforniassa, piirtäjäkavereiden innoittamina. Suomessa hän tuli tunnetuksi Viivillä ja Wagnerilla, mutta kauhuinnostus ei ole koskaan kuollut. Juban kauhutarinoita on aiemmin julkaistu satunnaisesti antologioissa, mm. amerikkalaisessa Taboossa.

Tämän kokoelman tarinat ovat muutamaa sivua lukuunottamatta uusia ja ennenjulkaisemattomia.




Niina Eveliina Salmelin: Numb 1

Susan and Levi are childhood friends who have drifted apart.

However their plans to reunite take a drastic turn when Levi ends up in an accident that has something else behind it than just careless street crossing.

Old strains are being brought up and something sinister is lurking around.

One cannot brush past the Field’s call…


Ken Mora & Cyrus Mesarcia: Caravaggio – A Light Before the Darkness

The artist, Caravaggio escapes oppression in his provincial hometown to become the most successful painter in Rome.

However, in defense of his secret sexual identity, he must duel with a nemesis that intends to denounce him and his male lover to The Inquisition. As a result, he is forced to flee Rome at the height of his success.

He seeks the lofty road to penitence, and the power bestowed by Nobility, as his means to return to Rome.
He is accepted as an aspirant to the legendary order of The Knights of Malta. There, he becomes the victim of an old enemy who embroils him in a conspiracy to overthrow the leadership of the Knights.

As a result, he must flee for his life even as he attains his dream of Knighthood.

After a harrowing escape from Malta, Caravaggio vows to settle in Naples with his lover, choosing happiness over the ruinous pursuit of ambition. However, jealous and vengeful forces in Rome anticipate his return. They send assassins.

In the disastrous wake of attempted assassination, Caravaggio returns to Rome with a frightful vengeance.

Smut Peddler Presents: Silver

It only gets better with age!

The latest in the Smut Peddler series of high-end erotic anthologies, Silver shines the spotlight on grande dames and silver foxes.

Whether you’re drawn to graying hair or eyes that sparkle with wisdom, this collection of spicy sci-fi, fiery fairy tales, and all manner of down-to-earth fantasies is exclusively for those with a taste for experienced hands.

A seductively thrilling, broadly diverse bedside read, Silver reminds fans of quality filth why Smut Peddler is the last word in top-self sexy comics.


Milo Manara: Caravaggio 1 – The Palette and the Sword

Comics master Milo Manara returns to Dark Horse with his newest work, Caravaggio Volume 1: The Palette and the Sword!

Chronicling the pleasure and burdens of the painter’s early years in Rome, this seminal work is Manara’s love letter to Caravaggio, one of the most revered and influential artists in history.

Filled with the striking and timeless art that Manara is known for, and translated by Brandon Kander and longtime Dark Horse editor Diana Schutz, this is the definitive English edition of the maestro’s oeuvre.

Tom Taylor & Trevor Hairsine: Dceased – Dead Planet

Five years have passed since Earth was evacuated following the deadly outbreak of the Anti-Life Equation.

The survivors have found a home on Earth 2, but it’s a tenuous existence until the new Justice League receives a faint distress call from Earth.
Can life possibly still exist on this dead planet?

The new League, led by Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, and Cassie Sandsmark–the new Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman–must return home but who–or what–is lying in wait for these fearless heroes?

The New York Times bestselling creators of DCeased, Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine, return to tell the next chapter in this epic saga!

Collects DCeased: Dead Planet #1-7.

Swen Marcel: Bavarian Bears

Swen Marcel shows us the sexy world of Bavarian Bears in his newest comic book.

Sexy and entertaining! Right in time for Oktobearfest!

These men look good in and out their lederhosen.

The sexy and often funny but always beautifully drawn guys know how to party and they show it.

Dozens of lovingly illustrated panels show Bavaria, the land of the bears, from its erotic side.

Jody Houser & Adriana Melo: Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

Harley and Ivy hit the road!

The Clown Princess of Crime is ready for a change.

After the death of a superhero she actually liked, Harley Quinn is struggling to find joy wreaking havoc in an already supremely messed-up world.

She’s even debating becoming a real, true hero and leaving her chaotic life of crime behind. But her partner in crime, Poison Ivy, is not sold.
And when the Floronic Man shows up hell-bent on harming Ivy, the duo has to hit the streets to avoid him.

Can Harley and Ivy survive this wild road trip?

Find out in Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, the hit miniseries written by fan favorite Jody Houser (Mother Panic, Supergirl), featuring fantastic art by Adriana Melo (Birds of Prey, Ms. Marvel). Collects Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy #1-6..

Charlie Mackesy: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

From British illustrator, artist, and author Charlie Mackesy comes a journey for all ages that explores life’s universal lessons, featuring 100 color and black-and-white drawings.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked the mole.

“Kind,” said the boy.

Charlie Mackesy offers inspiration and hope in uncertain times in this beautiful book, following the tale of a curious boy, a greedy mole, a wary fox and a wise horse who find themselves together in sometimes difficult terrain, sharing their greatest fears and biggest discoveries about vulnerability, kindness, hope, friendship and love.

The shared adventures and important conversations between the four friends are full of life lessons that have connected with readers of all ages.

Scott Snyder & Jock: The Batman Who Laughs

He unleashed the Dark Multiverse in the epic series Dark Nights: Metal. Now superstar writer Scott Snyder reunites with acclaimed artist Jock (Batman: Black Mirror) to set that evil alternate reality’s deadliest denizen loose in Gotham City–and the original Dark Knight will never be the same!

Half Batman. Half Joker. Combining everything that makes the Caped Crusader a hero and the Clown Prince a killer, the Batman Who Laughs is the Dark Multiverse’s deadliest criminal mastermind. Now he’s come to Gotham to turn Bruce Wayne’s home into an incubator for evil.

And he hasn’t come alone. Emerging from another of the Dark Multiverse’s myriad realities comes the Grim Knight. This vicious vigilante will use any weapon at his disposal to ensure those he has marked for death stay down.

A war like no other–a war of the Batmen–has begun. As Batman’s closest friends, deadliest enemies, and doppelgängers from across the Multiverse get caught in the crossfire, only one question remains: Who will have the last laugh?

Discover the answer in The Batman Who Laughs–a terrifying reimagining of one of comics’ greatest heroes–and villains–from the premier Batman writer of our time!

Collects the full seven-issue miniseries and the one-shot special issue The Batman Who Laughs: The Grim Knight.

Alejandro Jodorowsky & Juan Gimenez: The Metabarons – The First Cycle

A must-read spin-off of best selling Sci-Fi masterpiece The Incal.

Visionary film director and author Alejandro Jodorowsky’s returns with a grand-scale space opera about family, sacrifice, and survival told within a universe immense in both scope and originality. Available in softcover for the first time!

The Metabarons chronicles the fascinating dynasty of the ultimate warrior.

This collection introduces the history of the Metabarons and reveals the origins of their deep-seated principles, their vast wealth, their cybernetic implants, and their most brutal custom: that the only way for a son to become the next Metabaron is to slay his own father in mortal combat.

Follow generations of Metabarons as they struggle to overcome the forces amassed against them in a galaxy corrupted by greed, power, and terror.



Tähtivaeltaja #157 (2/21)

Mukana mm.

– Solarpunk – Tulevaisuus, joka ei perustu talouskasvulle
– Artemis Kelosaari: Merkillisten merenkulkijain kilta (novelli)
– Kivi Larmola: Bai Ülgänin yhdeksäs tytär (sarjakuva)
– Kekkospunk! Miten käy Kekkoselta sci & fi?
– Buck Rogers – Mies menneisyydestä pelastaa tulevaisuuden


Sarjari 110 – Vankila

Johanna Sinisalo & Hannu Mänttäri: Sarjarin pelinurkka
Markku Myllymäki: Vankila
Otso Höglund: Narkos – lobottiajan sankari
Mikael Salo: Satu Sammalkorpi – “Riot in the Dungeons”
Aura Ijäs: Huomiseen asti
Jussi Heinonen: Sähköhoito ja lähimuisti
Marko Latva-Nikkola: Yötuuli
Ruth Johansson: Same Old
Annastina Sonné: Inkku-Pinkku – Viiripäinen häkkilintu
Juho Sihvonen: Suo
Harri István Mäki
Aleksi Siirtola: …and Justice for All
Krisse Tuominen: Yksityinen vankila
Oskari Siirtola: Oikeus- ja kohtuussali
P.A. Manninen: Ei paista päivä minun asuntooni, eikä aurinko valaise
Vesa-Heikki Hietanen: Kuplivaa elämää
Kansi: Otso Höglund



Daniel Way: Venom By Daniel Way – Ultimate Collection (K)


Daniel Way’s tense and thrill-packed Venom run is collected in one volume!

Somehow separated from Eddie Brock, the Venom symbiote has resurfaced near the Arctic Circle – hopping from host to host with the greatest of ease and on the run from enigmatic forces with their own agenda for the elusive alien.
Ravenously hungry and craving adrenaline to satiate its appetite, the symbiote seeks out people experiencing intense, base emotions like rage, jealousy and hatred.

As it cuts a bloody swath toward civilization through Canada’s northern regions, it sets its sights on a short, hairy guy with a bad temper: the X-Men’s Wolverine!

And as the action moves to New York City, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four are forced to play damage control as…TWO bloodthirsty Venom creatures cause havoc?!

Heeere’s Eddie!

Dan James: The Octopi and The Ocean (K)


A small boy finds himself deep within the timeless ocean, directly between a pack of artifact guarding sharks and a manipulative civilization of marriage seeking octopi.

Throw in selfish parents, the postal system, and a cockroach tree and you’ve got the premier epic story from New Hampshire’s most eligible bachelor, Dan James.

This largely wordless narrative is only matched in elegance by the strikingly stylistic use of brush line and solid mass to seal the fate of one spineless, yet resilient child.

A must-have for any self-respecting bachelor.

Jeff Parker: Batman ’66 Vol. 1 (K)


Put on your go-go boots and get ready to “Batusi” back to the Swingin’ 60s as DC Comics reimagines the classic Batman TV series in comics form for the first time!

These all-new stories portray The Caped Crusader, The Boy Wonder and their fiendish rogues gallery just the way viewers remember them.

Writer: Jeff Parker
Artists: Jonathan Case, Ty Templeton, Joe Quinones, Sandy Jarrell, Ruber Procopio, Colleen Coover

Collects issues #1-5.

Matthew Brown: Fear Itself (K)


Collected Strips from 1988-2005.

Early stories and illustrations featuring Poopsie the Penguin, Honky the Pig, Rebecca Nurse, the King and other characters from THE CLIFF universe–as well as the cast of “Peanuts” spouting Buddhist sutras, plus high school musings on sex and death.

Explores themes in Buddhism.

Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner: Power Girl – A New Beginning (K)


The fan-favorite writing team of Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (JONAH HEX, TERRA) team with popular aritst Amanda Conner (JSA CLASSIFIED, TERRA) for the rip-roaring solo adventures of Power Girl.

She bursts from the pages of the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA to star in her own series.
Power Girl wants to build herself a secret identity but a major villain from her past, the Ultra-Humanite, has other plans in store for her and to get his way, he’s holding Manhattan hostage.

Plus, a trio of sexy alien marauders hits Earth for the ultimate party. Unfortunately, by their standards, that means destroying it!

Writers: Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Artist: Amanda Conner

Tim Sievert: That Salty Air (K)


Top Shelf is proud to present the debut graphic novel from talented newcomer Tim Sievert…

Hugh is a fisherman with a special relationship to the sea, a relationship based on respect and reverence.

But when Hugh feels that the sea has betrayed him, his whole existence is thrown out of whack.

Hell-bent on settling the score, Hugh takes his revenge to the extreme, jeopardizing not only himself, but also his family in the process.

That Salty Air is a story about change and learning the price for trifling with the natural progression of things.

Ed Brubaker & Steve Epting: Kapteeni Amerikan kuolema (K)

KÄYTETTY. Pientä kulumaa kansissa.

Tämä tarina ravisteli koko Marvel-universumia, järkytti lukijoita ja pääsi otsikoihin ympäri maailman.

Supersankareiden sisällissota on ohitse, mutta taistelun jälkimainingeissa salamurhaajan luoti kaataa Kapteeni Amerikan.

Kuka on murhan takana? Päättyykö legendaarisen sankarin tarina tähän?

Kapteeni Amerikan elämää ja kuolemaa ryhtyvät tahoillaan selvittämään Bucky Barnes, Haukka, Musta Leski sekä Rautamies.

Mutta vastassa ovat häikäilemättömät pahuuden voimat, joiden tähtäimessä on koko Amerikan kuolema.

Eisner-palkitun Ed Brubakerin kirjoittama trilleri on täynnä draamaa, mysteerejä, jännitystä ja taukoamatonta toimintaa.
Steve Epting on kuvittanut Kapteeni Amerikan kenties suurimman seikkailun sopivan realistisella ja tummasävyisellä tyylillä.

Warburger (K)


Clocking in at 400 pages, this is Stripburger’s largest and most impressive anthology to date.

Choosing the topic of war this time around, Warburger features an international coalition of cartoonists who know that war is hell first hand.

With the U.S. embroiled in several international wars post 9-11, we could all learn a thing or two from these anti-war stories by the finest Eastern European cartoonists.

With an introduction by Aleksandar Zograf.

Scott Snyder & Rafael Albuquerque & Stephen King: Amerikan vampyyri (K)

KÄYTETTY. Etukansi hiukan haalistunut, muuten hyvässä kunnossa.

Skinner Sweet on ovela, häikäilemätön ja karski kuin kalkkarokäärme.

Tavallisen häijyssä olomuodossaan hän maineeltaan kavala, mutta ensimmäisenä Amerikan kamaralla luotuna vampyyrina hän on ennen kaikkea muuta kuin tavanomainen yön kulkija.
Vahvempi ja hurjempi auringosta voimaa saava Sweet on ensimmäinen uuden aallon verenimijä: Amerikan vampyyri.

Neljäkymmentäviisi vuotta haudasta nousunsa jälkeen Sweet löytää itsensä 1920-luvun Los Angelesista, missä Hollywoodin kirkkaat valot vetävät nuoria ja kauniita puoleensa magneetin lailla.
Pelissä ei kuitenkaan ole pelkästään ihmisten ahneus, kuten nuori elokuvatähteydestä haaveileva näyttelijätär Pearl Jones saa pian karvaasti kokea.

Unikuvien muuttuessa veriseksi painajaiseksi ainoan mahdollisuuden hengissä selviämiseen ja avaimet kostoon tarjoaa kukapa muu kuin Skinner Sweet.

Kauhun ylipappi Stephen King ja sarjan luoja Scott Snyder ovat punoneet vuosikymmeniä kattavan tarinan Yhdysvaltain laajenemisesta ja epäkuolleiden evoluutiosta.

Tuloksena on Rafael Albuquerquen upeasti kuvittama Amerikan vampyyri. Sarjakuvan lisäksi kirja sisältää luonnoksia, käsikirjoitusnäytteitä sekä vaihtoehtoisia kansia.

Uudesta esipuheesta vastaa King.

Terry LaBan: Love’s not a Three Dollar Fare (K)


More Stories from Unsupervised Existence.

Danny is a gab-driving poet with a heart of gold and a spine of mush.

His live-in girlfriends, Suzy, is an angst-filled intellectual who’s interested in everything but paying her share of the rent.
They, and their many odd friends and acquaintances, fill the pages of this comic collection in stories that are hilarious, tragic, painfully honest and always entertaining.

Jonathan Hickman: Avengers 1 – Avengers World (K)


The greatest heroes in comics, together as one unbeatable team!

The Avengers “go large,” expanding their roster and sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call, who will respond? The answers will surprise you!

The Avengers’ first mission takes them to Mars, but the secrets of the Garden lead right back to Earth’s Savage Land!
And when the Shi’ar Imperial Guard are broken on a dead moon, the Avengers travel across the galaxy to batt le an invading force. It all leads up to the secret origin of the universe itself, as Captain Universe races to decipher the code hidden in the Avengers’ recent adventures!
Jonathan Hickman takes Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to the next level with big threats, big ideas and big idealism. These are the Avengers NOW!


Andi Watson: Skeleton Key 5 – Roots (K)


Times are a-changin’ in Garfield.

Tamsin begins to consider her future plans for college.
There’s one thing standing in her way… her best friend Kitsune.

How can she leave her behind when Kitty can’t shop for groceries on her own?

Community college beckons then, but is it really what Tamsin wants?

Kelly DeConnick: Avengers – The Enemy Within (K)


The hotly anticipated Avengers/Captain Marvel event is here!

Vicious echoes of the Avengers’ past are cropping up all over Manhattan…but Captain Marvel, grounded since a recent and mysterious power loss, refuses to be left behind.

Who is the sinister figure behind these incursions, and what does it have to do with Carol Danvers’ mysterious condition?
And the most disturbing question of all…is this villain even real? Or just a figment of Captain Marvel’s increasingly deadly imagination?

Be here as Carol Danvers demonstrates that you just can’t keep a good Captain down!

COLLECTING: Avengers: The Enemy Within 1; Captain Marvel 13-14, 17; Avengers Assemble 16-17.

Matt Kindt: 2 Sisters – A Super-Spy Graphic Novel (K)


From the imagination of Matt Kindt, (Mind MGMT series – Dark Horse, also available) comes a World War Two thriller that balances an intimate portrait of the relationship between sisters with an ambitious chronicle of espionage from ancient Rome to the Nazis.

At once a fanciful spy story featuring codes, gadgets and cyanide and a heartbreaking story of characters Elle and Anna, whose sad past is dredged up when Elle is recruited into His Majesty’s service as a covert agent.

Paul Dini & Alex Ross: The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes (K)

KÄYTETTY. Hieman kulumaa kansissa.

DC Comics proudly presents the acclaimed run on Justice League from the Eisner Award-winning team of artist Alex Ross and writer Paul Dini!

Between 1998 and 2003, Dini, the Emmy Award-winning producer of Batman Beyond and The New Batman/Superman Adventures, joined forces with the incomparable Ross to create six oversize tabloid editions of stories featuring the World’s Greatest Super Heroes.

These classic works for all ages feature the iconic DC characters in a unique storytelling format that combines aspects of both comics and picture books.
Also included are several pages of promotional art, preliminary art and thumbnails, art done for DC Direct product, model-to-finished-painting comparisons, reflections by the book’s creators and much more!
This landmark volume also features an introduction by award-winning book designer and author Chip Kidd, and an eight-page foldout featuring an image of every JLA member by Ross.


Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo: Fantastic Four by Waid & Wieringo – Ultimate Collection 1 (K)


Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo take the reins of Fantastic Four and deliver some of the most daring and humorous adventures these heroes have ever seen!

Giant bugs! Living equations! Johnny Storm, CEO! Exploding unstable molecules! The secret behind the Yancy Street Gang!

And witness the antics between the Thing and the Human Torch heat up like never before!

Prepare to laugh and cheer at once!

Collects Fantastic Four (1997) #60-66, Avengers (1963) #400.

Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo: Fantastic Four by Waid & Wieringo – Ultimate Collection 2 (K)


Dr. Doom wants to destroy the Fantastic Four once and for all, and what he’ll do to achieve victory is unthinkable!

When Doom balances his technological power with new magic, he strikes at his greatest enemies in new ways!
Franklin, sent to hell!
The Thing, beaten nearly to death!
Valeria’s first word: DOOM!
And Reed, fresh out of ideas!

Life for the FF will never be the same after this!

Collecting FANTASTIC FOUR (1998) #67-70, FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #500-502 and material from the #500 DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis: Blackest Night (K)


The prophecy of the Blackest Night has come to pass–a mysterious force is raising deceased heroes and villains into an army of undead Black Lanterns!

The combined might of the Green Lantern Corps and an armada of living superbeings must now band together in a fight quite literally for their lives.

The incredible graphic novel story from #1 New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns is collected here in Blackest Night!

Throughout the decades, death has plagued the DC Universe and taken the lives of heroes and villains alike. But to what end?
As the War between the different colored Lantern Corps rages on, the prophecy of the Blackest Night descends and it’s up to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps to lead DC’s greatest champions in a battle to save the Universe from an army of undead Black Lanterns made up of fallen Green Lanterns and DC’s deceased heroes and villains.

The creative team of Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis (Superman) comes together here for one of the most action-packed, unforgettable sagas ever. Collects issues #0-8.

Blackest Night – Black Lantern Corps 1 (K)


Writers James Robinson, Peter J. Tomasi and JT Krul are joined by artists Eddy Barrows, Ardian Syaff and Ed Benes for this essential BLACKEST NIGHT storyline tie-in title that features Batman, Superman and the Titans dealing with their greatest villains and loved ones returning from the dead as evil Black Lanterns.

Includes Blackest Night: Batman # 1-3, Blackest Night: Superman # 1-3 and Blackest Night: Titans # 1-3.

Blackest Night – Black Lantern Corps 2


Writers Geoff Johns, James Robinson and Greg Rucka are joined by artists Scott Kolins, Eddy Barrows and Nicola Scott for this essential BLACKEST NIGHT storyline tie-in title that features The Flash, Wonder Woman and the Justice Society of America dealing with their greatest villains and loved ones returning from the dead as evil Black Lanterns.

Collects BLACKEST NIGHT: WONDER WOMAN issues #1-3, BLACKEST NIGHT: JSA issues #1-3 and BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH issues #1-3.

Blackest Night – Tales of the Corps (K)


In this 3-issue miniseries, the secrets behind the Lanterns of BLACKEST NIGHT are revealed!
Bear witness to Blue Lantern Saint Walker’s pilgrimage of hope, Star Sapphire Carol Ferris’ sacrifice for love, Green Lantern Kilowog’s courageous beginnings, Red Lantern Vice’s source of rage, Orange Lantern Blume’s bizarre creation, and the first appearance of the mysterious Indigo, leader of the Indigo Tribe!

Written by Blackest Night author Geoff Johns and fan favorite Pete Tomasi, BLACKEST NIGHT: TALES OF THE CORPS is an essential part of the Blackest Night storyline.

