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Viikon 32/2021 Uutuudet


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Riitta Uusitalo: Sinä ajat nyt kuuttakymppiä, Ridge!

Kun Ridge Forrester täyttää pyöreitä vuosia, ei mikään ole kuin ennen.

Ikäkriisissä auttavat vaikkapa äiti Stephanie, David Hasselhoff, television sairaalasarjan ylilääkäri Marjut, rouva Hirvijärvi, suomenhevonen Valpuri ja empaattinen kivi.

Eikä vuodet tunnu enää missään.



Paru Itagaki: Beastars 13

Now that he has a criminal record, gray wolf Legoshi is working in a noodle shop instead of attending high school.

At his job and apartment complex, he meets denizens of the sea, where the values and laws are surprisingly different from those on land.

Meanwhile, Beastar horse Yahya and Komodo dragon Gosha attempt to settle their historic grievances through battle.

And then a black market drug hits the city…

Koyoharu Gotouge: Demon Slayer – Kimetsu No Yaiba 23

Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!

In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal.
But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself!

Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.

In an epic confrontation, Tanjiro and his fellow Demon Slayers have fought on through the night, suffering terrible losses against the King of Demons, Muzan Kibutsuji.
Dawn is breaking soon, and if they can keep Muzan at bay just a little longer, it will be the end of the centuries-long struggle.

But Muzan, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Demon Slayers, unleashes his most terrible powers.
If he can’t defeat the Demon Slayers, he may be able to cause them to destroy themselves from within. All fates and destinies will be decided as the sun begins to rise…



Anne Muhonen: Älä unohda minua (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kun kukkakauppias Hilla ottaa nuoren Eeron luokseen työharjoitteluun, hän joutuu samalla kohtaamaan myös oman menneisyytensä.

Anne Muhosen 17. sarjakuva-albumi, “Älä unohda minua”, on tarina huomatuksi tulemisen merkityksestä.

Jokaisella tulisi olla joku, johon luottaa.

Matti Hagelberg: Läskimooses (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Läskimooses on kaikenkattava kertomus maailman synnystä, historiasta ja tuhosta.

Totuus siitä, mitä kaiken tämän takana oikeasti on.
Salaliittoteorioiden salaliittoteoria ja sen kertominen Kaleville. Läskimooses on Matti Hagelbergin lähes 1500-sivuinen sarjakuvajättiläinen kolmessa niteessä, pakattuna upeaan koteloon.

Siinä on 150 sivua enemmän kuin Raamatussa eikä mitään ylimääräistä.

1. kirja: Maailman kirkas aamunkoitto
2. kirja: Päivän tuoksuvalla hetkellä
3. kirja: Here comes trouble

”Emmä sano että niin on, mutta mä mietin: Entä jos onkin?” –Kalevi

”Viimeistään sen [kirjan] julkaisun myötä Läskimooses nostetaan kansainvälisen sarjakuvakaapin päälle koko nykytaidemaailman ihasteltavaksi ja kaikki puhuvat tästä suoma(a)laisesta modernin sarjakuvailmaisun kulmakivestä. Pikkasenko muuten sitten torilla tavataan!” –Ville Pirinen, Kulttuuritoimitus

”Läskimooses-teos käsittelee salaliittoteorioita ja muita uskomuksia, mutta sen lukukokemus – sellaisena kuin Hagelberg sen tarkoitti – muistuttaa tieteen alati täydentyvää maailmankuvaa.” –Harri Römpötti, Helsingin sanomat

Läskimooses on ilmestynyt Kreegah bundolo -kustantamon lehtenä vuosina 2012–2020. Teoksen kuvankäsittelyn on tehnyt Hans Nissen.

Tuomas Myllylä: Jumalsurma – Toinen kirja (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Sodan liekit tuhoavat pohjolaa, kun jumalten sota Silarien mahtavaa keisarikuntaa vastaan kiihtyy.

Voitoista huolimatta jumalten välinen hauras rauha on jo rakoilemassa, ja petos ja epäsopu vaanivat pinnan alla.

Rintamalinjojen välissä pieni joukko pakolaisia etsii tietään ulos vihamielisestä maasta.
Heitä johtaa Hrotgar, Jumalsurmana tunnettu vanha soturi. Apunaan hurja peikkoberserkki Thurinn ja elävä miekka Irkana, hän on vannonut tappavansa kaikki pohjolan jumalat ihmiskunnan puolesta.

Päästäkseen tavoitteeseensa hän joutuu kamppailemaan tiensä läpi Venderon petollisten soiden, missä vaanivat niin paikallisten heimojen pääkallonmetsästäjät kuin suurten muinaisten olentojen viha.

Mutta päämäärässä odottavat yllättävät haasteet: jumalilla on omat suunnitelmansa Hrotgarin suhteen, ja kaiken kamppailun jälkeen hän saattaakin olla itse se ase, joka vie hänen vihollisensa lopulliseen voittoon.

Suvi Ermilä: Vastaanottokeskus (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Vuosina 2015-16 kärjistynyt pakolaiskriisi toi Suomeen enimmillään kolmessa kuukaudessa noin 32 000 turvapaikanhakijaa, pääosin Syyriasta, Afganistanista ja Irakista.

Suvi Ermilän tähänastinen pääteos sijoittuu vastaanottokeskukseen, jollaisiin turvapaikkaa hakeneet sijoitettiin odottamaan viranomaisten päätöksiä.
Arki on hidasta ja odottavaa, tulokkaat kelluvat menneen ja tulevan epävarmassa välitilassa.

Kirja sisältää pari tusinaa novellimaista tarinaa.
Kertomukset nivoutuvat kokonaisuudeksi, joka käsittelee pakolaisten ahdinkoa, yksinäisyyttä ja turhautumista, virkamiesten moraalisia pohdintoja ja laitosarjen absurdiutta. Kohtaamisen vaikeus tuo perusvireeltään apeaan teokseen omintakeista kuivaa komiikkaa.

SUVI ERMILÄ (s. 1985) on paitsi sarjakuvataiteilija myös sosionomi, joka on työskennellyt ohjaajana eri vastaanottokeskuksissa vuosina 2010-2018. Häneltä on ilmestynyt aiemmin kaksi sarjakuvakirjaa, Hauho (2017) ja Jälki (2018).

Jarkko Räihä: Pekurinen (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Arndt Pekurinen (1905-1941) lienee Suomen tunnetuin aseistakieltäytyjä.

Pekurisen kuolemasta tulee 5.11.2021 kuluneeksi 80 vuotta, mutta nuorena kuolleen pasifistin sanoma ei ole vanhentunut. Pekurinen vastusti ehdottomasti väkivaltaa ja kieltäytyi kaikesta sotakoneistoa hyödyttävästä toiminnasta.
Hän oli valmis palvelemaan jossakin muussa valtion osoittamassa työssä, mutta 1920-luvulla vain uskonnollinen vakaumus hyväksyttiin kieltäytymisen perusteeksi.

Tämä johti vankilakierteeseen, mutta lopulta myös ensimmäisen siviilipalveluslain säätämiseen, joka vuonna 1931 mahdollisti aseistakieltäytymisen eettisen vakaumuksen vuoksi. Laki koski vain rauhanaikaa, ja Pekurinen teloitettiin rintamalla suomalaisjoukkojen Neuvostoliitolta valtaamalla alueella. Hänestä haluttiin tehdä maanpuolustushenkeä kohottava varoittava esimerkki.

Jarkko Räihän sarjakuvaromaani Pekurinen pureutuu lakimuutosta edeltävään parin vuoden ajanjaksoon. Kieltäytyjä kohtaa kutsuntavirkailijat, keskuspoliisin kuulustelijat, Lapinlahden psykiatrit, Suomenlinnan kurikomppanian vartijat ja Lapuan liikkeen muiluttajat, mutta ei tingi periaatteistaan.

Pentti Otsamo: Välittäjä – Kauppa-Lopo kaukana, kaukana Kuopiosta (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Pentti Otsamon (s. 1967) käsikirjoittama ja piirtämä Välittäjä perustuu Minna Canthin novelliin Kauppa-Lopo.

Vuonna 1889 ilmestynyt naturalistinen alkuteos korosti sitä, että ihmisen arvo tai luonne ei riipu hänen syntyperästään tai yhteiskunnallisesta asemastaan.
Otsamon kaukaisiin galakseihin kulkeva versio yhdistää Canthin klassikkoteoksen eetoksen ja piirtäjän teinivuosien scifiin painottuneet kulttuurivaikutteet.

1970- ja 80-luvun vaihteessa Kirjayhtymän scifi-sarja vei vieraille planeetoille ja tulevaisuuteen, samoin television Avaruusasema Alfa ja Taisteluplaneetta Galactica sekä Mustan aukon, Kolmannen asteen yhteyden ja Star Wars -sarjan ensimmäisten osien kaltaiset elokuvat.

Välittäjän tärkeimmät herätteet tulevat kuitenkin Pierre Christinin, Jean-Claude Mézièresin, Enki Bilalin ja Moebiuksen sarjakuvista. Otsamon avaus tieteissarjakuvan saralla säteilee samaa häikäisevää valoa kuin lajityypin kiintotähtien työt.

Pauli Kallio & Juliana Hyrri: Kalle, Kaneli ja kipsi (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kallen ja Kanelin korkealentoiset seikkailut jatkuvat lapsille suunnatun sarjan toisessa osassa.

Kaneli pimputtaa pianoa ja Kalle sahaa selloa Huttuvainion musiikkiopistossa. Molemmat potkivat palloa Huttulammen Palloseuran junioreissa, kunnes toinen heistä kapuaa koivuun noutamaan oksanhaaraan jumittunutta jalkapalloa.

Kipeä kömmähdys johdattaa sankarimme Huttuvaaran terveyskeskukseen, jossa he kohtaavat sairaanhoitaja Keijo Kolhuvaaran, tohtori Huttu-Vellisen sekä röntgensisko Säde Rönniläisen ja päätyvät lopuksi kipsimestari Kari Kallisen kabinettiin.

Palloton ja selloton toipilasaika kuluu kiduttavan hitaasti, mutta elämänilo voittaa viimeistään silloin, kun kipsille heitetään hyvästit ja Huuhkajien maalitykki Teemu Pukki tupsahtaa Hupsin harjoituksiin.

Pauli Kallio & Reetta Niemensivu: Lyhenevä kesä 4 – Annikki ja poppamiehet (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Anteron, Annikin ja Jaakon seikkailujen neljäs nide avaa ovet ja ikkunat vuoden 1970 ennätyspitkään kesään, jonka sinitaivasta pilvet harvoin varjostavat.

Pojat perustavat bändin, mutta meluisa euforia lässähtää, kun he huomaavat joutuneensa laulutaitoisen Annikin taustamuusikoiksi.
Ihmeellistä luontoa ei tarvitse etsiä television ainoalta kanavalta, sillä siihen törmää kotipihassa, järvellä ja lähimetsässä.
Jaakko ja Antero eivät pääse yksimielisyyteen siitä, onko Kinnunen kovempi keihäänheittäjä kuin Nevala vai päinvastoin.
Annikin perusturvallisuus järkkyy, kun käy ilmi, että hänen isosiskonsa osaa olla kiva.
Antero ja hänen kiharapäinen, kitaraa rämpyttävä mielikuvituskaverinsa käyvät syvällisen keskustelun rusinoiden tehtävästä ja tarkoituksesta.

Eikä siinä ole vielä läheskään kaikki, sillä Peppi Pitkätossu ja Ratsupoliisi King nelistävät kesämaisemiin yllätysvierailulle.



Michael Allred: Madman Library Edition 1

The Madman comics universe begins here–with over 600 pages drawn by legendary comics creator Michael Allred! For the first time, Madman’s debut series is presented in color for the ultimate surreal superhero reading experience in a deluxe, oversized, hardcover format.

From Madman’s first appearance through his mysterious origins to his adventures throughout time, space, and pop-art absurdity; follow Frank Einstein’s superhero alter ego Madman as he adventures through Snap City and encounters many zany and timeless characters and villains in this true homage to superhero fiction, metaphysical philosophy, 1950s science fiction films, rock and roll pop music, and much more in this truely humorous and heartfelt comic book classic!

This six-volume Madman universe omnibus library edition series collects all of Allred’s award-winning Madman universe (a.k.a. the Madmaniverse) stories in selected reading order for the ultimate Madman fan!

This 680-page volume collects Madman’s adventures from 1990 to 1996, reprinting ” For the Record,” Madman (original series) #1-3 , Madman Adventures #1-3 , and Madman Comics #1-10, Mike Allred’s never-before-published first foray comics called T HEY!, and featuring bonus pinups and art by some of comics’ greatest talent like Frank Miller, Jack Kirby, Moebius, Frank Frazetta, Emily Carroll, and more!

Eric Powell: The Goon – Bunch of Old Crap: An Omnibus Volume 1

The first omnibus volume of Eric Powell’s Eisner Award winning series, THE GOON! The Nameless Man, the Zombie Priest, has come to town to build a gang from the undead.

Yet even with an unlimited supply of soldiers, the Priest cannot move in on the territory controlled by the crime boss Labrazio and his unstoppable enforcer-the Goon.
But when the Priest discovers Goon’s most closely held secret, the balance of power threatens to change forever!

The Goon: Bunch of Old Crap Book Volume 1 collects The Goon books 0-3 (The Goon: Rough Stuff, The Goon: Nothing But Misery, The Goon: My Murderous Childhood, & The Goon: Heaps of Ruination).

Budjette Tan & KaJo Baldisimo: Trese 2 – Unreported Murders

Award-winning Filipino comic, and soon to be Netflix anime series!

When dusk arrives in the city of Manila, that’s when you become the most likely prey of the underworld. Kidnappers and thieves will be the least of your worries. Beware the criminals that can’t be bound with handcuffs nor harmed with bullets.

Beware the ones that crave for your blood, those who hold your heart ransom, and the ones that come to steal your soul. When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Alexandra Trese.

Trese Vol 2 “Unreported Murders” contains four mysteries for Alexandra Trese to solve; including a murdered dwarven-creature, a police station held under siege by the undead, an elusive serial killer living in the sewers of the city, and an unassuming gated-community that’s willing to pay the price to live the privileged life.

All the stories feature updated/re-mastered artwork, and a substantial bonus section about the monsters of Philippine myth, as told by its creators Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo!

Juni Ba: Djeliya

TKO Studios presents “Djeliya” by Juni Ba (KAYIN AND ABENI mini series and the MONKEY MEAT stories)

Inspired by West African folklore and stories handed over centuries, this unique graphic novel follows the adventures of Mansour Keita, last prince of a dying kingdom, and Awa Kouyaté, his loyal Djeli, or ‘royal storyteller’ as they journey to meet the great wizard who destroyed their world and then withdrew into his tower, never to be seen again.

On their journey they’ll cross paths with friend and foe, from myth and legend alike, and revisit the traditions, tales, and stories that gave birth to their people and nurture them still.

But what dark secret lies at the heart of these stories, and what purpose do their tellers truly serve?

Enrico Marini: Batman – The Dark Prince Charming

Acclaimed European comics master Enrico Marini (Eagles of Rome, Le Scorpion) makes his American comics debut with this graphic novel starring unique interpretations of Batman, The Joker and Harley Quinn!

What secret connection do both Batman and The Joker share with a strange and mysterious young girl?
After she’s kidnapped by The Joker, Batman must plunge deep into the underworld of Gotham City and race against time to find out where she’s being held. The stakes are high, and for Batman, it’s personal!

Beautifully painted in Marini’s unmistakable style, this tale portrays the Dark Knight, his greatest foes and Gotham City itself in a radical reimagination of the mythology.

Celebrated throughout Europe for his incredible graphic works, this landmark hardcover brings one of the great Italian illustrators to DC!

Collects Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1-2.

Oscar Martin: Oscar Martin’s Solo – The Survivors of Chaos 2

Warner Bros Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Oscar Martin – the renowned writer and artist behind Tom and Jerry comics – brings his own imaginative take on a dystopian world of anthropomorphic animals in this breath-taking sequel to the hit graphic novel, Solo: Survivors of Chaos.

Warner Bros Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Oscar Martin, creates a unique dystopian world of chaos, where every day is a fight to survive.

In a future ravaged by nuclear wars, the Earth has given birth to an array of new mutated species, which have grown and repopulated the land. But this new world is far from peaceful, and life in it is often short and brutal…

To make life easier for his poor family, Solo, a young rat, left his home to become a warrior. Contending with vicious animals and savage hunters, Solo does everything he can to survive.

This action-packed, heart-breaking sequel sees Solo’s world turned upside-down once again.

Fred Van Lente & Ryan Dunlavey: The Comic Book History of Animation

From the team behind The Comic Book History of Comics comes the perfect companion piece telling the story of the triumphs and tragedies of the filmmakers and beloved characters of the past century and a half — essential for hardcore fans of the medium and noobies alike!

It’s all here, from Aardman to Zoetrope, Disney to Miyazaki, Hanna-Barbera to Pixar, and everything in-between!

Begin in the early 1900s with J. Stuart Blackton and the first American cartoon, Winsor McCay’s Gertie the Dinosaur, and Felix the Cat!
Find out about Margaret Winkler, the most powerful person in early animation, and Walt Disney, who revolutionizes cartoons with sound and color!
Discover how Fleischer Studios teaches us to sing Boop-boop-a-doop and eat our spinach, and how Warner Bros’ Looney Toons rivaled Disney’s Silly Symphonies!

Plus, icons of animation including Hanna-Barbera, Huckleberry Hound, The Flintstones, and Ruby-Spears; the Plastic Age of toy-based TV shows including G.I. Joe, Transformers, and He-Man; and the new Golden Age of TV animation launched by The Simpsons!

And go abroad to France with Emile Cohl’s dynamic doodles in Fantasmagorie; to Japan, where Momotaro debuts the first full-length anime, Divine Sea Warriors, and Osauma Tezuka conquers TV as he conquered manga; and to Argentina, which beat out Snow White for the first feature length animated movie by two decades!

And finally, Jurassic Park and the computer animation revolution! Post- Little Mermaid Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli conquer the world!

Manuele Fior: Celestia

The “Great Invasion” originated from the sea.

It moved north across the mainland. Many fled, while some took refuge on a small concrete island called Celestia, built over a thousand years ago.

Now cut off from the mainland, Celestia has become an outpost for criminals and other misfits, as well as a refuge for a group of young telepaths.
Events push two of them, Dora and Pierrot, to flee the island and set sail to the mainland.

There, they discover a world on the precipice of a metamorphosis, though also a world where adults are literally prisoners of their own fortresses, unintentionally preserving the “old world” at a time when a new generation could guide society towards a better humanity.

Celestia is the most ambitious and successful graphic novel to date by one of the world’s most exciting storytellers.

First Degree – A Crime Anthology

David F. Walker and David Aja are joined by an array of international talent for an anthology that puts the spotlight on crime noir!

In this anthology, a collective of almost thirty authors from all over the globe propose a collection of short crime noir stories that celebrates the genre as well as boldly leading it into the future.


Tim Seeley & Freddie E. Williams II: Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe

The realm of Eternia faces untold challenges when the champions of the best-selling fighting game series Injustice come to He-Man seeking help!

And when Skeletor allies himself with the dark Superman and Wonder Woman on the other side of the battle, Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe becomes a war that spans two universes!

Prince Adam, a.k.a. He-Man, has regained his throne, but the secrets his people learned during his disappearance have left his authority severely weakened.
When he takes the invitation to help Batman, Harley Quinn, Green Arrow, Starfire and other heroes of the world of Injustice, the evil Skeletor sees a chance to defeat his enemy once and for all by offering his own insights on how to defeat He-Man, Teela and the other Masters of the Universe!

Plus: Swamp Thing and Mossman find common ground, Darkseid comes to Castle Grayskull and even more surprises courtesy of writer Tim Seeley ( Nightwing) and artist Freddie E. Williams II ( He-Man/Thundercats)!

Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe collects the entire six-issue epic!

Lizzy Stewart: It’s Not What You Thought It Would Be

This poignant coming-of-age story follows several young women on their circuitous paths to adulthood.

A young girl imagines a grand future for herself, far from the drab British suburbs.

Two friends, once inseparable, find their connection gradually slipping away.

Three women discuss how life in the big city makes them feel seen ― or invisible.

In a series of interconnected vignettes, It’s Not What You Thought It Would Be explores the circuitous paths lives can take and the changes in perspective gained along the way.

In a series of interconnected vignettes, Stewart focuses on the ordinary, slice-of-life moments ― teenagers climbing up and lounging on a rooftop, friends catching up over pints at the pub, a woman riding the night bus home ― and charges these scenes with a quiet intensity.
Through keen observation and an ear for naturalistic dialogue, she reveals the complex natures of her characters, from their confidence to their insecurities, as they experience the joys and pains of growing up.

Drawn in a variety of different styles, from watercolor to colored pencil to pen and ink, the style of this book echoes the evolution of the characters within.

Future State: Wonder Woman

Future State: Wonder Woman follows the stories of three wonder-filled women, Maria Flor, Nubia, and Diana Prince.

Maria Flor will face off against the forces of hell, while Nubia leads a squad of Amazons far from Paradise Island. And Diana Prince is ready to fight for the world until the very end.

Collects Future State: Wonder Woman #1-2, Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman #1-2, and Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1-2

DC Future State spotlights the World’s Greatest Super Heroes in fresh new roles, with all-new characters taking up their iconic mantles.
DC Future State features an incredible array of creative talent, combining award-winning writers and artists with new voices from the worlds of TV, movies and animation.

Discover the DC Universe like never before!

Joe Sacco: Paying the Land

From the “heir to R. Crumb and Art Spiegelman” (Economist), a masterful work of comics journalism about indigenous North America, resource extraction, and our debt to the natural world.

The Dene have lived in the vast Mackenzie River Valley since time immemorial, by their account.
To the Dene, the land owns them, not the other way around, and it is central to their livelihood and very way of being. But the subarctic Canadian Northwest Territories are home to valuable resources, including oil, gas, and diamonds.
With mining came jobs and investment, but also road-building, pipelines, and toxic waste, which scarred the landscape, and alcohol, drugs, and debt, which deformed a way of life.

In Paying the Land, Joe Sacco travels the frozen North to reveal a people in conflict over the costs and benefits of development.
The mining boom is only the latest assault on indigenous culture: Sacco recounts the shattering impact of a residential school system that aimed to “remove the Indian from the child”; the destructive process that drove the Dene from the bush into settlements and turned them into wage laborers; the government land claims stacked against the Dene Nation; and their uphill efforts to revive a wounded culture.

Against a vast and gorgeous landscape that dwarfs all human scale, Paying the Land lends an ear to trappers and chiefs, activists and priests, to tell a sweeping story about money, dependency, loss, and culture–recounted in stunning visual detail by one of the greatest cartoonists alive.


Skottie Young & Humberto Ramos: Strange Academy – First Class

The Marvel Universe’s first school for sorcerers throws open its doors!

The world has mysteriously changed in such an alarming way that Doctor Strange has finally done what he has avoided for decades – established an academy for the Mystic Arts!
Young people from around the world with an aptitude for magic are brought together in New Orleans to study under Stephen Strange, Brother Voodoo, the Ancient One, the Scarlet Witch, Magik, Daimon Hellstrom and all your favorite Marvel mages.

But with so many new and deadly magical menaces lurking out there, is the Academy too little too late?!
School’s in session – and it’s going to be spellbinding!


Kieron Gillen & Dan Mora: Once & Future 3 – The Parliament of Magpies


Although the monsters of Beowulf may have been defeated, the convergence of stories means the tether between our world and the Otherworld grows dangerously thin.
Determined to stay one step ahead of Arthur and Merlin’s plans, Bridgette and Duncan start with what they know, tracking down the last connections Nimue had: the Nationalists she used to resurrect Arthur, and Lancelot.

But finding the legendary knight may not be enough, Merlin has found his last piece of the puzzle and it goes all the way up to the highest reaches of British government. In order to prevent more chaos, Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose must fight harder than ever to keep things secret, but it’s a modern era and secrets never stay hidden very long…

New York Times bestselling writer Kieron Gillen, joins Russ Manning Award winning artist Dan Mora, and colorist Tamra Bonvillain present the next chapter in the critically acclaimed and Eisner Award nominated series.

Collects Once & Future #13-18.

Mark Waid & Javier Rodriguez: History of the Marvel Universe

It’s the greatest tale ever told — and you’ve never seen it like this!

Writer Mark Waid and artist Javier Rodríguez weave together a sprawling, interconnected web of stories into one seamless narrative that takes you from the dawn of the Marvel Universe all the way to its end!

Far more than a collection of moments you may already know, this is a new tale featuring previously unknown secrets and shocking revelations, connecting dozens of threads from Marvel’s past and present!
From the Big Bang to the twilight of existence, this sweeping saga covers every significant Marvel event, providing fresh looks at characters of all eras!

COLLECTING: History of the Marvel Universe #1-6.

Levin Kipnis & Noam Weiner: Wake Up, Sleepyhead!

As all kids know, waking up in the morning is hard to do!

So finally here are three lighthearted stories that speak to the plight of the night owl.
In the first story, Jake is snoozing so soundly that the whole neighborhood must band together to wake him up.
In the second, “Sleepyhead” wakes up late and her whole family races to get her ready for school.
In the third, three lazy brothers strive to be the laziest one of all.

In Wake Up, Sleepyhead!, Levin Kipnis’ amusing rhymes are perfectly paired with Noam Weiner’s hilariously expressive illustrations. These comically anarchic tales are a delightful read for sleepy kids and the parents who rouse them from their slumber.

Bryan Talbot: Grandville Integral

The acclaimed steampunk series from graphic-novel pioneer Bryan Talbot explores an alternate art-nouveau world populated by intelligent animals, a human underclass, and wondrous technology.

Within this rich fantastical milieu, the relentless Detective-Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard pursues shadowy death squads, psychotic killers, dark political conspiracies, ruthless crime lords, and bloodthirsty cults through the streets of London and the Belle Epoque Paris known as Grandville, the center of the greatest empire on earth.

Grandville Integral collects all five Grandville novels in one deluxe hardcover volume accompanied by voluminous author notes never before in print.

Collects Grandville, Grandville Mon Amour, Grandville Noël, Grandville Bete Noire, and Grandville Force Majeure.

