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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet viikolla 51/2021


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Tuomas Myllylä & PetriPatrol Hiltunen: Troll 

Hirviöitä, peikkoja ja talvisodan henkeä!

Toimintasarjakuvan taituri Tuomas Myllylän Troll Patrol -sarja jatkuu, tällä kertaa yhteistyönä sarjakuvamaestro Petri Hiltusen kanssa.

Toisessa maailmansodassa peikkojen täydentämät suomalaiset sotajoukot käyvät taistoon kosmista kauhua vastaan.
Pelissä ei ole vain sodan ratkaisu, tärkeintä on estää hirviöitä syrjäyttämästä koko ihmiskuntaa.

Reippaasti ryskyvää dieselpunkkia kaikille vauhtiviihdettä ja pulp-estetiikkaa rakastaville!

Ilkka Heilä: B. Virtanen 3 – Arkistot avautuvat

B. Virtanen -sarja on täynnä nöyryytyksiä, häpeää, elämäntuskaa, vihaa ja epätoivoa, mutta myös inhimillistä lämpöä ja ennen kaikkea – ei vitsejä vaan oikeaa huumoria.

Toinen painos.



Jano: Kémi – Savannien puskarotta

Afro-afrikkalainen, alati nälkäinen ja janoinen puskarotta Kémi tekee kaikkensa saadakseen savannilla sijaitsevan baarinsa tuottamaan.

Paha kyllä, köyhällä baarinpitäjällä ei ole mitään tarjottavaa asiakkailleen, kunnes Kémi keksii pyytää helpotusta ahdinkoonsa kehitysavulta.

Hilpeän anarkistinen tarina savannien puskarotista, leopardista ja piikkisioista.


Ilkka Heilä: B. Virtanen 4 – B. Virtasen poika

Virtanen on jokapäiväisen kärsimysnäytelmämme ristinkantaja, mitätön konttorirotta, jota komentelevat pomot sekä vaimo.

Hissukan miehen osa on jatkuva nöyryytys.

Toinen painos.


Raymond Macherot: Klorofylli ja salaliittolaiset

Klorofylli on belgialaisen Raymond Macherotin (s. 1924) piirtämä lasten eläinsarja, joka kuuluu eurooppalaisen sarjakuvan suuriin klassikoihin.

Sarja oli alun perin lapsille tarkoitettu, mutta kaikkien erinomaisten lastensarjakuvien tapaan se on lumonnut myös miljoonia aikuislukijoita.
Macherotin raikasta kädenjälkeä on Suomessa aikaisemmin voitu ihailla Non Stop- ja Ruutu-lehdissä 70-luvulla.

Sarjan päähenkilö Klorofylli on pieni mutta urhea ja neuvokas hiiri, joka asustaa metsässä yhdessä ystäviensä kanssa.

Tässä ensimmäisessä albumissa se kohtaa suuren ja ilkeän mustarotan, joka pitää metsän asukkaita kauhun vallassa..

Ilkka Heilä: B. Virtanen 6 – Projektin hallinta

Moni päivälehdessä julkaistu B. Virtas -strippi elää vielä pitkään sen jälkeen, kun lehti on heitetty roskiin.

Otoksia Virtasen arjesta voi nähdä koristamassa yhden jos toisenkin työpaikan kahvihuoneita ja ilmoitustauluja. Koristelijan ajatukset voi hyvin arvata: tämmöistähän se on täälläkin.

Terveisiä vaan pomoille.

Toinen painos.



Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 12

Osa 12/12+

Rimuru voi jälleen palata valtakuntaansa pelastettuaan vastuulleen jätetyn lapsilauman kuningatar Ramiriksen avulla.

Hirviöiden valtion onnea uhkaa kuitenkin uusi vaara, sillä ihmiset eivät suvaitse kummajaisia, eivätkä etenkään kummajaisen hallitsemia kummajaisia.

Fantasia / Ikäsuositus: 12+

Kohei Horikoshi: My Hero Academia 19

Osa 20/28+

Kerran vuodessa koittava unelmien bakkanaali (kulttuurijuhla)… Moni ilakoi opiskelijain elaboroimia huvituksia kiertäen.

Mutta on myös niitä, joiden sielussa varjot valtaavat alaa.
Siispä sankarin tehtävänä on nostaa hymy jokaisen kasvoille!


Genre: seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+

Mia Ikumi: Tokyo Mew Mew 2020 Return

Klassikkosarja Tokyo Mew Mew saa jatko-osan!

Tässä kirjassa näemme, mitä Ichigolle ja kumppaneille kuuluu.

Avaruusolentojen hyökkäys torjuttiin, mutta aivan rauhallista ei Tokiossa silti vielä ole.

Tällä kertaa Mew Mew’t saavat vastaansa lumileopardeja sekä äkillisen kylmyyden!

Ikäsuositus: 9+

Hajime Isayama: Titaanien sota 34

Osa 34/34

Eren kohtaa vanhat ystävänsä viimeisen kerran.

Onko titaanien aika koittanut, vai onnistuuko ihmiskunta tuhoamaan kauheimman vihollisensa lopullisesti?

Ikäsuositus 15+ / Toiminta/Dystopia

Yoshihiro Takahashi: Noah 5

Osa 5/6+

Aka-arin kuninkaat todistavat mahtinsa, kun eräs Ōun legendaarisimmista sotureista kärsii karvaan tappion Benion hampaissa!
Kykenevätkö Orion ja muut Ōun soturit kokoamaan joukkonsa ajoissa pelastaakseen taistelutoverinsa!?

Noah jatkaa Hopeanuoli-sarjasta alkanutta koirasotureiden saagaa. Näiden kahden väliin sijoittuvat seuraavat sarjat: Weed, Orion ja Last Wars.

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu

Kentaro Miura: Berserk Deluxe 9

The acclaimed adult horror manga is now in presented in deluxe hardcover editions in the original oversized serialization format.

Though Guts the Black Swordsman lies near death from battling the dragon knight Grunbeld and his demonic legion, the witch Schierke has a dangerous tool to put Guts back in the fight: the unholy Berserker Armor.

But the accursed shell unleashes its host’s inner demons, which might send the tormented Guts into eternal darkness!

Collects Berserk volumes 25–27, including three fold-out color posters.

Hiroaki Samura: Blade of the Immortal Deluxe Edition 4

Over 600 blood-soaked pages, collecting Hiroaki Samura’s captivating Secrets, Fall Frost, and Beasts story arcs!

Rin’s purportedly immortal protector, Manji, was enlisted to help her hunt down the ruthless Itto-ryü sword school that murdered her parents.

With Rin searching for the eccentric Itto-ryū leader Anotsu Kagehisa on her own now, Manji joins forces with Magatsu–a charming, fan-favorite killer–to take on the evil Shira!
Hyakurin and her fellow Mugai-ryū warriors tangle with the devious Itto-ryū clan, too, and suffer serious losses!

Collects Blade of the Immortal volumes 10 to 12 in the original 7×10 serialized format, in a faux-leather hardcover treatment, and with a bookmark ribbon.

Shigeru Mizuki: Tono Monogatari

The beloved mangaka adapts one of his country – and the world’s – great works of supernatural literature

Shigeru Mizuki–Japan’s grand master of yokai comics–adapts one of the most important works of supernatural literature into comic book form.

The cultural equivalent of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Tono Monogatari is a defining text of Japanese folklore and one of the country’s most important works of literature.
This graphic novel was created during the later stage of Mizuki’s career, after he had retired from the daily grind of commercial comics to create personal, lasting works of art.

Originally written in 1910 by folklorists and field researchers Kunio Yanagita and Kizen Sasaki, Tono Monogatari celebrates and archives legends from the Tono region.
These stories were recorded as Japan’s rapid modernization led to the disappearance of traditional culture.

This adaptation mingles the original text with autobiography: Mizuki attempts to retrace Yanagita and Sasaki’s path, but finds his old body is not quite up to the challenge of following in their footsteps.
As Mizuki wanders through Tono he retells some of the most famous legends, manifesting a host of monsters, dragons, and foxes.

In the finale, Mizuki meets Yanagita himself and they sit down to discuss their works.

Translated and with additional essays by Mizuki scholar Zack Davisson, Tono Monogatari displays Mizuki at his finest, exploring the world he most cherished.



Jyrki Nissinen: Exät (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Vivians, Simo, Uroz ja Hemppe elävät tahoillaan urakeskeistä elämää johon kuuluu biletystä, deadlineja, seksiä ja harmoniaa.

Kaikki tuntuu olevan ok. He kaikki ovat toistensa exiä.

Mutta miltä vitulta homma alkaa tuntumaan, kun heidät kaikki pestataan samaan produktioon?

Kuka vetää pisimmän korren ja kuka on pelkkä luuseri?



Giuseppe Lantazi & Francesco Matteuzzi: Hokusai – A Graphic Biography

A stunning visual biography of one of Japan’s most famous historical artists, this book beautifully illustrates the story of Katsushika Hokusai.

Enter the world of Katsushika Hokusai – the enigmatic creator of Japanese art’s all-time most iconic image.
This vivid graphic biography tells the story of Hokusai’s intriguing life and pioneering works, details the fascinating historical context of Edo-era Japan, and explains how Hokusai forged an image of his country that still resonates across the world today.

Telling the story of both his eccentric (and incredibly productive) life – while simultaneously painting a fascination picture of his wider cultural legacy, this book is ideal for both those new to Hokusai’s work – and his biggest fans.

Those who enjoyed Basquiat: A Graphic Novel by Paolo Parisi or Pollock Confidential: A Graphic Novel by Onofrio Catacchio should look at this too.

Gerard Way & Gabriel Bá: The Umbrella Academy Boxed Set

Three magnificent New York Times bestselling Umbrella Academy graphic novels are collected in one deluxe boxed set featuring an exclusive, double-sided poster!
(Note: there is one box; image shows both sides)

The inspiration for the the hit Netflix show!!

In an inexplicable worldwide event, forty-three extraordinary children were spontaneously born by women who’d previously shown no signs of pregnancy.

Millionaire inventor Reginald Hargreeves adopted seven of the children; when asked why, his only explanation was, To save the world.
These seven children form The Umbrella Academy, a dysfunctional family of superheroes with bizarre powers.

Nearly a decade after their first mission, the team disbands, but when Hargreeves unexpectedly dies, these disgruntled siblings reunite just in time to save the world once again.

Collects Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite, Umbrella Academy: Dallas, and Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion.
Also includes an exclusive Umbrella Academy double-sided poster.

Mark Verheiden & John Bolton: The Evil Dead – 40th Anniversary Edition

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Sam Raimi’s cult horror classic in this hardcover graphic novel collection that expands on the film!

Writer Mark Verheiden (Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Battlestar Galactica) and artist John Bolton (God Save the Queen, Harlequin Valentine) present an exciting expansion on the film that introduced us to the powerful Book of the Dead, the relentlessly violent deadites, and Ash—one resilient, blood-soaked survivor.

Now an iconic horror hero, relive Ash’s first visit to the cabin that brought him face to face with the delectably deranged deadites who possessed his girlfriend and friends . . . and turned “the perfect place to get laid” into a house of fear and fury.

Return to the original nonstop gore-fest and experience the thrills, gags, and gagging anew, with unexpected extra scenes.
This edition features new afterword text from Mark Verheiden!

Collects the Dark Horse Comics miniseries The Evil Dead #1–4, the only officially authorized expansion of the classic horror film.

Stephan Pastis: Pearls Awaits the Tide

Prepare to get swept up in a tidal wave of hilarity, sarcasm, and atrocious puns courtesy of award-winning Pearls Before Swine cartoonist Stephan Pastis.

For the past 20 years, Pearls Before Swine has been one of the most popular and consistently hilarious comic strip in newspapers.

This treasury packs in 18 months’ worth of daily comic strips from 2018-2019, including an introduction, essay, and special commentary by the author.

Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman: Zits – Undivided Inattention

The latest relatable, hilarious, and outstanding Zits treasury includes the complete comics from 2020.

A year’s worth of Zits cartoons, all in one place!
This fantastic Zits treasury includes the timeless teenage antics of Jeremy, whose fridge-clearing appetite, garage band dreams, and legendary laziness constantly baffle and amuse his parents, friends, and girlfriend.

Featuring the award-winning combination of Jerry Scott’s trademark humor and Jim Borgman’s brilliant line art, Zits is the perfect comic for anyone parenting a teenager, or who remembers the glorious time in life when you’re old enough to enjoy the privileges of adulthood, but too young to be crushed by its responsibilities.

Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott: Stink Eye – A Baby Blues Collection 38

One of the funniest and most relatable family comic strips in history, Baby Blues is guaranteed to entertain parents and comic strip fans of all ages.

In the newest Baby Blues scrapbook, cartoonists Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman have returned with another full year’s worth of comics and commentary chronicling the family foibles of the MacPhersons and the mischievous antics of Zoe, Hammie, and Wren.

Patrick McDonnell: Mutts Moments

This beautifully illustrated and packaged collection of Mutts comic strips by Patrick McDonnell captures a year’s worth of heartwarming moments with Earl, Mooch, and the rest of their four-legged friends.

This treasury features an entire year’s worth of Mutts comics, including sketch art and illustrations by author Patrick McDonnell.

Printed on recycled paper.

Simon Spurrier & Sergio Dávila: Black Knight – Curse of the Ebony Blade

Dane Whitman rides again as the Black Knight, wielder of the magical Ebony Blade!

But Dane bears the burden of the blade’s curse: an insatiable lust for blood and mayhem that forever threatens to swallow its owner in darkness. Following the battle against the King in Black, a reinvigorated Dane has a renewed sense of purpose.
But the Ebony Blade is the key to a new enemy’s evil plan, and only Dane can prevent the coming death and destruction.

The conflict — spanning from mythical Camelot to modern-day NYC — will test Dane like never before and challenge everything he believes about himself, the Ebony Blade, and the entire history of his lineage!

Guest starring the Avengers and Elsa Bloodstone — plus Thor in a duel with the first Black Knight!

COLLECTING: Black Knight: Curse Of The Ebony Blade (2021) #1-5.

Catherine Sauvat & Anne Simon: Man in Furs

A graphic biography of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the author whose name came to define the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one’s own pain or humiliation.

In 1870, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch published Venus in Furs, an erotic novel revealing the author’s desire to be dominated by a woman. (And paid homage in the classic Velvet Underground song of the same name.)

After the novel’s success, a woman turns up at his doorstep and offers to take on the role in Sacher-Masoch’s real life.
He completely submits to her, and they get married.

Years later, Leopold has remarried and lives a quiet life, far removed from the sexual escapades of his first marriage. Then he learns that his surname, to his detriment, has come to describe a new sexual perversion: masochism.
Man In Furs is his story.

This compelling graphic biography is a collaboration between the biographer Catherine Sauvat and the celebrated cartoonist Anne Simon.
Simon’s gentle cartooning perfectly complements Sauvat’s empathetic script.

E. C. Segar: Popeye 1 – Olive Oyl and Her Sweety

An irresistible alchemy of screwball comedy, tender romance, and rags-to-riches fantasy, Elsie Crisler Segar’s newspaper comic strip captivated readers of the Roaring Twenties and beyond.

And Popeye, the sailor man, was the unlikely star of the show.

Fantagraphics is thrilled to bring Segar’s whimsical world back into print, reviving the origins of the beloved spinach-eating American icon for a whole new readership.
The E.C. Segar Popeye Sundays series collects the complete Popeye Sunday stories in four gorgeous full-color volumes, each packaged in a deluxe die-cut vertical slipcase.

Volume one (1931-1932) highlights Popeye’s riotous romance with his sweet patootie, Olive Oyl.
As apt to hold hands as butt heads, they are ultimately meant for each other, and their enduring connection forms the warm heart of the comic.

Outside the love nest, Popeye seeks fame and fortune as a prizefighter. Ever the under-dog, he must contend with a series of increasingly fearsome opponents, from the formidable Johnny Brawn to a literal gorilla!

Featuring tongue-twisting gags, sensational slugfests, and an endearing ensemble of characters, this revival of classic Popeye adventures really packs a punch and will captivate stalwart fans and new readers alike.

Introduced with comic tributes by acclaimed cartoonists Sergio Ponchione and Cathy Malkasian.

Christine Larsen: Orcs!

Meet Bog and his misfit crew of Orcs as they adventure through the Known World courtesy of acclaimed cartoonist Christine Larsen (Adventure Time).


After being banished from their Orcish village by King Hrograhgah (it was a simple misunderstanding, involving an acorn-related prank!), Bog and his crew venture out into the world to seek their fortune, and hopefully find their way back home again.

Tag along with Bog, Zep, Pez, Utzu and Gurh as they venture through the dreaded Eerieasallhel Forest, face off against Trolls, Gnomes, squirrels and more, and follow in the footsteps of the legendary Orc hero, Drod One-Eye!

Collects Orcs! #1-5.

Evan Dorkin & Benjamin Dewey: Beasts of Burden – Occupied Territory

This eight-time Eisner Award-winning comic book series blending fantasy and humor returns in a historical adventure blending Japanese and Western occult!

An elder member of the occult-battling pack of Wise Dogs recalls a harrowing mission–in U.S-occupied Japan after World War II, a mysterious curse creates an army of crawling, disembodied heads which threatens to overwhelm the region.

Emrys and a team of canine companions attempt to solve the mystery, bringing them into conflict with shape-changing tanuki, evil oni, and a horde of vengeful demons.

This volume collects the comic-book series Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory issues #1-4, published by Dark Horse Comics.

Rachel Smythe: Lore Olympus 1

Persephone, young goddess of spring, is new to Olympus.

Her mother, Demeter, has raised her in the mortal realm, but after Persephone promises to train as a sacred virgin, she’s allowed to live in the fast-moving, glamorous world of the gods.
When her roommate, Artemis, takes her to a party, her entire life changes: she ends up meeting Hades and feels an immediate spark with the charming yet misunderstood ruler of the Underworld.

Now Persephone must navigate the confusing politics and relationships that rule Olympus, while also figuring out her own place–and her own power.

This full-color edition of Smythe’s original Eisner-nominated webcomic Lore Olympus features a brand-new, exclusive short story, and brings Greek mythology into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.

This volume collects episodes 1-25 of the #1 WEBTOON comic Lore Olympus.

Allison Shaw: Persephone – Hades’ Torment

A sexy, full-color graphic novel from the Seven Seas + Hiveworks line-up!

According to the ancient legend, the Lord of the Dead kidnapped the innocent daughter of Demeter – or did he?

The truth is, Persephone is no damsel in distress, but a spirited young lady with an overbearing mother.
A failed scheme by Apollo leads Persephone to a chance encounter with the mysterious and handsome Hades, who is struck by love’s arrow.

Now Hades must wrestle with his aching heart before he loses total control of his feelings, but desire is raging inside Persephone herself.

Mike Mignola: Hellboy Omnibus Boxed Set

Hellboy’s major story, available in a special box set for the first time featuring slipcase art by the creator himself!

Previously available only as individual volumes, all four Hellboy series omnibuses ( Seed of Destruction; Strange Places; The Wild Hunt; and Hellboy in Hell) are available together in a specially designed collection! Featuring an exclusive box with new art by Mike Mignola, expertly colored by Dave Stewart, this set is a marvel both inside and out.

Experience the original series through new eyes with this boxed edition set, featuring story and art by Mike Mignola, Duncan Fegredo, Richard Corben, Dave Stewart, and more!

Collects complete set of Hellboy omnibuses volumes 1-4.

Steven Philip Jones & Octavio Cariello: H.P. Lovecraft – Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Denys Barry is strongly convinced that telepathy is possible and his clinical research at the Oakdale Institute supports his hypothesis.

But Barry’s research is jeopardized after he suffers a violent seizure during an experiment in which he seems to sputter “cosmic” nonsense. Soon after Barry discovers that a criminal patient named Joe Slaader was admitted into Oakdale at the same as Barry’s outburst. Barry is convinced his mind somehow tapped into Slaader’s delusion. And he will now skirt theoretical metaphysical laws to try to tap into that criminal’s mind again.

This Lovecraft tale is adapted by award winning comic writer Steven Philip Jones (CALIBER’s Sherlock Holmes, Dracula).
Lovecraft is considered one of America’s most innovative and popular American horror writers. The master of the weird tale during the first decades of the 20th Century until his premature death in 1937, Lovecraft’s distinctive style and canon of work has influenced many authors.

Jones takes the classic tale and while remaining true to the source, brings them into the modern age which can sometimes make the horror even more terrifying.
This tale is illustrated by Octavio Cariello who has worked on DC’s Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Black Lightning, and MARVEL’s X-Men comic series.

In addition to the comic book adaptation this volume also contains the original Lovecraft published story as written by him.

Chris Samnee & Laura Samnee: Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters # 1 – Drawing Board Edition

Rainbow has been searching for her sister, Jonna, for a year.

The last time she saw Jonna was also the first time she saw one of the monsters that now roam the planet. They’re big, ugly, and dangerous creatures driving humanity to the brink of extinction.
Though there isn’t much hope for survival out in the wild, Rainbow knows that her sister is out there somewhere-and she’ll do anything to find her.

Don’t miss the brand-new, all-original, action-packed series co-written and drawn by Eisner Award winner Chris Samnee!
Chris is joined for his very first fully creator-owned book by co-writer Laura Samnee and frequent coloring collaborator Matthew Wilson!

Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters is the all-ages adventure of a lifetime!

Experience the opening chapter of this instant all-ages classic in unadulterated black and white in this new, oversized format!

The Drawing Board Edition of Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #1 presents Chris Samnee’s lovely inks sans color-fully readable with lettering intact-as well as Chris’ full layouts for the issue, plus process notes and creator commentary that takes you from layouts to script to finished colors and letters!



Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 NATALI SANDERS VARIANT B

Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!

Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!
But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…

Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

Natali Sanders Variant B Cover

Vampiress Carmilla #6

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 SHANNON MAER VARIANT B

Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!

Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!
But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…

Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

Shannon Maer Variant B Cover
Matkaoppaassa esitellään kaukaisen galaksin kaukaisimmatkin planeetat.
Se tutustuttaa lukijan niiden merkkihenkilöihin ja merkittävimpiin tapahtumiin, tapoihin, teknologiaan ja luontoon.
Useita näistä aihepiireistä käsitellään myös kirjan lisätyssä todellisuudessa, jossa oppaina toimivat kolmiulotteiset droidit.
Tämä kirja ja siihen liittyvä sovellus hyödyntävät virtuaalista sisältöä tavalla, jonka ansiosta Star Wars -fani pääsee itse keskelle kaukaista galaksia vaikkapa omassa olohuoneessaan.
Lukija voi tutkia galaksia ympärillään olevan 3D-kartan avulla, tutustua avaruusalusten virtuaalisiin kaaviokuviin ja kokeilla Millennium Falconin lasertykkejä.
Ensimmäinen Star Wars -elokuva tarjosi monille ensikosketuksen lisättyyn todellisuuteen. Prinsessa Leian heijastettu viesti, holoshakki sekä Kuolemantähden kolmiulotteinen kaaviokuva ovat kaikki eräänlaisia esimerkkejä lisätystä todellisuudesta.
Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!
But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…
Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!
Shannon Maer NYCC Variant Cover
On a distant planet, in front of a star-studded cast of CIH? and Gustave Dore characters, Super-Cerebus and Covid-19 duke it out for… well, we don’t really know!
The important thing is they duke it out! Why a distant planet? No idea.
We don’t explain classic 1970s story premises, we just make fun of them.
Stop asking so many questions and just thrill to this galaxy-spanning tale of a super-heroic aardvark and the microscopic basketball with knobby little things sticking out of it that paralyzed a planet and thrilled an entire generation.
Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 CARLA COHEN VARIANT B
Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!
But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!
Carla Cohen Variant B Cover

Comics Revue #397-398 (June 2019)

Comics Revue #397-398. America’s longest-running magazine of classic comics.


“Phantom: The Adventures of Lucy Cary” by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
“Mandrake the Magician” by Lee Falk and Phil Davis
“Krazy Kat” by George Herriman
“Buz Sawyer” by Roy Crane
“Sir Bagby” by R. & D. Hackney
“Garth” by Peter O’Donnell, Stephen Dowling, and John Allard
“Flash Gordon” by Dan Barry, Harry Harrison, and Fred Kida
“Rick O’Shay” by Stan Lynde
“Gasoline Alley” by Dick Moores
“Alley Oop” by Vincent T. Hamlin
“Flash Gordon” by Mac Raboy (in color)
“Tarzan” by Russ Manning and Mike Royer (in color)
“Steve Canyon” by Milton Caniff
“Casey Ruggles” by Warren Tufts
“Steve Roper” by Allen Saunders and William Overgard.

Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #2 COVER B

ON THE ROAD TO ROMANCE (a.k.a. an ataxia-filled, Thelma and Louise-style road trip), Harley and Ivy head to Catwoman’s to ask for a massive favor (hey, Selina’s a natural born cat-sitter…).

Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon, on the hunt for the chaos queen herself, crosses a line he might not be able to come back from…

Cover B Babs Tarr Card Stock Variant

Vampiress Carmilla #4

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #3 COVER A

First dates are usually memorable, and Harley’s is no different.

When Hush decides to disrupt their date, Ivy takes action in a way Harley’s never seen before.

And will someone get rid of Gordon, please?!


Marvel by Design

As one of the most recognizable brands in the world, Marvel has spent the last 80-plus years inspiring generations of creatives through its approach to visual storytelling.

Marvel’s comic books, in particular, established a distinct graphic language that has found its way into mainstream culture, including 1960s Pop Art, and present-day digital culture, gaming, advertising, and more.

Marvel By Design will celebrate the company’s visual language with an in-depth exploration of the design process behind the brand’s most recognizable graphical elements including logos, covers, lettering, layout, and color palettes.
Readers will learn how the renowned Marvel Method established a unique approach to the creative process and how that process can serve as a template for creatives working beyond comics.
Throughout the book, Marvel by Design will connect the dots between comic culture and its undeniable influence in every creative field including the evolution of graphic design, editorial design, movies, and visual culture at large.

Highlights include:

– An expansive, five-part visual encyclopedia, highlighting examples of Marvel’s exceptional approach to logos, layout, lettering, cover design, and color palettes. This section will feature insights from some of Marvel’s most renowned contributors including artist Klaus Janson and letterer Todd Klein, among others.
– Essays from famous graphic designers including Mike Essl and Paul Sahre, as well as from well-known Marvel contributors including letterer Chris Eliopolous and designer/editor Carl Potts. An oral history of the making of House of X, featuring Jonathan Hickman, editor Jordan D. White, and designer Tom Muller.
– Case-studies that trace the visual evolution of ten iconic characters.
– Hundreds of images from Marvel’s past and present.

Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #3 COVER B


First dates are usually memorable, and Harley’s is no different. When Hush decides to disrupt their date, Ivy takes action in a way Harley’s never seen before. And will someone get rid of Gordon, please?!

Cover B Hetrick Card Stock Variant



Aku Ankka – Näköispainos vuosikerrasta 1955 (K)


Vuonna 1955 Aku Ankka ja kumppanit -lehden nimestä putosi maininta päähenkilön “kumppaneista” – Akkari oli nyt pelkkä Aku Ankka.

Sankarimme kesti yksinäisen keulakuvan paineet kuitenkin miehen tavoin – ja mikäpä oli kestäessä, kun seikkailuja laativat Carl Barksin kaltaiset mestarit.

Vuosikertaan 1955 sisältyy ankkamaestron sarjoja peräti 180 sivun verran. Joukkoon mahtuu sellaisia klassikoita kuin Kääpiöautokilpailu, Peikonhammas, Sateentekijä, Puhuva koira sekä tietenkin unohtumaton Kultainen kypärä.

Ikimuistoisia nostalgiapaukkuja ovat myös vuosikerran seitsemän erikoisnumeroa – vaikkapa Sheriffi Hessu, Pikku Paha Hukka ja Mikki Hiiri käy Torstain luona.

Tarjolla on jälleen ankallisromanttinen lukunautinto.

1. painos.

Aku Ankka – Näköispainos vuosikerrasta 1957 (K)


“Ilon ja kepposten lyömättömät maailmanmestarit!”

Näin komeasti luonnehdittiin Aku Ankka -lehden hahmoja vuonna 1957 takakannen mainostekstissä. Ankkalinnan tuttu remmi esiintyikin vuoden mittaan monissa unohtumattomissa klassikkotarinoissa.

Ankkamestari Carl Barksin sarjoista mainittakoon esimerkiksi Aku yleisurheilijana, Jäätelökivääri, Sillanrakennuskilpailu ja Lumiprinsessa.

Kaikkiaan Barksin tuotantoa on kirjassa pitkälti toistasataa sivua. Vuosikerran kolmestatoista erikoisnumerosta ansaitsee erityismaininnan ainakin Al Hubbardin upea Dumbo.

Hulppeaa lukuhetkeä kultaiselle 50-luvulle!

1. painos.

Bill Watterson: Lassi ja Leevi Minialbumi 1 – Voihan sunnuntai! (K)

Tämä albumi sisältää sunnuntaisarjat ajalta 30.10.1988 – 3.12.1989.




Bill Watterson: Lassi ja Leevi Minialbumi 2 – Kaikin keinoin (K)


Tämä albumi sisältää sunnuntaisarjat ajalta 10.12.1989 – 13.1.1991.

Bill Watterson: Lassi ja Leevi Minialbumi 3 – Kovaa ja korkealta (K)

Tämä albumi sisältää sunnuntaisarjat ajalta 20.1.1991 – 28.4.1991 ja 2.2.1992 – 22.11.1992.



Bill Watterson: Lassi ja Leevi Minialbumi 4 – Ystävää kaivaten (K)


Tämä albumi sisältää sunnuntaisarjat ajalta 29.11.1992 – 2.1.1994.



Bill Watterson: Lassi ja Leevi Minialbumi 5 – Kissanpäiviä (K)


Tämä albumi sisältää sunnuntaisarjat ajalta 9.1.1994 – 27.3.1994, 1.1.1995 – 5.11.1995 ja 19.11.1995.



Marcel Gotlib: Gotlib 1 – Namusetä (K)


Marcel Gotlib on Euroopan johtavia sarjakuvahumoristeja, jonka persoonallisen nokkela ja uskaliaskin tyyli on naurattanut mannermaalla jo vuosikymmenien ajan.

Suomessa Gotlib on toistaiseksi jäänyt melko tuntemattomaksi.

Myrkky-lehdessä mainetta niittänyt kepposmestari Namusetä aloittaa humoristin töiden sarjan räväkästi omalla nimikkoalbumillaan..



Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)


Henry Golding on ikoninen G.I. Joe -sankari, SNAKE EYES, otteessaan pitävässä toimintaseikkailussa.

Saatuaan kutsun muinaiseen japanilaiseen klaaniin nimeltä Arashikage, jonka perijän, STORM SHADOWin (Andrew Koji) hän pelastaa, SNAKE EYES liittyy terroristiryhmä COBRAn vastaiseen taisteluun.

Äärimmilleen pakotettuna SNAKE EYES kasvaa täydelliseksi soturiksi.

Pohjoismainen versio.

