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Halloween 2023 eli kauheaa luettavaa!


Katajaista kauhua eli iik! Kotimaista kauhua
It came from the desert eli kauhua merten takaa ja alta!
極東の恐怖 eli kauhua Kaukoidästä!
Kai näillekin joku kirkuu eli pelottavat lehdet ja kirjat!

Katajaista kauhua eli iik! Kotimaista kauhua!

Marko Hautala & Broci: Varpaat

Kriisiin ajautunut reppureissaajapariskunta päätyy ranskalaiseen pikkukylään.

Majatalossa heidän pöytäänsä tunkeutuu mies, jolla on villi retkiehdotus muinaisiin luolastoihin, joihin ei virallisten oppaiden kanssa ole asiaa.
Muukalainen nostaa pöydälle jalkansa, jossa on jäljellä vain isovarvas.

Puuttuvien varpaiden arvoitus vie pariskunnan syvälle maan uumeniin, kylmän kiven ympäröimään pimeyteen.

Sarjakuvataiteilija Brocin ja kauhukirjailija Marko Hautalan yhteistyö kutsuu piinaavalle matkalle ihmismielen syvyyksiin.

Aapo Kukko & Harri Filppa (editors): Hunger of Horror – Kauhun nälkä

Comics from Oulu Nordic Comics Competition 2015. Sarjakuvia Oulun Pohjoismaisesta sarjakuvakilpailusta 2015.

Mukana: Anders Vegh Blidlöv, Ida Eva Neverdah, Yossra El Said, Nicolas Krizan, Sofie Louise Dam, Nelly Karlsson, Mattias Elftorp, Vesa Vitikainen & Katja Louhio.

Sarjakuvat ovat mukana tekijän äidinkielellä. Sivujen alareunoissa on englanninkieliset käännökset.

With English subtitles.

Hannele Richert: Tänä talvena eletään viime kesä

Kauhuvaikutteinen arkikuvaus vainajan heilasta.




Vesa Vitikainen: Isku Porkkalaan

1940-luvun lopulla sodat ovat ohi, mutta taistelu jatkuu.

Suomalainen yhteiskunta kokoaa itseään ja panostaa jälleenrakentamiseen. Neuvostokomennon alaisena olevalla Porkkalan alueella piilotellaan jotakin todella vaarallista, kenties atomipommia?
Marsalkka Mannerheim kokoaa kaikkien aikojen iskuryhmän, johon kuuluvat sotajermut Viljam “Rokka” Pylkäs, Aarne “Marokon kauhu” Juutilainen, Lauri Törni ja Simo Häyhä.

Neuvostoliitto ei arvosta asioihinsa puuttumista, käskyn käytyä turvallisuuspoliisi eli ns. Punainen Valpo lähtee tutkimaan Marskin ryhmän aikeita.

Mutta onko atomipommi sittenkään edes pahin paha, mikä Porkkalassa piilee?

Käsikirjoittaja Vesa Vitikaisella on laaja suomalaisen historian tuntemus.
Hän on sovittanut useiden legendaaristen suomalaisten sotasankarien elämäkerrat sarjakuviksi.

Kuvitteellista Isku Porkkalaan -seikkailutarinaa varten Vitikainen on koonnut todella kovan tekijäjoukon. Mukana ovat mm. Anssi Rauhala, Petri Hiltunen, Jouko Ruokosenmäki, Mauri Tuure ja Mikael Mäkinen.

Valérie Mangin & Steven Dupré: Saalistajien klubi 1 – Bogeyman

Lontoo, 1865.

Jack, nuori varas, näkee muiden köyhälistön lasten lailla jatkuvasti nälkää, kun rikkaat mässäilevät.
Puuvillatehtaalla raatavat lapset kammoavat tuntematonta murhaajaa Bogeymania, ja toivovat saavansa apua Elizabethilta, rikkaan kodin tyttäreltä.

He vaarantavat henkensä kielletyn ystävyyden takia, ja Bogeymanin hirvittävä salaisuus paljastuu…

Saalistajien klubi on uusi ranskalainen kaksiosainen kauhusarja.

Valérie Mangin & Steven Dupré: Saalistajien klubi 2 – Juhla

Lontoo, 1865.

Saatuaan selville kammottavan totuuden Bogeymanistä ja Saalistajien klubista taistelevat varas Jack ja hienostoneiti Elizabeth voimattomuuttaan ja pelkoaan vastaan.
Pystyvätkö he pelastamaan Pollyn ja toiset köyhät lapset teurastajan veitseltä?

Suunnitelman muotoutuessa Jackillekin lankeaa osa syyllisyyden taakkaa Lontoon julmasta epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta.

Karmiva loppuratkaisu yllättää ja järkyttää…

Saalistajien klubi on uusi ranskalainen kaksiosainen kauhusarja. Juhla on tarinan jälkimmäinen osa.

Kristian Huitula: Lyhyesti – Kreivi Crapulan kauhukabinetti ja muita kertomuksia

Kristian Huitula on Suomen monipuolisimpia sarjakuvapiirtäjiä, joka tunnetaan mm. palkitun Kalevalan sarjakuvaversion tekijänä sekä Muumi-kuvittajana.

Tämä albumi sisältää harvinaisen koosteen Huitulan lyhyitä, pääosin ennenjulkaisemattomia sarjakuvia vuosilta 1995-2009.

Albumi tuokin ensimmäistä kertaa julkisuuteen tekijän sarjakuvatuotannon toisen, salatun puolen.
Sana makaaberi saa uudet ulottuvuudet Kreivi Crapulan kauhukabinetissa, eikä edes itse vihtahousu saa kärventyä rauhassa.

Mutta perimmäinen kysymys lienee se, kuinka hornan liekeissä ohukaiset paistetaan täydellisesti.

Kristian Huitula: Puunukke

Henry on vatsastapuhuja jota menneisyys vainoaa.

Vaimon kuolema palaa toistuvina painajaisunina hänen mieleensä yhä uudelleen. Kuvitelmat ja todellisuus alkavat hiljalleen sekoittua toisiinsa Henryn yrittäessä päästä selvyyteen siitä mitä todella on tapahtunut.

Oliko vaimon kuolema sitä miltä näyttää? Entä kuka on salaperäinen Monica joka yllättäen ilmestyy Henryn elämään?
Ehkäpä totuuden tietää vain Osvald, Henryn puhuva nukke.

Mutta sehän on vain pelkkä nukke?

Kari A. Sihvonen & Aapo Rapi: Kuolleiden urheilijoiden seura

Kateus nostaa kuolleetkin haudoistaan!

Ankara piirikunnan mies Taisto Vastamäki hermostuu naapurin Veikon kettuiluun pokaaleista ja mitaleista. Taisto päättää herättää kuolleen urheiluseuran henkiin – kirjaimellisesti.

Jääkiekko on pyhä laji, josta suomalaista miestä ei kuolemakaan erota. Mitä siitä, että elävöitettyjen kuolleiden pelikuviot ovat hivenen kulmikkaita ja eläviä pelitovereita kauhistuttaa, kun kanssapelaajalta tipahtelee mailan ja suojusten lisäksi jäälle kaikenlaista muutakin.

Mutta viimeinen matsi otetaan kunnialla kotiin vaikka raaja kerrallaan, uhoaa kuolleen seuran puheenjohtaja Taisto!

Hirtehinen ja supisuomalainen zombiparodia Kuolleiden urheilijoiden seura on Aapo Rapin käsikirjoittama ja Kari A. Sihvosen sarjakuvaksi toteuttama.
Arktinen Banaani on aiemmin julkaissut Rapilta Metin, sympaattisen sukumuistelman, joka on sittemmin käännetty mm. ranskaksi.

Kari A. Sihvonen tunnetaan esimerkiksi Kapteeni Kangen siekailuista (Zum Teufel).

Kari A. Sihvonen & Aapo Rapi: Hiihtoa kryptasta

Urheilu on monille itse elämää tärkeämpi asia.

Hengen nostatus on johtanut Aapo Rapin ja Kari Sihvosen humoristisessa kauhusarjakuvassa siihen pisteeseen, etteivät talviurheilun veteraanit malta levätä edes haudassa.
Miten käy eläviltä kuolleilta mäkihyppy? Onko curling aivan päätön laji?

Keskustelu veridopingista jatkuu.

Kuolleiden urheilijoiden seuran ensimmäisessä osassa esiteltiin jääkiekkoilu uudessa valossa, nyt zombiet osoittavat taitonsa muissakin talviurheilulajeissa.

Käsikirjoittaja Aapo Rapi (s. 1977) ja piirtäjä Kari Sihvonen (s. 1980) pelaavat taas mainiosti yhteen. Molemmat ovat palkittuja, kansainvälisesti tunnettuja sarjakuvantekijöitä.

Kari A. Sihvonen: Syntax Terror (+ 3D-lasit)

Vaara uhkaa, oi galaksien vaeltaja.

Myrskypilvet kerääntyvät horisontissa mystisen voiman lähestyessä kotiplaneettaamme.
Sukella syvälle kaaoksen värittämään tarinaan, jossa robottimainen pahuus kylvää pelkoa maapallolla!

Mars hyökkää! oli vain esimakua.

Maapallolla ihan kaikki kuulevat huutosi!

Syntax Terror on Kari A. Sihvosen (s. 1980) sanaton sarjakuvailoittelu, joka ammentaa innoituksensa vanhoista scifi- ja kauhusarjakuvista ja -elokuvista.

Mukana on 3D-lasit kolmiulotteisten sivujen katsomista varten. Kokeile ja ällisty!

Hannu Kesola & Jussi Piironen: Yö huutaa armoa

On vuosi 1972.

Murhaaja pitää länsi-italialaista kaupunkia kauhun vallassa. Joka aamu kaupungilta löytyy uusi viillelty naisen ruumis.

Kokenut etsivä, Claudio Morante, saa tutkittavakseen jutun, joka osoittautuu luultua hankalammaksi. Pystyykö hän pysäyttämään murhaajan ajoissa, kun…

…yö huutaa armoa?

Tämän italialaisille giallo-elokuville kunniaa tekevän albumin on käsikirjoittanut Hannu Kesola ja piirtänyt Jussi Piironen.

P.A. Manninen: Kumma historia

P. A. Mannisella on pakkomielteinen suhde historiaan ja piirtäessään hän kuuntelee historiallista musiikkia, suosikkeinaan sisällissotiin liittyvät laulut.

Tämä kokoelma lyhyitä sarjakuvia 30 vuoden ajalta kuvastelee tekijänsä kiinnostusta historiallisiin kummallisuuksiin. Tarinoissa on mukana kauhua ja fantasiaa.

Materiaalin joukossa on 14 ennen julkaisematonta sivua ja paljon kamaa niin hämäristä lehdistä, että niitä ei monikaan ymmärtänyt lukea aikoinaan.

Kumma historia on P. A. Mannisen koottujen kuudes osa.

Post Mortem

Joensuun sarjakuvaseuran kymmenes julkaisu on matkalippusi aavelaivaan, tiesi pimeyteen, jonka syövereistä nousseet kaameudet vaanivat metsissä, huutavat nummilla ja tunkeutuvat ihosi alle niin, ettet ole tuholaistorjujan käynnin jälkeen enää entiselläsi.

Toivotamme sinulle hyvää matkaa yöhön. Älä eksy polulta.

Pimeästä löytyneet: Jimi Alppimaa, Jusa Hämäläinen, Miia Jääskeläinen, Noora Kaikkonen, Lauri Kinanen, Arttu Koistinen, Tuomas Koivurinne, Roope-Santeri Nieminen, Kimmo Niiranen, Sanna Nuutinen, Meri-Kukka Okkonen, Sami Pehkonen, Lili Peltola, Ville Rautiainen, Mika K. Saarelainen, Jokke Saharinen, Juho Sihvonen, Laura Torvinen, Esa Turunen, Vesa Vitikainne, Erkki Waan, Juha Wuorinen.

Pinnan alla

Maamme itäisimmän sarjakuvaseuran yhdeksäs ihme. Porukkaa mukana räpiköimässä leveällä pensselillä, sarjakuvan weteraaneista märkäkorviin.

“Joensuun sarjakuvaseuran albumissa tutut paikat ja tapahtumat saavat uusia merkityksiä.
Joensuu taipuu Joenzooksi ja Jon-suuksi, teksti paikoin karjalaksi. Kuvista voi aistia värähdykset.

Tapahtuuko kaupungissa jotain suurta? Niin suurta, että meistä tulee toisarvoinen kysymys ja toisen viulun soittajia?
Bradburyn Kuvitetun miehen yhdessä kertomuksessa kaupunkiin saapuu hyvä, älykäs, armelias ja loputtoman viisas tekopyhyyttä ja likaista politiikkaa vastustava Mies.
Hänen rinnallaan muiden saavutukset menettävät merkityksensä. Tuollainen mies lymyää pinnan alla ja joutuu antamaan tilaa zombiuttavalle pandemialle.

“Pinnan alla -kokoelman tarinat eivät pysähdy dystopiaan, vaan kuljettavat lukijan syvistä vesistä ja plasmasta ihmisten ilmoille. Ja tässä albumissa ”ihmisten ilmoille” saa uudenlaisen sisällön ja merkityksen. Siihen ja moneen muuhun yllättävään tulee Joensuun sarjakuvaseuran albumin lukija jälleen kerran törmäämään. Pidä mieli avoinna – tämä kokoelma voi vaikuttaa maailmankuvaasi!”

– Tarja Kupiainen, FT, yliopettaja, Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu

Pinnan alle kurkanneet: Kapu Matilainen, Sanna Nuutinen, Erkki Waan, Kaisa Lehikoinen, Viljami Vaskonen, Juho Sihvonen, Toni T. Timonen, Lili Peltola, Kimmo Niiranen, Tero Mielonen, Jimi Alppimaa, Florina Kardos, Esa Turunen, Roope-Santeri Nieminen, Timo Heikura, Lauri Kinanen, Jokke Saharinen, Tuomas Myllylä ja Mika K. Saarelainen.

Juba: Naurava enkeli ja muita kauhutarinoita

Jussi ”Juba” Tuomola on ollut kauhusarjakuvafani lapsesta lähtien.

Tuolloin, 70-luvun puolivälissä, Suomessa koettiin kauhusarjakuvan lyhyt kulta-aika. Kauhulehtiä ilmestyi puolen tusinaa erilaista nimikettä, tärkeimpänä niistä Shokki.

Ensimmäiset omat kauhusarjansa Juba teki 80-luvun alussa Kaliforniassa, piirtäjäkavereiden innoittamina.
Suomessa hän tuli tunnetuksi Viivillä ja Wagnerilla, mutta kauhuinnostus ei ole koskaan kuollut.

Juban kauhutarinoita on aiemmin julkaistu satunnaisesti antologioissa, mm. amerikkalaisessa Taboossa.

Tämän kokoelman tarinat ovat muutamaa sivua lukuunottamatta uusia ja ennenjulkaisemattomia.


Wallace Wood: Verta ja väristyksiä

Wallace Wood (1927-1981) on yksi kaikkien aikojen taitavimmista ja arvostetuimmista sarjakuvataiteilijoista.

Woodilla oli suomalaiset sukujuuret, ja hän piirsi 40-luvun lopulta alkaen rikos-, kauhu- ja tieteissarjakuvia moniin eri julkaisuihin.
Wood tunnettiin huikean tarkasta viivasta sekä pistämättömän sujuvasta kuvakerronnasta.

Tähän kirjaan on koottu Woodin EC Comicsille luomia kauhu-, tieteis- ja sotasarjakuvia 1950-luvun alusta.

Tarinoiden ajatukset oikeudesta, väkivallasta ja syrjinnästä ovat tänä päivänä yhtä ajankohtaisia kuin ilmestymisaikanaan.

Mari Luoma: Romeo & Hirviöt

Uutta kotimaista nuortensarjakuvaa! Romeo & Hirviöt on hillitön kauhukomedia, josta ei puutu vauhtia eikä vaarallisia tilanteita.

Kun Romeo Addison täyttää 12 vuotta, hänet lähetetään yksityiskouluun komeaan kartanoon, kuten isoisoisoisosedän testamentti velvoittaa.
Ensimmäinen sieltä huippuarvosanoin valmistunut Addisonin suvun nuori perii sedän koko omaisuuden.

Mutta kartano onkin eriskummallinen opinahjo, jossa opettajakuntaan kuuluvat muun muassa zombi, kummitus ja ihmissusi.

Onneksi Romeolla on koulukaverinaan neuvokas Jillian-serkku, jota ei pari hirviöopea hetkauta. Yhdessä serkukset ryhtyvät selvittämään sukukartanon hurjia salaisuuksia…

Ikäsuositus: 9+

Mari Luoma: Romeo & Hirviöt – Salaisten kasvojen käytävä

Kotimainen nuorten sarjakuva, kauhusarja Romeo & Hirviöt saa kaivattua jatkoa, jossa Addisonin sukukartanon erikoiseen kouluun ilmestyy taas uusi oppilas.

Romeo ja Jillian yllättyvät, kun Addisonien kartanon ovelle saapuu Lina-niminen tyttö, joka ilmoittaa hänkin olevansa puhdasverinen Addison.

Mutta onko hänellä varmasti puhtaita jauhoja pussissaan ja pärjääkö hänkään Jean-Julienin aavemaisilla ranskantunneilla?
Kun kartanon saloja tutkinut Jillian johdattaa Romeon Salaisten kasvojen käytävään, isoisoisoisosetä Augustus Albertin ja koko kummituskartanon karmiva menneisyys alkaa pikkuhiljaa paljastua…

Ikäsuositus: 9+

Mari Luoma: Romeo & Hirviöt – Augustuksen arvoitus

Sukukartanon salat selviävät!

Karmivan mutta ratkiriemukkaan nuorten kauhusarjakuvan kolmas kirja Augustuksen arvoitus tuo vastauksia moniin lukijoita kaihertaneisiin kysymyksiin.

Romeo & Hirviöt -sarjan kolmososassa kerrotaan, miten aavemaisessa sisäoppilaitoksessa opiskelevien Romeon ja Jillianin esi-isä Augustus Addison aikoinaan tutustui vampyyri Raducaniin, ihmissusi Carlosiin ja muihin koulun erikoisiin opettajiin. Ja mitä kaikkea muuta outoa Augustukseen, hänen kohtaloonsa ja kummituskartanoon liittyykään…

Ikäsuositus: 9+

Tuomas Myllylä: Syvänne

Kuoleman kultteja keskilännessä, levottomia ruumiita ja vaaniva hulluus avaruuden rajoilla… Ihan tavallinen työpäivä siis!

Pakanat-sarjan historiafiktiosta paremmin tunnettu sarjakuvataiteilija Tuomas Myllylä on koonnut näiden kansien väliin tekemiään lyhyitä scifi- ja kauhutarinoita, tietysti ronskilla toiminnalla ja mustaakin mustemmalla huumorilla höystettynä.

Näissä tarinoissa yliluonnollinen astuu maan tasalle, ja tavallisia ovat sen kohtaavat ihmisetkin: oman alansa duunareita, olipa kyseessä sitten tähtienvälisten alusten hylkyjen tutkinta tai levottomien kuolleiden torjuntaan erikoistunut pariskunta.

Klassisten kiiltokuvien miessankarien sijaan aseen tai amuletin varteen tarttuukin useammin naisia, etnisten ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen edustajia sekä yksi musta kissa.
Kauheimmankin hirviön voi pysäyttää jos osaa oikeat loitsut tai sattuu vain kantamaan mukanaan riittävästi tulivoimaa!

Vedä siis syvään henkeä, poista varmistin ja astu Syvänteeseen!

Peter Snejbjerg: Marlene

Hautausmaalta löytyy pahoin raadeltu miehen ruumis.

Tutkiessaan tapausta rikosetsivä Michael Jörgensen törmää kauniiseen Marleneen, joka tuntuu liittyvän useampaankin salaperäiseen kuolemaan.
Mutta mikä on Marlenen salaisuus?

Jahtaako Jörgensen yliluonnollista tappajaa… vai onko hän kenties itse tappajan seuraava saalis?

Marlene on tanskalaisen Peter Snejbjergin kirjoittama ja kuvittama murhamysteeri, jossa arkipäivä ja yliluonnollinen kohtaavat kauhistuttavalla tavalla.

Snejbjergin vahva mustavalkokuvitus yhdistää saumattomasti brutaalit käänteet ja mustan huumorin.

Verihukka ja muita tarinoita kammokammiosta!

Karvojatörröttävää kauhua! Hui!

Ovatko kuukautisesi aina inhottaneet sinua? Et halua tietää, mitä tapahtuu jos ne äkisti loppuvatkin.
Mikä on pieni ja lonkeroinen ja asuu sinun naapurissasi?
Mitä olisit valmis tekemään kun zombiapokalypsi koittaa?

Kaikilla teoilla on seuraamukset.

Erittäin salainen tissimerenneitoseura kaivaa esiin hurjimmat ja hassuimmat tarinat kammokammion syövereistä.

Mukana Johanna Jasmine, Linda Sofia, Julia Järvelä, Eve Kajander, Saana Renvall ja Sara Honkanen.
Kansi: Jupe Parkkonen.

Mika Lietzén: Minä olen saari

Jossakin lännessä on kivinen saari. Ennen niin menestynyt yhteisö on kuihtunut, asukkaat ovat muuttaneet mantereelle ja tuotantolaitosten koneet on siirretty Kiinaan.

Kun kaikki muut lähtivät, hän jäi. Nyt hän autoilee yksin kotisaarensa pimeitä teitä ja uneksii Las Vegasin kirkkaista valoista. Matkalla nopeasti ei minnekään. Mutta tänään hänen elämänsä muuttuu.

Saari on heräämässä.
Tuhansia vuosia vanhat myytit ja legendat kurkottavat kyntensä nykypäivään ja repivät päähenkilön mukaansa.

Kivet ja juuret janoavat verta.

Minä olen saari on sekoitus rikoskertomusta ja pakanallista kauhua, realistinen kuvaus yhden ihmisen syöksykierteestä.
Se on tarina yhteiskunnan reunalta, missä epätoivoiset ihmiset sortuvat epätoivoisiin tekoihin.


It came from the desert eli kauhua merten takaa ja alta!

Lonnie Nadler & Jenna Cha: Black Stars Above 1

A young fur trapper flees her overbearing family only to get lost in a dreamlike winter wilderness that harbours a cosmic threat.

The year is 1887 and a storm brews.
Eulalie Dubois has spent her entire life tending to her family’s trapline, isolated from the world.

A chance at freedom comes in the form of a parcel that needs delivering to a nameless town north of the wilderness.
Little does Eulalie know, something sinister hides in those woods and it yearns for what she carries.

A chilling historical cosmic horror tale of survival from the deranged minds of Lonnie Nadler (The Dregs, Marvelous X-Men) and debut artist Jenna Cha.

Adam Tierney & Matthieu Cousin: Afraid of Everything

What kind of scared are you? Find out in these fun horror stories for young readers based on a range of phobias from Arachnophobia to Zoophobia!

As the sun goes down, grab a group of your closest friends and huddle together under a blanket, reading by flashlight, frozen with terror at every creek and snap heard throughout your house!
These tales of fear, dread, risk, and doom contain all the classic elements of horror that young fans crave without the gore.

Features 26 terrifying short stories, each based on a different A-to-Z phobia and accompanied by a unique illustration. Read fun and scary tales about Frigophobia (freezing), Lygophobia (shadows), Melissophobia (bees), Scopophobia (being watched), and many more!

Also included are 11 bonus stories featuring art by Temmie Chang, Mariel Cartwright, and Ko Takeuchi plus a section detailing the origins and developments of the stories and art.

Steve Niles & Bernie Wrightson: City of Others – Tenth Anniversary Edition

A masterwork from two horror comics legends in a deluxe oversized edition!

From the writer who created 30 Days of Night and the artist who created Swamp Thing comes a horror graphic novel like no other!

Stosh Bludowski is a killer, born with the capacity for no apparent human emotion other than rage.
Killing comes easy for Blud, and he makes a good living doing what’s easy–until the day he meets two jobs in an alley who just won’t die, and a grotesque mystery unfolds right in front of him.

Soon, the remorseless killer is confronted by a reality he could never imagine, and he will be invited to make a decision once and for all . . . is he human, or is he Other?

Steve Niles & Bernie Wrightson: Frankenstein Alive, Alive! The Complete Collection

Inspired by Mary Shelley’s immortal gothic horror tale, Frankenstein Alive, Alive brings new life to the Promethean monster, courtesy of Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) and Bernie Wrightson (Frankenstein, Swamp Thing).

Victor Frankenstein’s cobbled together creature continues his adventures, embarking on a journey to discover his own humanity.

This collection includes the four-issue series along with an extended gallery section of never-before-seen layouts and pencils by Wrightson, all scanned from the original art.

Additional art is supplied in the final chapter by Kelley Jones (at Wrightson’s request), who stepped in to complete the series upon the comic book legend’s untimely passing.

Sal Simeone & Nik Virella: Eve of Extinction

The rain brought something.

Something that changed the men into something inhuman.
To rescue their stranded daughter, two mothers must survive the hurricane, and the horrors it unleashed.

But can they work together long enough to save their daughter in a world where all men have become monsters?

Written by Salvatore A. Simeone and Steven Simeone, drawn by Nik Virella and Isaac Goodhart, and colored by Ruth Redmond.

Colin Lorimer: Daisy

A graphic novel masterpiece of modern horror, Colin Lorimer’s Daisy springs from the apocalyptic Book of Enoch, excluded from biblical canon and disclosing the war of angels and Man’s introduction to violence, corruption, and evil.

A desperate mother’s search for her missing son leads to the mysterious family of Daisy Phillips.

Like many teens, Daisy has a hard time fitting in, but for atypical reasons: Daisy stands over eight feet tall and believes herself descended from cannibalistic giants spawned from the outcasts of Heaven.
This frail, disfigured youth may hold the key to unlock the Language of Creation–the divine DNA of God–and expose the monstrous lie hidden within Creation itself.

Collects Daisy #1-5.

Celine Loup: The Man Who Came Down the Attic Stairs

After moving into a new home and giving birth to her first child, a woman worries that a supernatural force is haunting her child’s nursery, and has corrupted her husband into a creature intent on harming them both.

Emma is excited to start a family in her new home, but after her child’s birth she finds her world turning upside-down.

The infant cries like it’s scared of something, or someone, and Emma’s sleepless nights quickly drive a wedge between her and her husband, who seems uncharacteristically detached.
When Emma begins to see strange things in the house, the line between reality and fantasy blurs and her grasp of what’s real and what’s not becomes even more clouded.

Is something unnatural haunting the nursery? And what if it also affected her husband, who ventured up into the attic when they first arrived…

Inspired by the works of Shirley Jackson and Ira Levin, Celine Loup’s The Man Who Came Down the Attic Stairs weaves a tale of horror and suspense that captures the isolation of postpartum depression, while exploring the very real fears associated with new motherhood.

Basil Wolverton: Brain Bats of Venus

The peak period of a producer of preposterous pictures.

Basil Wolverton was a commercial oddity, a one-man art factory who sidestepped conventional virtuosity by forging a highly personal and intricate approach to black-and-white graphics, linked to an intense, often disturbing, imagination and sense of humor. He created an impressive body of work, and Brain Bats of Venus represents Wolverton during his most prolific decade.

In 1946, Wolverton attained national prominence by creating the winning image of Lena the Hyena, “the ugliest woman in all creation,” for Al Capp’s hit comic strip, Li’l Abner.
Wolverton’s Lena was unveiled in nearly 400 newspapers, and prominently featured in Life Magazine.

This exposure led to his most successful period as a working cartoonist.

The volume continues Sadowski’s biography, which includes scores of letters between Wolverton and his editors and publishers and excerpts from his personal diaries, providing documentary insight not only into Wolverton’s day-to-day life and career, but also the inner workings of the early comic book industry.

Brain Bats is also chock full of Wolverton’s comics stories from this period, including 17 science-fiction and horror tales fully restored and never before collected in a single volume.

Matt Kindt & Tyler Jenkins: Apache Delivery Service

A jungle horror story by Matt Kindt (Ether, Mind MGMT) and Tyler Jenkins (Fear Case)!

Two haunted men are on a hunt in the jungles of Vietnam searching for clues to a missing treasure trove of gold that was stolen from all over Asia by a Japanese general during World War II.

Eventually they find a series of hidden caves in the mountains near the coast.
Bodies start showing up–murder victims and mutilated corpses.

There is a rumor that the caves and gold are protected by terrifying witches that have been living in the cave system for thousands of years.
As our warriors travel deeper into the mystery they learn more disturbing facts about each other and become paranoid of one another as they get closer and closer to the gold, while, at the same time, a bizarre serial killer is hunting them down.

Helen Mullane & Dom Reardon: Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen

Folk horror through the eyes of a modern teen in this atmospheric tale of obsession, suspense and magic.

Something strange has been unleashed in the north of England.
A modern-day druid commits a series of ghastly murders in an attempt to unleash the awesome power of the ancient gods of Great Britain.

But all hell really breaks loose when his latest would-be victim, Nicnevin “NISSY” Oswald, turns out to be more than she seems.

A British tale mixing black magic and horror, godfathered by Jock, one of the new masters of comic book suspense!

John Arcudi & Valerio Giangiordano: Two Moons 1 – The Iron Noose

RUMBLE and BPRD writer JOHN ARCUDI is back at Image with rising star VALERIO GIANGIORDANO for an all-new horror series set in the midst of the Civil War.

In the middle of the horrors of the American Civil War, young soldier Virgil Morris discovers that he can’t leave his Pawnee origins behind him.

Visited by ghosts and visions, he learns that the war is not the worst evil he and his new friend, nurse Frances Shaw, face. Together – and apart – Frances and Virgil combat madness and hell itself.

Collects TWO MOONS #1-5.

Tim Seeley & Stefano Caselli: Hack/Slash 1 – First Cut (K)


In almost every slasher movie, there’s one girl who makes it all the way to the end. She’s the survivor… the last girl.

Meet Cassie Hack, the lone survivor of an attack by a vicious slasher called The Lunch Lady.

Now, Cassie ― along with her monstrous partner, Vlad ― travels the country, hunting down other slashers before they can leave a trail of blood and terror.

Tim Seeley & Emily Stone: Hack/Slash 6 – In Revenge & In Love (K)

Hot off of the Hack family reunion, Cassie and Vlad are stopped in their tracks as Cassie is blamed and arrested for the murders committed by the very slashers she has sworn to eliminate.

Things get worse as they cross paths with everyone’s favorite 8-year-old dream-reaper, Ashely.

All this, as well as a much un-requested encore by the worst slasher this side of Nef, Six Sixx.

Evan Dorkin & Veronica Fish: Blackwood (K)

Kansissa taitoksia.

When four teenagers with haunted pasts enroll in Blackwood College–a school that trains students in the occult–their desire to enhance their supernatural abilities and bond with others is hampered by an undead dean’s curse, ghosts in their dorm, a mischievous two-headed mummy-chimp, a plague of mutant insects, and the discovery of an ancient evil that forces our heroes to undergo a crash course in the occult for the sake of the world.
Collects issues #1-#4 of the series, a bonus sketchbook section, pinups by Becky Cloonan, Tyler Crook, Stacey Lee, and Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire!

John Kenn Mortensen & Benni Bødker: A Christmas Bestiary

A tongue-in-cheek guide to the beasts to watch out for during a cozy Christmastime.

In the wintry season, when we all delight in joyful thoughts of family, presents, and sugarplums, we mustn’t forget that the night is dark and full of terrors.

Thankfully, bold adventurers Benni Bodker and John Kenn Mortensen have journeyed far and wide to comb through ancient tomes, listen to folk tales, and spy upon loathsome lairs to catalog the most frightful creatures of the netherworld that appear around Christmastime.

A Christmas Bestiary is an essential guidebook to all the horrors that await us during the darkest time of the year, from common creatures such as Baba Yaga and the Krampus to the less encountered (but quite deadly) Yule Wight and Gryla.
Bodker’s brief text entries include the lore and background of each creature, plus handy info such as danger level that will help you survive (but no guarantees!).

Mortensen’s gothic, pen-and-ink renderings bring these bone-chilling beasts to life on the page.

Eerie, playful, and practical, A Christmas Bestiary is the perfect collection for the ones who love ―or fear― the things that go bump in the night.

Mike Mignola & Troy Nixey: Batman – The Doom That Came to Gotham

A Lovecraftian tale of horror set in Gotham City co-written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola.

In this tale of horror in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne unintentionally brings a dark evil back from a rescue mission.



Alan Moore & Jacen Burrows: Providence Compendium

Finally, the complete Alan Moore masterpiece in one 480 page tome – the PROVIDENCE COMPENDIUM!

Providence is Alan Moore’s quintessential horror series!

In it, he weaves and reinvents the works of H.P. Lovecraft through historical events.

It is both a sequel and prequel to Neonomicon.

The PROVIDENCE COMPENDIUM is the complete series, all twelve issues by Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows, in one 480 page volume.

Alan Moore & Jacen Burrows: Neonomicon

Comic book legend Alan Moore (WATCHMEN, FROM HELL) and brilliant artist Jacen Burrows deliver a chilling tale of Lovecraftian horror!

Brears and Lamper, two young and cocky FBI agents, investigate a fresh series of ritual murders somehow tied to the final undercover assignment of Aldo Sax -the once golden boy of the Bureau, now a convicted killer and inmate of a maximum security prison.

From their interrogation of Sax (where he spoke exclusively in inhuman tongues) to a related drug raid on a seedy rock club rife with arcane symbols and otherworldly lyrics, they suspect that they are on the trail of something awful… but nothing can prepare them for the creeping insanity and unspeakable terrors they will face in the small harbor town of Innsmouth.

NEONOMICON collects Alan Moore’s 2010 comic book series for the first time in its entirety – including his original story, THE COURTYARD, which chronicled Aldo Sax’s tragic encounter with the (somewhat) mortal agents of the Old Ones!

Joe Pruett & Szymon Kudranski: Black-Eyed Kids 1 – The Children

When the lull of night falls over a sleeping midwestern town, an ancient unimaginable horror creeps violently and purposely through the night.

That’s when the children come out to play.

Children with eyes of solid back, devoid of emotion and remorse, and only asking for one thing… to come inside.
But there are some who will not go quietly in the night.

Some who will fight back to save not only their own souls, but their own children’s.
This is their story.

Collecting the first five issues of the sleeper hit series from Eisner Award winner Joe Pruett and artist Szymon Kudranski.

Joe Pruett & Szymon Kudranski: Black-Eyed Kids 2 – The Adults

The urban legend come to life.

The Black-Eyed Children have announced their presence with horrific authority, leaving lives shattered and multiple bodies in their wake.
Jim Loudin and his family, along with a local police officer and a mysterious stranger, seemingly with past ties to these devil children, fight not only for their own lives, but for potentially mankind’s very existence.

Collecting issues #6-10 of the critically-acclaimed series, and the original short story from the AFTERSHOCK GENESIS one-shot.

Written by Eisner winner Joe Pruett and illustrated by Szymon Kudranski.

Martin Cendreda: The Hand of Black and Other Stories

Seven short horror comic stories by animator Martin Cendreda (Bojack Horseman, South Park.)

Martin Cendreda is a gifted comics storyteller who spends most of his days working as an animator (Bojack Horseman, South Park) and therefore hasn’t had a collection of his work… unitil now!

Printed in red, white, and black, The Hand of Black and Other Stories collects seven mostly-silent, short stories (most of which have never been published) that are each a chiseled, mini-masterpiece of dark humor and horror, and will resonate with fans of the Twilight Zone or the works of Daniel Clowes.

Simon Spurrier & Dylan Burnett: Weavers

Written by Eisner-nominated writer Simon Spurrier (The Spire, X-Men: Legacy) and illustrated by Dylan Burnett (Interceptor), Weavers is a twisted blend of Lovecraftian horrors and mafia family drama that explores the unnerving effects of power and addiction.

In the aftermath of a gang-related attack, Sid Thyme becomes an unlikely new addition to the Weavers, a brutal East Coast crime family.
Members of this syndicate are bound to loyalty thanks to the supernatural spiders inside each of them, granting them powerful and grotesque abilities.

Once he realizes what he’s capable of, Sid sets out to uncover the truth behind the mysterious attack, counter to the group’s objectives.

Collects the complete limited series.

Jason McNamara & Alberto Massaggia: Past Tense

Ashley is a tour guide at PAST TENSE, a company that sends camera drones into the past to view history’s most depraved events.

When Ashley discovers Silas Green, an unknown serial killer working in the past, she begins hosting “exclusive” tours of his murders.

The only problem? Silas is still alive in the present.
And when he learns of his newfound infamy, he is inspired to come out of retirement to make Ashley his final victim: Now and forever.

There is no time to hide in this neo-noir thriller from indie comic veterans Jason McNamara ( The Rattler), Alberto Massaggia ( Hotline Miami), and Paul Little ( Bomb Queen).

Tyrone Finch & Alain Mauricet: Swine

Ellis Rafferty spent seven years in prison after being wrongly convicted for the murder of his wife, Becky.

Now released, he seeks to avenge her death.

Joining forces with Becky’s sister, Zoey, they hit the road to take on the most pernicious threat in human history: bloodthirsty, cunning, immortal demons originally cast into the bodies of swine—and they are Legion.

Ellis and Zoey travel the country to put a stop to the pigs’ murderous rampage, leaving carnage in their wake in this horror story with a dark-comedy cream filling.

Bram Stoker & Al McWilliams: Dracula – The Original Graphic Novel

Dracula –both the legendary blood-thirsty vampire and his historic inspiration, Vlad The Impaler– has terrified and fascinated the world via a myriad of films and books ever since Bram Stoker’s original 1897 novel.

Tales of the vampiric Prince of Darkness have been adapted to every format including a number of graphic novels.
But just as Stoker’s 1897 novel ever holds its historic place, so too does the original Dracula graphic novel.

The premier, 1966 graphic adaptation of Stoker’s classic was edited and packaged as a paperback by legendary Creepy magazine founding editor, Russ Unca’ Creepy Jones.

Creepy launched as a full-sized, uncensored black and white horror comics magazine in 1964.
It ran, most-famously adorned with covers by Frank Frazetta, for near 300 issues over two decades, spawning a tsunami of imitators and competing horror magazine lines including from Marvel.

From 2008-2019 Dark Horse released a complete library of Creepy Archives hardcovers which often made the New York Times bestseller list.
After leaving Creepy magazine, for the landmark Dracula graphic novel, Jones enlisted Supergirl co-creator/writer Otto Binder and Star Trek, Twin Earths and Creepy artist Alden McWilliams to adapt Stoker’s novel. Legendary Dracula actor, Christopher Lee even provides an Introduction!

For Halloween 2021, Vanguard has enlarged, revised, and expanded, this historic but long-out-of print classic in a luxurious hardcover edition with a new historic essay by How To Draw Chiller Monsters author, J. David Spurlock, examples of historically related art by Neal Adams, Gene Colan and a new cover by the most celebrated Creepy artist of all, Frank Frazetta.

The package makes a surprisingly tastefully terrifying addition to every library and horror fan’s bookshelf.

Grant Morrison & Naomi Franquiz: Proctor Valley Road

August, Rylee, Cora & Jennie have organized a “Spook Tour” on the most haunted stretch of road in America, but when it turns deadly they must slay the evils roaming Proctor Valley Road!

August, Rylee, Cora & Jennie have organized a “Spook Tour” with their classmates on the most haunted, demon-infested stretch of road in America to fund attending the concert of their dreams.

But when their visit turns deadly, these four friends race to rescue the missing students… before the town tears them limb from limb.
Now they must slay the evils roaming Proctor Valley Road… along with the monsters lurking in the hearts of 1970s America.

Visionary author Grant Morrison (Klaus, Batman: Arkham Asylum) and co-writer Alex Child (BBC’s Holby City) along with artist Naomi Franquiz (Tales from Harrow County) present a chilling new horror series about the mysterious monsters that haunt Proctor Valley Road – and the four misfit teenagers who must stop them.

Collects Proctor Valley Road #1-5.

Cullen Bunn & Andy MacDonald: Rogue Planet

Rogue Planet is a twisting descent into cosmic horror from an all-star creative team including the writer of the runaway hit The Sixth Gun and the artist of Doctor Strange!

Salvage vessel Cortes tracks the Lonely Orphan, a planet with no star system to call its own.
Somewhere on this hostile rock is a payload fit for a king.

To attain it, though, the crew of the Cortes must brave razor rock, poisonous vapors, treacherous footing, and… the most mind-numbing horrors imaginable.
Struggling to stay alive, they are beset at every turn by horrors from their own nightmares.

Now, they have discovered that they are not alone on the planet, and the other inhabitants welcome them… as sacrifices to an elder god.

Stranded on a vicious, murderous, seemingly intelligent planet, the crew of the Cortes must reevaluate what it truly means to survive, and what they are willing to do in order to spare their own lives..

Garth Ennis & David Lapham: Crossed 6

Extreme horror for desperate survivors in a world overrun by psychopaths (think “The Walking Dead” and “28 Days Later” meets “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”), as written by best-selling authors Garth Ennis, Simon Spurrier, and David Lapham!

In a volume that spans several eras of Crossed infection, we join three prolific writers each telling a tale set in the horrifying misery of the world during the plague.

Simon Spurrier puts us in the mind of a unique Crossed relationship, one which sees lovers from two different worlds as they are driven apart by infection.

David Lapham continues fan favorite “Crossed Psychopath” survivor, Amanda’s tale as she fights with the rising insanity in her own mind and a group of lunatic scavengers in “The Livers.”

And series creator Garth Ennis returns to tell a story so big that it re-defines the way you will see the Crossed.
In “The Fatal Englishman” the biggest question in the Crossed universe is answered…how it all begins.

Go where other horror survival stories fear to tread and enter the grueling world of the Crossed!
Trade collects issues #19-28 of the Crossed Badlands series.

Writers: Garth Ennis, Si Spurrier, David Lapham
Artists: Raulo Caceres, Miguel A. Ruiz

Hannu Kesola & Jaime Martinez: Cursed Land

Amityville Horror meets The Conjuring!

Tom and his new wife, Anna, move into a newly purchased house.

They are aware of the house’s gruesome past, but Anna convinces Tom that moving there is a good idea, as they would never again find a house like that with such a low price.
But now the stage is set for the tragic events that are about to unfold.

Bonus story included: Night Screams Mercy.

It is the year 1972. A savage murderer keeps a western Italian city in terror.
Every morning a new slashed woman’s body is found. An experienced detective, Claudio Morante, starts to investigate the case, which turns out to be more difficult than expected.

Will he be able to stop the killer in time, when the… Night Screams for Mercy!

Writer: Hannu Kesola
Artist: Jussi Piironen

Ray Fawkes: Underwinter 1 – Symphony

When a fallen denizen of Heaven claws its way to Earth, four talented musicians are drawn into a web of perversion and violence in an attempt to stop it from bringing its curse to the entire living world.

A new horror series begins here, by award-winning creator RAY FAWKES, author of Gotham By Midnight, Batman: Eternal, and INTERSECT. Collects UNDERWINTER: SYMPHONY #1-6.


Jack Kamen: Daddy Lost His Head and Other Stories

Jack Kamen’s characters plot, scheme, and steal, but find their plans thwarted by magic, monsters, and madness.

Famed for his deft delineations of beautiful, scheming women, handsome jealous husbands, and not-so-innocent children, Kamen returns with a collection of classic EC horror tales from The Vault of Horror, Tales From the Crypt, and The Haunt of Fear.

In the title tale, a cruel stepfather sends his stepdaughter to bed without her supper, but the old crone next door gives the hungry girl a candy figure made in the likeness of her father …

In “What the Dog Dragged In” — one of the EC’s earliest adaptations of a Ray Bradbury story — a wheelchair-bound blind woman asks her faithful dog to go find her fiancé, unaware that he had been killed in an auto accident…

In “Loved to Death,” a rejected suitor spends one dollar to buy a potion that makes a woman fall in love with him, but when it works too well he discovers the price of the antidote is more than he can afford …

Plus over 20 more tales of madness and horror as only EC can do them!
Like every book in the Fantagraphics EC Artists’ Library, Daddy Lost His Head and Other Stories also features essays and notes by EC experts on these superbly crafted, classic masterpieces.

Richard Sala: The Chuckling Whatsit

Sala weaves the gothic cartooning traditions of Edward Gorey and Charles Addams with a melodramatic murder mystery involving astrology, ghouls, academia, and outsider art.

Part noir, part horror, and part comedy, this labyrinthine tale of intrigue follows an unemployed writer named Broom who becomes ensnared unwittingly in a complex plot involving mysterious outsider artist Emile Jarnac, the shadowy machinations of the Ghoul Appreciation Society Headquarters (GASH), and the enigmatic Mr. Ixnay.

Sala’s deadpan delivery makes this ingeniously layered narrative a roller-coaster ride of darkly pure comic suspense.
Sala’s drawing style also reveals the influence of everything from Hollywood monster movies and Dick Tracy to German expressionism and Grimm’s fairy tales.

It’s a style that’s perfectly suited to the narrative, constantly flirting with Sala’s fascination for the grotesque and lending palpable tension to the gruesome riddle of The Chuckling Whatsit.

Spook 1

Just take a look at those covers!

You better get your money ready, they’ll be going fast!
Star Comics was run by L.B. Cole, a man who was particularly known for his bold covers featuring bright “poster colors” as he referred to them and striking designs, a typical Star issue would have an eye-catching surreal cover in swirling black and orange and green!

Including work from Jay Disbrow, who is especially remembered for his pre-Code horror comic work and has become a cult favorite for his stories filled with demons, ghostly apparitions and other monsters.

Collects Spook #22-26 (January-October 1953).

Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda: The Night Eaters 1 – She Eats the Night

The first volume in a new graphic novel horror trilogy from Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda–the creative team behind the New York Times bestselling series Monstress

Chinese American twins, Milly and Billy, are having a tough time.

On top of the multiple failures in their personal and professional lives, they’re struggling to keep their restaurant afloat.
Luckily their parents, Ipo and Keon, are in town for their annual visit. Having immigrated from Hong Kong before the twins were born, Ipo and Keon have supported their children through thick and thin and are ready to lend a hand–but they’re starting to wonder, has their support made Milly and Billy incapable of standing on their own?

When Ipo forces them to help her clean up the house next door–a hellish and run-down ruin that was the scene of a grisly murder–the twins are in for a nasty surprise.

A night of terror, gore, and supernatural mayhem reveals that there is much more to Ipo and her children than meets the eye.

Eisner Award-winning and bestselling author Marjorie Liu and illustrator Sana Takeda have crafted a wild and wicked tale that will leave readers hungry for more. She Eats the Night is the perfect start to The Night Eaters trilogy, which is a combination of Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith and Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan.

Spook 2

Star Comics was run by L.B. Cole, a man who was particularly known for his bold covers featuring bright “poster colors” as he referred to them and striking designs, a typical Star issue would have an eye-catching surreal cover in swirling black and orange and green!

Including work from Jay Disbrow, who is especially remembered for his pre-Code horror comic work and has become a cult favorite for his stories filled with demons, ghostly apparitions and other monsters.

Collects Spook #27-30 (January-October 1954).

Voodoo 3

Okay horror fans, take heed, pay attention, listen to me very carefully, I’ll tell you this one more time!

Don’t try to outsmart fate!
Those who get too crafty often lose their heads!
Be extra careful of that woman on the road – she may be a murderous vampire!
For your own safety don’t try to scare anyone in the home of an axe-wielding murderous old crone.

And whatever you do, please don’t volunteer to take part in any medical experiments and I don’t know how many times we’ve told you this but never ever stay for the night at ‘Werewolf Castle’!

Let’s try to keep everyone safe out there!

Collects Voodoo #15-18 (May/June 1954 to January/February 1955).

James Tynion IV & Gavin Fullerton: The Closet 1

Collects a tale of existential horror by James Tynion IV (The Department of Truth, Razorblades) and Gavin Fullerton (Bog Bodies, Bags).

Thom is moving cross-country with his family and dragging the past along with them.

When his child, Jamie, is seeing monsters in the bedroom closet, Thom reassures him that they will stay in the apartment after the move.
But Thom is very wrong about many things and the monsters do continue to find young Jamie.

Collects THE CLOSET #1-3.

Strange Mysteries 1

Canadian publisher Superior Comics arrival into the four-color horror ring all gloved up and swinging fit to punch the lights out of anybody who stands in their way with a collection of bizarre and quirky tales!

From #1, “The Living Corpse” where a wife has dreams about a man dead for 10 years. Her husband makes a deal with the devil to bring the corpse back to life. She then loses her soul to the devil.

And from #5, “Blood of the Zombie” where a man asks to be embalmed because a zombie colony will think that he has white blood and thus believe him to be a god.
The colony of zombies makes his wife kill him.

Collects Strange Mysteries #1-5 (September 1951-May 1952).

Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Death

Irreverent, Poe-inspired tales of mystery and inebriation return in a new series in time for Halloween!

Edgar Allan Poe returns this Fall with another horror and drunken fueled anthology guaranteed to create laughs this spooky season.

It’s got everything from chocolate vampires and fruit-filled frankenstein in an all-new Monster Serials thriller to a tale of Poe as a mere boy to a chess game against a mysterious mechanical being to the birth of monsters!
But, really, could 19th century doctors be any messier?

Writers: Mark Russell, Stuart Moore, Dean Motter, Holly Interlandi, Tom Peyer, Bryce Abood, Norm Fields, Rick Geary, Kirk Vanderbeek, Brian Schirmer, Paul Constant
Artists: Peter Snejbjerg, Frank Cammuso, Dean Motter, Greg Scott, Rick Geary, Joel Ojeda, Joel Ojeda & Juan Castro, Ryan Kelly, Shane Oakley, John Lucas

The Beyond 1

The final volume of Ace Magazines’ The Beyond is brand new to the PS Artbooks Softee racks, fellow comic book fans and features writers and artists such as Warren Kremer, Frank Giusto, Don Perlin, Ken Rice, Al Hartley. Maurice Gutwirth, Mike Sekowsky, Jerry Grandenetti, Louis Zansky, Jim McLaughlin, Charles Nicholas, Lin Streeter and Richard Case.

Just when you thought it was gonna be safe to put your wallet away, think again cos here comes even more horror and suspense in the form of ghouls and cadavers, vampires and ghosts!

Collects The Beyond #1-5 (November 1950-July 1951).

Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner: Stray Dogs – Dog Days

The follow-up to 2021’s surprise cartoon/horror smash hit, STRAY DOGS! In DOG DAYS, each of the Strays gets their moment to shine with a series of vicious short stories.

Questions are answered, mysteries solved and old wounds get torn open.
This genre bending thrill ride takes the reader from the first dog he captured to the final moments at the Master’s house of horrors.

STRAY DOGS: DOG DAYS is a heartbreakingly adorable horror anthology by My Little Pony comic artists TONY FLEECS and TRISH FORSTNER.

In this collection… Every dog has its day.


Classic Horror Comics 1

Introducing our first volume of CLASSIC HORROR COMICS – where we’ve unearthed some right little horrors!

Starting with Terrifying Tales #11 Black Magic! Voodoo! Jungle Mystery! And cover artwork by L.B. Cole.

And there’s more with shocking and eerie tales including cannibalism in the pages of The Tormented #1 & #2.

Climax #1 from publisher Stanley Morse features the aptly titled ‘Fate!’ where no matter which road Rocky Webster chooses he meets justice! And it would be an injustice, if you miss the chance to buy this beauty!

Climax #2 gives us ‘The Witness’ where Tony Paris commits murder but picks the wrong girl to be his alibi! So you better make sure you have your alibi ready when we ask ya if you’ve bought this already?

Antoine Maillard: Slash Them All

A tranquil seaside town is upended by the arrival of a serial killer.

2022 WINNER for Best Crime Graphic Novel at the Angouleme International Comics Festival

Two high school students are found dead, stoking fears amongst the student body and surrounding community of a serial killer on the loose.
Yet summer is approaching, and the future is fraught with uncertainty―if only things could go back to normal for just a while longer.

Instead, the heightened police presence prevents Pola from dealing at school while her best friend, the typically discreet Daniel, resists increasingly morbid impulses.

News crews speculate about the Bloody Batter, triggering PTSD and fueling paranoia.

Meanwhile, evil has its own plans.

Slash Them All is cartoonist Antoine Maillard’s tribute to 1980s American horror cinema, skillfully absorbing the traditions and tropes of the genre, yet drawn in a gorgeous, grayscale pencil style that evokes 1950s film noir more than Jason or Freddy Kreuger.

This singular work of graphic fiction is a story about adolescents thrust unexpectedly, unwillingly, and unpreparedly into adulthood, told with a graphic acuity and emotional depth that transcends its simple slasher inspirations.

Classic Horror Comics 3

We’ve unearthed some more little horrors!

Originally these stories were produced for Charlton editor Al Fago who when he left reportedly sold them to St. John.

And with the likes of the ‘Nightmare’ served up for us by the great Steve Ditko, where a man attempts to avoid the fate that his wife has dreamed for him , it’s a good job he did!
And in the 1958 series of Eerie we have everything from ‘Up Pops The Devil!’-with Mister Lucifer no less!-to ‘The Mirror of Cagliostro’ featuring the Italian adventurer and self-styled magician with a passion for various occult arts!

Collects Do You Believe in Nightmares #1-2 (November 1957-January 1958) and Eerie #1 and #8-9 (1958).

Bruce Campbell & Eduardo Risso: DC Horror Presents – Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead

Berlin, 1944.

The Nazis are besieged on all fronts by the Allied forces.
Defeat is inevitable. But Hitler and his team of evil scientists attempt a last-ditch effort that may turn the tide of the war and rewrite history itself: a serum that resurrects their dead soldiers, stronger than they were in life, and sends them back into the battlefield.

Now Sgt. Frank Rock and Easy Company have been dispatched into enemy territory to face off against the strangest, most horrific enemies they’ve ever encountered: Nazi zombies!

Sgt. Rock and Easy Company are behind enemy lines, armed to the teeth, and ready to go up against the strangest-and deadliest-enemies they’ve ever encountered: zombies, and a whole lot of ’em!

Strap in, soldiers, it’s you against the world…of the dead!

Horror icon Bruce Campbell and comics legend Eduardo Risso bring you a terror-soaked Sgt. Rock tale like no other!

Collects DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1-6.

Classic Horror Comics 2

PS Artbooks presents Classic Horror Comics 2.

Collects Haunted Thrills #3 & 7; Terrifying Tales #12; Weird Chills #1 & 3, 1952-54.

This is a strange brew of three different titles, but all with very cool pre-code features.

Includes bondage covers, an EC swipe, covers by the two greats, L.B. Cole and Bernard Baily (co-creator of The Spectre), plus Basil Wolverton, Jay Disbrow, Carl Burgos (Human Torch creator), and the Iger Shop.

Marcus Parks & Henry Zebrowski: DC Horror Presents – Soul Plumber

Exorcism made easy? The team behind The Last Podcast on the Left unleash an all-new sci-fi horror story–with the fate of mankind at stake!

After attending a seminar hosted in a hotel conference room by a mysterious group called the Soul Plumbers, Edgar Wiggins, disgraced former seminary school student, discovers what he thinks is the secret to delivering souls from the thrall of Satan.

But after stealing the blueprints and building the machine himself, out of whatever he can afford from his salary as a gas station attendant, Edgar misses the demon and instead pulls out an inter-dimensional alien with dire consequences for all of mankind–leaving carnage in its wake, and Edgar questioning his faith.
Things only get weirder, grosser, and more biblical from there in this original story from the team behind the hit true crime and horror podcast, The Last Podcast on the Left!

Collects DC Horror Presents: Soul Plumber #1-6.

Haunted Thrills 1

We’ve unearthed some more little horrors for our second volume of Classic Horror Comics! Starting with Haunted Thrills #3 (October 1952) and Haunted Thrills #7 (March 1953) where scientist George Norton saves the brain of an executed wife killer- making contact with it to develop it’s evil ways?

Then Terrifying Tales #12 (April 1953) complete with a classic L.B.Cole cover- where not even Jo-Jo realized what horrors lurked beneath the surface of a crystal clear lake!

Finishing our grim journey with Weird Chills #1 (July 1954) where the doctor oversees a blood transfusion between a woman and a zombie!

And in Weird Chills #3 (November 1954) we discover the ‘Terror on TV’-vampiric monsters take over the studio- attacking the cast and crew- while the audience just think it’s all part of the show?

Momma always said TV was bad for you- so you better stick to reading the comics!

Creepy Archives 1

Gather your wooden stakes, silver bullets, and the skeletons in your closet, and prepare for a descent into horror and science-fiction history with Creepy Archives Volume 1!

Reanimated in all its gruesome glory in a value-priced paperback format, and in its original magazine size, this terrifying tome presents some of the finest work by comics legends Archie Goodwin, Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, Reed Crandall, Alex Toth, Joe Orlando, Gray Morrow, and more. Collects Creepy magazine issues #1-#5 and includes original letters pages, text features, and ads.

Writers: Archie Goodwin, Arthur Porges, Otto Binder, Larry Engleheart, Russ Jones, Bill Pearson, Larry Ivie, Joe Orlando
Artists: Frank Frazetta, Reed Crandall, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando, George Evans, Al Williamson, Alex Toth, Gray Morrow, Angelo Torres, Al McWilliams, Maurice Whitman, Roy Krenkel, Bob Lubbers

Worlds of Fear 1

Here come those PS guys again- this time hitting you with the full run of Worlds of Fear from the magical days of 1952 and featuring artists and writers such as Sheldon Moldoff- Bernard Baily- Bob Powell- George Evans- Mike Sekowsky- Moe Marcus- Bob McCarty- Harry Harrison- and Norman Saunders.

Crossing horror and SF has never been more enjoyable.

Lock the door- flip the tab on a can of soda and delve into those potato chips.

It’s a marriage made in Heaven.

Collects issues #1-5 (November 1951 to June 1953).

Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla: Night of the Ghoul

A dazzling work of horror, intercutting between the present day and the story of a lost film.

Horror masters Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Wytches) and Francesco Francavilla (Afterlife with Archie) collaborate for the first time!

This graphic novel is a bold and bloody reimagining of horror monsters that celebrates classic creature features, while creating an unsettling and contemporary new kind of horror story.

It was said to be the greatest horror movie in cinematic history.

Shot in 1936, “Night of the Ghoul” by writer/director T.F. Merritt was meant to sit beside “Frankenstein” and “Dracula” as an instant classic…But the legendary film never made it to the silver screen.
Just before editing was finished, a mysterious studio fire destroyed the footage and killed the cast and crew celebrating at wrap-party.

Rumors of the doomed film’s greatness persist to this day, but no footage from it was ever recovered…until now.
Forest Inman is a horror film obsessive who digitizes old films for the famed Aurora movie studio.

When Forest stumbles across a seemingly forgotten canister of footage, he just might have discovered the remnants of the lost classic “Night of the Ghoul.”

This discovery sends Forest on a dark odyssey to the California desert, where he’s warned by a mysterious old man that the film’s ghoul is far more than a work of fiction: it’s a very real monster who plans to kill him.

Collects Night of the Ghoul #1-#3 (originally published by Comixology and republished as single issues by Dark Horse).

Strange Suspense Stories 6

Charlton’s not to be underestimated Strange Suspense Stories boasted a huge roster creative of talents – Bill Fraccio, Bill Molno, Matt Baker, Charles Nicholas, Bill Montes, Rocco Mastroserio.

And, of course, Steve Ditko whose moody, individualistic touch came to dominate Charlton’s supernatural titles and was at his best in this run of Strange Suspense Stories.

Don’t miss your chance and check out our latest volume and watch out, fella, these really are a strange mix of horror, suspense, science fiction, fantasy and supernatural stories! Collects Strange Suspense Stories #43-47 (September 1959-May 1960).

The Vault of Horror 3

From the dark heart of the legendary EC Comics line comes The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 3 in a value-priced paperback edition!

Presenting twenty-four tales of terror by comics legends Al Feldstein, William Gaines, Johnny Craig, Graham Ingles, Jack Davis, and more, this gruesome grimoire features remastered colors based on Marie Severin’s original tones and includes the Al Feldstein/Jack Davis adaptation of the Ray Bradbury story “Let’s Play Poison.”

Collects The Vault of Horror issues #24-29 with a foreword by Mike Richardson.

Steve Niles & Glenn Fabry: Lot 13

A family making a cross-country move makes a horrifying discovery in an old apartment complex.

Can they survive the night?

In 1670, in a small colony in Fairfax, Virginia, Robert Wyatt killed his family before taking his own life.
The town elders held a tribunal and found Wyatt and his family guilty of mortal sin and cast their bodies into unholy ground for eternity–or did they?

When a young couple and their three young children move into a mysterious apartment building, they soon begin to see apparitions of the long-dead family of Robert Wyatt.
The secrets of the house–and its dangers–are deepening with every passing hour as the young family struggles to escape the horrors surrounding them.

Collects issues #1-5 of the original DC Comics series in print for the first time by 30 Days of Night’s Steve Niles and Preacher’s Glenn Fabry.

Tales from the Crypt 2

The classic EC comics series, now in an affordably priced deluxe-size trade paperback!

More classic horror tales written and illustrated by the all-star line-up of Al Feldstein Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, Johnny Craig, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingels, and Jack Davis!

Reprinting 24 stories from Tales from the Crypt issues #23-#28, the inspiration for the hit movie and HBO series!

Collects Tales from the Crypt issues #23-#28.

Drew Zucker & Phillip Sevy: The House

The Battle of the Bulge, WWII, a group of American soldiers becomes trapped inside an abandoned mansion while they seek shelter from a blizzard.

During the Battle of the Bulge, a squadron of US soldiers is caught in a blizzard while patrolling through the woods.

Seeking refuge from the impending white out, they stumble across an abandoned manor, seeking shelter and safety.
Once inside, however, the doors disappear, rooms begin to morph, exits become entrances, and they quickly realize there is no safety to be found!

As their eyes deceive them, their minds descend into madness, panic, and paranoia. Is this real? Or is there more to this labyrinth than what resides within the walls?

Secrets are revealed, history is retold, and death is the only mercy.

The acclaimed, psychological tale of supernatural evil amid the horrors of war from Drew Zucker (Canto, Skybreaker) and Phillip Sevy (Tomb Raider, Triage). Now with a new cover and added bonus material!

Dick Briefer: Frankenstein – The Prize Comics Years 1

Dick Briefer’s Frankenstein for Prize Comics is widely regarded as being America’s first ongoing horror series.

Indeed, it was Briefer’s work that probably caused the creature to be actually named as Frankenstein instead of the nameless monstrosity from Shelley’s novel.

Splitting the stories between the twin stools of humor and horrorm Briefer’s tales are absorbing and unsettling in equal parts.

Some of the humorous material has already been reprinted, though not necessarily in order nor in total. Until now, of course!

Reprints Prize Comics stories issues #7-37 (December 1940-December 1943).

James Tynion IV & Álvaro Martínez Bueno: The Nice House on the Lake 1

With Something Is Killing the Children and The Department of Truth, James Tynion IV has changed the face of horror in modern comics–now get ready for his most ambitious story yet, alongside his Detective Comics partner Álvaro Martínez Bueno!

Everyone who was invited to the house knows Walter–well, they know him a little, anyway.
Some met him in childhood; some met him months ago.

And Walter’s always been a little…off.

But after the hardest year of their lives, nobody was going to turn down Walter’s invitation to an astonishingly beautiful house in the woods, overlooking an enormous sylvan lake.
It’s beautiful, it’s opulent, it’s private–so a week of putting up with Walter’s weird little schemes and nicknames in exchange for the vacation of a lifetime? Why not?

All of them were at that moment in their lives when they could feel themselves pulling away from their other friends; wouldn’t a chance to reconnect be…nice?

In The Nice House on the Lake, the overriding anxieties of the 21st century get a terrifying new face–and it might just be the face of the person you once trusted most.

Collects The Nice House on the Lake #1-6.

Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds 5

It’s all too easy to overlook Charlton’s 40 year run and over 6000 issue contribution to comic book history!

Because with their roster of writers and artists including Dick Giordano, Bill Molno, Bill Fraccio, Bill Montes, Charles Nicholas plus many others and of course the truly remarkable one man creative genius Steve Ditko.

Serving us with a never-ending concoction of fantastic fantasy-supernatural and horror tales and mind blowing science fiction stories, they really did keep the comic buying youth of the world well and truly satisfied-no mean achievement and well worth celebrating!

Collects Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #21-25 (November 1960-July 1961).

Christofer Emgard & Tomas Aira: The Secret Land

Two lovers torn asunder by World War II face a terror from beyond the stars in this cosmic horror graphic novel by the creators of The Whispering Dark.

It is 1945 and Hitler is dead.

Ben and Katherine are supposed to be together, happy.
Instead, Ben fights the war in the Pacific with the reckless heroism of one who believes his fiancée killed in action.

Yet, Katherine lives, undercover aboard a submarine about to arrive at the Third Reich’s last bastion.

Ben tries to move on, until the Navy receives a message.
In Antarctica, the Nazis are plotting their return, powered by strange and foreboding technology.

Katherine is there, and Ben is coming to get her.

But the Nazis are meddling with powers beyond their comprehension, for whom humanity is a petty thing.

As war engulfs the edge of the world, Ben and Katherine confront the truth about the boundaries of love, and what lies beyond them.

The Conjuring – The Lover

Meet Jessica.

Jessica just returned to her freshman year of college after winter break, bringing with her the anxieties of last semester’s poor grades, the awkwardness of facing a boy she wishes she’d never slept with, and an undeniably unnerving feeling of being watched.

She soon comes to realize that something evil made her its target, and it will not rest until it has her in its unholy grip.
But why did this sinister presence set its sights on a seemingly normal college freshman?

Read this nerve-racking tale, creepily crafted by Conjuring screenwriter David L. Johnson-McGoldrick and Rex Ogle with heart-stopping art from Garry Brown and chill-inducing covers by Bill Sienkiewicz, to find out!

The terrifying tie-in to The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is collected here in its entirety!

Plus, take a tour of the Warrens’ hauntd-artifact room and learn the horrifying origins behind some of the objects contained within, revealed in five bone-chilling bonus tales by Scott Snyder, Denys Cowan, Juan Ferreyra, Tim Seeley, Kelley Jones, and many more of comics’ most terrifying talent!

Cullen Bunn & Jonas Scharf: Basilisk 1

The Chimera are five young people that possess incredible powers stemming from the five human senses.

They are bound by a cult-like hive mind and leave death and destruction in their wake.
Regan, one of the Chimera, escapes the group and hides in cheap motels and dive bars crippled with the guilt of her past.

But the tables turn when a former victim of the Chimera, Hannah, appears and forces her to hunt down the other four of her kind.

New York Times bestselling horror writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Empty Man) reunites with his Bone Parish co-creator, artist Jonas Scharf (Avengers Of The Wasteland), to unleash the first chapter of a supernatural horror series that explores how we process the world through our senses.

Collects Basilisk #1-4.

Andy Eschenbach & Kate Sherron: Chained to the Grave

The Old West springs to afterlife in otherworldly color!

He may have died at high noon, but he’ll be back in the saddle by midnight!

Outlaw Roy Mason has come back from the dead, chained to the tombstone that marked his grave.
It’s a lawless time, a magical time, and the undead Roy soon finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place as he sets out in search of treasure.

But Roy, trying to do right by the wife and children he left behind, soon finds out that everything is not always as it seems…

A classic tale of gunslinging revenge with a supernatural twist, Chained to the Grave presents western horror with a wholly unique visual style for a tale as refreshing as a second first breath.

The Haunt of Fear 1

The Haunt font overfloweth!

Collecting issues #15-#17 and #4-#6 of the classic horror series, and features gorgeous new digital colors–using Marie Severin’s original palette as a guide, this volume includes unforgettable stories drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Al Feldstein, Harvey Kurtzman, Harry Harrison, Wallace Wood, Graham Ingles, Jack Kamen, and Jack Davis!


Cullen Bunn & Sami Kivelä: Heathens – Hunters of the Damned

When evil men and women escape from the depths of the eternal abyss, the Pirate Queen Lady Shih is sent to retrieve them.

But when one of history’s most notorious killers breaks free, even she needs help.
Enter the Heathens: Shih, Lucky Luciano, Bumpy Johnson, Sofia the Golden Hand, and Billy the Kid.

From Hell they came to mete out a justice as dark as their own tormented souls.

From the wonderfully wretched imaginations of AfterShock horror-alum Cullen Bunn (EDEN, PIECEMEAL, DARK ARK) and Heath Amodio (SuperCLEAN), and illustrated by superstar Sami Kivelä (UNDONE BY BLOOD), in THE HEATHENS, evil meets its match – five of them, to be exact.

The Haunt of Fear 2

Don’t you want the Haunt?!

Collecting issues #7-12 of the classic terrifying cult horror series, and features gorgeous new digital colors–using Marie Severin’s original palette as a guide, this volume includes unforgettable stories drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Graham Ingles, Jack Davis, Jack Kamen, George Roussos, Ed Smalle, and Joe Orlando!


Ed Piskor: Red Room – Trigger Warnings

In this second Red Room collection, fan-favorite the Decimator presents… The Rat Queens!

And unfortunately for them, they’re front and center in the Decimator’s most horrific red room broadcast yet!

Also, hoodie horror comes to Red Room by way of the Punkinz: two sociopathic, aspiring red roomers who quickly make a name on the scene with their amateur snuff films. Fueled by a mutual passion and talent for murder, the young sweethearts aim to be the most notorious and wanted killers on the dark web…

Plus, much more, including the mysterious island of Pitcairn, home to a native civilization that has been sacrificing their people to the gods for generations in hopes for a good crop season — until bitcoin pirates discover the uncharted island and hatch their own plans.

The book also includes Piskor’s exclusive Director’s Commentary for virtually every page, tons of process art, sketchbook material, and other surprises exclusive to this collection.

Red Room’s first season, The Antisocial Network, was the breakout smash-hit comic book series of 2021, with over a quarter-million copies sold of the series to date.

Who are the red room killers? Who are the victims? Who’s watching? Who can stop it?

Trigger Warnings escalates the stakes, with Piskor pushing his masterpiece of modern horror in new directions and delivering the cyberpunk, outlaw, splatterpunk goods as no one else can.

Miles Gunter & Kelsey Shannon: Dark Fang 1 – Earth Calling

Her name is Valla.

She is a vampire who has resided on the bottom of the ocean for a century.
When her aquatic paradise is destroyed by a dark liquid plague, she travels to the surface in search of answers.

What she finds is a world threatened by climate change and a civilization powerless to stop it.

Eventually, mankind will be wiped out, and Valla will have no food supply. If she is to survive, then the fossil fuel industries must fall.

Image Comics presents the first volume in the ecological action horror thrill ride by MILES GUNTER and KELSEY SHANNON.

Collects DARK FANG #1-5.

Ulli Lust & Marcel Beyer: Voices in the Dark

Germany, in the final years of the Third Reich.

Hermann Karnau is a sound engineer obsessed with recording the human voice in all its variations—the rantings of leaders, the roar of crowds, the rasp of throats constricted in fear—and indifferent to everything else.
Employed by the Nazis, his assignments take him to Party rallies, to the Eastern Front, and into the household of Joseph Goebbels.

There he meets Helga, the eldest daughter: bright, good-natured, and just beginning to suspect the horror that surrounds her…

Based on an acclaimed novel by Marcel Beyer, Voices in the Dark is the first fictional graphic novel by Ulli Lust, whose award-winning graphic memoir Today Is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life appeared in English in 2013.

It is the story of an unlikely friendship and of a childhood betrayed, a grim parable of naïveté and evil, and a vivid, unsettling masterpiece.


極東の恐怖 eli kauhua Kaukoidästä!

Junji Ito: Venus in the Blind Spot

A “best of” collection of creepy tales from Eisner award winner and legendary horror master Junji Ito.

This striking collection presents the most remarkable short works of Junji Ito’s career, featuring an adaptation of Rampo Edogawa’s classic horror story “Human Chair” and fan favorite “The Enigma of Amigara Fault.”

With a deluxe presentation–including special color pages, and showcasing illustrations from his acclaimed long-form manga No Longer Human–each chilling tale invites readers to revel in a world of terror.

Junji Ito: Remina

Another of Junji Ito’s classics, the sci-fi masterwork Remina tells the chilling tale of a hell star.

An unknown planet emerges from inside a wormhole, and its discoverer, Dr. Oguro, christens the body “Remina” after his own daughter.

His finding is met with great fanfare, and Remina herself rises to fame. However, the object picks up speed as it moves along in its curious course, eliminating planets and stars one after another, until finally Earth itself faces extinction…

Is the girl Remina the true cause of the catastrophe?

A masterwork of horror from Junji Ito, unfolding on a universal scale.

Junji Ito: Sensor

Horror master Junji Ito explores a new frontier with a grand cosmic horror tale in which a mysterious woman has her way with the world!

A woman walks alone at the foot of Mount Sengoku. A man appears, saying he’s been waiting for her, and invites her to a nearby village.

Surprisingly, the village is covered in hairlike volcanic glass fibers, and all of it shines a bright gold.

At night, when the villagers perform their custom of gazing up at the starry sky, countless unidentified flying objects come raining down on them–the opening act for the terror about to occur!

Junji Ito: Junji Ito’s Cat Diary – Yon & Mu Collector’s Edition

Is there anything spookier than a silent feline, eyes glinting, stalking you in the night…IN YOUR OWN HOME

Master of horror Junji Ito turns his twisted eye on his own life in this comedic graphic memoir about becoming a cat owner, now reissued in a deluxe hardcover featuring an exclusive interivew with Ito and a NEW cover illustration by the author that GLOWS IN THE DARK!

The perfect gift for the slightly-twisted cat lover in your life.

Reigning king of horror manga Junji Ito presents a series of hissterical tales chronicling his real-life trials and tribulations of becoming a cat owner.
Junji Ito, as J-kun, has recently built a new house and has invited his financée, A-ko, to live with him.

Little did he know…his blushing bride-to-be has some unexpected company in tow–Yon, a ghastly-looking family cat, and Mu, an adorable Norwegian forest cat.

Despite being a dog person, J-kun finds himself purrsuaded by their odd cuteness and thus begins his comedic struggle to gain the affection of his new feline friends.

Junji Ito: Lovesickness

An innocent love becomes a bloody hell in another superb collection by master of horror Junji Ito.

Ryusuke returns to the town he once lived in because rumors are swirling about girls killing themselves after encountering a bewitchingly handsome young man.
Harboring his own secret from time spent in this town, Ryusuke attempts to capture the beautiful boy and close the case, but…

Starting with the strikingly bloody “Lovesickness,” this volume collects ten stories showcasing horror master Junji Ito in peak form, including “The Strange Hikizuri Siblings” and “The Rib Woman.”

Junji Ito: Fragments of Horror

A new collection of delightfully macabre tales from a master of horror manga.

An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants.
A dissection class with a most unusual subject.
A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest.

Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Ito’s long-awaited return to the world of horror.

Junji Ito: Frankenstein

Junji Ito meets Mary Shelley!

The master of horror manga bends all his skill into bringing the anguished and solitary monster–and the fouler beast who created him–to life with the brilliantly detailed chiaroscuro he is known for.

Also included are six tales of Oshikiri–a high school student who lives in a decaying mansion connected to a haunted parallel world.
Uncanny doppelgangers, unfortunately murdered friends, and a whole lot more are in store for him.

Bonus: The Ito family dog! Thrill to the adventures of Non-non Ito, an adorable Maltese!

Junji Ito: Black Paradox

Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito’s legendary sci-fi thriller is finally available in English!

Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a woman who agonizes about the birthmark on her face.

They wander together in search of the perfect death, fatefully opening a door that leads them to a rather bizarre destiny…

Junji Ito: Gyo

Something is rotten in Okinawa…

The floating smell of death hangs over the island. What is it? A strange, legged fish appears on the scene…

So begins Tadashi and Kaori’s spiral into the horror and stench of the sea.

Here is the creepiest masterpiece of horror manga ever from the creator of Uzumaki, Junji Ito. Hold your breath until all is revealed.

Junji Ito debuted as a horror manga artist in 1987 with the first story in his successful Tomie series.

Uzumaki, drawn from 1998 to 1999, was adapted into a live-action movie, which has been released in America by Viz Films and Tidepoint Pictures.
It’s influences include the classic manga artists Kazuo Umezu and Hideshi Hino, as well as authors Yasutaka Tsutsui and H.P. Lovecraft.

Junji Ito: Uzumaki

A masterpiece of horror manga, now available in a deluxe hardcover edition!

Kurozu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed.

According to Shuichi Saito, the withdrawn boyfriend of teenager Kirie Goshima, their town is haunted not by a person or being but by a pattern: uzumaki, the spiral, the hypnotic secret shape of the world.
It manifests itself in everything from seashells and whirlpools in water to the spiral marks on people’s bodies, the insane obsessions of Shuichi’s father and the voice from the cochlea in our inner ear.

As the madness spreads, the inhabitants of Kurozu-cho are pulled ever deeper into a whirlpool from which there is no return!

Junji Ito: Tomie

The complete classic horror series, now available in a single deluxe volume. Murdered again and again, one girl always comes back for more…

Tomie Kawakami is a femme fatale with long black hair and a beauty mark just under her left eye.

She can seduce nearly any man, and drive them to murder as well, even though the victim is often Tomie herself.
While one lover seeks to keep her for himself, another grows terrified of the immortal succubus.

But soon they realize that no matter how many times they kill her, the world will never be free of Tomie.

Junji Ito: Tombs

Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito invites you to the horrific Tomb Town and beyond.

Countless tombstones stand in rows throughout a small community, forming a bizarre tableau.
What fate awaits a brother and sister after a traffic accident in this town of the dead?

In another tale, a girl falls silent, her tongue transformed into a slug. Can a friend save her?

Then, when a young man moves to a new town, he finds the house next door has only a single window.
What does his grotesque neighbor want, calling out to him every evening from that lone window?

Fresh nightmares brought to you by horror master Junji Ito.

Junji Ito: Shiver

A best-of story selection by the master of horror manga.

This volume includes nine of Junji Ito’s best short stories, as selected by the author himself and presented with accompanying notes and commentary.

An arm peppered with tiny holes dangles from a sick girl’s window…
After an idol hangs herself, balloons bearing faces appear in the sky, some even featuring your own face…
An amateur film crew hires an extremely individualistic fashion model and faces a real bloody ending…

An offering of nine fresh nightmares for the delectation of horror fans.

Junji Ito: Smashed

Thirteen chilling nightmares, presented by the master of horror.

Try not to be noticed when you eat the secret nectar, otherwise you’ll get smashed…
What horrific events happened to create the earthbound–people tied to a certain place for the rest of their short lives?

Then, a strange haunted house comes to town, but no one expects it to lead to a real hell…

Welcome to Junji Ito’s world, a world with no escape from endless nightmares.

Betwixt – A Horror Manga Anthology

All-new horror anthology featuring cover art by international bestseller, Junji Ito!

Manga creators from Japan and the US present an international showcase of horror.
Collected for the first time in Betwixt: A Horror Manga Anthology, six short stories reveal the universal fear of the space between the known and unknown.

Will anyone cross that border?

Featuring stories from a range of award-winning and popular creators, as well as a foreword and exclusive cover art by global phenomenon, Junji Ito.

Ryo Hanada (creator of Devil’s Line), Aki Shimizu (creator of the Suikoden III manga), and Shima Shinya (creator of Lost Lad London and cowriter of Star Wars: The High Republic, The Edge of Balance) each tell uniquely Japanese tales of ghosts and creatures who exist alongside us.

American creative duo, Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad (cowriters of Wonder Woman and Batgirls) along with duo Leslie Hung (cocreator of Snotgirl) and Sloane Leong (creator of A Map to the Sun) and up and coming creator Hua Hua Zhu round out the anthology with tales that would make anyone paranoid about who they may encounter.

Junji Ito: Mimi’s Tales of Terror

Experience real-life chills as Junji Ito brings these “true” horror series to life!

University student Mimi and her boyfriend Naoto encounter one chilling mystery after another.

There’s the enigmatic neighbor woman dressed in black from head to toe—but if she’s so odd, why does it seems like there are many others like her?

Then, whose eyes track Mimi’s movements from the cemetery next door?
And why does a bizarre red circle drawn on a basement wall change with each passing day?

Nine scary stories that really happened, drawn from the famed collecton of urban legends Shin Mimibukuro (New Earmuffs), and adapted into manga by horror genius Junji Ito!

Junji Ito: Soichi

A collection of tales featuring Soichi, the uncanny and hilarious hero of the Junji Ito world!

“I’ll get you for this… I’ll show you true horror!”

Soichi, the unhinged second son of the Tsujii family, chews nails and makes them clatter and clack as he spouts horrific curses to bring about the most bizarre happenings.
Whether it’s summer holidays or a birthday party, Soichi can turn any occasion into a nightmare in a heartbeat.

What is the terrible secret of his origin?

Meanwhile, tormented by his little brother’s never-ending pranks, older brother Koichi has a soundproof room built.
But why does it have a series of four doors?

And then there’s the strange phenomenon surrounding the handmade casket their grandfather left behind.
What on earth—or hell—has the family seen there?

Ten tales that celebrate the sinister and hilarious world of Junji Ito’s favorite antihero, Soichi!

Kanako Inuki: Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki!


The six hair-raising stories selected for this collection feature an array of unnerving characters and scenarios brought to life in Inuki’s signature art style, in the tradition of Junji Ito, Kazuo Umezu, Shintaro Kago, and Junko Mizuno.



Junji Ito: Deserter

An ever-increasing malice.
A mind-numbing terror.
The seeds of horror are sown in this collection of Junji Ito’s earliest works.

A vengeful family hides an army deserter for eight years after the end of World War II, cocooning him in a false reality where the war never ended.

A pair of girls look alike, but they’re not twins.

And a boy’s nightmare threatens to spill out into the real world…

This hauntingly strange story collection showcases a dozen of Junji Ito’s earliest works from when he burst onto the horror scene, sowing fresh seeds of terror.

Yeon Sang-Ho & Choi Gyu-Seok: The Hellbound 1

Available for the first time in English!

Experience the intense and heart-pounding horror of The Hellbound volume one by Yeon Sang-Ho, director of the internatonal hit and cult favorite film Train to Busan and cartoonist Choi Gyu-Seok, creator of the acclaimed webtoon Songgot.

Fear and panic spread as a sinister phenomenon marks individuals for certain death.

One day, you will receive a message from an unknown sender.
The message will only include your name, the fact that you are going to hell, and the time you have left to live.

There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide–no escape.

When the time counts down to zero, supernatural beings manifest to condemn you to hell.

As the nation falls into unrest, a new religious sect begins to interpret the bizarre occurrence as the will of the divine.
Could this be a sign of something grander–a blessing in disguise, a holy reckoning, or an evil curse?

Amid social chaos and increasing hysteria, the people must find a way to survive this inexplicable terror.

Junji Ito: Dissolving Classroom Collector’s Edition

Master of horror, Junji Ito’s Dissolving Classroom now in a collector’s package!

Dissolving Classroom is one of the strangest stories that Ito has ever created in his history as a horror mangaka, and considering the sheer amount of strange stories that he has formed in the past, this is really saying something.” –

Please Stop Groveling.

A pair of twisted siblings—Yuuma, a young man obsessed with the devil, and Chizumi, the worst little sister in recorded history—cause all sorts of tragic and terrifying things to happen wherever they go.

At the heart of the ills lies a culture, both foreign and all too close to home, of excessive apologetics…

Junji Ito: The Liminal Zone

Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito presents brand-new nightmares!

What destiny awaits them after the screaming?

After abruptly departing from a train in a small town, a couple encounters a “weeping woman”–a professional mourner–sobbing inconsolably at a funeral.
Mako changes afterward–she can’t stop crying!

In another tale, having decided to die together, a couple enters Aokigahara, the infamous suicide forest.
What is the shocking otherworldly torrent that they discover there?

One of horror’s greatest talents, Junji Ito beckons readers to join him in an experience of ultimate terror with four transcendently terrifying tales.


Kai näillekin joku kirkuu eli pelottavat lehdet ja kirjat!

Sarjari 14 – Kauhu

Kansi: Hannu Mänttäri
Hannu Mänttäri: Herääminen 1s.
Kim Nyman: Artti (strippi)
Annukka Leppänen* & P.A. Manninen: Saarbrucken 1952 5s.
Nalle Virolainen: Joka kodin sienitieto 3s.
Reima Mäkinen: Salaman morsian 7s.
Janne Kaitala & Jouko Ruokosenmäki: Juha merihädässä 2s.
P.A. Manninen* & Matti-Pekka Ratia: Televicious 3s.
Timo Ronkainen: 23:35 2s.
Riitta Uusitalo: Talkkarinjätkä 6s.

Sarjari 28 – Morgue (Kauhu)

Kansi: Timo Niemi
Johanna Sinisalo* & Hannu Mänttäri: Kalmankäpälä, tuonentassu 1s.
Timo Niemi: Pimeyden sydän 5s.
Christer Nuutinen: Arkipäivän kummallisuuksia 1s.
Nalle Virolainen: Avioero matojen tapaan (osa 2) Hei me erotaan! 4s.
Jii Lehto: Skitso 2s.
P.A. Manninen & Hannele Kivilahti: Samain 7s.
Roju Rojola: Varokaa Liftareita 3s.
Reima Mäkinen: Sielu 2s.
J. Ruokosenmäki & J. Kaitala & H. Mikkola: Salamanteri 2s.
Kati Kovacs: Something is in bad shape 2s.

Sarjari 59 – Raivohullu (Kauhu)

Kansi: Marko Latva-Nikkola
Johanna Sinisalo* & Hannu Mänttäri: Tiskivuoro 1s.
Reima Mäkinen: Jokainen ihminen on haulin arvoinen 1s.
P.A. Manninen: Kapteeni Kuolio seikkailee: Älä mene alas kellariin 6s.
Jarkko Nääs: Kummituskämppiksen salainen elämä 1s.
Aura Ijäs: Eräs pieni kauhutarina 3s.
Jarkko Lehto: A&E 1s.
Marko Latva-Nikkola: Pirunkyytiä 3s.
Läjä Äijälä: Lähettiläs 2s.
Otso Höglund: Pakkolunastus 2s.
Jouka Mattila* & Tiitu Takalo: Tositarina 4s.
Terhi Ekebom: Hissit 1s.
Jarno Latva-Nikkola: Kauhujuttu Helvetistä 2s.
Kristian Lehtonen: 2s.
Caped Fear – Superhuman Horror Stories

They are superhuman champions: hyper-charged, meta-guardians of humanity; protecting the innocent from the corrupt, saving us from the sadistic; shielding us from human or inhuman evil in all its forms.

But, what if the gleaming smile from the chiseled jaw was actually the animalistic baring of teeth?
What if THEY were the nightmare threat? They are not superheroes, but superhorrors!

This dark potential is revealed as we present tales of shock and the macabre from a roster that includes some of the greatest creative minds from the realms of fantasy, science fiction, horror, and comic-books.
What sort of dark and chilling fates arise when those with powers far beyond mere mortals are the central figures not in tales of triumph, but of terror?

Welcome to Caped Fear.

Short horror fiction by some of the world’s best writers: Barry N. Malzberg & Jack Dann, Colleen Doran, Jim Krueger, Robert Bloch, Karen Haber, Robert Silverberg, George R. R. Martin, Jim Starlin, Howard Keltner, Jonathan Maberry, Neil Gaiman & Roz Kaveney, Heather Graham, Ramsey Campbell, Janeen Webb, William F. Nolan, Brian Lumley, and Joe R. Lansdale.

DC’s Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun #1


Written by Ellen Tremiti, John Arcudi, Greg Burnham, Soman Chainani, Adam F. Goldberg and Hans Rodionoff, Christopher Sean and Laneya, Alex Galer, and others!

Art by Tyler Crook, Shawn McManus, Javier Rodriguez, Pablo M. Collar, Danny Earls, Dexter Soy, and others!

Superman imprisoned by an unfriendly ghost!
Man-Bat versus a werewolf!
Mary Marvel and Dr. Psycho crashing a Halloween frat party!

Plus: the Question faces horrific crimes of fashion; Robotman wrestles a ghostly glitch; Crush helps Lobo find the perfect costume; and Nightwing and Red Hood spend a frightful night in Bludhaven, co-written by Christopher Sean, the voice of Nightwing from the Gotham Knights video game!

The chills will last longer than your candy corn!

Mark Kidwell: Bump – A Ghost Story with Teeth

Thirty years ago, Sheriff Gil Lundy ended deformed serial killer Edgar Dill’s bloody series of murders by turning a blind eye to justice and walling the wounded monster up in a decrepit farmhouse to die.

Now, something has risen from the dust and shadow of the old Dill place, something evil, and hungry.
Something that churns the skies over rural Alder County into a raging tempest and brings scream-inducing nightmares to the aging lawman and those who know what he did.

There’s a light on in Edgar Dill’s playroom and dark, fanged things formed of crawling wood-flesh howl like band saws in hell from the trees.

Bump is a full length novelization of Mark Kidwell’s hit horror comic mini-series that expands the dark, violent tale to a whole new level of terror.

Bump will get under your skin…and leave splinters on its way out.

Soldier Stories

SOLDIER STORIES features four compelling tales of military conflict, all written by veterans who served.

These first-person accounts of real-life warfare have been reimagined across a variety of genres from sci-fi to horror to personal memoir all written by veterans who served from the Vietnam era to Afghanistan.

What’s it like to wait out a chemical attack?
How does it feel to abandon your allies?
In a world of push-button warfare, has killing gotten too easy?
How do you go on when the war is over but the struggle is not?

These are personal stories, compelling stories, stories that will haunt and surprise you. Because every soldier has a story.

Tim Seeley & Fran Galán: The Roadie #1-4


From Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash, Revival) and Fran Galán (Lucky Devil) comes this horror saga about nostalgia, heavy metal music, hell, and redemption.

More than thirty-five years after his heyday, a former heavy metal roadie must return to the backroads of America to do a job he thought he’d retired from: exorcist.
But this time, he’s not saving groupies and drunk bassists.

He’s trying to save his daughter.

Vampiress Carmilla #11

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #12

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #13

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #14

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #15

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #16

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla #17

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Vampiress Carmilla 2024 Annual

The Vampiress Carmilla 2024 Annual recreates the iconic Warren horror annuals popular in the 60’s and 70’s by emulating Warren’s early page layouts.

This Annual edition collects of the best stories from the first year of Vampiress Carmilla in a perfect bound collector’s edition.

Each issue of Vampiress Carmilla is a highly collectible instant classic!

Shudder #7

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder #9

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder #10

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder #11

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder #12

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder #13

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Shudder 2024 Spooktacular Annual

The Shudder 2024 Spooktacular recreates the iconic Warren horror annuals popular in the 1970’s by emulating Warren’s early page layouts.

This Annual edition collects of the best stories from the early issues of Shudder magazine in a perfect bound collector’s edition.

Each issue of Shudder is a highly collectible instant classic!


Scream #3 Magazine


And Fear abound in this classic December 1973 edition of Scream, the black-and-white comic magazine by Skywald!

Gifts galore lurk within the pages such as the weirdest classic tale of horror ever written ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ adapted by Al Hewetson and illustrated by Jesus Duran!

Lady Satan continues her demonic reign in ‘What is Evil and What is Not?’ specially gift wrapped for you by Al Hewetson and Ricardo Villamonte.

With extra special treats like ‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ an adaptation of the short-story by Edgar Allan Poe.

And, ‘The Tale of Another Nosferatu’ which continues with Chapter 3 written by Al Hewetson and illustrated by Zesar.

Spook Comics #1 Magazine

Two crooks rob a store, shoot a policeman and hide out in a cemetery to hide their stolen funds, when suddenly Mr. Lucifer appears, being freed by the crook’s actions.

Lucifer then frees his evil minions and together all go forth to commit dastardly deeds.
By a quirk of fate, Lucifer and his followers trap themselves in a grave of cement.

And taking inspiration from the 1920 silent horror film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, meet Paul Barer.
Who visits a mental hospital and interviews a patient, who says he was turned into a ‘living corpse’ and used as a stage performer abducting celebrities who were then put into a trance and displayed in a wax museum!

Reprints 1946’s Spook Comics #1.

Cinema Purgatorio #1 ALAN MOORE PHOTO COVER

Renowned photographer Mitch Jenkins captures Alan Moore in character from the Cinema Purgatorio promo film on this special edition that is limited to just 1000 copies.

Writers: Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, Christos Gage

Artists: Kevin O’Neill, Raulo Caceres, Michael DiPascale, Ignacio Calero, Gabriel Andrade

Cinema Purgatorio #8

A deep seeded dread spreads over you as you sit in the otherworldly movie theatre.

The smell of burnt popcorn is tinged with something else, something coppery… blood?
As the first film starts to dance across the screen you hear a strangled choke from behind you.

What have you gotten yourself into?

This is the theatre of the surreal from the imagination of the one and only Alan Moore!

Prepare yourself for twisted tales from the masters of the art form.

Now showing: Cinema Purgatorio by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, A More Perfect Union by Max Brooks and Michael DiPascale, Code Pru by Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres, Modded by Kieron Gillen and Ignacio Calero, and The Vast by Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade.

Cinema Purgatorio #9

Who doesn’t have fond memories from their youth of sneaking into the theater to see a movie they were too young to view?

But in this world of Alan Moore’s surreal cinema, viewing those features can be hazardous to your sanity.
Hiding in the back of the dark theater you wait for the feature to start and the ushers to leave…

But something is horribly wrong. The air is so dusty it’s hard to breathe and you feel like something is watching you.

This is where the madness begins.

Join a master class of horror creators as they spin stories to terrify and delight.

Now showing: Cinema Purgatorio by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, A More Perfect Union by Max Brooks and German Ponce, Code Pru by Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres, Modded by Kieron Gillen and Nahuel Lopez, and The Vast by Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade.

Cinema Purgatorio #10

From the Civil War re-imagined with giant insects, to the dystopian giant monsters of the Vast.

Seduced by the cute, yet overwhelmed, Pru or guffawing at the madcap Modded.
Or just enthralled by the tapestry of cinematic history upon which Alan Moore is weaving another masterful tale, the finest anthology in history continues.

Join a master class of horror creators as they spin stories to terrify and delight.

Now showing: Cinema Purgatorio by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, A More Perfect Union by Max Brooks and Gabriel Andrade, Code Pru by Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres, Modded by Kieron Gillen and Nahuel Lopez, and The Vast by Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade.

Cinema Purgatorio #11

From the Civil War re-imagined with giant insects, to the dystopian giant monsters of the Vast.

Seduced by the cute, yet overwhelmed, Pru or guffawing at the madcap Modded.
Or just enthralled by the tapestry of cinematic history upon which Alan Moore is weaving another masterful tale, the finest anthology in history continues.

Join a master class of horror creators as they spin stories to terrify and delight.

Now showing: Cinema Purgatorio by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, A More Perfect Union by Max Brooks and Gabriel Andrade, Code Pru by Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres, Modded by Kieron Gillen and Nahuel Lopez, and The Vast by Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade.

