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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet viikolla12/2022


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Maikki Harjanne: Täydellinen Minttu – Kaikki Minttu-sarjakuvat

Minttu, Ville, Tuusannuuska, Mikko Neppius ja muut tutut ovat täällä taas!

Maikki Harjanteen Minttu on lastenkirjaklassikko, joka ei esittelyjä kaipaa. Minttua on luettu lapsille pian 45 vuoden ajan, ja tuona aikana tuhannet lapset ovat saaneet nimensä Mintun mukaan.

Minttu-sarjakuvat ovat jääneet kuvakirjoja vähemmälle huomiolle – ja aivan syyttä! Sarjakuva-Minttu ystävineen seikkaili Kotiliesi-lehdessä vuosina 1982-1990 aivan yhtä hersyvästi kuin kuvakirjoissakin. Minttu pohtii, tutkii, auttaa, keksii, kyselee ja kokeilee, aivan kuten lapsilla tapana on.

Täydellinen Minttu -kokoelma sisältää kaikki Minttu-sarjakuvat. Osaa niistä ei ole aiemmin julkaistu kirjamuodossa. Isokokoisessa, nelivärisessä kirjassa on yli 200 sivua.

Maikki Harjanne (s. -44) on kirjoittanut ja kuvittanut yli sata teosta. Hänet on palkittu työstään mm. Nuorisokirjallisuuden valtionpalkinnolla, Lastenkulttuurin valtionpalkinnolla, Kaarina Helakisa -palkinnolla ja Pro Finlandia -kunniamerkillä.

Sami Makkonen: Hevosjumala

Hyytävää kauhua Suomen korpimailla.

Nuori perhe toteuttaa unelmansa ja ostaa ränsistyneen kesähuvilan kaukaa kotoa. Kesä on kaunis ja kuuma, mutta ympäröivän metsän raskas menneisyys on läsnä.

Keskellä kauneinta luontoa on jotain kammottavaa ja houreista.

Sami Makkonen säväytti aiemmin Kalevalan tulkinnallaan. Hevosjumalassa hän kuljettaa tarinaa spiraalimaisestii aikatasolta toiselle vanhojen painajaisten tihentyessä uusiin muotoihinsa.
Syntyy yliluonnollisen kauhun, okkultismin ja kansan uskomusten ristisiitos – öinen polku kohti mustaa syöveriä…

Johanna Aulén: Tšernobylin koirat

Tšernobylin koirat kertoo maailman tuhoisimmasta ydinvoimalaonnettomuudesta ja koirista, jotka sinnittelevät ihmisten hylkäämällä vyöhykkeellä.

Neuvostoliittolainen Tšernobylin ydinvoimala räjähti 26.4.1986. Onnettomuus aiheutti laajoja radioaktiivisia päästöjä ja muutti voimalan lähialueet asuinkelvottomiksi.

Mutta vaikka ihmiset evakuoitiin, Tšernobylin eläimet jäivät oman onnensa nojaan.

Haastatteluihin ja tutkimuksiin perustuva Tšernobylin koirat kertoo kahden koiran – Bobikin ja Gamman – kautta Tšernobylin onnettomuudesta ja elämästä suljetulla vyöhykkeellä nyky-Ukrainassa. Komeasti kuvitettu dokumentaarinen sarjakuva on kertomus luonnon ja ihmisen sitkeydestä.

Johanna Aulén (s. 1981) on vantaalainen graafikko, animaattori ja kuvataideopettaja, joka vieraili Tšernobylin ydinvoimala-alueella vuonna 2019. Hän on tehnyt matkastaan myös kuvitetun reportaasin Ylen Kulttuuricocktailille.

Jean Graton: Michel Vaillant – Painajainen

Formulakuski Michel Vaillant on tuttu suomalaisille lukijoille omista albumeistaan sekä lukuisista lehdistä ja taskukirjoista.

Vaillant on terävä ja kylmähermoinen rallikuski, jonka seikkailut liittyvät usein kilpa-autoilun maailmaan.

Sarja tunnetaankin vauhdikkaista takaa-ajoista sekä huolellisesti piirretyistä kulkuneuvoista.

Vaillantin tallin tähden uusin seikkailu alkaa, kun vitivalkoinen kuuauto kulkee kraatterien täplittämän, aution maiseman halki. Kuuauton ohjaksissa istuu avaruuspuvussa Michel Vaillant!
Onko sankarimme siirtynyt Le Mansin radoilta toiselle taivaankappaleelle, vai onko kyseessä vain painajainen?

Tästä alkaa huikea seikkailu, joka vie Michelin ystävineen kidnappausten ja teollisuusvakoilun pyörteisiin.

Juliana Hyrri: Päivänkakkarameri

Päivänkakkarameri on kertomus kulttuurien välissä kasvamisesta, yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen etsimisestä ja hylkäämisen pelosta.

Tarinaa kannattelee ajatus eräänlaisesta jälleennäkemisestä lapsuuden kanssa, vuoropuhelusta, ehkä hyväksymisestäkin.

Juliana Hyrri (s. 1989, Kohtla-Järve, Viro) on helsinkiläinen kuvataiteilija, joka tekee sarjakuvia, maalauksia, installaatioita ja kuvituksia. Päivänkakkarameri on hänen toinen sarjakuvakirjansa.

Suomen arvostelijain liitto palkitsi esikoisteoksen Satakieli joka ei laulanut Kritiikin kannuksilla vuonna 2020.

Lise Myhre: Nemi 44 – Kuin kala vedessä

Alati muuttuva maailma vaatii hyvää sopeutumiskykyä, myös Nemiltä.

Hän tosin pakottaa ajoittain ympäristönsä sopeutumaan sen sijaan, että muuttaisi omia tapojaan.

Toisinaan Nemin asenne johtaa vaikeuksiin ja ristiriitatilanteisiin, mutta niistäkin sanavalmis sankarimme selviää yleensä voittajana, tavalla tai toisella.


Mikko Metsähonkala: Talleyrand – Sontaa silkkisukassa, sanoi Napoleon

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838) Autunin piispa, kansanedustaja, ministeri ja beneventon ruhtinas, aloitti pappisuralla, mutta tempautui Ranskan suuren vallankumouksen aikoihin politiikan tuoksinaan ja onnistui pysymään pinnalla läpi myrskyjen ja myllerrysten.

Hän oli etevä diplomaatti, mutta myös selkäänpuukottaja, opportunisti, uhkapeluri, irstailija ja kirkon kiroama piispa – sontaa silkkisukassa, kuten Napoleon häntä parjasi.

Talleyrand oli ihanteeton mies suurten aatteiden ja intohimojen aikakaudella. Nyt on takapirun aika astua kulisseista parrasvaloihin.

MIKKO METSÄHONKALA on 1966 Ylöjärvellä syntynyt arkkitehti, kuvittaja ja sarjakuvantekijä, joka on vaikuttanut viimeiset kymmenen vuotta Tampereella.

Carl Barks: Carl Barksin sankarit – Karhukopla

Ankkamestari Carl Barks (1901–2000) kehitti pitkän piirtäjänuransa aikana lukemattomia seikkailuja Ankkalinnan asukkaille.

Vauhdikkaat tarinat vaativat vastustajia, ja Barksin luomista roistoista tunnetuimmat ja rakastetuimmat ansaitsevat ilman muuta myös sankarin arvonimen.

Tässä kirjassa kohtaamme Karhukoplan – viekkaasta veljessarjasta kansainväliseksi konnajärjestöksi kasvaneen lurjuslauman, joka aiheuttaa Roopelle loputtomasti harmia ja harmaita höyheniä.

Kamppailussa Kissansilmäopaalista, Turmantimantista ja rahakkaasta salaattikuormasta joutuvat myös rosvot koville, ja uhattuna on usein paitsi kelmien kunnia myös terveys.

Karhuveikko 176-761:n sanoin: ”Kuinka ohut kirja elämäkerrastani tuleekaan!”



Hiroaki Samura: Blade of the Immortal Deluxe Edition 5

Over 700 pages of samurai swordplay and grudge matches in one killer, value-priced collection, featuring Hiroaki Samura’s fast-paced “Mirror of the Soul,” “Last Blood,” and “Trickster” story arcs!

Kidnapped and bound by three Itto-ryu warriors, Rin is unable to warn her bodyguard, Manji–the seemingly immortal swordsman, that he’s heading into a trap.

The Itto-ryu thugs also possess a large dose of the only known poison to damage Manji’s blood and severely cripple his regenerative abilities.
And is the Mugai-ryu assassin Giichi following Manji in order to help rescue Rin . . . or will he just stick around long enough to finish off any survivors?

Collects Blade of the Immortal volumes 13 to 15 in the original 7×10 serialized format, in a faux-leather hardcover treatment, and with a bookmark ribbon.

Nagata Kabi: My Wandering Warrior Existence

The newest diary manga from the Harvey Award-winning creator of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness.

After attending a friend’s wedding, Nagata Kabi decides she wants one of her own.
That’s not the only thing she wants–she longs to love and be loved.

But she has three major problems: she has no partner, no dating experience, and her only sexual encounters are limited to a lesbian escort service.

With the help of a photoshoot, a dating app, and more, the author embarks on a journey to seek the love and happiness she so desperately desires.



Tommi Musturi: Future #8 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Tommi Musturin uusin sarjakuva on 10-osainen lehtimuotoinen oudon scifin eepos FUTURE.

Kokonaisuus kietoo lukijansa tarinoiden verkostoon, hyppien eri aikatasoilla ja paikoissa eri puolilla universumia.

FUTURE on sarjakuvallinen keidas, joka pursuaa erilaisia tyylejeä ja kerrontatapoja. Samaan aikaan se on myös vitaalinen ja yllättävä teos, joka saa lukijansa sekä nauramaan että kauhistumaan.

Visions on upcoming, bad dreams, boring monologues, future trash investigations, cavemen and -women, ancient feelings, digital takeovers and all the else in full-bloom of all the colours of CMYK.



Rikke Villadsen: The Sea

A fisherman traversing the ocean is used to danger and surprise, but what happens when he pulls up his net and catches a newborn baby and a talking fish?

Thus begins a story full of provocative symbolism and a madness that doesn’t just bubble beneath the surface of the water, but drenches the sailor–and reader–like a tidal wave.

Danish cartoonist Rikke Villadsen makes her English-language debut with this seafaring tale soaked in surrealism that is ultimately about the end of one life, the beginning of another, and a man, literally and figuratively, lost at sea.

Salva Rubio & Efa: Django, Hand on Fire

Django Reinhardt is a legend.

But Django – which may have meant He who wakens – was twice born.

A first time in the snow, during the winter of 1910 in a nomadic gypsy family stationed in Liberchies, Belgium.

The second in Saint-Ouen, near Paris, in the fall of 1928, when a fire in his caravan mutilated his left hand.

Writer Salva Rubio and artist Efa have already produced together a remarkable biopic on Monet, paying tribute to the painter’s obsession with light.
Likewise, this biopic devoted to the youth of the prodigy musician features the passion and determination of the man who has always considered himself the greatest guitarist in the world.

In this story-score, by laying out the panels like chords, the artist brings to life his passion in vibrating watercolor to better accompany the musical and technical development of the inventor of gypsy jazz. From musette to jazz, from violin to banjo then to guitar, Django’s destiny is that of his ‘hand on fire’, possessed by the supernatural spirit of the duende which burns in the soul of each gypsy musician.

That of a miracle who is reborn from his ashes, more dazzling than ever. Cue the music!

Héctor Germán Oesterheld & Alberto Breccia: Life of Che

Published in 1969, this Argentine graphic biography about Ernesto “Che” Guevara was an instant bestseller.

Banned by a military dictatorship, and almost lost, it has never been available in English ― until now.

Life of Che is one of the most anticipated entries in Fantagraphics’ The Alberto Breccia Library.

Originally released as part of a graphic biography series in January 1969, it came out in Argentina only a year after Ernesto “Che” Guevara had died and reached an audience beyond comics readers.

In the 1970s, the military government raided its publisher, destroying the means to reprint the book.
The comic was presumed to be lost to history, until a publisher in Spain restored it in 1987. It has never been translated into English until now.

The book begins in Bolivia in 1967, then flashes back through Che’s life ― his childhood, his radicalizing motorcycle trip with Alberto Granado, his taking up of arms in Guatemala, his meeting with Fidel Castro, and his subsequent military and political maneuvers, ending in a fade-out to his death.

Alberto Breccia and his son, Enrique, drew Life of Che.
Enrique draws the Bolivia passages in a woodcut style, while Alberto depicts the flashbacks in his trademark, expressionistic black-and-white.

It is primarily set in the field and with the people.
Héctor Germán Oesterheld (The Eternaut) blends his authorial voice with Che’s first-person.

Life of Che is imbued with a sense of immediacy, as both Che and, eventually, Oesterheld would meet their ends by a military government backed by the American CIA.

As Pablo Turnes writes in his afterword, it is “the testament of someone consciously marching toward his revolutionary death.”

Emily Carrington: Our Little Secret

At 15, Emily is a relatively typical teenage girl living in the Maritimes.

She lives with her eccentric dad as he prepares to build a log cabin.
She rides her beloved horse and spends all her free time taking in the fresh air.

But things aren’t perfect, the winters are harsh and her dad’s place is cold and draughty. Enter their neighbour who sees a girl in need and offers to lend a hand.

Three words: “OUR LITTLE SECRET, and Emily’s fate is sealed.

Twenty five years later, Emily is adrift and depressed when she spots her neighbour again on a ferry.
The events of that long-ago winter come rushing back, and she is forced to reckon with the past anew.

She vows that she will bring him to justice, tell her secret, and come to terms with the wounds that defined so many years of her life. Inept lawyers, expensive therapy, and a broken justice system block Emily’s path to peace. Only when she rediscovers her youthful artistic talent by putting pen to paper does she see a way out.

Now in her fifties, Carrington has crafted a compulsively readable debut that shows a powerful command of the comics medium.

Our Little Secret is a testament to survival and to the importance of telling your story your way.

Marjorie Liu & Teny Issakhanian: Wingbearer

A young girl must stop a threat to her magical world in this epic graphic novel from New York Times bestselling author Marjorie Liu and remarkable debut illustrator Teny Issakhanian.

Zuli is extraordinary–she just doesn’t realize it yet.

Raised by mystical bird spirits in the branches of the Great Tree, she’s never ventured beyond this safe haven.
She’s never had to. Until now.

When a sinister force threatens the life-giving magic of the tree, Zuli, along with her guardian owl, Frowly, must get to the root of it.

So begins an adventure bigger than anything Zuli could’ve ever imagined–one that will bring her, along with some newfound friends, face-to-face with an ancient dragon, the so-called Witch-Queen, and most surprisingly of all: her true identity.

This captivating middle grade graphic novel, the first of a series, is perfect for fans of the Amulet books and the Wings of Fire series.

Ororo – Before the Storm

The back alleys of Cairo’s “Thieves’ Quarter” are no place for a child to grow up — unless that child is destined to be one of the greatest Marvel heroes of all!

Long before she became the X-Man known as Storm, a young orphan named Ororo Munroe prowled the streets of Cairo, a pickpocket trained by a master thief.

But when the opportunity of a lifetime arises, get ready for awesome Egyptian adventure as Ororo leads her fellow street urchins into…the tomb of Ozymandias!

Plus, more tales of Storm’s early days as a hero, including team-ups with Jean Grey and Spider-Man — and her first meeting with Gambit!

COLLECTING: Ororo: Before the Storm (2005) #1-4, Uncanny Origins (1996) #9, Uncanny X-Men: First Class (2009) #4, Marvel Age Spider-Man Team-Up (2004) #5, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #265-266, material from Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special (2009) #1, Black Panther (2018) #23.

Alejandro Jodorowsky: The Jodorowsky Library 2

The Jodorowsky Library: a collection of deluxe matching volumes showcasing the iconic works of the legendary Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Included in this volume are the modern-day spiritual western SON OF THE GUN (illustrated by Georges Bess) and the heartwrenching tale of a mime in Nazi-occupied France, PIETROLINO (illustrated by Olivier Boiscommun).


Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The Ultimate Collection 6

A thorough look back at the TMNT’s comic book origins from their earliest stories with insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with this special collection of 29 short stories created between 1985-1989, handpicked by Kevin Eastman.

With over 250 pages of mutated-martial arts action along with annotations full of original story notes, preliminary art, personal photographs, and more following each story, this volume is perfect for fans to relive the glorious days of the Turtles’ origins as well as an excellent place for new readers to see where the TMNT phenomenon began.

Jeremy Barlow & Josh Hood: Avatar – The Next Shadow

Clan rivalries erupt amid turmoil in an untold story set immediately after the events of James Cameron’s 2009 blockbuster film Avatar!

Jake Sully maintains his position as leader of the Omatikaya Na’vi tribe, but with their Hometree destroyed, he begins to doubt his place among them.

As the Na’vi and human feud persists, tensions between the tribes begin to escalate as longstanding family animosities ignite–spawning treachery and betrayal!

Writer Jeremy Barlow (AVP: Thicker than Blood, Star Wars: Darth Maul–Son of Dathomir) and artist Josh Hood (The Green Goblin, Star Trek: Mirror Broken, Ghost Rider) bridge the gap between Avatar and the highly anticipated sequel, Avatar 2, in this story of family, sacrifice, and survival!

Collects Avatar: The Next Shadow #1-4.

Lynda Barry: Come Over Come Over

The classic book featuring Maybonne Mullen and her little sister Marlys is back in print!

Lynda Barry captures all the glorious magic and excrutiating pain of junior high school in this Ernie Pook Comeek collection from the early 90’s.

The star of this collection is 14 year old Maybonne who relays the angst and insecurity of life through hand scrawled diary entries, class assignments, and letters, in cursive with doodle and bubble letters.

Of course, there is the ever-annoying yet adorable little sister Marlys who never fails to read her big sister’s diary.

Barry deftly portrays the capricious nature of teen friendships, adolescent peer-pressure, and the kill or be killed nature of a middle school’s social scene in her signature style.

No one but Lynda Barry can so naturally zero in on the joyous urgency yet heartbreaking poignancy of childhood.
In an authentic teen voice full of diffidence and melodrama, the bespectacled and freckled Maybonne relates all of life’s indiginities on equal measure.

Heartbreaking stories of a broken home, child molestation, an alcoholic absentee father and a bitter mom emerge between strips about home ec class, summer vacation, and babysitting, illustrating Barry’s peerless ability to make the reader both cry and laugh.

Jimmy Palmiotti & Eduardo Pansica: Batwing – Luke Fox

Once a member of Batman Incorporated and deputized by the Dark Knight himself, Batwing, the Batman of Africa, has quit.

Luke Fox, the son of Bruce Wayne’s trusted ally Lucius Fox, has emerged in his place…but will his actions do more harm than good in Gotham City?

Writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray and artist Eduardo Pansica blaze a fresh new start for the armored vigilante who helps Batman protect the streets of Gotham from the forces of evil.

The new hero is put to the test with new challenges and threats as he comes face to face with Lady Vic and Charlie Caligula and confronts the Darklings and Anubis clans that live below the city, unbeknownst to the Gothamites above them.

Includes Batwing #19-34 and Batwing: Futures End #1!

The Conjuring – The Lover

Meet Jessica.

Jessica just returned to her freshman year of college after winter break, bringing with her the anxieties of last semester’s poor grades, the awkwardness of facing a boy she wishes she’d never slept with, and an undeniably unnerving feeling of being watched.

She soon comes to realize that something evil made her its target, and it will not rest until it has her in its unholy grip.

But why did this sinister presence set its sights on a seemingly normal college freshman?

Read this nerve-racking tale, creepily crafted by Conjuring screenwriter David L. Johnson-McGoldrick and Rex Ogle with heart-stopping art from Garry Brown and chill-inducing covers by Bill Sienkiewicz, to find out!

The terrifying tie-in to The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is collected here in its entirety!

Plus, take a tour of the Warrens’ hauntd-artifact room and learn the horrifying origins behind some of the objects contained within, revealed in five bone-chilling bonus tales by Scott Snyder, Denys Cowan, Juan Ferreyra, Tim Seeley, Kelley Jones, and many more of comics’ most terrifying talent!

DC Comics – Generations

A threat of cosmic proportion to DC’s newest (and oldest) universe compels one of the most unique group of heroes ever assembled to take on the most mysterious foe they have ever encountered.

What started in Detective Comics #1027 explodes out of Dark Nights: Death Metal to tell the story of the Generations-spanning history of the DC Universe!

Join the original Batman, Kamandi, Starfire, Sinestro, Booster Gold, Dr. Light, Steel and Sinestro in their quest to save the universe before…T I M E…..R U N S……O U T …

Al Ewing: S.W.O.R.D. by Al Ewing 2

The morning after the Hellfire Gala! The party is over…but not all the guests have gone home.

Victor Von Doom is staying for dinner.

And he’s begun chatting to a very old friend in a very new setting.
Chatting about thrones, empires, magic, Mysterium…and the cosmic chaos of the Last Annihilation!

Meanwhile, now that the X-Men have gone interplanetary and the central seat of Arakko has been claimed, everyone knows who speaks for Sol.

Storm rules! But when you have to prove to your people who you are, every single day without fail…what eventually becomes of who you once were?

COLLECTING: S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #7-11.

Mike W. Barr & Tom Sutton: Star Trek Classics – The Mirror Universe Saga

Picking up where Star Trek III: The Search for Spock left off, Admiral Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise face off with evil versions of themselves in the fan-favorite Mirror Universe!

Admiral Kirk and his crew must battle against a very familiar foe, as forces from the Empire have crossed an interdimensional breach to wreak havoc in Federation space.

While deception and desperation unfold as the Empire tries to conquer another universe, it will take all the experience of Kirk, Spock, and the crew of the Enterprise to fend off the coming invasion and save the Federation!

Originally published by DC Comics in Star Trek issues #9-15 from December 1984 to June 1985, this collection presents the fan-favorite Mirror Universe story for the first time in almost 30 years!

Chris Roberson & Leila del Duca: The House of Lost Horizons

From the world of Hellboy comes a locked-room murder mystery that puzzles paranormal detective Sarah Jewell and her associate Marie Therése, when a weekend trip on a private island off the coast of Washington goes astray.

Trapped by a storm and surrounded by myriad suspects who have gathered for an auction of occult items, the intrepid duo must unravel the supernatural mysteries surrounding the guests in the hopes of uncovering the murderer!
But all the while bodies keep piling up, and at any moment Sarah or Marie Therése could be next!

Mike Mignola and Chris Roberson return to the world of Hellboy, accompanied by acclaimed artist Leila del Duca and colorist extraordinaire Michelle Madsen for this paperback collection of the thrilling five-issue series!

Collects The House of Lost Horizons #1-5.

Christofer Emgard & Tomas Aira: The Secret Land

Two lovers torn asunder by World War II face a terror from beyond the stars in this cosmic horror graphic novel by the creators of The Whispering Dark.

It is 1945 and Hitler is dead.

Ben and Katherine are supposed to be together, happy.
Instead, Ben fights the war in the Pacific with the reckless heroism of one who believes his fiancée killed in action.
Yet, Katherine lives, undercover aboard a submarine about to arrive at the Third Reich’s last bastion.

Ben tries to move on, until the Navy receives a message.

In Antarctica, the Nazis are plotting their return, powered by strange and foreboding technology. Katherine is there, and Ben is coming to get her.

But the Nazis are meddling with powers beyond their comprehension, for whom humanity is a petty thing.
As war engulfs the edge of the world, Ben and Katherine confront the truth about the boundaries of love, and what lies beyond them.

Collects The Secret Land #1-4.

Skottie Young & Jorge Corona: The Me You Love In The Dark

Writer SKOTTIE YOUNG (I HATE FAIRYLAND, DEADPOOL, STRANGE ACADEMY) and artist JORGE CORONA (NO. 1 WITH A BULLET, SUPER SONS, FEATHERS) follow up their critically acclaimed series MIDDLEWEST with a brand new haunting tale.

An artist named Ro retreats from the grind of the city to an old house in a small town to find solace and inspiration without realizing the muse she finds within is not what she expected.

Fans of STEPHEN KING and NEIL GAIMAN will enjoy this beautiful, dark and disturbing story of discovery, love and terror.


Jeff Lemire & Jock: Snow Angels 1

Two of the most acclaimed comics creators of their generation–writer Jeff Lemire and artist Jock–together for the first time in this 10-part science fiction saga set in a brutal world like no other!

Milliken and Mae have never left The Trench–it’s all they’ve ever known.

They were born in The Trench, and they’ll die there, just like all their people do.
The two girls, eight and eleven, are a part of The Trenchfolk, a sprawling settlement of people living inside the massive ice walls of a vast, seemingly endless frozen trench carved into the surface of an otherwise icy wasteland.

The Trenchfolk survive in this hostile world by following The Three Testaments of The Trench–golden rules repeated like a mantra from birth to death…


Milli and Mae don’t really know how their people came to live here. No one does, not even their wise and gentle Father.

On Milliken’s twelfth birthday, their father takes the two girls on an overnight skate down the trench–a coming-of-age ritual to teach them how to fish the frozen river, how to hunt the wild Trenchdogs that wander its frigid banks, and how to give proper thanks to their frozen Gods– The Colden Ones.

It’s the trip of a lifetime until the girls push beyond the borders of their humble land and awaken the Trench’s deadly defender…The Snowman!

What follows next is an action-packed story of survival, loss and redemption.

Collects issues #1-4 of Snow Angels from the ComiXology original digital series in print for the first time..

George Mann & Joe Eisma: Engineward

A post-apocalyptic, zodiac-inspired science fiction mystery with a take-no-prisoners female lead who blazes a trail to correct the past.


Earth is long forgotten.

Now, the word of the god-like Celestials is absolute, and they rule with brutal efficiency.
When Joss, an Engineward, discovers and reactivates the head of an ancient ghoulem, she finds all is not as intended.

Her destiny–and that of her world–lies somewhere far beyond the borders of her shantytown.

Jeff Lemire & Caitlin Yarsky: Black Hammer 5 – Reborn Part I

The Eisner Award-winning superhero saga returns in this ongoing series picking up twenty years later with new series artist Caitlin Yarsky.

In 1986, Black Hammer and the rest of Spiral City’s greatest superheroes seemingly died defeating the cosmic despot known as Anti-God and saving the world.

But one woman refused to believe they were truly gone: Lucy Weber, the daughter of Black Hammer.

Learning that her dad had sacrificed himself to save the other heroes, Lucy soon took up the mantle of Black Hammer and carried on the legacy of her father as the world’s greatest superhero.

Now, it’s twenty years later, and Lucy, and the world, have moved on.
Living in the suburbs of Spiral City, Lucy is married and has children. But all is not blissful.

Her marriage is falling apart, her job has reached a dead end, and for mysterious reasons, she hasn’t picked up the hammer in years.

But, as her domestic life begins to crumble, the secrets of the last twenty years, and the reasons Lucy really gave up being Black Hammer, begin to resurface, threatening her family, and the peace she has tried hard to find for herself.

Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe; a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire and Caitlin Yarsky that juxtaposes an achingly human story of domestic life, marriage, parenthood, and destiny with a pulse-pounding superhero thriller that peels back new layers of mystery, and pulls the Black Hammer history into the present.

Collects Black Hammer: Reborn #1-4.

Chip Zdarsky & Ramón K. Perez: Stillwater 2 – Always Loyal

Chip Zdarsky (Daredevil) and Ramon K Perez’s (Tales of Sand, Jane) sensational horror series returns!

Chaos in Stillwater erupts!

With the Judge out of commission, Ted and his militia storm the town and take control. But in this small town where no one can die, there are others willing to go even further…

Collects STILLWATER #7-12.

Tim Sheridan & Mindy Lee: Masters of the Universe – Revelation

The official comic book prequel to the Netflix television series, written by showrunner Kevin Smith and episode writer Tim Sheridan and featuring art by Mindy Lee (Crimson Lotus).

Following a vicious Orlax attack on his father King Randor, He-Man learns the creature is linked to the origin of the sword of power.

To save Randor and put an end to the chaos He-Man embarks on an epic journey that pits him against his longtime foes Skeletor and Evil-Lyn, and sees Teela take the reins of a powerful legacy.

This graphic novel collects the four issue series Masters of the Universe: Revelations and features covers by Stjepan Sejic and pinups from Mike Mignola, Walt Simonson, Bill Sienkiewicz, and more!

Collects Masters of the Universe: Revelation #1-4.

Garth Ennis & Goran Sudžuka: Marjorie Finnegan, Temporal Criminal 1

She’s Marjorie Finnegan. She’s a temporal criminal. What more do you need to know?

Oh, all right then: all Marj wants to do is race up and down the time-lanes, stealing every shiny-gleamy-pretty-sparkly she can lay her hands on.

But her larcenous trail from the Big Bang to the Ninety-fifth Reich has drawn the beady eye of the Temporal PD, whose number one Deputy Marshall is now hard on our heroine’s tail– and taking things extremely personally.

Worse still, Marj’s worthless creep of an ex and his even scummier partner have seen an angle of their own in all this, and now intend to use her time-tech to change history for their own benefit.

Marj’s only ally? A guy called Tim. And he’s just a head.

James Tynion IV & Álvaro Martínez Bueno: The Nice House on the Lake 1

With Something Is Killing the Children and The Department of Truth, James Tynion IV has changed the face of horror in modern comics–now get ready for his most ambitious story yet, alongside his Detective Comics partner Álvaro Martínez Bueno!

Everyone who was invited to the house knows Walter–well, they know him a little, anyway. Some met him in childhood; some met him months ago. And Walter’s always been a little…off.

But after the hardest year of their lives, nobody was going to turn down Walter’s invitation to an astonishingly beautiful house in the woods, overlooking an enormous sylvan lake.

It’s beautiful, it’s opulent, it’s private–so a week of putting up with Walter’s weird little schemes and nicknames in exchange for the vacation of a lifetime? Why not?

All of them were at that moment in their lives when they could feel themselves pulling away from their other friends; wouldn’t a chance to reconnect be…nice?

In The Nice House on the Lake, the overriding anxieties of the 21st century get a terrifying new face–and it might just be the face of the person you once trusted most.

Collects The Nice House on the Lake #1-6.

Si Spurrier & Bob Quinn: Way of X by Si Spurrier 1

Only one mutant senses the looming shadows.

On Krakoa, mutantkind has built a new Eden — but there are serpents in this garden.

Some mutants struggle to fit in. Some mutants turn to violence and death. And the children whisper of the Patchwork Man, singing in their hearts.

Snared by questions of death, law and love, only Nightcrawler can fight for the soul of Krakoa.
Only he — and the curious crew he assembles — can help mutants defeat their inner darkness and find a new way to live!

But the malevolent force hiding within Krakoa has begun to show its true form, and answers are hidden…within the Mindscape!

As the X-Men’s greatest foe — mutantkind’s primal evil — slithers in the minds of its most senior leaders, can Nightcrawler light the spark that will drive out the shadows, or will Krakoa slip into the abyss?


Jérôme Mulot & Florent Ruppert & Bastien Vivès: The Grande Odalisque & Olympia Box Set

The complete two-volume adventures of the notorious cat burglar trio of Carole, Alex, and Sam.

Just in time for the release of Olympia this season comes a boxed set collecting The Grande Odalisque and Olympia, which form the complete, two-volume saga of master art criminals Carole, Alex, and Sam.

Specializing in the theft of fine art, the trio reinvents a profession that has lost much of its fun and insolence since its heyday in the early 20th century.

After successfully stealing La Grande Odalisque by Ingrés from the Louvre (in Fantagraphics’ acclaimed 2021 edition of the same name) and taking on the French Special Forces, the trio eyes Manet’s Olympia in the eponymous sequel.

Collectively the two books paint a vivid portrait of three of the most badass femmes fatales in recent comics memory.

Forming a trio as formidable as their protagonists, Bastien Vives, Jérôme Mulot, and Florent Ruppert deliver a wickedly funny and explosive, grand symphony of adventure in this two-book series, collected for the first time in a handsome, hardcover slipcase.

Pier Dola: Corona Bible

When one man, too terrified to leave his ratty apartment during the pandemic, turns exclusively to social media for human contact, his quarantine routine disintegrates into madness.

Thus kicks off a hilariously withering social critique of an entire planet filled with masses of humanity suffering from a dearth of compassion, decency, and empathy.

Nothing escapes Dola’s manic, trenchant stare as he takes on a vast array of contemporary social deformities — anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, xenophobes, the alt right, the woke left, evangelical fanatics, corporate power mongers, racists, fascists, neo-Nazis, gerontophobes, nihilistic revelers, Boris Johnson, and the death of the social contract.

And yet there are still those rare moments of human idealism and striving amidst the moral, spiritual, and physical carnage.

As one man says, consolingly, to another: “Although in these dark times of selfish fear it seems that goodness doesn’t exist in our hearts, there are still good people. Maybe they are the minority, but those rare islands are the ones that make it bearable to swallow the oceans of shit formed by the armies of assholes that surround us.”

A rare moment of hope and optimism in an otherwise scabrous and coruscating portrait of humanity in a death spiral.

Leah Williams & Lucas Werneck: X-Men – The Trial of Magneto

Magneto, the mutant master of magnetism — one of the founders of the mutant nation of Krakoa, a former villain who has never stopped fighting for the benefit of mutantkind — stars in the story that will shake Krakoa to its core!

A horrific murder. A shocking revelation.

And a trial that will divide the new mutant nation down the middle — and possibly shatter it forever!

Leah Williams and Valerio Schiti bring you an epic mystery that threatens the Reign of X and upends the world that Magneto has worked so hard to build for his fellow mutants.

The truth is deeply hidden, the danger is far from over, and the trial has begun…

COLLECTING: X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1-5.

Warren Ellis & Bryan Hitch: The Batman’s Grave – The Complete Collection

The World’s Greatest Detective must try to inhabit the mind of a murder victim to solve a case—without filling the empty grave next to those of his parents.

Can Batman imagine the life of a corpse with a half-eaten face, without dying himself?

A man was murdered, and the Batman knows how it happened. All he has to do now is survive his own deduction.

Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, the creative partnership behind The Authority, reunite in this tale about life, death, and the questions most are too afraid to ask.

Collects The Batman’s Grave #1-12.

Hey Gee & C. Ano: My Life Beyond Autism

Tracy likes to draw, make movies and play, just like other kids.

She also has autism spectrum disorder.

This means she processes many everyday situations differently, such as making friends.

Over time, she’s learned tricks for communicationg and coping when things are hard for her.

Follow along as Tracy gives a peek at what life is really like for someone living with autism and how she discovered life beyond this common disorder.

Gerry Duggan & Patch Zircher: Savage Avengers 5 – The Defilement of All Things by the Cannibal-Sorcerer Kulan Gath

Whatever happened to Shuma-Gorath?

Even elder gods need elder care. And now Doctor Strange and Conan the Barbarian have arrived to perform a wellness check.

But the evil sorcerer Kulan Gath has been eating Shuma-Gorath in small bites for the last year!
And Doctor Strange’s house call is about to go completely off the rails!

Can the unexpected entrance of an old villain help the Savage Avengers overcome the monstrous and mystically charged Kulan Gath?

The entire planet had better hope so!

COLLECTING: Savage Avengers (2019) #23-28.

Tom Kaczynski: Beta Testing the Ongoing Apocalypse

In this new, expanded edition, the starting point is arbitrary.

From there, the city expands in all directions.
At once SF, a contemporary demonology, an occult theory, a mutant utopia and an architectural treatise, Beta Testing the Ongoing Apocalypse is a collection of graphic fictions about the contemporary global megalopolis.

178 This groundbreaking collection, originally published in an Eisner-nominated, smaller edition a decade ago, has only proven more prescient and resonant to our contemporary times than ever.

For this new edition, Kaczynski created the original stories “Billion Dollar Budget” and “Rediscovery of the Real” and annotations.

There’s also a new foreword by science fiction writer Christopher Brown (Tropic of Kansas) and an entirely new cover design.
Tom Kaczynski’s graphic short stories trace a complex space-time trajectory from the smallest corporate cubicle out to farthest fathoms of the multiverse.

Occult economics, metaphysical traffic jams, Marxist zombies on Mars, secret architectural societies, designer ghosts from the future, and demographics demons are just a few elements of a new untested future eschatology.

Stan Sakai: Usagi Yojimbo – Tengu War!

Volume Three collecting Usagi’s newest adventures finds him fighting in a war with an old teacher and strange new allies-and helping a new friend complete a mission!

Usagi seeks out an old teacher, Sojobo, but upon finding him, learns that a new brand of Tengu mountain goblins have invaded the Western Peak.

Savage and relentless, they are determined to drive the established Tengu out and prey upon the people of the area. For the first time, Usagi must ally himself with yokai against an even greater enemy, in “Tengu War!”

Then, in The Master of Hebishima,” Usagi delivers a basket of lizards to an eccentric monk who lives on a remote island infested with snakes, where he learns they share a history that goes back to the Great Wars and the Battle of Adachi Plain where Usagi became a ronin.

In the final story, “Yukichi,” Usagi encounters a young swordmaster carrying out the dying wish of his master.

Yukichi must deliver Itsuki-Sensei’s swords to his nephew, Daido, who will take over his school, however, they must pass through the territory of a rival school intent on preventing them from completing their mission.

Collects issues #15-21 of the all-new full-color Usagi Yojimbo series published by IDW.



Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 113

Loukussa osa 2/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.

Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa

Kevyt Metalli 10

Tekijöinä Maximilian Meier, Reima Mäkinen, Sippo Mentunen, Vesa Vitikainen, Hannu Leskinen, Aleksi Kuutio, Mikael Mäkinen, Harri Tarkka.




Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 114

Loukussa osa 3/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.

Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa

Timo Ronkainen: Ryppy-Reiskan toinen tuleminen

Viiltävän realistinen kuvaus ihmisen olemassaolon rajoilta – janosta, piinatun ruumiin haluista.

Ajatuksia hallitsee vain tuopin hankkiminen tyhjään vatsaan tai äkkiä syttyvä halu toiseen.

Kauhun ja autuuden hetkien nopeatempoinen vaihtelu tuo muuten kalvaaseen olemassaoloon tervetullutta vaihtelua.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 115

Loukussa osa 4/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.

Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 116

Pistoleron taivas osa 1.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.

Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 98-102 – Häikäilemättömät

Kaikki viisi liuskaa jotka muodostavat Häikäilemättömät -tarinakokonaisuuden.


Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 103-106 – Pistolero

Kaikki neljä liuskaa jotka sisältävät Pistolero -tarinakokonaisuuden.


Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 107-111 – Pikku Villikko

Pikku Villikko -tarinakokonaisuuden sisältävät viisi liuskaa.


