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Käytetyt sarjakuvat
Tuomas Myllylä & Sari Sariola: Suomaat
Aislingin elämä ei ole helppoa.
Irlantilaisen siirtotyöläisen osa on Englannissa kova, ja sukuperintönä saatu kyky kommunikoida kuolleiden kanssa tuntuu lähinnä kohtalon julmalta ivalta.
Mutta kun työympäristössä leijuu kasapäin kuolleiden riutuneita sieluja ja verinen kohtalo on enemmän kuin todellinen vaara, meediokyvyt saattavat olla ainoa keino pysytellä hengissä.
Apunaan Aislingilla on erityislaatuinen kissansa Caoimhín, joka tuntuu ymmärtävän emäntäänsä suorastaan yliluonnollisella tasolla. Yhdessä kaksikko juoksee kilpaa kuoleman kanssa selvittääkseen salaisuuden: mikä kauhu vaanii suomailla?
Tuomas Myllylä (s. 1986) ja Sari Sariola (s. 1979) ovat kumpikin tahollaan suomalaisen kuvataiteen ja sarjakuvan moniottelijoita, joita yhdistää paitsi jaettu talous kahden kissan ja koiran kanssa, myös rakkaus kauhutarinoihin.
Vaikka ideat kimpoilevat ja törmäilevätkin usein kotisaunan lauteilla, on Suomaat heidän ensimmäinen pidempi sarjakuvansa yhdessä.
Polkupyörillä liikkuvat tyttö ja poika kohtaavat kesäisenä päivänä sattumalta hylätyn kyläkoulun pihamaalla, lapsuuden ja nuoruuden välimaastossa.
Taivaalta alkaa tihuuttaa vettä.
Eksyneet jäävät koululle pitämään sadetta.
Keittiöstä löytyy syötäväksi kelpaavia säilykkeitä ja varastosta jumppapatjoja nukkumista varten.
Sateen päättymistä odotellessa tytön ja pojan välille rakentuu yhteinen leikki, yhteinen maailma, joka on yhtä totta kuin todellisuus.
Nuoret löytävät luokan kaapista karttapallon ja täytettyjä eläimiä, jotka vievät heidät unenomaiseen seikkailuun. Ketään muita ei näy, ehkä ei ole olemassakaan.
Pauli Kallio & Ville Pirinen: Muddy Lee Makkonen komentaa mojon hommiin
Käsikirjoittaja Pauli Kallion ja piirtäjä Ville Pirisen kuvittelema maanläheinen musikantti Muddy Lee Makkonen on seikkaillut Blues News -lehdessä jo vuodesta 2007.
Tämä nide kokoaa yhteen viimeisen yhdeksän vuoden sarjat sekä muutamia muualla ilmestyneitä jaksoja.
Kuin ihmeen kaupalla sankarimme ilmestyy paikalle, kun Hound Dog Gene Vincent valloittaa Helsingin, Hound Dog Taylor saa levytyssopimuksen, Arethan sessio Muscle Shoalsissa ajautuu päin prinkkalaa tai Mick ja Keith suunnittelevat bändin perustamista.
Muddy Leen velimies Ornette Birks Makkonen antaa monelle jaksolle vankan jazzillisen panoksensa.
Hei muuten -sarjan kahdeksan kirjaa
Kaikki kahdeksan Hei muuten -sarjan kirjaa:
Joannis Clementides: Tulijumala
Rosa Haikarainen: Tuuli
Anna-Stina Helander: Kukkia ja keppareita
Olli Kanninen: Cowboy Laukkaavan Kuoleman rötökset ja Kaatopaikka lammen pohjassa
Maija Möttö: Rakkausretki
Riina Noro: Riemuloma
Elias Pylvänäinen: Pekan elämää
Kenneth Wallenius: Avaruusajatuksia
Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.
Kirjat on tehty tuetuissa taidestudioissa eri puolilla Suomea: Helsingissä Aula-työkodin Studio Aulassa ja Autismisäätiön Vallilan taidestudiolla, Pieksämäellä Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialueen Taidepesulassa sekä Porvoossa Ateljee Eivorissa.
Hei muuten -julkaisusarja punoo umpeen kuilua, joka jättää erityistä tukea tarvitsevat taiteilijat sarjakuvakentän ulkopuolelle.
Sarjan taiteilijat tuovat kaikki taide- ja kirjallisuuskeskusteluun jotain, mitä aiemmin ei olla nähty.
Taiteilijoiden työskentelyä on mentoroinut Miissa Rantanen, ja koko sarjan on mahdollistanut Koneen Säätiön tuki.
Oletko miettinyt mitä huominen tuo tullessaan?
Lue tämä sarjakuva niin tiedät.
Joensuun sarjakuvaseuran kolmastoista antologia astuu ajassa eteenpäin ja esittelee tuhdin täyslaidallisen tiukkaa tutkivaa tulkintaa tulevaisuudesta.
Tulevaisuudesta tipahtaneet: Petteri Holm, Jusa Hämäläinen, Antti Keinonen, Lauri Kinanen, Arttu Koistinen, Jarmo Maaranen, Roope-Santeri Nieminen, Kimmo Niiranen, Meri-Kukka Okkonen, Lili Peltola, Saana Puustinen, Ville Rautiainen, Mika K. Saarelainen, Mikael Salo, Juho Sihvonen, Esa Turunen ja Erkki Waan.
Jossakin kaukana Floridan auringosta Lauran, Sanen, Sonjan ja Markuksen bändi The Suffering soittaa metallia fanittamiensa Deathin ja Obituaryn hengessä.
Yllättäen nuorille avautuu tilaisuus äänittää demonauha oikeassa studiossa — mutta onnenpotkulla on kohtalokas kääntöpuolensa.
90-luvun alun Turkuun sijoittuva lämminhenkinen ja hienovarainen tarina kertoo ystävyydestä ja siitä miten vakavienkin asioiden äärellä voi valita epätoivon sijaan toivon.
Death Metal on kertomus elämästä, kuolemasta ja brutaalista äärimetallista.
Mika Lietzén (s. 1974) on turkulainen sarjakuvantekijä, jonka tunnusmerkkejä ovat selkeä piirrosjälki ja koskettavat tarinat. Lietzénin aiempia teoksia ovat mm. 1986 (2014) ja Alkoholi (2023).
“Alkoholi on Lietzénin paras teos sitten uran alkuaikojen kirjan Tarinoita lännestä (2007).” – Helsingin Sanomat.
Miissa Rantanen: Atomeita & pöllöjä
Kirja jakaantuu kuuteen lukuun, jotka sijoittuvat vuorotellen atomitasolle tai arkipäiväisiin hetkiin.
Tekstit ja kuvat sotkevat kvanttimekanistisen logiikan joka puolella väijyviin pöllöihin.
Finnish with English and Spanish translation.
Osamu Tezuka: Buddha 6 – Ananda
In the sixth volume of manga visionary Osamu Tezuka’s Buddha, the devil Mara possesses the bandit Ananda, half-brother of Devadatta, in an effort to eliminate the Buddha.
A ruthless killer who is impervious to physical harm, Ananda will retain the devil’s favor only if he spurns his love interest.
When Ananda and his bandit buddy attack the Fire Shrine of the Brahmin brothers Kassapa, it is none other than the Awakened One who happens by.
Buddha must confront his eternal enemy, Mara, before he can open the eyes of arrogant priests and hardened criminals.
Benjamin Percy: Wolverine by Benjamin Percy 1
The best is back!
Wolverine has been through a lot.
He’s been a hero and a killer.
An X-Man and an Avenger.
He’s been to hell and back.
Now as the nation of Krakoa brings together all mutantkind, can Wolverine finally be…happy?
Or, now that he finally has everything he ever wanted, does he suddenly have everything to lose?
Old enemies cause new problems, including Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth and Dr. Cornelius — but Logan must make an unlikely alliance when he faces the relentless evil that is Dracula!
And the Flower Cartel has enlisted the deadliest foe of all: Wolverine himself?!
Plus: A mysterious foe is making moves against the former members of Team X, leaving bodies in their wake — which leads to a difficult reunion between Logan and his old ally Maverick!
Collecting WOLVERINE (2020) #1-5 and #8-12.
Ed Piskor: X-Men – Grand Design Trilogy
Over six tumultuous decades, the X-Men have carved a singular place in comic-book lore and popular culture.
Now, New York Times best-selling author Ed Piskor (Hip Hop Family Tree, Wizzywig) takes you on a pulse-pounding tour of X-Men history unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before – an intricate labor of love that stitches together hundreds of classic and obscure stories into one seamless X-Men masterpiece!
All three volumes of Piskor’s GRAND DESIGN series are collected in a single book – taking you from Professor X’s formation of the original team through the Second Genesis of the All-New, All-Different X-Men and the devastating Dark Phoenix Saga to 1980s epics such as Inferno that pushed mutantkind to the brink of X-tinction!
Mukana mm.
Herra Mannisen spekulatiivinen levykokoelma
Inkeri Kotro: Kuusyndrooma (novelli)
Pertti Jarla: Unilähetyksiä Kuusta Osa 1 (sarjakuva)
Sarjakuvavuosi 2023 Amerikassa.
M: Death Note – L, Change the World (K)
Kirja, ei sarjakuvaa.
Huom! Suojakansi puuttuu.
L has twenty-three days to live, and twenty-two days to save the world.
In an alternative continuity in the Death Note setting, ace detective L’s name has been placed in a Death Note.
He has twenty-three days to bring a terrorist group to justice, or they will use a deadly new virus to change the world…by killing off most of humanity..
Japaninkielinen kuvakirja Studio Ghiblin elokuvasta.
Japaninkielinen kuvakirja Hayao Miyazakin elokuvasta.
Troy Lewter & Diego Yapur: Min-Woo Hyung’s Priest – Purgatory 1 (K)
Priest: Purgatory 1 features story by Troy Lewter & Dan Jolley and Art by Diego Yapur.
In this prequel to the movie, three priests and a priestess are sent into the heart of the vampire nesting grounds to recover a lost holy relic that could turn the tide of the human/vampire war.
But their quest for victory soon becomes a descent into madness as they discover a dark secret that shakes the very foundations of their beliefs.
Troy Lewter & Diego Yapur: Min-Woo Hyung’s Priest – Purgatory 2 (K)
Priest: Purgatory 2 features story by Troy Lewter & Dan Jolley and art by Diego Yapur.
Having barely survived the battlefield, the Priests and soldiers continue on their quest for the Domas Porada, only to be bushwhacked by a psychopathic familiar named Pratt.
However, Pratt is the enemy they know; there is a hidden threat, a Judas within their very group that threatens to kill them all.
But before they can discover the identity of the traitor, they find themselves caught in a trap, in which thousands of vampires stand between them and salvation…
In a world where monsters called Yoma prey on humans and live among them in disguise, humanity’s only hope is a new breed of warrior known as Claymores.
Half human, half monster, these silver-eyed slayers possess supernatural strength but are condemned to fight their savage impulses or lose their humanity completely.
Teresa, a powerful Claymore, saves a young girl from her bandit captors and leaves the child in the care of some villagers.
But triumph quickly gives way to despair when the situation takes a tragic turn, and Teresa is forced to kill a human — an act that will condemn her to death at the hands of her own kind.
The Claymore warrior Teresa has broken the cardinal rule that forbids her kind from killing humans.
In time, a group of Claymores comes to kill her, and yet Teresa defeats them all with her superior skill and experience.
But rather than slay the powerful ringleader, Teresa decides to spare her instead — an act of human weakness that will have devastating consequences for them all.
Clare and her fellow Claymores are nearing the end of their strength in their battle against the Awakened Being — a male ex-Claymore who can no longer control his Yoma powers.
Not only is Clare the weakest among them, but she has taken the brunt of the creature’s attacks as well, and yet she may be their only hope in discovering the Awakened Being’s weakness.
Fearing that she’s no match for the deadly Claymore named Ophelia, Clare spirits her companion Raki away to relative safety.
But no matter how far they run, they won’t be able to escape Ophelia’s heightened senses.
And now that Ophelia knows that Clare has awakened, she will not rest until she has destroyed Clare.
Yasuhiro Nightow: Trigun Maximum Omnibus 1 (K)
Selässä lukemistaitos.
Vash the Stampede, the galaxy’s deadliest gunslinger, emerges after two years in hiding to help his beleaguered desert homeworld, Gunsmoke.
But the Stampede’s many enemies have kept their motors running, and they’re back on his trail and determined to bring Vash to ground — hard!
And a new crowd of bounty hunters, badasses, and brain-cases are also looking to cash in the astronomical price on his head!
Yasuhiro’s Nightow’s Trigun is a worldwide sensation, and Trigun Maximum Omnibus presents Nightow’s signature Trigun series in value-priced editions of well over 500 story pages!
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Land of the Rising Dead – A Tokyo School Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse (K)
Land of the Rising Dead: A Tokyo School Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse is a brand new guide to the zombie apocalypse!
With a combination of comics, illustrations, and informative entries, this entertaining and colorful guide in combating the undead is as informative as it is entertaining!
Seven Seas will release Land of the Rising Dead: A Tokyo School Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse as a single collectible edition, that comes jam-packed with vibrant black & white illustrations and comic strips throughout, eight full-color pages, plus a treasure trove of detailed advice on how to survive the zombie apocalypse.
It was a regular day of class, when suddenly…zombies struck!
Kris, Sara, Lina, and Melo barely managed to escape their school alive only to find the entire city in full blown panic mode.
Now it’s time for these four brave school girls to learn all they’ll need to know about the undead and to teach us how to survive a zombie apocalypse along the way, Japan-style!
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Spice & Wolf 1 (K)
Kraft Lawrence has been walking the lonely path of the itinerant merchant for seven years.
His life changes forever when he meets Holo, the Wolf-God of the harvest, and the two begin traveling together.
Soon they discover a unique business opportunity, but their plans go awry when a competing organization captures Holo and threatens to turn her over to the oppressive, monotheistic Church.
Can Lawrence rescue his companion, and will the pair become more than just friends?
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Spice & Wolf 2 (K)
Newly arrived in Pazzio, the traveling merchant Lawrence and his companion, Holo the Wisewolf, are poised to turn a huge profit on a currency scheme.
But when the deal goes sour and Holo is abducted, will Lawrence’s dreams of earning enough to become a proper town merchant fade?
Or can this meek merchant devise a new strategy to rescue both his profits and the girl before Holo is delivered to the hands of the Church?
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Spice & Wolf 3 (K)
Lawrence and Holo are on the run, desperate to save both their profits and their lives!
With enforcers from a rival company in pursuit, though, Holo may need to resort to extreme measures to safeguard herself and her traveling companion.
Can Lawrence cope with the terror-inspiring true form of Holo the Wisewolf?!
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Spice & Wolf 4 (K)
Proud of his skillful transaction in Poroson (with more than a little help from Holo), Lawrence turns his cart toward Ruvinheigen in hopes of swelling his profits.
Along the way, Lawrence and Holo meet the shepherdess Norah, whom they engage to “protect” them along the way.
As it turns out, though, it isn’t wolves from which Lawrence needs protection, but his own ambition.
The threat of a merchant’s worst nightmare awaits him in Ruvinheigen – bankruptcy!!
Isuna Hasekura & Keito Koume: Spice & Wolf 5 (K)
Facing financial ruin, Lawrence casts about desperately for the funds he needs to survive this latest disaster.
When all hope seems lost, though, just how far is the merchant willing to go to protect his livelihood — and his life?
Tomoki Izumi: Mieruko-Chan 1 (K)
A normal girl was living a normal life–until she wasn’t.
One day, she could see…everything.
What’s a girl to do when hideous monsters appear no matter which way she turns?
And on top of that, nobody else can see them!
Obviously, there’s only one thing that makes sense–ignore them. Kinda hard to put theory into practice, though, when the ghosts know she’s watching…
Tomoki Izumi: Mieruko-Chan 2 (K)
Salt, useless.
Prayer beads, no dice.
Disinfectant – mildly effective.
Miko’s fruitless attempts at warding off horrific spirits leave her with one option…keep pretending these grotesque specters don’t exist.
But Miko hasn’t given up yet!
One day, she’ll be free.
Until then, she just has to survive changing-room phantoms and ghost-infested tunnels and…a girl named Yuria?
Gainax & Hajime Ueda: FLCL 1 (K)
Naota is a lonely boy in a lonely town living a lonely life amidst utter chaos.
His father’s a perv, his grandfather a nut, his brother ran off to seek riches in America, and his brother’s dumb ex-girlfriend won’t leave him alone.
Now from beyond the stars drops on impish defender sent forth to stop alien robots from destroying the Earth.
Where do the alien robots come from? Well, from Naota’s forehead for starters.
From the twisted mind that brought us End of Evangelion comes this bizarre tale of adolescence in a world gone mad.
Mosae Nohara: From the Red Fog 1 (K)
Born in darkness, a young boy steps into the light.
Raised in a cellar steeped in solitude, his entrance into English society at the turn of the nineteenth century is anything but painless.
From place to place he journeys, seeking companions who share his unusual interests.
But always, always a red fog follows, consuming everything in its path…
Satoshi Shiki: The Legend of Dororo and Hyakkimaru 1 (K)
A modern remake of Osamu Tezuka’s legendary samurai tale about reclaiming stolen humanity – and don’t miss the stunning 2019 anime!
A young swordsman travels alone through war-torn Japan, hunting demons wherever they might hide.
His name: Hyakkimaru.
Soon he crosses paths with Dororo, an orphan who steals to survive. Dororo can’t help but wonder: Who is this demon hunter with skin as cold as ice, and blades hidden inside his own arms…?
Aya Kanno: Requiem of the Rose King 1 (K)
The intrigue and royal conspiracy in the Bard’s Richard III is given a dark manga twist that will appeal to aficionados of both comics and the classics.
Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings?
Based on an early draft of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Aya Kanno’s dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.
Richard’s father, the patriarch of the House of York, is poised to become king of medieval England during the bloody Wars of the Roses.
But just as success is imminent, he is abruptly cut down. Plunged into despair, Richard acts out in revenge and must face a powerful and beautiful new enemy.
Midori Yuma & Waco Ioka: Kakuriyo – Bed & Breakfast for Spirits 1 (K)
Faced with the choice of being married to a strange spirit or being made into dinner, Aoi decides to create a third option for herself!
Aoi Tsubaki inherited her grandfather’s ability to see spirits — and his massive debt to them!
Now she’s been kidnapped and taken to Kakuriyo, the spirit world, to make good on his bill.
Her options: marry the head of the inn her grandfather trashed, or get eaten by demons.
But Aoi isn’t the type to let spirits push her around, and she’s determined to redeem her grandfather’s IOU on her own terms!
Aoi wants to work off her debt to the Tenjin-ya inn, but she only has one day to find a position and none of the managers are willing to hire a human! If she can just get someone to see past her family background, Aoi is certain she can prove her worth!
Adachitoka: Noragami – Stray God 1 (K)
Yato is a homeless god.
He doesn’t even have a shrine, not to mention worshippers!
So to achieve his ambitious goals, he’s set up a service to help those in need (for a small fee), hoping he’ll eventually raise enough money to build himself the lavish temple of his dreams.
Of course, he can’t afford to be picky, so Yato accepts all kinds of jobs, from finding lost kittens to helping a student overcome bullies at school.
Tetsuya Tsutsui: Prophecy 1 (K)
A newspaper-masked vigilante who broadcasts his acts of vengeance before committing them.
A newly-formed police division tackling the new frontier of internet-based crime.
As the sun rises on the Era of Information, can a group of people who found themselves at the bottom of the food chain rattle society through the web and avenge a fallen friend?
Tetsuya Tsutsui: Prophecy 2 (K)
As Paperboy starts to issue video warnings of crimes they plan to commit against ever-larger targets of internet outrage, Lt. Yoshino and the Anti-Cyber Crimes Division attempt to get one step ahead of the newspaper-masked terrorist group.
But even as these vigilantes contend with the authorities, the greatest threat to their master plans may come from a totally unexpected place — within their tightly-knit core.
Tetsuya Tashiro: Slasher Maidens 1 (K)
Asuma Sudou has always been a proud pervert, but he’s sworn to give that up to chase the girl of his dreams.
Having received a special invitation to enter the same all-girls school as her, he’s planning to live his romantic youth to the fullest.
But those plans are cut short when it turns out the school is a front for a secret organization dedicated to battling kaijin — monsters created when people succumb to their murderous impulses!
The girls of the school fight using the relics of defeated kaijin, but when the bloodthirsty instincts sealed within threaten to overwhelm them, Asuma is the only one who can bring them back to their senses!
Keiichi Sigsawa & Tadadi Tamori: Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online 1 (K)
Karen Kohiruimaki always felt out of place in the real world.
Due to her extreme height, she found it hard to make friends with other girls her age.
Everything changes when she’s introduced to VR and Gun Gale Online.
In GGO, Karen is free to play the cute, chibi avatar of her dreams!
Can Karen find friendship in this bullet-ridden MMO…?
Keiichi Sigsawa & Tadadi Tamori: Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online 2 (K)
Karen is living her best life, getting to play as her cute chibi avatar Llenn in the VR game Gun Gale Online.
She becomes fast friends with mysterious woman Pitohui, who invites her to an in-game event called the Squad Jam.
But Karen won’t be teamed up with her new friend-instead she gets paired with the stern and silent M.
Not 10 minutes into the event, they get surrounded by a hail of gunfire! Will they be able to hold their own as a two-man team against squads with actual military training…?
Hey, wasn’t this supposed to be just a game?!
Keiichi Sigsawa & Tadadi Tamori: Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online 3 (K)
After a surprise attack leaves the pink chibi Llenn and her trusty partner, M, scrambling, the pair flee to the wasteland.
Once fully healed, the two devise a strategy to eliminate their trigger-happy pursuers and seize the Squad Jam victory.
With only a minute until the next scan, Llenn decides to bet on luck to overcome the unknown dangers ahead…the first of which is none other than her buddy M?!
Hideyuki Furuhashi & Betten Court: My Hero Academia – Vigilantes 1 (K)
Not everyone needs a license to fight for justice!
In a superpowered society, there is nothing ordinary about evil anymore.
Heroes, trained and licensed to protect and defend the public against supervillains, stand above all the rest.
Not everyone can be a hero, however, and there are those who would use their powers to serve the people without legal sanction.
But do they fight for justice in the shadows, or for reasons known only to themselves?
Whatever they fight for, they are called…vigilantes.
Koichi Haimawari couldn’t make the cut to become an official hero, so he uses his modest Quirk to do good deeds in his spare time.
Then one day a fateful encounter with some local thugs leads him to team up with two other unlikely heroes.
None of them really know what they’re doing, but they’ve got the courage — or foolishness — to try.
But they soon discover fighting evil takes more than just being brave…
Hideyuki Furuhashi & Betten Court: My Hero Academia – Vigilantes 2 (K)
Koichi and his “friends” — Kazuho, a.k.a. Pop Step, and the mysterious Knuckleduster — have teamed up to protect their neighborhood (unofficially of course).
But even petty criminals with Quirks can be dangerous, and taking them on shows Koichi that he’d better not underestimate them.
Sizing up the opposition is important, especially when some of the villains are definitely out of Koichi’s league and more sinister threats lurk in the shadows…
Hideyuki Furuhashi & Betten Court: My Hero Academia – Vigilantes 3 (K)
When you’re not a licensed hero, sometimes you need all the help you can get.
For Koichi, unexpected — but not entirely unwelcome — assistance comes in the form of Makoto Tsukauchi, one of Koichi’s friends at school.
Makoto’s got a self-confident vibe that makes Pop Step more than a little anxious and…jealous?
Meanwhile, out in the streets of the Naruhata district, the scheming bee user Hachisuka continues her distribution of the “instant villain” drug, Trigger…
Hideyuki Furuhashi & Betten Court: My Hero Academia – Vigilantes 4 (K)
The sinister Hachisuka continues to haunt the Naruhata district, distributing the Quirk-boosting drug Trigger.
Knuckleduster continues to track her and is closing in.
Meanwhile, Pop Step receives an unexpected invitation to perform at the Marukane department store’s grand reopening.
With Makoto helping out, it’s going to be nothing less than an all-out entertainment extravaganza!
But that’s only if she can organize a disorganized group of performers in time for the show!
Kumanano & Sergei: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 1 (K)
A light-hearted manga about a girl transported to her favorite video game world with her magical bearsuit equipped — based on the original light novel series, also published by Seven Seas! (Now an anime!)
Fifteen-year-old video game addict Yuna is set for life: she funds her shut-in lifestyle by playing the stock market and then spends every other free moment playing her favourite virtual reality MMO.
After a game update, Yuna receives a way-too-cute bear outfit that’s super overpowered!
There’s no way Yuna would ever wear something that embarrassing, but after being sucked into a fantasy world, she might not have a choice!
Kumanano & Sergei: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 2 (K)
After getting transported to a fantasy world, Yuna has started to find her groove – she’s making new friends and even has two adorable bear summons to keep her company.
But if she’s going to continue to level up, she needs to set up a base of operations.
In this strange new world, can Yuna find a place to call home?
Haro Aso: Alice in Borderland 1 (K)
Eighteen-year-old Ryohei Arisu is sick of his life.
School sucks, his love life is a joke, and his future feels like impending doom.
As he struggles to exist in a world that can’t be bothered with him, Ryohei feels like everything would be better if he were anywhere else.
When a strange fireworks show transports him and his friends to a parallel world, Ryohei thinks all his wishes have come true.
But this new world isn’t an empty paradise, it’s a vicious game.
And the only way to survive is to play.
The first game starts with a bang, but Ryohei manages to beat the clock and save his friends.
It’s a short-lived victory, however, as they discover that winning only earns them a few days’ grace period.
If they want to get home, they’re going to have to start playing a lot harder.
Tsukasa Saimura: Hour of the Zombie 1 (K)
Akira is your typical student living a conventional high school life.
He has dreams and aspirations like everyone else, and an unrequited crush on his childhood friend, Kurumi.
Unfortunately for him she seems more interested in Akira’s best friend, Umezawa.
And yet their innocent love triangle pales in comparison to what the three friends are about to experience, even if it may yet be their saving grace.
Students are suddenly turning into frenzied zombies, attacking and gorging themselves upon each other’s flesh.
The school is being torn apart until suddenly… they stop.
With the zombies apparently back to normal, the school is now divided between the previously turned and the unbitten.
But how long will this peace last? And what caused students to turn in the first place?
When any of your classmates could suddenly decide to have you for lunch, a friendly face can become the scariest thing in the room.
Tsukasa Saimura: Hour of the Zombie 2 (K)
As the hostilities between zombies and students grow and threaten to destroy the school, Student Council President Hojou must enact dire measures to ensure that no more student lives are lost…but at a terrible cost.
Shigeo Nakayama & Tsukasa Saimura: Tokyo Undead – The Complete Collection (K)
Tokyo Undead is a story of zombie survival taking place in one of the most densely populated cities in the world―Tokyo, Japan!
This omnibus edition tells the complete story of an organization putting its last hopes on one man to find the antidote they need to save the world.
Originally released in Japan as two separate volumes, Seven Seas will compile both parts of Tokyo Undead in a four-hundred-page omnibus edition that includes several full-color illustrations.
After a man-made pathogen known as the K virus is accidentally released from Fieldwar Labs in the heart of Tokyo, the city is overrun by flesh-eating zombies.
In the hopes of saving the last remaining survivors of this apocalypse, an organization known as Madara sends out its rookie member in a last-ditch effort to find a cure.
Young Itachi must survive the zombie-ravaged streets of Tokyo while searching for the missing key that’s integral to Japan’s survival!
Tsukasa Saimura & Kozo Takahashi: Crueler Than Dead 1 (K)
No one knows where it started…
But when the world finally realized what was going on, it was already too late.
When Maki Akagi wakes up in a lab full of corpses, she learns from a dying soldier that she is the result of a last-ditch experiment to cure humans of a virus turning them into zombies.
Accompanied by a young boy who also miraculously escaped, she will have to try to get to the very center of a devastated Tokyo filled with bloodthirsty monsters.
The dome located there contains the last survivors of mankind.
And humanity’s very survival depends solely on a few drops of this miraculous vaccine…
Inspired by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira), The Walking Dead, Romero classics, and new zombie films like 24 Hours Later, Crueler Than Dead delights in the meticulous detail of decomposed flesh, with a wicked and hungry eye…evoking a modern vision of a zombie world that is terrifying and tension filled.
Kengo Hanzawa: I Am a Hero Omnibus 2 (K)
Collecting two of the original Japanese volumes into each Dark Horse edition, this value-priced excursion into the world’s weirdest zombie apocalypse is not to be missed!
Having escaped being eaten by his zombie girlfriend and torn apart by his infected co-workers, Hideo Suzuki continues to head away from civilization and the bloodthirsty hordes taking over Japan.
In a “suicide forest” that winds up being just as dangerous as the city, Hideo finds a young girl who needs help and who could also help him more than he realizes!
The zombie apocalypse has never been more surreal!
Collects the original Japanese I Am a Hero Japanese volumes 3 and 4.
“I Am a Hero is probably the greatest zombie manga ever. It has the slow buildup of a psychological horror manga, but when the zombies hit, they hit hard, and the manga accelerates into volumes-long fight-or-flight sequences that seem like they’ll never stop.”
– Jason Thompson ( Manga: The Complete Guide).
Akira Akatsuki: Juni Taisen – Zodiac War 1 (K)
Twelve fighters enter, one fighter leaves–who will win the 12th Zodiac War?
Every 12 years, 12 fighters take the form of the Chinese zodiac and engage in a battle royale.
With their strength and mysterious powers, they fight to the death and the sole survivor is granted the ultimate prize — any wish.
Eleven of the twelve fighters have gathered, and everyone awaits the final contender — Boar.
She is strong, confident and a favorite to win the twelfth Zodiac War.
However, this time, the rules have changed!
The battle is limited to an abandoned city and all of the contestants are forced to ingest a deadly poison.
Monkey tries to call a truce, but before she can the floor explodes, scattering all the fighters. Despite the chaos, one thing’s for sure–only one will remain standing.
Akira Akatsuki: Juni Taisen – Zodiac War 2 (K)
With several of the fighters already dead, the Zodiac War is in full swing!
The biggest danger the remaining fighters face is Usagi, the fighter of the Rabbit.
He has the unique ability to control the dead bodies of those he’s slain, putting his opponents at a huge disadvantage!
While Usagi and his undead army rampage in the streets above, Chicken and Rat lay low underground with Monkey, who is determined to settle the battle with as few deaths as possible.
Ichigo Takano: Orange – The Complete Collection 1 (K)
A Plea From the Future
On the day that Naho begins 11th grade, she recieves a letter from herself ten years in the future.
At first, she writes it off as a prank, but as the letter’s predictions come true one by one Naho realizes that the letter might be the real deal.
Her future self tells Naho that a new transfer student, a boy named Kakeru, will soon join her class.
The letter begs Naho to watch over him, saying that only Naho can save Kakeru from a terrible future.
Who is this mystery boy, and can Naho save him from his destiny?
The heart-wrenching sci-fi romance that has over million copies in print in Japan!
Toshiya Wakabayashi: Happy Kanako’s Killer Life 1 (K)
A hilarious full-color manga about office politics and killers-for-hire!
Nishino Kanako sure hates her job, and is only too happy to snag the first new gig that comes her way.
She never expected that her interview would be at an agency for contract killers…or that she’d be really, really good at bumping people off!
Kanako doesn’t have a ton of self-confidence, and adjusting to her new life as an assassin isn’t the easiest.
Will she ever earn the respect of Sakurai, her prickly but kinda hot new coworker?
Find out in this dangerously funny, full-color manga!
Chirolu & Hota: If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord 1 (K)
The manga adaptation of the hit light novel series — now with an anime!
While on a job, Dale-a young but accomplished adventurer – comes across a little demon girl all alone in the forest.
Dale can’t bear to leave her there to die, so instead, he takes her home!
Demon or not, Latina is beyond adorable, and it is not long before he finds himself head over heels with being her guardian.
Can Dale handle the trials and tribulations of childcare and being an adventurer?
Kousuke Oono: The Way of the Househusband 1 (K)
It’s a day in the life of your average househusband–if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza “the Immortal Dragon”!
A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it’s not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!
He was the fiercest member of the yakuza, a man who left countless underworld legends in his wake.
They called him “the Immortal Dragon.”
But one day he walked away from it all to travel another path–the path of the househusband!
The curtain rises on this cozy yakuza comedy!
Ai Morinaga: Your & My Secret 1-7 (K)
Pretty, tomboyish Nanako Momoi’s inventor grandfather causes her to trade bodies with Akira Uehara, a boy who is intelligent and good-looking but has a very weak personality, and they find themselves attracted to each other’s best friends.
Age: 13+ / Comedy/Drama.
At Millennium Academy, elite vampires are trained to maintain balance in a world where humans and vampires, who possess far greater physical strength than their human neighbors, coexist.
When Aldred, the most distinctly un-vampire-like vampire to be found in the entire institution, meets Kei, a human transfer student to the school, their destinies become surprisingly intertwined, and the fate of the world as they know it comes to lie in their hands.
Will the unlikely duo be able to break the vicious cycle of blood and chaos that comes every millennium on the ominous night of the Twin Moons?
Naoki Urasawa: Naoki Urasawa’s Monster 1 (K)
Brilliant doctor Kenzo Tenma risks his reputation and promising career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy.
Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate.
Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing depiction of the underbelly of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller.
Naoki Urasawa: Naoki Urasawa’s Monster 2 (K)
Brilliant doctor Kenzo Tenma risks his reputation and promising career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy.
Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate.
Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing depiction of the underbelly of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller.
Naoki Urasawa: Naoki Urasawa’s Monster 3 (K)
Brilliant doctor Kenzo Tenma risks his reputation and promising career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy.
Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate.
Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing depiction of the underbelly of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller.
Kansissa jälkiä.
Immediately after checking into the Kurosaki Clinic with a mysterious scar on his back, the muscle-bound Chad goes AWOL.
Accompanying Chad is a talking parakeet imbued with the soul of a young boy named Yûichi.
It doesn’t take newbie Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki long to surmise that a Hollow must be involved–the strongest spirit he’s faced to date.
Ichigo is about to discover that not every soul is bound for the Soul Society, especially if it’s tainted with innocent blood.
Kansissa jälkiä.
It’s the anniversary of Masaki’s death, and the entire Kurosaki clan, along with former Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki, head to the cemetery to pay their respects.
Sleeping demons rarely ever stay still and pretty soon Ichigo confronts the Grand Fisher, the Hollow that may be responsible for his mother’s demise.
This and more in this action-packed volume of Tite Kubo’s manga smash-hit Bleach.
Kansissa jälkiä.
The race to save Rukia from the Soul Society is officially on, and Ichigo and company have come to their first roadblock, a very, very big roadblock.
Jindanbô, the monstrous, fez-sporting gatekeeper hasn’t let a single soul enter the Western Gate he guards in over 300 years, and he isn’t about to change his mind about it just because Ichigo’s crew wants to go through.
But, in a where-the-rubber-meets-the-road kind of way, Ichigo wasn’t expecting his assault on the Soul Society to be a piece of cake. After all, that’d just be boring.
Kansissa jälkiä.
Deep in the heart of 19th century London, a young nobleman named Cain walks the shadowy cobblestone streets of the aristocratic society into which he was born.
Forced to become an earl upon the untimely death of his father, Cain assumes the role of head of the Hargreaves, a noble family with a dark past.
With Riff, his faithful manservant, and Mary Weather, his 10-year-old half sister, Cain investigates the mysterious crimes that seem to follow him wherever he goes.
Four gripping tales of murder and mayhem complete this chilling first installment from the renowned author of Angel Sanctuary.
Godchild is a manga series that gothic fans shouldn’t miss!
Kansissa jälkiä.
Deep in the heart of 19th century London, a young nobleman named Cain walks the shadowy cobblestone streets of the aristocratic society into which he was born.
Forced to become an earl upon the untimely death of his father, Cain assumes the role of head of the Hargreaves, a noble family with a dark past.
With Riff, his faithful manservant, and Mary Weather, his 10-year-old half sister, Cain investigates the mysterious crimes that seem to follow him wherever he goes.
Red butterflies, demon possession, tainted jam, and murder…
Well-loved manga creator Kaori Yuki presents the second installment of Godchild, written in three parts, with just the right amount of suspense and bizarre plot twists guaranteed to make gothic comics fans fall in love with this series even more!
Kansissa jälkiä.
Deep in the heart of 19th century London, a young nobleman named Cain walks the shadowy cobblestone streets of the aristocratic society into which he was born.
Forced to become an earl upon the untimely death of his father, Cain assumes the role of head of the Hargreaves, a noble family with a dark past.
With Riff, his faithful manservant, and Mary Weather, his 10-year-old half sister, Cain investigates the mysterious crimes that seem to follow him wherever he goes.
A grotesque gift holds a clue to the Cain’s family past; a mortician’s daughter has deadly designs on one of Cain’s closest friends; and a woman from Riff’s past may have murder on her mind.
Enjoy three new tales destined to delight and disturb from the imagination of master storyteller Kaori Yuki!
Tsuyoshi Takaki: Black Torch 1 (K)
Ninja and animal lover Jiro Azuma’s life is changed forever when he finds himself in the middle of a war of ninjas vs. demons.
Jiro Azuma is descended from of a long line of shinobi, and he also can talk to animals.
One day, he rescues a very unique black cat named Rago, a supernatural being, and is dragged into a secret supernatural war.
Although he may appear rough-and-tumble, Jiro Azuma’s compassionate side emerges when it comes to the furry critters he can communicate with.
But Jiro’s soft spot for animals gets him in major trouble when a suspicious stray cat fuses with him, granting him exceptional power but also dragging him into humanity’s hidden battle against powerful Japanese spirits, mononoke.
Tsuyoshi Takaki: Black Torch 2 (K)
There’s a new squad at the Bureau of Espionage–code name: Black Torch.
The squad, run by Shiba, consists of Jiro, Ichika, Hana and one more rookie named Reiji.
However, Reiji refuses to work with a guy who has fused with a demon and almost immediately comes to blows with Jiro!
Will this squad ever be able to work together?
Nanae Chrono: Peace Maker 1 (K)
After young Tetsu sees his parents murdered in front of him by a Choushuu assassin, he is torn between joining the Shinsengumi, a vicious troop of special police, and leaving his rage behind him to become a peacemaker.
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 1 (K)
In a post-apocalyptic world of vampires vs. humans, Yuichiro brings vengeance upon his vampire overlords!
After trumpets of the apocalypse proclaim the fall of humanity, vampires arise from the shadows to rule the earth.
Yuichiro wants just one thing–to get revenge by killing each and every vampire.
Yuichiro’s dream is near-impossible, given that vampires are seven times stronger than humans, and the only way to kill them is by mastering Cursed Gear, advanced demon-possessed weaponry.
Not to mention that humanity’s most elite Vampire Extermination Unit, the Moon Demon Company, wants nothing to do with Yuichiro unless he can prove he’s willing to work in a team — which is the last thing he wants!
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 2 (K)
Now that Yuichiro has earned his place in the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, he prepares to undergo a fiendish test to acquire the most powerful and deadly of humanity’s weapons against vampires — Black Demon Series Cursed Gear.
Meanwhile, the vampire nobility welcome a new member—Mika, the best friend Yuichiro thinks died in their escape but who has his own bitter story of survival.
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 3 (K)
Yuichiro survives the trial to acquire Cursed Gear—demon-possessed weaponry that is humanity’s only hope for combating the vampire scourge.
But times are dangerous, and instead of getting to celebrate his newfound power, Yuichiro and his friends are given their first mission: head to Shinjuku and investigate vampire activity.
Unbeknownst to Yuichiro, Mika, his best friend and now a vampire, is headed for the same place.
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 4 (K)
A vampire attack reunites childhood friends Yuichiro and Mika, though they now face each other from opposing sides of the battlefield.
Mika begs Yuichiro to forget about the conflict between humans and vampires and escape with him, but Yuichiro is unable to abandon his new friends.
Then, everything changes when Yuichiro suddenly transforms into a monstrous being with one seraphic wing!
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 5 (K)
Yuichiro has no memory of his terrifying but temporary transformation into a one-winged monster during the battle for Shinjuku.
The widely feared leaders of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, however, take note of his squad’s unusual talent.
Despite the unwanted attention, Yuichiro’s resolve to save Mika from the vampires crystallizes as his real training in demon possession and manifestation begins.
Takaya Kagami & Yamato Yamamoto: Seraph of the End – Vampire Reign 6 (K)
The only thing standing between humans and complete slavery to vampires is their tenacity and Cursed Gear.
Yuichiro has the first in droves, but to increase the amount of power he can draw from the demon inside his cursed sword, he enters a coma-like state to thin the barrier between human and demon.
His power boost can come none too soon as the vampire queen reveals her plans to annihilate the human resistance.
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 9 (K)
Eren is still resting from his brutal fight with the female Titan, when word reaches the interior that the impossible has happened: Wall Rose itself has been breached, and Titans are pouring through the gap!
The emergency casts new urgency over Armin and Hange’s questions about how the walls were built, and what humanity can do to restore them…
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 10 (K)
With no combat gear and Wall Rose breached, the 104th scrambles to evacuate the villages in the Titans’ path.
On their way to the safety of Wall Sheena, they decide to spend the night in Utgard Castle.
But their sanctuary becomes a slaughterhouse when they discover that, for some reason, these Titans attack at night!
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 11 (K)
Thanks to Eren’s timely arrival, the 104th has managed to turn the tide at Wall Rose.
But this momentary victory forces two more traitors into a corner – and the identity of the Titans who have been destroying the walls is revealed!
What can Eren do against the two most dangerous monsters humanity has ever faced? And who else might be an enemy in disguise?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 12 (K)
Erwin and the Survey Corps desperately mount a rescue operation to take Eren back from the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan.
But without the numbers to form up properly outside the walls, how can the humans catch up before they’re all slaughtered?
Just whose side is Ymir on?
And will Eren ever see his friends again?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 13 (K)
At great cost to the Garrison and the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin has managed to recover Eren from the Titans who tried to carry him off.
But during the battle, Eren manifested yet another power he doesn’t understand.
As Eren and Krista find new enemies, the Survey Corps faces threats from both inside and outside the walls.
And what will happen to Ymir, now that she has decided to make herself the Titans’ prize?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 14 (K)
Commander Erwin has finally come to a decision: Putting their own wealth and position ahead of the survival of humanity, the royal government is no longer fit to lead.
To execute their leader’s most audacious plan yet, Eren and Krista will have to put themselves in peril yet again, and Armin, Mikasa, and the rest of the Survey Corps will have to turn from humanity’s guardians into traitors.
If they fail this time, they’ll face not a Titan’s gaping mouth, but the gallows…
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 15 (K)
Hange’s interrogation of a Military Police squad has revealed that Krista (a.k.a. Historia Reiss) is the true heir to the throne.
The Corps quickly moves to enthrone her as queen, but a homicidal MP leads a squad that abducts Eren and Krista and throws the Corps into disarray.
With Erwin arrested and the Survey Corps on the edge of dissolution, are Levi and Hange finally out of options?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 16 (K)
Captured by Rod Reiss, the rightful king, Krista and Eren finally have their memories back.
What exactly happened to Eren, and what was the crime his father committed?
Meanwhile, the Survey Corps desperately hunts for Eren, while at the same time seeking to legitimize their military coup.
As the situation inside the walls comes to a head, the mysteries of the world of the Titans seem on the cusp of being solved at last!
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 17 (K)
Thanks to Rod Reiss, Eren finally knows the terrible truth behind how he acquired his Titan powers, and the depth of his father’s crimes.
The king orders his daughter Historia to kill Eren and restore the power of the Titans to its rightful place, but she chooses her own selfish path: survival.
As the cavern crumbles around the Survey Corps, Eren must make another last-minute decision, with the lives of all his friends in the balance.
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 18 (K)
The Survey Corps has overthrown the Royal Government and swept away the tyranny of the king.
The next step: Move to retake Wall Maria, with the help of a newly-discovered metallic ore and Eren’s miraculous Titan hardening powers.
But as humanity pulls together, its enemies also unite beyond the Walls… now that the Beast Titan has joined Reiner and Bertolt, what havoc will they wreak?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 19 (K)
The Survey Corps is engaged in a desperate, final battle to retake Wall Maria and defeat the Titans once and for all.
Eren must use his new powers to seal the holes created five years ago in the Shiganshina District gates, not to mention to finally reach the basement of his old home and find what secrets lie hidden there.
But the most difficult part of the operation will be surviving whatever clever traps the Colossus Titan, Armored Titan, and Beast Titan have prepared for them!
Now that Erwin is gambling with every last human life, who will triumph?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 20 (K)
The Survey Corps’s quest for the truth of the world inside the Walls has brought them back to Titan-infested Shiganshina District, a mere stone’s throw from Eren’s childhood home.
They have come to execute Erwin’s final gambit, reclaiming Wall Maria and the secrets of humanity’s past.
But the Colossus Titan, the Armored Titan, and the Beast Titan have been waiting for them, and saving humanity will require the most difficult sacrifice the Corps has ever had to make…
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 21 (K)
Locked in desperate battle with the man-eating Titans, the Survey Corps gets closer than ever before to Eren’s basement and unlocking the mysteries of their walled world.
But to get there, they will have to make a terrible choice with life-altering consequences for every surviving human soldier…
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 22 (K)
Despite losing countless lives in the battle against the Titans, what’s left of the Survey Corps arrives at the doorstep of Eren’s family home.
There, in the basement, they find three notebooks that explain at last the origins of their walled world.
In the notebooks, Eren’s father recounts a strange childhood and an even darker history: 1,800 years ago, one woman obtained the power of the Titans, provoking a racial conflict that ripped humanity apart.
The Survey Corps realizes that they have been fumbling around in the dark…but what will they do now that they know the horrific truth?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 23 (K)
The truth revealed through the memories in Grisha’s journals shakes all of Eren’s deepest beliefs.
There is no rugged but free land beyond the Walls–there is a whole other world, equally full of oppression and war.
Suddenly, the ambitions that have animated the Survey Corps for generations seem small and naïve.
What is there left to fight for?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 24 (K)
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 25 (K)
Eren and everyone he has ever known have lived on the island of Paradis.
For many years, the Marleyans have been threatening Paradis in an attempt to monopolize the power of the Titans and keep the world trembling before their military might.
In an effort to prove their worth and cement their truth, the Marleyans prepare for the ultimate declaration of war on Paradis.
But when the time for deliverance comes, neither side is equipped for the shocking drama that unfolds.
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 26 (K)
The deadly pageant directed by and starring Willy Tybur clearly illustrates the threat posed by the island of Paradis, as the dangerous rebel Eren Yeager mows down civilians and deals a massive blow to the Marleyan army.
Meanwhile, the Eldian soldiers including Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha sow chaos in the city and disrupt military communications.
But the battle between Eren and the War Hammer Titan isn’t over, and it’s about to draw in the full might of this land’s warriors…
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 27 (K)
Eren has infiltrated Marley territory and dealt the empire a devastating blow.
But the real goal of the mission was always to get Zeke back to Paradis Island in secrecy.
Now that this Titan heir of royal blood is inside the Walls, the island’s military government has its “earth-rumbling” weapon of mass destruction.
But has this supposed deterrent actually started a countdown to total world war?
Hajime Isayama: Attack on Titan 28 (K)
After years as a lonely double agent, Zeke finally returns to the good graces of his home island of Paradis.
Still, the Survey Corps refuses to let him meet Eren — the other ingredient in the earth-shaking weapon — for fear the explosive duo will be impossible to control.
Meanwhile, the public responds badly to the military’s open distrust of their hero Eren, and the detention of the Marleyan volunteers spurs an uprising.
Amid the turmoil, Eren takes matters into his own hands…
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 6 (K)
Fifteen years ago, humanity led a last-ditch attempt to discover the Titans’ weakness – a survey expedition to capture one of the beasts.
But the ten-meter Titan who appeared during the capture attempt threw the expedition into chaos.
Among those who escaped behind Wall Maria was the genius craftsman Angel, a weapon-developer who was participating in the expedition as a researcher.
What would he conjure up from this failure?
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 7 (K)
Xavi Inocencio, the man who implicated Kuklo in Dario’s murder (and who also happens to be Sharle’s brother), has joined the Military Police on Captain Gloria’s recommendation.
This puts the royal government’s most powerful tools at his disposal in his search for Kuklo and Sharle.
Meanwhile, Kuklo leaves Sharle behind in the Industrial City, heading to Shiganshina District to try the tempreramental and dangerous “device” against a real Titan…
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 8 (K)
Kuklo heads to Shiganshina District to test the new model of the Device, while Sharle anxiously awaits his return at Xenophon’s workshop.
But long after Kuklo’s expected date of return, there is still no sign of him…
Meanwhile, an anti-government group carries out a plan in the Industrial City, where Sharle works.
Little do they know, Xavi has infiltrated the mission on orders from above.
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 9 (K)
The anti-establishment dissidents’ attempted rebellion runs up against harsh reality when the Military Police hit them hard almost before it starts, thanks to Xavi’s infiltration of their ranks.
Meanwhile, Kuklo uses his new Device to spring to Sharle’s aid.
But unbeknownst to him, his oldest nemesis will be waiting in the wings…
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 10 (K)
With Kuklo’s fate unknown, Sharle has to take matters into her own hands by tracking down the reclusive Angel, inventor of the Device that could one day be the difference between survival or extinction at the hands of the Titans.
But Angel is no longer the same man he once was, and the journey to reach him will be a perilous one, to say nothing of actually enlisting his help…
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 11 (K)
Sharle has taken matters into her own hands to recruit the reclusive Angel, the original inventor of the Device that might one day help humanity fight back against the Titans.
But Angel’s harrowing experiences have left him scarred, and he may need extra encouragement to rejoin the struggle.
Meanwhile, Kuklo remains missing, his fate in the balance…
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 12 (K)
Takakannessa yksi kulma taittunut.
Angel and Xenophon’s Device, meant to help humanity combat the Titans, has always confounded those who were meant to use it.
But years later, after Sharle successfully brings Angel out of his underground home, he is ready to correct its fatal flaw for good.
But that’s only half of the problem–the Survey Corps will need a grueling new training program to make use of it!
Ryo Suzukaze & Satoshi Shiki: Attack on Titan – Before the Fall 13 (K)
The Vertical Maneuvering Equipment, humanity’s greatest weapon against the Titans, is designed at last, but there’s a catch: Kuklo and the Survey Corps have only a short time to use it to successfully destroy a Titan, or the Corps will be disbanded for good.
And even worse, an unlikely figure from Kuklo’s past will be taking part…
Gun Snark & Hikaru Suruga: Attack on Titan – No Regrets Complete Color Edition (K)
The story of Captain Levi, Attack on Titan’s most beloved character, collected in a single, 400-page hardcover in glorious full color!
In Attack on Titan, Erwin Smith and Captain Levi are an inseparable duo, the calculating brain and pumping heart of the Survey Corps.
But their past was a mystery, until the release of the globally-acclaimed bestseller Attack on Titan: No Regrets.
Years earlier, the young Erwin was an ambitious military ladder-climber and political prodigy, while Levi lived in another world under the elite’s feet, the Underground.
In this place, humans are born and die surrounded by the garbage the Capital throws away, and only the lucky or the ruthless have a chance to emerge onto the surface and see the Sun.
Under a fierce exterior, Levi longs for a life of dignity for himself and his friends, while Erwin’s lifelong obsession with the Titans drives him to depths of moral ambiguity.
The two men’s collision course will lead to tension, tragedy, and the greatest team of Titan-fighters humanity will ever know.
Direct from Japan in a newly-colorized edition.
Includes never-before-published bonus stories and illustrations.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 1 (K)
A supernatural saga of a 13-year-old by day, and a leader of a demon clan by night–straight from the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump!
While the day belongs to humans, the night belongs to yokai, supernatural creatures that thrive on human fear.
Caught between these worlds is Rikuo Nura.
He’s three-quarters human, but his grandfather is none other than Nurarihyon, the supreme commander of the Nura clan, a powerful yokai consortium.
So, Rikuo is an ordinary teenager three quarters of the time, until his yokai blood awakens. Then Rikuo transforms into the future leader of the Nura clan, leading a hundred demons.
Rikuo grew up in a house full of yokai, so he always thought they were cool.
But the kids in his class talk about yokai like they’re bad!
When his grandfather announces Rikuo as his chosen heir to run the Nura clan, Rikuo is torn between his human nature and his duties as a yokai.
The rest of the clan’s not so crazy about a wimpy part-human as their ruler, particularly Gagoze, a high-ranking yokai who would rather eat a human than be ruled by one.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 3 (K)
Rikuo’s confrontation with the mutinous Gyuki reveals a schism within the Nura clan.
Nurarihyon convenes an assembly to formally name Rikuo as the next leader.
But Rikuo’s willingness to pardon Gyuki for his crimes causes friction within the group.
Some officers doubt that this thirteen-year-old can restore the weakening Nura clan to its former glory.
Meanwhile, surprise attacks from increasingly powerful rival yokai continue.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 4 (K)
The Nura clan’s turf has been invaded!
A mysterious set of travelers arrives in Ukiyoe Town to wreak havoc and challenge Rikuo in his position as the leader of Japan’s most powerful yokai syndicate. They even infiltrate his school!
If Rikuo wants to maintain the Nura clan’s status and protect his human friends from the rival yokai’s malice, he’s going to have to call his hundred demons to battle and prepare for his biggest fight yet!
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 5 (K)
Rikuo has successfully defended his classmates from the vicious Inugami’s mad-dog attack.
But that battle is just a hint of what’s to come.
The sinister Tamazuki has remained in his human form so far, but now he’s unleashing his true form: a ferocious yokai leading the 88 Demons of Shikoku, a disciplined demon horde hell-bent on taking the Nura clan out.
With Nurarihyon missing, Rikuo must step up as a warrior and a leader.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 6 (K)
Yokai rumble!
Rikuo leads his Night Parade of a Hundred Demons in a street fight against the 88 Demons of Shikoku.
But Rikuo doesn’t know that the maniacal leader of the 88 Demons, Tamazuki, is wielding a secret weapon: the Devil’s Blade, a legendary sword that absorbs the energy of the demons it slays.
When the sun rises, the Paranormal Patrol visits a girl who’s being visited by a jyami, a type of ghost that only haunts outcasts.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 7 (K)
Rikuo encounters three siblings from the house of Keikain who are from a generations-long line of yokai hunters.
Yura, the sister of the trio, is not sure what to think of Rikuo and seems to be unconvinced as to whether he is friend or foe.
But her brothers have other ideas. And the battle that ensues is epic!
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 8 (K)
The time is the early 1600s, and the young Nurarihyon has become infatuated with Yo-Hime, a girl with mysterious healing powers.
He proposes to her. But then Yo-Hime is abducted by subordinates of the great yokai Hagoromo-Gitsune.
And she wants to cut her apart and steal what makes her special!
Find out how Rikuo’s grandfather once had to almost sacrifice everything to save the woman he loved!
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 9 (K)
The yokai Hagoromo-Gitsune continues her attack to break the eight seals of Hidemoto.
If she succeeds, the entire city of Kyoto will be under her full control.
To save the city, Rikuo and his newfound allies, other trainee yokai that he’s met in the city of Tono, will have to harness all the power they’ve learned and travel from the safety of Tono toward the ensuing fray in Kyoto!
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 10 (K)
Yokai continue to break the eight seals of Hidemoto, which keep their leader, the dark Hagoromo-Gitsune, bound and powerless.
In Kyoto, the scene of the main battle, Rikuo’s friend Yura and her allies face one of their own comrades, who is now possessed by an age-old yokai.
Meanwhile Rikuo and his fellow Nura clansmen are speeding toward Kyoto via flying boat.
But the followers of Hagoromo-Gitsune are determined to make sure their journey is anything but smooth sailing.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 11 (K)
The Nura clan and their allies encounter a forest of torii gates on their way to find Hidemoto’s lost seals.
There, Rikuo and the others find themselves at the mercy of a yokai capable of using the thousand torii gates to form a massive, deadly labyrinth.
Awashima falls prey to the labyrinth and is transported to another dimension, diminishing their numbers.
Awashima will have to battle a mysterious and powerful yokai before attempting to escape.
Hiroshi Shiibashi: Nura – Rise of the Yokai Clan 12 (K)
As Rikuo trains to increase his Fear, his true yokai power, the human yokai hunter, Kubinashi, goes on a rampage to kill the yokai of Kyoto.
Kubinashi is attacked and kept at bay by the yokai Ibaraki-Doji who has a shocking weapon—the Devil’s Drum, a deadly attack with a dark secret to its range of power!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 1 (K)
Naruto is a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He’s got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world’s greatest ninja!
Twelve years ago the Village Hidden in the Leaves was attacked by a fearsome threat.
A nine-tailed fox spirit claimed the life of the village leader, the Hokage, and many others.
Today, the village is at peace and a troublemaking kid named Naruto is struggling to graduate from Ninja Academy.
His goal may be to become the next Hokage, but his true destiny will be much more complicated.
The adventure begins now!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 2 (K)
Tired of menial tasks, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura ask for a tougher assignment.
But you should always be careful what you wish for!
Along with their teacher, Kakashi, the trio must now guard a cranky old man from the Land of the Waves.
But Tazuna the bridgebuilder is in more danger than anyone could have imagined. And now the young ninja are too!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 3 (K)
While they recover from their injuries, Kakashi puts Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura on a strict training regimen to protect Tazuna’s family against Zabuza’s and his dangerous new apprentice.
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 5 (K)
After Sasuke dies, rage awakens the nine-tailed fox spirit within Naruto, giving him the strength to overcome Haku — but can he bring himself to finish the job?
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 7 (K)
Etukansi taittunut.
As the fight rages within the Forest of Death, Sasuke struggles with the strange force growing inside him, spreading from the curse-mark Orochimaru burned into his neck.
It could leave him dead or send him on a bloodthirsty quest for power.
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 8 (K)
As the preliminaries to the third phase of the Journeyman Ninja Selection Exams begin, the student ninja face off against each other in no-holds-barred, one-on-one bouts.
Deaf to Sakura’s pleas to withdraw from the contest and despite the crippling effects of the curse placed on him by the nefarious Orochimaru, Sasuke enters the first match against one of the vicious Sound Ninja spies.
But with his signature fighting techniques suddenly off-limits, how can Sasuke possibly prevail?
And even if he manages to survive the violent brawl, Orochimaru’s curse is threatening to change Sasuke forever!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 9 (K)
In the thick of the Journeyman Ninja Selection Exams, the student ninja unleash their signature techniques in a series of elimination matches.
Naruto looses an explosive new move on his foe, and when Hyuga clan members Neji and Hinata are pitted against one another, old family grudges threaten to surface.
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 10 (K)
With only a few matches left to be fought in the preliminaries to the third portion of the Journeyman Ninja Selection Exams, the highly anticipated bout between mysterious Sand ninja Gaara and intense, earnest Konoha ninja Rock Lee begins.
Will Gaara’s bloodlust and his strange powers of sand manipulation be too much for Lee to handle?
Or could Lee prove that dedication and an amazing work ethic are enough to make him a splendid ninja?
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 11 (K)
Now preparing for the finals of the Chûnin Selection Exams, Naruto studies with naughty new mentor Jiraiya and struggles to harness the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox chakra locked within him.
Meanwhile, other ninja villages are forming secret alliances against Konohagakure…
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 12 (K)
At last, the finals of the third phase of the Chûnin Selection Exams begin!
In the first battle, Naruto faces off against Neji, widely considered to be the most talented young ninja in Konohagakure.
With his newfound ability to access the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, can Naruto beat his genius opponent?
Or will Neji overcome his family’s troubled history to triumph in the match?
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 13 (K)
The final battle of the Chûnin Exam is at hand!
Sasuke makes it to the arena in time to compete, but the anticipation has only whetted Gaara’s terrible bloodlust and strained his already fragile sanity.
Can Gaara pull himself together in time to face Sasuke’s new-found strength?
Or will the demon inside him take complete control and wreak havoc on Konohagakure?!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 14 (K)
Their village is under attack, and Naruto, Sakura and Shikamaru can’t stay behind to defend it.
They have a top priority mission to track down Sasuke and the Sand genin.
But with nine bloodthirsty ninja on their heels, the hunters have quickly become the hunted!
Back at the village, the Third Hokage is still trapped in Orochimaru’s impenetrable barrier.
Pushed to the breaking point, the Hokage must decide how far he will go to save what is precious to him!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 15 (K)
The tension between Naruto and Gaara builds, and Naruto finds himself not only understanding his rival but also sympathizing with him.
But that doesn’t mean he’s gone soft.
As Gaara continues to mutate, Naruto prepares for the fight of his life!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 21 (K)
Tsunade sends a team to hunt down the conflicted Sasuke, who’s made a terrible choice of new teammates.
Are Naruto, Neji and the others capable of beating the Sound Four?
They have no choice but to find out!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 22 (K)
When Naruto and Shikamaru take off to save Sasuke from becoming part of Orochimaru’s ultimate master plan, Neji is left to fend for himself against the sinister Kidomaru!
But Sasuke is still trapped in the Darkness.
Will Naruto find him in time?
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 23 (K)
Orochimaru’s nefarious plans for Sasuke are revealed, and Naruto vows to save his friend.
But first he must battle the mysterious Kimimaro, who has deadly past ties to the Sound Ninja Four!
Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto 24 (K)
Kankuro, Temari and Gaara unexpectedly aid Konohagakure against the Sound Ninja.
Could they have another purpose besides rekindling the old alliance between Leaf and Sand?
Makoto Morishita: Im – Great Priest Imhotep 1 (K)
From the sands of ancient Egypt to the streets of modern Japan, the newly resurrected Great Priest Imhotep traverses time and space on the hunt for the Magai, devious beings with an appetite for destruction who impersonate the gods!
When schoolgirl Hinome crosses paths with this illustrious ancient, is her loner lifestyle about to change for the better…or the worse?!
Makoto Morishita: Im – Great Priest Imhotep 2 (K)
When Im and Hinome’s exorcising exploits are interrupted by Harugo Misora of the Amen priesthood, Hinome learns a shocking secret about Im’s past-and the origin of the Magai.
It all began three thousand years ago in ancient Egypt with two unlikely best friends…
Kakeru: Into the Deepest, Most Unknowable Dungeon 1 (K)
In this Mature-rated take on the popular isekai fantasy genre, a man journeys into the darkest, squishiest depths of a goblin-filled dungeon in another world!
There is one place that has withstood attempts by every army to conquer it — the city-sized labyrinth known as the Deepest, Most Unknowable Dungeon.
But now, after dying on Earth as a young temp worker, Jean is reborn into the world with a fascination for its most infamous dungeon.
With the right training and the most carefully chosen set of lustful comrades-in-arms, he may have the chance to accomplish the impossible and become a legend in a new fantasy world!
Takashi Yano & Kenji Oiwa: Assassin’s Creed – Awakening 1 (K)
Kansissa kulumaa.
Assassin’s Creed – Awakening is a manga adaptation of the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag video game.
The title stars Edward Kenway in the 18th century and Yanao Seijin in the present as Seijin relives Edward’s memories under the eye of Abstergo Industries.
In 1715, pirates established a lawless republic in the Caribbean and ruled the land and seas.
These outlaws paralyzed navies, halted international trade, and plundered vast fortunes.
They threatened the power structures that ruled Europe, inspired the imaginations of millions, and left a legacy that still endures.
Into this world sails a young, cocky, and fearsome captain named Edward Kenway.
His skill with a sword and disdain for authority earn him the respect of pirate legends like Blackbeard, but thrust him into an ancient conflict that threatens to destroy everything the pirates have built.
Takashi Yano & Kenji Oiwa: Assassin’s Creed – Awakening 2 (K)
Kansissa kulumaa.
Assassin’s Creed – Awakening is a manga adaptation of the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag video game.
The title stars Edward Kenway in the 18th century and Yanao Seijin in the present as Seijin relives Edward’s memories under the eye of Abstergo Industries.
In 1715, pirates established a lawless republic in the Caribbean and ruled the land and seas.
These outlaws paralyzed navies, halted international trade, and plundered vast fortunes.
They threatened the power structures that ruled Europe, inspired the imaginations of millions, and left a legacy that still endures.
Into this world sails a young, cocky, and fearsome captain named Edward Kenway.
His skill with a sword and disdain for authority earn him the respect of pirate legends like Blackbeard, but thrust him into an ancient conflict that threatens to destroy everything the pirates have built.
A dark and sexy body-horror action manga that’s now a hit anime, perfect for fans of Prison School and High School of the Dead!
Shuichi Kagaya an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town.
But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: He can transform into a furry dog with an oversized revolver and a zipper down his back.
He saves the girl’s life, sharing his secret with her.
But she’s searching for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn’t care how degrading it gets: She will use Shuichi to accomplish her mission…
Searching for the key to save a world beyond hope.
Tsutomu Nihei’s sci-fi horror epic!
In Tsutomu Nihei’s nightmare vision of the future, the N5S virus has swept across the earth, turning most of the population into zombie-like drones.
Zoichi Kanoe, an agent of Toa Heavy Industry, is humanity’s last hope, and he’s not even human!
With the help of Fuyu, a digitized intelligence built into the computer system of his Heavy Dual Coil motorcycle, Zoichi’s search for the key to salvation will take him on a journey across surreal landscapes and hurl him into battle against mind-bending evil.
Prepare yourself for the ultimate trip — prepare yourself for the world of BIOMEGA.
Zoichi Kanoe plunges into the depths of 9JO — an island city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean — in search of Eon Green, a girl with the power to transmute the N5S virus. He’s not the only one looking for her, though…
Agents of the Public Health Service’s Compulsory Execution Unit are also in hot pursuit.
Zoichi and his transhuman allies have no time to waste; the countdown to the zombie apocalypse has begun!
Eun-Hee Kim & Kyung-Il Yang: The Kingdom of the Gods (K)
Discover the comic that inspired the Netflix Original zombie series Kingdom!
Years of war and famine and have plunged Joseon into chaos.
The young Prince Yi Moon, having lost all his bodyguards to an assassination attempt, has no choice but to turn to the mountain bandit Jae-ha for help.
But as the unlikely pair race to find safety in a world gone mad, it becomes horrifyingly clear that humans aren’t the only thing they must fear!
In a bonus story, a secluded island becomes a private battlefield as the notorious Japanese criminal Juu and the infamous Korean felon Han face off against each other.
But they aren’t the only ones on the island…
Hiroshi Sakurazaka & Takeshi Obata: All You Need Is Kill (K)
When the alien Mimics invade, Keiji Kiriya is just one of many recruits shoved into a suit of battle armor called a Jacket and sent out to kill.
Keiji dies on the battlefield, only to be reborn each morning to fight and die again and again.
On his 158th iteration, he gets a message from a mysterious ally — the female soldier known as the Full Metal Bitch.
Is she the key to Keiji’s escape or his final death?
Hiroshi Sakurazaka & Takeshi Obata: All You Need Is Kill 2
Kaksiosainen sarja perustuu samaan romaaniin, jonka pohjalta tehtiin elokuva “Edge of Tomorrow”.
Ihmiskunta taistelee olemassaolostaan avaruudesta saapuneita tunkeilijoita vastaan.
Nuori Keiji värväytyy puolustusjoukkoihin ja menettää henkensä ensimmäisessä taistelussaan – mutta herää sitten kasarmilta, taistelua edeltävänä aamuna!
Tästä alkaa kauhun ja kuoleman täyttämä kierre, jonka katkaistakseen Keijin on ylitettävä vihollinen ja itsensä…
Kaksiosaisessa “All You Need Is Kill” -sarjassa Takeshi Obatan upea piirrosjälki yhdistyy Hiroshi Sakurazakan mukaansatempaavaan tarinaan.
Atlus & Shuji Sogabe: Persona 3 #1 (K)
Between one day and the next, inserting itself into reality at midnight, sits the Dark Hour.
Few know about this special time that separates humans from the dangerous creatures known as Shadows.
It is here that a group of students finds the ability to summon their inner selves – their “Personas” – to do battle with the Shadows before they can consume the minds of humanity.
Atlus & Shuji Sogabe: Persona 3 #2 (K)
Life isn’t easy when you’re a transfer student – just ask Minato Arisato, Gekkoukan High School’s newest transfer student.
Strangers and unfamiliar scenery aside, Minato also has to contend with the fact that his school transforms into a Shadow-filled tower called Tartarus every night during the Dark Hour!
Minato and two of his new friends – Yukari and Junpei – set out to investigate Tartarus to see what they can learn about this phenomenon, but can three high school students with little to no combat experience possibly survive the tower’s horrors?
Atlus & Shuji Sogabe: Persona 3 #3 (K)
With the formation of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (S.E.E.S.), Minato, Mitsuru, Akihiko, and the rest have taken it upon themselves to combat the threat that Tartarus and the Shadows therein represent.
When they learn that Fuuka may have become trapped in Tartarus, they attempt to rescue her.
Atlus & Shuji Sogabe: Persona 3 #4 (K)
This next thrilling volume of the Persona 3 manga series is all about revelations as the intrepid members of S.E.E.S. visit the Kirijou family cottage and learn some surprising truths from Mitsuru’s father about the events surrounding Tartarus, the Dark Hour, and their own continuing battle against the encroaching Shadows.
The weight of these truths proves especially heavy for Yukari and Mitsuru, but if they can bear this burden, their shared struggle may give rise to new power…
Atlus & Shuji Sogabe: Persona 3 #5 (K)
If you thought Shadows were the only enemies S.E.E.S. would ever have to fight, think again!
It’s an all-out battle between Persona users as S.E.E.S. comes into direct conflict with Strega, an extremist group using the Dark Hour for their own personal gain.
Even with Akihiko’s old friend Shinjiro and the surprisingly mature elementary school student Ken Amada as S.E.E.S.?
Newest recruits, Minato and friends are in for their toughest battle yet!
When your kink involves eating a demon’s guts, what else is there to do but summon a bewitching demon to feast on?
Makoto summons a demon to grant his every twisted desire, and in exchange for getting to eat the demon’s guts, Makoto will give him his life!
Makoto has long been ostracized because of his odd hobbies and a sexual kink others would see as disgusting.
One day he finds a book on summoning demons and manages to summon the intimidatingly beautiful and rather chatty Archduke J.
The demon offers to grant Makoto’s deepest twisted desire in exchange for his life.
Once Makoto has sated his demented appetites, he fulfills his end of the bargain, only to find he’s been reborn as a monster…in hell!
Take: Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out! 2 (K)
A sexy slice-of-life comedy about an introverted college student and his buxom, bubbly classmate — now with an anime!
Sakurai Shinichi’s one wish is for a little peace and quiet.
But Uzaki Hana – his boisterous, well-endowed underclassman – has other plans.
All she wants is to hang out and poke fun at him.
With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!
Fans of slice-of-life comedy are sure to enjoy this new “odd couple” tale about misadventures in a college setting.
Take: Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out! 3 (K)
A sexy slice-of-life comedy about an introverted college student and his buxom, bubbly classmate — now with an anime!
Sakurai Shinichi’s one wish is for a little peace and quiet.
But Uzaki Hana – his boisterous, well-endowed underclassman – has other plans.
All she wants is to hang out and poke fun at him.
With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!
Fans of slice-of-life comedy are sure to enjoy this new “odd couple” tale about misadventures in a college setting.
Take: Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out! 4 (K)
A sexy slice-of-life comedy about an introverted college student and his buxom, bubbly classmate — now with an anime!
Sakurai Shinichi’s one wish is for a little peace and quiet.
But Uzaki Hana – his boisterous, well-endowed underclassman – has other plans.
All she wants is to hang out and poke fun at him.
With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!
Fans of slice-of-life comedy are sure to enjoy this new “odd couple” tale about misadventures in a college setting.
Ichiro Inuyashiki is down on his luck.
While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him and he’s constantly ignored and disrespected by his family despite all that he’s done to support them.
On top of everything else, his doctor has revealed that he has cancer and it appears that he has little time left in this world.
Just when it seems things couldn’t get any worse, a blinding light in the night sky strikes the earth where Ichiro stands.
He later wakes up to find himself unscathed, but he soon starts to notice that there’s something different about him.
However, it turns out that these strange, new changes are just what Ichiro needs to take a new lease on life and now it seems like there’s nothing to stop him from being a hero worthy of the respect that he never had before.
Yourei Ono: Hard-Boiled Stories from the Cat Bar (K)
Kulumaa kansissa, yksi nurkka taittunut.
The familiar scents of gunpowder and kitty litter…
When hardened men with a soft spot for felines look for a haven, they come to Kitty and Me, a bar with a select clientele and one ironclad rule: When inside, do not dare harm the cats that call it home.
Here, the hitman known as Undertaker finds himself in the unenviable situation of mourning the recent loss of his beloved pet, Cheriko…and discovering that his next target is a fellow cat lover.
But the concrete jungle isn’t always so courteous as to wait outside, and the bloody truth about Undertaker’s latest job is knocking at the door.
Kaori Yuki: Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost 1 (K)
The story of Belle and her beast as you’ve never seen it before, with sinister, creeping shadows suffusing a door to a wider, magical world.
This dark, fairytale adventure is the latest sumptuous masterpiece from the creator of Angel Sanctuary and Alice in Murderland, perfect for fans of The Ancient Magus’ Bride!
Young and rambunctious Belle insists on going out to play in the forbidden woods, but her adventurous streak abruptly ends when her mother is spirited away by a beast known to kidnap beautiful women.
Twisted by the loss of his wife, Belle’s father keeps his daughter and her unusual violet hair locked away in an effort to “protect” her from prying eyes.
Years later, news of the beast’s reappearance coaxes Belle back to the woods where it all began–but her desperate search for the truth may be more perilous than she could have ever imagined…
From the acclaimed creator of Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, an action-packed prequel story to the global hit animation series from Rooster Teeth.
The world of Remnant is filled with horrific monsters bent on the destruction of humanity.
Fortunately, the kingdoms of the world have risen to combat these forces by training powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses at academies around the planet.
Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long are four such Huntresses in training.
Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are students at Beacon Academy, learning to protect the world of Remnant from the fearsome Grimm!
Mitsu Izumi: Magus of the Library 1 (K)
A story about a poor boy swept away by a kind library mage and the (literal) magic of reading, Magus of the Library is a beautifully-drawn, spirited fantasy adventure, like a Fullmetal Alchemist for all ages!
In the small village of Amun lives a poor boy named Theo.
Theo adores books, but because of his pointed ears and impoverished life, he isn’t allowed to use the village library.
As he endures the prejudice and hatred of the village, he dreams of going where such things don’t exist: Aftzaak, City of Books.
But one day, Theo chances to meet a Kafna–a librarian who works for the great library of Aftzaak–and his life changes forever…
Mitsu Izumi: Magus of the Library 2 (K)
Theo has set out from his hometown on a journey to the great city of Aftzaak with three goals: to see the city he’s longed for his whole life, to take the test to become a Kafna, and to return the book lent to him by Sedona seven years earlier — the book that changed his life.
The journey is difficult and the road long, but the world is filled with things for a young scholar like Theo to learn.
Yet no matter how prepared he feels, the test that awaits Theo in Aftzaak is unlike anything he’s faced before…
Shienbishop & Gonbe Shinkawa: The Wolf Never Sleeps 1 (K)
Seeking strength and glory, the adventurer Lecan challenges monster and maze alike.
Until one day, he finds a mysterious black hole…leading to another world!
But even in a different world, the path of the “One-Eyed Wolf” remains unchanged.
The only question is — can he survive the new world?
Je-Tae Yoo: Jack the Ripper – Hell Blade 1 (K)
For fans of Hellsing and Berserk comes an all new ultra-violent supernatural manga series about history’s most famous slasher, with a twist.
Jack the Ripper is not what he seems — but the truth may be more terrible than anyone imagined.
A young police detective from Scotland Yard struggles to unravel the mystery behind the brutal slayings that grip 19th Century London. What he learns will turn his world upside down, and pit him face to face against the Ripper himself.
But is Jack his savior or destroyer?
With bold and graphic artwork in the vein of the classic vampire hunter manga series Hellsing, Jack the Ripper: Hellblade is a shocking and fascinating take on the world’s most famous serial killer.
Je-Tae Yoo: Jack the Ripper – Hell Blade 2 (K)
For fans of Hellsing and Berserk comes an all new ultra-violent supernatural manga series about history’s most famous slasher, with a twist.
Throughout history, a secret organization has lurked in the shadows.
All that stands between their demonic machinations and the safety of Victorian London is… Jack the Ripper and his savage Hell Blade.
In the ongoing battle between between demons and demonslayer, the famed Sherlock Holmes lends Jack his help, while genius scientist Nikola Tesla, and the superhuman Mr. Hyde join the fray.
With bold and graphic artwork in the vein of the classic vampire hunter manga series Hellsing, Jack the Ripper: Hellblade is a shocking and fascinating reimagining of the world’s most famous serial killer.
Je-Tae Yoo: Jack the Ripper – Hell Blade 3 (K)
Dr. Frankenstein’s other monster…. Jack the Ripper, London’s unlikely protector, watches over lost souls who wander its foggy streets.
Now, a new horror threatens the city, and only Jack and his savage hell blade stand in the way.
Trapped by the monstrous Mr. Hyde, Jack the Ripper must battle a new breed of creature that tests the limits of science.
If Jack dies, a horrifying blasphemy will be unleashed upon the denizens of London.
Je-Tae Yoo: Jack the Ripper – Hell Blade 4 (K)
Death hangs over the streets of London, thick and heavy as the fog, while our ragged band of heroes tries to find their way.
Tesla struggles for the strength to defy Lord Weiss’s insane plan.
Holmes and Watson reveal that there is more to them than meets the eye. And Mary must take desparate steps to protect her children.
Meanwhile, Victor strives to rescure Jimmy from Hyde’s clutches, but an endless stream of demons stands in his way.
Obsession, love, compassion, and fear all collide in this penultimate volume of Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade!
Je-Tae Yoo: Jack the Ripper – Hell Blade 5 (K)
The thrilling conclusion to the story of Victorian London’s most notorious villain-turned-antihero!
It’s the end…and the beginning.
As the tangled threads of fate tighten around Victor and Mary, Tesla and Lord Weiss, Jimmy and Irene, a new figure appears in the dark London streets. Or rather, a very old one.
Who is the vampire Arsene Lupin, and how does his destiny intertwine with those of Holmes and Watson?
Learn how this age-old tale of blood, death, and vengeance begane, even as the story winds to a close in the final volume of Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 2 – Buggy the Clown (K)
As a kid, Monkey D. Luffy vowed to become King of the Pirates and find the legendary treasure called the “One Piece.”
The enchanted Gum-Gum Fruit has given Luffy the power to stretch like rubber — and his new crewmate, the infamous pirate hunter Roronoa Zolo, strikes fear into the hearts of other buccaneers!
But what chance does one rubber guy stand against Nami, a thief so tough she specializes in robbing pirates…or Captain Buggy, a fiendish pirate lord whose weird, clownish appearance conceals even weirder powers?
It’s pirate vs. pirate in the second swashbuckling volume of One Piece!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 3 – Don’t Get Fooled Again (K)
Sure, lots of people say they want to be the King of the Pirates, but how many have the guts to do what it takes?
When Monkey D. Luffy first set out to sea in a leaky rowboat, he had no idea what might lie over the horizon.
Now he’s got a crew — sort of — in the form of swordsman Roronoa Zolo and treasure-hunting thief Nami.
If he wants to prove himself on the high seas, Luffy will have to defeat the weird pirate lord Buggy the Clown.
He’ll have to find a map to the Grand Line, the sea route where the toughest pirates sail.
And he’ll have to face the Dread Captain Usopp, who claims to be a notorious pirate captain…but frankly, Usopp says a lot of things…
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 4 – The Black Cat Pirates (K)
Follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17 year old boy, who gained supernatural abilities by eating a magical fruit, and his ragtag crew of heroic pirates, named the Straw Hats.
Luffy’s greatest ambition is to obtain the world’s ultimate treasure, One Piece and thereby become the next Pirate King.
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 5 – For Whom the Bell Tolls (K)
Once upon a time, Usopp was just a local boy with a talent for tall tales.
Everyone in his little seaside village knew him as the joker who claimed to be a pirate captain and woke people up in the mornings by shouting “Pirates are coming!”
But then real pirates landed on the beach…
Now Usopp’s village is under attack by the Black Cat Pirates, one of the most legendary and feared crews on the high seas.
And three young would-be pirates have joined him in defending the village: Nami the thief,Zolo the swordsman, and Luffy, the straw-hatted wannabe pirate with incredible rubber powers.
Usopp is about to find out how an imaginary pirate stands up to the real thing… and what it means to be a real pirate.
His neighbors would never believe it in a million years…
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 6 – The Oath (K)
Luffy’s pirates thought they were just stopping in for a quick bite…but now Luffy’s been made a busboy on Baratie, the oceangoing restaurant, and it turns out some of the worst-mannered pirates on the Grand Line are just dying for a meal.
Always one to look on the bright side, Luffy sets his sights on Sanji, the smart-talking, skirt-chasing assistant chef on the Baratie, as the Merry Go’s new cook.
But it’ll take more than a vicious pirate battle and a little sweet talking from Nami to convince him to leave the Baratie and join Luffy’s team. His oath to feed any and all pirates in need keeps getting in the way.
The question is: what do you do when the very same pirates you just fed now want to serve you up for dinner?
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 7-8-9 (K)
Follow the beginning of Luffy’s search for the greatest treasure in the world… one guy alone in a rowboat, in search of the legendary “One Piece.”
Three volumes of One Piece for the price of two!
(Contains volumes 7,8,9).
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 10-11-12 (K)
There’s something fishy going on in Nami’s hometown that’s led her to turn her back on her family and friends.
But her betrayal is all for naught when the unscrupulous captain of the fish-man pirates, “Sawtooth” Arlong, goes back on his word.
When her fellow villagers gear up to challenge a merciless foe who can easily crush them, her only hope for peace is to turn to the very people she has been lying to… the Straw Hat Pirates!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 13-14-15 (K)
In their attempt to rescue a possibly nefarious princess from the numerically named Baroque Works crew, Luffy and gang land on a set of islands populated by oversized flora and fauna.
It’s the scene of a larger-than-life battle in which giants, pirates, dinosaurs and strange birds duke it out in the name of honor, friendship and dynamite-spiked beverages.
In all the excitement, navigator Nami falls terribly ill.
Is there a (witch) doctor in the house?
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 16-17-18 (K)
When a demented king shows up to reclaim his island kingdom, Luffy and his crew are there to stop him!
As the Straw Hats battle the royal interlopers, they get to know all about eccentric Dr. Hiriluk and his reindeer assistant, Tony Tony Chopper.
But can they possibly overcome King Wapol — whose body changes depending on what he eats — and survive the scheming of the Baroque Works crew on the island of Alabasta?
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 19-20-21 (K)
Luffy and pals are headed for the Rainbase, the fabled city of dreams.
While protecting Vivi, their royal charge, Luffy gets sidetracked by the devious pirate captain Crocodile for some cozy one-on-one time!
While Vivi makes her way to the palace of her birthright, Straw Hats navigator Nami is on her own in a throw-down battle with Ms. Doublefinger of the Baroque Works!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 22-23-24 (K)
Luffy’s epic clash with Baroque Works pirate captain Crocodile continues, while deposed princess Vivi and the rest of the Straw Hat crew race against time to save the ancient kingdom of Alabasta.
Just when it seems smooth sailing is ahead, Luffy and crew discover an interloper among their ranks!
Who is this former Baroque Works member, and what does she want from the Straw Hats?
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 25-26-27 (K)
Luffy and team must figure out a way to get their ship, the Merry Go, to sail up — the Straw Hat crew’s next destination is an island in the sky.
It may seem like an island paradise, but the interesting characters they meet there are hardly heavenly.
Soon Luffy and the Straw Hats are on the run…and it turns out they’re on the path to a city of gold!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 28-29-30 (K)
Luffy and the Straw Hats clash mightily on the sky island of Skypiea with a wannabe deity named Kami Eneru.
Kami’s got an arsenal of thunderously destructive weapons at the ready, but the Straw Hats are just as determined to win the battle.
At stake is a bounty of gold beyond the pirates’ wildest imagination!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 31-32-33 (K)
The sky island of Skypiea is in danger of complete eradication if its maniacal leader Kami Eneru has his way.
Luffy and his Straw Hat Crew entered the territory seeking a city of gold, but once the team befriends some citizens and learns the local lore, their mission turns personal.
In an extended clash, Luffy and Eneru duke it out — Luffy’s rubber limbs and indomitable spirit against the Kami’s insane arsenal of weapons, including the terrifying and mysterious Golden Bell!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 34-35-36 (K)
In the salty city of Water Seven, Luffy and his Straw Hat crew are fighting for their lives, and for their beloved caravel, the Merry Go!
The crew starts to splinter when they hear their ship may be beyond repair…and the damage goes even further when their newest member, the mysterious Nico Robin, is blamed for the attempted assassination of Water Seven’s mayor!
Is Nico Robin secretly an agent of darkness…or, even worse, a World Government operative?!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 37-38-39 (K)
The CP9, a group of anti-pirate assassins on a quest for the superweapon called Pluton, has Luffy’s Straw Hat crew in its sights.
In a high-stakes chase, the Straw Hats must survive an epic tidal wave and catch up to a hurtling sea train full of enemies to save their newest member, Nico Robin — along with mysterious shipbuilder Franky — from CP9 clutches.
Will Luffy’s stubborn soul and seat-of-the-pants style cut it against a gang of heavily armed World Government goons?!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 40-41-42 (K)
Inside the perilous sea gates of the so-called Judicial Island, members of Luffy’s crew are imprisoned in the Tower of Law, due to stand trial in a highly biased court full of World Government warmongers.
Luffy’s quest to save his friends seems doomed…until he joins forces with a powerful consortium of shipwrights and street fighters.
It’s an explosive battle on the courthouse steps for Luffy and his Straw Hat pirates!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece Omnibus 43-44-45 (K)
Luffy and his Straw Hat crew duke it out with CP9, a band of dastardly World Government goons headquartered on the island of Enies Lobby.
CP9’s goal? Abducting Nico Robin, the Straw Hats’ newest crew member, in order to activate an ancient weapon called Pluton.
But when the enemy accidentally initiates a dreaded “Buster Call” military maneuver, the island and everyone on it is slated for complete annihilation!
Eiichiro Oda: One Piece 50 (K)
Thriller Barkin isäntä Gecko Moria on imenyt itseensä kaikki zombeihin sijoitetut varjot.
Aamu alkaa jo valjeta, ja olkihattupiraatit käyvät viimeiseen taistoon Morian voittamiseksi.
Mutta kuinka heidän käy, kun paljastuu, että saarella on toinenkin kaapparilordi…?
Ikäsuositus 12+ / Seikkailu.
Masamune Shirow: The Ghost in the Shell 1.5 – Human-Error Processor (K)
Deep into the 21st century, the line between man and machine has been inexorably blurred as humans rely on the enhancement of mechanical implants, and robots are upgraded with human tissue.
In this rapidly converging technoscape, the cover-ops agents of Section 9 are charged to track and crack the most dangerous terrorists, cybercriminals, and ghost hackers the digital future has to offer.
Whether dealing with remote-controlled corpses, lethally malfunctioning micromachines, or cop-killer cyborgs, Section 9 is determined to serve and protect…and reboot some cybercrook butt!
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor presents for the first time in America the “lost” Ghost in the Shell stories, created by Shirow Masamune after completing work on the original Ghost in the Shell manga and prior to his tour-de-force, Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface, but never collected until now.
Focusing on Section 9 agents in their daily battle against technocrime, Human-Error Processor has all the mind-twisting cybermadness you’ve come to expect from Ghost in the Shell but set in a more police-procedural context with action and suspense galore.
Features the stories “Fat Cat,” “Drive Slave,” “Mines of Mind,” and “Lost Past.”
Gengoroh Tagame: My Brother’s Husband 1 & 2 (K)
Yaichi is a work-at-home suburban dad in contemporary Tokyo; formerly married to Natsuki, father to their young daughter, Kana.
Their lives suddenly change with the arrival at their doorstep of a hulking, affable Canadian named Mike Flanagan, who declares himself the widower of Yaichi’s estranged gay twin, Ryoji.
Mike is on a quest to explore Ryoji’s past, and the family reluctantly but dutifully takes him in. What follows is an unprecedented and heartbreaking look at the state of a largely still-closeted Japanese gay culture: how it’s been affected by the West, and how the next generation can change the preconceptions about it and prejudices against it.
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Omnibus 1 (K)
Takakannen yksi nurkka taittunut.
Five students at a Buddhist college in Japan realize the job market is tough these days…among the living, that is!
But their unique spiritual and scientific talents might help them get work from the dead, for they can contact the spirits of corpses and speak with them.
And if a body is found hanging from a tree or lying in an alley, it’s probably got a story to tell!
The five form The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, specializing in carrying out the last wishes of their dead clients, so their souls can move on.
But the Kurosagi gang are magnets for weirdness — not just corpses — and every case gets them involved in disturbing personal obsessions, bizarre modern Tokyo fads, and strange rituals of old Japan…and often all at once!
The omnibus collects the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service volumes 1-3.
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 6 (K)
There’s competition on all sides in the body baggage game, when Kurosagi finds its rather loose business model challenged by a corporate rival who guarantees the next world on time!
But it’s not only the clean-cut trying to dig into their market.
The oddball duo calling itself the White Heron Corpse Cleaning Service aren’t just out to eat Kurosagi’s wormy lunch, they’re going to start revealing trade secret – namely, the hideous history behind the ghost which haunts Karatsu!
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 7 (K)
Collecting can take over a fan’s life . . . but what if it takes over their death as well?
Zombie robot otaku and plastic-surgery disasters are only the latest faces of horror as Kurosagi continues its eternal struggle to turn corpses into cash!
Yet with Kuro trapped in a coma and seeing visions of the dark forces battling over him, it’s up to the rest of the gang to survive the grotesque schemes of the White Heron pair . . . as dead flesh reaches for the living!
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 8 (K)
Shigo kekkon-marrying the dead!
It’s a quaint old country custom in Japan that’s becoming the next big fad in Tokyo . . . and that makes it the business of the Corpse Delivery Service!
And meanwhile back on campus, since they’re technically a college club, the kids from Kurosagi host a membership drive at the start of the new semester!
But you’ve got to like corpses, you know.
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 9 (K)
Heads up!
That’s what the Kurosagi crew sees floating in midair — above a moving motorcycle!
But this headless horseman in reverse is linked to a corpse that can be smelled and felt, but not seen!
Then, the mystery moves from sight to sound, as the last words of an elderly veteran reveal the hideous crime behind a secret program of World War II — whose effects can still be heard…
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 10 (K)
The dead don’t walk in Kurosagi — that is, not without a little help… and it’s a shock to the system when the delivery service finds out what’s making their clients rise up!
Then, for Numata to take off his sunglasses for anyone, it must be a grave matter… or, more likely, a matter of someone not yet in their grave…
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 11 (K)
Paint it black!
Designer Bunpei Yorifuji darkens the iconic cover design in honor of the sinister “Class Cutter” — Kurosagi’s longest story since Volume 2, inspired by one of the most infamous Japanese crimes of recent years.
Can a girl who committed a brutal murder in grade school ever truly return to society… and why does Sasayama insist on dragging the Corpse Delivery Service into it?
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 12 (K)
Second Death, two bodies found in the woods — one not-quite-departed, the other horribly mutilated — lead the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service to investigate a private online community.
The virtual world offers you the chance to do all kinds of things in simulation that you couldn’t do in life… but are you sure everyone playing is still alive?
Eiji Otsuka: The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 14 (K)
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service is back…only to find they’ve got competition from an evil rival version of themselves, not to mention an…American cartoon version of themselves?
But don’t fear the reaper, because our original corpse-carrying crew is still ready for any gruesome weirdness, classical or modern — from a headless stiff who only does his séances in binary, to a good old-fashioned iron maiden!
As society rises from the ashes of war, cybernetically augmented arena fighters battle for fame and fortune…or die trying.
It’s the 19th century, and the world has entered the Era of Rebirth, recovering from the devastating flames of war.
The sport of mechanical martial arts has galvanized the nations. Cybernetically augmented fighters turn their blood into steam and their bodies into brutal fighting — and killing — machines.
Young Levius is one of those arena battlers, hell-bent on winning in order to simply survive.
Takehiko Inoue: Vagabond Vizbig Edition 1 (K)
Kirja saanut osuman selkämyksen alaosaan.
Three volumes in one!
A prestige treatment of Inoue’s epic samurai series with bonus content, color pages, storyboard samples and more!
Real-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time.
The quintessential warrior-philosopher, Musashi authored A Book of Five Rings, a classic treatise in the canon of world philosophy and military strategy.
But the path to enlightenment is an endless journey, and to get there through violent means — by way of the sword — makes mere survival an even greater challenge.
At seventeen years of age, Miyamoto Musashi — still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezō — was a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword.
In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezō finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war.
Takezō’s vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal.
At this crucial crossroads in Takezō’s life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way.
Takehiko Inoue: Vagabond Vizbig Edition 2 (K)
Three volumes in one!
A prestige treatment of Inoue’s epic samurai series with bonus content, color pages, storyboard samples and more!
Real-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time. The quintessential warrior philosopher, Musashi authored A Book of Five Rings, a theoretical guide to military strategy still used today.
But the path to enlightenment is an endless journey, and to get there through violent means – by way of the sword – makes mere survival an even greater challenge.
Musashi sets out for Nara intent on challenging the warrior monks of legendary Hôzôin Temple.
But will Musashi’s growing feelings for his childhood friend Otsû prove to be a fatal distraction in his match against In’ei, the austere master of Hôzôin’s deadly spear technique?
Takehiko Inoue: Vagabond Vizbig Edition 3 (K)
Musashi suffers a humiliating defeat against Inshun, the second-generation master of Hōzōin Temple.
To prepare for a rematch, Musashi undertakes an intense spiritual and physical training regimen with a most unlikely teacher–Inshun’s predecessor, the founder of the Hōzōin Spear Technique.
To attain the focus necessary to take on the most technically proficient and deadliest fighter he has ever faced, Musashi will first have to confront his own deep-seated personal demons.
Takehiko Inoue: Vagabond Vizbig Edition 4 (K)
Musashi endeavors to take on sword master Yagyū Sekishūsai, a man recognized by many to be the greatest swordsman of his time.
But with Sekishūsai far past his prime, does Musashi truly believe that killing a seemingly helpless old man in his sleep will take him further along the path?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 1 (K)
Young Asta was born with no magic ability in a world where magic is everything.
In order to prove his strength and keep a promise with his friend, Asta dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the land, the Wizard King!
Only one problem — he can’t use any magic!
Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can’t use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing’s for sure–Asta will never give up!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 2 (K)
On the orders of the Wizard King, Asta and his allies head to a mysterious dungeon to retrieve a powerful relic.
When mages from a rival country show up, however, this mission turns into an all-out battle.
Can Asta lead his team to the win?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 3 (K)
Asta and his teammates were ready for trouble when they were sent into a magical dungeon full of traps, but going up against the Diamond Kingdom may be too much for them to handle.
Even Yuno couldn’t stand up to Mars and his mineral magic — does Asta have a chance…?!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 4 (K)
Complete chaos has broken out as the Clover Kingdom capital comes under attack by a group of mysterious terrorists.
Asta and the other Magic Knights join the fight in order to protect the innocent civilians, but what exactly are the terrorists after?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 5 (K)
The mysterious terrorist group calling itself the Eye of the Midnight Sun has been repelled from the Clover Kingdom, but the damage done is great.
One of the Magic Knight captains has been gravely injured and Asta’s been kidnapped.
How will the Wizard King respond…?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 6 (K)
Asta’s vacation is anything but rest and relaxation when children start disappearing all around him.
But in order to take down the kidnappers, Asta will have to team up with Gauche, a mage who hates his guts!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 7 (K)
After the battle with the Eye of the Midnight Sun, the Wizard King suspects that there might be a traitor among the Magic Knights.
But who is it, and how can Asta help expose the crooked knight?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 8 (K)
As Asta and the Black Bulls continue their search for the magic stone in the Underwater temple, they are blindsided by Vetto of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
Can the rowdy Black Bulls work together to take down this fearsome foe?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 9 (K)
With the battle for the water temple finally over, the Black Bulls return home to the Clover Kingdom as heroes.
But more trouble is on the horizon as the Diamond Kingdom launches an invasion!
Can Yuno and the Golden Dawn repel the invading mages?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 10 (K)
With Asta’s arms damaged beyond repair, the other members of the Black Bulls search for ways to cure him.
The powerful magic in the Forest of Witches may offer a ray of hope, but what will Asta have to give up in order to receive the cure…?
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 11 (K)
Asta and friends find themselves facing off against both the Diamond Kingdom and the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
Can they defeat both forces and save the Forest of Witches?
Perhaps an old enemy will help turn the tide of the battle!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 12 (K)
After a successful trip to the Forest of Witches, Asta and friends receive some well-deserved time off.
But when the Magic Knights assemble in the capital for a special festival, a new adventure awaits Asta and Yuno!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 13 (K)
In order to form a new powerful team to take down the nefarious Eye of the Midnight Sun, the Clover Kingdom commences the Royal Knights exam.
But mages will need to compete as teams and Asta’s been assigned a teammate who seems impossible to work with!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 14 (K)
Asta and his teammates move on to the second round of the Royal Knights Selection Test, but have they finally met their match?
They’ll have to go all-out if they hope to beat teams made up of some of the strongest Magic Knights in the Clover Kingdom!
Yuki Tabata: Black Clover 15 (K)
As the Royal Knights selection test enters its final stage, a surprising team is still in contention!
Can Asta or Yuno take the crown?
And after the test is over, the real battle begins when the members of the Royal Knights are decided!
What will be their first mission…?
Akane Shimizu: Cells at Work! 1 (K)
Kansissa jälkiä.
Strep throat! Hay fever! Influenza!
The world is a dangerous place for a red blood cell just trying to get her deliveries finished.
Fortunately, she’s not alone… she’s got a whole human body’s worth of cells ready to help out!
The mysterious white blood cell, the buff and brash killer T cell, the nerdy neuron, even the cute little platelets — everyone’s got to come together if they want to keep you healthy!
Akane Shimizu: Cells at Work! 2 (K)
Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell somehow keep running into each other – could their bond have been fated since childhood?
Either way, the body they live and work in can’t seem to catch a break.
From food poisoning to heat exhaustion to the threat of cancer, life in the body is as busy as it is dangerous, but the hard-working cells that keep it (and you) running are up to the task!
Shigemitsu Harada & Issey Hatsuyoshiya: Cells at Work! Code Black 1 (K)
In this new spinoff of the hit manga, a newbie Red Blood Cell is one of 37 trillion working to keep this body running.
But something’s wrong!
Stress hormones keep yelling at him to go faster.
The blood vessels are crusted over with cholesterol.
Ulcers, fatty liver, trouble (ahem) downstairs…
It’s hard for a cell to keep working when every day is a CODE BLACK!
There are trillions of cells in the human body, and they all have to work hard to keep that body alive.
But what if that body isn’t taking great care of itself?
What if that body smokes too much? Or drinks too much? What if that body forgets to use protection?
Why, it might find itself with all manner of dysfunction, and who’s going to have to pick up the pieces?
It turns out the same immune cells that fight off the common cold also have to deal with troubles of a distinctly more adult nature…
Shigemitsu Harada & Issey Hatsuyoshiya: Cells at Work! Code Black 2 (K)
The cells that keep this body running are doing their best, but there’s only so much they can do against the abuse of an unhealthy lifestyle.
A simple case of athlete’s foot is one thing, but a flood of caustic acid caused by a stomach ulcer is enough to make any cell think about a career change.
It turns out that there’s only so much these hard-working cells can handle before the consequences turn as serious as a heart attack…
Shigemitsu Harada & Issey Hatsuyoshiya: Cells at Work! Code Black 3 (K)
Having survived a heart attack, the body is starting to regain a bit of peace.
The red blood cells are excited to finally be working in a non-exploitative work environment, but one day, a mysterious tube punctures the blood vessel and sucks up every blood cell in sight!
When the cells come to, they’re in a different body altogether–and the new offices might just be worse than the old ones…
Shigemitsu Harada & Issey Hatsuyoshiya: Cells at Work! Code Black 4 (K)
The red blood cells have a problem on their hands when their customers start refusing their sugar deliveries!
The pancreas hasn’t been producing enough insulin, and without it, sugar just keeps accumulating in the body and causing problems for every cell along the way!
The red blood cells travel to the pancreas to set things right, but what they find there is a situation more hopeless than they could have imagined…one that could spell doom for them all!
Will these determined cells be able to save their new home?
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 1 – Taster’s Choice (K)
Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret.
Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats.
It also means he’s a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn’t mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why.
He’s been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.
Collects CHEW #1-5.
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 2 – International Flavor (K)
Tony Chu, the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from the things he eats, is on a bizarre new case.
A newly discovered fruit takes Agent Chu to a remote island full of secrets, presenting the second storyline of’s pick for Best Indie Series of 2009 and MTV Splash’s pick for Best New Series of 2009.
Find out what the fuss is about in this latest a twisted and darkly funny comic about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals and clairvoyants, strangeness and a shadowy killer with a particularly sinister appetite.
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 3 – Just Desserts (K)
Things are looking up for Tony Chu, the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from the things he eats.
He’s got a girlfriend. He’s got a partner he trusts. He even seems to be getting along with his jerk boss.
But his ruthless ex-partner is still out there, operating outside of the law, intending to make good on his threats against Tony and everybody Tony cares about.
It’s just a matter of time before their investigations collide, blood spills and, inevitably, body parts are eaten!
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 4 – Flambé (K)
These are strange times for Tony Chu, the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from the things he eats.
Strange writing in extraterrestrial script has appeared in the skies of Planet Earth – and stayed there!
People don”t know if the end days are upon them or not, but they don”t seem terribly concerned about the laws of the FDA, and what was once the most powerful law enforcement agency is rapidly descending into irrelevancy.
So where does that leave the FDA best agent, Tony Chu?
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 6 – Space Cakes (K)
While Tony Chu – the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from what he eats – clings to life in a hospital ICU, his twin sister Toni steps up to take center stage.
Toni is cibovoyant, able to see the future of anything she eats, and, lately, she’s seeing some pretty terrible things.
Presenting a new storyline of the New York Times Best Selling, Harvey and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants.
Collects issues 26-30, plus the blockbuster spin-off one-shot that stole America’s heart, Chew: Secret Agent Poyo.
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 7 – Bad Apples (K)
Presenting a new storyline of the New York Times Bestselling, Harvey and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants.
Tony Chu – the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from what he eats – is back in action, just in time to face a cult of egg-worshipping terrorists who’ve declared holy war on the chicken-eaters of the world.
Collects CHEW #31-35.
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 8 – Family Recipes (K)
Anthony and Antonelle Chu are fraternal twins.
Tony and Toni.
Each with their own extraordinary, albeit diametrically opposed, ability.
Tony is Cibopathic, able to get psychic sensations of the past of anything he bites into or ingests.
Toni is Cibovoyant, able to flash onto a vision of the future of any living thing she bit into or ingested.
Tony is alive. Toni is dead.
Toni has been murdered. Tony has vowed to catch her killer.
Toni is going to help.
Presenting a new storyline of the New York Times Bestselling, Harvey and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants.
Originally published in single magazine format as Chew #36-40.
John Layman & Rob Guillory: Chew 9 – Chicken Tenders (K)
Tony Chu, the cibopathic federal agent with the ability to get psychic impressions from what he eats, has been busy – busy settling into married life, and busy investigating one assignment after another that takes him to the most remote corners of the planet.
Meanwhile, the people closest to Tony are conspiring to take on the brutal killer who murdered Tony’s twin sister. And this conspiracy includes Tony’s partner, his arch enemy – and his teenage daughter!
Presenting a new storyline of the New York Times Best Selling, Harvey and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants.
Originally published in single magazine format as Chew #41-45 and Chew: Warrior Chicken Poyo.
Mike Carey: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Stations of the Cross (K)
A bloodthirsty, psychic serial killer threatens a family John Constantine can’t remember.
A scissors-wielding child stalks him for murderous, unknown reasons.
The chain-smoking master of the occult, has been stripped of his memories and powers. Now, he’s lost in a nightmare world he cannot hope to understand.
It is the moment of revenge his enemies have been waiting for.
When the helpless necromancer is brought before the most savage demons of the netherworld, will a bargain with one of his oldest enemies save Constantine’s life or lead to a fate worse than death?
Black magic cannot save him this time.
In the past, Constantine has been at his best when backed into a corner, but now, broken down and driven to the edge of madness, is he about to make biggest mistake of his long, blood-soaked life?
Mike Carey & Leonardo Manco: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Reasons to Be Cheerful (K)
John Constantine is an unconcerned, somewhat amoral occultist with a British working-class background.
He’s a hero of sorts, who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery and genuine magic skill.
In the latest volume, John Constantine’s three illegitimate children are back — and this time, they’re going after John’s few remaining friends and loved ones.
Can an aged and exhausted Constantine battle three beings born with all of his magical talents and the hearts of demons?
Originally published as Hellblazer #201-206.
Mike Carey & Leonardo Manco: John Constantine, Hellblazer – The Gift (K)
John Constantine’s freud with his demon offspring has ended in tragedy – his friends mercilessly cut down, his sister Cheryl dead and damned.
But the Hellblazer has one option left, and one most unwelcome ally: the demon Nergal, whose tainted blood he once accepted into his veins.
Originally published as Hellblazer #207-215.
Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Leonardo Manco, Frazer Irving.
Denise Mina & Leonardo Manco: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Empathy Is the Enemy (K)
In this hypnotic tale of guilt, deceit, murder and the secret history of Scotland, award-winning novelist Denise Mina guides John Constantine into a new era of his macabre career – and a mystery that, Constantine knows all too well, seems destined to end in his own death.
Originally published as Hellblazer #216-222.
Andy Diggle & Leonardo Manco: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Joyride (K)
John Constantine is an unconcerned, somewhat amoral occultist with a British working-class background.
He’s a hero of sorts, who manages to come out on top through a combination of luck, trickery and genuine magical skill.
In this volume, written by fan-favorite Andy Diggle, Constantine discovers that there is a supernatural cause for the violence, crime and drug abuse of South London’s Hunger Hill housing estate.
It’s up to him to bring this cycle of misery and violence to an end at any cost.
Originally published as Hellblazer #230-237.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Scab (K)
In this latest volume in the graphic novel series, Peter Milligan (BATMAN, HUMAN TARGET, X-Statix), one of Vertigo’s most popular and prolific scribes writes the adventures of Constantine for the first time.
John digs his fingers deep into his bumpy past and discovers that old wounds and new loves are both best left untouched.
12 years ago in Liverpool, there was a bloody dockers’ strike.
Things fell apart when a union leader caved-in to the bosses.
Today, John Constantine has a new girlfriend and an extraordinary, horrible new skin complaint: A weeping, dark, knobby scab covers part of his body.
And it’s growing.
What’s the bizarre link between this skin fungus and a largely forgotten chapter of British Trade Union history?
Originally published as Hellblazer #250-255.
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Landini, Goran Sudzuka, Eddie Campbell.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Hooked (K)
John Constantine, chain-smoking occultist anti-hero, is back in a new volume from popular writer Peter Milligan.
After getting dumped by his girlfriend, John Constantine goes to extremes to get her back.
But will he sink to a new low by using a love potion?
Constantine’s enemies, the shape-shifting demon Julian and the young alchemist Epiphany, will certainly have something to say about this turn of events as well.
Originally published as Hellblazer #256-260.
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Landini, Simon Bisley.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Bloody Carnations (K)
Selässä taittuma.
John Constantine’s grip on sanity has always been tenuous, but now he’s really lost it.
Haunted by memories of striking Epiphany, the cracked magus tries appeasing his demonic tormenter by making a bloody offering of his own flesh.
Things get so desperate he even attempts to summon the high prince of madness, Shade, The Changing Man.
But Shade is not the gentle soul he once was – he’s desperate and dangerous.
In fact, Shade’s harboring a nasty grudge and has more problems than Constantine – if that’s even possible.
Assisted by Shade, Constantine must regain his sanity, find out why he grew a white beard, lost a thumb and went out of his bloody mind. It will take a trip to Shade’s home planet to learn the truth – and to settle an old score between Shade and Constantine.
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Landini, Simon Bisley
Originally published as Hellblazer #267-275.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Phantom Pains (K)
After seeing his new wife Epiphany react to his now thumb-less hand, Constantine goes on a quest to find a suitable replacement for his missing digit.
While he tries to literally sew himself back together, John’s niece Gemma plots a scheme of revenge against her uncle.
Will Constantine be able to fend off his own family’s demonic fury?
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Landini, Simon Bisley, Gael Bertrand
Originally published as Hellblazer #276-282.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – The Devil’s Trench Coat (K)
John Constantine, chain-smoking occultist anti-hero, is back in a new volume from popular writer Peter Milligan.
When Gemma Masters punishes her uncle by auctioning off his trench coat, she ignites a horrific chain of events.
Bleeding apartment walls, unplanned visits to the middle of the Thames, a farting demon, a suspicious angel, a Hellish aquarium, and an old adversary all await Constantine as he races to track down his coat before it sends Constantine to Hell again!
Originally published in single magazine form in Hellblazer #283-291.
Peter Milligan: John Constantine, Hellblazer – Death and Cigarettes (K)
John Constantine had no intention of tracking down his long-lost nephew, despite the promise John made to his dead mom.
But mysterious circumstances and a series of murders set Constantine out to Ireland in search of his forgotten relative.
However, after a seance with his late sister Cheryl, Constantine finds that there might be a lot more connections between his nephew and these set of murders than meets the eye.
In this penultimate chapter to Vertigo’s longest series, Death and Cigarettes is the latest chapter in critically acclaimed writer Peter Milligan’s run on HELLBLAZER.
Originally published in single magazine form in John Constantine, Hellblazer #292-300 and John Constantine, Hellblazer Annual #1.
Yann & Hugault: Huuhkaja III – Wulf ja Lilja (K)
Kevät 1945.
Vielä hetki sitten voittamattomana Euroopan taivasta hallinnut Luftwaffe käy lyötynä kohti viimeistä iltahuutoaan.
Monen rintaman sodassa kappaleiksi revityn Saksa ilmavoimien kohtalona on epätoivoinen taistelu raivoisana ja ylivoimaisena hyökkäävää vihollista vastaan.
Tyttärensä kuoleman murtama yliluutnantti Wulf on eräs viimeisistä saksalaisista lentäjistä, jotka vielä nousevat kamppailuun kotimaansa puolesta.
Hän suorittaa taistelulennon toisensa jälkeen surun ja raivon sokaisemana.
Neuvostoliittolaiselle naislentäjä Liljalle, ”Punaiselle yön noidalle” Saksan tappio on kuitenkin voiton hetki. Mutta miten käy, kun luotien sijasta taivaalla lentelevätkin Amorin nuolet?
Huuhkaja – Wulf ja Lilja päättää Yannin ja Romain Hugaultin sarjakuva-albumitrilogian, jossa ovat aiemmin ilmestyneet teokset Huuhkaja – Kuin noidat yössä (2009) ja Huuhkaja – Toveri Lilja (2010).
Jeff Lemire & Ramon Perez: Hawkeye 5 – All-New Hawkeye
Hawkeye returns in an all-new book featuring superstar writer Jeff Lemire in his Marvel debut and Eisner Award-winning artist Ramon Perez, as they bring you a fresh new look into the life of everyone’s favorite Avenger.
With Kate Bishop, his trusted ward and protege (not titles she would use) back at his side, Team Hawkeye is thrown into an all new adventure spanning two generations of avenging archers.
Past and present lives collide as Kate and Clint face a threat that will challenge everything they know about what it means to be Hawkeye.
Gerry Duggan & Brian Posehn: Deadpool 3 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (K)
Deadpool hits the streets with Power Man & Iron Fist!
COLLECTING: Deadpool #13-19.
Gerry Duggan & Brian Posehn: Deadpool 4 – Deadpool vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. (K)
S.H.I.E.L.D. makes a grievous tactical error when they stiff Deadpool on a bill.
And you can bet that they’re going to regret it!
Deadpool declares a one-man war on the world peacekeeping agency – but even as the maniacal merc pursues his revenge, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovers that someone has been betraying them.
COLLECTING: Deadpool 20-25.
Gerry Duggan & Brian Posehn: Deadpool 5 – The Wedding of Deadpool (K)
The day you never dreamed would come has finally arrived: Deadpool is getting married!
But to whom?!
Contains material originally published in single magazine form as Deadpool #26-28 and Deadpool Annual #1.
Gerry Duggan & Brian Posehn: Deadpool 6 – Original Sin
When they made the Merc with a Mouth, they erased his past.
Years later, Wade Wilson sifts through the collateral damage.
Who killed his parents, and what would he do if he learned the truth?
Daniel Way: Deadpool 4 – Monkey Business (K)
Deadpool doesn’t play second banana to anybody!
Or so he’d like to think, anyway.
But let’s get serious. Not many people – hero, villain, mercenary or otherwise – are going to upstage the Amazing Spider-Man in a team-up. For Pete’s sake, he’s got AMAZING in his name!
But Wade is willing to hang like Mary Jane just this once, if it’ll get him out of trouble with the most dangerous threat he’s ever faced.
Well, the most dangerous threat he’s ever faced that’s also a monkey. That’s right, it’s Hit-Monkey and he’s all over Deadpool’s red butt!
Collecting Deadpool #19-22 and Hit-Monkey #1.
Daniel Way & Duane Swierczynski: Deadpool 5 – What Happened in Vegas (K)
Deadpool’s been described as many things over the years, but “trendsetter”?
That’s a new one.
Here he is, trying to get his hero on and guess what? Suddenly, everyone else is, too!
Seems like everyone’s wanting to jump on the Deadpool bandwagon lately, doesn’t it?
Collecting: Deadpool #23-26.
Daniel Way & Carlo Barberi: Deadpool 6 – I Rule, You Suck (K)
Deadpool gets the chance of a lifetime to join the Secret Avengers, but things aren’t as they seem.
Deadpool? An Avenger? Come on!
When the evil Dr. Bong clones Steve Rogers’ clandestine team of heroes to steal weapons of mass destruction, Wade must fight alongside the real Secret Avengers against the fake Secret Avengers and try to not to shoot the wrong guy!
Plus: Deadpool gets hired by a bunch of good Draculas to fight some bad Draculas – and no, they don’t sparkle!
Wade takes on the rebel vampires in a hospital fight and even manages to rescue the girl!
Wait, sorry, he shoots her in the leg!
Collecting DEADPOOL (2008) #27-31.
Daniel Way & Carlo Barberi: Deadpool 7 – Space Oddity (K)
Ground Control to Major Deadpool!
After bumping off Macho Gomez, the galaxy’s top assassin, Deadpool heads into space to increase his intergalactic cred.
Abandoning his plans to become one of Earth’s heroes, he decides to stop pulling punches, knives, swords, bullets, grenades and so forth. Everyone’s favorite fun-loving killer-for-hire is back with a new job and a new lady!
Will this cement him as the solar system’s best, most ruthless mercenary – or will things like lack of oxygen and zero-gravity throw him off his game?
One word: maybe!
Wade’s first contract is a doozy, as he’s hired to kill Id the Selfish Moon. This body is anything but heavenly and travels through space destroying planets.
For this super-sized job, Deadpool follows his usual credo: The bigger the problem, the more insane the solution!
Collecting DEADPOOL (2008) #33.1 and #32-35.
Daniel Way: Deadpool 8 – Operation Annihilation (K)
Deadpool travels home to Earth, but Macho Gomez– the guy whose space car Wade jacked– is waiting for him.
And he’s brought some of Deadpool’s old ‘friends’– including Hydra Bob, Big Bertha, Taskmaster and Blind Al. They all have one thing in common: Wade screwed them, and they want his hide!
Then, Wade gets what he’s always wanted: a chance to die!
With his ridiculous healing factor, Wade can’t be killed by any ordinary Joe — so he finds the biggest, strongest, greenest and angriest guy in the whole Marvel Universe: the Incredible Hulk!
It’s a last-man-standing battle between the Green Goliath and the Merc with a Mouth — a battle Wade’s trying to lose.
The question is, can he?
Writers: Daniel Way, Joe Kelly
Artists: Sheldon Vella, Bong Dazo, Ed McGuinness.
Peter David & Scott Koblish: Deadpool’s Art of War (K)
Sun Tzu’s Art of War has been called the definitive work on military strategy and tactics and has influenced leaders in both warfare and business for hundreds of years…which means it’s totally in the public domain and ripe for being ripped off by Deadpool!
And what’s Deadpool’s plan to ensure his version of Art of War outsells the original?
Make sure the entire world is at war when it comes out!
Andy Diggle & Daniel Way: Dark Reign – Deadpool/Thunderbolts (K)
Deadpool unleashes his most insane plan yet: a full-on assault against Norman Osborn!
As Deadpool storms his way to the top of Avengers Tower, Osborn is forced to pull out all the stops to save his own skin.
This title collects Thunderbolts numbered #130-131 and Deadpool numbered #8-9.
Dark Reign – Accept Change (K)
The Invasion is over, and the shape of the world has changed, with new and returning players now center stage.
Get the lowdown on what’s going on across the Marvel Universe as we enter Dark Reign!
In Dark Reign: New Nation, we meet the Secret Warriors, the Skrull Kill Krew, and other Marvel players as they embark on their own adventures in the wake of Secret Invasion.
Then, Dark Avengers #1 kicks off an explosive new era in the Avengers mythos. Who are the Dark Avengers?
A simple question with a shocking answer! Plus, learn the truth about Emma Frost’s secret past in Uncanny X-Men Annual #2.
Collects Dark Reign: New Nation, Secret Invasion: Dark Reign, Dark Avengers #1, Uncanny X-Men Annual #2, Dark Reign Files, and Marvel Spotlight: Dark Reign.
Brian Wood & Kristian Donaldson: The Massive 1 – Black Pacific (K)
What does it mean to be an environmentalist after the world has already ended?
For Callum Israel, leader of the Ninth Wave oceanic activist group, this is the question that cuts to the core of his identity.
In a post-war, post-Crash, post-disaster, post-everything world, nothing is certain and ideologies are meaningless.
But the mission remains: search this crumbling world for answers to the cause of the Crash, and keep up the hunt for their missing sister ship, The Massive, lost and adrift in the chaos.
Brian Wood’s new, sprawling, post-apocalyptic epic takes the crew of the Kapital from the flooded remnants of Hong Kong to Unalaska, with stops in Antarctica and Mogadishu, as post-Crash ethics and economics are explored across a broken world.
This volume reprints the comic-book series The Massive #1-#6 from Dark Horse Comics, as well as material originally published in Dark Horse presents #8-#10.
Brian Wood & Garry Brown: The Massive 2 – Subcontinental (K)
Still adrift and on the hunt for their sister ship, The Massive, the crew of the Kapital – all that’s left of Callum Israel’s dwindling environmental-activism group Ninth Wave – are challenged at every turn as they face mutiny, sharks, snowy isolation, and the tempting possibility of a new life on a utopian sea station.
But, the strain of life in a crumbling world, as well as secrets about Israel’s failing health, threaten to destroy a crew stretched to its limits.
In the second collection of Brian Wood’s speculative sci-fi saga, see more episodes from the post-Crash world and learn how humanity is muddling on in the midst of the earth’s death throes.
Artists: Garry Brown, Gary Erskine, Declan Shalvey, Danijel Zezelj.
Brian Wood & Garry Brown: The Massive 3 – Longship (K)
Callum Israel and Ninth Wave go head to head with a disgraced comrade threatening nuclear war, a rogue faction of the US Navy working as pirates in New York Harbour, and a colony of Norwegian whalers who hunt in the Viking tradition.
Brian Wood & Garry Brown: The Massive 4 – Sahara (K)
Callum Israel and the crew of the Kapital face their greatest threat yet: Arkady, Israel’s former colleague bent on revenge.
When the Kapital is bombed in port, Callum and Mag head into the dangerous streets of post-Crash Europe to confront Arkady.
But what they ultimately discover may lead them to their long lost ship The Massive!
Meanwhile, Mary reappears in the Sahara desert, guarding a convoy of fresh water, holding a secret that might unravel Callum for good.
“The Massive” begins its most powerful chapter yet as Brian Wood, Garry Brown, and Daniel Zezelj unravel the ongoing mystery of Mary and set the stage for the final act, when the cause of the Crash is revealed.
Brian Wood & Garry Brown: The Massive 5 – Ragnarok (K)
The Crash was only the beginning.
What remains of civilization is being obliterated by a series of cataclysmic events.
The truth about Mary’s identity, which began as a faint signal, grows louder–and she’s seemingly connected to it all.
The secret of the Crash and the location of the missing ship “The Massive “get answered here, in the final arc, “Ragnarok”!
“The Massive” careens into its final climactic chapter as Brian Wood and Garry Brown pull back the curtain on the mysteries of one of the most thought-provoking comics series of the last decade!
Kurtis J. Wiebe & Roc Upchurch: Rat Queens 1 – Sass and Sorcery (K)
Who are the Rat Queens?
A pack of booze-guzzling, death-dealing battle maidens-for-hire, and they’re in the business of killing all god’s creatures for profit.
It’s also a darkly comedic sass-and-sorcery series starring Hannah the Rockabilly Elven Mage, Violet the Hipster Dwarven Fighter, Dee the Atheist Human Cleric and Betty the Hippy Smidgen Thief.
This modern spin on an old school genre is a violent monster-killing epic that is like Buffy meets Tank Girl in a Lord of the Rings world on crack!
Kurtis J. Wiebe & Roc Upchurch: Rat Queens 2 – The Far Reaching Tentacles of N’Rygoth
A brand-new, booze-soaked tale of the Rat Queens reveals a growing menace within the very walls of Palisade.
And while Dee may have run from her past, the bloated, blood-feasting sky god N rygoth never really lets his children stray too far.
Collects issues #6-10 of the smash-hit series, plus extras.
Kurtis J. Wiebe & Tess Fowler: Rat Queens 3 – Demons (K)
Having survived the end of the world, the Queens follow Hannah back to where it all began: Mage University.
A long perilous journey awaits the Rat Queens as they attempt to find out what happened to Hannah’s father while battling their own demons.
Collects RAT QUEENS #11-15.
Tim Seeley & Daniel Leister: Army of Darkness vs. Hack/Slash (K)
After a painful personal tragedy, Cassie Hack – the killer of supernatural serial killers – is doing her best to live a normal life.
But an attack by the demonic Deadites forces the butt-kickin’ heroine back into action… and this time, she’s not alone!
Meet Cassie’s new partner: Ashley J. Williams!
Can this volatile pair keep from killing each other long enough to find the mystical Book of the Dead’s stolen pages? Will Ash get some sugar? Or will Cassie make him kiss her bat?
Two horror icons join in the mash-up that fans demanded!
Rick Remender: Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender: The Complete Collection Volume 2 (K)
Rick Remender’s extraordinary, critically acclaimed X-Force saga is collected across two volumes!
Otherworld, interdimensional home of the Captain Britain Corps, has been invaded by a sorcerous army!
Meanwhile, Fantomex stands accused of a crime so heinous that the Corps would rather execute him than defend their gates.
Can a divided X-Force repel Otherworld’s att ackers and still save their teammate?
And as X-Force falls to its lowest point, the all-new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants strikes!
Marc Guggenheim & Humberto Ramos: Civil War – Wolverine (K)
Whose side are you on?
In the aftermath of the Stamford tragedy, Wolverine makes it his personal mission to take down the man responsible: the explosive Nitro!
But as soon as he begins his hunt, Logan discovers that someone else is stalking the same prey: a mysterious trio whose identity, and disturbing mission, will come as a shock!
If Logan’s unsettled by who these guys are, then just wait until he confronts the man they answer to!
And when Wolverine discovers that Nitro’s actions are tied to a much larger conspiracy, he won’t rest until he’s exposed the true culprit.
Hunt For Wolverine – Weapon Lost (K)
Where’s Wolverine?
That’s what Daredevil wants to know!
Logan may be the best there is at what he does — but so is the Man Without Fear!
And as one of the biggest mysteries in the Marvel Universe unfolds, DD assembles a squad of uncanny detectives to track down Logan: Misty Knight, the Inhuman Frank McGee and the mutant known as Cypher!
Investigating recent sightings across the globe of the X-Man they thought dead, the squad uncovers a deep conspiracy with huge ramifications for Wolverine’s return!
But what happens when they follow the clues all the way to a very familiar — and very bloody — set of claws? A weapon lost is about to be found — and the Man Without Fear’s nickname will be put to the test!
Collects Hunt for Wolverine #1 and Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #1-4.
Hunt For Wolverine – Adamantium Agenda (K)
Where’s Wolverine?
And will the New Avengers be the ones to find him?
The metallic “snikt” of Wolverine’s claws is a sound that once made the blood of wrongdoers run cold — and one that some of Logan’s best friends want to ensure is never used for evil!
Keeping a promise made between heroes, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage reassemble to make sure that Wolverine’s body isn’t being misused.
But the erstwhile New Avengers will soon uncover a deep-state conspiracy that leads to a shocking DNA discovery — and someone else with a vested interest in Logan’s genes! As things take a turn for the sinister, the New Avengers uncover a completely different mystery…one that will cast a long, dark shadow over the X-Men!
Collects Hunt for Wolverine #1 and Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1-4.
Hunt For Wolverine – Claws of a Killer (K)
Where’s Wolverine?
To find a hunter, you need a squad of hunters!
And as word spreads that Logan may have returned from the grave, a handful of Wolverine’s greatest adversaries will come together to track him down and put him back there.
But the brutal and horrific nightmare that Sabretooth, Daken and Lady Deathstrike uncover could lead to more pain and death than even these vicious killers can handle!
Is any healing factor powerful enough to survive a horde of flesh-eating zombies?! And what could these poor walking deadlies have to do with Logan’s return? The clock is ticking as Sabretooth, Daken and Deathstrike slice their way through the leagues of the undead — and they won’t all make it out alive!
Collects Hunt for Wolverine #1 and Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #1-4.
Mark Millar & John Romita Jr.: Wolverine – Enemy of the State (K)
Wolverine has long been the X-Men’s most dangerous member – but now, this deadly living weapon has switched sides!
Defeated by the Gorgon and brainwashed by Hydra and the Hand, Wolverine has become an agent of the ruthless ninja clan – slicing and dicing his way through S.H.I.E.L.D., the Fantastic Four and the X-Men!
And his former friends and teammates will pay a very high price to subdue him.
As Hydra picks off superhumans one by one and the X-Men mourn a fallen friend, S.H.I.E.L.D. works feverishly to deprogram Wolverine.
Can he be turned against his former masters in time to prevent worldwide death and destruction?
Prepare for death and destruction as only modern masters Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. can deliver!
Plus: A haunting tale of World War II, illustrated by Kaare Andrews!
Daniel Way & Steve Dillon: Wolverine – Origins 5: Deadpool
He’s a born killer, highly trained in the art of violence.
He’s a man out of time, living without fear of death.
He’s the best there is at what he does, and he’s about to do it to Wolverine.
Collects Wolverine: Origins #21-27.
James Robinson: Cable 1 – Conquest
Speak softly – and carry a huge gun!
Cable is embarking on a new mission – with the fate of all that is on his shoulders!
When he picks up the trail of a threat to the timestream, he sets off on a high-speed, centuries-spanning chase to save reality as we know it. From the dawn of everything to the modern day, Cable is the only man who can keep history from unraveling!
Following his target back to feudal Japan, he’s met with decidedly futuristic warriors!
Then, with Cable caught in a Mayan death trap, an unlikely ally rears his head!
As an army assembles from throughout the ages to fight at his side, Cable will face Conquest in a battle for time itself!
Collects Cable (2017) #1-5.
Evan Narcisse & Javier Pina: Rise of the Black Panther (K)
The secret origin of T’Challa, the Black Panther!
Wakanda has always kept itself isolated from Western society, but that’s about to change.
Young T’Challa knows he’s destined to become king, but when his father is murdered by outsiders, he finds himself taking up a mantle he may not be ready for.
Experience the troubled reign of King T’Chaka! Discover the mother T’Challa never knew! And see how the world first learns of the wondrous nation of Wakanda — including Namor, King of Atlantis; the Winter Soldier; and the ruler of Latveria, Doctor Doom!
Plus: As Erik Killmonger makes a devastating move, a missing chapter of T’Challa and Storm’s lifelong romance comes to light — and the Black Panther must decide his unique role in a world full of super heroes!
Collects Rise Of The Black Panther #1-6.
Al Ewing & Joe Bennett: Immortal Hulk 2 – The Green Door (K)
Bruce Banner is alive and on the loose — and now the entire world knows it.
Soon the Hulk finds himself hunted once again — this time by the government, Alpha Flight, the mysterious Shadow Base…and the Avengers!
Someone’s going to find him first, but which option is least bad?
It might not matter, because Bruce has bigger problems.
Something terrible has infected him. Something with unspeakable plans for humanity. And the only one who knows about this dark infection…is the Hulk!
Meanwhile, Carl “Crusher” Creel was just trying to live. Now, to save what he’s built for himself, he must do the impossible. The Absorbing Man must kill the Immortal Hulk!
But the Hulk is the one thing standing between the world of the living — and the Green Door!
Collects Immortal Hulk #6-10.
Al Ewing & Joe Bennett: Immortal Hulk 2 (K)
The Green Door is completely open and Hell has ascended in New Mexico.
Now the ruler of Hell has come to collect.
It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate. It wears human souls like masks to work its will.
But in the lowest hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off – and The One Below All is fi nally revealed!
Bruce Banner belongs to him. But the Hulk…not even Hell is strong enough to stop his horrific anger.
In another life Rick Jones was the Hulk’s best friend.
He was there on the fateful day the Hulk was born.
When the Hulk was a mindless brute, Rick was the only one who believed in him.
But now Rick is dead and his body has been exhumed and stolen!
And the Immortal Hulk wants to know why.
To find the answers he seeks, Bruce Banner will have to face roaming gamma experiments and a ruthless assassin out for his blood.
And when the Immortal Hulk is depowered it may be time for the return of Joe Fix-It!
The fan-favorite run that’s redefining Hulk mythos gets even more intense!
Mark Waid & Mark Bagley: Hulk 1 – Banner DOA (K)
It’s an all-new direction for the Hulk!
Following the shocking events of the Indestructible Hulk finale, Bruce Banner lies at death’s door, shot in the head by an unknown assailant.
If he survives, it won’t be as the Bruce Banner we’ve known! Only the Hulk can save Banner…if he even wants to!
How will the Hulk wreak vengeance on Banner’s attacker?
How can he?
As a new threat enters the scene, Banner goes to a dark place, and he could drag the Avengers right along with him!
To stop the Hulk from destroying the Avengers, a dangerous plan is put into play. What forbidden knowledge will Tony Stark use in an att empt to cure Bruce Banner’s brain damage? And even if the cure works, what will it cost?
Experience a whole new twist in Hulk history!
COLLECTING: Hulk #1-4.
Collects X-Men Black – Magneto, X-Men Black – Mojo, X-Men Black – Mystique, X-Men Black – Juggernaut And X-Men Blac – Emma Frost.
Magneto. Mojo. Mystique. Juggernaut. Emma Frost. Apocalypse.
The X-Men have gone head-to-head with all of them countless times over the years – but now the villains are the stars!
From the cold vacuum of space to the jungles of the Savage Land, from dominating a secret society’s inner sanctum to crashing through all walls in their way, these titanic tales show what makes the X-Men’s opponents the most formidable in the universe.
Chris Claremont sets Magneto on a new path!
Mojo finds…love?
Mystique delivers revenge-fueled chills, seductive thrills and brutal kills!
Emma Frost sets her sights on the Hellfire Club!
Nothing can stop the Juggernaut…until now!
And a transformative tale of Apocalypse that must be seen to be believed!
Leah Williams & David Baldeon: X-Factor 1 (K)
Mutants have conquered death!
By the grace of the Five, the resurrection protocols of the island nation of Krakoa can bring any of the X-Men’s fallen comrades back to life.
But such a huge enterprise comes with even huger problems and complications! And when a mutant dies, X-Factor is there to investigate how and why – in order to uphold the rules of reincarnation!
Writer Leah Williams (AMAZING MARY JANE, X-TREMISTS) and artist David Baldeón (DOMINO, WEB WARRIORS) take Northstar, Polaris, Prodigy, Eye-Boy, Daken and Prestige into a world of murder and missing persons.
And their very first case might be their last, as they investigate the disappearance of a mutant dancer at a prestigious ballet academy…in the Mojoverse!
X-Factor (2020) #1-3, #5.
Chip Zdarsky & Terry Dodson: X-Men/Fantastic Four – 4x (K)
Wayward son!
Every known mutant lives on Professor X’s newly forged island paradise of Krakoa — except for one.
And now the X-Men feel that it’s time for Franklin Richards to come home. There’s only one problem: What does his Fantastic family have to say about that?
As lines are drawn, the X-Men face down the Fantastic Four — and nothing will ever be the same!
In this brave new Dawn of X, Charles Xavier and his fellow mutants have reshaped the world.
But you can’t change a world without encountering its true master: Doom!
Now, with the fate of the nation of Krakoa at stake, Franklin faces a momentous decision — and the X-Men and the FF must fight to save the future!
Lines will be crossed, enemies will be made — and the Marvel Universe will be turned on its ear!
Collects X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020) #1-4.
The Avengers and the X-Men – the two most popular super-hero teams in history – go to war!
This landmark pop-culture event brings together Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto and more in the story that changes them forever!
And in AVX: Vs., experience the larger-than-life battles too big for any other comic to contain!
Iron Man vs. Magneto! Spider-Man vs. Colossus! Captain America vs. Gambit! And more!
Plus: For the first time ever in print, Marvel’s groundbreaking Infinite Comics are collected, revealing key events through the eyes of Marvel’s major players.
It’s Marvel’s biggest event ever – but will the Avengers or the X-Men emerge triumphant?
Collecting Avengers vs. X-Men 0-12, Point One (AVX story).
Ed Brisson & Jonas Scharf: Avengers of the Wastelands (K)
A new story from the world of OLD MAN LOGAN!
In a world where most of the super heroes fell at the hands of the RED SKULL over fi fty years ago, a new force rises in the Wastelands!
DANI CAGE wields the mighty Mjolnir for the cause of peace, but when the brutal regime of DOCTOR DOOM forces DWIGHT (A.K.A. the owner of the surviving Ant-Man technology) to Dani and HULK in a last-ditch eff ort to survive, the AVENGERS may ASSEMBLE once more!
Spinning out of the saga begun in OLD MAN LOGAN, and following up OLD MAN QUILL and DEAD MAN LOGAN, this is the can’t-miss premiere of Ed Brisson and Jonas Scharf’s magnum opus!
Al Ewing & Juann Cabal: Guardians of the Galaxy by Al Ewing 1 – Then It’s On Us (K)
Once they were a team of misfits.
Now they’re a family, and they’ve earned their peace.
But the universe is not a peaceful place – and it’s only getting worse.
The Great Empires are in turmoil. The rule of law is dead. And amid the chaos, the gods of Olympus have returned – harbingers of a new age of war, reborn to burn their mark on the stars themselves.
Someone has to guard the galaxy – but who will accept the mission? And will they survive it?
Al Ewing (IMMORTAL HULK) and Juann Cabal (FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN) bring you in on the ground floor of a whole Marvel Universe of action and suspense!
Brian Michael Bendis & Olivier Coipel: House of M (K)
The Marvel event of the decade is here!
The Avengers and the X-Men are faced with a common foe that becomes their greatest threat: Wanda Maximoff!
The Scarlet Witch is out of control, and the fate of the entire world is in her hands.
Will Magneto help his daughter or use her powers to his own benefit?
Starring the Astonishing X-Men and the New Avengers!
You know how sometimes you hear the phrase: and nothing will ever be the same again? Well, this time believe it, buster! Nothing will ever be the same again!
Collects House of M #1-8, and Pulse House of M Special Edition Newspaper.
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates 1 (K)
Acclaimed BLACK PANTHER scribe Ta-Nehisi Coates takes on the Sentinel of Liberty!
For more than 70 years, Captain America has stood in stalwart defense of his country and its people. But in the aftermath of Hydra’s brief takeover of the nation, Cap is a figure of controversy carrying a tarnished shield — and a new enemy is rising!
Distrusted by his own country and facing threats including the Taskmaster and an army of Nuke super-soldiers, Steve Rogers is a man out of time — and out of options!
As things get worse, Cap finds himself wanted for murder — and the victim is a major figure in the Marvel Universe!
The walls are closing in on Steve Rogers. Will he end up as Captain of Nothing? Or does the Living Legend still have some allies in his corner?
Collects Captain America (2018) #1-12 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2018 (Avengers/Captain America) #1.
Ta-Nehisi Coates & Adam Kubert: Captain America 2 – Captain of Nothing (K)
Captain America – wanted for murder!
And the victim is a familiar face in the Marvel Universe!
Are the Power Elite truly behind Cap’s downfall?
Can the Sentinel of Liberty prove his innocence or will he be forced to break the law to bring the real murderer to justice?!
Collecting Captain America 7-12.
Nick Spencer: Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Friends and Foes (K)
Peter Parker’s putting his life back together – but everyone around him keeps threatening to throw it into chaos!
Exhibit one: Boomerang. Wondering when Fred Myers’ status as Pete’s roommate would blow up? Right now! When Boomerang and Spider-Man walk into a bar, it’s no laughing matter – because it’s the Bar With No Name, and it’s full of villains out to end the wall-crawler!
Then, when the Thieves Guild of New York steals the limelight, Spidey turns to his foe turned friend turned crime boss the Black Cat!
Meanwhile, J. Jonah Jameson has a new job as a shock jock – but is the world ready for a pro-web-head JJJ?
And is our hero ready for the Enforcers to come after him harder than ever?
Prepare to be amazed as Nick Spencer’s action-packed run continues!
Collects Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #6-10.
Nick Spencer: Amazing Spider-Man 3 – Lifetime Achievement (K)
Is the world ready for a pro-Spider-Man JJJ?!
J. Jonah Jameson has a new job – as a shock jock.
Spidey’s post-secret-identity relationship with Jonah was already complicated, but this very controversial public embrace may put him over the edge!
Which means it’s bad timing for the Enforcers to come at him harder than ever!
But Spidey isn’t the only one getting attacked. Jonah himself is in deep trouble. Who, other than most of New York, would want to punish J. Jonah Jameson?
Aunt May is in danger as well, and only Spider-Man can help her!
You may think you know where a story like this is going, but you don’t.
Because Taskmaster and Black Ant are on the scene, and they don’t have a problem with collateral damage!
Collects Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11-15.
Fabian Nicieza & Ron Garney: Juggernaut – No Stopping Now (K)
Can’t stop, won’t stop!
A mystic gem. An avatar of destruction. A force of overwhelming power. An embittered man with a life of regret.
Nothing can stop the Juggernaut – except himself!
Buildings fall, chaos reigns and the Juggernaut does what the mystical Cyttorak empowered him to do – but Cain Marko, the man beneath the helmet, is done letting others pick up the pieces of the things he’s destroyed.
It’s time for the Juggernaut to take some responsibility!
But when Cain stands trial, will justice catch up with him – or will he tear down the system?
Plus: Who is D-Cel, and how will she change Cain’s life? And what happens when Juggy decides the Immortal Hulk needs to answer for his own lifetime’s worth of smashing?
It’s a bold new direction for the unstoppable Juggernaut!
Collects Juggernaut (2020) #1-5.
Donny Cates & Ryan Stegman: King in Black (K)
Darkness reigns!
After a campaign of terror across the galaxy, Knull reaches Earth – and he hasn’t come alone!
With an army of hundreds of thousands of symbiote dragons at his command, the King in Black is a force unlike any Earth’s heroes have ever faced.
Eddie Brock, A.K.A. Venom, has seen firsthand the chaos that even one of Knull’s monsters can wreak. Can anyone possibly survive this onslaught?
Outgunned and outmanned, Earth’s heroes are reeling. It will take everything they’ve got to face the God of the Abyss as he ensnares the planet in everlasting darkness!
Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman present the definitive chapter in their three-year-long VENOM saga that changed everything you thought you knew about symbiotes – and they’re raising the stakes for the entire Marvel Universe!
Hail to the king!
Collects King In Black (2020) #1-5.
Kurt Busiek & Benjamin Dewey: King in Black – Namor (K)
An untold tale of the young Sub-Mariner – and the dark, chilling birth of one of Atlantis’ greatest villains!
The players: Namor, Lady Dorma of Atlantis, the outsider Attuma – all still in their teen years – and the Swift Riders, the Atlantean Empire’s greatest heroes.
It begins with alliances and possibilities – but what lies ahead is tragedy, betrayal and deadly magics unleashed!
As the three youths join the Swift Riders on a vital mission, the ensuing catastrophe brings to life the most menacing threat Atlantis has ever faced!
Will the Black Tide cut a swath of devastation and death across the ocean floor, laying waste to all that stands before them?
It’s a deep dive into Marvel history – where the secrets of the King in Black are buried!
Collects King In Black: Namor (2020) #1-5.
Robert Kirkman: Thief of Thieves 2 – “Help Me.” (K)
Conrad Paulson lives a secret double life as master thief Redmond.
There is nothing he can’t steal, nothing he can’t have… except for the life he left behind.
But when his big heist doesn’t go as planned, the aftermath shows that every action has an equal – and equally violent – reaction.
Collects Thief of Thieves #8-13.
Andy Diggle: Thief of Thieves 3 – “Venice.” (K)
Conrad Paulson lives a secret double life as master thief Redmond.
There is nothing he can’t steal, nothing he can’t have…except for the life he left behind.
Now it’s go time for his Venice heist – and Thief of Thieves’ most EXPLOSIVE story arc yet!
Collects Thief of Thieves #14-19.
Andy Diggle: Thief of Thieves 4 – “The Hit List.” (K)
Conrad may have pulled off his last heist, but not without making some new enemies.
Is anyone in his life safe?
Find out in “The Hit List!”
Collects Thief of Thieves #20-25.
K. Perkins & Fernando Dagnino: Blade Runner Origins 1 – Products (K)
Muutama ensimmäinen sivu hieman taittunut kulmasta.
Travel to the world of Blade Runner 2009 and discover the origins of the BLADE RUNNER DIVISION.
When a Tyrell Corporation scientist working on an experimental new type of Replicant is discovered dead in her laboratory, the victim of an apparent suicide, LAPD detective CAL MOREAU is called in to investigate.
What he uncovers is a conspiracy of silence so deadly it could change the world as he knows it.
Set ten years before the events of the first Blade Runner film, this is the world on the cusp of environmental collapse, and the beginning of the mass Off-world migration to the Off-world colonies.
Through its rain-soaked streets, LAPD Detective CAL MOREAU, a PTSD sufferer, must travel as he attempts to unravel the truth behind a seemingly routine suicide that soon reveals itself to be just the thin end of a vast conspiracy, one that runs to the very top of the Tyrell Corporation tower.
K. Perkins & Fernando Dagnino: Blade Runner Origins 2 – Scrap (K)
An exciting new graphic novel! Welcome to the world of Blade Runner 2009 and the birth of the BLADE RUNNER DIVISION.
LAPD detective CAL MOREAUX has teamed up with an escaped experimental REPLICANT, who has been uploaded with the memories of a dead Tyrell Corporation scientist, whose suicide he was sent to investigate.
Now they must run and fight a conspiracy hatched in the very heart of the Tyrell Corporation.
Robert Kirkman & Ryan Ottley: Invincible 20 – Friends (K)
From visionary creators Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead), Cory Walker (Science Dog), and Ryan Ottley (Amazing Spider-Man).
Collects Invincible #109-114.
Robert Kirkman & Ryan Ottley: Invincible 21 – Modern Family (K)
In the aftermath of Robot’s attempt to take over the world, the few survivors that remain must pick up the pieces of a world once familiar… but now completely alien.
From visionary creators Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead), Cory Walker (Science Dog), and Ryan Ottley (Amazing Spider-Man).
Collects Invincible #115-120.
Geoff Johns: Green Lantern 1 – Sinestro (K)
As part of the DC Comics–The New 52, the first six issues of the star-spanning series from superstar writer Geoff Johns and artist Doug Mahnke is collected here in hardcover!
In the aftermath of a deadly showdown between the Green Lantern Corps and a mysterious foe from the past, Hal Jordan has been stripped of his ring.
Left standing is an unexpected new Green Lantern in town: Sinestro! And now, this renegade GL has set a course for Korugar with one purpose: To free his homeworld from the scourge of his own Sinestro Corps, with the not-so-willing help of Hal Jordan!
The volume collects issues 1-6 of Green Lantern, part of the DC Comics–The New 52 event.
Geoff Johns: Green Lantern 2 – The Revenge of Black Hand (K)
The villainous Sinestro is suddenly a Green Lantern – whether he wants to be or not!
Now teaming up with his former foe, Hal Jordan and Sinestro find themselves investigating a crime that leads them deep into the homeworld of the Indigo Tribe.
As their situation grows more and more dire, they uncover a secret that will change the GL Corps forever!
Originally published in single magazine form in Green Lantern #7-12, Green Lantern Annual #1.
Geoff Johns: Green Lantern 3 – The End (K)
Comics’ hottest writer Geoff Johns continues his historic run on one of the best-selling titles of DC Comics The New 52, GREEN LANTERN!
The universe is in shambles and the Guardians are the cause.
Their mysterious Third Army has risen across the cosmos like a plague, destroying everything in its path and Hal Jordan and Sinestro are nowhere to be found.
It is up to wrongfuly accused Simon Baz to clear his name and become the hero that the Corps needs in order to get to the bottom of Hal and Sinestro’s disapperance and the Rise of the Third Army!
Collects issues #13-20, #0.
Robert Venditti: Green Lantern 4 – Dark Days (K)
Just as Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Guy Gardner are putting back together the Green Lantern Corps, lights across all of the different colored Corps begin to flicker.
Lanterns from all over the universe begin to lose power, but unlike times’ past, the reasons for the outage don’t seem to be in-fighting between one another.
Allying with enemies and friends alike, Hal links the answers to the mysterious alien Relic and their confrontations will leave all the corps forever changed.
GREEN LANTERN VOL. 4 begins a brand new era for the entire emotional spectrum, from writer Robert Venditti (X-O Manowar) and artist Billy Tan (New Avengers).
This volume collects GREEN LANTERN #21-26, #23.1: Relic, GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL #2.
Green Lantern – Rise of the Third Army (K)
The Guardians of the Universe have gone mad!
To preserve order, they have decided that all free will must be eradicated by their new Third Army – emotionless drones whose sole purpose is to convert living creatures into soulless beings like themselves.
How can the Green Lanterns stand against them?
Hal Jordan is dead, Guy Gardner has been stripped of his ring and his powers, and John Stewart and Kyle Rayner have been called into deep space on seemingly impossible missions.
The remaining ring-wielders – along with a most unexpected new human Green Lantern – will unite to take on the mad Guardians. But will their desperate assault unleash an even greater evil…?
The beginning of the end of the Green Lantern universe starts here!
GREEN LANTERN: RISE OF THE THIRD ARMY features the work of fan favorite writers Geoff Johns (JUSTICE LEAGUE), Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAND AND ROBIN), Peter Milligan (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK) and Tony Bedard (BLUE BEETLE) and an all-star team of artists including Doug Mahnke (FINAL CRISIS), Miguel Sepulveda (STORMWATCH), Fernando Pasarin (BATGIRL), Aaron Kuder (SUPERMAN) and more!
Tony Bedard & Tyler Kirkman: Green Lantern – New Guardians 1: The Ring Bearer (K)
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner finds himself at odds with the Guardians of the Universe when rings from all the separate Lantern Corps come to claim him.
But the other Corps aren’t too keen on the Green Lanterns “stealing” their rings!
Writer Tony Bedard (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) pens a new chapter in the Green Lantern mythos with a team of renegade Lanterns consisting of members from each Corps!
Green Lantern – The Sinestro Corps War 1 (K)
Hal Jordan has overcome great fear throughout his life, but there is still fear lingering inside him, and Hal’s about to be reminded as he leads Earth’s Green Lanterns on a life-or-death rescue mission in the middle of a war against the most terrifying villains the universe has ever seen.
Originally published in single magazine form in Green Lantern #21-23, Green Lantern Corps #14-15, Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special.
Peter Milligan & Ed Benes: Red Lanterns 1 – Blood and Rage (K)
As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics–The New 52 event of September 2011, Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps return in their own series, battling against injustice in the most bloody ways imaginable!
This volume collects issues #1-6 of Red Lanterns, part of the DC Comics–The New 52 event.
Peter Milligan & Miguel Sepulveda: Red Lanterns 2 – The Death of the Red Lanterns (K)
For all their ferocity and strength, the Red Lanterns are dying, one by one.
An infection is spreading throughout the Corps, emanating from their decaying power battery on their bloodthirsty leader Atrocitus’ home planet.
Atrocitus goes in search of the perpetrator of the plague but lands himself in Stormwatch headquarters in a fierce battle with its strongest members, Apollo and Midnighter!
Meanwhile, renegade Red Lantern Bleez and the rest of the surviving corpsmen head for Zamaron to confront the Star Sapphires about their role in the poisoning of the Red Power Lantern.
Facing extinction, how long until the Red Lanterns burn out?
Feel the rage in RED LANTERNS VOLUME 2: DEATH OF THE RED LANTERNS, collecting issues #8-12 and STORMWATCH #9, featuring writer Peter Milligan (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK) and sizzling art from Miguel Sepulveda (STORMWATCH).
Geoff Johns: Green Lantern – Rage of the Red Lanterns (K)
Superstar writer Geoff Johns (GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR, THE FLASH, ACTION COMICS, JSA) unleashes a spectrum of adventure in this tale, which sees an all-new, all-evil Red Lantern Corps let loose on the galaxy!
As a prelude to the highly anticipated 2009 GREEN LANTERN storyline “The Blackest Night,” this collection sets up the events that Geoff Johns has been leading to since he relaunched the Green Lantern franchise in 2006!
Plagued by an age-old prophecy from a prison planet on the far side of the galaxy, Green Lantern Hal Jordan searches for answers about the fate of his Green Lantern Corps.
But when a primal being named Atrocitus emerges from that hell planet, he leads a Red Lantern Corps against Jordan and his brethren in a campaign to spread rage across the cosmos.
Geoff Johns: Green Lantern – Agent Orange (K)
Test pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to become a Green Lantern, one of an intergalactic police force.
Armed with his incredible power ring, which creates anything he can imagine, he protects Earth from extraterrestrial threats of every kind.
This graphic novel sequel to “The Sinestro Corps War” is the prelude to the next major event in the DC Universe, “The Blackest Night”, and features the war of light exploding across the Vega System.
The Green Lantern Corps led by Hal Jordan battle the bizarre Orange Lantern Corps and their commander, Agent Orange, the most disgusting, filthy and vile being in the universe.
Plus, the secrets of the Guardians’ pact with the criminals of the universe that had previously kept the Vega System off limits is finally revealed.
Originally published in single magazine form in Green Lantern #38-42, Blackest Night #0.
Green Lantern – 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 (K)
DC celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Emerald Knight with this new collection of the best Green Lantern tales across the decades!
This new edition celebrates the legacy of Green Lantern, from the debut of Alan Scott in 1940, to the character’s rebirth in 1959 as test pilot Hal Jordan-part of a vast Green Lantern Corps that serves justice across the galaxy-to John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, and beyond.
Included in this title are some of the greatest Green Lantern tales ever, featuring stories and art by comics’ top talents.
Benjamin Percy: Green Arrow 4 – The Rise of Star City (K)
Green Arrow’s hometown of Seattle is facing the worst crises the city has ever seen: Planes are plummeting out of the sky, gigantic buildings are collapsing, and fires are rapidly spreading.
As the death toll continues to rise, panic consumes the city.
At the center of it all is a mysterious group of chaos-inciting criminals: the Ninth Circle.
And they have Green Arrow dead center in their crosshairs.
While Green Arrow forms a crew of superhero first responders with the indomitable Black Canary and eagle-eyed Red Arrow, Seattle continues to burn.
Can Ollie and his team save the city while taking down the Ninth Circle once and for all?
Or will the Ninth Circle complete their violent rampage and destroy Seattle — and Green Arrow — at long last?
An iconic super-duo reconnects and takes aim at evil in GREEN ARROW VOL. 4!
A milestone in the saga of the Emerald Archer from writer Benjamin Percy (TEEN TITANS) and artists Juan Ferreyra (NEW SUICIDE SQUAD), Eleonora Carlini (BATGIRL) and Mirka Andolfo (DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS)!
Collects GREEN ARROW #18-25.
Benjamin Percy: Green Arrow 5 – Hard Travelin’ Hero (K)
Green Arrow has lost his fortune, and now he is hitting the road to save America in Green Arrow Vol. 5: Hard-Traveling Hero.
They’re called the Ninth Circle — a criminal bank that funds war, terror and carnage, all in the name of racking up profits.
They stole Oliver Queen’s company from him and nearly destroyed Seattle, only to rebuild it in their own image as Star City.
Now they’ve got their sights set on the rest of the United States.
But Ollie is having none of it.
As Green Arrow, he’s setting out across the U.S. to piece together the clues that will lead him to the Ninth Circle, one brawl at a time.
And though Green Arrow’s never been much of a team player, his travels find him crossing paths with heroes like Batman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Superman.
But before they can team up, Ollie will have to make amends for the jerk he’s been in the past.
Even with the full might of the Justice League behind him, can Green Arrow take down an organization so powerful they’re seemingly above the law?
Or will his quest just paint a target on his back so big that even Ollie can’t escape it?
Acclaimed novelist Benjamin Percy ( Teen Titans, The Dead Lands) and artists Otto Schmidt ( Guardians of the Galaxy) and Juan Ferreyra ( New Suicide Squad) bring Green Arrow back to his hard-travelin’ roots! Collects Green Arrow #26-31.
Benjamin Percy: Green Arrow 6 – Trial of Two Cities (K)
Oliver Queen may have returned to Star City, but it’s not exactly a happy homecoming.
His business has been taken over by criminals, and he’s facing murder charges that he may not be able to beat.
And even a hero’s welcome from Red Arrow and Black Canary can’t change the fact that Oliver Queen is a wanted man, while villains including Merlyn, Shado, Clock King and more have scores of their own to settle with the Emerald Archer!
Plus, Green Arrow’s mother, Moira, and his supposed murder victim turn out to both be alive, and Ollie takes his battle with the Ninth Circle to an unexpected place: the depths of the ocean!
How will Ollie contend with the mighty cult when he’s trapped in their underwater lair?
Green Arrow Vol. 6: Trial of Two Cities hits its target from writer Benjamin Percy ( Teen Titans) and on-point artists Juan Ferreyra ( New Suicide Squad), Jamal Campbell ( Nightwing) and Stephen Byrne ( Justice League/Power Rangers)!
Collects Green Arrow #33-38.
Julie Benson & Shawna Benson: Green Arrow 7 – Citizen’s Arrest (K)
Fan favorite writing team Julie and Shawna Benson take the reigns of everyone’s favorite Emerald Archer.
What turns out to be one of Green Arrow’s fiercest battle may also be his last.
Seattle’s in for a serious shake-up when Green Arrow crosses quivers with a new vigilante hero dubbed the Citizen, who’s hell-bent on exposing the corrupt and criminal one-percenters operating in the Emerald City.
Green Arrow initially applauds these efforts, until the Citizen turns judge, jury and executioner. Can you guess what bloviating billionaire is next on his hit list?
Luckily he’s got Black Canary and Kate Spencer watching his back.
Unfortunately, they can’t save him from everything…
Collects Green Arrow #43-47 and Annual #2.
Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly: Green Arrow 8 – The End of the Road (K)
There’s no turning back, as the Emeral Archer face the end!
A bow string can only be pulled back so hard for so long before it snaps. And no one knows that better than Oliver Queen, Green Arrow.
Ollie knows what it’s like to be just a normal guy with a bow and arrow who stands beside gods and heroes in the Justice League.
He knows how it feels to make mistakes and then have to pick himself back up and try to do the right thing.
And lately, there have been a lot of mistakes that need correcting–from trying to help a war-torn country that was caught in a conflict he could ahve stopped, to having to recapture Parasite when he escapes under Ollie’s watch.
Like a bostring, Ollie always snaps back from failure…but this time he might have gotten stretched too far.
Following the death of his friend Roy Harper, Ollie is getting sloppy.
Unpredictable. Now the government has decided it’s time for Oliver Queen to stop being Green Arrow.
Ollie isn’t going to give in without a fight–which is why they chose the one person he can’t fight back against to bring him in.
What will Green Arrow do whe Black Canary tells him it’s time to hang up the bow for good…or face the consequences?
Green Arrow’s arc comes to an end in this collection featuring writers Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly ( Gotham City Garage) and Mairghread Scott ( Batgirl) and artists Javier Fernandez ( Nightwing), Marcio Takara ( Detective Comics), and Matthew Clark ( Justice League).
Collects issues #39-42 and #48-59.
Brian Wood & Danijel Zezelj: Starve 1 (K)
Once the world’s most famous chef, Gavin Cruikshank’s been in a self-imposed exile for years.
His little foodie television program has since evolved into STARVE, an arena sport that pits chef against chef for the pleasure of their super-rich patrons.
It’s a stain on a once-noble profession, and Chef Gavin is ready to go to war to stop it.
Two things stand in his way: his arch rival Roman Algiers, and his adult daughter Angie, who probably just wants her dad back and acting normal.
Brian Wood & Danijel Zezelj: Starve 2 (K)
Once the world’s most famous chef, Gavin Cruikshank’s been in a self-imposed exile for years.
In his absence his little foodie television program has evolved into STARVE, a morally bankrupt competition show that thrills the wealthiest of the wealthy with rare, dangerous, and often illegal cuisine.
But Gavin’s one-man crusade to end this outrage has stalled out, and he finds himself seduced by the very things he fled from in the first place: The toxic mix of success, money, and adoration.
Instead of trying to change the 1%, Gavin shifts his focus to the other 99%, and sparks a revolution from the ground up, empowering those who need it the most.
Addressing real world themes of food scarcity and class warfare, STARVE brings its smart and subversive commentary to the forefront, making it one of the most relevant comics in recent times.
Kymmenen näytettä maailman parhaiden sarjakuvien joukosta, tällä kertaa etupäässä Euroopasta.
Sellaiset tekijänimet kuin Hugo Pratt, André Franquin, Greg ja Attilio Micheluzzi takaavat tämän kirjan laadun.
Mukana on myös ikivihreitä klassikoita kuten Felix-kissa, Betty Boop, Buck Ryan ja Pikku Anni.
Ja Ranskan suosituin huumorisarja Achille Talon ja myös Lokarit ja Valtti ovat mukana.
Kaikki tässä kirjassa olevat seikkailut ovat kokonaisina mukana.
Toimittanut Markku Jalava.
Kuusi näytettä huippusarjakuvista Euroopasta.
Mukana on kokonainen albumi maailman huipulta: Jeremiah. Tutustumme myös Hugo Prattin esikoistyöhön Pataässään. Ranskasta mukana on Varakreivi-seikkailu, pohjoismaista Jan Lööfin Felix ja Veikko Joonas Savolaisen Jonni.
Kaikki tämän kirjan seikkailut ovat kokonaisia.
Toimittanut Markku Jalava.
A Very British Affair – The Best of Classic Romance Comics (K)
Kansissa kulumaa ja pari pientä lommoa.
Rebellion is proud to present the finest romance comics in British history in one spectacular volume!
Curated by Eisner-nominated historian and artist David Roach, A Very British Affair charts the stratospheric rise of romance comics in postwar Britain with a selection of the greatest romance comics ever printed in the UK.
Featuring an eclectic mix of artists from Spain, Italy, and the UK, this collection unearths the sensual art and emotional writing which delighted generations of comics readers.
Featuring over 50 comics stories – many of which have never been reprinted before – this lavish book is a stunning tribute to the often uncredited creators who crafted an industry of love.
Roach shines a spotlight on the Spanish and Italian artists who dominated romance, as well as the genre’s forgotten female contributors, like Jenny Butterworth, Pat Tourett and Diane Gabbott.
Featuring art by comics icons like Shirley Bellwood (Misty), Jordi Badía Romero (Creepy) and Enrique Badía Romero (AXA), Mike Hubbard (Jane), Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd), John M. Burns (Modesty Blaise), Purita Campos (Patty’s World), Jesus Blaco (Steel Claw), Pepe Gonzalez (Vampirella) Jesus Redondo (Kitty Pryde) and Blas Gallego (Black Beth).
Kel Symons & Mathew Reynolds: The Mercenary Sea 1 (K)
Action and adventure set in 1938!
The South Seas. Japan has invaded China. War in Europe is imminent.
Ex-bootlegger Jack Harper captains the Venture, a refitted German U-Boat, with a crew of expats, mercenaries, and treasure hunters.
They do whatever it takes to stay afloat, often running up against pirates, headhunters, and spies.
Jack is always one step away from the greatest score of their lives: finding the legendary lost island of Koji Ra.
This trade paperback collects issues #1-6 of the critically acclaimed series, as Jack and the crew of the submarine Venture take a job offered by a shady American operative: rescue a British agent trapped behind enemy lines who has valuable information about the Japanese war effort.
Noe & Barreiro: The Convent of Hell (K)
Kansissa hieman jälkiä.
A convent in Spain.
Nuns going about their routine in the name of God.
But all is not quite as it seems. There are cracks on the surface. Some nuns seem to harbor secret lusts for each other.
Then there’s an accident in the cellar revealing a very old condemned door found on no plan.
One of the less holy nuns has a satanic nightmare about it. She decides to find out.
What she unleashes is an unholy bedlam of depravity and lust!
Beautifully painted and full of very raw sexual energy!
J. H. Haupeur: Hot Nights In Rangoon (K)
It’s an all you can eat erotic buffet in this spicy story of intrigue set amidst Asian brothels filled with sirens and gangsters.
Eric Maltaite: The 1001 Nights of Scheherazade (K)
The sexy classic fantastic tale brought to comics life without a single cut!
The raunchiest nights have been chosen for your enjoyment, o, reader, by the agile hand of the one who did the Robinson Crusoe ribaldization.
Except you will note how his art has gotten even more remarkably beautiful and sensuous.
The heroine, condemned to death, is able to save her life every night by telling a spicy tale to the pasha.
And lusciously spicy they are!