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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet 33/2022


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Käytetyt sarjakuvat


Otto Rummukainen: Jossu – Suomen Sweetheart

Jossu tykkää laittaa huulipunaa viedessään roskia sekä haaveilee urasta kemistinä, että ymmärtäisi paremmin omaa aivokemiaansa.




Mari Luoma: Romeo & Hirviöt – Salaisten kasvojen käytävä

Kotimainen nuorten sarjakuva, kauhusarja Romeo & Hirviöt saa kaivattua jatkoa, jossa Addisonin sukukartanon erikoiseen kouluun ilmestyy taas uusi oppilas.

Romeo ja Jillian yllättyvät, kun Addisonien kartanon ovelle saapuu Lina-niminen tyttö, joka ilmoittaa hänkin olevansa puhdasverinen Addison.

Mutta onko hänellä varmasti puhtaita jauhoja pussissaan ja pärjääkö hänkään Jean-Julienin aavemaisilla ranskantunneilla?

Kun kartanon saloja tutkinut Jillian johdattaa Romeon Salaisten kasvojen käytävään, isoisoisoisosetä Augustus Albertin ja koko kummituskartanon karmiva menneisyys alkaa pikkuhiljaa paljastua…

Ikäsuositus: 9+

Gianluigi Bonelli & Giovanni Ticci: Tex Willer Kirjasto 65 – Gila River

Tarinassa Luvattu maa Tex ja kumppanit opastavat kveekarikaravaania matkalla Utahista Kaliforniaan.

Sankareidemme täytyy kuitenkin kohdata kopla, jota johtaa luihu liikemies Goldfield. Tämä on petkuttanut siirtolaisia jo ennen lähtöä jättäen heidät sitten cheyennekätyriensä käsiin. Lopulta kveekarit pääsevät ilman vahinkoja Kaliforniaan.

Gila River -tarinassa Tex joutuu selvittämään hälyä herättänyttä karjavarkaustapausta. Ryöstön uhri on karjankasvattaja Louis Cardigan ja pääsyytetty hänen poikansa Randy.

Värillisessä Kirjasto-sarjassa julkaistaan kaikki Tex Willer -tarinat kronologisessa järjestyksessä.

Lise Myhre: Nemi 45 – Piru irti?

Nemin sisällä saattaa ajoittain myllertää jopa enemmän kuin hektisessä ja epävakaassa maailmassa hänen ympärillään.

Hänellä on ainutlaatuinen kyky kehittää useimmille muille yhdentekevistä asioista elämää suurempia spektaakkeleja.

Se, joka erehtyy olemaan tietyistä Nemille tärkeistä asioista eri mieltä hänen kanssaan, saa yleensä kuulla sen niin, ettei mikään taatusti jää epäselväksi.

Hergé: Lehtimies Tintti seikkailee – Tintti Neuvostojen maassa

Näköislaitos kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisestä Tintti-seikkailusta.

Tintti Neuvostojen maassa täydentää mustavalkoisten faksimile-klassikkoalbumien sarjan.
Tarina kertoo huimapäisen Tintin matkasta Neuvostoliittoon, jossa hän laatii reportaasia kommunismin ihmeistä. Hän vierailee Moskovassa, eksyy lakeuksille ja on vähällä päätyä karhun kitaan.

Nuori Hergé piirsi tarinan Tintin itäisistä seikkailuista ollessaan vasta 22-vuotias, ja tämä on ainut sarjan alkupään albumi, jota hän ei koskaan piirtänyt uudestaan.
Tintti Neuvostojen maassa sisältää kuitenkin jo monia aineksia, jotka tulivat nostamaan Tintin maailman suosituimpien sarjakuvien joukkoon.

Ehdoton lisä Tintti-fanien kokoelmiin.

Roger Leloup: Yoko Tsuno – Saalis ja varjo

Yokon ja Polin ajomatka Skotlannin upeissa syysmaisemissa keskeytyy, kun he ovat vähällä ajaa sekavan nuoren naisen ylitse.

Cecilia-nimisen naisen isä kutsuu Yokon ja Polin yöpymään linnaansa, joka tuntuu olevan yliluonnollisten tapahtumien keskipisteessä.

Kummitteleeko Cecilian kuollut äiti tienoolla? Mitä ovat mystiset silhuetit, jotka ilmaantuvat selittämättömästi alueen rakennusten seiniin?

Yoko päättää selvittää totuuden ja auttaa onnetonta Ceciliaa.

Saalis ja varjo julkaistaan nyt ensi kertaa suomeksi, ja albumi edustaa Yokon kultakauden seikkailuja.

Giovanni Di Gregorio & Alessandro Barbucci: Sisarukset Grémillet 2 – Cassiopéen ihastus

Kesäloma on viimein koittanut!

Joka vuosi Sarah, Cassiopée ja Lucille matkustavat kesäksi isoäitinsä luo pieneen maalaiskylään. Kylässä heitä odottavat jo tutut kaverit, leppoisa tunnelma – sekä kummitus!
Levoton henki vaeltaa järvenrannan vanhassa rauniokirkossa. Mistä se on tullut? Mikä on sen salaisuus? Ja miksi se soittaa öisin kirkonkelloja? Asiaa ryhtyy selvittämään kolmen sisaren kerho!

Mysteerin ratkaisemiseksi tytöt joutuvat palaamaan ajassa taaksepäin, ritarien ja linnanneitojen aikakauteen.
Arvoitukseen liittyvät vehnäpellot, postittamattomat kirjeet ja sydänsurut.

Morris: Lucky Luke 2 – Suuri rodeo

Morrisin eli Maurice De Beveren luoma varjoaan nopeampi lännensankari Lucky Luke on ratsastanut yksin kohti auringonlaskua jo vuosikymmeniä.

Sarjan toinen albumi Suuri rodeo vie lukijansa seuraamaan Luken seikkailujen ensimmäisiä askelia.

Tämän albumin kolme tarinaa ovat ilmestyneet vuosina 1948–1940 ja ne ovat takuuvarmaa lännenhuumorin ilotulitusta.

Morrisin western-parodiassa näkyy tekijän syvä rakkaus Villin lännen historiaan ja lännenviihteeseen, joten ovelia viittauksia alan klassikoihin riittää.



Yoshihiro Takahashi: Noah 9

Osa 9/11+

Ōun nelijalkaisten sankareiden elämästä kertova tarinakokonaisuus astuu nyt uuteen vaiheeseen.

Hirviömäinen Monsoon-karhu kätyreineen on voitettu, mutta elämä Pohjois-Japanin vuorilla on yhä täynnä haasteita.

Noah jatkaa sarjojen Hopeanuoli, Weed, Orion ja Last Wars tassunjäljissä!

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu

Kanehito Yamada & Tsukasa Abe: Frieren – Beyond Journey’s End 1

The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about.

Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land.
But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her?

Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure…

Junji Ito: The Liminal Zone

Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito presents brand-new nightmares!

What destiny awaits them after the screaming?

After abruptly departing from a train in a small town, a couple encounters a “weeping woman”–a professional mourner–sobbing inconsolably at a funeral. Mako changes afterward–she can’t stop crying!

In another tale, having decided to die together, a couple enters Aokigahara, the infamous suicide forest. What is the shocking otherworldly torrent that they discover there?

One of horror’s greatest talents, Junji Ito beckons readers to join him in an experience of ultimate terror with four transcendently terrifying tales.

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 17

To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!

In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about.

Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!

Hunted down by Okkotsu and on the brink of death, Itadori recalls a troubling family scene from his past.

But why is the former form of Noritoshi Kamo there? As the sorcerers begin to take action toward suppressing the lethal culling game, Maki pays the Zen’in clan a visit….

Shigeru Mizuki: Kitaro’s Yokai Battles

The spooky yokai boy Kitaro is back for his sixth book, and this time he has a pile of monsters to beat

Featuring seven stories by Japan’s beloved monster master Shigeru Mizuki, Kitaro’s Yokai Battles features some of Kitaro’s strangest foes yet–including his good pal Nezumi Otoko, who decides that he should be the star of the comic.

With friends like these . . . who needs enemies?

But enemies seem to be all Kitaro has.

He faces off against villains like the yokai Hoko–who has an evil scheme to corner the market on pickled daikon radish–and the Amifuri Tengu, who always brings the rain.
Things get hairy in “The Great Hair Battle,” when Medama Oyaji’s friend Kemedama begs for Kitaro’s help against an attack of giant wigs.
The massive mud monster Dorotabo gets down and dirty with Kitaro, and the red-tongued Akashita swoops down from above.

And these are just a few yokai from the hilarious cast of characters in Kitaro’s Yokai Battles.

The stories in this volume are collected from the late-1960s golden age of Gegege no Kitaro, and appear here in English for the first time in a kid-friendly edition, uncut and unedited, with translations by the Mizuki scholar Zack Davisson.
In addition, there are bonus features like “Yokai Files,” which introduce the folklore of Japanese monsters, and the sixth installment of the “History of Kitaro” essay by the series translator Davisson. Kitaro’s Yokai Battles is the perfect blend of humor and horror.

Kentaro Miura: Berserk Deluxe 11

The GOAT adult horror manga continues in deluxe oversized hardcover editions.

Guts the Black Swordsman and company prepare to leave the port of Vritannis, only to have their way blocked by an army of abominations led by a powerful Kushan sorcerer.

Even Guts’ accursed Berserker armor may not be enough to stem the bestial tide . . . especially when faced by the leviathan astral form of the malefic Kushan Emperor!

Collects Berserk Vols. 31-33, including three fold-out color posters.

Stan Sakai: Usagi Yojimbo Origins 3 – The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy

Presenting one of Usagi’s greatest story arcs in an all-new full-color edition for the first time, giving new readers the perfect opportunity to explore the groundbreaking series, while offering long-time fans a new reading experience.

Dragon Bellow Conspiracy stands out among the early issues as the first novel-length storyline, combining all of the characters that had previously appeared separately into one epic tale!

A sinister plot to overthrow the Shogun percolates and one of Usagi’s friends is captured! The ensuing machinations will draw in not only Usagi, but also bounty hunter Gen and the blind swordspig, Zato-Ino!

Beginning with these early issues find out why this series has won 10 Eisner Awards, two Harvey Awards, an American Library Association Award and has been called by Stan Lee, one of the most original, innovative, well-executed comic books anywhere to be found.

Dragon Bellow Conspiracy collects the six-issue story from Usagi Yojimbo Vol. One, issues #13-18, originally published in black and white by Fantagraphics from December 1988 to October 1989.

Stan Sakai: The Usagi Yojimbo Saga 4

New challenges await the rabbit ronin in the fourth volume of this enduring saga, featuring new original cover art by Stan Sakai!

Miyamoto Usagi’s past returns as he fights alongside his former teacher and struggles with the knowledge that his traveling companion Jotaro is his son!

The Neko ninja and fan-favorite character Sasuké the Demon Queller reappear, and a manga classic is paid tribute in Lone Goat and Kid!

Collects Usagi Yojimbo Volume Three #53-#75, a color cover gallery, and the color short story “A Lesson in Courtesy.”



Kimmo Lust: Silmukka (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Silmukka kertoo kasvamisesta päihdeongelmaisen yksinhuoltajan ainoana lapsena ilman yhtäkään turvallista aikuista.

Se kuvittaa nuoruuden tunnemyrskyt ja menetetyn lapsuuden seuraukset.

Teos avaa lapsen ja nuoren näkökulman 1990-luvun laman jälkeiseen aikaan ja tuo kuuluville niitä pieniä ääniä, jotka hautautuvat helposti suuremmilta näyttävien yhteiskunnallisten ongelmien alle.
Päähenenkilö Nipsun vaiheet perustuvat tekijän kokemuksiin pienellä varsinaissuomalaisella paikkakunnalla.

Kimmo Lust (s. 1986) asuu Järvenpäässä perheensä ja kissojensa kanssa.
Hän on eläkkeellä, mutta työskentelee jaksamisensa mukaan sarjakuvien ja kuvitusten parissa.

Leena Virtanen & Aino Sutinen: Sörnäisten tyttö (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Sylvi-Kyllikki Sinervo (1899-1987) alkoi pitää päiväkirjaa huhtikuussa 1915.

16-vuotiaan tytön perhe asui ahtaasti Helsingin Vallilassa.

Esikoisena hän sai käydä oppikoulua, toisin kuin sisaruksensa.
Sittemmin Sylvi-Kyllikki (avioiduttuaan Kilpi) teki pitkän uran toimittajana, kansanedustajana ja järjestöaktiivina vasemmistolaisen politiikan ytimessä.

Uran hiipuessa hän päätti julkaista teinivuosiensa päiväkirjan nimellä Sörnäisten tyttö.
Kirja tallentaa työläistytön arkea, tunteita ja pelkoja.
Pääkaupunki oli tuolloin suuressa myllerryksessä, joka kärjistyi keväällä 1918 sisällissotaan.

Kirjan sivuilla nälkä ja väkivallan uhka vuorottelevat rakkaushuolien ja koulupaineiden kanssa.

Teoksen käsikirjoittanut Leena Virtanen on vapaa toimittaja ja tietokirjailija.
Piirtäjä Aino Sutinen on sarjakuvantekijä, livekuvittaja ja Sarjainfon päätoimittaja.
Molemmat tekijät ovat helsinkiläisiä.

Aino Louhi: Tähtienvälinen avaruus (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


“Luulin pitkään, että tämä on tarina meistä. Tai sinusta. Mutta tämä onkin tarina minusta. Ja se jatkuu vasta vuosia, vuosia myöhemmin.”

Nainen keräilee elämänsä palasia eron jälkeisessä maailmankaikkeudessa. Mitä hän haluaa, kun hän ei halua mitään?

Aino Louhi (s. 1981) on tamperelainen kuvataiteilija, joka työskentelee sarjakuvan, kuvituksen ja maalaustaiteen parissa.

Tähtienvälinen avaruus on hänen toinen fiktiivinen sarjakuvaromaaninsa.
Esikoisteos Mielikuvitustyttö ilmestyi 2019.

Petteri Kantola: Viha! (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Viha! kertoo vihasta, sen synnystä ja seurauksista.

Sarjakuvan tapahtumat sijoittuvat 2040-luvun Suomeen.
Nuori päähenkilö Rosa kohtaa Helsingin kaduilla väkivaltaisen ja rasistisen todellisuuden, jossa vallitsee vahvimman oikeus.

Terroriteot ovat vakiintuneet osaksi arkipäivää. Maata johtaa kovaotteinen sotilasjuntta, mutta Venäjän tukema fasistinen Fennian järjestys pitää yhä otteessaan Kallion kaupunginosaa.

Petteri Kantola (s. 1968) on helsinkiläinen taidekonservaattori, joka hurahti aikuisella iällä sarjakuvien tekemiseen. Viha! on hänen kolmas sarjakuvakirjansa. Aiemmin ovat ilmestyneet Ajan kanssa – Kesäni Marcel Proustin seurassa (2016) ja Hämärän prinssi (2018).

Tommi Musturi: Future #9 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


FUTURE-sarjan toiseksi viimeinen osa esittelee “Näyttelyn” tekijöinään boheemi joukkio aiemmista lehdistä tuttuja lainsuojattomiksi julistettuja taiteilijoita.

Julkaisu sisältää mm. kamalan painajaisen, taikurin tekemän viimeisen päätöksen, illan Centrassa sekä hymyilevän tulevaisuuden.

Tulevaisuus lähestyy loppuaan, vai lähestyykö?


Tessa Astre & Aapo Kukko & Niko-Petteri Niva: Uhma on Jumalasta (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


”Ydinkysymykseni tähtiyönä: olenkohan oikealla planeetalla?”

Kuvataiteilija Vilho Lampi (1898–1936) tunnetaan lakeuden maalarina.

Lyhyen mutta väkevän elämänsä aikana Lampi ehti kokea kotimaansa murrosvaiheet ja nähdä maailmaa aina Limingasta Louvreen. Lampea kiinnostivat ensisijaisesti kauneus ja uhma. Ilman niitä luovuus ei olisi minkään arvoista.

Uhma on Jumalasta on Tessa Astreen, Aapo Kukon ja Niko-Petteri Nivan toinen yhteistyönä toteuttama sarjakuvaromaani.



Carl Barks: Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge – The Golden Nugget Boat

Uncle Scrooge laughed when the mysterious woman offered him one dollar for one of his dimes.

But she might just have the last laugh because the dime he accidentally sold her was his lucky Number One Dime — the first dime he ever earned! — and now she’s about to melt it down for one of her strange spells!

Then Uncle Scrooge gets wind of a big gold-prospecting contest in Alaska, and he ropes Donald and the boys into helping him prove he’s just as good a prospector now as he was back when he made his fortune. But the infuriatingly lucky Gladstone Gander decides he’s going to enter the contest, too — and Gladstone never loses!

And when a mysterious new planet suddenly appears in the sky on a collision course with Earth, Scrooge, Donald, and the boys are whisked there — only to discover it’s filled with gold and inhabited by the ancient Norse gods!

But to prevent the imminent collision, Scrooge must find a way to turn all that gold into iron — or both planets will be destroyed!

Plus: the oddball inventions of the ever-eccentric Gyro Gearloose!

Carl Barks delivers another wildly imaginative collection of outrageous adventures, laugh-out-loud comedy, and all-around comic book brilliance. Each page is meticulously restored and newly colored, with insightful story notes by an international panel of Barks experts.

Noah Van Sciver: As a Cartoonist

A series of comic strips joined together by the theme of the author’s chosen profession ― cartooning ― reveals a funny and often poignant reflection on the human condition and the lives we choose to live.

Acclaimed cartoonist Noah Van Sciver puts to use all the creative arrows in his quiver in this captivating collection of fiction, biography, memoir, and more.

Van Sciver juxtaposes fictional stories about what life as a “19th Century Cartoonist” might have looked like with a series of autobiographical strips about life as a contemporary cartoonist, along with pieces about his father and childhood that inform the path in life he has chosen.

The resultant effect is a routinely funny (Van Sciver never takes himself too seriously unless it is intended for comedic effect) but also deeply relatable book that touches on some of life’s big questions, whether about the ways we measure happiness or success, the ways we often define ourselves by our careers, or ways we can sometimes lose sight of the most important things.

Van Sciver displays a love of the history and form of cartooning that recalls Art Spiegelman, a Lynda Barryesque thirst to unpack ideas of what creativity really means, and a Harvey Pekar-like way of just trying to stay alive in the face of despair.

Paco Roca: The House

The graphic novel The House is at once deeply personal (dedicated to Roca’s own deceased father) and entirely universal.

Three adult siblings return to their family’s vacation home a year after their father’s death.

They each bring their respective wives, husbands, and children with the intention to clean up the residence and put it on the market.

But, as garbage is hauled off and dust is wiped away, decades-old resentments quickly fill the vacant home.

Roca asks what happens to brothers and sisters when the only person holding the family together is now gone.

Valentina Grande & Sergio Varbella: Bauhaus

The main character of this extraordinary graphic novel is not a person but an idea–the school of Bauhaus, which arose in the wake of World War I, and emerged as the fundamental reference point for virtually every avant-garde artistic movement that followed.

Visually arresting illustrations and engaging texts place the novel’s protagonist squarely in the middle of the twentieth-century debate on the relationship between technology and culture.

The novel is divided into three chapters that trace the evolution of the Bauhaus, as its center moved across Germany–from Weimar to Dessau to Berlin–and as its philosophy responded to this economically, politically and intellectually highly charged era in Europe.

Sergio Varbella’s inventive drawings bring to life the theories of founder Walter Gropius, as well as the basic design ideals of unity and equity.

Valentina Grande’s thoughtful texts highlight crucial moments within the movement’s history and in the lives of principal figures such as Klee, Kandinsky, Albers, and Mies van der Rohe.

The perfect introduction to a radical but highly influential chapter in the history of design, this novel shows how the Bauhaus school broke down barriers and built up ideals that are still applied today.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman Book Two

Neil Gaiman’s award-winning masterpiece The Sandman is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time.

The series is a rich blend of modern and ancient mythology in which contemporary fiction, historical drama, and legend are seamlessly interwoven.

The Sandman Book Two collects issues #21-37 of the original run of The Sandman.

This volume also features the Sandman Special: The Song of Orpheus #1 and short stories from Vertigo: Winter’s Edge #1-3 that further chronicle the enchanting world of Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, and his kin, the Endless.

Emma Vieceli & Claudia Leonardi: Life Is Strange 6 – Settling Dust

The heart-wrenching conclusion to Max and Chloe’s story from the best-selling Life is Strange comic series.

In the face of an unimaginable threat, can Max use her power to save everyone she loves – and return home?

Following on from the BAFTA award-winning videogame Life is Strange, Max Caulfield believes that she has finally found a way to cross the timelines and return to the woman she loves, Chloe Price.

In doing so, she will have to leave behind the life she has built with a new Chloe, in a world where Rachel Amber never died.

But Max is not alone, as friends and allies old and new – including Tristan, the band the High Seas, and fan-favorite ‘queen of the nerds’, Steph Gingrich – rally to help her in her hour of need!

Life is Strange: Settling Dust collects Life is Strange: Settling Dust #1-4. It also collects the comic book debut of Alex Chen from Life is Strange: True Colors, as serialised in Life is Strange: Coming Home #1-2 and Life is Strange FCBD 2021.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman Book Three

This volume picks up where the last left off in Morpheus’ ongoing saga as he travels through the dreaming.

This book collects The Sandman #38-56 as well as tales from Vertigo Preview #1.

Lose yourself in Gaiman’s fantastic worlds and continue the fantasy with The Sandman Book 3.


Brian Buccellato & Hayden Sherman: Chicken Devil

Mitchell Moss is about as regular as it gets.

He’s married with two children, and co-owns a successful chain of Memphis Hot Chicken restaurants.

It’s not the life that screams hero/vigilante…until he discovers that his business partner is in bed with the mob and owes them $2 million.

Unfortunately, Mitch is ill-equipped to be a badass-he’s just a guy who makes really good chicken. Can he protect his family from cold-blooded gangsters? Absolutely not.

But maybe the CHICKEN DEVIL can…

Writer Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics, The Flash, Witchblade) and artist Hayden Sherman (COLD WAR, MARY SHELLEY MONSTER HUNTER) serve up a darkly comedic crime drama that’s juicy, tender and finger-lickin’ hilarious.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman Book Four

This volume picks up where the last left off in the story of the Kindly Ones–a conflagration of nightmarish proportions that will affect the future of the Endless and the fate of the Dreaming forever!

Friends, foes and unexpected betrayers return throughout this incredible collection!

The Sandman Book Four collects The Sandman #57-75; stories from Vertigo Jam #1; Dust Covers: The Collected Sandman Covers.

Ben Towle: Four-Fisted Tales – Animals in Combat

In virtually every military conflict in recorded history animals have fought–and often died–alongside their human counterparts.

While countless stories of the men and women who’ve served in the trenches, jungles, and deserts of the world’s battlefields have been told, Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat shares the stories of the animals who fought alongside them.

From Hannibal’s elephants in ancient Rome to mine-sniffing rats in Vietnam and everything in between, Four-Fisted Tales highlights the real-life contributions of these underappreciated animal warriors.

Whether in active combat or simply as companions, these animals served and made their mark on history.

Steven Philip Jones & Wayne Reid: H.P. Lovecraft – Arthur Jermyn

The Jermyns have lived in their gothic estate in Cambridgeshire for centuries.

Explorers and adventurers, they are a wild and violent bunch with a cursed, vile history. Until the birth of Arthur Jermyn.

Arthur seems to possess a calmer, more intellectual side.

These two halves seem to war for possession of Arthur’s soul as he researches his family’s past, hoping to find an origin for its wicked ways.

He soon discovers the source for which even he could never have imagined.

Frank Miller: Sin City 5 – Family Values

The girls of Old Town are cashing in old debts in this tale from the acclaimed crime noir series, presented at original size, including a new pinup gallery, and featuring new wrap-around cover art by Frank Miller.

Dwight McCarthy owes Gail and the girls of Old Town more than he can ever pay back, and they’re putting him to the test.

Two warring mobs–too dumb to know better and too vile even if they did–have spilled innocent blood that violates the girls’ own laws.
Now it’s Dwight’s job to help set things right.

With deadly Miho at his side, Dwight is ready to teach a lesson to the mob about real family values.

The fourth editions of Frank Miller’s hit graphic novel series continue with Volume 5 Family Values.
This edition includes a seven-page pinup gallery created for the 2022 publication, featuring Jöelle Jones, Tanino Liberatore, Tula Lotay, Milo Manara, Bill Sienkiewicz, and Jock.

Also featured in the collection is a six-page gallery with covers and pinup art from previous editions of Volume 5, new to this edition.

Devoted fans and new readers can again experience the groundbreaking and unparalleled noir masterpiece that has engrossed readers for over three decades!

Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner: Stray Dogs – Dog Days

The follow-up to 2021’s surprise cartoon/horror smash hit, STRAY DOGS!

In DOG DAYS, each of the Strays gets their moment to shine with a series of vicious short stories.

Questions are answered, mysteries solved and old wounds get torn open.
This genre bending thrill ride takes the reader from the first dog he captured to the final moments at the Master’s house of horrors.

STRAY DOGS: DOG DAYS is a heartbreakingly adorable horror anthology by My Little Pony comic artists TONY FLEECS and TRISH FORSTNER.

In this collection… Every dog has its day.


Cullen Bunn & Sami Kivelä: Heathens – Hunters of the Damned

When evil men and women escape from the depths of the eternal abyss, the Pirate Queen Lady Shih is sent to retrieve them.

But when one of history’s most notorious killers breaks free, even she needs help.
Enter the Heathens: Shih, Lucky Luciano, Bumpy Johnson, Sofia the Golden Hand, and Billy the Kid.

From Hell they came to mete out a justice as dark as their own tormented souls.

From the wonderfully wretched imaginations of AfterShock horror-alum Cullen Bunn (EDEN, PIECEMEAL, DARK ARK) and Heath Amodio (SuperCLEAN), and illustrated by superstar Sami Kivelä (UNDONE BY BLOOD), in THE HEATHENS, evil meets its match – five of them, to be exact.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman – The Deluxe Edition Book Two

One of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time, Neil Gaiman’s awardwinning masterpiece The Sandman set the standard for mature, lyrical fantasy in the modern comics era.

Illustrated by an exemplary selection of the medium’s most gifted artists, the series is a rich blend of modern and ancient mythology in which contemporary fiction, historical drama, and legend are seamlessly interwoven.

The Sandman: The Deluxe Edition Book Two collects issues #17-31 of the original run of The Sandman, which includes the World Fantasy Award-winning “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and tales from the Angoulême International Comics Festival best script award-winning graphic novel “Season of Mists.”

This volume also features the Sandman Special #1 and short stories from Vertigo: Winter’s Edge #1-3 that further chronicle the enchanting world of Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, and his kin, the Endless.

Tom King & Bilquis Evely: Supergirl – Woman of Tomorrow

It’s Supergirl like you’ve never seen her before, in a character-defining sci-fi/fantasy masterpiece from Mister Miracle writer Tom King and Wonder Woman artist Bilquis Evely!

Kara Zor-El has seen some epic adventures over the years, but she now finds her life without meaning or purpose.

Here she is, a young woman who saw her planet destroyed and was sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who ended up not needing her.
What was it all for? Wherever she goes, people only see her through the lens of Superman’s fame.

Just when Supergirl thinks she’s had enough, everything changes.

An alien girl seeks her out for a vicious mission. Her world has been destroyed, and the bad guys responsible are still out there.

She wants revenge, and if Supergirl doesn’t help her, she’ll do it herself, whatever the cost.

Now a Kryptonian, a dog, and an angry, heartbroken child head out into space on a journey that will shake them to their very core.

This volume collects Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1-8.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman – The Deluxe Edition Book Three

This volume picks up where the last left off in Morpheus’ ongoing saga as he travels through the dreaming.

From the Game of You stories where cracks are forming between the world of the waking and the dreaming, to Brief Lives where we follow the youngest of the Endless – Delirium – in her quest to find their long lost brother, Destruction.

Lose yourself in Gaiman’s fantastic worlds and continue the fantasy here, with the Sandman Deluxe Edition Book 3.

Collects The Sandman issues #32-50, the equivalent of the paperback edition books #5-7.

James Tynion IV: Batman – Secret Files

Dive into the depths of Gotham’s underbelly with Batman: Secret Files!

Collecting tales from all over Gotham…Huntress, the Gardener, Peacekeeper…even the history of Miracle Molly! It’s all here!

Discover a story so secret even Miracle Molly doesn’t remember it!
Discover what led a regular Gothamite to reject their past, name, and humanity to embrace the promise of a blank slate-the promise of the Unsanity Collective!

Then turn your head over to Gotham’s Violet Vengeance.
After having her brain invaded by a violent parasite bent on sending her on a deadly slugfest bender.

Not fun, amiright? Well, Helena Bertinelli is no one to mess with-and when the villainous Vile’s parasite gives her the ability to see through the eyes of his victims?

You best believe she’s gonna track him down and pop an arrow in that slimeball.
Look out, Batman, Huntress is on the prowl…

And that’s just where we begin. Find your favorite secret tales collected!

Collects Batman Secret Files: The Signal #1; Batman Secret Files: Huntress #1; Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter #1; Batman Secret Files: The Gardener #1; Batman Secret Files: Peacekeeper #1; Batman Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman – The Deluxe Edition Book Four

The Sandman: The Deluxe Edition Book Four collects issues #51-69 of the original run of The Sandman, which includes the zero-hour tale World’s End–at the World’s End Tavern, two travelers tell stories like A Tale of Two Cities.

This volume also features Vertigo Jam #1, where the beauty and wonder of Dream’s Castle is able to be experienced.


Ron Marz & Marco Castiello: Almost American

Spies…like us?

In 2008, husband-and-wife Russian intelligence operatives walked into the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic in order to defect, making a deal to trade secrets for new lives.

But instead of the American Dream, Janosh and Victorya Neumann found themselves caught up in red tape, bureaucracy and turf wars between the FBI and CIA – all while their past tries to kill them.

Based on the real-life story of real-life spies, ALMOST AMERICAN is written by comics master Ron Marz in close consultation with the Neumanns, with art by rising star Marco Castiello.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman – The Deluxe Edition Book Five

Get lost in the mystical art and stories of the Sandman.

Both from the original collection of tales and from the adapted prose mini-series!

The Sandman: The Deluxe Edition Book Five is a collection unlike anything else.
Containing the story that forever changed the face of the Dreaming–a wake in which all mourn their loss.
And a humble young monk and a magical, shape-changing fox who are romantically drawn together.

Find stories like these and more in this incredible deluxe edition containing The Sandman #70-75, The Sandman: The Dream Hunters #1-4, Sandman: Endless Nights {New Edition}, Sandman: Dream Hunters 30th Anniversary Edition (Prose Version), and Dust Covers: The Collected Sandman Covers.

James Stokoe: Orphan and the Five Beasts

A brand-new kung-fu epic from James Stokoe, the creator behind Orc Stain and Aliens: Dead Orbit!

Spurred on by her master’s dying words, the adopted warrior “Orphan Mo” seeks to find and kill five former disciples who now threaten the land with corruption from their demonic powers.

Part Five Deadly Venoms and part surreal grindhouse, James Stokoe brings his knack for ultra-detailed fantasy imagery and over-the-top violence to this classic tale of revenge.

This concludes the first arc of the epic kung-fu masterpiece to be continued in a brand-new miniseries soon!

Jeff Lemire & Malachi Ward: Black Hammer 6 – Reborn Part II

The Eisner Award-winning superhero saga returns in this ongoing series picking up twenty years later with artists Malachi Ward and Matthew Sheean.

A multidimensional nightmare unfolds and wreaks havoc on Spiral City as the powerful superhero known as the Black Hammer joins forces with the brutal vigilante known as the Skulldigger to put an end to this madness.

Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe; a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Malachi Ward and Matthew Sheean that juxtaposes an achingly human story of domestic life, marriage, parenthood, and destiny with a pulse-pounding superhero thriller that peels back new layers of mystery, and pulls the Black Hammer history into the present.

Collects Black Hammer: Reborn #5-8.

Jonathan Hickman: Avengers by Jonathan Hickman – The Complete Collection 5

Jonathan Hickman’s acclaimed run reaches its epic conclusion as time runs out for the Avengers — and the world!

For Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati, it’s all been building to this.

One by one, the realities of the multiverse have collided and been destroyed, leaving the Marvel Universe as one of the last dimensions standing.

Now, the saga jumps forward eight months — to the day of the Final Incursion!
After the revelation of the Illuminati’s desperate, world-shattering actions, the Avengers are fragmented.

While one group seeks out the Illuminati for a confrontation, another takes the fight to the vicious new Cabal!

But what has become of Tony Stark and Doctor Strange? Will all the battles they’ve endured — and the sacrifices they’ve made — prepare the Avengers for the inevitable end of everything?

COLLECTING: Avengers (2012) #35-44, New Avengers (2012) #24-33.

Robert Venditti & Wilfredo Torres: Superman ’78

In the late 1970s moviegoers were thrilled by the words “You’ll believe a man can fly!,” which introduced actor Christopher Reeve as the silver screen’s charming new Man of Steel.

These adventures are set in a world where superheroes are strange, thrilling, and romantic.

These stories, written by comics veteran Robert Venditti (Hawkman, Green Lantern, Justice League) with crisply drawn art by Wilfredo Torres, feature colorful villains like Brainiac and Lex Luthor, as well as the heroism of Superman and the determined grit of reporter Lois Lane.

Collects the first 12 chapters of the Superman ’78 digital comics series.

Razorblades Book One

The self-published terror sensation arrives in a deluxe hardcover collecting the first year!

Co-created by James Tynion IV (DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH, SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN) and Steve Foxe, RAZORBLADES: THE HORROR MAGAZINE features nearly 400 pages of horror from some of the most cutting-edge names in the genre.

From monsters in the closet to bodies stuffed into washing machines, RAZORBLADES redefines horror comics for the next era.

Also includes prose, illustrations, and in-depth interviews with horror icons like Scott Snyder.

Collects RAZORBLADES #1-5.

Mike Mignola: The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects 20th Anniversary Edition

This special hardcover edition of The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Eisner Award-winning collections’ original publication, and includes an additional 40 pages of new material by Mike Mignola!

Emperor Zombie is trying to take over the world once again!

The Amazing Screw-On Head has been enlisted by President Lincoln to stop the evil emperor, with the help of his faithful partner Mr. Groin and his trusty canine companion Mr. Dog.

Screw-On Head will have to brave ancient tombs and defeat demons from a dimension inside a turnip, just one of the strange and mischievous tales in this beloved collection.

Featuring colors by the great Dave Stewart.



Jukka Murtosaari: Kannen kuvitti…

Jukka Murtosaaren Kannen kuvitti… esittelee vanhojen kioskipokkarien ja lukemistolehtien kuvittajien töitä 1940-luvulta alkaen.

Uraauurtava teos on ensimmäinen suomen kielellä julkaistu tietokirja kioskipokkarien ja -lehtien kansikuvittajista, taiteesta joka on tuttua monelle, mutta jonka tekijöistä moni ei tiedä paljonkaan.

Esitellyiksi tulevat James Avatin, Frank Frazettan ja Paul Raderin kaltaiset klassikot, mutta myös Griffith Foxleyn ja Gordon C. Daviesin kaltaiset unohdetut nimet.
Mukana on myös eurooppalaisia kuvittajia, kuten Suomen oma Teuvo Koskinen. Lisäksi kirjassa on listauksia kuvittajien Suomessa julkaistuista töistä.

Kirjaa täydentävät Murtosaaren tekemät jutut eri pokkarisarjoista ja arvostelut kuvitusaiheisista hakuteoksista. Kannen kuvitti… on ohittamaton tietopaketti menneen maailman lukuviihteestä!

Teoksen ovat vuonna 2016 kuolleen Murtosaaren aiemmin julkaistuista jutuista toimittaneet Juri Nummelin ja Timo Ronkainen.
Jutut ovat ilmestyneet alun perin Pulp- ja Portti-lehdissä.

Tim Dedopulos: She-Hulk Goes to Murderworld


Embark on an adventure with She-Hulk to uncover a sinister plot from destroying the world where your choices – and chance – drive the story.

When She-Hulk decides to represent old foe Ruby Thursday, who swears she is being framed for murder, she must overcome her bias to prove Ruby’s innocence.

Her investigation leads her into a conspiracy involving tech companies wielding insurmountable powers… and yet who are all mysteriously dying like flies.
While trying to get Ruby out on bail, She-Hulk discovers a mysterious Expo being held in L.A., but a swarm of zany villains have been sent to slow her down.

But for She-Hulk, nothing will stand in the way of true justice – even if it means facing a villain who believes mazes and games should only end one way: in murder.

Back Issue! #136

Bronze Age Comics Strips!

Spider-Man, Friday Foster, DC’s World’s Greatest Superheroes starring Superman, Howard the Duck, Richie Rich, Star Hawks, Star Trek, Mike Grell’s Tarzan, and more!

Plus Charlton’s comic strip tie-ins and the Menomonee Falls Gazette.

Spotlighting the work of Gene Colan, Archie Goodwin, Gil Kane, Warren Kremer, Stan Lee, Jorge Longar n, John Romita, Roy Thomas, George Tuska, and more.

Comic strip montage cover featuring Spider-Man by Romita.
Edited by Michael Eury.

Shudder #2

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Alter Ego #176

The Shadow! Doc Savage! Red Dragon! Supersnipe!

The grandiloquent Golden Age comics of major pulp-magazine publisher Street & Smith, examined in loving detail by Mark Carlson-Ghost!

Tons of art by Bob Powell, Howard Nostrand, et al.!

Also: Anthony Tollin on “The Shadow/Batman Connection”!

Bonus features: FCA, Michael T. Gilbert, John Broome, Peter Normanton, and more!

Edited by Roy Thomas.

Vampiress Carmilla #9

Vampiress Carmilla #9 revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!





Devin Grayson & Phil Hester: Nightwing – Renegade (K)


An explosive new volume collecting Nightwing #112-117, the final story arc before One Year Later!

This tale continues the adventures of Dick Grayson’s double life in Blüdhaven, guest-starring Lex Luthor, Deathstroke and Oracle.


Tomoko Hayakawa: The Wallflower 1-10 (K)


It’s a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live in it for free!

There’s only one condition–that within three years the guys must transform the owner’s wallflower niece into a lady befitting the palace in which they all live!
How hard can it be?

Enter Sunako Nakahara, the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive.

This project is going to take more than our four heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle!

Maailman hauskin kuvasarjalehti (K)

KÄYTETTY. Kansissa hieman kulumaa.

Aku Ankka -lehdestä on 50 vuodessa tullut suomalainen käsite. 1950-luvun mainostekstien “maailman hauskin kuvasarjalehti” on 2000-luvulla Suomen hauskin sarjakuvalehti.

Tämä teos valottaa Aku Ankka -lehden historiaa ja maailmaa, jossa lehti on ilmestynyt.
Asiantuntijat pohtivat Aku Ankan suhdetta mm. rahaan, arkkitehtuuriin, kulttuuriin ja yhteiskuntaan. Lisäksi kirjassa on näyte kunkin vuosikymmenen keskeisen taiteilijan sarjakuvista.

Syyttä ei suomalaisen lehdistöhistorian suurmies Eljas Erkko kirjoittanut Walt Disneylle vuonna 1956: “Teidän luomanne sarjakuvahahmot ovat olleet suureksi siunaukseksi meidän maallemme.”

You Higuri: Cantarella 1-8 (K)


From his birth, Cesare Borgia is surrounded by shadows.

Damned by his own father, hated by his closest brother, separated from the sister who loves him, and drive by the demons of Hell itself, his quest for power threatens to set the world of Renaissance Italy ablaze — unless one innocent person can drive away the poisonous shadows ravaging him!


Carl Barks: Minä Aku Ankka (K)


Vuonna -72 julkaistu legendaarinen jättikirja. Sisältää Carl Barksin tarinat

Jäämaan aarre – Frozen Gold
Nelikulmaiset munat – Lost in the Andes
Zombi – Voodoo Hoodoo
Tiikerinsyöttinä – Maharajah Donald
Grönlannissa – Luck of the North
Etsii yksisarvista – Trail of the Unicorn
Toteemien maassa – Land of the Totem Poles
Joulupukkina – A Letter to Santa
Taikatiimalasi – The Magic Hourglass
Atomivakoilijat – Dangerous Disguise
Pelastaa Tyhjälän joulun – A Christmas for Shacktown
Ovela Roope-setä – Only a Poor Old Man
Kultainen kypärä – The Golden Helmet
Punainen postimerkki – The Gilded Man
Sunien seitsemän kaupunkia – The Seven Cities of Cibola
Kultainen talja – The Golden Fleecing

7. painos.

Sanami Matoh: Fake 1-7 (K)

Ensimmäisen kirjan takakansi taittunut ja viimeisessä kirjassa kannet väärinpäin.

Dee and Ryo, two New York City police detectives, solve crimes and track down criminals in the city while dealing with their growing feelings for one another.



Simpsonit – Naurupommi (K)


Kaikki Springfieldin rakastettavat ja vähemmän rakastettavat hahmot seikkailevat tässä ensimmäisessä Simpsonit-sarjakuvakirjassa!

– Lisa liittyy lastenvahtien ammattiyhdistykseen ja paljastaa salaliiton
– Homer varastaa Ned Flandersin uima-altaan ja aiheuttaa piiritystilanteen asuinalueellaan
– Lisa seikkailee luolastoissa ja Homer ottaa yhteen sekopäisten kalkkunoiden kanssa
– Isoisän tankki toisesta maailmansodasta on tuhota koko Springfieldin
– Homer ja muut Moen baarin kanta-asiakkaat perustavat kilpailevan juottolan
– Waylon Smithers paljastuu Ruotsin kuninkaalliseksi hallitsijaksi

…ja paljon muuta!

2. painos.

Mikko Ketola & Anssi Rauhala: Valkoisen meren timantit (K)


Uusi, kiehtova Anni Isotalo -albumi vie neuvokkaan sankarimme huimiin seikkailuihin itärajan taakse sekä takaumina talvi- ja jatkosodan maisemiin.

Samalla esiin nousee menneisyyden varjoja, jotka punoutuvat osaksi Annin ympräille kutoutuvaa yllätysten verkkoa.

Albumi on piirtäjä Anssi Rauhalan ja käsikirjoittaja Mikko Ketolan toinen yhteinen albumi.


Makoto Tateno: Yellow 1-4 (K)


Straight and macho Taki partners with feminine and gay Goh to form an expert team of bandits hired by the police to steal from the mafia.

Lately, Goh has been more interested in acquiring Taki’s feelings than the usual caches of arms and drugs.
Will Taki and Goh form a new kind of partnership?

Yaoi-manga. For mature audiences.


Shungiku Nakamura: Junjo Romantica 1-4 (K)


Misaki is struggling to pass his college entrance exams, and has taken up a tutor: the cool and sexy Akihiko Usami, who also happens to be a famous boys’ love novelist.

At first, Misaki is disgusted by Akihiko, but slowly, Misaki realizes he may be developing feelings for the older man.
And so begins the bumpy relationship of this odd couple, filled with comedy and pure romance…

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

Takako Shigematsu: Tenshi Ja Nai!! 1 – I’m No Angel! (K)


In the play of life, all Hikaru Takabayashi wanted was to be part of the scenery, but fate had other ideas.

When the 15-year-old introvert transfers to an all-girls academy, her new roommate turns out to be the super-popular TV idol Izumi Kido!

As if living with a celebrity wasn’t bad enough, Hikaru discovers that there’s more to Izumi than her “good girl” image—she’s a he!
Now Hikaru’s the unwilling star player in a madcap tale of deception, abduction, humiliation and blackmail…you know—the usual romantic stuff.

Yuu Watase: Absolute Boyfriend 1 (K)


Activate him with a kiss. Go all the way, and he’s yours forever.

Rejected way too many times by good-looking (and unattainable) guys, shy Riiko Izawa goes online and signs up for a free trial of a mysterious Nightly Lover “figure.” The very next day, a cute naked guy is delivered to her door, and he wants to be her boyfriend!

Has Riiko died and gone to heaven? The cute guy turns out to be sweet, smart, a great cook, and lots more. And he looks like a million bucks, which is what he’s going to cost Riiko if she doesn’t return him in time…

Bisco Hatori: Ouran High School Host Club 1 (K)


The uproarious comedy about a girl enlisted to work in a lavish host club!

In this screwball romantic comedy, Haruhi, a poor girl at a rich kids’ school, is forced to repay an $80,000 debt by working for the school’s swankiest, all-male club—as a boy! There, she discovers just how wealthy the six members are and how different the rich are from everybody else…

One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the “Host Club,” a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys.

To pay back the damages, she is forced to work for the club, and it’s there that she discovers just how wealthy the boys are and how different they are from everybody else..

Masara Minase: Lies & Kisses (K)


Can love overcome all?

One night stands rarely lead to the sweet romance that everyone dreams of, but for Haru and Tatsuya, maybe they’re the lucky ones.
Meeting by chance at the bar where Haru works part-time, Tatsuya is immediately attracted.

After their night together, Haru is thrilled that he can be with Tatsuya again. Even as the years passed, Haru always thought of Tatsuya – but what will happen when Tatsuya finds out about Haru’s true identity?

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

Makoto Tateno: Hero Heel 1 (K)


Presenting the latest work from the Makoto Tateno, author and illustrator of Yellow.

Minami is a young actor who has been cast as the main character of a super-hero TV program.

Although he takes the job half heartedly, thinking of it as a mere children’s show, he’s soon taken by the talent of his costar, Sawada.
One day, Minami stubles upon Sawada kissing a man!

Deeply confused, he’s unable to hide his growing attraction for him. A hero’s love is always filled with trials!

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

Shungiku Nakamura: Hybrid Child (K)


The Hybrid Child is an amazing android that can grow if it is lavished with enough love and care from its owner.

Neither fully machine nor fully human, the various Hybrid Child models develop strong emotional bonds with their owners.

This volume contains several short stories of love, sacrifice and drama: Young Kotaro learns the importance of responsibility when his Hybrid Child’s lifespan runs out.

The tragic swordsman Seya learns to love again with the help of his Hybrid child, Yuzu.

The final tale tells the story of Kuroda, the creator of the Hybrid Child designs, and how his lost love inspired their creation.

Yaoi-manga, for young adults.

Momoko Tenzen: Seven (K)


Nana has no memory of his childhood earlier than age 12 when a store owner took him in and gave him a name that meant “no-name” in Japanese.

Mitsuha is on a quest to find a missing childhood friend.
The two meet when Mitsuha ends up crashing at Nana’s place at the insistence of a mutual friend.

At first Nana loathes the very existence of Mitsuha. However, he gradually warms up to his sincerity and kindness and finds happiness in awakening beside him.

Yaoi-manga, for young adults.

Lemon Ichijo: Love Knot (K)


Tomoya rejected the confession from his classmate, Kazuki, stating height as the main reason.

Two years later, Kazuki became taller and came back once more.
However, the Kazuki that used to protect Tomoya in fights became gentle and kind.

Will Tomoya be able to face his own feelings now and accept Kazuki? Includes the individual stories of the twins, Yuu and Kaede, with their lovers, Shougo and Jin and two one-shots.

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

Hayate Kuku: Your Love Sickness (K)


The Shrine Inari is protected by two divine-being foxes ― Unka and Aura.

Unka, a red fox, is the serious one and born into a lower social class.

Aura, pure-bred white fox, is the reckless and irresponsible one.

Can opposites attract?

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

You Higuri & Spray: Gakuen Heaven (K)


Keita Itou–a boy with no special qualities other than superb luck–suddenly receives an acceptance letter from the prestegious all-boys Bell Liberty Academy.

There to welcome him are the two most powerful students on campus, the King and Queen of of BL Academy, Niwa and Saionji.

Keita works to discover the reasons behind his invitation to such a remarkable school, struggles to find his niche among such brilliant and beautiful young men, and attempts to win the school-wide contest that will grant him his greatest wish!

With all the obstacles in his way, including his own self-doubt, will Keita be able to win the competition–and the king’s heart?

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.

Kazusa Takashima: Man’s Best Friend – Inu Mo Arukeba (K)


When Ukyo rescues a stray dog and names it Kuro, he soon learns that he may have found a rare breed–his new dog can talk and magically transform into a hunky human!

With his dog now taking the form of a hot man and licking him in various places, what is Ukyo to do?!

Yaoi-manga, for mature audiences.



Milo Manara: Manara Erotic Tarot

Sex, Tarot, and Astrology meet in this sensual 78-card Tarot deck by well-known erotic comic artist Milo Manara.

The artist’s unique interpretations of the Major and Minor Arcana incorporate his usual playful, witty style.

The Majors retain most of the traditional names, with The Punishment replacing The Hanged Man and The Mirror replacing The Wheel of Fortune.

The Minor Arcana suits are named according to the element associated with each suit: fire, water, air, and earth.

This seductive deck cleverly blends eroticism, art, and divination. Contains explicit content.

The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.

Ronjatoukka: Onnea uuteen kotiin! -postikortti

Onnea uuteen kotiin -postikortti.




Ronjatoukka: Taianomaista syntymäpäivää (puna) -postikortti

Taianomaista syntymäpäivää -postikortti.




Ronjatoukka: Suurenmoista syntymäpäivää -postikortti

Suurenmoista syntymäpäivää -postikortti.




Ronjatoukka: Taianomaista syntymäpäivää (sini) -postikortti

Taianomaista syntymäpäivää -postikortti.




