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Käytetyt sarjakuvat
Héctor Germán Oesterheld & Francisco Solano López: Eternautti
Juan Salvon ja hänen ystäviensä korttipeli keskeytyy, kun tappava lumisade verhoaa Buenos Airesin vaippaansa. Aluksi he luulevat että sade johtuu ydinkokeista, mutta pian selviää, että tilanne on paljon pahempi.
Argentiinalainen El Eternauta on uraauurtava klassikkosarjakuva, joka ilmestyi alun perin jatkosarjana vuosina 1957–1959.
Héctor Germán Oesterheldin käsikirjoittama ja Francisco Solano Lópezin piirtämä tarina on kudelma sotaa, kauhua ja scifiä.
Sarjaa pidetään yhtenä Latinalaisen Amerikan merkittävimmistä sarjakuvista, ja sen päähenkilöstä on muodostunut vastarinnan symboli.
Eternautti on historian toinen joukkorahoituksella suomennettu sarjakuva.
Sen toteuttivat yhteistyössä KVAAK Kirja ja Zum Teufel Kustannus.
KVAAK Kirja koostuu suomalaisista sarjakuva-alan ammattilaisista ja aktiivisista harrastajista.
Leena Virtanen & Aino Sutinen: Sörnäisten tyttö
Sylvi-Kyllikki Sinervo (1899-1987) alkoi pitää päiväkirjaa huhtikuussa 1915.
16-vuotiaan tytön perhe asui ahtaasti Helsingin Vallilassa. Esikoisena hän sai käydä oppikoulua, toisin kuin sisaruksensa.
Sittemmin Sylvi-Kyllikki (avioiduttuaan Kilpi) teki pitkän uran toimittajana, kansanedustajana ja järjestöaktiivina vasemmistolaisen politiikan ytimessä.
Uran hiipuessa hän päätti julkaista teinivuosiensa päiväkirjan nimellä Sörnäisten tyttö. Kirja tallentaa työläistytön arkea, tunteita ja pelkoja. Pääkaupunki oli tuolloin suuressa myllerryksessä, joka kärjistyi keväällä 1918 sisällissotaan.
Kirjan sivuilla nälkä ja väkivallan uhka vuorottelevat rakkaushuolien ja koulupaineiden kanssa.
Teoksen käsikirjoittanut Leena Virtanen on vapaa toimittaja ja tietokirjailija.
Piirtäjä Aino Sutinen on sarjakuvantekijä, livekuvittaja ja Sarjainfon päätoimittaja.
Molemmat tekijät ovat helsinkiläisiä.
Héctor Germán Oesterheld & Alberto Breccia: Eternautti 1969
Tappava lumisade verhoaa Buenos Airesin vaippaansa ja keskeyttää Juan Salvon ja hänen ystäviensä korttipelin.
Kammottavat avaruusolennot ovat tehneet suurvaltojen kanssa sopimuksen, jolla Etelä-Amerikka luovutetaan avaruudesta tulleiden hyökkääjien asuinpaikaksi. Alkuperäiset asukkaat pitää vain ensin hävittää…
Vuonna 1969 Héctor Germán Oesterheld kirjoitti uuden version klassikkoteoksestaan El Eternauta. Teoksen kuvitti Alberto Breccia, jonka ekspressionistinen taide teki tarinasta entistäkin vaikuttavamman.
Eternautti 1969 ilmestyy suomeksi samaan aikaan alkuperäisen Eternautti-kirjan kanssa.
Varat kerättiin joukkorahoituksella, jonka toteuttivat yhteistyössä KVAAK Kirja ja Zum Teufel Kustannus.
KVAAK Kirja koostuu suomalaisista sarjakuva-alan ammattilaisista ja aktiivisista harrastajista.
Fournier: Pikon ja Fantasion uudet seikkailut 18 – Niokolo-Koban arvoitus
Piko ja Fantasio suuntaavat Senegaliin tässä Jean Claude Fournierin juonimassa ja kuvittamassa vuoden 1974 seikkailussa.
Niokolo-Koban kansallispuistosta katoaa mystisesti eläimiä, eivätkä katoamiset rajoitu vain eläinkuntaan.
Luvassa on arvoituksellisia jalokiviä, kovaotteisia gangstereita ja vinkeän humoristista toimintaa, kun sankarimme setvivät tämän afrikkalaisella mystiikalla kiedotun vyyhdin solmuja.
Helteisen hulvattomassa menossa mukana häärii myös pieni ja pippurinen Spip-orava.
ONE & Yusuke Murata: One-Punch Man 14
Osa 14/20.
Gooketsu muuttaa kamppailuturnauksen osallistujat hirviöiksi.
Suiryuu ei ole valmis luopumaan ihmisyydestään, mutta vaihtoehtona on hengen menettäminen.
On julmetun selkäsaunan aika.
Ikäsuositus: 13+ /Toiminta
You Someya: Pleasure and Corruption 5
Intimidating a domineering personality like Ayame takes a strong will and potentially equally disturbing mind.
So, after avoiding several direct confrontations, Ayame and her rope arts club are now being attacked by classmates who wish to see the student body vice-president fall from grace.
Tetsu is a seemingly normal student whose passionate love for his teacher turns violent in the most unexpected of ways when another suitor attempts to stand between them.
Haunted by his family’s past, Tetsu must learn to navigate his desire and quell his rage if he hopes to find peace and solace in his relationships with others.
Osamu Tezuka’s masterful artwork and irrepressibly creative page layouts reach a feverish peak in depicting the manifestation of the tortured youth’s explosive angst.
Thematically rich yet instinctively relatable, Bomba! deftly weaves an exploration of the complex nature of friendship and the lasting psychological ravages of war into its tale of love, jealousy, revenge, and redemption.
Ville Ranta: Kurissa ja nuhteessa (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Ville Ranta on noussut Iltalehden sivuilla Suomen terävimmäksi pilapiirtäjäksi. Kurissa ja nuhteessa on railakas kokoelma, joka sisältää Rannan puhutuimmat piirrokset viime vuosilta.
Ville Rannan uutta pilapiirrosta katsotaan verkossa jopa yli 200 000 kertaa, ja jokainen piirros herättää satojen kommenttien keskustelut.
Rannan itse valikoima Kurissa ja nuhteessa kertaa 150 piirroksen voimin huippuhetket Sanna Marinin hallituksen ja koronapandemian vuoristorataa muistuttavilta vuosilta.
Rannan poleeminen käsittelytapa poimii olennaisen niin rajoitusten ajasta, johtajiemme toilailuista, ilmastokatastrofista kuin yhteiskunnan polarisoitumisestakin.
Kuvat on varustettu piirtäjän omilla taustoittavilla huomautuksilla.
Dav Pilkey: Koiramies ja me sekasankarit (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Voiko yksi muutos vaikuttaa moneen? Kahdeksas Koiramies kirja punnitsee hyvää ja pahaa.
Hervoton sukutarina Petestä, Pikku-Petestä, Pete-vaarista ja Koiramiehestä!
Pikku-Pete asuu viikot isänsä Peten luona salaisessa laborotariossa ja rakentaa robotteja, mutta viikonloput hän viettää toisen perheensä luona: Koiramiehen ja 80-HD:n kanssa.
He leikkivät ja tekevät sarjiksia ja muuttuvat supersankareiksi aina kun apua tarvitaan!
Joukkoon liittyvät silloin myös Jolai, Sara ja Susu, ja Pete-isäkin, vaikkei tahtoisi.
Lukeminen antaa supervoimia!
Neropattiakin suositumpi sarja tuo iloa koululaisten arkeen. Pilkey sijoittaa Koiramiehiin aina myös ohjeet siitä, kuinka hahmot piirretään: jokainen voi tehdä oman sarjiksen!
Tee Franklin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour
Hey, do you wanna see Harley and Ivy go on a road trip and make out Picking up directly from the cliffhanger ending of Harley Quinn: The Animated Series, Harley and Ivy are on the run in a Thelma-and-Louise journey, it’s all here!
Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!
Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!
But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar… Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!
This incredible volume is packed to the brim containing Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1-6!
Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda: Monstress Book One
The richly imagined world of MONSTRESS is an alternate matriarchal 1900s Asia, with an art deco-infused steampunk aesthetic that’s brimming with arcane dangers.
Within it, a teenage girl struggles to overcome the trauma of war, a task that’s made all the more difficult by her mysterious psychic link to an eldritch monster of tremendous power―a connection that will transform them both, and place them in the crosshairs of both human and otherworldly powers.
Creator/writer Marjorie Liu (who made history as the first woman to win an Eisner Award for Best Writer) and creator/artist Sana Takeda present a deluxe, oversized hardcover edition of their beloved breakout comic in MONSTRESS BOOK ONE.
Collecting the first 18 issues of the New York Times bestselling series, this massive edition features a striking new cover, as well as special extras, including never-before-seen sketches, script pages, and more for over 500 pages of award-winning content.
Jeff Smith: Tuki 1 – Fight for Fire
The ancient world was filled with restless spirits and powerful forces.
2 million years ago, human evolution made its move. It chose Fire.
At the dawn of humanity, during a period of tremendous change and drought, three lost children meet a mysterious traveler named Tuki.
Together, their search for the Motherherd of all Buffalo leads them far north through the dangerous territory of a rival species called the Habiline.
The Habiline hunt and kill anyone found using fire.
Tuki’s reputation precedes them and soon they find themselves at the center of unwanted attention not only from Habiline warriors, but of tribal spirits and giants!
Eric Gladstone & Gabrielle M. Kari: No Holds Bard – The First Folio
William Shakespeare is often called the greatest actor/poet/playwright of all time, but less widely known is that he was also the Elizabethan Era’s greatest crimefighter!
Gail Simone calls No Holds Bard “…brilliantly written, gorgeously illustrated. This is why I am in love with comics.”
When Queen Elizabeth I is kidnapped, only the dramatic duo of William Shakespeare and William Page in their superhero alter-egos, THE BARD and PAGE can save her!
In this globe-trotting graphic novel, The Bard and Page butt heads and come to blows with contemporaries and fictional characters alike, from Sir Francis Bacon and Kit Marlowe to Puck and a zombified Richard III.
As they get closer to the truth behind Shakespeare’s world-renowned intelligence, they’ll find out the deeper meaning behind love, labor, and losing it!
Casting Shakespeare as an egotistical detective by way of the Adam West Batman TV show, this throwback comedy is filled with in-jokes and heart that will leave groundlings and seasoned thespians alike clamoring for more.
No Holds Bard is a literary lampoon that’s half love letter, half satire, and all written in iambic pentameter!
Paul Tobin & Andy MacDonald: My Date with Monsters
Seven years ago, an attempt to weaponize dreams resulted in holes being punched through the world we know and into the world of dreams.
Nightmarish creatures now stalk the land, sprouting from (and killing) anyone unlucky enough to dream. The only way to save the world is for certain people to have their dreams come true.
Which is how Risa Harumi finds herself not only fighting monsters, but forced into finding true love.
Monsters and modern dating? It feels like a nightmare either way, and the only help Risa has is a friendly-ish troll named Croak and her pre-teen daughter, Machi.
Batman vs. Robin – Road to War
Father vs. Son!
Batman and Damian Wayne are once again butting heads after Bruce uncovers the missing Black Casebook pages in the clutches of his estranged son.
But when the notorious Hush captures the entire Bat-Family, the Dark Knight and the former Boy Wonder must put aside their differences to help Nightwing, Batgirl, Signal, Orphan, Red Hood, and Batwoman survive!
Batman vs. Robin: Road to War is a thrilling collection that contains stories from Batman #106; Teen Titans #43-44; Detective Comics #1032-1034; Teen Titans Annual #2; Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1!
The comic with over 40 thousand monthly subscribers and 5 million views, is collected in print for the first time in the United States!
Disturbing dreams shake Alistair “Allie” Jacobi’s nights.
But his daytime life is not much better.
His father, the boss of a criminal organization, has decided that it’s time for his son to gain experience in the underworld.
So Allie, 19, finds himself doing an “internship” in a convenience store run by the man who, under the cover of home deliveries, is selling drugs to the entire city.
To teach him the “job” is Christopher, an older guy. The bond created between the two of them will give life to dark presences and disturbing and enigmatic premonitions.
Jeff McComsey & Mike Deodato Jr.: The Fourth Man
Three dead bodies lay in a rural morgue – all murdered in the span of three weeks.
It’s up to two detectives from opposite sides of the tracks to determine who put them there, if the murders are linked and what, if anything, they have to do with a pair of dueling car dealerships.
A dark comedy mystery thriller by Jeff McComsey (Grendel, Kentucky) and Mike Deodato Jr. (The Amazing Spider-Man, The Resistance) that is inspired by an outlandish true crime story, The Fourth Man story will keep you guessing till the last page.
Christopher Hastings & Pasquale Qualano: Sonjaversal 1
RED Sonja, BLUE Sonja, GREEN Sonja, ORANGE Sonja, SAINT Sonja, HELL Sonja…and ENDLESS MORE.
Across dimensions, a greedy god comes calling for every Sonja, to pay their debt. What do they each owe?
SONJA’S MUST KILL SONJA’S. It is up to RED Sonja to determine which Sonja’s are friend, foe and…DINOSAUR!?
Unforgettable stories from a once-in-a-lifetime assemblage of talent!
Thirty years ago, Alex Ross had a vision for a new series showcasing Marvel’s heroes in a way they’d never been seen before.
The first realization of that idea became the blockbuster MARVELS — but now Ross finally brings his original dream to life!
MARVEL is an anthology of stories by unique, exceptional talents, many of whom are working with these characters for the very first time.
And all these tales are linked together by an overarching story by Ross featuring the dread dream lord Nightmare, who threatens the entire Marvel Universe — and possibly beyond!
Featuring Spider-Man, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Thing, Doctor Doom, the Vision, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Warlock, Rocket Raccoon, the Golden Age Black Widow and more!
COLLECTING: Marvel (2020) #1-6.
Mike Mignola & Ben Stenbeck: Hellboy Universe Essentials – Witchfinder
The perfect jumping-on point for the Witchfinder series has arrived!
Hellboy Universe Essentials: Witchfinder chronicles one of Sir Edward Grey’s first cases as an agent of the queen, an occult mystery that takes Grey from the sparkling echelons of Victorian London to its dark underbelly in his inaugural clash with the city’s most infamous secret society: The Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra.
Hellboy universe creator Mike Mignola has hand-picked this series of Hellboy Universe Essentials adventures for new readers.
Dive into the world of Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder with story by Mignola, art by Ben Stenbeck, and colors by Dave Stewart!
Collects Witchfinder: In the Service of Angels #1-5.
Chip Zdarsky & Marco Checcetto: Devil’s Reign
The story that’s been building for years is finally here!
Wilson Fisk has risen from Kingpin of Crime to mayor of the biggest city in America.
Now he’s going to bring his full criminal and political power to bear on the super heroes who call NYC home!
The man who once destroyed Daredevil has targeted the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and more. Fisk has an army of super villains at his command – including Crossbones, Taskmaster, Typhoid Mary, Shocker, Whiplash, Rhino and Kraven – and that’s just his opening salvo. Wait until you meet his Thunderbolts!
But Mayor Fisk isn’t the only one with ambitions – and you know what they say about honor among thieves. From the blockbuster creative team of DAREDEVIL comes the final act in Wilson Fisk’s master plan!
Collects Devil’s Reign (2021) #1-6, Devil’s Reign: Omega (2022) #1.
Cecil Castellucci & William Kirkby: Critical Role – The Mighty Nein Origins: Yasha Nydoorin
Celebrated writer Cecil Castellucci joins artist William Kirkby, with Matthew Mercer and Ashley Johnson of Critical Role, to draw back the curtain on the tumultuous past of the Mighty Nein’s Yasha Nydoorin in this stand-alone graphic novel in the Critical Role series!
For Yasha, there has always been a storm on the horizon.
Maybe it formed with her adoption by the Dolorov people in the harsh lands of Xhorhas.
Or perhaps when she fell for her first love, Zuala.
Or still later, when grief and madness drove her from her village and out into–somewhere else.
Maybe, on the other hand, Yasha IS the storm.
Mike Richardson & Jordi Armengol: Cloaked
From Mike Richardson, creator of The Mask, comes a superhero vision as dark as the night.
Twenty-five years ago, a genuine masked crimefighter came out of nowhere to declare war on crime. All of America celebrated the exploits of the black-clad vigilante . . . and then he disappeared.
But when down-on-his-luck investigator Jake Stevens is hired to find the long-missing avenger, his inquiries threaten to expose the myth behind the mask.
Collects Cloaked #1-#4.
Steve Englehart: Avengers Epic Collection – Kang War
Throughout his Avengers’ run, Steve Englehart slowly built the mysterious Mantis into one of ’70s Marvel’s most intriguing characters.
Here, her tale reaches its cosmic climax in a saga spanning space and time–“The Celestial Madonna!”
When Kang the Conqueror arrives, the action begins.
Before it’s over, Kang, Rama-Tut and Immortus will have you time-twisted in two. And that’s just for starters!
The origin of the Vision is revealed and he and the Scarlet Witch wed.
Then, the Avengers put out a call for new members.
Beast, Hellcat and Moondragon join, while Captain America, Yellowjacket and the Wasp return.
Each will be tested in a second war with Kang and the Squadron Sinister.
It’s a classic conflict that teams the Avengers with the Marvel heroes of the Old West!
COLLECTING: Avengers (1963) #129-149, Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #2-4; material from Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #5, Marvel Treasury Edition (1974) #7, FOOM (1973) #12.
Guy Delisle: World Record Holders
A funny and insightful retrospective collection from a celebrated cartoonist.
Universally beloved cartoonist Guy Delisle showcases a career-spanning collection of his work with a sly sense of humor and warm characterization.
Before Delisle became an international superstar with his globe-hopping travelogues, he was an animator experimenting with the comics form. Always aware of the elasticity of the human form and honing his keen observer’s eye, young Delisle created hilarious set pieces.
World Record Holders ranges from wistful childhood nostalgia to chagrined post-fame encounters, touching on formally ambitious visual puns and gut-busting what-ifs.
Delisle again and again shows how life is both exhilarating and embarrassing.
Delisle visits an exhibition of his work in another country and is confronted by an angry spouse who blames him for destroying her marriage.
A juvenile game of Bows and Arrows turns menacing as arrows shot straight up in the air turn into barely visible missiles of death.
A coded message from space creates different reactions from different people–debates, dance festivals, gallery shows.
In honor of Wonder Woman’s 80th anniversary, DC proudly presents a new anthology series starring the Amazon Princess–embellished in the color of her famous lasso!
In the tradition of Batman Black and White, Wonder Woman Black and Gold is a thrilling anthology celebrating the woman who inspires us all…and that’s the truth!
Kicking things off, John Arcudi ( B.P.R.D.) and Ryan Sook ( Legion of Super-Heroes) reunite to show us the grace immortality grants a hero.
Becky Cloonan ( Wonder Woman) weaves a spine-tingling tale of Diana’s most precious weapon against the darkness.
Then Amy Reeder ( Amethyst) takes us back to the Golden Age for a fun romp co-starring Etta Candy.
AJ Mendez and Ming Doyle ( Constantine: The Hellblazer) travel to Themyscira for a tense family reunion.
And finally, Nadia Shammas and Morgan Beem ( Swamp Thing: Twin Branches) show us a story of Diana’s past failures coming back to haunt her.
And that’s just the beginning, with this all-star anthology featuring unique stories by Mariko Tamaki, Tillie Walden, Jamie McKelvie, Marguerite Sauvage, and more!
This volume collects Wonder Woman Black and Gold #1-6.
Jack Kirby: Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth by Jack Kirby 1
In these tales from KAMANDI #1-20, Kamandi–one of the few survivors of a Great Disaster that has destroyed civilization–must make his way in a world populated by bizarre mutated animals and other strange wonders!
Considered one of Jack Kirby’s most creative works, KAMANDI features a band of anthropomorphic supporting characters who accompany Kamandi as he searches for answers and adventure across the wastelands of Earth.
Michael DeForge: Birds of Maine
Take flight to this post-apocalyptic utopia filled with birds.
Birds roam freely around the Moon complete with fruitful trees, sophisticated fungal networks, and an enviable socialist order.
The universal worm feeds all, there are no weekends, and economics is as fantastical a study as unicorn psychology.
No concept of money or wealth plagues the thoughts of these free-minded birds.
Instead, there are angsty teens who form bands to show off their best bird song and other youngsters who yearn to become clothing designers even though clothes are only necessary during war. (The truly honourable professions for most birds are historian and/or librarian.)
These birds are free to crush on hot pelicans and live their best lives until a crash-landed human from Earth threatens to change everything.
Michael DeForge’s post-apocalyptic reality brings together the author’s quintessential deadpan humour, surrealist imagination, and undeniable socio-political insight.
Appearing originally as a webcomic, Birds of Maine follows DeForge’s prolific trajectory of astounding graphic novels that reimagine and question the world as we know it.
His latest comic captures the optimistic glow of utopian imagination with a late-capitalism sting of irony.
A brilliant and suspenseful follow-up to the Booker-nominated graphic novel Sabrina.
Every single person has something unique to them which is impossible to re-create, without exception. –John Smith, acting coach
From the acclaimed author of Sabrina, Nick Drnaso’s Acting Class creates a tapestry of disconnect, distrust, and manipulation.
Ten strangers are brought together under the tutelage of John Smith, a mysterious and morally questionable leader. The group of social misfits and restless searchers have one thing in common: they are out of step with their surroundings and desperate for change.
A husband and wife, four years into their marriage and simmering in boredom.
A single mother, her young son showing disturbing signs of mental instability.
A peculiar woman with few if any friends and only her menial job keeping her grounded.
A figure model, comfortable in his body and ready for a creative challenge.
A worried grandmother and her adult granddaughter; a hulking laborer and gym nut; a physical therapist; an ex-con.
With thrumming unease, the class sinks deeper into their lessons as the process demands increasing devotion.
When the line between real life and imagination begins to blur, the group’s deepest fears and desires are laid bare. Exploring the tension between who we are and how we present, Drnaso cracks open his characters’ masks and takes us through an unsettling American journey.
Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta: Outcast 8
The beginning of the end is upon us.
Allison has been possessed…but it’s unlike any possession we’ve seen before.
How will this affect Kyle’s mission to save the world now that the great merge has begun?
Dick Kinney & Al Hubbard: Donald Duck – 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea
Who lives in a submarine under the sea? Donald’s cuckoo-bananas cousin Fethry, that’s who!
He’s roping desperate Don into a two-week treasure hunt on the ocean floor… and a bear-taming trip to Duckburg’s deepest woods–and a mission to cure hiccups with scary rural remedies! Are fame and fortune worth it?
Cartoon story man Dick Kinney and beloved kids’-comic artist Al Hubbard jammed on Disney duck tales in the swinging ’60s–and by popular demand, Fantagraphics’ Disney Masters series continues to collect their best!
From Fethry’s terrifying turn as Uncle Scrooge’s efficiency expert in “It’s Only Money” to Donald’s romantic woes in “A Midsummer’s Nightmare,” the mayhem keeps on coming!
Fantagraphics’ Disney Masters series unearths a treasure trove of previously unavailable comics epics in the grand Walt Disney tradition: expanding the lore of Mickey, Donald, and Scrooge, anthologizing the work of fan-favorite North American talents, and bringing you the best of the acclaimed international artists who have popularized Disney around the world.
Rediscover Duckburg… and rewrite history!
K. O’Neill: The Tea Dragon Society – The Complete Collection
In the bewitching Tea Dragon Society series, two-time Eisner Award-winning creator K. O’Neill offers three stories featuring the enchanting world of Tea Dragons.
Now collected in a beautiful box set with brand-new box cover art, readers can experience The Tea Dragon Society, The Tea Dragon Festival, and The Tea Dragon Tapestry from start to finish. This charming and peaceful trilogy is heartwarming, inclusive, and absolutely magical.
The Tea Dragon Society
After discovering a lost tea dragon in the marketplace, Greta learns about the dying art form of tea dragon caretaking from the kind tea shop owners, Hesekiel and Erik.
As she befriends them and their shy ward, Minette, Greta sees how the craft enriches their lives—and eventually her own.
The Tea Dragon Festival
Rinn has grown up with the Tea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turns out to be a different matter entirely!
Aedhan is a young dragon who was appointed to protect the village, but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago.
With the aid of Rinn’s adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, they investigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep… But Rinn’s real challenge is to help Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he has lost.
The Tea Dragon Tapestry
Join Greta and Minette once more for the heartwarming conclusion of the award-winning Tea Dragon series! Over a year since being entrusted with Ginseng’s care, Greta still can’t chase away the cloud of mourning that hangs over the timid Tea Dragon.
Meanwhile, Minette receives a surprise package from the monastery where she was once training to be a prophetess.
Told with the same care and charm as the previous installments of the Tea Dragon series, The Tea Dragon Tapestry welcomes old friends and new into a heartfelt story of purpose, love, and growth.
Jude Ellison S. Doyle & A. L. Kaplan: Maw
When patriarchy makes monsters, sometimes the monsters bite back in the bold debut graphic novel by Jude Ellison S. Doyle with artist A.L. Kaplan!
Dragged by her sister Wendy to a feminist retreat on a remote island of Antgitia, Marion Angela Weber is seeking perspective and empowerment, but a disastrous first night leaves her frightfully changed.
In the aftermath of an assault, Marion begins to transform as an unspeakable hunger crawls through her body.
When the townsfolk recognize there’s something different about Marion, they react with suspicion, then violence, while ignoring the monsters already among them.
Critically acclaimed journalist/opinion writer Jude Ellison S. Doyle (Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers) with artist A.L. Kaplan (Full Spectrum Therapy, Heart of Gold), and colorist Fabian Mascolo (Firefly: Brand New ‘Verse) unleash Maw, a status-quo-shattering tale examining the consequences of sexist violence and the subjugation of marginalized genders, and what happens when the wounded are backed into a corner.
Collects the complete Maw #1-5.
Alejandro Jodorowsky: The Jodorowsky Library 3
The third installation of The Jodorowsky Library: a collection of deluxe matching volumes showcasing the iconic works of the legendary Alejandro Jodorowsky (The Incal, Metabarons, Jodorowsky’s: Dune)
Included in this volume are the epic origin story behind the universe’s greatest warriors, METABARONS GENESIS: CASTAKA (illustrated by Das Pastoras), and a tale about how No Name, the most ruthless mercenary of them all, built his arsenal of war, WEAPONS OF THE METABARON (illustrated by the legendary Travis Charest and Zoran Janjetov).
Coupled with the landmark AFTER THE INCAL (illustrated by the legendary Moebius) and FINAL INCAL (with Eisner-winning artist Ladrönn), this is a must-have volume for fans of Alejandro Jodorowsky!
Anne Simon: Boris the Potato Child
In her latest graphic novel, French artist and illustrator Anne Simon returns to her visually and allegorically rich fantasyland.
Boris, the round-headed child, reigns like a despot in the little house he lives in with his mother.
His mother, Bulle, formerly known as Aglaia, was once the all-powerful queen of the country Marylene.
Since Marylene’s fall, residents have lived in peace thanks to a self-governing system they have adopted.
But when Boris meets Sabine, a warrior French fry thirsty for revenge, nothing will ever be the same…
The third book in Anne Simon’s “Tales of Marylene ” graphic novel series (after The Song of Aglaia and Empress Cixtisis), Boris the Potato Child delivers a bitter critique of our consumerist impulses and abuses.
Mixing literature and pop culture (such as mashing Simone de Beauvoir with the Beatles), Simon has created in Marylene a world as abundant in visual imagination as Oz or Narnia, but crafted with a Swiftian pen that’s mightier than any man’s sword.
Jim Woodring: One Beautiful Spring Day
A mesmerizing, mind-bending, wordless 400 page comics odyssey by a contemporary master of the form.
Jim Woodring has been chronicling the adventures of his cartoon Everyman, Frank, for almost 30 years.
These stories are a singular rarity in the comics form — both bone-chillingly physical in their depictions of Frank’s travails and profoundly metaphysical at the same time. Not since George Herriman’s Krazy Kat has the comics language been so exquisitely distilled into pure, revelatory aesthetic expression.
Designed as a luxe paperback with vellum jacket, One Beautiful Spring Day combines three previously published volumes –Congress of the Animals, where Frank embarked upon a life-changing voyage of discovery, Fran, where he learned, then forgot, that things are not always what they seem, and Poochytown in which Frank demonstrated his dizzying capacity for both nobility and ignominy — along with 100 dazzling new pages conceived and drawn by the author.
The result is a seamless, 400 page graphic narrative that forges a new and even more poignantly realized single story that takes readers deep into the hidden meanings of the previous stories and offers the most full, complete, astonishing exposition of Frank and his supercharged world to date.
Si Spurrier & Matias Bergara: Step by Bloody Step
THERE IS A GIRL. She has no memory and no name.
Nothing but a GUARDIAN. An armored giant who protects her from predators and pitfalls.
TOGETHER THEY WALK across an extraordinary fantasy world. If they leave the path the air itself comes alive, forcing them onwards.
Why? The girl doesn’t know, but there’s worse than beasts and bandits ahead.
CIVILISATION, with its temptations and treacheries, will test their bond beyond its limits.
STEP BY BLOODY STEP is a fantasy opus from the Eisner Award nominees behind CODA (sélection officielle Angoulême 2021): MATIAS BERGARA (HELLBLAZER, THE SCUMBAG) and SI SPURRIER (X-MEN LEGACY, HELLBLAZER, THE SPIRE).
Breaking new ground with the possibilities of sequential art, this completely wordless visual feast will delight fans of PRINCESS MONONOKE, ISOLA, and the visionary works of Moebius.
Collects STEP BY BLOODY STEP #1-4.
Marc Silvestri: The Complete Cyberforce 1
To coincide with the groundbreaking 30TH Anniversary of Top Cow and Image comics. Top Cow proudly presents the original stories that launched the series, collecting the very first Cyberforce story, Tin Men of War.
Fans can go back and rediscover the introduction of characters like Velocity, Ripclaw, Heatwave, Cyblade, Stryker, Impact, and Ballistic to the world of comics with brilliant art by Marc Silvestri.
All this and more, gorgeously rendered and assembled in this first volume of absolute collected editions.
First time back to print since 1992!
James Howe & Stephen Gilpin: Bunnicula – The Graphic Novel
Celebrate over forty years of the modern classic Bunnicula with this fang-tastic graphic novelization that will send a shiver down your spine and leave you howling with laughter!
Beware the hare!
Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth about the newest pet in the Monroe household–a suspicious-looking bunny with unusual habits…and fangs!
Could this innocent-seeming rabbit actually be a vampire? Experience the chills and thrills of this classic tale in an all-new graphic novel format!
J. H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman: Echolands 1
The story of Earth’s last war starts with Hope’s sticky fingers…
The multiple award-winning Batwoman team, J. H. WILLIAMS III (Promethea, The Sandman: Overture, Batman) and W. HADEN BLACKMAN (Star Wars, Elektra), reunites for an all-new ongoing series!
They’re joined once again by colorist supreme DAVE STEWART and master letterer TODD KLEIN.
In a bizarre future world that has forgotten its history, a reckless thief, Hope Redhood, holds the key to excavating its dark, strange past–if only she and her crew can escape a tyrannical wizard and his unstoppable daughter.
But fate will send them all on a path leading to a war between worlds.
ECHOLANDS is a landscape format, mythic-fiction epic where anything is possible–a fast-paced genre mashup adventure that combines everything from horror movie vampires to classic mobsters and cyborg elves, to Roman demigods and retro rocket ships.
It’s going to be a helluva ride!
Don’t you want the Haunt?!
Collecting issues #7-12 of the classic terrifying cult horror series, and features gorgeous new digital colors–using Marie Severin’s original palette as a guide, this volume includes unforgettable stories drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Graham Ingles, Jack Davis, Jack Kamen, George Roussos, Ed Smalle, and Joe Orlando!
Diaz Canales & Guarnido: Blacksad – They All Fall Down Part One
In this exceptional noir tour de force from writer Juan Díaz Canales and artist Juanjo Guarnido, the hotly anticipated worldwide bestseller returns to American shores after a seven-year hiatus with a brand-new two-part storyline!
Following its chart-topping 2021 release in Europe and now translated for English-language readers by the team of Brandon Kander and Diana Schutz, this volume features feline private eye John Blacksad as he tangles with the unions, the mob, and mid-century construction magnate Lewis Solomon, who plans to pave New York City’s green space, come hell or high water.
From soaring heights to terrifying depths, Blacksad must steer the right course between the lofty world of Shakespearean theater and the seedy nether regions of the city. Towering above it all is the foreboding figure of Solomon, who will let nothing thwart his dream of power.
With three prestigious prizes from the Angoulême International Comics Festival as well as multiple Eisner and Harvey awards, the Blacksad series of graphic albums is a global success story, now published in thirty-nine different countries.
Writer Juan Díaz Canales and artist Juanjo Guarnido have crafted a master class in comics storytelling for a worldwide audience.
Erikoisnumero: Puupäähattu 50 vuotta.
Sisältää mm.
• Kansi: Kati Kovács
• Sarjakuvamuseon teemasivut: Puupäähattu 50 vuotta
• Harri “Wallu” Vaalio
• Mistä palkinnosta on kyse
• Erkki Tanttu
• Riitta Uusitalo
• Pentti Otsamo
• Katja Tukiainen
• Puupäähattu-palkitut
• Sarjakuvaneuvokset
• Keijo Ahlqvist (1955–2022), Jean-Claude Mézières (1938–2022) • Arviot, mm.: Taas päin näköä, Juliana Hyrri, Keijo Ahlqvist, Jarno Latva-Nikkola
Johanna Sinisalo & Hannu Mänttäri: Tiskivuoro
Marko Latva-Nikkola: Heosforos
P.A. Manninen & Hannele Kivilahti: Kapteeni Kuolio ja hirveä hihittäjä
Aleksi Siirtola: Hirviölupatarkastaja
Jonathan Tarkron: Siffoni
Mikael Salo: Satu Sammalkorpi – “Good Day to Die”
Krisse Tuominen: Hirviöitä hetken aikaa
Hannele Kivilahti: Here We Go Around
Aura Ijäs
Harri István Mäki
Jussi Heinonen: Omillaan
Sini Sisättö
Annastina Sonné: Tri Inkku-Pinkkusteinin hirvitys
Juho Sihvonen: Uskomattomat kummajaiset
Markku Myllymäki: Hirviöpolku
Vesa-Heikki Hietanen: Kuplivaa elämää
Kansi: Marko Latva-Nikkola
Mukana mm.
– Alix E. Harrow – Myyttien muovaaja ja ovien raottaja
– Alix E. Harrow: Plataani ja Sibylla (novelli)
– Anne-Maija Aalto – Dystopian syövereistä kajastaa valoa
– Kivi Larmola: Kaikki liikkuu (sarjakuva)
– Aatami Outo – Ajattelevan ihmisen avaruussankari
The Art of Fire Emblem – Awakening
The Art of Fire Emblem Awakening contains an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the smash-hit 3DS game, from beautifully illustrated renditions of your favorite characters, to storyboards for in-game events, character designs, weapon designs, character profiles, and the entirety of the script with every possible branch of dialogue!
Relive some of the most poignant moments of the game, or see what might have been if you had made different in-game decisions with the Art of Fire Emblem Awakening!
Warren Ellis & Bryan Hitch: The Authority 1 – Relentless (K)
From the ashes of Stormwatch comes a new team of individuals who will use their incredible powers and abilities to force the planet Earth to pay attention.
Jenny Sparks, known as the Spirit of the 20th Century, has brought together Jack Hawksmoor, The Doctor, Swift, The Engineer, Apollo, and the Midnighter.
Together they are The Authority, and together they will change the world.
Collecting issues #1-8 of the hard-hitting super-hero series., The Authority: Relentless gives readers a rocket ride alongside a team whose actions are always of global proportions.
Mark Millar & Tom Peyer: The Authority 4 – Transfer of Power (K)
How far are the rulers of the world willing to go to keep their power?
After extending their mandate into the realms of realpolitik and messing with the established order, Earth’s watchdog super-team the Authority is about to find out.
Hit from every side at once, by powers they never even suspected to exist, the Authority finds itself shattered into its component parts, with each member assigned to a particularly sadistic, purgatorial exile.
Taking their place is a brand-new team whose members are more compliant than their predecessors, and who aren’t as troubled by uncomfortable ideas like justice or human rights.
But if there’s one thing that everyone should have learned by now, it’s not to count out the Authority – no matter what you do.
Transfer of Power reprints issues 22-29 of what Entertainment Weekly called “the most outrageous superhero comic being published today.”
Robbie Morrison & Dwayne Turner: The Authority 5 – Harsh Realities (K)
High above the planet, aboard a fifty-mile-wide alien vessel, The Authority – seven awesomely powerful meta-humans – act as bouncers for the Earth.
If you threaten the life and liberty of its inhabitants, they’ll get nasty in the pursuit of your blood.
Reality Incorporated is the first ever multiversal business corporation. They strip-mine and globalise on a universal scale.
Now they want The Authority’s technology as their next exploitable resource or they’ll reduced the Earth to an asteroid cloud.
The Authority has only one answer – fight’s on!
The latest volume in this acclaimed, gut-crunching series features a brilliant new creative team to pitch The Authority once more into action!
Collecting issues #0-5 of The Authority Volume 2.
Robbie Morrison & Dwayne Turner: The Authority 6 – Fractured Worlds (K)
A finer world has been the Authority’s goal from the very beginning, one they fought for time and time again versus domestic and inter-dimensional foes.
Could the greatest threat to this dream actually be faith in a higher power?
And, following the extraordinary events of the Coup d’Etat, The Authority take their “finer world” ideal to another level, as they assume total control of the United States.
They find that it is much more difficult than they could ever have imagined!
Collecting issues #6-14 of The Authority Volume 2.
Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen: The Authority 8 – Revolution Book Two (K)
The Authority: Revolution Book Two collects the second half of the Revolution story arc (issues #7-12).
Written by Ed Brubaker and drawn by Dustin Nguyen and Richard Friend.
Garth Ennis & Glenn Fabry: The Authority – Kev (K)
Kev Hawkins is a Special Air Services corporal turned assassin, called in by the British government when they want someone removed.
The Authority are Earth’s last line of defense, known and feared across many galaxies and dimensions.
Fan favorite writer Garth Ennis (Preacher) and acclaimed artist Glenn Fabry take us on a ride that includes the possible destruction of all life on Earth as well as guns, aliens, explosions, a tiger and an orange.
Hawkins’ new assignment is to find and eliminate The Authority and, oddly enough, his task is easier done than said. An awkward partnership is forged as they set out to save the planet from certain, alien doom.
Can they succeed before The Midnighter uses Kev’s head as a hood ornament for the Carrier?
Later, Apollo and Midnighter are paired with their favorite homophobic SAS operative.
Together they must help appease an alien armada bent on destruction and genocide that stands poised to assault the planet Earth.
The Authority: Kev and the More Kev miniseries are both collected here.
Pertti Jarla: Fingerpori adventtikalenteri – Joulupöydässä
Fingerporin joulukalenteri.
Mitä tontut touhuavatkaan joulupöydässä?
Joulun odotusta Fingerporin malliin.
Jarkko Vehniäinen & Marja Lappalainen: Kamala luonto adventtikalenteri – Joella
Tässä hauskassa joulukalenterissa luukkujen alta paljastuvat yllätykset täydentävät alkuperäistä, isoa kuvaa.
Mitä kummaa tontut puuhaa? Missä on kettu? Ja mikä ihme majavaa taas jännittää?!
Joulunodotus on paljon jännittävämpää Kamalan luonnon eläinten kanssa!