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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet 40/2021


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Heikki Paakkanen: Koiraeloa

Riimipoljentoisia koirakohtaloita sanoin ja kuvin.

Heikki Paakkanen on riimitellyt ja piirtänyt laajakirjoisen kokoelman koiraeläinkohtaloita.

Valikoima ulottuu historian kuuluisista koirista lämminmuistoisiin lemmikkeihin sekä elo- ja sarjakuvista tuttuihin haukkuihin.

Kirjan sivuilta löytyvät niin Laika, Idefix, Pulivari, Bim Mustakorva kuin Blondikin…
Lisäkylkiäisenä kirjassa on yli 30 sarjakuvataiteilijan piirtämiä koirankakkakuvia.
Kakkoja piirsivät mm. Willem, Kati Kovács, Ville Tietäväinen, Tuuli Hypén ja Ilpo Koskela.

Tiia Salmelin: Kuolleet puutarhat 1 – Unten kaupunki

Unten kaupunki on Kuolleet puutarhat -fantasiasaagan ensimmäinen osa.

Koko elämänsä Flar on ollut äitinsä tavoin unennäkijä.
Unet ovat olleet hänen ilonsa ja taakkansa, ja nyt ne ovat johdattaneet hänet halki erämaiden mystisen kaupungin porteille; unohdetun kaupungin, joka seisoo unten virrassa.
Flar uskoo löytävänsä sieltä vastaukset mieltään piinaaviin kysymyksiin ja keinon ymmärtää uniaan, sekä oppia niistä.

Kaupunkia hallitseva Unten temppeli ottaa matkalaisen vastaan ilolla ja hyväksynnällä luvaten auttaa miehen tiedonjanon tyrehdyttämisessä paljastamalla unten virran salat.
Kaiken huipuksi Flar tapaa kaupungissa unioppaansa, jota on luullut mielensä tuotokseksi, rakkaan ystävän, joka on johdattanut häntä oikeaan suuntaan lapsuudesta saakka.

Flar iloitsee saavutettuaan määränpäänsä, mutta saa pian huomata, ettei kaikki Unten kaupungissa ole sitä, miltä näyttää.
Kaupungin muurit kätkevät taakseen synkkiä salaisuuksia ja jokin pimeä voima tuntuu pitävän paikkaa otteessaan. Flarille valkenee lopulta, että hänen matkansa pää onkin sen alku.

Kuolleet puutarhat on tarina ystävyydestä, syyllisyyden painolastista, sovituksesta ja siitä, mitä on olla ihminen.

Sarjakuvaa julkaistiin alunperin netissä vuosina 2010-2019.
Tämä albumi sisältää kokonaan uudelleen piirretyn ja sovitetun tarinan aloitusosan. Tällä kertaa kokonaan värillisenä sarjakuvana.

Karstein Volle: Pandemia mielessäin

Pandemia Mielessäin on Karstein Vollen improvisoitu koronapäiväkirja keväästä 2020, ensimmäisen sulkutilan ajasta.

Miten selviytyä jokapäiväisestä arjesta eristyksissä?
Kuinka selittää lapsille, että he eivät voi tavata kavereitaan?
Miltä tuntuu, kun kotipalvelu vierailee naapuruston yksinäisten vanhusten luona täydessä suojavaatetuksessa…

Teos kuvaa päiviä, jolloin ajatukset palaavat kaikkeen, mitä ihminen on kokenut elämässään.
Pohdinnan aiheina ovat tehdyt elämänvalinnat, kuolleiden vanhempien ja menehtyneiden ystävien kaipuu – eikä vähäisimpänä kavala tauti, joka piileskelee joka nurkan takana.

“Pieni, tärkeä dokumentti ajasta, jota juuri nyt elämme.”   – Empirix



Yoshihiro Takahashi: Noah 4

Orion saa vastaansa Aka-Arin armeijan!

Nuori soturi yrittää puhua rauhan puolesta, mutta viekö taistelijan sielussa riehuva raivo lopulta voiton?!

Noah jatkaa Hopeanuoli-sarjasta alkanutta koirasotureiden saagaa.

Näiden kahden väliin sijoittuvat seuraavat sarjat: Weed, Orion ja Last Wars.

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu.

Paru Itagaki: Beastars 14

Beastar horse Yahya continues his vendetta against Komodo dragon Gosha by tormenting his grandson, gray wolf Legoshi.

In college, dwarf rabbit Haru meets another herbivore who is dating a carnivore. Is dating outside your species just trendy?

Then, when Haru finally meets up with Legoshi again, she insists he take her to a disturbing location for their date.

Meanwhile, Yahya’s mouse spies are everywhere, and their motives aren’t always pure…

Tsukasa Saimura & Kozo Takahashi: Crueler Than Dead 1

No one knows where it started … But when the world finally realized what was going on, it was already too late.

When Maki Akagi wakes up in a lab full of corpses, she learns from a dying soldier that she is the result of a last-ditch experiment to cure humans of a virus turning them into zombies.
Accompanied by a young boy who also miraculously escaped, she will have to try to get to the very center of a devastated Tokyo filled with bloodthirsty monsters.

The dome located there contains the last survivors of mankind. And humanity’s very survival depends solely on a few drops of this miraculous vaccine…

Inspired by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira), The Walking Dead, Romero classics, and new zombie films like 24 Hours Later, Crueler Than Dead delights in the meticulous detail of decomposed flesh, with a wicked and hungry eye…evoking a modern vision of a zombie world that is terrifying and tension filled..

Junji Ito: Sensor

Horror master Junji Ito explores a new frontier with a grand cosmic horror tale in which a mysterious woman has her way with the world!

A woman walks alone at the foot of Mount Sengoku.
A man appears, saying he’s been waiting for her, and invites her to a nearby village.
Surprisingly, the village is covered in hairlike volcanic glass fibers, and all of it shines a bright gold.

At night, when the villagers perform their custom of gazing up at the starry sky, countless unidentified flying objects come raining down on them–the opening act for the terror about to occur!



Derf Backderf: Kent State – Neljä kuollutta Ohiossa (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Neljäs toukokuuta vuonna 1970 Kent State Universityssä kansalliskaartin sotilaat ampuivat Vietnamin sotaa vastustaneita opiskelijoita.

Tappavassa tulituksessa ammuttiin 67 laukausta, joiden seurauksena neljä opiskelijaa kuoli ja yhdeksän haavoittui. Sinä päivänä Amerikka käänsi aseiden piiput kohti omia lapsiaan. Järkyttävä tapahtuma paloi pysyvästi kansakunnan muistiin.

Muutamaa päivää aiemmin kymmenvuotias Derf Backderf oli nähnyt samat sotilaat partioimassa kotikaupungissaan.
Kuvernööri oli lähettänyt kaartin murtamaan rahtarien lakkoa.

Backderf käytti journalistisia kykyjään samoin kuin aiemmassa teoksessaan Ystäväni Dahmer, ja teki joukon laajoja haastatteluja sekä tutkimuksia selvittääkseen, millaista neljän nuoren uhrin elämä oli ennen kohtalokasta toukokuun päivää. USA vaikutti tuolloin olevan repeämäisillään, ja Kent Statessa paine purkautui traagisella tavalla.

Kuinka paljon asiat ovat lopulta muuttuneet 50 vuodessa? Kent State – Neljä kuollutta Ohiossa on perusteellisella työllä ja vaivalla toteutettu, syvältä kouraiseva ja huolestuttavan ajankohtainen teos.



Yishan Li & Matt Hawkins: Swing 4

A Sunstone crossover event!

Dan and Cathy are on a trip to New York and decide to visit the BDSM club featured in the Sunstone books by Stjepan Sejic.

Hijinks ensue as some familiar characters from Sunstone meet our Swinging duo!

And, oh yeah, Cathy is pregnant!

Brian Azzarello: Batman – The World

The Dark Knight’s fight for justice goes global!

Batman has long fought his war on crime within the dark and twisted confines of Gotham City.
But when he looks beyond the bridges, alleys, and skyscrapers, the Dark Knight realizes that the call for justice knows no borders, and there are wrongs to be righted everywhere.

When Bruce Wayne’s travels take him around the globe, Batman is there to stop any wrongdoings that may arise. No matter where in the world he is, he is always Batman!

Batman’s war on crime goes worldwide in this new hardcover anthology, Batman: The World.
This 184-page book is a first-of-its-kind publishing event, featuring stories from Batman’s past and present told by top creative teams from across the globe, taking place in their home countries.

This incredible hardcover collection also features a sketchbook section detailing some of the unique Batman suit designs shown within the stories!

The international all-star teams include:
– United States: Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo
– France: Mathieu Gabella and Thierry Martin
– Spain: Paco Roca
– Italy: Alessandro Bilotta and Nicola Mari
– Germany: Benjamin von Eckartsberg and Thomas von Kummant
– Czech Republic: Stěpán Kopřiva and Michal Suchánek
– Russia: Kirill Kutuzov, Egor Prutov, and Natalia Zaidova
– Turkey: Ertan Ergil and Ethem Onur Bilgiç
– Poland: Tomasz Kolodziejczak, Piotr Kowalski, and Brad Simpson
– Mexico: Alberto Chimal and Rulo Valdés
– Brazil: Carlos Estefan and Pedro Mauro
– South Korea: Inpyo Jeon, Jaekwang Park, and Junggi Kim
– China: Xu Xiaodong, Lu Xiaotong, Qiu Kun, and Yi Nan
– Japan: Okadaya Yuichi.

Jeff VanderMeer & Theo Ellsworth: Secret Life

An uncanny and eye-opening journey into a mysterious building, adapted from a short story by Jeff VanderMeer

To the west: trees.
To the east: a mall.
North: fast food.
South: darkness.

And at the centre is The Building, an office building wherein several factions vie for dominance.
Inside, the walls are infiltrated with vines, a mischief of mice learn to speak English, and something eerie happens once a month on the fifth floor.

In Secret Life, Theo Ellsworth uses a deep-layered style to interpret Nebula award-winning author Jeff VanderMeer’s short story. What emerges is a mind-bending narrative that defamiliarizes the mundanity of office work and makes the arcane rituals of The Building home.

When his manager borrows his pen for a presentation, a man is driven to unspeakable acts as he questions the role the pen has played in his workplace success.
The despised denizens of the second floor develop their own tongue, incomprehensible to everyone else in The Building.
A woman plants a seed of insurgency that quickly permeates every corner of the building with its sweet, nostalgic perfume.

With deft insight, Secret Life observes the sinister individualism of bureaucratic settings in contrast with an unconcerned natural world.

As the narrative progresses you may begin to suspect that the world Ellsworth has brought to life with hypnotic visuals is not so secret after all; in fact, it’s uncannily similar to our own.

Christophe Blain & Joann Sfar: Dungeon Early Years 1-2 – The Night Shirt

In this first story, the Keeper, barely an adult, leaves his family to go find fortune in a time of chaos and darkness…a fun adventure and wry satire.

Hyacinthe, Dungeon Keeper to be, continues to render justice in a cloak nightly as The Night Shirt and stumbles upon the one he pines for, Alexandra, an assassin, about to be raped! After his valiant and heroic rescue, his wettest dreams come true…with dire consequences.

In the second story which happens quite a few years later, he’s married and a poor husband, worse even, a poor lover, until Alexandra plots to gain him back.
Cloak and dagger with romantic bravura! And you thought he didn’t have it in him.

Art by Eisner nominated Blain ( Gus) and story by legendary Trondheim and Eisner nominated Sfar ( Rabbi’s Cat).

Nick Roche: Scarenthood

What’s scarier: fighting demons or letting your kids down?
That’s what a group of parents will find out as their plans to solve the school’s longstanding mystery lead to one parenting nightmare after another!

TO-DO LIST: Drop kids at preschool; Grab coffee with other parents; Go ghost-hunting in woods; Fight demonic entity; Collect kids; Naptime.

With the kids away on a field trip, a group of parents disturbs an ancient evil buried beneath the old Church Hall, unearthing a decades-old mystery about a missing child, and inviting something… hungry into their lives.

Suddenly, their mornings go from playdates and peanut allergies, to a battle for the souls of one broken family–and one child in particular, in this original story that combines the highs of parenthood with horror movie scares.

Michael Avon Oeming: The Victories Omnibus

Not long from now, all that will stand between you and evil are The Victories: heroes sworn to protect us from crime, corruption, and the weird designer drug known as Float.

In this complete collection of Eisner award-winning Powers co-creator Michael Avon Oeming’s hit superhero series–we follow the mature and bizarre lives of heroes and gods as they fight against the villains, conspirators, and powers that plague their city while battling the demons that haunt their souls.

Collects The Victories trade paperbacks volumes #1-4.

G. Willow Wilson: Ms. Marvel – Game Over

A new chapter begins for Kamala Khan!

But it’s lonely out there for Ms. Marvel when loved ones no longer have her back.
It’s time for Kamala to find out exactly who she is on her own!

But soon her home life, costumed life and online life will converge when a member of her World of Battlecraft guild reveals that he’s discovered her secret identity! He knows a disturbing number of details about her, but is he…human?

Then, when an enemy from Ms. Marvel’s past begins targeting those closest to her, everything about Kamala will be called into question — not just as a super hero, but as a person! Nothing’s ever easy for the shape-shifting, size-swapping sensation — but how are things going for her best friend Bruno, who now attends school in Wakanda?

COLLECTING: Ms. Marvel (2015) #13-24.

Martin Cendreda: The Hand of Black and Other Stories

Seven short horror comic stories by animator Martin Cendreda (Bojack Horseman, South Park.)

Martin Cendreda is a gifted comics storyteller who spends most of his days working as an animator (Bojack Horseman, South Park) and therefore hasn’t had a collection of his work… unitil now!

Printed in red, white, and black, The Hand of Black and Other Stories collects seven mostly-silent, short stories (most of which have never been published) that are each a chiseled, mini-masterpiece of dark humor and horror, and will resonate with fans of the Twilight Zone or the works of Daniel Clowes.

Jason: Good Night, Hem

Three interconnecting short stories starring Ernest Hemingway comprise the latest graphic novel by the beloved Norwegian cartoonist, Jason.

Ernest Hemingway stars in three interconnecting short stories in this graphic novel.

Paris, 1925. Our story begins when Hemingway meets Athos, the last Musketeer, who, together with several more friends of Hemingway, travel to Spain’s Pamplona for the fiesta. Festivities and complications ensue.

Paris, 1944. The second story starts the day after the liberation of Paris when Hemingway, now a war correspondent, decides enough is enough, and takes action to end the war for good. With a group of adventurers and resistance fighters, he parachutes into Germany to do just that.

Cuba, late 1950s. Our literary lion is in his twilight years, writing his memoirs, remembering his first and second meeting with the seemingly immortal Athos.

Mixing fact and fiction, Jason has imaginatively recreated one of America’s greatest and most controversial writers of the 20th century.

Wonder Woman, Agent of Peace 1 – Global Guardian

Follow Wonder Woman on her sensational adventures as she travels across the globe upholding her values of strength, truth, empowerment and peace.

This collection features classic characters from the Wonder Woman mythos like, Steve Trevor, Etta Candy, and Cheetah, and takes Diana Prince on adventures that will put her up against opponents like Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Penguin, and much more!

Collects the digital series Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #1-10.

Cavan Scott & Corin Howell: Shadow Service 2 – Mission Infernal

First Gina was a witch. Then she was a spy. Now she’s a traitor. Spycraft meets witchcraft in the world of MI666


Betrayed by one of their own, the Shadow Service takes to the dangerous streets of Rome. But can the traitor be brought back into the fold?

The chase is on.

Collects #6 to #10 of the ongoing series.



Walter Simonson: True Believers – King in Black: Beta Ray Bill #1

Reprinting Thor (1966) #337.





Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #2

ON THE ROAD TO ROMANCE (a.k.a. an ataxia-filled, Thelma and Louise-style road trip), Harley and Ivy head to Catwoman’s to ask for a massive favor (hey, Selina’s a natural born cat-sitter…).

Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon, on the hunt for the chaos queen herself, crosses a line he might not be able to come back from…


Ed Piskor: Red Room #3

Levee Turks was an encryption software prodigy serving a life sentence for creating an online drug empire, until the FBI proposed a deal: infiltrate red rooms and help the FBI crack down on these deepest corners of the dark web.

But Turks soon finds that prison might be a better fate…

Another killer stand-alone issue of the all-new monthly series from the creator of Hip Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design!
As seen on Piskor’s YouTube channel sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe!

Dave Sim & David Birdsong: Crisis in Infinite Quarantine #1

You thought we were kidding about “Infinite Quarantine” when we ran these strips online last spring.

We’re betting Crisis on Infinite Quarantine will be as timely at the end of summer 2021 as it was in the spring of 2020 as the Earth continues to play planet-wide whack-a-mole with a microscopic basketball with knobby little things sticking out of it.
If not?

Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 COVER C

Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!

Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!

But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar… Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

Cover C Incentive Davi Card Stock Variant Cover.

Vampiress Carmilla #5

Vampiress Carmilla revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!



Tee Frankin & Max Sarin: Harley Quinn The Animated Series – The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 COVER B

Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century!

Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD!

But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar… Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

Cover B Variant Michael Cho Card Stock Cover.



Jutta Luhtinen: Slow Calendar 2022

Seinäkalenteri vuodelle 2022. Piirroksia inspiroivista hahmoista kuten Patti Smith, Saara Särmä, Paul McCartney ja Torben Ulrich.




