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Käytetyt sarjakuvat
Sari Sariola: Tiedän olevani ylipainoinen
Millaista on elää maailmassa, jossa kaikki on liian pientä?
Ylipainoiset ihmiset ovat yksi harvoista ihmisryhmistä, joiden loukkaaminen on yhteiskunnassamme edelleen normaalia ja sosiaalisesti hyväksyttävää. Maailmassa, joka suhtautuu laihuuteen yhä pakkomielteisemmin, lihavat ihmiset nähdään epäonnistuneina hylkiöinä, joille on luvallista nauraa ja julmintakin syrjintää puolustellaan kansanterveydellisillä syillä.
Sari Sariola on ylipainoinen, ja hän tietää sen ilman että koko maailman täytyy siitä joka käänteessä muistuttaa. Tässä albumissa hän kertoo realismin ja fantasian keinoin, millaista on kantaa ”läskibakteeria”, joka saa ihmiset väistämään kadulla ja lääkärit jättämään työnsä tekemättä. Konstailematta hän puhuu elämästään osana tätä näkymätöntä kansanryhmää, ja millaista esterataa elämä välillä on, kun ihmisarvoa mitataan painoindeksillä.
Voimaannuttava sarjakuva avaa myös ikkunan maailmaan, jossa ihminen voidaan kohdata ihmisenä, kehon muodoista riippumatta.
Sari Sariola (s. 1979) on turkulainen sarjakuvataiteilija ja kuvittaja. Tiedän olevani ylipainoinen on hänen esikoisalbuminsa. Luettuaan sarjakuvia ja pohdittuaan asiaa koko ikänsä, otti Sariola lopulta kynän käteensä ja alkoi töihin. Apuna projektissa oli epätraditionaalinen perhe, johon kuuluu aikuisia, huonekasveja ja niin monta lemmikkiä ettei kukaan pysy laskuissa.
Carl Barks: Carl Barksin Aku Ankka 1
Carl Barks on kaikkien aikojen rakastetuin Aku Ankka -taiteilija, ja hänen ikivihreät sarjakuvaseikkailunsa huvittavat ja viihdyttävät aina uusia lukijasukupolvia kekseliäisyydellään ja vauhdikkaalla kuvituksellaan.
Barksin kaikki ankkasarjakuvat julkaistaan nyt suomeksi alkuperäisessä ilmestymisjärjestyksessä tyylikkäänä albumisarjana, jonka pariin lukija palaa aina uudelleen ja uudelleen.
Sarjan avaa klassinen tarina “Ryytimaa”, joka on ensimmäinen Barksin itse kirjoittama ja piirtämä ankkaseikkailu.
Akun puutarha kärsii varisten iskuista, ja veljenpojat päättävät auttaa setää hankkimalla tälle näkymättömiä siemeniä.
“Oikukas onnenkalu” koettelee Akun uskoa jäniksenkäpälän taikavoimiin, ja tarinassa “Rantavahti” Aku joutuu nokikkain uimarantaa terrorisoivan haikalan kanssa.
P.A. Manninen: Kapteeni Kuolio ja maailmojen sota Viinikassa
Ihmeellisen helposti tunnistettavia tunnistamattomia lentäviä esineitä liikkuu Tampereen keskustan eteläpuolella.
Kapteeni Kuolio joutuu keskelle vakavaa ufoabduktiota, mutta onneksi hänen supersankaritoverinsa Kapteeni Kökkö tietää lentävistä lautasista yhtä ja toista.
Matka vie Järvensivulta Viinikkaan, Nekalaan ja Koivistonkylään ja sankarit joutuvat kohtaamaan miehiä mustissa, Tampereen Area 51:n ja ilmataistelun futuristisin asein. Lisäksi Ajattara on erittäin vihainen.
Albumi perustuu tositapahtumiin ja se on kuvattu aidoilla tapahtumapaikoilla.
Morris: Lucky Luke 1 – Dick Diggerin kultakaivos
Maurice De Bevere eli Morris loi tunnetuimman sarjakuvahahmonsa Lucky Luken vuonna 1946.
Lännensankarin ensiesiintyminen albumiformaatissa tapahtui vuonna 1949, kun alun perin keväällä 1947 ilmestyneet tarinat Dick Diggerin kultakaivos ja Kaksoisolento julkaistiin koottuna laitoksena.
Lucky Luken ensiaskeleet ovat taattua alkuvoimaisen anarkistista lännenhuumoria, jossa toiminnan mies kohtaa bandiitit ja vihamieliset intiaanit luodit ja nyrkit viuhuen.
Tämän albumin sivuilla Lucky Luken ja Jolly Jumperin hahmot hakevat vielä lopullisia muotojaan, mikä tekee näistä seikkailuista äärimmäisen mielenkiintoisia ja jopa yllättäviä.
Tällä albumilla on tärkeä sija eurooppalaisen sarjakuvan historiassa ja se on pakollista tutkittavaa kaikille sarjakuvallisen ilmaisun ystäville.
Pehmeäkantinen painos loppuunmyydystä järkäleestä!
Praedor on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä sarjakuva, joka sijoittuu Jaconian fantasiamaailmaan.
Praedorit ovat sotureita, jotka etsivät aarteita hirviöiden kansoittamilta alueilta, Borvariasta. Tarinat ovat miekka ja magia -tyylin fantasiaa. Praedorista on tehty sarjakuvien lisäksi mm. roolipeli, novellikokoelmia, romaaneja, musiikkia sekä oheistuotteita.
Ensimmäinen Praedor-sarjakuva ilmestyi v. 1985 Conan-lehdessä.
Ville Vuorelan suunnittelema roolipeli julkaistiin v. 2000, ja se myi suomalaiseksi roolipeliksi suunnattomia määriä. Roolipelin toinen laitos ilmestyi kaksi vuotta sitten.
Praedor-sarjakuvia on julkaistu mm. Tähtivaeltaja-, Magus- ja Jysäys-lehdissä sekä omina albumeinaan.
Tätä nykyä suurinta osaa niistä on vaikeaa saada käsiinsä. Tämä kirja korjaa tilanteen.
Tämä Praedor-kokoelma kokoaa yksiin kansiin KAIKKI Praedor-sarjakuvat 80-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Sivut on skannattu originaaleista ja mahdollisimman hyvin restauroitu.
Mukana on sekä Petri Hiltusen että Ville Vuorelan kirjaa varten kirjoittamat muistelot siitä, kuinka kaikki alkoi.
60-sivuisessa ekstraosiossa mukana on mm. julkaisemattomia sarjakuvasivuja sekä värillinen osio Petri Hiltusen kansimaalauksista ja muista Praedor-kuvituksista.
Praedor-kirja on massiivisin suomalaisen tekijän kokoelmateos ja olennainen osa kotimaista sarjakuvahistoriaa.
Mauro Boselli & Enrique Breccia: Tex Willer Värialbumi 3 – Snakeman
Navajokansaa uhkaa vakava vaara, kun uteintiaanien johtoon noussut mystinen shamaani Snakeman lietsoo joukkonsa veriselle sotaretkelle.
Navajoiden päällikkö Yön Kotka alias Tex Willer suistuu kivivyöryssä syvään rotkoon, jolloin viattomien puolustaminen ja syyllisten rankaiseminen jäävät Tiger Jackin ja Texin pojan Kitin varaan.
Pahaa magiaa säkenöivä Käärmeiden Herra vaikuttaa voittamattomalta vastustajalta, kunnes hätiin ilmestyy veret seisauttava Kuoleman Mies!
Albumin on kuvittanut ja värittänyt persoonalliseen tyyliinsä argentiinalainen piirtäjämestari Enrique Breccia. Dramaattisesta tarinasta vastaa Tex Willerin ykköskirjoittaja Mauro Boselli.
Värialbumi on uusin Tex Willer -sarja, joka on sarjakuva-albumikokoinen ja nelivärinen.
Olivier Gay & Fabrice Tarrin: Asterix ja Obelix – Lohikäärmeen valtakunta
Julius Caesar on päättänyt, että Rooman valtakuntaa pitää laajentaa. Hänestä on tuleva Kiinan keisari!
Niinpä legioonalaiset marssivat itään, kohti kaukaista valtakuntaa. Pystyvätkö Asterix ja Obelix estämään Caesarin aikeet?
Luvassa on kaikkien aikojen seikkailu!
Uusi Asterix-elokuva Astérix et Obélix: l’Empire du Milieu saapuu teattereihin helmikuussa 2023 ja se vie gallialaisen sankarin ystävineen ensimmäistä kertaa myyttiseen Kiinaan.
Jännittävä ja hauska tarina on täysin alkuperäinen, ja Story House Egmont julkaisee sen pohjalta laaditun upean piirrosalbumin yhtä aikaa elokuvan kanssa.
Lise Myhre: Nemi 46 – Onni onnettomuudessa
Sanavalmis goottityttö kertoo mielipiteensä maailman menosta, populaarikulttuurista ja arkipäivän sattumuksista.
Uusia sarjakuvia sisältävä albumi on viihdyttävää ja ajatuksia herättävää luettavaa niin vanhoille kuin uusillekin Nemi-faneille.
Alex Raymond: Rip Kirby 1954-1956
Rip Kirbyn tarina jatkuu kuuden seikkailun verran
Herrasmiessalapoliisi Rip Kirby seikkaili 50 vuoden ajan, 1949-1999, Helsingin Sanomissa, joka julkaisi kaikki sarjat kahteen kertaan. Sarja oli lehden suosituimpia sarjakuvia.
Rip Kirbyä on julkaistu kronologisesti albumeina vuoteen 1954 asti Kustannus Jalavan ja HS-kirjojen toimesta.
Tämä ennen julkaisematon kokoelma on jatkoa näille albumeille. Se sisältää 6 seikkailua vuosilta 1954-1956.
Alex Raymondia (1909-1956) pidetään maailman parhaana sanomalehdissä julkaistujen seikkailusarjakuvien piirtäjänä.
Hänen sarjojaan ovat Salainen agentti X-9, Viidakko Jim, Flash Gordon ja Rip Kirby.
Raymondin kuoleman jälkeen Rip Kirbyn piirtämistä jatkoi suosittu ja arvostettu John Prentice (1920-1999).
Petteri Tikkanen: Eero – Rakkauden vuoksi (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Rakkauden vuoksi kertoo Eeron matkan lapsuudesta armeijaikään.
Paras ystävä Kanerva kehittyy nopeammin, ja tämä tuottaa Eerolle päänvaivaa. Miehen mallia tarjoavat sotatraumoista kärsivä ukki sekä hiljakseen pahenevan päihdeongelman kanssa kamppaileva isä.
Pojan täytyy oppia selviämään, mutta elämä ei ole krapula, muistuttaa äiti.
Petteri Tikkanen kuvaa nuoren pojan seksuaalista heräämistä ja itsensä etsimistä herkällä vaistolla ja varmalla viivalla.
Tikkasen visuaalinen ilmaisuvoima on huima ja vähäisen dialogin merkitys korostuu. Eeron tarina on sarjakuvakerronnan juhlaa, nautinto lukijalle!
Rakkauden vuoksi -kirjan ensimmäinen luku on palkittu Sarjakuva-Finlandialla vuonna 2009.
Vicar: Aku Ankka – Avaruusankkojen paluu (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Chileläinen Vicar (1934-2012) on yksi pidetyimpiä ja arvostetuimpia Aku Ankka -sarjakuvien piirtäjiä, ja hänen vauhdikkaita, huolellisesti kuvitettuja tarinoitaan on julkaistu Suomessakin jo 70-luvulta alkaen.
Tämä muhkea kirja kokoaa rakastetun mestarin parhaita tarinoita yksiin kansiin.
Pitkän uransa aikana Vicar ehti laatia jatkoa monille Carl Barksin klassikkotarinoille – kokoelman nimikertomus “Avaruusankkojen paluu” tutustuttaa Akun ja kumppanit jälleen piskuisiin avaruusmuukalaisiin. Kultu Kimallus puolestaan palaa kuvioihin kertomuksessa “Alaskan öljylöytö”, ja “MacAaveen linna” vie Roopen takaisin Skotlannin maisemiin.
PS Artbooks presents Classic Horror Comics 2.
Collects Haunted Thrills #3 & 7; Terrifying Tales #12; Weird Chills #1 & 3, 1952-54.
This is a strange brew of three different titles, but all with very cool pre-code features.
Includes bondage covers, an EC swipe, covers by the two greats, L.B. Cole and Bernard Baily (co-creator of The Spectre), plus Basil Wolverton, Jay Disbrow, Carl Burgos (Human Torch creator), and the Iger Shop.
Garrett Gunn & Christina Blanch & Kit Wallis: Good Boy 2
Flint’s retirement is pushed off when he gets caught up in a rival’s revenge plan.
With revenge in his rearview mirror, Flint heads for The Farm; a peaceful community for retired and deactivated Guild members.
But his dreams are short- lived when he finds the facility in rubble after an attack by a mysterious canine named Tucker who will stop at NOTHING to repay a decades old vengeful debt.
Collecting Good Boy: Volume Two issues 1-4.
We’ve unearthed some more little horrors for our second volume of Classic Horror Comics!
Starting with Haunted Thrills #3 (October 1952) and Haunted Thrills #7 (March 1953) where scientist George Norton saves the brain of an executed wife killer- making contact with it to develop it’s evil ways?
Then Terrifying Tales #12 (April 1953) complete with a classic L.B.Cole cover- where not even Jo-Jo realized what horrors lurked beneath the surface of a crystal clear lake!
Finishing our grim journey with Weird Chills #1 (July 1954) where the doctor oversees a blood transfusion between a woman and a zombie!
And in Weird Chills #3 (November 1954) we discover the ‘Terror on TV’-vampiric monsters take over the studio- attacking the cast and crew- while the audience just think it’s all part of the show?
Momma always said TV was bad for you- so you better stick to reading the comics!
Chris Ryall & Gabriel Rodriguez: Onyx
Locke & Key artist and co-creator GABRIEL RODRIGUEZ, colorist JAY FOTOS, and writer CHRIS RYALL bring you the complete, extra-length tale of a cyborg warrior who calls herself Onyx!
Onyx arrives in a near-future Nigeria beset by overpopulation and food shortages alongside another alien entity that corrupts all lifeforms in its presence.
Is Onyx here to save the planet or, in its final throes, help hasten its destruction?
Classic Science Fiction Comics 4
PS Artbooks presents Classic Sci-Fi Comics Volume 4 including Lost Worlds, Zip Jet and Space Mysteries, all reproduced completely from cover to cover, just like the original comics and absolutelly crammed with the cream of 1950’s comic book talent including John Celardo, Ross Andru, Jack Katz, Nick Cardy, Alex Toth, Rocco Mastroserio, Art Saaf, Ruben Moreira, Art Pinajian, Al Plastino, Ralph Mayo, Carl Burgos and Russ Heath.
Don’t hang around for too long; these beauties they won’t be in orbit forever!
Collects Lost Worlds #5-6 (1952), Zip Jet #1-2 (1953), and Space Mysteries #1 (1958).
Sherri L. Smith & Diego Galindo: Avatar – The High Ground 2
Humans have returned to Pandora—with an armada of starships—but Jake Sully and the Na’vi are ready for them!
Knowing this day would come, Jake has trained his Na’vi warriors with a plan that should make it too costly for the humans to try again . . . if the plan works.
But, any chain of events is only as strong as the weakest link, and in this case the weak link is human nature. As the plan unravels, Jake and Neytiri must race against time to return to Pandora and save their children before the starships land.
James Cameron’s epic original story “The High Ground” continues in this graphic novel adaptation written by award-winning author Sherri L. Smith (The Toymaker’s Apprentice, Orleans) and illustrated by Diego Galindo (Stranger Things: The Tomb of Ybwen, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers).
Avatar: The High Ground Volume 2 takes fans to parts of the Avatar universe never anticipated!
Here come those PS guys again- this time hitting you with the full run of Worlds of Fear from the magical days of 1952 and featuring artists and writers such as Sheldon Moldoff, Bernard Baily, Bob Powell, George Evans, Mike Sekowsky, Moe Marcus, Bob McCarty, Harry Harrison and Norman Saunders.
Crossing horror and SF has never been more enjoyable.
Lock the door, flip the tab on a can of soda and delve into those potato chips. It’s a marriage made in Heaven.
Collects issues #1-5 (November 1951 to June 1953).
David Pepose & Carlos Magno: Savage Avengers 1 – Time Is the Sharpest Edge
Since his exile from his own time, Conan the Barbarian has conquered every foe the modern-day Marvel Universe has to offer — but what happens when this hard-edged Cimmerian finds himself targeted by the cybernetic future soldier called Deathlok?
Outgunned and outmatched, Conan must turn to an unlikely group of loners, berserkers and killers if he hopes to survive.
But as Deathlok pursues Conan and these new Savage Avengers from the present day back to the Hyborian Age, can anything stop his murderous manhunt?
Who is behind Deathlok’s assault? And can this hastily assembled team handle the dangers that lurk in every corner of Conan’s home era?
It’s a bold new beginning for Marvel’s most savage super heroes — with a sensational new lineup that will resonate across every era of the House of Ideas!
COLLECTING: Savage Avengers (2022) #1-5.
Ziff Davis’s mesmerising Amazing Adventures is available for the first time ever in our handy SOFTEE format!
With SIX variant covers available for you to collect! So the same book but with six different covers! Which one will you choose?
This first volume features issues #1 – #6 from 1950 to 1952 of the Ziff Davies publication of ‘Amazing Adventures’.
René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo: Asterix Omnibus 8
Contains 3 newly-translated classic Asterix tales.
Asterix is a fearless Gaul with a magic potion that grants him incredible strength to protect his village and ward off Roman Empire from invading. With his pal, Obelix, the defend their village from not only the blundering Roman legionairies, but also lend their services to the rest of the world.
First, Asterix and Obelix’s fishing trip goes wrong when they make “The Great Crossing” and wind up on the shores of North America. Neither America, nor Asterix, will ever be the same after this comical invasion.
Second, Obelix gets the spotlight as his delivery service for stone menhir slabs gets a Roman update, becoming “Obelix and Co.” Will Obelix be too greedy? Probably!
Then, third, watch your waffles, “Asterix in Belgium” writer and Asterix co-creator René Goscinny’s final story before his untimely death. It’s a tale of two tribes as the Gauls and the Belgians unite, and then unravel, all to keep out Caesar’s forces.
Plus: a new Afterword by Alexander Simmons providing historical and cultural context for Asterix, both in 50 B.C. and in the time the classic comics were made.
A new PS ARTBOOKS SOFTEE format book.
Never before published with stunning L.B. Cole & Wally Wood artwork plus a host of well known illustrators.
Collects Blue Bolt #108 (February 1951) and #110 (August 1951), Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror #112 (February 1952), #116 (December 1952), #118 (April 1953), and #119 (June 1953).
Fungirl is a hapless (hopeless) hot mess of a woman crashing through life, leaving chaos in her wake.
Although her oblivious antics infuriate her roommate, terrify the teenage skaters she tries to impress, and threaten her every opportunity for employment, Fungirl remains charming, transgressive, and hilarious.
Pich’s cartoonish comic art is simple and quirky, with clean lines and bold colors.
The art transforms potentially graphic scenes of sex and violence into adorably cute, almost sweet, vignettes.
Pich renders Fungirl’s particular messiness deliciously palatable, like an inappropriate wedding cake.
Charlton’s not-to-be-underestimated Strange Suspense Stories boasted a huge roster creative of talents -Dick Giordano, Gene Colan, Sol Brodsky, Bill Molno, Rocco Mastroserio, Charles Nicholas, Tony Talarico, Bill Fraccio, Matt Baker.
And of course Steve Ditko whose moody, individualistic touch came to dominate Charlton’s supernatural titles.
But before his Marvel fame, Charlton’s shining light, Steve Ditko was at his best in this run of Strange Suspense Stories.
So don’t miss your chance and check out our latest volume and watch out, fella, these really are strange mix of horror, suspense, science fiction, fantasy and supernatural stories!
Collects Strange Suspense Stories #38-42 (September 1958-June 1959).
Emilia Clarke & Marguerite Bennett & Leila Leiz & Jo Ratcliffe: M.O.M. – Mother of Madness 1
The mayhem begins with Maya, under-the-weather scientist by day, over-the-top superhero by night, and badass single mom 24/7.
DEADPOOL action and FLEABAG comedy collide when Maya activates her freakish superpowers to take on a secret sect of human traffickers.
Bath time’s at 7pm, bedtime’s at 8pm, and crimefighting never sleeps when villains out of Maya’s shadowy past come to collect.
Mature readers only! Comedy and chaos await with co-writer MARGUERITE BENNETT (DC’s BOMBSHELLS, ANIMOSITY) and the glamorous artist of HORDE, LEILA LEIZ!
Collects the complete limited series, M.O.M.: MOTHER OF MADNESS #1 – #3.
Okay horror fans, take heed, pay attention, listen to me very carefully, I’ll tell you this one more time!
Don’t try to outsmart fate!
Those who get too crafty often lose their heads!
Be extra careful of that woman on the road – she may be a murderous vampire!
For your own safety don’t try to scare anyone in the home of an axe-wielding murderous old crone.
And whatever you do, please don’t volunteer to take part in any medical experiments and I don’t know how many times we’ve told you this but never ever stay for the night at ‘Werewolf Castle’!
Let’s try to keep everyone safe out there!
Collects Voodoo #15-18 (May/June 1954 to January/February 1955).
What if Zelda and Conan had a child? The answer is Knight Janek. Grab the award-winning graphic novel collected in English for the first time ever!
Things are not going well in the realm of Fancylake.
The royal couple falls a victim of a fatal accident, and the fresh new Duke shows a disturbing passion for the occult.
As if that were not enough, a strange wanderer arrives in the capital… Knight Janek will fight giant Kaiju Centipede’s and many others in his journey to stop the Duke from taking over the realm of Fancylake.
Time to decapitate this monster and save this Kingdom. What do you think of that Knight?
Canadian publisher Superior Comics arrival into the four-color horror ring all gloved up and swinging fit to punch the lights out of anybody who stands in their way with a collection of bizarre and quirky tales!
From #1, “The Living Corpse” where a wife has dreams about a man dead for 10 years. Her husband makes a deal with the devil to bring the corpse back to life. She then loses her soul to the devil.
And from #5, “Blood of the Zombie” where a man asks to be embalmed because a zombie colony will think that he has white blood and thus believe him to be a god. The colony of zombies makes his wife kill him.
Collects Strange Mysteries #1-5 (September 1951-May 1952).
Garrett Price: White Boy in Skull Valley
From the famed New Yorker illustrator comes one of the lost treasures of American comic strips.
White Boy celebrates the life and culture of the American Indian of the Old West in a way that was unique in early twentieth century popular culture.
In 1933, Price, a Wyoming native, drew on his boyhood days to offer an adventurous, humorous, coming-of-age story seen from the point of view of a small Native American tribe and their adopted teenage boy.
Sunday Press presents the complete White Boy/Skull Valley saga, over 150 Sundays, reprinted for the first time in 80 years. White Boy remains one of the more remarkable achievements in comics, with pioneering storytelling and artistic creativity that stand the test of time.
The final volume of Ace Magazines’ The Beyond is brand new to the PS Artbooks Softee racks, fellow comic book fans and features writers and artists such as Warren Kremer, Frank Giusto, Don Perlin, Ken Rice, Al Hartley, Maurice Gutwirth, Mike Sekowsky, Jerry Grandenetti, Louis Zansky, Jim McLaughlin, Charles Nicholas, Lin Streeter and Richard Case.
Just when you thought it was gonna be safe to put your wallet away, think again cos here comes even more horror and suspense in the form of ghouls and cadavers, vampires and ghosts!
Collects The Beyond #1-5 (November 1950-July 1951)..
Rube Goldberg: Foolish Questions & Other Odd Observations
Before his incredible inventions captivated the world, Rube Goldberg was one of the most popular comic strip artists in America.
Here is the full Sunday-page run of his first hit comic, Foolish Questions, as expanded and colorized for the pages of the Sunday Chicago Tribune, 1909–1910.
This comic strip spawned several reprint books and inspired games, postcards, copycat comic strips, and got readers to start ridiculing the “foolish questions” in their own lives.
Also included is a brain-scrambling assortment of the other panels from his daily comics series that originated the wise-cracking Foolish Questions classic.
Most are printed for the first time in over 100 years.
Here’s your chance to enjoy the wild, inventive, and politically incorrect humor of the inimitable Rube Goldberg.
Okay horror fans, take heed, pay attention, listen to me very carefully, Don’t try to outsmart fate!
Those who get too crafty often lose their heads!
Be extra careful of that woman on the road – she may be a murderous vampire!
For your own safety don’t try to scare anyone in the home of an axe-wielding murderous old crone.
And whatever you do, please don’t volunteer to take part in any medical experiments and I don’t know how many times we’ve told you this but never ever stay for the night at “Werewolf Castle”!
Collects Voodoo #15-19 (May/June 1954 to January/February 1955).
George Herriman: Krazy & Ignatz 1925-1927
This Eisner Award-nominated series showcases one of the most renowned and celebrated comic strips in the art form’s history as it strides boldly through the mid-1920s, its quirky characters in full flower in this gorgeous, archival hardcover collection.
In this volume: Ignatz repeatedly sets elaborate traps for Krazy (long before the Road Runner), adventures on the “enchanted mesa,” wacky weather, literal cliffhangers — and what happens when Santa and the stork arrive at the same chimney at the same moment?
BONUS: The most complete collection of Herriman’s long-lost Book of Magic pages ever assembled.
With incisive essays by Herriman scholars, this entry in our ongoing series makes it plain to Herriman fans and newcomers alike why historians, scholars, and cartoonists consider this to be the best comic strip ever created and why The Comics Journal proclaimed it to be “the greatest comic strip of the 20th Century.”
Krazy Kat is an ongoing story of a (head-) achingly unrequited love triangle.
Krazy adores Ignatz, who returns that affection by launching literal bricks at Krazy’s cranium.
Offisa Pup loves Krazy and seeks to protect “her” (Herriman always maintained that Krazy is genderless) by tossing Ignatz in the pokey.
With this deceptively simple structure, Herriman builds entire worlds of meaning into the actions, building thematic depth and sweeping his readers up with the looping verbal and visual rhythms of his characters’ unique dialogue and his loopy, ever-shifting surrealistic backgrounds.
Introducing our first volume of CLASSIC HORROR COMICS – where we’ve unearthed some right little horrors!
Starting with Terrifying Tales #11 Black Magic! Voodoo! Jungle Mystery!
And cover artwork by L.B. Cole.
And there’s more with shocking and eerie tales including cannibalism in the pages of The Tormented #1 & #2.
Climax #1 from publisher Stanley Morse features the aptly titled ‘Fate!’ where no matter which road Rocky Webster chooses he meets justice! And it would be an injustice, if you miss the chance to buy this beauty!
Climax #2 gives us ‘The Witness’ where Tony Paris commits murder but picks the wrong girl to be his alibi! So you better make sure you have your alibi ready when we ask ya if you’ve bought this already?
Ram V & Christian Ward: Aquaman – Andromeda #1
Deep in the Pacific Ocean, at the farthest possible distance from any land, sits Point Nemo: the spaceship graveyard.
Since the dawn of the space race, the nations of the world have sent their crafts there on splashdown, to sink beneath the silent seas.
But there is something…else at Point Nemo. A structure never made by human hands. And that structure seems to be…waking up.
The crew of the experimental submarine Andromeda, powered by a mysterious black-hole drive, have been chosen to investigate this mystery. But they aren’t the only ones pursuing it.
Anything of value beneath the ocean is of value to the master pirate Black Manta…and anything that attracts Black Manta attracts Arthur Curry, his lifelong foe, the Aquaman!
But heaven help them all when the doors of the mystery at Point Nemo swing wide to admit them…
Bringing a bracing cosmic-horror sensibility to the world of Aquaman, rising superstars Ram V (Venom, The Swamp Thing) and Christian Ward (Thor, Invisible Kingdom) team up to put Arthur Curry through an exercise in psychological terror that could break the will of even a king!
Chris Ryan & Sam Kieth: The Hollows
In this specially priced, extra-length comic, artist SAM KIETH and writer CHRIS RYALL transport you to a dystopian near-future Japan, where spectral, once-human husks prey on the unfortunates who couldn’t find salvation in the skyscraper-like trees that now dominate the decimated landscape.
A discredited scientist works furiously to find a cure, until a one-eyed orphan girl and her pet, uh, urp, force him to rethink everything he knows…
Ram V & Christian Ward: Aquaman – Andromeda #2
When an underwater explosion rocks the crew of the Andromeda, Aquaman comes to their rescue, but the damage has already been done.
The explosion has damaged the ship’s core and unleashed a sickness that will threaten everyone on board.
But as tensions flare, Black Manta makes his move-it’s information he’s after, but what do ancient aliens have to do with Atlantis?
John Ridley & Giuseppe Camuncoli: Batman – One Bad Day: Penguin #1
The Penguin’s criminal enterprise and the Iceberg Lounge have been stolen from underneath him by his former associate the Umbrella Man.
The Umbrella Man has removed all of the rules for crime in Gotham City that the Penguin put in place, and the city is in chaos.
The Penguin is a broken man, and he’ll have to travel through the burning streets of Gotham with a gun and a single bullet putting together a new crew to take back what he’s built.
Will Batman help the devil he knows or face the devil he doesn’t in the form of the Umbrella Man?
A crime epic from the team behind the critically acclaimed Other History of the DC Universe, John Ridley and Giuseppe Camuncoli – don’t miss it!
It was January 1947 that the first real, indisputable horror comic came along – EERIE COMICS #1, published by Avon.
It had a striking cover that was, well… eerie, depicting a strange-looking man with a knife on the steps of some sort of ruin, approaching a bound woman – a theme that was to be repeated countless times in the future . . .
Whet your appetite on these horrors inside including ‘The Eyes of the Tiger’ by Bob Fujitani featuring a pet tiger who gets his first taste for blood – no surprises there then?
‘Dead Man’s Tale’ by Jon Small gives us the story of a bottle that gave Myron Morgan wealth and how he died when it was destroyed.
‘The Man-Eating Lizards’ by Joe Kubert, when a plane goes down in the ocean, the surviving crew members find themselves on an island of giant, man-eating lizards.
‘The Strange Case of Henpecked Harry’ by Fred Kida, tells how Harry Horton plots the death of his wife, only to be driven mad by the guilt.
It’s hard to point to a particular source or inspiration, such as radio or the pulps, for any of these stories as they were not adaptations and didn’t come from any existing series – yet here they are, together as probably the world’s first true horror comic!
Do you know what ol’ Grandma Quinzel used to say?
Live long and fight alien monsters to save Earth!
She was full of wisdom like that. And only Task Force XX can save our little blue marble from suffering a full-scale alien takeover!
Not all of us are going to survive, but at least we’ll look really good dying thanks to Luke Fox providin’ some new gear.
Tune in for the final installment of Harley Quinn’s Task Force XX Space Extravaganza, plus the start of a new status quo for Harley Quinn!
This little beauty published by Avon was a notable one-shot featuring a single story that was genuinely creepy and suspenseful!
Let me give you the pitch: out of the horrible abyss known as death came a ghastly army of the dead!
Thirsting for the pleasures of the living, these lost souls wanted human bodies!
But a beautiful girl and two brave men dared to defy “The Dead Who Walk!”
I mean, come on, with that sort of yarn, you just gotta take a look at this right? Reprints The Dead Who Walk #1 (1952)..
Steve Orlando & Jack Herbert: Wonder Woman Annual #4
There’s something evil afoot in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, and Wonder Woman is on a mission to save the innocents caught in the crossfire!
As a mass of dark energy envelops a pocket of the planet, Diana must use her golden lasso to keep tethered to reality as she ventures inside, or face being corrupted by the energy herself!
But there’s more than just a battle with the Dark Fates at play here…something else lurks in the heart of the Amazon that will shape the future of the DC Universe for years to come…
Skywald’s Nightmare continues with issue #3 (April 1971).
A black-and-white comic magazine absolutely packed full of horror and suspense, complete with a striking Boris Vallejo cover!
And featuring the combined talents of Tom Sutton, Gerry Conway, Rich Buckler, Al Hewetson, Serg Moren, Gardner Fox, Raul Reinman, Bruce Jones, Kevin Pagan, Chic Stone and Jack Katz.
And all reproduced here completely like the original comic magazine!
October is here, and that means it’s time for fables of fear, time for stories of suspense, and time for tales of…time?
Join us for a terrifying tour across the ages from some of comics’ top talent!
Witness zombies menace the JSA in the 1940s.
Experience the haunting of the Gotham City Sirens in the 1990s.
Watch as Swamp Thing goes up against an irradiated monstrosity in the far future.
These are just a taste of the time-hopping terrors we have in store for you in our fright-filled Halloween anthology!
Written by: Zac Thompson, Tim Seeley, Matt Levine, Paul Levitz
Art by: Andy MacDonald, Kelley Jones, Jorge Corona, Raúl Fernández
Skywald’s Scream #2 October 1973 is a black-and-white comic magazine absolutely packed full of horror and suspense.
Featuring Lady Satan, this is her macabre origin issue.
Within one body lived one Anne, innocent and good, and another Anne, the evil “Black Witch of Salem.” Together: they were “Lady Satan,” each constantly struggling with the other for complete control over their shared body created by Al Hewetson and penciled by Ricardo Villamonte.
This issue also features “The Thing in the Black Dress” by Al Hewetson and penciled by Suso and “The Vampire Letters” by Al Hewetson and penciled by Emilio Bernado, one set of fearsome females!
And all reproduced here completely like the original comic magazine. Don’t hang around, these horrors will be gone by sunrise!.
Becky Cloonan & Andy MacDonald: Wonder Woman 2021 Annual
Since her return from the Sphere of the Gods, Diana has tried her best to reconnect with her past and those she left behind.
But now the past is coming for her! It all begins when a mysterious man appears, claiming to know the dark history of the Amazons.
Could his claims possibly be true? And what does this mean for our hero’s relationship with those who still rule Themyscira?
Judgment is coming for all the Amazons, and you won’t want to miss this prologue story leading directly to the next chapter of the Wonder Woman epic!
Skywald’s Psycho #2 (March 1971) is a black-and-white comic magazine absolutely packed full of horror and suspense.
Featuring on the cover by Hector Varela we’ve got the original muck monster!
The Heap in his first re-appearance and his second incarnation this time brought back to life by Chuck McNaughton and Ross Andru!
Also featured are the creative talents of Jack Katz, Tom Palmer,Stephen Hickman, Tom Sutton, Chic Stone, and Serg Moren.
And all reproduced here completely like the original comic magazine.
DC’s Terrors Through Time #1 (COVER B)
October is here, and that means it’s time for fables of fear, time for stories of suspense, and time for tales of…time?
Join us for a terrifying tour across the ages from some of comics’ top talent!
Witness zombies menace the JSA in the 1940s.
Experience the haunting of the Gotham City Sirens in the 1990s.
Watch as Swamp Thing goes up against an irradiated monstrosity in the far future.
These are just a taste of the time-hopping terrors we have in store for you in our fright-filled Halloween anthology!
Written by: Zac Thompson, Tim Seeley, Matt Levine, Paul Levitz
Art by: Andy MacDonald, Kelley Jones, Jorge Corona, Raúl Fernández
Jonathan Hedrick & Stefano Cardoselli: Caffeinated Hearts
Follow a beautifully tattooed barista named Amarella across four vignettes that are blended through this slice-of-life comic book set in a coffee shop with a cyberpunk backdrop.
These robust tales will warm your heart like a fresh batch of java poured into your favorite morning mug. Step inside and enjoy.
Christos Gage & Todd Nauck: Giant-Size Gwen Stacy #1
Gwen’s own miniseries finally gets its ending, and we’re putting it all together!
It’s got everything!
The Green Goblin!
The X-Men!!!
Re-presenting issues #1-2 of the GWEN STACY limited series (2019) with the story finale presented for the first time!
Sensational Wonder Woman Special #1
Wonder Woman stars in three sensational stories that will push her to her limits.
Will the Amazon Princess come out on top after battling the likes of Circe, Blue Snowman, and the Threnn of Doom?
Join us in this celebration of all things Wonder Woman for International Women’s Day!
Philip Tan & Brian Haberlin: The Last Shadowhawk #1 3D
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of SHADOWHAWK #1 with writer/artist PHILIP TAN (SPAWN, X-Men), co-writer BRIAN HABERLIN (HELLCOP, THE MARKED), and inker DANIEL HENRIQUES (GUNSLINGER SPAWN, SHADOW WAR: ALPHA).
In the not-too-distant future the world will be just as it is today…only worse.
Evil has permeated the very fabric of society, from the halls of government to the darkened alleyways.
Will the heroes who once defended the downtrodden fail them now?
Will a new generation rise, inspired by the last of the old?
Megazine + bonus graphic novel.
In biodegradable polybag, citizens – dispense in your compost bin by order of Justice Department.
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd!
Continuing the undead event from 2000 AD Prog 2300, this issue sees Johnny Alpha attempt to recruit allies to take on the zombie menace in stories by Ken Niemand, Leigh Gallagher, Gordon Rennie, Dan Cornwell, Liam Johnson, Conor Boyle, Mike Carroll, Steve Yeowell and more; and in the bagged supplement this month former art editor Robin Smith reveals roughs and sketches behind some of 2000 AD’s most iconic covers in an exclusive collection of never-before-seen concept artwork!
Garrett Gunn & Christina Blanch: Postmasters #1-2
In a Post-Pandemic America, one of the only things still remotely functioning is the mail.
But with mass casualties to their ranks, the postal service has been forced to adapt to a consistently more aggressive set of routes with less and less carriers to service them.
One of the last remaining Postmasters, 32, sets out to deliver a one-of-a-kind letter that’s mysteriously appeared at the Western States Distribution Center.
Rugged terrain, highway robbers, and The Wicked all stand between 32 and his destination.
But he knows the motto: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night will stay the swift and timely completion of his assigned route.
Megazine + bonus graphic novel.
In biodegradable polybag, citizens – dispense in your compost bin by order of Justice Department.
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd!
Lawless: “Ballots Over Badrock” wraps up with things looking desperate for Metta Lawson; Anderson, Psi-Division enters a new era in “Dissolution”; and there’s a complete Judge Dredd thriller in the “Little Shop of Terrors.”
Plus there’s the usual interviews, features, and in the bagged GN this month the first series of Dan Abnett and Richard Elson’s irreverent fantasy saga Feral & Foe!
Mattson Tomlin & Lee Bermejo: A Vicious Circle #1
Iconic artist Lee Bermejo (Batman: Damned, Joker) partners with director and screenwriter Mattson Tomlin (Batman: The Imposter)!
Shawn Thacker is a trained assassin from the future who seeks revenge on the only other man with his affliction – each life they take forces them both to travel between vastly different past and future eras.
Spanning from 22nd century Tokyo to 1950s New Orleans to the Cretaceous Era and beyond, the two mortal rivals are locked in a battle of wills that spans millions of years, all to alter the course of history.
With each time period, Lee Bermejo adjusts his artistic style to pay homage to luminary comics artists and historical master painters, all presented in a prestige, oversized format!
Can you count to three? We can too!
This Summer, MUTINY MAGAZINE is back, stronger than a blockbuster.
Packed with its in-depth interviews, features and up to 50 pages of original creator owned comic stories from independent creators!
Highlights include the return of the NO FUTURE series (by Eder Messias & Fabrice Sapolsky), a long conversation with comic book heavyweight JASON AARON AVENGERS, CONAN, SOUTHERN BASTARDS), a bold new creator owned story from DJIBRIL MORISSETTE PHAN called “The Eternal Winter”, a never seen before tale of Eisner nominated and Glyph Awards winning series WATSON & HOLMES, a legendary French hero published in the US for the first time EVER and so much more!
MUTINY MAGAZINE is the only publication finally bringing all comics under one roof, indie and mainstream, all genres, creators from all over the world with an inclusive mindset.
This issue comes with FIVE exclusive covers from Marcus Williams (TUSKAGEE HEIRS), Djibril Morissette Phan (ALL-NEW WOLVERINE, GLITTERBOMB, WINTER GUARD), Tomm Cocker (BLACK MONDAY MURDERS), Stephanie ‘Lucky Star’ Lavaud (MONEY SHOT) and a mystery superhero cover by Paul Renaud (AVENGERS, X-MEN).
Jeff Lemire & Doug Mahnke: Swamp Thing – Green Hell #1
The gruesome horror hit from Jeff Lemire and Doug Mahnke returns to complete its run in February and March of 2023, and now is the time to get back on board with a special reprint of the first issue!
In the future, the last remnants of civilization cling to a nearly submerged mountaintop…and to finish humanity off, the Red, the Green, and the Rot have joined forces to send the most monstrous Swamp Thing ever created!
Second Printing.
Garth Ennis & Russ Braun: Jimmy’s Little Bastards #1
A new generation of Bastards is back and bolder than ever! A special 3-issue oversized prestige format mini-series from Jimmy’s creators GARTH ENNIS and RUSS BRAUN!
After the shattering events of his last adventure, Jimmy is on extended leave from British Intelligence – sliding slowly into middle age, with carpet slippers, tragic sweater and cup of cocoa to match.
The formerly sexist superspy is even re-evaluating his attitude to women!
His daughter (Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it!) Nancy is taking up the slack in fine style, cutting a bloody swathe through the Regent rogues’ gallery.
But a mysterious message starts Jimmy looking into his family’s murky past…where he finds a clue to a strange and deadly new danger.
JIMMY’S LITTLE BASTARDS #1, by Garth Ennis and Russ Braun.
Written by Garth Ennis (A WALK THROUGH HELL, The Boys, Preacher) and illustrated by Russ Braun (Batman, Swamp Thing, Where Monsters Dwell), JIMMY’S LITTLE BASTARDS returns to a familiar world with a new spin.
Chrissy Williams & Lauren Knight: Golden Rage #1-5
Older women have been deemed useless to society and abandoned on a remote island, where they must fight to the death, whilst making friends and dessert.
Welcome to GOLDEN RAGE: a not-too-distant dystopia where Battle Royale meets The Golden Girls.
Perfect for readers who enjoyed Deanna Raybourn’s Killers of a Certain Age and Helene Tursten’s An Elderly Woman Is Up to No Good.
Created by writer CHRISSY WILLIAMS (editor of DIE, THE WICKED + THE DIVINE), artist LAUREN KNIGHT (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and colorist SOFIE DODGSON (BITTER ROOT, Tank Girl).
Ed Lavallee & Marcelo Basile: Pop Star Assassin 2 #1-4
Pop Star Assassin is back, baby!
Veronica gets a ride.
McQuinn and Molly visit an old friend at Pair-A-Dice City.
TiTi rolls out in a 1965 Cadillac Eldorado convertible.
We take a walk through Bruce’s subconscious with Mr. Krolik.
Cullen Bunn & Andrea Mutti: Parasomnia – The Dreaming God #1-4
Cullen Bunn (Harrow County) and Andrea Mutti (Bunny Mask) return with their hit adventure tale of two worlds split between dreams and reality.
As the hunt for his missing son continues, our hero shifts worlds from the nightmarish Lovecraftian dreamscape to a cyberpunk metropolis where a ruthless cult continues to plague him, and reality and fantasy continue to blur.
Peter Milligan & Marcelo Frusin: Sacrament #1-5
The Exorcist meets Alien in this sci-fi/horror story.
In the year 3000, Mankind abandoned Earth and fled into outer space.
Now, a disgraced priest, called into action to perform an exorcism on a remote space colony, is about to discover that no matter how far you run, you can’t escape your demons, and the Devil is, in fact, real.
Jeff Lemire & Andrea Sorrentino: Bone Orchard Mythos – Ten Thousand Black Feathers #1-5
From the acclaimed creative team behind GIDEON FALLS, PRIMORDIAL, and THE PASSAGEWAY comes a new story in the bold and ambitious shared horror universe of THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS.
Trish and Jackie are best friends and avid gamers.
But when the line between reality and their fantasy world is blurred by an evil darkness, can they be the heroes of their own story?
A universe that features self-contained graphic novels and limited series about all the horrors waiting to be discovered within the Bone Orchard.
Kyle Starks & Michael Calero: Alpha Betas #1-4
It’s Rick and Morty meets Tron as top gamers Eddie, Buck, Mason, and Tommy find themselves caught in the middle of a high stakes battle between the U.S. government and a digital terrorist inside the virtual realm of video games.
Now they must save the pixelated world of NIMBUS to prevent catastrophic consequences in the real world.
Based on the new animated series with over 7 million views, Alpha Betas is a collaboration between popular Youtube creators, Evan “VanossGaming” Fong, Marcel “BasicallyIDoWrk” Cunningham, Tyler “I AM WILDCAT” Wine, and Brian “Terroriser” Hanby, with more than 60 million subscribers across their channels, and the voice talents of Hollywood heavy hitters like Paget Brewster (Community), Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), and Chris Parnell (Rick and Morty).
Jason Aaron & Bryan Hitch: Avengers Assemble Alpha #1
Uniting The Avengers, Avengers Forever and Avengers of 1,000,000 BC in an epic saga that forms the capstone to Jason Aaron’s era on Avengers!
From throughout time and the far corners of the Multiverse, the Mightiest Heroes of All the Earths are assembling as never before for a battle beyond all imaging.
A war that will take us from the prehistoric beginnings of an Earth under assault by the greatest villains who’ve ever lived to the watchtower that stands at the dark heart of the all and the always, where an army of unprecedented evil now rises.
The biggest Avengers saga in Marvel history begins now.
Ram V & Christopher Mitten: Detective Comics 2022 Annual
As a werewolf, Gael has lived through many generations, and so he has visited Gotham land before…hundreds of years ago.
Take a trip back to the 1700s Renaissance Gotham with Gael on Arkham land to help remember with him exactly where he buried something important he now has to dig back up.
And in a twist of fate, a dark knight in town also seems to be looking for something from out of time…his way back home to the present.
Becky Cloonan & Robbi Rodriguez: Batgirls 2022 Annual
It’s a freaky Friday when the Batgirls wake up inside each other’s bodies!
That can’t be possible, right? It’s only stuff you see in the movies?
Except Oracle has seen this happen before and the only person who may have the antidote to swap their bodies back…is Batman!
And to make matters worse, Lady Shiva is here confronting her daughter about something…and it’s up to Steph to put on her best Cass to get through it!
As Pariah’s Dark Army continues its march around the globe, Damian Wayne thinks he’s got an answer as to why Pariah is able to control the most dangerous cosmic villains of the Multiverse-and he’s taking Red Canary and Dr. Light on the road to see if he’s right!
Don’t miss this thrilling Dark Crisis tie-in with direct connections to the present and future of the DCU!
Becky Cloonan & Caitlin Yarsky: Olympus: Rebirth #1
An adventure of mythic proportions!
After years of bitter and violent conflict, the Greek pantheon of gods stands united to welcome their latest goddess…Hippolyta of Themyscira!
Due to her heroic efforts in the mortal realm, the former queen has earned her rightful place among the gods and plans to use her newfound powers to take care of her Amazon sisters from beyond. Little does she know, some of the gods are wary of the new future Hippolyta brings and will do just about anything to stop it!
Join the Wonder Woman writing duo of Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad-along with artist Caitlin Yarsky (Black Hammer) in her DC debut-for an unforgettable new adventure on Mount Olympus.
It’s only the beginning of many exciting things to come for Wonder Woman and her world of characters!
Dark Knights of Steel: Tales from the Three Kingdoms #1
The El Kingdom has been ruled with integrity and honesty for generations, by familes from the Waynes to the Els.
The future of the kingdom lies with its three heirs and the challenges they will face…but what really prepared them for their tumultuous future?
What stories defined Bruce, Zala, and Kal-El?
Learn these tales and more from international bestselling writers Tom Taylor, Jay Kristoff, and C.S. Pacat!
Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades #1
Returning for another rousing celebration of Marvel’s Latin/x characters and creators is Marvel Voices: Community!
Legendary creator Fabian Nicieza takes to the stars in an action-packed Nova adventure!
Superstar Edgar Delgado continues to show off his writing chops with a spine-tingling spider escapade with Miles Morales!
And award-winning author Alex Segura blazes a new trail for White Tiger – and introduces a brand new character to the Marvel Mythos!
And that’s only scratching the surface – not to mention the amazing lineup of new and established artists lending their voices to this astounding anthology.
Trust us, you don’t want to miss out!
Bill Willingham: Fables – 1001 Nights of Snowfall (K)
Don’t miss this stunning original hardcover collection written by FABLES creator Bill Willingham set in the early days of Fabletown, long before the FABLES series began!
Featuring sequences illustrated by Charles Vess, Brian Bolland, John Bolton, Michael Wm. Kaluta, James Jean, Mark Buckingham, Jill Thompson and more, 1,001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL is both an entry point to the critically acclaimed series and an essential part of Willingham’s enchanting and imaginative FABLES mythos.
Traveling in Arabia as an Ambassador from the exiled FABLES community, Snow White is captured by the local sultan who wants to marry her (and then kill her).
But the clever Snow attempts to charm the sultan instead by playing Scheherazade, telling him fantastic stories for a total of 1,001 nights.
Running the gamut from horror to dark intrigue to mercurial coming-of-age, FABLES:1,001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL reveals the secret histories of familiar FABLES characters through a series of compelling and visually illustrative tales.
Alan Moore & Kevin O’Neill: Kerrassaan Merkillisten Herrasmiesten Liiga II (K)
Kansissa reilusti kulumaa. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
Herrojen Alan Moore ja Kevin O’Neill ylistetty sarjakuvaluomus saa jatkoa.
Tuskin on Lontoo ehtinyt toipua alempien kansanluokkien asuma-alueita koetelleesta katastrofista, kun jo uusi uhka putoaa tutkimattoman yötaivaan syvyyksistä valtaisissa metallikapseleissa, ja johtavat tiedemiehet väittävät näiden outojen objektien matkanneen tänne aina Mars-planeetalta asti! Jälleen kerran Ison-Britannian tiedustelupalvelu joutuu kutsumaan apuun epätavalliset urhonsa: Kerrassan merkillisten herrasmiesten liigan!
Kun hätä on suurin, Allan Quatermain, Kapteeni Nemo, Hawley Griffin, Tri Henry Jekyll, Hra Edward Hyde ja Mina Murray pistävät peliin kaiken neuvokkuutensa ja voimavaransa, puhumattakaan omasta henkilökohtaisesta hyvinvoinnistaan, sillä onhan vaakalaudalla sentään saarivaltakunnan sekä sen kunnianarvoisten asukkaiden tulevaisuus ja terveys. Mutta riittänevätkö edes sankareidemme parhaat konstit torjumaan niin kammottavaa vaaraa, että sitä voi tuskin sanoin kuvailla?
Kerrassaan merkillisten herrasmiesten liiga tarjoaa viihdyttävää ja kasvattavaa luettavaa kaikille jännityksestä ja poikamaisista seikkailuista nauttiville lukutaitoisille kulttuurin ystäville. Kuvasarjajulkaisumme sisältää siinä määrin ronskeja ja riipaisevia kohtauksia, että emme voi sitä suositella jänishousuille, arkajaloille tahi tyttölapsille.
Etukannen yläkulmassa taitos. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
James O’Barrin purkaessa henkilökohtaisen tragediansa aiheuttamaa tuskaa piirtämällä syntyi Crow, katharttinen tarina Ericistä, joka palaa kostamaan hänen ja morsiamensa murhat.
Timo Aarniala & Peter von Bagh: Hevoset ja minä (K)
Peter von Baghin runoklassikko, joka ilmestyi alunperin Ylioppilaslehden vappunumerossa vuonna 1966 ja sittemmin M. A. Nummisen ensilevytyksenä, Timo Aarnialan kuvittamana sarjakuva-singlenä.
“Ilmeisesti Koskinen ja Bagh ovat eettisesti ala-arvoisia henkilöitä.”
– Ylioppilaskunnan hallitus vuonna 1966.
Guido Crepax: Emmanuelle 2 – Ruusuja ja jumalattaria (K)
Emmanuelle on italialaisen mestarin Guido Crepaxin sarjakuva, joka perustuu Emmanuelle Arsanin kuuluisaan romaaniin.
Tarina kertoo nuoren ranskalaisnaisen eroottisista löytöretkistä trooppisen kosteassa ja hekumallisessa Bangkokissa.
Takakannessa taittumia. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
Hugo Prattin lännensarjakuva 60-luvulta.
Essential Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man 1 (K)
Kansissa kulumaa.
In 1968, backed by popular demand, Marvel launched Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man – an all-new action series starring your friendly neighborhood wall-crawler!
In these inaugural issues, never before reprinted in one volume, Spidey faces some of his most fearsome foes – including Tarantula, Kraven, Lightmaster, Vulture, Hitman, Morbius, Brother Power, Hate Monger, Beetle and the Enforcers!
Guest-starring the Fantastic Four, Inhumans and Champions!
Writers: Gerry Conway, Jim Shooter, Archie Goodwin, Chris Claremont, Elliot S! Maggin, Bill Mantlo
Artists: Sal Buscema, Ross Andru, Jim Mooney, Mike Zeck, Frank Springer, Frank Miller.
Wolinski & Pichard: Paulette (K)
Opettavainen sarjakuva upporikkaasta tyttöraukasta Paulette Gulderbiltistä ja hänen seikkailuistaan tuhmien ja kilttien ihmisten, luvallisten ja luvattomien asioiden parissa.
Essential Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man 3 (K)
Etukansi taittunut kahdesta kulmasta.
Spider-Man’s second longest-running series was second to none in action and intrigue!
In this collection, recurring rogues such as Kraven the Hunter, Electro, and Silvermane are joined by the more rarely seen likes of the Ringer, Goldbug, and the Robot-Master!
Plus: in these pages you’ll thrill to the first appearance of Cloak & Dagger!
Spider-Man’s uneasy allies, Molten Man and WIll O’the Wisp! John Jameson as the Man-Wolf! Peter Parker’s graduate studies! The Smuggler, the Beetle and Moonstone — all fated to one day form the Thunderbolts! And the noxious Nitro, harbinger of today’s Civil War!
Collects: Spectacular Spider-Man #54-74 and Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #3 — written by Roger Stern, David Anthony Kraft, and Bill Mantlo; illustrated by Marie Severin, Luke McDonnell, Jim Mooney, Jim Shooter, John Byrne, Ed Hannigan, Jim Sherman, Al Weiss, Greg LaRocque, Bob Hall, Rick Leonardi, and Al Milgrom.
Strippari -93 – strippisarjojen valioita luo edustavan katsauksen uuteen kotimaiseen sanomalehtisarjakuvaan.
Pohjois-Savon sarjakuvaseuran järjestämän valtakunnallisen strippisarjakuvakilpailun parhaimmistossa tyylien kirjo ulottuu absurdista iloittelusta hiljaa hykerryttävään filosofiseen pohdintaan.
Ilkka Heilä & Matti Ponkamo: Lakitupa
Petri Suni: Mestari
Kimmo Turunen: Tarinoita vinosta naamasta
Ari Kutila: Elvis-hirvi
Granted amazing, arachnid-like abilities by the bite of an irradiated spider, Peter Parker has vowed to protect his fellow man!
In this volume of Essential Spider-Man: The return of the diabolical Doctor Octopus! A side trip to the Savage Land that time forgot! The first-ever appearance of Morbius the Living Vampire! The death of Captain Stacy!
Plus: the wall-crawler’s climactic confrontation with the grinning Green Goblin!
Writers: Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway
Artists: John Romita, John Buscema, Gil Kane
Pole numero 4 tarjosi sarjakuvantekijöille suomalaisittain harvinaislaatuisen mahdollisuuden käyttää värejä. Yhteensä 21 tekijää tarttui tähän mahdollisuuteen ja loi yhdessä Suomen ensimmäisen pelkästään värillisiä sarjakuvia sisältävän omakustannejulkaisun.
Sarjakuvien tyylit vaihtelevat fantasiasta omaelämäkerrallisuuteen, kakkahuumorista kunnianosoituksiin ja lähes mustavalkoisesta todelliseen kirkkaiden värien tykitykseen. Tekijöiden mielikuvitusta ei ole edes yritetty kahlita minkäänmoisella teemalla, vaan kaikki ovat tehneet juuri sitä mitä haluavat. Tämä on todellista 2000-luvun pulp-sarjakuvaa. Kun tuo painopaperi ei vain olisi niin kertakaikkisen hyvää.
Mukana Maria Björklund, Terhi Ekebom, Jyrki Heikkinen, Merja Järvelin, Marko Kalliokoski, Ilja Karsikas, Jarno Latva-Nikkola, Marko Latva-Nikkola, Mika Lietzén, Christer Lindström, Hanneriina Moisseinen, Tommi Musturi, Henna Raitala, Maija Rajala, Jenni Rope, Kari Sihvonen, Juha Siirilä, Marika Tammela, Petteri Tikkanen, Mikko Torvinen, Tommi Vainio ja Mikko Väyrynen.
Kansissa pieniä taitoksia.
Kuinka käy, jos pihistää nakulehden ja voiko pizzeriasta livistää maksamatta? Mitä Slajka-koira löytää avaruudesta? Onko Pupuankkoja oikeasti olemassa? Olmi tietää, Olmi kertoo.
Christer Nuutisen toimittama antologia.
Mukana Aapo Rapi, Perttu Mäkelä, Jussi Karjalainen, Robert Nyberg, Hans Nissen, Christer Nuutinen, Petteri Tikkanen, Juha Koivunen, Robert Ottosson, Tommi Tex Hänninen, Kaltsu Kallio, Outi Vanamo, Juhani Styrman, Gunnar Lundkvist
With English subtitles.
Steven on poika, joka aina sanoo ‘EI’.
Hän ei koskaan kasva isoksi eikä koskaan käy koulussa. Hän on täysipäiväinen sarjakuvahahmo.
Doug Allenin Steven saattaa hyvinkin olla maailman vihaisin sarjakuva. Sen anarkistisessa maailmassa annetaan kyytiä kaikille sarjakuvan perinteille, pienet pojat kiroilevat ja juopottelevat, söpöt sivuhahmot saavat maistaa haulikkoa, eikä kukaan ole turvassa.
Hulvattoman hauska Steven ei kunnioita ketään eikä mitään!
Robert Crumb & David Zane Mairowitz: Introducing Kafka (K)
Selässä taitos lukemisesta.
“What do I have in common with the Jews? I don’t even have anything in common with myself.”
Nothing could better express the essence of Franz Kafka, a man described by his friends as living behind a “glass wall.”
Kafka wrote in the tradition of the great Yiddish storytellers, whose stock-in-trade was bizarre fantasy tainted with hilarity and self-abasement.
What he added to this tradition was an almost unbearably expanded consciousness.
Alienated from his roots, his family, his surroundings, and primarily from his own body, Kafka created a unique literary language in which to hide away, transforming himself into a cockroach, an ape, a dog, a mole or a circus artiste who starves himself to death in front of admiring crowds.
David Zane Mairowitz’s brilliant text and the illustrations and comic panels of the world’s greatest cartoonist, Robert Crumb (himself no stranger to self-loathing and alienation), help us to understand the essence of Kafka and provide insight beyond the cliche “Kafkaesque,” peering through Kafka’s glass wall like no other book before it.
Jukka-Pekka Anttila: Vapaa tahto (K)
Vapaa tahto on hatarista hetkistä parsittu kuvakertomus eksymisestä, yksinäisyydestä, pysähtymisestä ja havahtumisesta.
Se on onnettoman optimistin tarina toipuvasta Tahdosta. Siitä kuinka vapaa tahto löytää tunteen.
Jukka-Pekka Anttila (s. 1971) on itseoppinut suodenniemeläinen kuvataiteilija. Tämä herkän humoristinen sarjakuvaruno on Anttilan esikoisteos.
Jean-Philippe Peyraud: Grain de Beauté #1 (K)
Après l’amour, quand les corps se détendent, certains allument une cigarette ou prennent un verre, d’autres se comptent les grains de beauté… Mais au gré d’une infime variation dans cette délicate comptabilité, une histoire d’amour peut évoluer, dégénérer, ou disparaître sans prévenir…
Ralf König: Vapautunut mies (K)
Etukannessa pari taitosta. Sisäkannessa pieni ex libris.
Axel on hieman epävarma mies, joka haluaisi “vapautua”. Tyttöystävänsä Doron kanssa kokemansa ongelmat hän uskoo ratkaisevansa hyvinlavastetulla itsemurhayrityksellä.
Axel yrittää saada otteen itsestään “miesryhmässään”. Siellä hän tutustuu myös Walteriin eli Waltraudiin, joka pitää esitelmän homona olemisesta. Ja sitten… jne.
Tietenkin lopussa kaikki on hyvin! Mutta ei paljasteta tässä kaikkea!
2. painos.
Jussi Kivelä: Juopon runoilijan olematon bussimatka (K)
Runoilija Tapsa Taivas asuu vuokralla Klamilan kylän Töytärin tilan ulkohuussissa.
Taivas on usean virkaveljensä tavoin rankasti alkoholisoitunut mutta siitä huolimatta elättää runoillaan koko Klamilan kylää.
Taivas ei tiedä olevansa kuuluisa ennen kuin kuulee asiasta bussimatkalla kaupunkiin, kaupunkiin jossa pyörii näytelmä hänen elämästään. Kaikki on selviämässä – paitsi runoilija Taivas.
Kati Kovács: Minne matka Laura Liha? (K)
Minne matka Laura Liha? kertoo lihansyöjäkasvi Lauran pyrkimyksestä saavuttaa vapaus, oikeus ja tasa-arvo sekä ponnistuksista niiden ylläpitämiseksi.
Elämän hetkittäisistä ihanuuden tunteista, rauhankaipuusta ja toisaalta ihmismielen ikuisesta jakautuneisuudesta…
Kati Kovács yllättää jälleen!
Jay Kennedy: The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide (K)
Selkä taittunut lukemisesta.
Nimensämukainen kirja.
Niin pientä pränttiä että ikänäköiset tarvitsevat suurennuslasin.
Mort Walker & Dik Browne: Liisa & Lasse – Paremmissakin piireissä (K)
Liisa & Lasse -pokkari.
Reg Smythe: Lätsä – Yhdet vielä (K)
Harold Gray: Little Orphan Annie 1 – 1931 (K)
Kulumaa kansissa, yksi nurkka saanut osumaa. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
The first volume of the official reprinting of Harold Gray’s classic LIttle Orphan Annie – one of the greatest comic strips of all time, brimming with vivid characters, exciting stories, and emotional power – lovingly reproduced from Gray’s personal archives and files!
Volume I: Every strip from 1931 – dailies and Sundays complete!
The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. II (K)
Ekalla sivulla pienellä edellisen omistajan nimi.
1980-1990: The Best Comics of the Decade offers a whirlwind tour of the funniest, the most trenchant, the most inventive, and the most dramatic comics of the ’80s.
Includes Gilbert Shelton & Paul Mavrides, Gilbert Hernandez, Lynda Barry, Charles Burns, Shary Flenniken, Carol Tyler, Rick Geary, Krystine Kryttre, Eddie Campbell, Larry Gonick, Daniel Clowes, Mark Allan Stamaty, Dennis Worden, Will Eisner, Sergio Aragones, Carol Lay, Jaime Hernandez, Mark Beyer, Kim Deitch, Dan O’Neill, Roz Chast, Jerry Moriarty, Paul Chadwick, Richard Sala, Hunt Emerson, Dori Seda, David Boswell, Joyce Farmer, Jim Woodring.
Harold Gray: Little Orphan Annie 2 – 1932 (K)
Kulumaa kansissa, yksi nurkka saanut osumaa. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
The second volume of the official reprinting of Harold Gray’s classic LIttle Orphan Annie – one of the greatest comic strips of all time, brimming with vivid characters, exciting stories, and emotional power – lovingly reproduced from Gray’s personal archives and files!
Volume I: Every strip from 1932 – dailies and Sundays complete!
Glenn Head (editor): Snake Eyes 1 (K)
Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi. Kansissa pieniä jälkiä.
Post-Popeye Picto-Fiction.
Including KAZ, David Mazzucchelli, Bob Sikoryak, John Carlin, Mark Beyer, Mark Newgarden, Jayr Pulga, Doug Allen, Roy Tompkins, David Sandlin, Chris Ware, Charles Bukowski, Julie Doucet, Krystine Kryttre, Alex Ross, Brad Johnson, Ken Struck, Jonathon Rosen, Wayne White, Steven Cerio, Mack White, Tom de Haven, Gary Panter, Charles Burns.
Bob Callahan (editor): The New Comics Anthology (K)
Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
From the pulp ashes of old comic strips and the burning pyres of sixties idealism, a new school of comics has emerged on the landscape of contemporary culture.
Tough, twisted and intellectual, the New Comics Anthology celebrates the best of avant-garde and post-modern graphic literature from around the world.
Featuring the work of Art Spiegelman, Robert Crumb, Harvey Pekar, the Hernandez Brothers, Matt Groening and Lynda Barry – as well as 75 other contemporary artists (with twenty stories appearing in English for the first time) – the New Comics Anthology combines stark realism with outrageous fantasy, dark politics with wholesome irreverence, and biting satire with humane and poignant drama.
What was once the domain of superheroes and all-American families has become the haunt of existential rabbits and midget detectives.
And what was once an artist’s diversion has become a genuine art form intended for a grown-up reading audience.
Wendy Pini & Richard Pini: ElfQuest Book 3 (K)
Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistan nimmari pienellä.
Cutter and Skywise are reunited with the Wolfriders in ElfQuest Book 3.
Now they must confront the wonders and mysteries of Blue Mountain.
Could these elves be the High Ones? Will the Quest end here?
Heck! Comic Art of the Late 1980’s (K)
“A helluva cross-section of the new generation of commix-scrawlers. If you can’t find something to like in Heck!, stick with Garfield and the X-Men…” – Art Spiegelman
Edited by Bruce Hilvitz & Lloyd Dangle.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland / Kolmisin-kortti, 2-os. kohopainettu
Kohopainettu Tom of Finland / Kolmisin-kortti, 2-osainen.
Sisältää kirjekuoren, pakattu sellofaaniin.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland / Postman-kortti, 2-os. kohopainettu
Kohopainettu Tom of Finland / Postman-kortti, 2-osainen.
Sisältää kirjekuoren, pakattu sellofaaniin.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland / Autoilu-kortti, 2-os. kohopainettu
Kohopainettu Tom of Finland / Autoilu-kortti, 2-osainen.
Sisältää kirjekuoren, pakattu sellofaaniin.
Tom of Finland: Tom of Finland / Muscles-kortti, 2-os. kohopainettu
Kohopainettu Tom of Finland / Muscles-kortti, 2-osainen.
Sisältää kirjekuoren, pakattu sellofaaniin.