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Käytetyt sarjakuvat
Jussi Leppänen & Tiina Mäkitalo: Mantelitumaketarinat – Vortexin pyörteissä
Imeydy hetkeksi vortexin pyörteisiin!
Pitkän rauhan jälkeen manteleiden ja tumakkeiden välille on syttynyt sota. Näyttämölle astuu uudenlaisia ja ennennäkemättömiä voimia, jotka uhkaavat repiä todellisuuden reunat liitoksistaan.
Mitä ovat kuin tyhjästä avautuvat vortexit? Ja mistä upeat voimatähdet ovat saaneet alkunsa?
Kovakantisessa kirjassa on 224 sivua Mantelitumaketarinat-sarjakuvablogista tuttuja juttuja, sisältäen seikkailusarjakuvan manteleiden ja tumakkeiden toilailuista universumin tuolla puolen.
Seikkailu kuljettaa lukijaa sarjakuvien välillä ja sidostaa ne pitkäksi jatkumoksi.
Lisäksi tästä tummanpuhuvasta opuksesta löytyy lukunauha, tietysti mustana!
Piikkiön pikkukaupungissa kohahtaa, kun merenneidon ruumis huuhtoutuu rannalle. Mutta eihän merenneitoja ole olemassa!
Purjehtija Sumu kuitenkin tietää, että on. Myös Maire-mummo uskoo merenneidon aitouteen, mutta joutuu kohtaamaan pikkukaupungin epäilykset yrittäessään vakuuttaa muita asiasta.
Paikalle kutsutaan rikostutkija Aino Malolo. Pystyykö hän selvittämään mysteerin? Jotain hämärää on taatusti tekeillä. Paikallinen kylähullu Antti-Joel Nelipää on siitä varma.
Neljän tekijän tarinat punoutuvat yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi, joka kertoo ystävyydestä, salaliitoista ja silleistä sekä paljastaa pikkukaupungin synkän salaisuuden.
Tekijät: Julia Järvelä, Sara Honkanen, Jupe Parkkonen ja Eve Kajander.
Gianluigi Bonelli & Erio Nicolò: Tex Willer Kirjasto 64 – Toivon karavaani
Kirjan alussa tulee päätökseen pitkä seikkailu, jossa Tex tuomitaan epäoikeudenmukaisesti ja passitetaan vuosiksi rangaistuslaitokseen.
Tex kumppaneineen nappaa väärään tuomioon johtaneen murhan todelliset syylliset. Vasta lopussa selviää pirullisen juonen pääsuunnittelijan nimi ja nähdään hänen kasvonsa.
Luvattu maa -tarinassa Tex ja hänen toverinsa päätyvät auttamaan kveekareiden yhteisöä, joka tahtoo lähteä Utahista muuttaakseen Kaliforniaan.
Rangeriamme odottaa kuitenkin yhteenotto konnakoplan kanssa. Rikas liikemies järjestää matkoja karavaaneille ryöstääkseen sitten niiden omaisuuden.
Värillisessä Kirjasto-sarjassa julkaistaan kaikki Tex Willer -tarinat kronologisessa järjestyksessä.
Juba: Viivi ja Wagner 25 – Rakkautta, röh!
Naisen ja sian liittoa takana jo neljännesvuosisata.
Viivin ja Wagnerin pitkä suhde kokee kolauksen, kun sika ilmoittaa löytäneensä toisen naisen.
Hän uhkaa raitistuvansa, aikuistuvansa ja jopa pesevänsä kainalonsa.
Tämä on vakavaa! Mutta miten käy välirikon, kun uusi rakkaus haihtuukin ilmaan kuin vaahto oluesta?
Vieläkö löytyy sohvalta paikka?
Ruju Pasquale & Giampiero Casertano: Tex Willer Suuralbumi 44 – Old South
Ryöstelevän apassijoukkion jäljitys vie Tex Willerin ja Kit Carsonin kaupunkipahaseen, jonka konfederaation sotilaat ovat perustaneet turvasatamakseen hävityn sisällissodan jälkimainingeissa.
Ylpeästi Old Southiksi nimetyssä kaupungissa elelevän erikoisen yhteisön salaisuudet alkavat vääjäämättä paljastua, kun pelissä on muinoin kätketyn kultalastin kohtalo.
Lisäksi ex-sotilaiden ja rangereiden uhkana vaanii hurja Nadeh sotureineen…
Old South edustaa klassista lännensarjakuvaa parhaimmillaan.
Albumi ei jätä räväkän toiminnan, kieron juonittelun ja yllättävien käänteiden ystäviä kylmäksi.
Teoksen rautaisesta mustavalkokuvituksesta vastaa kokenut Giampiero Casertano.
Suuralbumi on isokokoinen pehmeäkantinen Tex-kirja, joka kertoo pitkän mustavalkoisen sarjakuvatarinan.
Altan: Kolumbus – Erään haahuilijan tarina
Kristoffer Kolumbus harhailee kurjan ja petollisen miehistönsä kanssa tuntemattomilla vesillä tuntematta myöskään kompassin toimintaa.
Hänen uskonsa horjuu, mutta kajuutan lämmössä hän muistelee nuoruuttaan, miten hän nousi saastaisen viinituvan tarjoilijasta kuningattaren petikaveriksi ja lopulta ylipuhumaan Salamancan tohtorit rahoittamaan suurta matkaansa Intioihin – lännen kautta!
Kolumbuksen satiirinen elämäkerta on Francesco Tullio Altanin kolmas suomennettu teos.
Aiemmin ovat ilmestyneet Ada viidakossa ja Ada Macaossa.
Mauro Boselli & Alessandro Piccinelli: Tex Willer Maxi-Tex 43 – Bill-veljekset
Tex ja Carson kutsutaan Chiricahua-vuorille tutkimaan, miksi vanha Cochise ei pysty hillitsemään sotureitaan.
He saavat selville, että liekehtivässä Arizonassa riehuvat hurjat Bill-veljekset: synkkä revolverimies Black, hilpeä voimamies Sam sekä riehakas huimapää Kid.
Torjuakseen sodan ja saadakseen selvyyttä intiaanipäällikön kohtaloon rangerit lähtevät jäljittämään veljeksiä.
Bonellin tarinoiden legendaarinen veljeskolmikko kohtaa tässä seikkailussa Texin ja Carsonin ensimmäistä kertaa.
Maxi-Tex on paksu, mustavalkoinen ja pokkarikokoinen paketti kokonaisia Tex-tarinoita.
Martin Widmark & Helena Willis: Sarjakuvamysteerit – Lasse-Maijan etsivätoimisto
Suomen suosituimmat lapsietsivät nyt sarjakuvakirjassa!
Sotkuja teatterissa ja käsipallokentällä! Kahvipurkin salaisuus ja jääkylmä rikos!
Lue kuinka Lasse, Maija ja Vallilan poliisimestari selvittävät mysteerin toisensa perään – nyt sarjakuvamuodossa!
Ensimmäinen Lasse-Maijan sarjakuvamysteerikirja sisältää 11 dekkaritarinaa, joissa riittää viihdykettä ja ratkottavaa kesäloman ratoksi.
Martin Widmark (s. 1961) on yksi Ruotsin suosituimmista lastenkirjailijoista. Widmark on saanut kotimaassaan lukuisia kirja-alan palkintoja, ja hänen teoksensa komeilevat jatkuvasti myyntilistojen kärjessä. Lasse-Maijan etsivätoimiston hauskat kuvitukset ovat Helena Willisin käsialaa.
Alice Oseman: Heartstopper 1 – Poika tapaa pojan
Poika tapaa pojan. Pojista tulee ystävät. Pojat rakastuvat.
Sydämen sulattava sarjakuvaromaani ystävyydestä ja tunnemyrskystä, jonka vain ensirakkaus voi synnyttää.
Charlie ja Nick käyvät samaa koulua ja tapaavat yhteisellä kurssilla. Charlien sydän on pysähtyä, kun hän näkee Nickin ensi kerran, ja rakastuu päätä pahkaa. Vaikka Charlien järki sanoo, ettei heidän välillään voi koskaan olla mitään ystävyyttä enempää, hän ei voi tunteilleen mitään. Voisiko Nick sittenkin olla vähän kiinnostunut Charliesta…?
Heartstopper-sarjassa käsitellään ystävyyttä, rakkautta ja rohkeutta olla oma itsensä. Charlien ja Nickin polut kietoutuvat yhteen ja muodostavat suuremman tarinan, joka ei jätä ketään kylmäksi
Kirjailija-kuvittaja Alice Oseman syntyi Kentissä Englannissa 1994. Hänen esikoisromaaninsa Solitaire julkaistiin, kun hän oli vasta 19-vuotias. Myöhemmin Osemanilta on ilmestynyt myös kolme muuta nuorten aikuisten romaania. Syksyllä 2016 nettisarjakuvina alkanut Heartstopper oli hänen läpimurtonsa, ja nyt Charlien ja Nickin tarinaa kuvataan myös Netflix-sarjaksi.
ONE & Yusuke Murata: One-Punch Man 13
Osa 13/20.
Upeasti piirretty One-Punch Man yhdistää toimintaseikkailun ja herkullisen parodian.
Netflix-animaationakin tuttu sarja muistuttaa alkuasetelmaltaan My Hero Academiaa. Siinäkin sankarius on ammatti muiden joukossa, ja erilaisilla voimilla varustetut sankarit pitävät superrikollisia aisoissa.
Mutta One-Punch Man ottaa ison harppauksen komedian suuntaan! Päähenkilön murheena on niukan toimeentulon ja kaljuuden lisäksi se, että hän on päässyt liian vahvaksi.
Kun suurinkin hirviö kaatuu yhdellä iskulla, käy elämä tylsäksi…Kukaan ei tosin usko arkisen näköistä heppua maailman vahvimmaksi sankariksi!
Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta
Shiro Amano: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 1
Osa 1/5.
Aku, Hessu ja muut tutut seikkailevat nyt mangassa!
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on sarjakuva, jota Disneyn, Kingdom Heartsin tai mangan ystävä ei voi jättää huomiotta…
Toimintaroolipelisarja Kingdom Hearts syntyi japanilaisen peliyhtiö Square Enixin ja Disneyn yhteistyönä.
Päähenkilö Sora seikkailee Disneyn animaatioelokuvien kuten Herkules ja Aladdin maailmoissa. Matkakumppaneina hänellä ovat Aku ja Hessu.
Disneyn sankareiden lisäksi kohdataan tietenkin myös elokuvista tuttuja konnia. Eikä siinä kaikki: Mukana on myös elementtejä maailmankuulusta Final Fantasy -pelisarjasta!
Viisiosainen manga Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days perustuu pelisarjan samannimiseen peliin. Se on jatkoa aiemmin julkaistuille sarjoille Kingdom Hearts Final Mix ja Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+
Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 12
To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!
In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
Hiroaki Samura: Blade of the Immortal Deluxe Edition 6
Over 800 pages of gripping samurai action and tension!
With Hiroaki Samura’s titanic tale hitting its midpoint, Rin begins to discover her skills as a warrior and strategist, as she makes new allies and resolves to find the missing Manji.
Her immortal swordsman is imprisoned and being tortured in an underground stronghold beneath Edo Castle where cruel doctors hope to find the secret behind his mystical powers.
Rin teams up with the enigmatic Doa to not only free Manji, but expose the hideous medical experiments.
Collects Blade of the Immortal volumes 16 to 19 in the original 7×10 serialized format, in a faux-leather hardcover treatment, and with a bookmark ribbon.
Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 13
Dagon has evolved into a terrifying curse, releasing a flood of endless cursed energy attacks at Nabito, Maki, and Nanami!
At the same time, a group of curse users devoted to Geto attempt to summon the jujutsu world’s most terrifying threat.
Gengoroh Tagame: The Passion of Gengoroh Tagame 1
The often violent, visceral, and always provocative style of Japanese manga legend Gengoroh Tagame, one of the originators of Japanese bear culture, comes to life like never before in The Passion of Gengoroh Tagame, a new edition of the artist’s first English-language collection.
Known as The Tom of Finland of Japan, Tagame is celebrated around the world for his groundbreaking work, noted for its masterfully crafted imagery and unbridled exploration of bondage, lust, passion, and romance.
This first English paperback edition includes ten short stories dating from the late 1990s to the early 2010s, with an introduction by celebrated novelist and biographer Edmund White, as well as an essay and new jacket design by acclaimed novelist and graphic designer Chip Kidd.
Featuring intense, explicit, over-the-top scenes of BDSM among hypermasculine men, The Passion of Gengoroh Tagame is a must-have for Tagame fans, as well as fans of bear cultures in general.
Produced by veteran “Japanist” Anne Ishii and filmmaker Graham Kolbeins, the book also contains sixteen full-page color illustrations.
Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 14
To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!
In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.
Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
Murasaki Yamada: Talk to My Back
A celebrated masterwork shimmering with vulnerability from one of alt-manga’s most important female artists.
“Now that we’ve woken from the dream, what are we going to do?” Chiharu thinks to herself, rubbing her husband’s head affectionately.
Set in an apartment complex on the outskirts of Tokyo, Murasaki Yamada’s Talk to My Back (1981-84) explores the fraying of Japan’s suburban middle-class dreams through a woman’s relationship with her two daughters as they mature and assert their independence, and with her husband, who works late and sees his wife as little more than a domestic servant.
While engaging frankly with the compromises of marriage and motherhood, Yamada remains generous with the characters who fetter her protagonist.
When her husband has an affair, Chiharu feels that she, too, has broken the marital contract by straying from the template of the happy housewife.
Yamada saves her harshest criticisms for society at large, particularly its false promises of eternal satisfaction within the nuclear family–as fears of having been thrown away inside that empty vessel called the household gnaw at Chiharu’s soul.
Yamada was the first cartoonist in Japan to use the expressive freedoms of alt-manga to address domesticity and womanhood in a realistic, critical, and sustained way. A watershed work of literary manga, Talk to My Back was serialized in the influential magazine Garo in the early 1980s, and is translated by Eisner-nominated Ryan Holmberg.
Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 15
Sukuna is on a murderous rampage.
Meanwhile, invaluabe Jujutsu Sorcerers have been taken down, and even Kugisaki falls into Mahito’s trap!
Feeling the burden of his sins, Itadori finds it hard to keep going, but he rushes off to help Kugisaki anyway.
Can he reach her in time?!
Sometime: Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit 1
Superhero action meets romantic hijinks in this yuri manga series about a heroine and the villainess who’s fallen for her!
When the villainess Honey Trap defeats the superheroine Rapid Rabbit, she sees her nemesis’ face for the first time…and falls head over heels in love!
Refusing to kill Rapid Rabbit, Honey Trap is cast out of Antinoid, an evil organization with plans of world domination. Luckily, a kind soul takes her in: Rapid Rabbit herself!
Now Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit have teamed up to take on Antinoid.
Can Honey Trap defeat her old colleagues and seduce the heroine at the same time?
Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 16
After he consumes Mahito’s soul, Geto reveals part of his nefarious plan to Itadori and the others.
In that moment, Choso recognizes the evil sorcerer possessing Geto’s body and is filled with rage! Who is this evil sorcerer, and what relation do they have to Choso?
Now that Gojo is imprisoned and the foundations of jujutsu society are crumbling, what will happen to the world as it devolves into destruction and chaos?!
Philip K. Dick: Uneksivatko androidit sähkölampaista? (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Palkkionmetsästäjä Rick Deckard jahtaa työkseen ihmisten joukkoon soluttautuneita androideja, mekaanisia ihmiskopioita.
Suurimman urakkansa edessä Rick joutuu miettimään työnsä mielekkyyttä ja ihmisyyden olemusta.
Hän elää saastuneessa maailmassa, jossa enemmistö ihmisistä on kuollut tai lähtenyt pois Maapallolta.
Suurin osa elollisesta elämästä on kadonnut tai korvattu keinotekoisilla tuotteilla.
Spekulatiivisen fiktion mestari Philip K. Dick (1928-82) pohti läpi koko tuotantonsa todellisuuden ja epätoden välistä rajalinjaa.
Uneksivatko androidit sähkölampaista? (1968) toimi pohjana Ridley Scottin nyt 40-vuotiaalle elokuvaklassikolle Blade Runner.
J. Pekka Mäkelän uusi suomennos! Toni Jerrmanin jälkisanat!
Shiro Amano: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 2 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Osa 2/5.
Aku, Hessu ja muut tutut seikkailevat nyt mangassa!
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on sarjakuva, jota Disneyn, Kingdom Heartsin tai mangan ystävä ei voi jättää huomiotta…
Toimintaroolipelisarja Kingdom Hearts syntyi japanilaisen peliyhtiö Square Enixin ja Disneyn yhteistyönä.
Päähenkilö Sora seikkailee Disneyn animaatioelokuvien kuten Herkules ja Aladdin maailmoissa. Matkakumppaneina hänellä ovat Aku ja Hessu.
Disneyn sankareiden lisäksi kohdataan tietenkin myös elokuvista tuttuja konnia. Eikä siinä kaikki: Mukana on myös elementtejä maailmankuulusta Final Fantasy -pelisarjasta!
Viisiosainen manga Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days perustuu pelisarjan samannimiseen peliin. Se on jatkoa aiemmin julkaistuille sarjoille Kingdom Hearts Final Mix ja Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+
Tapani Bagge & Aapo Kukko: Marius (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Mujusen toinen tuleminen!
Keväällä 1946 vaarallinen vanki karkaa kuljetuksesta juuri ennen Sörnäisten vankilan porttia.
Yksikätinen yksityisetsivä Väinö Mujunen saa tehtäväkseen suojella vanhaa heilaansa, joka yritetään heti ampua.
Punainen Valpo painostaa Mujusta.
Mitä on kaiken takana? Kuka on Marius? Ehtiikö Mujunen pelastaa Ingen – ja itsensä?
Tapani Baggen luoma etsivä Väinö Mujunen on seikkaillut halki 1900-luvun kuohuvien vuosikymmenten jo seitsemässä historiallisessa rikosromaanissa.
Marius on Mujusen toinen sarjakuva-albumi, jonka Aapo Kukko on sovittanut ja piirtänyt Baggen tarinasta.
Ensimmäinen oli vuoteen 1943 sijoittunut sukellusveneseikkailu Harmaa susi (2016). Jatkoa seuraa….
Shiro Amano: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 3 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Osa 3/5.
Aku, Hessu ja muut tutut seikkailevat nyt mangassa!
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on sarjakuva, jota Disneyn, Kingdom Heartsin tai mangan ystävä ei voi jättää huomiotta…
Toimintaroolipelisarja Kingdom Hearts syntyi japanilaisen peliyhtiö Square Enixin ja Disneyn yhteistyönä.
Päähenkilö Sora seikkailee Disneyn animaatioelokuvien kuten Herkules ja Aladdin maailmoissa. Matkakumppaneina hänellä ovat Aku ja Hessu.
Disneyn sankareiden lisäksi kohdataan tietenkin myös elokuvista tuttuja konnia. Eikä siinä kaikki: Mukana on myös elementtejä maailmankuulusta Final Fantasy -pelisarjasta!
Viisiosainen manga Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days perustuu pelisarjan samannimiseen peliin. Se on jatkoa aiemmin julkaistuille sarjoille Kingdom Hearts Final Mix ja Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+
Taavi Kassila & Kati Hannila: Mestaria etsimässä (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Tervetuloa mukaan henkisen kasvun seikkailurikkaaseen maailmaan!
Miksi Buddha istui niin pitkään puun alla?
Mitä Jeesukselle tapahtui, kun Johannes Kastaja kastoi hänet?
Mikä sai Sokrateen sanomaan, että hän tietää vain sen, että ei tiedä mitään?
Nämä kolme mestaria saivat Taavi Kassilan jo koulupoikana haaveilemaan mestarista, joka voisi paljastaa hänelle elämän suurimmat salaisuudet.
Sarjakuvatrilogian ensimmäinen osa kertoo nuoren Taavin ensivaiheista henkisen kasvun ja mestareiden maailmassa. Varhaiset opit hän saa vanhemmiltaan, ensimmäisiltä guruiltaan.
Koulusta päästyään Taavi kohtaa intialaisen joogin Acarya Karunanandan, jolta hän oppii meditoinnin, hiljentymisen mystisen salaisuuden, sekä maailmankuulun intialaisen julistajan J. Krishnamurtin, joka kieltää kaikki opettajat ja henkiset harjoitukset.
Taavi jatkaa mestarin etsimistä ja matkustaa Intiaan samaan aikaan kuin John Lennon, joka haluaa oppia meditaatiota Maharishi Mahesh Yogilta. Taavi taas toivoo kohtaavansa Sri Sri Anandamurtin.
Hän joutuu pohtimaan, voisiko vapahtaja, joka istuu vankilassa, olla hänen mestarinsa?
Jokaiselta mestarilta Taavi oppii jotakin ja nousee näin henkisen kasvun tikapuita askel kerrallaan ylemmäksi…
Shiro Amano: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 4 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Osa 4/5.
Aku, Hessu ja muut tutut seikkailevat nyt mangassa!
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on sarjakuva, jota Disneyn, Kingdom Heartsin tai mangan ystävä ei voi jättää huomiotta…
Toimintaroolipelisarja Kingdom Hearts syntyi japanilaisen peliyhtiö Square Enixin ja Disneyn yhteistyönä.
Päähenkilö Sora seikkailee Disneyn animaatioelokuvien kuten Herkules ja Aladdin maailmoissa. Matkakumppaneina hänellä ovat Aku ja Hessu.
Disneyn sankareiden lisäksi kohdataan tietenkin myös elokuvista tuttuja konnia. Eikä siinä kaikki: Mukana on myös elementtejä maailmankuulusta Final Fantasy -pelisarjasta!
Viisiosainen manga Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days perustuu pelisarjan samannimiseen peliin. Se on jatkoa aiemmin julkaistuille sarjoille Kingdom Hearts Final Mix ja Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+
A simple, yet powerful, picture book–from New York Times bestselling creators, Kerascoët–about compassion and forgiveness.
Alex’s enthusiasm and energy can sometimes be a challenge for his classmates. He loves to play ball on the playground with his friends, but when his rambunctious behavior inadvertently upsets one of the other students, he finds himself at odds with the whole class.
A perfect companion to the picture book I Walk with Vanessa, which Parents magazine named the Best Book of the Year about kindness, this story explores the difficult feelings that come with apologies and forgiveness.
In a story that sees the perspective of both sides, Alex learns quickly that the right thing to do is say he’s sorry, leaving it up to his friend to find the compassion and empathy to accept it.
This wordless picture book is a good reminder that it’s important to take responsibility for a mistake but that it’s equally important to be ready to forgive.
Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The Last Ronin
Who is the Last Ronin?
In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving Turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mission seeking justice for the family he lost.
From legendary TMNT co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, get ready for the final story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles three decades in the making!
What terrible events destroyed his family and left New York a crumbling, post-apocalyptic nightmare? All will be revealed in this climactic Turtle tale that sees longtime friends becoming enemies and new allies emerging in the most unexpected places.
Can the surviving Turtle triumph?
Eastman and Laird are joined by writer Tom Waltz, who penned the first 100 issues of IDW’s ongoing TMNT series, and artists Esau & Isaac Escorza ( Heavy Metal) and Ben Bishop ( The Far Side of the Moon) with an Introduction by filmmaker Robert Rodriguez!
Collects the complete five-issue miniseries in a new graphic novel, an adventure as fulfilling for longtime Turtles fans as it is accessible for readers just discovering the heroes in a half shell.
Witness what the gods do after dark in the second volume of a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology, featuring a brand-new, exclusive short story from creator Rachel Smythe.
Persephone was ready to start a new life when she left the mortal realm for Olympus.
However, she quickly discovered the dark side of her glamorous new home–from the relatively minor gossip threatening her reputation to a realm-shattering violation of her safety by the conceited Apollo–and she’s struggling to find her footing in the fast-moving realm of the gods.
Hades is also off-balance, fighting against his burgeoning feelings for the young goddess of spring while maintaining his lonely rule of the Underworld.
As the pair are drawn ever closer, they must untangle the twisted webs of their past and present to build toward a new future.
This edition of Smythe’s original Eisner-nominated webcomic Lore Olympus brings Greek mythology into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.
This volume collects episodes 26-49 of the #1 WEBTOON comic Lore Olympus.
Stories from the world outside your window, by diverse creators who are making theirs Marvel — and making their voices heard!
Take pride in a rainbow-powered, queer-centered anthology by an amazing assembly of writers and artists from all walks of life.
New talents and fan-favorites tell their Pride stories — stories of inspiration and empowerment, featuring Wiccan and Hulkling! Iceman! Mystique and Destiny! Karma! Akihiro! Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean!
And more sensational characters, old and new!
Plus, Billy and Teddy’s honeymoon is interrupted by a full-scale galactic invasion of symbiotes!
Aaron Fischer is the Captain America of the railways!
And a stunning gallery of Phil Jimenez’s Pride Month variant covers!
COLLECTING: Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021) #1, King in Black: Wiccan and Hulkling (2021) #1, material from Marvel’s Voices (2020) #1, United States of Captain America (2021) #1.
Mariko Tamaki & Amancay Nahuelpan: Crush & Lobo
Crush recently walked away from her classmates at the Roy Harper Titans Academy and effectively quit being a Teen Titan in a blaze of glory.
Her relationship with her too-good-to-be-true girlfriend, Katie, is kind of on the rocks.
She recently found out Lobo’s in space jail, but that’s cool, because he’s the worst.
Now it’s time for the Main Man’s daughter to go to space and confront her dad and all her problems.
Includes Crush & Lobo #1-8.
Mark Millar & Frank Quitely: Jupiter’s Legacy 3
Set one generation after the previous volume, America’s superheroes have all had children, but can they ever fill their parents’ shoes?
More interested in celebrity and corporate sponsorship, the beautiful, twenty-something heroes of the modern era only want to be famous.
However, worse is their political aspirations and a plan to take control away from a fallible and weak humanity.
Collects JUPITER’S LEGACY #1-5.
Mike Mignola & Scott Allie: B.P.R.D. – The Devil You Know Omnibus
The explosive conclusion to the B.P.R.D. series is collected in full for the first time in paperback!
Lovecraftian monsters ravage an apocalyptic earth as the B.P.R.D. fights to save what little of humanity they can.
But even Hellboy is not who he once was, and whether anyone survives Varvara and the long-awaited Ragna Rok remains to be seen.
Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, and other familiar faces from the B.P.R.D. gather one last time to make a final stand for humanity.
Written by Mike Mignola and Scott Allie and brilliantly rendered by artists Laurence Campbell, Christopher Mitten, and Mignola himself, this book collects the end of the B.P.R.D. as we know it.
Includes B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know TPB volumes 1-3 and bonus material.
Mark Millar & Frank Quitely: Jupiter’s Legacy 4
The superheroes have taken over the world, and only the supervillains can save us from their disastrous mistakes and monumental hubris.
Hutch and Chloe have been in hiding with their son, but now they’re gathering a team of supervillains to go back to America to retake the White House in the name of all humanity.
This is a must-read modern classic!
Collects JUPITER’S LEGACY, VOL. 2 #1-5.
Kurt Busiek & Brent Anderson: Astro City Metrobook 1
A hero dreams of flight.
An alien spy prepares for invasion.
A young man is mentored by a hero with dark secrets.
A street criminal discovers a hero’s identity.
And much, much more. Step into a world of heroes and see them from a whole different perspective.
These are the multiple-award-winning stories that began the epic series and changed how we think about superheroes.
Collects KURT BUSIEK’S ASTRO CITY, VOL. 1 (#1-6) & VOL. 2 (#1-12, #1/2).
Mark Millar & Tommy Lee Edwards: Jupiter’s Legacy 5
Jupiter’s Legacy is Netflix’s latest global sensation, season one launching higher than any superhero series in history and remaining the world’s #1 most watched show every day for the entire launch week.
Now the sequel is finally here, continuing the story of Chloe and Hutch and their doomed romance, their children now grown up and making all the same mistakes as their parents.
But what was the mysterious island that called to their parents in 1929, promising them super-powers, and why has it appeared on other worlds too?
Collecting the first six issues of Jupiter’s Legacy: Requiem, this volume marks the return of Mark Millar and Frank Quitely masterpiece.
Art for these six chapters has been beautifully painted by Tommy Lee Edwards as the greatest superhero story ever told draws to a bloodthirsty close.
James Tynion IV & Chris Shehan: House of Slaughter 1
Discover the inner workings of the House of Slaughter in this new horror series exploring the secret history of the Order that forged Erica Slaughter into the monster hunter she is today.
You know Aaron Slaughter as Erica’s handler and rival.
But before he donned the black mask, Aaron was a teenager training within the House of Slaughter.
Surviving within the school is tough enough, but it gets even more complicated when Aaron falls for a mysterious boy destined to be his competition.
Dive deeper into the world of Something is Killing the Children in this first story arc by co-creator James Tynion IV (The Department of Truth, The Nice House on the Lake) and co-writer Tate Brombal (Barbalien), with art by rising star Chris Shehan (The Autumnal) and co-creator Werther Dell’Edera (Razorblades).
Collecting HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #1-5.
Teen Titans Academy 1 – X Marks the Spot
The original New Teen Titans have reteamed and formed the Titans Academy to teach the next generation of superpowered teens …if the students can survive the training.
Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Donna Troy are the teachers at the school and will pass along their knowledge to the young recruits looking to learn how to use their powers to reach their full potential.
Meet the student body – a new Australian Speedster who runs on prosthetics, a trio of Batman obsessed Goth kids from Gotham, a teen expatriate from Gorilla City and a kid who’s possibly the anti-Christ.
Plus, Billy Batson has enrolled to master his powers as Shazam!
But the big mystery is the which member of this first class is the mysterious Red X.
Fans of any era of the Teen Titans will love this new graphic novel collection that continues the legacy..
Darryl Cunningham: Putin’s Russia – The Rise of a Dictator
From schoolyard thug to Russian president: Putin’s rise to power comes under the microscope.
Darryl Cunningham ( Billionaires) returns with the riveting life story of Vladimir Putin, Russia’s infamous autocrat.
He traces Putin’s development from schoolyard thug in Soviet-era Leningrad, to KGB officer, to corrupt commodities dealer, all the way to his presidency and beyond.
In this educational and frank biography, Putin’s journey is characterized by shifting loyalties, brutal treatment of detractors, and lawless financial dealings.
Despite all of this, Putin has retained public support and tremendous importance in Russian society, due to his ever-tightening control over the media and harsh muzzling of critics.
Born in 1952, Putin grew up idealizing the KGB, and he became a member of its ranks by early adulthood.
Cunningham posits that the speed with which Putin advanced politically was a reflection of the KGB’s need to cement their control of the Russian political system after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Since Boris Yeltsin appointed him to the presidency in 2000, Putin has annexed Crimea, rolled back democratic reforms, and led a life of luxury, all the while fostering a cult of personality.
In Putin’s Russia, Cunningham situates the contentious leader in an analytical framework that is at times hilarious and always compelling.
The terrifying opening of the Vault of Horror, presented as a deluxe-size trade paperback!
Witness the opening of the Vault!
This terrifying tome contains issues #18-23 of the classic horror series, and features gorgeous new digital colors–using Marie Severin’s original palette as a guide!
Including unforgettable stories drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Jack Kamen, Graham Ingels, and Howard Larsen!
Featuring a foreword by cinema shock-master John Landis!
Nathalie Ferlut & Tamia Baudouin: Artemisia
The English-language edition of Nathalie Ferlut and Tamia Baudouin’s stunning biography of Artemisia Gentileschi, the trailblazing Italian baroque painter, originally published in French.
This full-color graphic novel recounts the remarkable story of Artemisia, whose life story is told through the lens of Artemisia’s daughter as she questions her mother about their family history.
The ensuing tale spans most of Gentileschi’s life, beginning with her childhood in Rome in her father’s painting studio, to the sexual abuse she experienced at the hands of a tutor and the arduous trial that followed, as well as the highlights of her prolific career in which she received commissions from clients as powerful as the Medici and the English royal family and became the first woman admitted to the prestigious Academy of Arts in Florence.
Brandon Thomas & Diego Olortegui: Aquaman – The Becoming
Jackson Hyde finally has it all.
Mentors who support him, a community that loves him, an honest relationship with his mother, a cute new guy in Amnesty Bay who’s caught his eye, and access to Aquaman’s private training facility in Atlantis.
Well, he had it all–until that training facility and half of the Atlantean palace got blown to kingdom come with Jackson in them.
Now Jackson stands accused of wrecking the life he worked so hard to build.
Aqualad’s going to need all of his skills, wit, and cunning just to prove his own innocence, let alone graduate from sidekick to Aquaman!
Jacek Rembis & Jonas Scharf: The Witcher – A Grain of Truth
Geralt’s encounter with a beast reveals the truth behind fairy tales in this graphic novel adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski’s original short story.
Geralt takes a short cut down a beaten path, where he makes a grim discovery of two corpses. Backtracking their trail, he’s led to a derelict mansion secured with elevated walls and a gate–mysterious and ramshackle, yet adorned with a rare elegance Geralt could not ignore.
He is met with the mansion’s owner–not quite human, but a beast with the faculties of a man. With Geralt unfazed by his monstrous appearance and displays of aggression, the beast invites him inside.
A kind but wary host, he shares stories of his family, his life . . . and his curse.
If the weight of his misdeeds could condemn him to the body of a beast–a retribution spoken of only in fairy tales, could there be another grain of truth in these tales of fantasy–one that could help him elude his fate and lead him to salvation?
This graphic novel is the first in a series of adaptations from Sapkowski’s acclaimed short story collection The Last Wish! Script adaptation by Jacek Rembiś ( Frostpunk) with art by Jonas Scharf ( Bone Parish, War for the Planet of the Apes).
Iolanda Zanfardino & Elisa Romboli: Alice in Leatherland
Alice, a young writer of children’s story books, is hurtled out of her fairytale-like life when she discovers her girlfriend has been cheating on her!
Charmingly defiant, she leaves her small forest town and leaps into a new adventure to seek love (and find herself) in the fast life of San Francisco.
There, her concept of pure, magical love will be completely overturned–but her biggest challenge won’t be reckoning with other people’s sexual drive, it’ll be getting a grip on her own!
From your new favorite writer and artist team of Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Romboli, Alice In Leatherland is a comedy about sex and so, inevitably, about every other aspect of life, too.
As Iolanda and Elisa describe the book: “Sex is recounted as a way to investigate our relationship with ourselves and others, with our bodies and our place in the world; sexual pleasure as self-affirmation and growth. There is room for Love, too, and bravery. And for many good laughs, that never hurts.”
Matt Rosenberg & Tyler Boss: What’s the Furthest Place from Here 1
From Eisner nominated artist Tyler Boss (4 Kids Walk Into A Bank, Dead Dog’s Bite) and bestselling writer Matthew Rosenberg (DC vs. Vampires, Uncanny X-Men) comes an epic adventure about growing up and getting lost at the end of the world.
When 16 year-old Sid goes missing in the wastelands, it’s up to the members of her gang to try to discover what happened.
But what they find is a whole world beyond anything they could imagine.
Like Lord of the Rings meets Lord of the Flies, or John Carpenter by way of John Hughes, this series smashes together sci-fi and fantasy with elements of comedy, horror, and mystery for an emotional coming-of-age story unlike anything you’ve read before.
This oversized volume collects the first arc of the breakout hit series James Tynion IV calls “what the future of comics SHOULD feel like”.
Collects issues #1-6.
Jeffrey Brown: Loved and Lost – A Relationship Trilogy
A pioneer of 21st-century graphic memoir, Jeffrey Brown captures timeless insights into love, intimacy, and vulnerability in three unforgettable relationship portraits.
Twenty years ago, young painter Jeffrey Brown grew frustrated with the expectations of the art world and wanted desperately to make something real. In a single sketchbook, working directly in ink, he began recording his memories of a recent long-distance relationship, matching the emotional frailty of the young lovers with painfully honest writing and art.
As that book, Clumsy, struck a chord with readers and spawned the follow-ups Unlikely and Any Easy Intimacy, Brown’s work proved a watershed for the emerging form of the graphic memoir. Chronicling the awkward mess of romantic relationships in unsparing and explicit detail, these works also reflect the fragmentary nature of memory, the risk of opening ourselves to pain, and the giggly rush of falling in love.
Now collected into one volume for the first time, this Relationship Trilogy is a bittersweet reminder of the everyday joy, heartbreak, and humor that — despite everything– keep us coming back for more.
Collects Clumsy, Unlikely, and AEIOU or Any Easy Intimacy.
Roy Thomas & Thomas Grindberg: Tarzan – The New Adventures
Previously available only to subscribers of the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ website, Tarzan: The New Adventures is at last available in print.
This incarnation of the Jungle Lord is presented in Sunday newspaper landscape format, with all-new stories penned by comics legend Roy Thomas ( Conan the Barbarian, Avengers, X-Men) with stunning illustration by Thomas Grindberg, whose work stands alongside classic Tarzan illustrators such as Hal Foster, J. Allen St. John, and Frank Frazetta.
No Tarzan comics collection is complete without Tarzan: The New Adventures!
Maybonne and Marlys Mullen endure the mortifying highs and lows of middle school in this Lynda Barry classic.
Collected from the strip Ernie Pook’s Comeek, which was serialized in alternative weeklies across the continent, My Perfect Life captures the moment when Lynda Barry finds the perfect balance in longer-form storytelling between the bellyaching laughs and the brutal reality checks.
Along with the 2022 release Come Over Come Over, this collection continues to spotlight the life of teenager Maybonne Mullen.
She suffers through the utterly relatable insults of junior high and the excruciating embarrassment caused by her little sister, Marlys. Hovering in the background, however, is a broken home, parents struggling with addiction, a grandmother who takes her granddaughters from the diverse big city to a bewilderingly bland small town.
Yet fitting into the new school and surroundings is, of course, paramount to a young teenager.
Maybonne begins September full of life and excitement. As the school year progresses, she experiences bullying, her first boyfriend, family drama, drinking, and more.
The book ends with Maybonne withdrawn and jaded as the reality of her world outweighs the magic.
Abducted from his own time by the predatory Spider Aliens and displaced to the present day, Aric of Dacia will make war on his one-time captors and any who stand with them.
Armed with a sentient suit of battle armor and savagery born in an age of war, he will become the hero this new age demands.
Tyrants from beyond time and space, superpowered corporate raiders, and corrupt government power brokers… all will quake in fear where X-O Manowar dares to tread.
Featuring groundbreaking work from comic-book legends Jim Shooter (Secret Wars), Bob Layton (Iron Man), Barry Windsor-Smith (Weapon X), Joe Quesada (Daredevil), Steve Englehart (Detective Comics) and many more, the complete adventures of Valiant’s original armored hero begin here in the first Valiant Classic Collection of the series Graphic Policy calls a must read!
Collecting X-O MANOWAR (1992) #0-9, and X-O DATABASE #1.
John Porcellino: The Collected Prairie Pothole
Although John Porcellino’s Prairie Pothole ran for only a short 16 weeks in the Chicago Reader, it has remained beloved by readers, old and new.
Since then, John has continued to produce the strip for his Patreon supporters, writing mainly about his childhood memories of growing up in Chicagoland.
Listening to weird records, earwigs, trick or treating, and smelt, The Collected Prairie Pothole includes all 28 of these classic four-panel newspaper-style strips, plus bonus material!
John Porcellino is the author of the celebrated, autobiographical comics-zine King-Cat, which he’s self-published since 1989, and two graphic novels, Thoreau at Walden (CCS/Hyperion, 2008) and The Hospital Suite (Drawn & Quarterly, 2014).
He lives in Beloit, Wisconsin with S., two dogs, two cats, and seven caterpillars.
Marin County, 1978.
In this graphic novel, teens Clara and Wendy get high one night alone at home.
Before the night ends, they’ve disappeared ― until five months later, when Clara is found, disheveled, but alive, in Death Valley National Park.
From Clara’s mysterious reappearance in Death Valley, Disciples cuts to the present day, where stories of The California Cult and its enigmatic — and never-caught — leader, Billy Joe, are as much a part of the popular culture as the Manson Family. Clara, the lone survivor of the cult, has adopted a new identity to protect her and her daughter, Wren.
And she mostly does, until one night when the past and present horrifically collide.
Disciples is a seamless collaboration between cartoonist Ben Marra and filmmakers David Birke and Nicholas McCarthy. Birke and McCarthy’s script celebrates and reinvents a cult film ethos. It combines the best of 1970s era eerie-thriller-terror movies in a fresh and revelatory way, similar to how Marra has continued/reinvented the work of Abel Ferrara and George Cosmatos in graphic novels like Night Business.
Paco Roca & Guillermo Corral: The Treasure of the Black Swan
May 2007.
When an American treasure-hunting company uncovers a shipwreck containing the greatest underwater trove ever found, the world is captivated by their discovery.
But over in Spain, a group of low-level government officials surmises that the sunken ship is in fact an ancient Spanish vessel.
Thus begins a legal and political thriller, pitting a group of idealistic diplomats against a rich and powerfully connected treasure hunter, in which vital cultural artifacts and hundreds of millions of dollars hang in the balance.
Cartoonist Paco Roca and writer Guillermo Corral bring a cinematic flair to this graphic novel, combining threads of Tintin-inspired seafaring adventure, political intrigue, tense courtroom drama, and, in the midst of it all, a budding romance.
A gripping dramatization of a little-known, unbelievable true story of money, political power, and cultural heritage.
The Treasure of the Black Swan was adapted into an original television series, La Fortuna, starring Stanley Tucci and debuted in the US on AMC Plus in January 2022.
Pistoleron taivas osa 2/6.
Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.
Aleksis Shi: Yedocia legioonalainen 1
Yedocia Yen on keisarillisen armeijan rivisotilas, joka haaveilee mahdollisuudesta päästä todistamaan taitonsa.
Ensiaskel menestykseen on kuitenkin ehjin nahoin selviäminen: antiikin Roomaa ja muinaista Kiinaa yhdistelevä fantasiamaailma pursuaa suuria sankareita ja myyttisiä seikkailuja…
Pistoleron taivas osa 3/6.
Aleksis Shi: Yedocia legioonalainen 2
Yedocia Yen on keisarillisen armeijan kunnianhimoinen rivisotilas antiikin Roomaa ja muinaista Kiinaa yhdistelevässä fantasiamaailmassa.
Yedocia matkaa osastoineen Pohjanperän kaupunkiin, jossa ongelmia aiheuttavat keisarillisten joukkojen ja pohjoisen Suibi-kansan kireät välit.
Ilmassa leijuu selkkauksen uhka.
Pistoleron taivas osa 4/6.
Aleksis Shi: Go! Robo-Heeros Palo-Ritari
Androidi-supersankari-sarjakuva, inspiraationlähteinään 80-luvun tokusatsu ja retro-anime.
Pistoleron taivas osa 5/6.
Aleksis Shi: Legionary Extraordinary 1
A 26-page comic, set in a fantasy world inspired by Ancient Rome and Ancient China, LEGIONARY EXTRAORDINARY follows Yedocia Yen, an ordinary legionary of the Imperial Republic trying to carve a name for herself(/survive) in a world full of legendary heroes & high adventure.
None of which she is fit to deal with, but she will try regardless.
Aleksis Shi: Legionary Extraordinary 2
Yedocia Yen is an ordinary legionary with lofty ambitions, in a world inspired by Ancient Rome and Ancient China.
Now she finds herself in the city of Coldfort, where tensions run high between it’s Imperial Taie citizenry and the northern peoples of Suibi.
Can an ordinary legionary ease that tension or will it lead to an inevitable upheaval?
Pistoleron taivas osa 6/6.
Liskoteemainen, kokonaan nelivärinen numero!
Tekijöinä Tuomas Koivurinne, Aleksi Kuutio, Ilpo Koskela, Reima Mäkinen, Mikael Mäkinen, Lasse Martikainen, Sippo Mentunen ja Sari Sariola.
Metsästäjä osa 1.
Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.
Juri Nummelin (toim.): Kuolon tähti
Suomalaisia maailmanloppunovelleja.
Uusia sekä klassisia kaiken lopun kuvauksia kotimaisilta kirjailijoilta. Ihminen on aina pelännyt – tai toivonut – maailmanloppua.
Vaikuttavia maailmanlopputarinoita on tehty jo 1700-luvulta alkaen. Kuvaukset maailman tuhoutumisesta ovat nykyisenä maailmanlaajuisten epidemioiden aikana tulleet yhä todentuntuisemmiksi. Uutiset ovat täynnä ilmastokriisiä, kuivuutta ja suunnattomia metsä- ja maastopaloja. Monet poliitikot tuntuvat suorastaan haluavan kiihdyttää kehitystä. Onko meillä enää toivoa?
Kuolon tähti sisältää 18 novellia.
Siihen ovat uusia kotimaisia tuhon ja hävityksen tarinoita kirjoittaneet maan johtavat spefikirjailijat, kuten Tiina Raevaara, Anni Kuu Nupponen ja Vesa Sisättö.
Höysteenä on myös muutamia vanhoja novelleja, joista Tove Janssonin ”Shoppaamassa” on erityinen löytö. Sitä ei ole ollut saatavilla kolmeenkymmeneen vuoteen.
Kirjan on toimittanut Juri Nummelin, joka on kirjoittanut kirjaan myös lyhyen maailmanloppukuvitelmien historiaa kartoittavan esipuheen.
Ville Vuorela: Praedor – Pitkien varjojen maa (romaani)
Verivartion tarina jatkuu!
Taivaan Suuren Suden epäonninen valloitussota on saanut Jaconian hämmennyksen valtaan.
Aateliset käyvät keskinäistä kamppailuaan, kuninkaan valtaistumelle on tunkua.
Valtapelin keskellä vaeltavat käärmetanssija Nejah ja hänen praedor-kumppaninsa Vanha Koira ja Korpinsiipi, seurassaan salaisuuksia kantava Musta markiisi.
Matkasta selvitäkseen heidän on suoriuduttava lukuisista maagisista ansoista, yliluonnollisista ilmestyksistä ja ihmishirviöistä.
Petri Hiltusen kuvittama.
Ville Hänninen: Muuten se on mennyttä – Kirjoituksia taiteista
Miksi taiteilla on minulle väliä?
Muuten se on mennyttä on matka taiteisiin ja tunteisiin. Ville Hännisen esseet eivät kuvaa taideteoksia saavuttamattomina tai teoreettisina vaan välttämättömänä osana elämää. Ilman niitä ei olisi mitään.
Kirja kuvaa kerääntyviä kirjakasoja, 1970-luvun laululiikkeen painoarvoa, yli vuoden jatkunutta väriruiskutusta, betonikirkon paljasta pyhyyttä ja Peter von Baghin ääntä. Se on lempeä, viisas ja huumorintajuinen rakkaudentunnustus maailmalle, jossa kauneus varmasti voittaa. Niin on uskottava.
”Olen käyttänyt sanojen etsimiseen ikäni. Silti taiteesta kirjoittaminen ei ole tullut helpommaksi vaan vaikeutunut merkittävästi.
Kaavat ja rutiinit auttavat mutta myös vievät etäämmäs. Usein kritiikki tai artikkeli on hyvin rakennettu, mutta se on silloin vain rakennelma, suoja tuulta vastaan. Ajan mittaan tämän huomaa ja alkaa haaveilla muustakin.
Kunpa joku kirjoittaisi, mistä tässä todella on kyse. Ei puheenaiheista teoksen ympärillä, vaan mitä tässä on. Mikä taiteistaa taiteen?”
Ville Hänninen (s. 1976) on tietokirjailija ja keskipitkän linjan kulttuuritoimittaja.
Hän on tehnyt aiemmin muun muassa kirjat Kirjan kasvot – sata vuotta suomalaisia kirjankansia (2017), Keskipäivän miehiä – kuvia Suomen historiasta (2016) ja Setä Pim-pom! Hjalmar Löfvingin kummat kuvat (2016).
Kirjan kasvot sai Eliel Aspelin -palkinnon ja Suomen Taideyhdistyksen Vuoden taidekirja -palkinnon.
Dwayne McDuffie & Paul Pelletier: The New Fantastic Four (K)
Black Panther and Storm, the newest members of the Fantastic Four, find themselves battling foes including the planet-eater Galactus, while the Wizard plots revenge on Mr. Fantastic.
Eric Powell: The Goon 2 – My Murderous Childhood (and Other Grievous Yarns) (K)
The Goon and Franky have been best friends ever since they was tykes.
Find out how the two little ankle-biters became best pals and how they muscled their way into the rackets of big-time crime-boss, Labrazio – who, incidentally, nobody’s seen in a while.
This trip down memory lane ain’t gonna be no joyride, neither.
Franky and the Goon are going to have to take on a horde of zombies, an army of hoboes, a couple of grave robbin’ freaks, a guy with a gold head and his killer robot, a pie-crazed skunk ape, one homely, man-crazy sea hag, and a whole lot of other things that smell just as bad, if not worse.
Pick up a copy, because those uptown rich people may have the cops and their G-men, but down here all we got is the Goon!
Joe R. Lansdale & Timothy Truman: Conan And The Songs Of The Dead (K)
The Cimmerian travels to the aid of an old ally in the wretched wastes of Stygia – a desert harboring wealth undreamed of, even for the barbarian.
Soon his pursuit of the ancient treasure reveals a conniving spirit and undead guards. Dust from the desolate land meets blood, and a dark-hearted sorcerer brings forth strange abominations from this unholy mix.
Only the cool head and cold steel of the Cimmerian can save all creation from the horror that awaits, and the blood-spattered conclusion will send shivers down the spines of even the most hardcore Conan fans!
Eric Powell: The Goon 3 – Heaps of Ruination (K)
Beware all undead minions and other variegated doers of badness!
Rouse up trouble with the honest folks of Lonely Street and it’s the Goon you’ll answer to!
Robot or alien, werewolf or vampire, zombie or gorilla (or zombie-gorilla), it makes no difference to the Goon – he’ll serve you up a mouthful of broken teeth right quick, as evidenced by the fine tales collected in this fine volume – the third in the ever-expanding line chronicling the triumphs and tragedies of the lone man brave enough to stand against the Zombie Priest and his ghoulish army of … um … ghouls.
This volume also includes a very special guest appearance by Hellboy co-written and drawn by award-winning Hellboy creator, Mike Mignola!
Rob Liefeld & Victor Gischler: Deadpool Corps Vol. 1: Pool-Pocalypse (K)
The Deadpool Corps embark on the universe-spanning mission that only they can accomplish.
Tapped by the Elders of the Universe to gather a crack team of his alternative universe selves for what amounts to an intergalactic suicide mission, Deadpool just can’t say no.
Enter: Headpool, Kidpool, Dogpool and Lady Deadpool–and it’s off to the rescue, right? Not so fast.
Turns out another Elder, the Champion, isn’t quite sold on this new super-team. If Deadpool and crew want to streak across the universe to face the ultimate enemy, their destiny, and much needed tacos and beer, they’re going to have to pass a little test first.
COLLECTING: Deadpool Corps #1-5.
Eric Powell: The Goon 4 – Virtue and the Grim Consequences Thereof (K)
Virtue and the Grim Consequences Thereof sees the Goon join a short-lived football team, face man-eating eyeballs from another dimension, and suffer incarceration in Cade”s Island penitentiary.
Plus, the cast of The Goon interprets A Christmas Carol, the Unholy Bastards make their first appearance, and Powell illustrates a hilarious prose story by Thomas Lennon (Reno 911!).
See why these stories helped The Goon win the Eisner Award for Best Humor Publication and Best Ongoing Series!
Kyle Baker & David Lapham: Deadpool Max: Nutjob (K)
It’s Deadpool uncensored!
Government agent Wade Wilson is too valuable an assassin for the brass not to take advantage of, but the unstable killer needs the guidance of a steady hand to be effective.
It’s Bob’s job to make sure Deadpool completes his missions – by any means necessary.
Unfortunately, Deadpool considers him something of a sidekick, and it’s always the sidekick who takes one for the team. And Bob’s got the bruises and mental scars to prove it. Bob manages to keep Wade focused on the likes of Hammerhead, Baron Zemo and the Taskmaster – and although he gets a glimpse of the assassin’s tragic upbringing, it becomes clear Deadpool isn’t the only damaged goods in this duo.
Collecting DEADPOOL MAX (2010) #1-6.
Eric Powell: The Goon 5 – Wicked Inclinations (K)
The tide has turned in Goon’s war against the undead hordes of the Zombie Priest–or has it?
With Buzzard now preventing the harvest of any fresh corpses from the cemetery, the Priest grows desperate.
So desperate, that he unleashes incantations of previously unseen power to create a whole new breed of minion–one that may be beyond even the strength of the Goon to contain.
But one pays a price for conjuring such evil into the world, and the Zombie Priest quickly discovers that the cost of such power may be far more than he bargained for.
Joe Kelly & Ed McGuinness: Deadpool Classic, Vol. 2 (K)
Landau, Luckman, & Lake want Deadpool to rebuild himself as a hero – but he’ll be lucky to pull himself together as he is!
His healing factor’s down, & the only thing that’ll juice it up is a dose of the Incredible Hulk’s blood – administered by the Weapon X alumnus who helped make Deadpool what he is in the first place!
Eric Powell: The Goon 6 – Chinatown and the Mystery of Mr. Wicker (K)
Collected in softcover for the very first time, the critically acclaimed Chinatown marks Powell’s first self-contained graphic novel, which chronicles the misadventures of Goon and his wisecracking sidekick, Franky.
When a mysterious new figure enters the crime scene and begins taking out the Goon’s business operations one by one, the Goon struggles to keep the city’s organized crime under his control as his mind is haunted by the memories of his darkest moment . . . when his mind and body were left scarred . . . and his heart was left black.
Garth Ennis & Kevin Dillon & Darick Robertson: The Punisher Vol. 3: Business as Usual (K)
Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, the madmen who made Preacher a best-selling book, are back for another round.
This time, they’re taking Frank to South America, where he must rescue a Mafia don from angry guerilla fighters — but if mercenaries don’t kill the Mafioso, the Punisher just might do it himself.
Includes Punisher (2001) #13-18.
Eric Powell: The Goon 8 – Those That Is Damned (K)
The town on the edge of Horse-Eater’s Wood is permeated by all manner of dark things — hatred, fear, unhappiness, demons, and the undead (to name a few) — brought on by a curse that has festered within the forest for many years.
The Goon himself was drawn by the power of the curse, but his soul is not consumed by this bleak place, and he discovers that he is the only hope for his town.
Goon’s greatest foe, the dead mobster Labrazio, mounts his assault from a macabre burlesque house, using the Zombie Priest and his demonic kitty to put on the squeeze.
It’s up to the Goon, Franky, and all their pals to fight for the life their town deserves!
Phil Jimenez & Devin Grayson: JLA/Titans: Technis Imperative (K)
When a large number of former members of the Teen Titans suddenly disappear, the Justice League and the Titans each begin investigations into the whereabouts of the missing heroes.
But as the Titans realize that a former teammate is involved in the disappearances, they find themselves squaring off against the World’s Greatest Heroes in order to protect their old friend.
Featuring Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern, this book presents epic battles between mentors and protégés as Batman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman each take up arms against their former sidekicks.
Garth Ennis & John McCrea: The Punisher Vol. 6: Confederacy of Dunces (K)
The most deadly man in the Marvel Universe–The Punisher–might finally meet his match as the Man Without Fear, Daredevil, the Amazing Spider-Man, and the X-Men’s Wolverine join forces to finally bring Frank Castle’s killing spree to an end.
Matt Fraction & Salvador Larroca: Invincible Iron Man Vol. 6: Stark Resilient, Book 2 (K)
When you think of the greatest mechanized hero of the modern era, only two words come to mind: DETROIT STEEL.
You wanted the best? You got the best. But the best comes at a price.
Meanwhile Pepper Potts is on the road to recovery, but nothing is free from complication in Tony Stark’s world — and this one’s a doozy, even if it means the debut of an all-new RESCUE.
The Pentagon keep shutting War Machine out, and the new offices of Stark Resilient let everyone in for a big coming-out party…with special guests Justine and Sasha Hammer.
Invincible Iron Man #29-33.
Felipe Smith & Tradd Moore: All-New Ghost Rider Vol. 1: Engines of Vengeance (K)
With four on the floor, Marvel’s newest Ghost Rider puts vengeance in overdrive!
Amid an East Los Angeles neighborhood running wild with gang violence and drug trafficking, Robbie Reyes has been given a new awesome power! But can the teen handle it, or will it drive him to a path of destruction?
As a war brews in the criminal underworld, the streets of East LA fl are up with drug-fueled gang violence from Dr. Zabo’s power-enhancing narcotics – and Mr. Hyde launches a diabolical plan to expand his underground empire.
Robbie meets the mysterious entity behind his possession, but will he submit to the sprit inside him and go too far in protecting his neighborhood?
The all-new Ghost Rider takes on Mr. Hyde, with all-out action…and a twist that will hit you at 100 mph!
Daniel Way: Deadpool 3 – X Marks the Spot (K)
Deadpool wants to be an X-Man. And he’s not going to let anyone stand in his way– not even the X-Men!
Collects Deadpool #13-18.
Felipe Smith & Damion Scott: All-New Ghost Rider Volume 2: Legend (K)
The all-new Ghost Rider has become a local hero!
Can Robbie Reyes resist the call of street racing, or is he speeding towards eternal damnation?
The Blue Hyde Brigade is born…but who is the mysterious figure taking an interest in the new Ghost Rider? When the original Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, shows up, hellfire sparks will fly as the legend comes face-to-face with the reality!
It’s old-school versus new-school, age versus youth, east versus west…Ghost Rider versus Ghost Rider!
COLLECTING: All -New Ghost Rider 6-12.
Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka: Gotham Central 1 – In the Line of Duty (K)
Gotham police want to take down Mister Freeze without the help of Batman after he kills one of their own.
The first ten issues of the Eisner and Harvey Award-winning series are collected here in trade paperback. Written by Ed Brubaker (Captain America) and Greg Rucka (52, DETECTIVE COMICS), this series pitted the detectives of Gotham City’s Special Crimes Unit against the city’s greatest villains — in the shadow of Batman himself.
Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka: Gotham Central 2 – Jokers and Madmen (K)
Witness the gritty side of the Gotham City Police Department from their perspective, as they take on psychotic criminals like The Joker and grudgingly look to The Dark Knight for help.
This volume collects two cases of the Gotham Special Crimes Unit. First, The Joker terrorizes the city at Christmas time when he begins randomly executing people with a rifle, and no one from the Mayor on down is safe.
A second story focuses on an old case and unfinished business for disgraced detective Harvey Bullock.
Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka: Gotham Central 3 – On the Freak Beat (K)
This volume collects two separate cases of the Gotham Special Crimes Unit.
Detective Renee Montoya investigates the disappearance of important evidence amid a gang war and travels to Keystone City in an attempt to unveil the truth about Officer Kelly’s strange mutation.
Plus, the dead body of Robin, the Boy Wonder is found on the streets.
Now the detectives of Gotham Central must try to solve the mystery of his death while dealing with his former associates, Batman and the Teen Titans!
Greg Rucka & Ed Brubaker: Gotham Central 4 – Corrigan (K)
A disturbing discovery – the citizens of Gotham are shocked to find the dead body of Robin lying in the streets. Now the detectives of the GCPD must try to solve the mystery of his death while dealing with the obstructive aid of the Boy Wonder’s former associates, Batman and the Teen Titans.
From a jarring crime scene to cosmic chaos – as the Infinite Crisis looms, the most powerful being in the universe, the Spectre, is looking for a host. Will the new Spirit of Vengeance be one of Gotham City’s Finest?
52 Pick-Up – Detective Renee Montoya’s life begins to fall apart, as events that lead her to become the prominent protagonist of the hit DC series 52 begins here.
The final volume of the multiple award-winning Gotham Central series is brought to you by acclaimed writers Greg Rucka and Ed Brubaker, featuring art by Kano & Stefano Gaudiano, with Steve Lieber.
Meg Cabot & Cara McGee: Black Canary: Ignite (K)
From Meg Cabot, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Princess Diaries!
Thirteen-year-old Dinah Lance knows exactly what she wants, who she is, and where she’s going.
First, she’ll win the battle of the bands with her two best friends, then she’ll join the Gotham City Junior Police Academy so she can solve crimes just like her dad. Who knows, her rock-star group of friends may even save the world, but first they’ll need to agree on a band name.
When a mysterious figure keeps getting in the way of Dinah’s goals and threatens her friends and family, she’ll learn more about herself, her mother’s secret past, and navigating the various power chords of life.
With expressive and energetic art by Cara McGee to match the trademark attitude and spunk of Meg Cabot’s characters and dialogue, this mother-daughter story embraces the highs and lows of growing up without growing out of what makes us unique. It’s an inspirational song that encourages readers to find their own special voices to sing along with Black Canary!
Pertti Jarla: Fingerpori Taskukalenteri 2023
Fingerpori mahtuu nyt taskuun!
Selkeillä viikkoaukeamilla on kirjoitustilaa Fingerporin hengessä.
Kaksikielisessä kalenterissa on mukana myös selkeät vuosi- ja kuukausisivut, suomen- ja ruotsinkieliset nimipäiväluettelot sekä muistiinpanosivuja.
Dagar, helgdagar och namnsdagar både på svenska och finska.
Sivuja koristavat Fingerpori-aiheiset kuvat.
Kielet: suomi, ruotsi.
Pertti Jarla: Fingerpori urheilukalenteri 2023
Fingerporin tsemppaava urheilukalenteri pitää nauruhermot kunnossa päivästä päivään ja kuukaudesta toiseen.
Hiki virtaa ja huumori vyöryy toinen toistaan sporttisemmista suoriutumiskuvista.
Kierreselkäinen, ripustusreikä. Suomenkielinen.
Jarkko Vehniäinen & Marja Lappalainen: Kamala luonto -seinäkalenteri 2023
Vuosi ei ole lainkaan kamala ilveksen, kärpän, ketun ja kumppaneiden ronskissa mutta hellyttävässä seurassa.
Seinäkalenterissa on 12 isoa vesivärein maalattua kuvaa ja lisäksi pikkukuvia kalenteriruudukossa.
Sisältää nimipäivät, liputuspäivät ja juhlapyhät.
Jarkko Vehniäinen & Marja Lappalainen: Kamala luonto -perhekalenteri 2023
Paljon toivottu Kamalan luonnon perhekalenteri on täällä!
Riemukkaissa kuvituksissa vilahtelevat tutut metsäneläimet sekä pienet pentuhahmot ilves, kärppä, kettu, majava, hirvi ja karhu. Tätä suloista kalenteria kelpaa katsella seinällä koko vuoden!
Oma sarake kuudelle perheenjäsenelle.
Seth & Mark Haney: Omnis Temporalis – A Visual Long-Playing Record (LP)
The musical adaptation of Seth’s George Sprott, captured on vinyl and packaged by the cartoonist himself!
Something strange happens when you pass your work along to another artist for interpretation.
It goes away a relative and comes back a stranger. Lines of dialogue I had written in my graphic novel, now spoken or sung by actors, were odd and moving. I could suddenly recognize from what wellspring of emotion they had originated in me.
A truly moving experience.” –Seth
Seth’s acclaimed graphic novel George Sprott has now inspired a modern opera by the artistic director and musician Mark Haney.
Captured on a classic vinyl record with a sumptuous, over-the-top design by Seth, Omnis Temporalis: A Visual Long-Playing Record is part chamber music, part song cycle, and part audio drama.
Haney’s unique project builds on Seth’s original picture novella while standing alone as a musical triumph.
Omnis Temporalis remixes elements of Seth’s George Sprott to bring the main character and several other residents of Dominion to life, telling a story of time, memory, loss, and the ties that bind.
Featuring acclaimed TV and voice actor Richard Newman as George and soprano Dory Hayley as Daisy, the cast also includes many of Canada’s best-known stage and TV actors.
The trio of alto flute, cello, and double bass create a musical palette on which the dialogue and songs float in an ethereal, atmospheric narrative that traces parts of George’s life as we accompany him through the last day of his life.