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Kysymys 1/5
1. Kysymys
Mikä ei kuulu joukkoon?
Seuraavat asiat ovat inspiroineet sarjakuvahahmoja:
Kuolema . Dr. Doom, Ihmenelosten vihollinen (Jack Kirby modeled Doctor Doom after Death, with the armor standing in for that character’s skeleton; “It was the reason for the armor and the hood. Death is connected with armor and the inhuman-like steel. Death is something without mercy, and human flesh contains that mercy.”)
Lähde: WikipediaVaniljajäätelö suklaakastikkeella ja punaisella kirsikalla – Punakallo, Kapteeni Amerikan vihollinen (Joe Simon, hahmon luoja: “now we needed a villain for inside the comic, too. … Even sitting at lunch, I was always thinking about heroes and villains, with all sorts of ideas swimming around in my head. Next thing I know, I had a hot fudge sundae sitting in front of me, with the vanilla ice cream, and the hot fudge is running down the side. It was intriguing.
The hot fudge looked like limbs—legs, feet, and hands—and I’m thinking to myself.
Gee, this’d make an interesting villain, I mused. We’ll call him Hot Fudge … Just put a face on him, and have him ooze all over the place.
You have to be stupid to be in this business. Nevertheless, I did some sketches, right then and there. And I Iooked at them.
Nah, I thought. Who would believe anything like that?
But I looked again at the sundae, and I saw the big cherry on top. The cherry looked like a skull.
“Wow,” I said to myself. “Red Skull … that sounds good.” And it made a lot more sense.”)
Lähde: Geektyrant.comRaastin: Silppuri/Shredder, Teini-ikäisten Mutanttininjakilpikonnien vihollinen (Kevin Eastman got the idea for Shredder’s armor from large trapezoidal cheese graters which he envisioned on a villainous character’s (originally named “The Grater” or “Grate Man”) arms. He then said, “Could you imagine a character with weapons on his arms like this?” While Peter Laird suggested the name The Shredder)
Lähde: WikipediaHiirenloukku on Agatha Christien näytelmä.
Seuraavat asiat ovat inspiroineet sarjakuvahahmoja:
Kuolema . Dr. Doom, Ihmenelosten vihollinen (Jack Kirby modeled Doctor Doom after Death, with the armor standing in for that character’s skeleton; “It was the reason for the armor and the hood. Death is connected with armor and the inhuman-like steel. Death is something without mercy, and human flesh contains that mercy.”)
Lähde: WikipediaVaniljajäätelö suklaakastikkeella ja punaisella kirsikalla – Punakallo, Kapteeni Amerikan vihollinen (Joe Simon, hahmon luoja: “now we needed a villain for inside the comic, too. … Even sitting at lunch, I was always thinking about heroes and villains, with all sorts of ideas swimming around in my head. Next thing I know, I had a hot fudge sundae sitting in front of me, with the vanilla ice cream, and the hot fudge is running down the side. It was intriguing.
The hot fudge looked like limbs—legs, feet, and hands—and I’m thinking to myself.
Gee, this’d make an interesting villain, I mused. We’ll call him Hot Fudge … Just put a face on him, and have him ooze all over the place.
You have to be stupid to be in this business. Nevertheless, I did some sketches, right then and there. And I Iooked at them.
Nah, I thought. Who would believe anything like that?
But I looked again at the sundae, and I saw the big cherry on top. The cherry looked like a skull.
“Wow,” I said to myself. “Red Skull … that sounds good.” And it made a lot more sense.”)
Lähde: Geektyrant.comRaastin: Silppuri/Shredder, Teini-ikäisten Mutanttininjakilpikonnien vihollinen (Kevin Eastman got the idea for Shredder’s armor from large trapezoidal cheese graters which he envisioned on a villainous character’s (originally named “The Grater” or “Grate Man”) arms. He then said, “Could you imagine a character with weapons on his arms like this?” While Peter Laird suggested the name The Shredder)
Lähde: WikipediaHiirenloukku on Agatha Christien näytelmä.
Kysymys 2/5
2. Kysymys
Ihmenaisen tekijälle William Marstonille annettiin aikoinaan luku 50-75%.
Mihin se liittyy? -
Kysymys 3/5
3. Kysymys
Minä Aku Ankka 2-albumi julkaistiin tänä vuonna.
Montako vuotta ehti kulua ykkös- ja kakkos-osan julkaisun välillä?
Ensimmäinen osa julkaistiin vuonna 1972.
Ensimmäinen osa julkaistiin vuonna 1972.
Kysymys 4/5
4. Kysymys
Minkä nimisessä baarissa Arne Ankka tykkää käydä?
Yksityisetsivä Alack Sinner käy kostuttamassa kurkkuaan Joe’s Bar-paikassa.
Josie’s Bar on tuttu Daredevilistä.
Bitter End Bar on fiktiivinen.
Arne Ankka käy Zeken luona.
Yksityisetsivä Alack Sinner käy kostuttamassa kurkkuaan Joe’s Bar-paikassa.
Josie’s Bar on tuttu Daredevilistä.
Bitter End Bar on fiktiivinen.
Arne Ankka käy Zeken luona.
Kysymys 5/5
5. Kysymys
Kuka voitti Oulun Pohjoismaisen Sarjakuvakilpailun tänä vuonna?
Avi Heikkiselle onnittelut!
Avi Heikkiselle onnittelut!