Marvel: Supersankarin käsikirja
Tämä mahtava käsikirja opastaa sinua luomaan oman Marvel-supersankarisi, jolla saat keksiä alkuperän, supervoimat, varusteet, asun, tukikohdan, liittolaiset ja viholliset.
Kirja sisältää hurjan määrän tietoa Marvel-sankareista ja konnista ja on pullollaan tehtäviä, askarteluohjeita, visailuja ja vitsejä.
Käsikirjan sivuilla pääset myös pelaamaan vauhdikasta Marvel-seikkailupeliä, jonka tarinan käänteet päätät itse.
Carl Barks: Carl Barksin parhaat sarjat – Ovela Roope-setä
Tämä kirja sisältää tarinat: Ovela Roope-setä, Huutovuoren kaiku, Luotilaakson seriffi, Nuorna vitsa väännettävä, Ensimmäinen kevätpäivä, Luistelukilpailu, Aku Ankka ja zombi ja muita unohtumattomia Ankka-klassikoita.
Cullen Bunn & Salva Espin: Deadpool – Back in Black
During 1984’s SECRET WARS, Deadpool was introduced to an alien symbiote who went on to become Spider-Man’s black costume and, eventually, Venom.
OK, OK, maybe that really happened in DEADPOOL’S SECRET SECRET WARS. Point is, did you know that after Spider-Man rejected the costume…it went slinking back to Deadpool on the rebound? And they went on adventures together? You didn’t? Well, you will, now, thanks to this series by Cullen Bunn (The DEADPOOL KILLOGY) & Salva Espin (DEADPOOL & THE MERCS FOR MONEY)!
Ville Pirinen: Yhesti yhes kymmenennes paikas
Ville Pirisen maineikas Yhesti yhes paikas -sarja on edennyt juhlallisesti kymmenenteen osaansa.
Sen kunniaksi kirjasen koko on nyt suurempi, kannet kovemmat, sivuja enemmän ja sävyt värikkäämmät.
Sisällön ei silti pidä pelätä uudistuneen, sillä taiteilija Pirinen kokoaa yhteen sarjan taustalla vaikuttaneita teemoja ja syventää niitä jopa kolminkertaiselle metatasolle pohtiessaan syvällisiä syntyjä tarinoista ja niiden kertomisesta.
Seikkailu alkaa pikkupitäjän koviksien epäonnistuneella itsemurharisteilyllä ja jatkuu vintage-hengessä syrjätien varren vessattomalla kirpputorilla. On siinä taas ajattelemista omalle kohalle! Lopun kaksi lyhyttä tarinaa pyyhkäisevät pois ahdistuksen ja jättävät lukijalle kevyesti kivan fiiliksen.
Sari Luhtanen & Tiina Paju: Maisa & Kaarina – Viimeinen tikki
Onko Maisalle ja Kaarinalle tullut eteen viimeinen tikki?
Suorasukainen parivaljakko palaa uuden albumin myötä oleellisten ongelmien äärelle.
Anna-lehdestä tuttu huumorisarjakuva kertoo naisen arjesta oivaltavasti ja mukaansa tempaavasti.
Octavia E. Butler & Damian Duffy & John Jennings: Kindred
Octavia E. Butler’s bestselling literary science-fiction masterpiece, Kindred, now in graphic novel format.
More than 35 years after its release, Kindred continues to draw in new readers with its deep exploration of the violence and loss of humanity caused by slavery in the United States, and its complex and lasting impact on the present day. Adapted by celebrated academics and comics artists Damian Duffy and John Jennings, this graphic novel powerfully renders Butler’s mysterious and moving story, which spans racial and gender divides in the antebellum South through the 20th century.
Butler’s most celebrated, critically acclaimed work tells the story of Dana, a young black woman who is suddenly and inexplicably transported from her home in 1970s California to the pre–Civil War South.
As she time-travels between worlds, one in which she is a free woman and one where she is part of her own complicated familial history on a southern plantation, she becomes frighteningly entangled in the lives of Rufus, a conflicted white slaveholder and one of Dana’s own ancestors, and the many people who are enslaved by him.
The Merc with a Mouth takes on the Mutant with the Mutton chops in their greatest battles — and occasional team-ups!
Katanas and claws clash in their brutal first meeting — but when someone targets Weapon X survivors, Wolverine must ride to Deadpool’s rescue!
Doctor Bong tolls for our heroes, then things get hairy over a werewolf!
And when a bounty is placed on Logan’s head, guess who tries to collect!
An assault on a Hydra base will have them at each other’s throats, while Wolvie plays straight man to Wade’s wisecracker in a showdown with a Shi’ar robot. But things really go off the deep end in the main event — one ultimate, over-the-top, slicing-and-dicing slobberknocker!
Ville Pirinen: Yhesti yhes paikas 1-3
Myöhäsyntyiset Yhesti yhes paikas -sarjan ystävät ovat jo jonkin aikaa haikailleet parin varhaisimman loppuunmyydyn osan perään.
Enää ei tarvitse elää puutteessa, sillä peräti kolme ensimmäistä Yhesti-kirjaa on nyt koottu vantteraksi yhteisniteeksi, joka sisältää mm. klassiset sattumukset uimahallin saunan notkeimmasta miehestä, sian teurastuksesta, tavattoman kovaonnisesta yläasteen voikkamaikasta, löyhyttelijästä, buutseista ja kikkailevan sekakäyttäjän erheestä.
Kaikki tyynni silkkaa hatarasti tosipohjaista tsykedeliaa, josta emme vissiin opi tasan mitään! Muutamat bonussivut täydentävät kokonaisuuden.
Jukka Tilsa: Tupelon tuplaseriffi
Tilsan tuotannon lonkerot ulottuvat alkuaikojen hervottomasta undergroundista viljavainioiden kautta kartoittamattomaan ulkoavaruuteen.
Tässä pikku kirjasessa Tilsa valloittaa villin lännen aseinaan lasso, suksi, kirves, kanuuna, suurennuslasi ja wanne-zaha.
Tupelossa käynnistyvät kaksinkertaiset tupenrapinat, kun avaruudesta pudonnut musta aukko joutuu rikollisten vääriin käsiin. Siitä alkaa pakahduttava tapahtumasarja, jollainen voi syntyä vain Eräjärven absurdistin aivosolukossa.
Lipare julkaistiin alun perin vuonna 2008 ja myytiin vikkelästi loppuun. On toisen otoksen aika!
Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez: Tales from the Darkside
Joe Hill’s nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to TV… but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried!
Adapts the episodes written by Hill and illustrated by Locke & Key co-creator Gabriel Rodriguez!
Four stories of the macabre and malevolent! One coulda-been, shoulda-been TV epic on paper with pictures that don’t move! Step out of the warm, sunlit world you think of as reality and get ready to take a chilling walk… on the DARKSIDE.
P.A. Manninen & Aura Ijäs: Pottakylän lapset
Sarjakuva pystyy viihdyttämään sekä lapsi- että aikuislukijaa, sen sanoma vain avautuu lukijan ikä- ja kokemuspohjan perusteella eri tavoin. Pottakylän lapset viittaa nimensä puolesta Astrid Lindgrenin Melukylän lapsiin, mutta on sisällöltään päivitetty versio perinteisistä lasten tarinoista nykypäivään. Se on uusi mutaatio suomalaisen huumorin evoluutiossa.
Tämän päivän lasten satumaailmat löytyvät internetistä, ja älypuhelimia naksutellaan jo päiväkoti-iässä. Pottakylän lapsissa huumori on tummasävyistä, perustuen arkisiin tilanteisiin fantasialla väritettynä. Lasten suusta kuullaan kaunistelematon totuus, kun piltit nakkelevat vanhemmilleen takaisin näiden lausumia latteuksia ja tulkitsevat muutenkin aikuisten maailmaa oman perspektiivinsä kautta.
Pikkuvanhoja lapsihahmoja on nähty sarjakuvissa paljon, mutta Pottakylän lapsien radikaalit tenavat ovat toista maata. Hirviöt eivät heitä pelota, naurun aihetta löytyy ikävämmistäkin asioista. Lapsien ja lastenmielisten ikuisesti suosimaa pissa- ja kakkahuumoria unohtamatta.
Pottakylän lapset -sarja pyrkii jäsentämään vallitsevaa kulttuurikaaosta, jossa todellisuus ja kuvitelmat ovat sekoittuneet keskenään pysyvästi, eikä mikään ole niin epätotta kuin tosi-tv. Sarjan kerrontakeinot on lainattu ikivanhoista sarjakuvista ja esimoderneista pala-animaatioista.
Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples: Saga – Kuudes kirja
Hazelin oppivuodet! Vanhemmistaan eroon joutunut Hazel yrittää parhaansa mukaan sopeutua koulutukseen Maantuntuman hoivissa.
Samaan aikaan Alana ja Marko etsivät pientä tyttöään epätoivoisesti, mutta kaikkeus on suuri paikka…
Saga on sarjakuvamaailman arvostelu- ja myyntimenestys. TV-sarjoista Lost ja Under the Dome tunnettu Brian K. Vaughan on tämän hetken maineikkaimpia ja omaperäisimpiä sarjakuvakirjoittajia.
Jesse Matilainen: Suomen suurin kommunisti
.Mitä sinä olet valmis uhraamaan vallankumouksen vuoksi? Luopuisitko perheestäsi, kotimaastasi, hengestäsi?
“Tarina perustuu tositapahtumiin ja henkilöt ovat historiallisia, mutta otin joitakin vapauksia tapahtumien kuvaamisessa, pääasiassa tiedon vähyyden, ristiriitaisuuden tai epäluotettavuuden takia”, sanoo sarjakuvaromaanin tekijä Jesse Matilainen. Suomen Suurin Kommunisti käsittelee sisällissodan jälkeen Neuvostoliittoon paenneiden punaisten kohtaloita ja heidän pyrkimyksiään käynnistää Suomessa uusi vallankumous. Kirjan ensimmäinen osa kuvaa vuosia 1918-1924 sisällissodasta Leninin kuolemaan, toinen kattaa vuodet 1932-1939 Lapuan liikkeen noususta talvisotaan.
Sarjakuvaromaanin päähenkilöt ovat idealismissaankin käytännönläheinen Hanna Malm ja hänen vastapelurinsa, Stalinin kultapoika Otto Wille Kuusinen. Heidän suhteensa paljastaa vallankumouksen alkuperäisten ihanteiden ja totalitaarisen todellisuuden karmaisevan ristiriidan. Muita keskeisiä hahmoja ovat Aino Kuusinen, Arvo “Poika” Tuominen, Tyyne Tokoi, Yrjö Sirola ja Kullervo Manner.
Valérie Mangin & Thierry Démarez: Alix Senator 2 – Viimeinen farao
Rooma vuonna 12 eKr. Keisari Augustus hallitsee yksinvaltiaana. Alix on ylittänyt 50 vuoden iän, ja hänestä on tullut senaattori.
Italiassa vallitseva rauha on vain näennäistä. Keisari on joutunut murhayrityksen kohteeksi, ja hyökkääjä väitti toimivansa Caesarin nimissä! Diktaattori on mukamas ilmestynyt Egyptiin tultuaan murhatuksi senaatissa 30 vuotta aiemmin. Alix poikineen joutuu selvittämään, onko tarina mielipuolen keksintöä, huiputusta vai totta. Retki vie heidät Aleksandrian ylellisistä palatseista aina alkupyramidin uumeniin.
Käsikirjoittaja Valérie Mangin ja piirtäjä Thierry Démarez jatkavat Verikotkissa alkanutta tarinaa.
Jul & Achdé: Lucky Luke uudet seikkailut 11 – Luvattu maa
70-vuotias sarjakuvasankari Lucky Luke sai juhlavuotensa kunniaksi tekijätiimiinsä uutta verta, sillä tuoreimman pitkän seikkailun käsikirjoituksesta vastaa nimimerkillä Jul operoiva Julien Berjeaut. Kuvittajana jatkaa vanha tuttu Achdé.
Luvattu maa vie sankarinsa seikkailulle halki Yhdysvaltojen, kun Luke saa tehtäväkseen johdattaa juutalaisen perheen St. Louisista Villiin länteen. Matka on pitkä, eikä lystikkäiltä kommelluksilta vältytä. Perinteiseen tapaan mukana on mainio kavalkadi historiallisia merkkihenkilöitä lukijan bongattavaksi.
Yann & Olivier Schwartz: Pikon ja Fantasion uudet seikkailut 13 – Mustien uhrien herra
Pikon ja Fantasion uudet seikkailut jatkuvat!
Mustien uhrien herra päättää vuonna 2014 ilmestyneessä Leopardinainen-albumissa alkaneen tarinan, mutta toimii itsenäisenä seikkailunakin.
Nostalginen tunnelmointi ja villi viidakkotoiminta vuorottelevat, kun sankariparivaljakkomme ja Spip seuraavat leopardiheimoon kuuluvaa Aniotaa Kongoon, jossa he saavat vastaansa villieläimiä, robottigorilloja, taikavoimia ja vanhan tutun kenraali Von Knochenin.
Joe Casey & Piotr Kowalski: Sex 5 – Reflexology
The saga of Saturn City continues to unfold.
Who will live?
Who will die?
Who will get it on?
And who will figure out exactly what it means to be a fully functioning adult?
Kurt Busiek & Ben Dewey: The Autumnlands 2 – Woodland Creatures
Stranded in the mountains, the Great Champion and the young dog-wizard Dusty discover gods, goats, living statues, oracular crows, and dangerous secrets about the history of the Autumnlands.
Secrets that could help them save the world—if they’re able to survive.
The hit epic-fantasy series continues, by superstar creators KURT BUSIEK, BENJAMIN DEWEY and JORDIE BELLAIRE. Named one of the A.V. Club’s Best of 2015.
Adam Rapp & Mike Cavallaro: Decelerate Blue
The future waits for no one.
In this new world, speed and efficiency are everything, and the populace zooms along in a perpetually stimulated haze. Angela thinks she’s the only person in her family―maybe the only person on the planet―who sees anything wrong with this picture. But the truth is she’s not alone.
Angela finds herself recruited into a resistance movement where the key to rebellion is taking things slow. In their secret underground hideout, they create a life unplugged from the rapid-fire culture outside. Can they free the rest of the world before the powers that be shut down their utopian experiment?
From revolutionary and award-winning playwright Adam Rapp and veteran cartoonist and animator Mike Cavallaro comes Decelerate Blue, a dark, breath-taking new vision of an all-too-plausible future for America.
Dan Abnett & Brett Booth: Titans 1 – The Return of Wally West
The members of the super-team known as the Teen Titans were heroes but, more than that, the best of friends.
A special bond held them together through even the toughest situations. Then their connection became a memory. And that memory faded, stolen from time. Only one person remembers.
His name is Wally West. Once upon a time, he was Kid Flash, but now he is a refugee from a lost universe and it’s up to him to reawaken his former friends and re-forge their bond.
Nightwing. Donna Troy. Beast Boy. Arsenal. Lilith. They must come together and defeat the enemy who destroyed their memories or be destroyed themselves.
Rob Williams: Suicide Squad 1 – The Black Vault
Assembled by the tough-as-nails intelligence expert Amanda Waller and overseen by disgraced military genius Captain Rick Flag, the men, women and monsters of the Suicide Squad-a.k.a. Task Force X-do the jobs that are too dirty for any superheroes to soil their capes with.
Their latest mission should be easy enough: recover a powerful cosmic weapon called the Black Vault from enemy hands.
The Suicide Squad always gets the job done (mostly) but this time, when the weapon’s dark influence spreads and the team is driven to madness and mayhem (more than usual), there’s only one person sane enough to save the Squad from destruction…the Clown Princess of Crazy herself, Harley Quinn!
Millainen mahtaa olla Eeron eka kerta? Löytyykö tosirakkaus rakettien paukkeessa? Pääseekö Eero opiskelemaan? Olisiko hänen aika muuttaa omaan tupaan, kun isän juopottelu alkaa karata käsistä?
Petteri Tikkanen jatkaa sympaattisen Eeron elämänvaiheista kertovaa sarjaa viidennellä osalla, jossa miehen ikään ehtineen päähenkilön elämä kääntyy monin tavoin uuteen suuntaan. Albumin vahva grafiikka, levollinen kerronta ja elämänmakuinen asenne hurmaavat lukijan.
Hannu Kesola: Kyyti ja muita tarinoita
Sisältää Hannu Kesolan haastattelun ja kolme sarjakuvanovellia, joista kahta ei ole aiemmin julkaistu suomeksi.
Muina tekijöinä ovat Randy Valiente, Steven Bagatzky, Mauro Bueno ja Ville Vuorinen.
Inio Asano: Nijigahara Holograph
Fantagraphics is proud to welcome the great Inio Asano (Solanin, What a Wonderful World!) to its acclaimed literary manga line.
Even as butterflies ominously proliferate in town, the rumor of a mysterious creature lurking in the tunnel behind the school spreads among the children.
When the body of Arié Kimura’s mother is found by this tunnel’s entrance, next to apparently human traces, the legend seems to be confirmed.
Is the end of the world coming?
In order to appease the wrath of the beast, the children decide to offer it a sacrifice: The unfortunate Arié, whom they believe to be the cause of the curse, is shoved into a well that leads to the Nijigahara tunnel ― an act that in turns pushes Komatsuzaki, the budding thug who has carried a torch for Arié for a while already, entirely over the edge.
But this is only the beginning of the complex, challenging, obliquely told Nijigahara Holograph, which takes place in two separate timelines and involves the suicidal Suzuki; Higure, his stalkerish would-be girlfriend; and their teacher Miss Sakaki, whose heavily bandaged face remains a mystery; and many more ― brothers, sisters, parents, co-workers, teachers, aggressors and victims who are all inextricably linked to one another and all will eventually ― ten years later ― have to live with what they’ve done or suffered through.
Jason Aaron & Chris Bachalo: Doctor Strange 3 – Blood in the Aether
In the aftermath of THE LAST DAYS OF MAGIC, journey back to the first days of Doctor Strange!
How did Stephen Strange become the Sorcerer Supreme — and how has he lost it all?
In the present, Strange is on the brink of death, his magic nearly depleted. Sensing the Master of the Mystic Arts is at his weakest, his greatest foes will return from the shadows, ready to strike — starting with one of his oldest rivals, Baron Mordo!
But as a parade of bad guys line up to take their shot, one of Strange’s newest enemies may be the deadliest of all. During ORIGINAL SIN, one of the slain Watcher’s eyes fell into the hands of the Orb — and with that immense power, he has set his sights on Doctor Strange!
Hugo Pratt: Corto Maltese in Siberia
With this book Pratt leaves behind the short story form he’d used for twenty-one interrelated tales and presents a truly epic graphic novel.
In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the First World War, Corto Maltese is engaged by the Red Lanterns―a Chinese secret society made up entirely of women―to find an armored train laden with gold that belonged to the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II.
They aren’t the only ones lusting after the treasure. The adventure, which shifts from the hidden courts of Venice to the mysterious alleys of Hong Kong, from Shanghai to Manchuria and Mongolia to Siberia, also attracts regular and irregular armies, as well as revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries.
The sweeping plot allows Pratt to fully investigate the complicated and competing motivations of his cast that includes the return of Rasputin and the introduction of the cold and dangerous Duchess Marina Seminova, the enigmatic warrior/spy named Shanghai-Lil, and historical figures such as the “Mad Baron” Roman Ungern-Sternberg, a Russian general who who sees himself as the modern-day Genghis Khan!
At last! Tokyo Pop presents 424 page catmonster. The long-awaited collection of the complete King City series is here, chock-full of comic book games, puzzles, and wordplay!
Joe is a catmaster, trained to use his cat as any tool or weapon. His best friend, Pete, falls in love with an alien he’s forced to sell into green slavery, while his ex, Anna, watches her Xombie War veteran boyfriend turn into the drug he’s addicted to. King City, an underbelly of a town run by spy gangs and dark dark magic with mystery down every alleyway.
With some short comix by: Thomas Herpich, Marian Churchland, James Stokoe Ludroe
Batman – Night of the Monster Men
The first Batman crossover of DC Rebirth is here in BATMAN: NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN!
It’s the storm of the century, and it’s headed straight for Gotham City. The guardians of this sprawling urban center-Nightwing, Batwoman and the Batman himself-think they’ve prepared for the worst.
They have no idea.
Thanks to the machinations of the macabre scientist Dr. Hugo Strange, the storm has unleashed a rain of monsters upon the city. Colossal creatures are stomping through the streets, terrorizing the citizens and challenging the skills of even Gotham’s greatest heroes.
Can the Dark Knight and his allies stem the tide of destruction? Or will the Night of the Monster Men mark the fall of the Bat?
Eric Powell: The Goon Library 2
Lonely Street comes under all manner of threats both tragic and hilarious in this deluxe hardcover edition of The Goon.
A mysterious new figure has entered the crime scene and is taking out the Goon’s business operations one by one—systematically intercepting shipments, murdering contacts, and alienating friends.
As Goon struggles to keep the city’s organized crime under his control, his mind is haunted by the memories of his darkest moments . . .
Collects The Goon Volumes 4–6.
Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta: Outcast 4 – Under Devil’s Wing
Answers are given and secrets are revealed as Kyle Barnes and Sidney have a conversation that will change EVERYTHING.
Kyle has never been in more danger.
THE WALKING DEAD creator ROBERT KIRKMAN’s latest horror hit is now a Cinemax TV show, available on iTunes and Steam now.
Bryan Lee O’Malley & Leslie Hung: Snotgirl 1 – Green Hair Don’t Care
From bestselling BRYAN LEE O’MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and superstar newcomer LESLIE HUNG!
Lottie Person is a glamorous fashion blogger living her best life—at least that’s what she wants you to think.
The truth is, her friends are terrible people, her boyfriend traded her up for someone younger, her allergies are out of control, and she may or may not have killed somebody! SNOTGIRL VOL. 1 is the perfect introduction to one of 2016’s most buzzed-about titles!
Chynna Clugston Flores & Rosemary Valero-O’Connell: Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy 1
BOOM! Studios and DC Comics team up to bring together Lumberjanes and Gotham Academy for the ultimate friendship-fueled crossover event.
Written by Chynna Clugston Flores (Blue Monday), and illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me) Jenna Ayoub, Maddi Gonzalez, and Kelly & Nichole Matthews (Toil and Trouble), this is a run-for-your-life-from-skeletal-monsters mystery that leads to lifelong friendship!
When a teacher at Gotham Academy goes missing, it’s up to Olive, Maps, Colton, Pom, and Kyle to figure out what is happening and how to get her back.
With only an outdated birthday invitation as the clue, they find themselves in the middle of the woods with no idea of where to start.
With the sudden appearance of the Lumberjanes—April, Jo, Mal, Molly, Ripley and Jen—who are on the hunt for their missing Camp Director, all clues point to an abandoned cabin with more secrets than cobwebs.
The Revolution continues in The Transformers!
Thundercracker and Buster save the World!
A White House under siege by Dire Wraiths!
Windblade on Earth!
And a date with destiny for Krok, Crankcase, Fulcrum, Spinister, and Misfire!
Collects The Transformers, More Than Meets The Eye, and Till All Are One Revolution One-Shots plus the 2015 Holiday Special.
The New Mutants Epic Collection – Renewal
Meet the future of the X-Men!
Karma. Wolfsbane. Sunspot. Cannonball. Moonstar.
They’re teenagers, thrown together by the X-gene that makes them different.
Follow the adventures of these young mutants from Karma’s first meeting with Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four to their early days at the Xavier School!
The New Mutants’ on-the-job training begins in earnest with battles against Sentinels, the Silver Samurai, Viper and the Hellfire Club; a team-up with Spidey and Cloak and Dagger — and the team gets a taste of life as X-Men in a disturbing encounter with the Brood!
Plus: Meet fiery new recruit Magma, and discover how Colossus’s sister, Illyana, became the demon sorceress known as Magik!
Daredevil Epic Collection – Brother, Take My Hand
Matt Murdock has done battle with Marvel’s most maddening villains — but when the Jester enters the fray, the rules change forever!
Framing DD for murder, the Jester sets all of New York against the Man Without Fear — and the stakes get even higher when Starr Saxon discovers DD’s secret identity!
Daredevil also faces off against two of Marvel’s greatest heroes, Captain America and the Black Panther — all the while struggling to rebuild his relationship with the lovely Karen Page.
Then comes Death’s Head, a villain with deep connections to those closest to Daredevil. It’s a classic battle that pushes Matt Murdock to reveal his identity to Karen — but will it bring them closer together, or force them apart?
Nathan Fairbairn & Matt Smith: Lake of Fire 1
It is 1220 AD, and the gears of the Albigensian Crusade grind on.
When an alien spacecraft infested with a horde of bloodthirsty predators crash-lands in the remote wilderness of the French Pyrenees, a small band of crusaders and a Cathar heretic are all that stand between God’s Kingdom and Hell on Earth.
Joskus elämässä vaan tulee vastaan tilanteita, joihin sanat eivät riitä.
In 2016, a group of Turku University students started a project to mix academic game studies and comic books.
This project adapted various studies in the field of retrogaming and game history in a comic book form in order to reach new audiences for the academic field and to offer different viewpoints to studies themselves.
This comic book is a result of that project.
Emmi Nääppä: Kadonneen naapurin arvoitus
Viiru-kissa on kadonnut. Mitä piilee on kaiken takana?
Eri tekijöitä: Elimme : Limingan taidekoulu 50 vuotta
Limingan taidekoulun 50-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu sarjakuvahaastatteluina
Greg Carpenter: The British Invasion!
Moore. Gaiman. Morrison.
They came from Northampton, West Sussex, and Glasgow, and even though they spoke with different dialects, they gave American comics a new voice — one loud and clear enough to speak to the Postmodern world.
Like a triple-helix strand of some advanced form of DNA, their careers have remained irrevocably intertwined. They go together, like Diz, Bird, and Monk… or like Kerouac, Burroughs, and Ginsberg… or like the Beatles, the Stones, and the Who.
Taken individually, their professional histories provide an incomplete picture of the British Invasion, but together they redefined the concept of what it means to be a comic book writer.
Collectively, their story becomes the story of mainstream comics in the modern era. It’s the story you’re about to read. From Sequart Organization.
Elektra by Peter Milligan, Larry Hama & Mike Deodato Jr. – The Complete Collection
Join the deadly Elektra on the path to redemption!
Her fateful first step will lead to the ultimate grudge match with the man who murdered her: the lethal marksman Bullseye!
But when an ancient threat known as the Architect engineers a life-and-death competition, an army of assassins make their way to New York. It’s kill or be killed in a winner-take-all contest that draws in Killer Shrike, Razor-Fist, Whiplash, Taskmaster and more! Can Elektra stop the madness — or will she take first prize?
Doctor Strange lends a mystic hand in a sai-and-sorcery epic!
Plus: The fates of Elektra and Daredevil intertwine in the past and present, the American Samurai strikes, and Elektra wages war on the Hand in Japan!
Wolverine, Shang-Chi and the Kingpin all feature in Elektra’s bid to build a new life!
Punisher & Bullseye – Deadliest Hits
Two tales of crime and punishment, featuring Marvel’s most lethal marksmen!
First, the trial of the century begins when the Punisher surrenders to police and admits to murdering a district attorney! As Frank Castle faces justice, and Matt Murdock becomes a witness for the prosecution, is this the end of the Punisher’s war on crime?
Then: For a year, Bullseye vanished without a trace. Funny thing is, he was hiding in plain sight on the ball field, throwing heat that could take off a man’s head. Every man needs a challenge, a moment when he looks deep inside and sees what he’s made of. Bullseye’s next pitch is one for the history books!
Plus: a brutal Bullseye vs. Daredevil fight!
Warren Ellis: Karnak – The Flaw in All Things
“My curse is that I see the flaw in all things. Systems. Philosophies. Structures. People. Everything. Never forget who I am.”
He is Karnak of the Inhumans, and you will know his name. And when Phil Coulson seeks him out to consult on a S.H.I.E.L.D. case with Inhuman implications, what Karnak finds will terrify you.
Can even he go it alone against an entire warehouse full of enemy agents?
And when a death cult abducts an Inhuman child and installs him as its messiah, will Magister Karnak of the Tower of Wisdom rescue the boy…or join the cult and help bring on the apocalypse?
Karnak is the calm amid the storm, and he has the fate of humanity in his lethal hands. Will he save it, or end it?
Holly Black & Lee Garbett: Lucifer 2 – Father Lucifer
After being wrongfully accused of deicide by his angelic brethren, the Prince of Hell undertook an epic quest through the cosmos to clear his name. Now he wants nothing more than to retire to his Los Angeles club, Ex Lux, and drown the world’s sorrows one drink at a time.
With the throne of Heaven still vacant, archangels are turning on each other in an effort to seize their absent Father’s crown. And since the Lightbringer has no desire to revisit his former kingdom, a vicious power struggle has erupted in the infernal realm, as well.
Caught between chaos above and below, Earth has never been more vulnerable. In order to keep his terrestrial retreat safe from collateral damage, Lucifer must reluctantly rejoin the fight for control over Creation. But as the battle rages, the aftershocks from his Father’s demise are growing strongersh and making it clear that some fates really are worse than death.
Jim Zub & Djibril Morissette-Phan: Glitterbomb 1 – Red Carpet
Farrah Durante is a middle-aged actress hunting for her next gig in an industry where youth trumps experience.
Her frustrations become an emotional lure for something horrifying out beyond the water…something ready to exact revenge on the shallow, celebrity-obsessed culture that’s led her astray.
Fan-favorite JIM ZUB (WAYWARD, Thunderbolts) and newcomer DJIBRIL MORISSETTE-PHAN (The Ultimates, All-New Wolverine) tear into the heart of Hollywood in GLITTERBOMB, a dramatic horror story about fame and failure. The entertainment industry feeds on our insecurities, desires, and fears. You can’t toy with those kinds of primal emotions without them biting back…
Haltijakäpälä: Feather & Scale
Feather & Scale is an accordion book graphic novel, and a study of nonlinear, cyclic storytelling.
Two creatures, Feather and Scale, leave their safe homesteads, meet each other and multiple possibilities open up: how do they react to each other and what happens to them?
Vihreätukkaisen puppetyypin seikkailut postapokalyptiassa.
Erilainen ABC-kirja.
Tämä teos ei ole kaunis. Se ei ole viimeistelty. Ihme, jos se on edes hyvä. Tämä on poikkitaiteellinen tuotos tarkoituksenaan tuijottaa asioihin, jotka ovat rumia. Se on virunut pöytälaatikossa vuosia mutta nyt on sen aika syntyä ja jättää tekijänsä rauhaan.
Joten ole hyvä ja nauti (jos kykenet) tästä teoksesta. Se sisältää lyhyitä sarjakuvia, jotka aloittaa yli kymmenen vuotta sitten tehtyyn kuunnelman käsikirjoitukseen pohjautuva Lihan tanssi. Tästä seuraa annos runoja ja lyhyitä strippejä.
Brad Guigar & Chris Giarrusso: The Complete Tales from the Con
TALES FROM THE CON is an uproarious take on the world of comic books and conventions.
Fanboys, fangirls, cosplayers, retailers, volunteers, and pros collide on the convention floor (and beyond) to prove that comic conventions are one part festival, two parts group therapy.
Wrapping up a mega-successful run of over four years online, where it has entertained hundreds of thousands of fans, THE COMPLETE TALES FROM THE CON collects every single strip ever published online, along with some unpublished strips as well!
Collects the complete FOUR-plus-year run of TALES FROM THE CON strips along with bonus material.
Neil Gaiman’s Mr. Hero The Newmatic Man – The Complete Comics 2
Jennifer Hale’s life changed forever once she literally uncovered (in a crate at the museum) the ingenious steam and watchwork contrivance known as Mr. Hero.
She, herself, remains as full of life and humor as ever, and perhaps at first welcomed the exciting and weird adventures that came along with Mr. Hero, but now things are getting serious, and a lot darker and more dangerous.
Jennifer and Mr. Hero battle monsters, travel to a jungle world, and meet a female version of Mr. Hero. But ultimately, all roads load back to the nightmarish world of Kalighoul, the planet ruled by an insane, power-mad Teknophage!
Alejandro Jodorowsky & Nicolas Fructus: Showman Killer 2 – The Golden Child
In a moment of madness, the heartless Showman Killer has found himself responsible for a helpless infant, forced upon him by the mysterious Ibis.
The Showman Killer must unravel the mystery of the forces at work in the cosmos, and find out exactly why this child is so important.
Catrina and her family are moving to the coast of Northern California because her little sister, Maya, is sick.
Cat isn’t happy about leaving her friends for Bahía de la Luna, but Maya has cystic fibrosis and will benefit from the cool, salty air that blows in from the sea.
As the girls explore their new home, a neighbor lets them in on a secret: There are ghosts in Bahía de la Luna. Maya is determined to meet one, but Cat wants nothing to do with them. As the time of year when ghosts reunite with their loved ones approaches, Cat must figure out how to put aside her fears for her sister’s sake — and her own.
Raina Telgemeier has masterfully created a moving and insightful story about the power of family and friendship, and how it gives us the courage to do what we never thought possible.
Gregg Schigiel: Pix 1 – One Weirdest Weekend
Make way for Pix, the teen superhero who believes herself a fairy (and princess, no less).
In her first original graphic novel, behold: attacking electronics, secret crushes, a magic 8-ball monster, cell service issues, a dragon war, a bad date, worried moms, a furtive frog, a malevolent monkey, all making for ONE WEIRDEST WEEKEND!
Thrilling, energetic superhero action! Lively, funny teen dynamics! If Spider-Man were a Disney princess, you’d have Pix!
Shigeru Mizuki: Kitaro – Kitaro Meets Nurarihyon
Kitaro Meets Nurarihyon is the second volume in the adventures of Shigeru Mizuki’s bizarre yokai boy Kitaro and his gaggle of otherworldly friends.
These seven stories date from the golden age of Gegege no Kitaro, when Mizuki had perfected the balance of folklore, comedy, and horror that made Kitaro one of Japan’s most beloved characters.
In Kitaro Meets Nurarihyon, Kitaro and his father, Medama Oyaji, face off against one of their most powerful enemies–the self-styled Yokai Supreme Commander known as Nurarihyon.
Over the course of this volume, Kitaro takes on the swamp-dwelling Sawa Kozo, the mysterious Diamond Yokai, and the sea giant called Umizato, and wages a double feature of battles against the bizarre Odoro Odoro. Finally, Kitaro journeys to hell itself in the infamous and surreal story “Hell Ride.”
In addition to more than 150 pages of Mizuki’s all-ages monster fun, Kitaro Meets Nurarihyon includes bonus materials: “Yokai Files” that introduce Japan’s folklore monsters and a “History of Kitaro” essay by the translator Zack Davisson. If you found the world of yokai fascinating in The Birth of Kitaro, you will find even more to love in Kitaro Meets Nurarihyon!
The lunar colony is slowly winding down, like a small town circumvented by a new super highway.
As our hero, the Mooncop, makes his daily rounds, his beat grows ever smaller, the population dwindles. A young girl runs away, a dog breaks off his leash, an automaton wanders off from the Museum of the Moon.
Mooncop is equal parts funny and melancholy. capturing essential truths about humanity and making this a story of the past, present, and future, all in one.
Like his Guardian and New Scientist strips, as well as his previous graphic novel, Goliath, Mooncop is told with Tom Gauld’s distinctive, matter-of-fact storytelling and dry humor ― an approach that has earned him fans around the world.
When an airliner crashes in a remote jungle, everyone walks away unscathed only to find you can’t escape the lush, brutal world of the Belfry.
From Logan storyboard artist and Hugo Award-nominated writer/artist GABRIEL HARDMAN (INVISIBLE REPUBLIC, KINSKI, Star Wars Legacy), THE BELFRY is a self-contained one-shot that may just strip you of your humanity.
Tekijöinä: Janne Luokkanen, Esko Heikkilä, Annamari Kinnunen, Ilkka Martti Kivelä, Juho Sihvonen.
Uudistunut Kuti ilmaiseksi tilauksen mukaan!
Mukana tässä numerossa: Valentine Gallardo (BE), Zane Zlemesa (LAT), Leo Kuikka (FI), Reijo Kärkkäinen (FI), Leena Romu (FI), Heikki Rönkkö (FI), Katja Ronkanen (FI), Karstein Volle (NO/FI), Jelle Kindt (NL), Max Baitinger (DE), Katri Sipiläinen (FI). Kansi: Pauliina Mäkelä.
Päätoimittaja: Tuomas Tiainen
Vuoden ensimmäinen Kuvittaja on ilmestynyt!
Päähenkilönä upea Janine Rewell.
Esittelemme lehden uuden päätoimittajan, Kuvittajat ry:n varapuheenjohtaja Minna Ainoan.
Ihastelemme pariisilaisen Aline Zalkon psykedeelisiä puuvärikuvituksia ja suomalaisia vintage-matkajulisteita.
Arviopalstalla tarkastelemme kiusaamisen käsittelyä tuoreissa lastenkirjoissa.
Mukana myös Samuli Siirala, Ilja Karsikas ja Christer Nuutinen.
Mukavia lukuhetkiä!