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Viikon 13/2020 uutuudet Sarjakuvakaupalla


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Mae Korvensivu: Clownfish Twister 3

Sukupuoltaan muuttavasta klovnikalasta nimensä ottanut kotimainen mangasarja Clownfish Twister saa jatkoa.

Ensimmäisessä osassa Maru ja Ren tapasivat koulussa parin vuoden erossaolon jälkeen. Marussa oli kuitenkin tapahtunut ällistyttävä muutos, hänestä oli tullut tyttö!

Toisessa osassa Marun salaisuus paljastui, mutta se ei lopulta ollutkaan Renille suuri järkytys. Oli silti keksittävä keino Marun naiseuden piilottamiseen, ja samalla Renin hämmentyneet tunteet tätä kohtaan voimistuivat. Marun muuttumisen taustalta alkoi paljastua lisää kummastuttavia asioita.

Kolmannessa osassa Renin tunteet Marua kohtaan alkavat tuottaa tulosta: on aika lähteä oikeille treffeille.
Nyt esitellään myös Marun oudot ja hauskat vanhemmat, mutta kun on aika tutustua Renin isään ja äitiin, tunnelma muuttuu täysin. Missä piilee todellinen syy?



David Booher & Drew Zucker: Canto 1 – If I Only Had a Heart

Enslaved for generations, Canto’s people once had hearts.

Now they have clocks.
They are forbidden to love, yet Canto loves a little tin girl. When slavers damage her clock beyond repair, Canto embarks on an incredible journey through his strange and fantastic world to bring back her heart.

Hailed as a “truly entertaining and striking modern fairy tale” (Newsarama) and a “beautiful and heartfelt story about love and heroism” (The Brazen Bull), Canto is an all-ages adventure for past and present generations alike. Inspired by The Wizard of Oz and Dante’s Inferno.
Part fantasy. Part adventure. All heart.

Kurt Busiek & Alex Ross: Marvels 25th Anniversary Hardcover Edition

The timeless classic that changed the way we look at Marvel super heroes celebrates its 25th birthday in style!

Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross’ original tour through the early history of the Marvels – as captured through the lens of photojournalist Phil Sheldon – is collected in full, together with dozens of pages of brand new commentary from the two iconic creators!
Then, Busiek and Ross reunite for an amazing new epilogue featuring the all-new, all-different X-Men in deadly battle against the Sentinels- with the now-retired Phil and his daughters caught in the middle!
Plus, a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the epilogue; scripts, sketches and scores of other bonus features; and a stunning gallery of MARVELS 25th Anniversary Tribute variant covers!

Randy DuBurke: Hunter’s Heart #1-3



Detective Pete Lindstrom’s about to find that out – as his hunt for a serial killer entangles him in a web of corruption and deceit that extends from the precinct house to the mansions of the most powerful citizens.
Mixing police procedural with psychological suspense, Hunter’s Heart is a true graphic novel, complete with memorable characters, plot twists, and artwork that will keep the reader guessing the final outcome every step of the way.

Claire Blackshaw: Game Dev | Null

This is an industry of make believe where we make fantasy reality but at a cost.

The insane day to day is filled with fun tales of nerf guns and late night pizza. All the time a darker side lies on the edge from broken lives to homeless developers waiting on that final paycheck is on the edges of our industry.

This is a collection of true accounts, washed and anonymised for you, a cathartic telling from me and my friends in the industry. I’ve tried to balance the humorous absurd with the dark. In my development doodles I hope to show you not the day to day but the unusual moments.

So you can laugh and identify with them but also so if you ever face stories like these in your own life you know you are not alone.
I hope you share your tales with your friends and ask for help when you need it, and if you are just curious about development I hope this shows you another side.



Juan Diaz Canales & Ruben Pellejero: Corto Maltese – Tarowean: yllätysten päivä (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Suolaisen meren balladi -albumissa lauttaan sidottu Corto Maltese löytyy ajelehtimasta mereltä Escondidan saaren lähistöltä.
Siitä alkaen miljoonat lukijat ympäri maailman ovat pohtineet, miten hän oli päätynyt sinne.
Mihin rikokseen hän oli saattanut syyllistyä?
Miten Munkki ja Rasputin liittyvät tarinaan?

Tarowean: yllätysten päivä -albumissa mysteeri saa selityksen, kun Corto matkaa Tasmaniasta Borneoon ja sieltä kohti eteläistä Tyyntämerta ja yllätysten päivää.



Sarjainfo #186 (1/2020)

Teemanumero: dokumentaarinen sarjakuva. Sis. mm.:
• Kansi ja pääjuttu: Viivi Rintanen kertoo tarinoita hulluudesta
• Vinjetisti: Elina Lahdenperä
• True crime sarjakuvassa
• Kate Charlesworth ja Britannian LGBT-historia
• Guantánamo Kid
• Essee: Toisten tarinoiden kertomisesta
• Sarjakuvajournalismi
• Gianluca Costantini – Piirroksin vääryyksiä vastaan
• Kriitikon valinta: Parhaat sarjakuvat 2019
• Pohjoismaiden parhaat 2019
• Ajan vangit: Keijo Ahlqvist
• Pääarvio: Viktoria Lomasko: Se toinen Venäjä – Dokumenttisarjakuvaa Kremlin varjoista

Sarjainfo on Suomen sarjakuvaseuran lehti, joka ilmestyy neljästi vuodessa.



Shirow Masamune: The Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface (K)


March 6, 2035.
Motoko Aramaki is a hyper-advanced cyborg, a counter-terrorist Net security expert, heading the investigative department of the giant multi-national Poseidon Industrial.

Partly transcending the physical world and existing in a virtual world of networks, Motoko is a fusion of multiple entities and identities, deploying remotely controlled prosthetic humanoid surrogates around the globe to investigate a series of bizarre incidents.

Meanwhile, Tamaki Tamai, a psychic detective from the Channeling Agency, has been commissioned to explore strange changes in the temporal universe brought about by two forces, one represented by the teachings of a professor named Rahampol, the other by the complex, evolving Motoko entity.

What unfolds will all be in a day’s work—a day that will change everything, forever.

Scott Snyder & Jorge Jimenez: Justice League 1 – The Totality (K)


They call it the Totality: the concentrated essence of the secret Source of all things.
When it crash-lands in the Nevada desert, everyone and everything that comes into contact with it comes out…changed.

And power like that attracts the power-hungry. The mad, the merciless, the monstrous.

The Legion of Doom.

Lex Luthor has assembled the Justice League’s archnemeses–Sinestro, Black Manta, the Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd and The Joker himself–into an unstoppable alliance, out to seize the Totality and use it for their own unspeakable plans, beginning with a brand-new Lantern Corps…

Geoff Johns & Phil Jimenez: Infinite Crisis Omnibus (K)

KÄYTETTY. Takakannen kulma rutussa. Pientä pyöristymää muissakin kulmissa.

OMAC robots are rampaging, magic is dying, villains are uniting, and a war is raging in space.

And in the middle of it all, a critical moment has divided Earth’s three greatest heroes: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

It’s the DCU’s darkest day, and long-lost heroes from the past have returned to make things right in the universe…at any cost.
Heroes will live, heroes will die, and the DCU will never be the same again!

Dave Robinson & Judy Groves: Introducing Plato (K)

KÄYTETTY. Kulma saanut osumaa.

Introducing Plato begins by explaining how philosophers like Socrates and Pythagoras influenced Plato’s thought.

It provides a clear account of Plato’s puzzling theory of knowledge, and explains how this theory then directed his provocative views on politics, ethics and individual liberty.


Nick Groom & Piero: Introducing Shakespeare (K)


William Shakespeare’s absolute pre-eminence in contemporary Western culture and society is simply unparalleled.
His plays pack theatres and provide Hollywood blockbusters with scripts; his works are considered fundamental to the teaching of English literature. He has given us many of our words, and defined much of how we think.

How did this happen? Who decided that Shakespeare deserved such adoration? Can an Elizabethan playwright really be so relevant today, or are there other forces at work?

Introducing Shakespeare looks at how ‘The Bard’ has been worshipped at different times and in different places, demonstrating to what cultural and political ends Shakespeare has been put, and explaining the intensity of current critical disputes.
After centuries Shakespeare still remains the battlefield on which our very comprehension of humanity is fought out.

Philip Thody & Howard Read: Introducing Sartre (K)

KÄYTETTY. Selkämys haalistunut.

Jean-Paul Sartre was once described as being the most famous Frenchman of the twentieth century, after President Charles de Gaulle!
Certainly from 1945 until his death in 1980 Sartre was the most famous and prolific writer in France, and one of line best known philosophers of his day.

Philip Thody, a former Professor of French Literature explains the basic ideas that inspired Sartre’s existential world view, paying particular attention to his concert of ‘personal freedom’.

Merryl Wyn Davies & Piero: Introducing Anthropology (K)


Anthropology originated as the study of ‘primitive’ cultures. But the notion of ‘primitive’ exposes presumptions of ‘civilized’ superiority and the right of the West to speak for ‘less evolved’ others.
With the fall of Empire, anthropology became suspect and was torn by dissension from within. Did anthropology serve as a ‘handmaiden to colonialism’? Is it a ‘science’ created by racism to prove racism? Can it aid communication between cultures, or does it reinforce our differences?

“Introducing Anthropology” is a fascinating account of an uncertain human science seeking to transcend its unsavoury history.
It traces the evolution of anthropology from its genesis in Ancient Greece to its varied forms in contemporary times.
Anthropology’s key concepts and methods are explained, and we are presented with such big-name anthropologists as Franz Boas, Bronislaw Malinowski, E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Margaret Mead and Claude Levi-Strauss.
The new varieties of self-critical and postmodern anthropologies are examined, and the leading question – of the impact of anthropology on non-Western cultures – is given centre-stage.
“Introducing Anthropology” is lucid in its arguments, its good humour supported by apt and witty illustrations. This book offers a highly accessible invitation into anthropology.

Haim Bresheeth & Stuart Hood & Litza Jansz: Introducing the Holocaust (K)


Introducing the Holocaust is a powerful graphic guide that dissolves this stereotype, explaining the causes and its relevance today. It places the Holocaust where it belongs – at the centre of modern European and world history.

Haim Bresheeth and Stuart Hood – along with Litza Jansz’s outstanding illustrations – bring a unique and unforgettable perspective to how we think about this most dark of shadows on human history.

Sophia Phoca & Rebecca Wright: Introducing Postfeminism (K)


In style typical of this series Introducing Postfeminism uses text and integrated illustration to trace the effect of French feminist theory on contemporary gender, politics and culture.



Duncan Heath & Judy Boreham: Introducing Romanticism (K)


Philosophy, art, literature, music and politics were tranformed in the turbulent period between the French Revolution of 1789 and the Communist Manifesto of 1848.

This overview of Romanticism focuses on the leading figures in Europe and America.

Jane Hope & Borin Van Loon: Introducing Buddha (K)


Meditation, Karma, Zen, Tantra, Nirvana – these are some of the many Buddhist ideas not fully understood in the Western popular idion.

This is an introduction to Buddhism, a vast and complex non-theistic relition, woven into the fabric of Asian civilizations.


Rius: Introducing Marx (K)


Devised by Mexican cartoonist, Rius, this text provides an introduction to Marx, a philosopher that many consider to be as relevant today as he has ever been, as the world moves towards unregulated free-market economies.

Originally published in 1976.


Richard Appignanesi & Oscar Zarate: Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution (K)


Lenin is the key to understanding the Russian Revolution.
His dream was the creation of the world’s first Socialist state. It was a short-lived dream that became a nightmare when Stalin rose to absolute power in 1929.

Lenin was the avant-garde revolutionary who adapted Marxist theory to the pravtical realitites of a vast, complex and backward Russia.

Ziauddin Sardar & Borin Van Loon: Introducing Mathematics (K)


Introducing Mathematics traces the story of mathematics from the ancient world to modern times, describing the great discoveries and providing an accessible introduction to such topics as number-systems, geometry and algebra, the calculus, the theory of the infinite, statistical reasoning and chaos theory.
It shows how the history of mathematics has seen progress and paradox go hand in hand – and how this is still happening today.

This is an essential book for anyone interested in the wonderful and weird world of mathematics – which is, after all, the world we have created for ourselves.

Steve Jones & Borin Van Loon: Introducing Genetics (K)


Chronicles the history of genetics from Mendel to the human gene map, discussing topics including genetic engineering, heredity, disease, eugenics, health insurance, mutations, politics, and viruses.



Ziauddin Sardar & Boris Van Loon: Introducing Media Studies (K)


Introducing Media Studies explores the complex relationship between the media, ideology, knowledge and power.

It provides a scintillating tour of media history and presents a coherent view of the media industry, media theory and methods in media research.

David Papineau & Howard Selina: Introducing Consciousness (K)


Introducing Consciousness provides a comprehensive guide to the current state of consciousness studies.



Stuart Hood & Litza Jansz: Introducing Fascism and Nazism (K)


Did Fascism end with the Allied victory over the Axis powers in 1945, or has it been lying dormant and is now re-awakening as we move into the 21st century?
“Introducing Fascism and Nazism” trace the origins of Fascism in 19th-century traditions of ultra-conservatism, the ideas of Nietzsche, Wagner and other intellectuals which helped to make racist doctrines repectable and which led to the ultimate horrifying “logic” of the Holocaust.

The book investigates the four types of Fascism that emerged after the First World War in Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan.
It also looks beyond the current headlines of neo-Nazi hooliganism and examines the increasing political success of the far right in Western Europe and the explosion of ultra-nationalisms in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Ziauddin Sardar & Zafar Abbas Malik: Introducing Muhammad (K)


This guide recounts the history of Islam from Muhammad’s birth in the 6th-century Arabian desert to its cultural and political force at the end of the millennium.

It gives an insight into the achievements of Islam and gives indications of possible future developments.

Dave Robinson & Judy Groves: Introducing Bertrand Russell (K)

KÄYTETTY. Kulma saanut osumaa.

This book describes Russell’s philosophical arguments clearly and explains why some philosophers now disagree with them.



Wilson McCord Jr.: Biology for Beginners (K)


This profusely illustrated book introduces the reader to biology – the study of life – in its natural/historical progression – that is, in the chronology in which the art and science of biology was discovered and pieced together throughout history.

Biology For Beginners presents, clearly and concisely, the all-encompassing study and classification of plant and animal life. It discusses our inquiries into natural history and evolution.
The book surveys the history of biology before the Renaissance and continues through modern biology.
Simple human anatomy and physiology are used to introduce the concepts of the structure and function of an organism.
The brain and behavior are discussed in particular detail. Areas covered include cell development, AIDS, and the hereditary material in DNA.

Brandon Toropov & Joe Lee: The Olympics for Beginners (K)


The Olympic Games, summer and winter, transfix humanity every time the torch is lit.

With athletes from every country in the world eligible to compete in up to 300 athletic events in as many as 28 different sports, the potential for human drama is endless. Episodes outside of the competition – the scandals, international incidents, political maneuverings, and the occasional over-the-top costume during the opening ceremony –only add to the richness and lore of this spectacular tradition.
With so much information to process, and so many events to track each time the Games are staged, the scale of it all can be overwhelming.

The Olympics for Beginners provides clear, concise and amusing assessments of the key elements of the Games.
It travels back in time to look at the original Greek Games, leads the reader on a brisk tour of the modern Olympic movement, simplifies the rules and regulations of the summer and winter competitions, and shines a spotlight on many dazzling high points, such as Jesse Owens’ triumph in the 1936 Berlin Games.
The book also replays infamous low points, from the tragic – the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes in Munich – to the downright pathetic: Tonya Harding.

Israel Rosenfield: DNA for Beginners (K)


With humor, depth, and philosophical and historical insight, DNA reaches out to a wide range of readers with its graphic portrayal of a complicated science.
Suitable for use in and out of the classroom, this volume covers DNA’s many marvels, from its original discovery in 1869 to early-twentieth-century debates on the mechanisms of inheritance and the deeper nature of life’s evolution and variety.

Even readers who lack a background in science and philosophy will learn a tremendous amount from this engaging narrative. The book elucidates DNA’s relationship to health and the cause and cure of disease.
It also covers the creation of new life forms, nanomachines, and perspectives on crime detection, and considers the philosophical sources of classical Darwinian theory and recent, radical changes in the understanding of evolution itself. Already these developments have profoundly affected our notions about living things.
Borin Van Loon’s humorous illustrations recount the contributions of Gregor Mendel, Frederick Griffith, James Watson, and Francis Crick, among other biologists, scientists, and researchers, and vividly depict the modern controversies surrounding the Human Genome Project and cloning.



It (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)


Stephen Kingin kauhun mestariteos herää eloon uuden sukupolven koettavaksi.
Seitsemän nuorta ystävystä yhdistyy vastustamaan kauhistuttavaa yliluonnollista olentoa, joka on piinannut heidän pikkukaupunkiaan vuosisatojen ajan.
Tanssivaksi Pennywise-klovniksi itseään kutsuva Se ottaa muodokseen jokaisen pahimmat pelot.

Lasten ainoa keino selviytyä on pitää yhtä.

Pohjoismainen versio.

It – Chapter Two (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)


Paha nousee jälleen esille Derryssä, kun ohjaaja Andy Muschietti tuo uudelleen yhteen luusereiden klubin. Elokuvassa “SE: TOINEN LUKU” sen aikuistuneet jäsenet palaavat paikkaan, josta kaikki sai alkunsa.

Elokuva on jatko-osa Muschiettin arvostelu- ja katsojamenestykselle “SE” vuodelta 2017, joka sai maailmanlaajuisesti yli 700 miljoonan dollarin lipputulot. “SE”-elokuvasta tuli genren uudelleen määrittävä ilmiö ja kaikkien aikojen menestynein kauhuelokuva lipputuloilla mitattuna.
Koska paha saapuu Derryyn aina 27 vuoden välein, “SE: TOINEN LUKU” tuo jälleen yhteen ensimmäisen elokuvan henkilöt, nyt aikuisina lähes kolme vuosikymmentä edellisen elokuvan tapahtumien jälkeen.

Pohjoismainen versio.

Doctor Strange (Blu-ray)


Marvelin Doctor Strange on tarina maailmankuulusta neurokirurgista tohtori Stephen Strangesta, jonka elämä muuttuu kertaheitolla, kun hän menettää käsiensä toimintakyvyn rajussa auto-onnettomuudessa.

Kun länsimainen lääketiede ei tarjoa apua, hänen on pakko etsiä hoitoa – ja toivoa – yllättävästä suunnasta: salaperäisestä paikasta nimeltä Kamar-Taj.
Pian hänelle selviää, ettei se ole vain parantamisen keskus vaan samalla myös etulinjan taistelutanner sodassa näkymättömiä voimia vastaan, jotka ovat päättäneet tuhota meidän todellisuutemme.
Ennen pitkää Strange – aseenaan uudet maagiset voimat – joutuu valitsemaan, palatako entiseen elämäänsä maineen ja mammonan keskelle vai jättääkö kaikki se taakse ja puolustaa maailmaa aikamme voimakkaimpana velhona.

Pohjoismainen versio.

The Avengers (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)


Marvel esittää Marvel’s The Avengers, supersankaritiimin, jota kaikki ovat odottaneet.

Marvelin supersankarit Iron Man, Hulk, Thor ja Captain America kutsutaan koolle ensimmäistä kertaa toimintaseikkailussa, jonka pääosissa ovat mm. Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson ja Samuel L. Jackson.

Kun yllättävä vihollinen uhkaa koko maapallon turvallisuutta, päättää Nick Fury, rauhanjärjestö S.H.I.E.L.D:in pomo, rekrytoida tiimin, jonka on määrä pelastaa maapallo kauhealta kohtalolta. Elokuvan Marvel’s The Avengers on ohjannut Joss Wheldon, ja se on mahtava toimintaseikkailu, jossa on mukaansatempaavaa toimintaa ja huikeat erikoistehosteet.


The Lego Movie (Blu-ray)


Kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisessä täyspitkässä LEGO®-elokuvassa seikkailee Emmet (Chris Pratt), aivan tavallinen LEGO®-ukko, jota erehdytään luulemaan maailmanpelastajaksi.

Emmet joutuu uskomattomaan seikkailuun, jossa hänen on pelastettava maailma ilkeän tyrannin ikeestä.
Emmet-parka on kuitenkin valmistautunut tehtävään toivottoman (ja huvittavan) huonosti.

Pohjoismainen versio.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Blu-ray)


Upouuden Mahti-Mix 2 -kasetin tahtiin rokkaava Marvelin Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 jatkaa ryhmän seikkailuja halki kosmoksen syöverien.

Galaksin vartijoiden on taisteltava pitääkseen uuden perheensä koossa ratkoessaan Peter Quillin vanhempien arvoitusta.
Vanhoista vihollisista tulee uusia liittolaisia ja klassikkosarjakuvien suosikkihahmot rientävät sankariemme avuksi, kun Marvelin elokuvauniversumi jatkaa laajentumistaan.

Pohjoismainen versio.

