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Tero Visio: Iteratiivinen Herrasmies
Iteratiivinen Herrasmies on kokoelma sarjakuvastrippejä, joissa ikuisessa muutoksen tilassa oleva mies pohdiskelee olemassaoloa ja ihmisenä olemisen eri puolia.
Strippien käsittelemät aiheet ja sävy ovat yhtä moninaiset kuin herrasmies itse.
Osa stripeistä on syvällisiä, osa absurdeja, osa hauskoja, osa masentavia.
Berck & Cauvin: Sammy – Ikämiehiä ja robotteja
Sammy Day ja pomonsa Jack Attaway toimivat henkivartijoina eli “gorilloina” kieltolain ajan Chicagossa.
Mikään tehtävä ei ole heille liian rankka, kunhan palkkio on kohdallaan. Parivaljakon seikkailuissa konepistoolit laulavat, nyrkit puhuvat ja huumori on hurttia.
Käsikirjoittaja Raoul Cauvinin ja kuvittaja Arthur Berckmansin luoma Sammy on ollut suomalaisten sarjakuvafanien suuri suosikki jo 70-luvulta asti.
Lise Myhre: Nemi 43 – Oudoilla poluilla
Outous on suhteellinen käsite.
Erilaisuus herättää huomiota ja joskus hämmennystä, niin Neminkin maailmassa.
Mutta kun outous valtaa koko maailman, eri tavalla erilaiset ihmiset ovatkin yhtäkkiä samalla tavalla oudon ja uuden edessä.
Mahtaakohan se lisätä Nemin ymmärrystä niitä kohtaan, jotka ovat hänen mielestään omituisia?
Neidthardt & Tarrin: Pikon ja Fantasion uudet seikkailut 17 – Piko ja Fantasio Neuvostoliitossa
Sieninevan kreivi on kadonnut!
Yllättävän katoamisen taustalla häärää KGB, joka on kaapannut neron edistääkseen kommunismin levittämistä.
Piko ja Fantasio suuntaavat siis pelastusretkelle, joka vie heidät hyiseen Siperiaan.
Fred Neidthardtin tarina kumartaa kylmän sodan agenttiseikkailuille ja James Bond -henkiselle toiminnalle.
Fabrice Tarrinin notkea viiva kuvittaa seikkailun Pikon ja Fantasion historiaa ja eurooppalaisen sarjakuvan mestareita kunnioittaen.
Charlier & Hubinon: Punaparta 4 – Mustan Haukan loppu
Jean-Michel Charlierin ja Victor Hubinonin upea merirosvoseikkailu jatkaa täysin purjein.
Nyt on sarjan kolmen rakastetuimman seikkailun aika tempaista lukijansa purjelaivojen ja piraattien aikakaudelle, jolloin miekat olivat teräviä ja ruuti kuivaa.
Seikkailuviihteen klassikossa ei säästellä meritaisteluja tai aatelisten kieroiluja, joten sankarimme rosvokuningas Punaparta ja tämän rehti ottopoika Eric joutuvat taas luovimaan tiensä halki hengenvaarallisten tyrskyjen.
Morris & Goscinny: Lucky Luke 32 – Postivaunut
Wells Fargo palkkaa Lucky Luken turvaamaan arvolastia kuljettavien postivaunujen matkan Denveristä San Franciscoon.
Seurauksena on lännenhuumoriklassikko, jonka sivuilla sarjakuvan suurmiehet René Goscinny ja Morris todellakin pistivät parastaan.
Postivaunut oli aikoinaan toinen suomeksi julkaistu Lucky Luke -tarina, joten tällä rakastetulla albumilla on ollut tärkeä rooli Lucky Luken valloittaessa suomalaisten sydämiä.
Vanhaan tuttuun tapaan varsinkin westernien ystäville riittää bongattavaa.
Gianluigi Bonelli & Galep: Tex Willer Kirjasto 60 – Guaimas!
Tex taivuttelee keljun liikemiehen ja ahneen intiaaniasiamiehen kaidalle tielle nyrkiniskujen myötä.
Ranger turvautuu vanhaan ystäväänsä tiedemies El Moriscoon hirviömäisen ja verenhimoisen ihmissuden takia. Texillä on edessään pitkä kamppailu taikakeinot hallitsevia vihollisia vastaan.
Värillisessä Kirjasto-sarjassa julkaistaan kaikki Tex Willer -tarinat kronologisessa järjestyksessä.
Kento Shinohara: Astra – Avaruuden haaksirikkoiset 1
Osa 1/5.
Huikea seikkailu avaruuden halki!
Myös animaationa ihastuttanut scifi-tarina kuljettaa lukijaa vieraalta planeetalta toiselle.
On vuosi 2063.
Joukko nuoria viedään eräälle planeetalle lukion pakollista leirijaksoa varten. Kaiken pitäisi sujua rutiinilla, mutta outo valoilmiö heittää joukon outoon avaruuden kolkkaan!
Kaikeksi onneksi läheltä löytyy avaruusalus, johon he pelastautuvat. Mutta onko heillä silti enää mahdollisuuksia selvitä takaisin kotiin?
Mistä löytyisi riittävästi ruokaa ja vettä pitkälle matkalle?
Ja ikään kuin vaikeuksia ei olisi jo tarpeeksi, alkaa vaikuttaa siltä, että joku tahtoo nuoret hengiltä…
Astra – Avaruuden haaksirikkoiset on tieteissarjakuvaa parhaimmillaan!
Scifi/seikkailu / Ikäsuositus: 11+
Valssin aika on romanttinen draama, joka sukeltaa paritanssin maailmaan.
Puoliksi sattumalta hän päätyy tutustumiskäynnille tanssikouluun, jossa myös hänen luokkatoverinsa Tango toimii apuopettajana.
Hime innostuu tanssista ja yrittää sen avulla nousta itsesäälin suosta.
Mutta Tangolla on omat traumansa, eikä hän haluaisi kenenkään tietävän tanssitaustastaan…Valssin aika on kolmeosainen romanttinen tarina, jossa tutustutaan erilaisiin tansseihin.
Natsumi Andolta on aiemmin julkaistu suomeksi Horoskooppimysteerit, tytöille suunnattu maaginen salapoliisitarina, sekä Kitchen Princess.
Auttaisiko maaginen suklaa saamaan tykkäyksiä somessa?
Tässä osassa kohdataan julkisuudenkipeitä onnenonkijoita sekä jälleen paha Blanche. Myös Kugutsu ilmaantuu estradille, ja hänen kitkeristä aikeistaan kuullaan lisää.
Kitkerän vastapainona maistellaan tietenkin suussa sulavia herkkuja! Entä millainen makeinen helpottaa erikoista rakkaudentunnustusta?
Ikäsuositus: 10+
Hiroaki Samura: Blade of the Immortal Deluxe Edition 3
Over 650 pages of samurai battles, bloodshed, and bitter rivalries!
A young survivor’s seemingly immortal protector, Manji, is helping her destroy the eccentric, bloodthirsty Itto-ryu sword school that ambushed and killed her parents.
While Manji has his hands full with a trio of devious assassins, Rin decides to make her way across Edo to search for the murderous Itto-ryu leader Anotsu Kagehisa on her own!
Will Manji find her before Anotsu does?
This volume also features the debut of the mysterious Mugai-ryu warriors, who will become major players in this revenge epic from a modern manga master!
Collects Blade of the Immortal volumes 7 to 9 in the original 7×10 serialized format, in a faux-leather hardcover treatment, and with a bookmark ribbon.
Keito Gaku: Boys Run the Riot 2
…against the world.
Ryo and Jin have started their own fashion brand, Boys Run the Riot.
Now they just have to get the word out there!
But the world of fashion is a cutthroat business of patronizing adults, and the boys will have to get creative–and save some cash–if they want to get their brand off the ground and be taken seriously.
Working part-time is hard enough, but for Ryo, being transgender makes it even harder.
In work, friendship, and romance, he struggles to decide whether to come out as his true self.
However, when he befriends his cool coworker Mizuki, the closet door begins to open…
Vesa Vitikainen & Harri Tarkka: Kersantti Napalm – Sydämen sirpaleet (ENNAKKOTILAUS)
Tarina siitä kuinka tavallinen Patriot American Forcen superagentti sai niiiiin makean ninjan kihlatukseen, New Yorkia kohtasi kuolettava vaara ja presidentti Reagan joutui salajuonen kohteeksi!
Toimintaa, huumoria ja hillittömät ekstrat, jotka laajentavat lukuelämyksen tajunnanräjäyttäväksi!
Kersantti Napalm sarjan uusin albumi lyö hampaista paikat irti!
Mutta ei hätää, kun olet töissä Patriot American Forcella, niin hampaidenhoito kuuluu työsopimukseesi!
(Teksti saattaa sisältää liioittelua).
Steve Jones & Octavio Cariello: H.P. Lovecraft – The Alchemist
For over 600 years the male descendants of the Chabrillane family have all inexplicably perished on their 32nd birthday.
The legend of the curse began the night Henri Chabrillane, killed the alchemist Michel Mauvis. Michel’s son, Charles, Le Sorcier cursed the Chabrillanes. Henri was 32 years old that night, and no male descendant has lived to see age 33.
Now, the last Count de Chabrillane is about to turn 32.
This Lovecraft tale is adapted by award winning comic writer Steven Philip Jones (CALIBER’s Sherlock Holmes, Dracula).
Lovecraft is considered one of America’s most innovative and popular American horror writers. The master of the weird tale during the first decades of the 20th Century until his premature death in 1937, Lovecraft’s distinctive style and canon of work has influenced many authors.
Jones takes the classic tale and while remaining true to the source, brings them into the modern age which can sometimes make the horror even more terrifying.
This tale is illustrated by Octavio Cariello who has worked on DC’s Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Black Lightning, and MARVEL’s X-Men comic series.
In addition to the comic book adaptation this volume also contains the original Lovecraft published story as written by him.
In March 2020, as the planet began to enter lockdown, acclaimed cartoonist Simon Hanselmann decided that what the world needed most was free, easily accessible entertainment, so he set out to make the greatest webcomic ever created! The result is also certain to be one of the most acclaimed and eagerly anticipated graphic novels of 2021.
As the Covid-19 pandemic continued to escalate far beyond any reasonable expectations, Crisis Zone escalated right alongside, in real time, with daily posts on Instagram.
Crisis Zone’s battle mission was to amuse the masses: no matter how horrible and bleak everything seemed, at least Werewolf Jones wasn’t in your house!
Over the course of 2020, Crisis Zone has amassed unprecedented amounts of new fans to the Megg and Mogg universe and is presented here, unabridged and uncensored, with a slew of added pages and scenes deleted from the webcomic, as well as an extensive “Director’s Commentary” from Hanselmann himself.
Watch Megg attempt to bury herself in a digital world of escapism!
See Mogg fall down the rabbit hole of paranoia and conspiracy theories!
Experience Owl’s metamorphosis from timid and uptight worrywort to a no-holds-barred, asskicking leader and back again!
Witness Werewolf Jones’s journey from reluctant erotic performer, to viral TikTok stardom, to Netflix sensation!
Bouncing rapidly between comedy, horror, action, and relational soap-operatics, Crisis Zone refuses to take the pedal off the gas as we all hurtle towards unknown destinations.
Kull the Savage – The Original Marvel Years Omnibus WHELAN DM VAR
Thousands of years before the dawn of Conan, barbarian tribes rose across the Thurian continent, threatening the civilizations whose crumbling city walls still stood against them.
In this ruthless age, there rose a man-an exile, no less-who would come to rule mighty Atlantis in the years before it crashed beneath the waves.
This man was Kull and a host of Marvel’s greatest talents would chronicle his saga-his exile and savage youth; his exploits on the high seas; his rise through the gladiatorial pits and military ranks; his reign as king; and his epic battles with the skull-faced sorcerer Thulsa Doom.
Experience Kull’s complete black-and-white magazine tales in this Omnibus volume, all painstakingly restored from the highest fi delity materials in Marvel’s archives.
COLLECTING: Kull and the Barbarians (1975) 1-3; Savage Tales (1971) 2; Savage Sword of Conan (1974) 1-3, 7, 9, 14-16, 19, 23, 34, 39, 42-43, 52, 55, 61, 119-122, 124-141, 143-145, 147-152, 158-159, 161, 165, 169-170, 172-173, 177, 182-183, 186, 190-194, 196-199, 202, 213, 215, 229-233; Savage Tales Annual (1975) 1, Marvel Previews (1975) 19; Bizzare Advantures (1981) 26; Conan Saga (1987) 13, 25, 47, 57, 97.
John Constantine, Hellblazer 25 – Another Season
John Constantine’s niece is out for revenge for an assault she holds him responsible for.
As this second to last collection of the original John Constantine, Hellblazer series begins, Gemma Masters, John’s niece, is out for revenge for an assault she holds him responsible for–but in her quest for vengeance, she summons a demon she can’t control.
Then, she auctions off his beloved trenchcoat to the highest occult bidder, but the garment has powers of its own, and wherever it goes, it leaves a trail of death and madness in its wake.
Collects John Constantine, Hellblazer #276-291.
Katana Collins & Matteo Scalera: Batman – White Knight Presents Harley Quinn
The Joker is dead. Batman is behind bars. In a new age of villains, only Harley can save Gotham.
Two years after Azrael wiped out Gotham’s deadliest villains in Batman: Curse of the White Knight, the stage is set for a new criminal uprising. From the shadows, a visionary mastermind known as the Producer is assembling a colorful roster of new rogues–headlined by his alluring recruit Starlet, an actor turned serial killer with a vendetta against Gotham’s Golden Age film stars.
When Starlet’s grisly crime scenes hint at an impossible link to the Joker, the GCPD–aided by eager young FBI agent Hector Quimby–turns to Harley Quinn to crack the case.
But Harley is struggling to navigate her new role as a single mother to the late Jack Napier’s twins, and revisiting Gotham’s underworld–even as a good guy–will force her to fight her own worst instincts and flirt with danger.
Determined to prove she can balance it all, Harley accepts Bruce Wayne’s guidance and inches closer to the killer–and when the Producer’s twisted script comes into full focus, she must confront her past to protect her children and Gotham from a fatal final act.
Novelist Katan Collins and artist Matteo Scalera team up for Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn–a thrilling standalone addition to Sean Murphy’s White Knight universe, expanding on the events of Batman: White Knight and Batman: Curse of the White Knight.
This volume collects all six issues of the original series as well as an in-world bonus story originally published as part of the hit digital series Harley Quinn Black + White + Red.
Jacques Tardi: Farewell, Brindavoine
The French cartooning master Tardi’s first solo graphic novel is a riotous action-adventure comedy.
Paris, 1914. In one auspicious night, Lucien Brindavoine’s humdrum life is thrown into wild disarray.
Out of the blue, a strange old man visits Brinvadoine’s flat and implores him to go to Istanbul to seek his destiny. No sooner are these fateful words spoken than a shot is fired through the window and the man is murdered by a mysterious assailant.
Thus kicks off a madcap adventure wherein the mild-mannered dilettante Brindavoine races to the Middle East ― by boat, plane, and jeep ―with cutthroat assassins threatening him at every turn. After much ado, he encounters an iron city in the desert where an eccentric American billionaire will decide his fate.
The first solo graphic novel by Tardi, Farewell, Brindavoine showcases the French cartooning master’s signature blend of dark humor, brutal violence, and beguiling mystery. For Tardi fans, an essential early work; for newcomers, a thrilling primer to the Tardi oeuvre.
Nurit Zarchi & Anat Warshavsky: The Penguin Cafe at the Edge of the World
This charming children’s story follows three penguin brothers as they run a café in the South Pole.
In the icy reaches of the South Pole live three penguin brothers: Amos, Max, and Hans.
They love cooking so much that one day they band together to start a cozy café.
There, they will serve a delicious, cinnamony concoction of their own creation — Peng-Winter Stew! The only snag? Since they are located at the edge of the world, people don’t visit them very often.
As the penguin brothers wait for the next boat to arrive, they hope that their customers will enjoy their splendid stew as much as they do.
Illustrated by contemporary artist Anat Warshavsky in whimsical watercolors with a vivid primary color palette, The Penguin Café at the Edge of the World is a warmhearted tale of friendship and collaboration.
James Tynion IV & Michael Dialynas: Wynd 1 – Flight of the Prince
In a world where magical heritage is punishable by death, a young boy named Wynd must hide his true identity – and pointy ears – from everyone in Pipetown, even if it means he’ll never have the normal life he wants.
But when his secret is threatened, Wynd is forced to leave his home behind to embark on a dangerous quest that will put him at the heart of a royal conspiracy beyond imagination.
Now on the run with the boy of his dreams, his best friend Oakley, and a literal prince, Wynd will have to embrace the magic within himself if he wants to save them from the shocking dangers that await!
The team of award-winning superstars James Tynion IV (Something is Killing the Children, Batman) and Michael Dialynas (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) present the first graphic novel in an all-new fantasy epic about the power that lies inside each of us. Collects Wynd #1-5.
Jaime Hernandez: Queen of the Ring – Wrestling Drawings by Jaime Hernandez 1980-2020
For the past 40 years, acclaimed graphic novelist Jaime Hernandez has been creating a Love and Rockets-adjacent world — set in the heyday of 1960s and ’70s women’s wrestling and lucha libre! — with an entirely separate cast of characters who have aged and evolved: the beautiful and brutal Bettie Rey, the I.F.W. Pacific Women’s Champion — a.k.a. Golden Girl — as well as former champions Pantera Negra, Miss Kitty Perez, and many more.
As Hernandez puts it, “It’s my Love and Rockets world that’s not my Love and Rockets world.”
This best-of book spotlights the women who are often ignored in pro wrestling in 125 full color illustrations: pin-ups, action shots, fake wrestling magazine covers, all presented in a deluxe paperback that echoes the lucha libre magazines of the 1960s. Hernandez also discusses the work in an interview with fellow cartoonist Katie Skelly.
Despite having created one of the most expansive and remarkable casts of characters of any cartoonist who ever lived (under the umbrella of the ongoing L&R comic book series), acclaimed graphic novelist Jaime Hernandez — Will Eisner Hall of Famer; Eisner, Harvey, Ignatz, and PEN Award winner; L.A. Times Book Prize winner; and on a very short list of contenders for the title of America’s Greatest Living Cartoonist — has been privately amassing a body of work that no one else has ever seen for over 40 years. Until now.
Queen of the Ring: Wrestling Drawings by Jaime Hernandez 1980-2020 is part of the Love and Rockets series.
Steve Orlando & Amancay Nahuelpan: Gotham City Monsters
Sometimes the monsters aren’t the ones you should be scared of…sometimes the monsters are the heroes.
After S.H.A.D.E. is dismantled–Frankenstein is a free agent and sets his sights on his former mentor, Melmoth, the evil that got away.
Frankenstein recruits Killer Croc, Lady Clayface, Orca, and vampire Andrew Bennett…but will these monsters be enough to save humanity before the entire cosmos collapses on itself?
Or will another of Gotham’s protectors come to the team’s aid? Afterall, nothing goes down in Gotham without the Bat family taking note.
Collects Gotham City Monsters #1-6.
Alina Tysoe: What’s Up, Beanie?
A collection of 160 comics from the hugely popular What’s Up, Beanie?, all adorable, humorously frank, completely wholesome, and acutely relatable
Hilariously eccentric and self-aware, Alina Tysoe, the pink-haired illustrator behind the wildly popular What’s Up, Beanie?, captures relatable topics like family, the awkward pains of social anxiety, sweet moments of love and a growing relationship, amusing childhood stories, and her intense love of dogs.
Adorably drawn, these endearing snapshots of Alina’s life are surprisingly familiar, as if they’ve been taken from your own life: finding solace with a lone puppy at a crowded party, the frustration of deciding what to eat for dinner, making the mistake of hitting the snooze button, accidentally stepping on a dog’s foot and feeling like a MONSTER, and tons more!
Including dozens of all-new exclusive comics in addition to fan favorites, this collection is perfect for those who need a laugh at the small agonies of life.
Garbage Pail Kids—a series of collectible stickers produced by Topps in the 1980s—combined spectacular artwork and over-the-top satire.
The result was an inspired collaboration between avant-garde cartoonists and humorists including Art Spiegelman, Mark Newgarden, John Pound, Tom Bunk, and Jay Lynch.
A new generation of fans continues to embrace this pop-culture phenomenon as Garbage Pail Kids stickers are still being published.
Now, for the first time, all 206 rare and hard-to-find images from Series 1 through 5 are collected in an innovative package, along with a special set of four limited-edition, previously unreleased bonus stickers.
This exciting follow up to Wacky Packages is guaranteed to appeal to die-hard collectors as well as a new generation of fans.
Introduction by Art Spiegelman. Afterword by John Pound.
Daniel Kibblesmith & Oscar Bazaldua: Loki – The God Who Fell to Earth
After dying a grisly death in WAR OF THE REALMS, the reborn Trickster learned a valuable lesson in warmongering: Don’t get caught.
But now Loki has a whole new set of responsibilities – and his brother Thor isn’t about to let him walk away from them.
Now the God of Mischief/Stories/Evil/Chaos has to outsmart the cleverest man on Earth – or die (again) trying. Meanwhile, could Thor be hatching a mischievous plot of his own?
Bartosz Sztybor & Amad Mir: The Witcher 5 – Fading Memories
As Geralt explores new career possibilities, he receives a request from the mayoress of Towitz–a small town where children are being kidnapped by Foglets.
Upon accepting the work, Geralt’s thrust into the mysterious past of a mourning mother and her now abducted son. Caught between the townsfolks’ recollections of the kidnapping and a slew of disturbing visions, Geralt must face the approaching danger with his own intuition.
Created in close collaboration with the studio behind the games! Collects issues #1-#4 of the Dark Horse Comics series The Witcher: Fading Memories.
The Witcher is now a Netflix Original Series!
Paul Grist & Andrea Di Vito: The Union – The Britannia Project
The grand unveiling of the Union!
A team of super heroes gathered from all across the United Kingdom — including Union Jack, Snakes, Kelpie, Choir and their fearless leader, Britannia!
But when the alien god Knull and his symbiote dragons attack Earth, the fledgling team find themselves immediately pushed to their limits!
The Union must battle for their lives (and each other) as the King in Black’s invasion reaches its crescendo!
Thrust unto the global stage just as a devastating blow to the fledgling team rocks them to their very core, will the Union be able to prove themselves — or will they crumble under the pressure as the entire world watches?
Zabus & Hippolyte: The Shadows
To apply for asylum, Refugee 214 must tell his story.
With him in the room are a man from his new country, and the shadows of four loved ones who did not survive the journey.
214 reveals how he and his younger sister fled their homes and set off toward the border; how they met and suffered with friends, and lost them; and how the plight of the refugee is an experience that erases differences between individuals, even as it threatens to erase the individuals themselves.
The only one left to tell the tale, 214 swallows his fears and relates what he and the shadows saw and did, in the hope that his life and the lives of the others won’t have been in vain.
Creators Zabus & Hippolyte present an intimate and heartrending look at one fictional refugee’s story, while encompassing the larger plight of displaced people.
Mike Mignola & John Arcudi: B.P.R.D. – Hell on Earth 2
The ultimate collection of B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth continues in a new paperback format!
America’s monster problem explodes, society crumbles, and Liz Sherman rejoins the fight, as Nazis seek to bring Rasputin back to finish what he started when he first conjured Hellboy!
This new omnibus edition collects B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth volumes #4-#6, plus a generous sketchbook section.
Shaky Kane & Krent Able: Kane & Able
Comic book wise guys, Kane and Able, serve up a summer dump cake of genre-busting mischief and masked mayhem in this oversized anthology of never-before-published strips.
Slip in and out of subconsciousness with the Astonishing Shield Bug!
Surf the fleshwave with Black Fur in “Who Fears The Deathroach?”!
Journey into the sub-basement in the gasoline-tinged “Dustmites”!
Ride into the Creepzone with Nightmare and Sleepy in the aptly named “Creepzone”!
During a skirmish with an opposing Martian faction, a fighter pilot disobeys orders to pursue a fleeing foe.
Guided by her determination and curiosity, she is led into a dangerous chase through Mars’s forbidden valley where she will be confronted with the red planet’s darkest of secrets.
A fast-paced, 128-page, full-color, pocket-format, sci-fi adventure through Mars’s mysteries all told in its original Martian form.
Terry Moore: Serial 1 – The Glass Tomb
Zoe, the precocious serial killer from Rachel Rising returns in her own series!
Because of her past affiliation with a demon, Zoe is a mature woman trapped in a child’s body.
When an old friend falls victim to a new serial killer Zoe vows to hunt down the predator and exact her own lethal revenge. The Glass Tomb collects the first five issues of Terry Moore’s hot new series.
Dave Sim & Gerhard: Cerebus 5 – Jaka’s Story (+ TIPPED-IN BOOK PLATE SIGNED BY DAVE SIM)
Dave Sim’s Cerebus began as a parody of Conan, but has expanded and grown into much, much more!
Intellectual, entertaining, and thought provoking, Cerebus was one of the longest running independent black-and-white comics published!
Jaka’s Story, the fifth volume, reprints issues #114-136.
Two new serializations!
In Ryan K. Lindsay & Sebastian Piriz Black Beacon, we learn that everything has a cost, even in places like the Dyson Sphere once thought to be a heaven for intergalactic refugees.
Matt Medney & Geraldo Borges bring us The Adventures of Adrienne James, a fast-paced story set in another far. far away galaxy. Plot twists abound!
Also, in this issue: Giménez & Malka’s Segments, The Rise by George C. Romero & Diego Yapur, Swamp God by Ron Marz & Armitano, Dark Wing by Matt Medney & German Ponce.
Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal: Swords of Cerebus in Hell? 2
Further collecting CEREBUS’ adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Batvark’s Wedding Vows!
Batvark tweets Johnny Depp!
Cerebus goes to see Suicide Squad!
Siamese Twin Girl-Boy and The Aardvarkian League of Justice!
Aardvark-Vanaheim Civil War: Cerebus vs. The Renegade Super-Poets!
Todd McFarlane’s Grey Hulk!
Super-Cerebus and Batvark Team-Up!
Photoshop Village People tribute bands (C! M! Y! K!)!
True History of The Graphic Novel session 16!
“Cerebus’ Guide to Chicks”!
Getting High in Hell!
Jack Kirby’s Demon vs Matt Wagner’s Demon!
Cerebus vs. The Amazing Hulk and Superman and Pigeon-Man!
Cerebus: Hard-Boiled Detective In Hell!
Groot or Suicide?!
Super-Cerebus, Batvark and…Vark-Mite?
Cerebus’ Self-Help Book! Maxwell and Mortimer’s Covers Band!
The Cerebus Foundation” and lots more!
– WATCHVARK #1 January 2018
– THE AMAZING CEREBUS #1 February 2018
Note: There will be a new SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? volume every month (God willing) which will not be reprinted until the following year, so make sure to order accordingly and enough to last you the year!!
Steve Orlando & Ivan Shavrin’s Starward as well as David Erwin’s Vasator & Crunch return in this issue!
Also, in this issue: Michelle & Bart Sears Maiden, The Rise by George C. Romero & Diego Yapur, Swamp God by Ron Marz & Armitano, Dark Wing by Matt Medney & German Ponce and Ryan K. Lindsay & Sebastian Piriz Black Beacon.
Dave Sim & David Birdsong: The Unethical Spider-Vark #1
It’s part comic book and part university-level ethics test.
So there are no right answers, just widely accepted university echo-chamber cultural prejudices updated hourly by God-alone-knows who.
And you thought the different Crises on Infinite Whatever changes were difficult to keep up with!
By the time this one actually comes out, owning a copy could qualify as a hate crime!
How exciting for you, the unwary purchaser!
The Creeps #32 revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic styled work by original Warren artists, writers and editors.
Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!