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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet 10/2023


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Käytetyt sarjakuvat


Petteri Tikkanen: Eero – Rakkauden vuoksi

Rakkauden vuoksi kertoo Eeron matkan lapsuudesta armeijaikään.

Paras ystävä Kanerva kehittyy nopeammin, ja tämä tuottaa Eerolle päänvaivaa.

Miehen mallia tarjoavat sotatraumoista kärsivä ukki sekä hiljakseen pahenevan päihdeongelman kanssa kamppaileva isä.
Pojan täytyy oppia selviämään, mutta elämä ei ole krapula, muistuttaa äiti.

Petteri Tikkanen kuvaa nuoren pojan seksuaalista heräämistä ja itsensä etsimistä herkällä vaistolla ja varmalla viivalla.

Tikkasen visuaalinen ilmaisuvoima on huima ja vähäisen dialogin merkitys korostuu.

Eeron tarina on sarjakuvakerronnan juhlaa, nautinto lukijalle!

Rakkauden vuoksi -kirjan ensimmäinen luku on palkittu Sarjakuva-Finlandialla vuonna 2010..

Miguel Vila: Padovaland

Padovalandissa kaikki osaavat herättää haluja, mutta eivät pysty pitämään niitä aisoissa.

Padovaland vie lukijan Koillis-Italian esikaupunkeihin, joiden pastellinväriset rakennukset ja puutarhatonttujen kansoittamat pihat kätkevät taakseen moraalisen harmaan alueen, jolla jokainen henkilö huomaa toimivansa.

Hyvää on vaikea erottaa pahasta ja syyllistä uhrista, kun millekään ei löydy syvempää merkitystä.
Nuoret aikuiset turruttavat itseään drinksuilla, sosiaalisella medialla ja tuhoisilla ihmissuhteilla.

Padovaland on päämäärättömän sukupolven kylmä muotokuva, joka saa pohtimaan ihmissuhteiden autioitumista digiaikana.

Padovaland on Miguel Vilan (s. 1993) esikoisteos.
Kirja kuvaa pohjoista Italiaa monitasoisesti ja moniäänisesti niin kuvakerronnan kuin kielenkin tasolla. Teoksesta henkii sukulaisuus muiden nykyihmisen moraalisen rappion kuvaajien, kuten Daniel Clowesin, Chris Waren ja Nick Drnason töihin.

Kirjan on suomentanut Silja-Maaria Aronpuro.

Nathan Fairbairn & Michele Assarasakorn: Kuonokamut 2 – Uusia tuulia

Ihana sarja koirafaneille jatkuu! Mindyllä on vaikeaa, kun koiranulkoilutuskerho saa uuden jäsenen.

Parhaat kaverukset Mindy, Gabby ja Priya ovat taas vauhdissa! Ulkoilutettavia koiria tulee koko ajan lisää, ja samalla ystävyys tiivistyy. Mindyllä on kuitenkin paljon mielen päällä.

Äidillä on uusi poikaystävä (jolla on söpö kissa), eikä Mindy saa olla enää kahdestaan äidin kanssa. Lisäksi koulun uusi oppilas Hazel tahtoo liittyä Kuonokamuihin.

Joutuuko Mindy nyt jakamaan myös bisneksensä ja ystävänsäkin?

Sarjis-sarjassa ilmestyy parhaita sarjakuvakirjoja alakouluikäisille.
Koukuttavat tarinat, vauhti ja huumori, runsas värikuvitus ja helppolukuinen teksti houkuttelevat kirjojen pariin.

Dav Pilkey: Koiramies – Pipot ja rangaistus

Superkamut ovat vauhdissa jälleen ja huijaavat pahiksia toden teolla!

Koiramiehellä on uusi ongelma ratkottavana ja hän tarvitsee siihen kaikkien superkamujensa apua.
Mutta haukkuuko Koiramies väärää puuta?

Dav Pilkeyn suosittu Koiramies-sarja vetoaa kaikenikäisiin lukijoihin. Kirjoissa tutkitaan universaaleja teemoja, joissa ylistetään ystävyyttä, suvaitsevaisuutta, luovuutta ja hyväsydämisten voittokulkua.

Franquin: Niilo Pielinen – Keksijöiden kuningas

Toimituksen tuholainen on taas täällä!

Kun Niilo Pielinen soveltaa lyömättömiä keksijänkykyjään työpaikan arkeen, saa toimituksen väki olla varpaillaan.
Osansa Niilon ehtymättömästä luovuudesta saavat myös konstaapeli Kärsäoja sekä johtaja Pappenskiöld.

Niilon soittoharrastukset levittävät yhtä lailla kaaosta, miehen ei-niinherttaisista lemmikeistä puhumattakaan.

André Franquinin luoma Niilo Pielinen on eurooppalaisen huumorisarjakuvan kiintotähti, jonka toilailut ovat naurattaneet suomalaisia lukijoita jo 70-luvulta lähtien.

Keksijöiden kuningas on aiemmin julkaistu suomeksi vain kovakantisena kerhokirjana, mutta nyt se ilmestyy kaikkien Niilo-fanien iloksi pehmeäkantisena BD-albumina.

Gijé & Carbone: Soittorasia 2- Cyprianin salaisuus

Nola-tyttö palaa Pandorientin maailmaan juuri ajoissa näkemään kuningas Hektor I:n paraatin.

Hän tapaa taas ystävänsä Andrean ja Igorin, mutta tutustuu myös moniin uusiin satumaisiin olentoihin. Kuka käy varkaissa Antonin puutarhassa? Tapausta selvittäessään Nolaa oppii paljon uusia asioita Pandorientista, muun muassa sen, että puiksi muuttuvat ystävät voivat olla hyödyllisiä.

Carbonen ja Gijen luoma Soittorasia on upeasti kuvitettu sarjakuvaromaani kaiken ikäisille lukijoille.
Nolan seikkailuista kertova albumi johdattaa ainutlaatuiseen ihmemaailmaan, joka hurmaa ja hämmästyttää lukijat.

Sarjaa on myyty maailmanlaajuisesti jo yli 300 000 albumia ja se on käännetty yli kymmenelle kielelle.



Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 18

To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!

In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about.
Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it.

Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!

In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a third-year who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High, so he decides to participate in an underground fight club where Hakari works as a bookie.

Meanwhile, Fushiguro infiltrates the fight club and heads for Hakari’s base of operations, but another Jujutsu High third-year is using their cursed technique to block his way!

Stan Sakai: The Usagi Yojimbo Saga 6

One of the most critically acclaimed and beloved adventure comics!

This volume in the definitive Usagi Yojimbo Saga series includes the storylines “Bridge of Tears,” in which a new love tempts the rabbit ronin to abandon his wandering lifestyle; “The Darkness and the Soul,” revealing at last the origin of the demon Jei; and “Sparrows,” featuring Jei’s terrifying return, as well as Usagi’s travels with bounty hunter Gen.

Includes the landmark Usagi Yojimbo #100, a celebratory “roast” issue by several of the best writers and artists in comics, including Frank Miller, Matt Wagner, Jeff Smith, Sergio Aragonés, along with a color cover gallery from the original series comics!

Stan Sakai’s evocative artwork and gripping tales continue to enthrall readers of all ages.

Collects the Usagi Yojimbo volumes Bridge of Tears, Return of the Black Soul, and Fox Hunt!

Tatsuki Fujimoto: Before Chainsaw Man: 17-21

See the origins of the mad genius who created Chainsaw Man!

This short story manga collection features Tatsuki Fujimoto’s earliest work. It’s rough, it’s raw, and it’s pure Tatsuki Fujimoto!

Alien invasions, high school romances, and even bloody vampire action—all this and more awaits in four compelling short stories that reveal the starting point of Tatsuki Fujimoto, the twisted mastermind behind Chainsaw Man.

Stan Sakai: Usagi Yojimbo Origins 4 – Lone Goat and Kid

Presenting the complete saga of rabbit ronin Miyamoto Usagi from the very beginning in new, definitive color editions!

This volume focuses on a series of important short stories from the early days of Usagi’s adventures, including “Frost and Fire,” “A Kite Story,” “Blood Wings,” “The Way of the Samurai,” and “Lone Goat and Kid”!

Beginning with these early issues, find out why the series has won ten Eisner Awards, two Harvey Awards, an American Library Association Award, and has been called by Stan Lee, “one of the most original, innovative, well-executed comic books anywhere to be found.”

Usagi Yojimbo Origins, Vol. 4: Lone Goat and Kid collects all-new color editions of issues #19–24 of Usagi Yojimbo, Vol. 1, originally published in black-and-white by Fantagraphics from December 1989 to September 1990.



Jussi Pakkanen: ISO-askel ihmiskunnalle (romaani) (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Ihmiskunta on saanut avaruusmatkailuun tarvittavan teknologian kehitettyä ja ulkoavaruuden sivilisaatiot ovat lähettäneet vierailukutsun.

Maapallolaiset alkavat heti valmistaa matkaan sopivaa avaruusalusta, tärkeimpänä suunnittelukriteerinään tyylikäs ulkonäkö.
Lopulta egomaanisen kapteenin ja hermoheikon miehistön luotsaama alus pääsee matkaan tietämättä, keitä perillä on vastassa, mitä siellä on tarkoitus tehdä tai miksi aluksessa on jäähalli.

ISO-askel ihmiskunnalle kasaa klassisesta avaruusscifistä, tieteellisen tarkasta insinööriteknologiasta sekä mustasta huumorista hypergolisen keitoksen, jonka paineaallosta ei selviä vaurioitta mikään – ei edes avaruusseksi.

Kansikuva: Jarkko Nääs.

Pentti Otsamo: Tapio Tomsten – Työmiehen päiväkirja 2018-2022 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Tunnollisena työmiehenä tunnettu Tapio Tomsten saa tekstiviestin kuin salaman kirkkaalta taivaalta: työsuhteesi on päättynyt.

Uuden uran alkua hamutessaan Tapio päätyy Över-kuskin, feissarin, ihmissuhdejohtajan ja monien muiden toimien kautta tehdastyöläiseksi monilla aloilla huseeraavaan A.C.M.E.-yhtiöön.

Sipilän hallituksen neronleimaukset, maailmalla jylläävä pandemia ja Ukrainassa riehuva sota heittävät rattaisiin omat hiekkansa.
Myös muistisairas isoisä ja lastenlapsia hartaasti odottava äiti antavat tekemistä ja ajattelemisen aihetta. Pentti Otsamon sarjakuvat tarkastelevat aina vain absurimmaksi käyvää maailmaamme surrealististen aurinkolasien läpi.

Työmiehen päiväkirjaan on koottu Otsamon Teollisuusliiton Tekijä-lehdessä vuosina 1018-2022 julkaistut sarjakuvat.

Pauli Kallio & Reetta Niemensivu: Lyhenevä kesä 5 – Kissa nimeltä Marion (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Lyhenevän kesän kultaturbomegatimanttitupla-albumi johdattaa lukijansa Anteron, Annikin ja Jaakon seuraksi keskelle vuoden 1970 loputonta kesää.

Maalaismaisemaan tuo uutta sähinää löytökissa, jonka lapset nimeävät Marioniksi.
Anteron huuliharppuun hönkäilevä mielikuvituskaveri Bob laatii lauluja ja pudottelee filosofisia viisauksia.
Aikakoneelle pääsee vaikka Tokion olympiakisoihin keihäänheiton loppukilpailun tuoksinaan.
Jos lehmä lentäisi, mikä olisi sen siipien kärkiväli ja kuinka valtavia navettoja siivekkäille kantturoille pitäisi rakentaa?

Entä mikä on miehiään Siskon uusi poikaystävä Aatu?

Pauli Kallion kirjoittama ja Reetta Niemensivun piirtämä Lyhenevä kesä ilmestyy joka viikko oululaisessa Kalevassa, Ylä-Satakunnassa ja Nivala-lehdessä. Sarjakuva sopii niin lasten, aikuisten kuin ikivanhojenkin lukemiseksi.

Ville Pirinen: Yhesti yhes yhennestoista paikas (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Ville Pirinen touhusi vuodet 2017-2021 läänintaiteilijana, mutta nyt hän on vapautunut taas sarjakuvantekijäksi, ja 2009 alkanut Yhesti yhes paikas -sarja palaa kuusivuotiselta tauolta.

Hermostunut hörähdys takertuu jälleen lukijan kurkkuun, kun moderni perimätieto muokkautuu sarjakuviksi.
Ripuli roiskuu kaaressa kylppärin kaakeleille. Kaikki on niin vaikeeta! Tyhjänpäiväiset anekdootit analysoidaan halki, poikki ja pinoon.

Opuksen ydin on siis tuttu aiempien kirjasten lukijoille, mutta paluualbumi rohkenee ottaa ennen kokemattomia muodollis-sisällöllisiä vapauksia, kun Pirinen kilhuilee narratologisilla metatasoilla. Pohdinnat saattavat johtaa tukalan arkikauhun kautta hiostavaan piinaan, mutta mäyräköiranpentu Tyyne helpottaa niin tekijän kuin lukijankin oloa.



Cavan Scott & Andres Ponce: The Ward – Welcome to the Madhouse

St. Lilith’s is a secret hospital for supernatural creatures.

A place, and a life, Dr. Nat Reeves thought she left behind. She was wrong.

When a wounded woman (with a tail) appears on her doorstep, Nat crash lands at her old job in the emergency room of the city’s last recourse for the otherworldly ill.

The personnel are overworked, the facility is underfunded, and all operations must be kept hidden from the public, including Nat’s own family.
Some of the staff, like the self-duplicating nurse Lydia Black, are glad to have her back.

Others, like Luis Cervantes, a new resident with something to prove (and more to hide), not so much. And who can tell what Dr. Kumasaka, the ghostly head of the department, is thinking?

All Nat knows is that the overwhelming need they face every day is enough to keep the truth of why she left St. Lilith’s at bay, at least, for a while.
Then a magical plague hits the city, and everything sets to change, for everyone.

From the author of bestselling titles for Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Warhammer 40,000, Vikings, Judge Dredd, and others comes an intense medical drama abound with fairies, trolls, and real human pathos.

Collects The Ward: Welcome to the Madhouse #1-4.

Geof Darrow: Shaolin Cowboy – Shemp Buffet


The SAGA of one man’s fight against THE WALKING DEAD as you’ve never seen it before!

The action never lets up as a chainsaw of events pits the comic world’s favorite Shaolin Cowboy against a legion of gourmets from the fourth level of hell, intent on turning America’s finest youth into an endless shemp buffet.

Strap on your six-guns, gas up your chainsaw, and hang on, ‘cuz you aren’t in Downton Abbey anymore.

Collects The Shaolin Cowboy #1-4.

Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Death

Irreverent, Poe-inspired tales of mystery and inebriation return in a new series in time for Halloween!

Edgar Allan Poe returns this Fall with another horror and drunken fueled anthology guaranteed to create laughs this spooky season.

It’s got everything from chocolate vampires and fruit-filled frankenstein in an all-new Monster Serials thriller to a tale of Poe as a mere boy to a chess game against a mysterious mechanical being to the birth of monsters!
But, really, could 19th centrury doctors be any messier?

Writers: Mark Russell, Stuart Moore, Dean Motter, Holly Interlandi, Tom Peyer, Bryce Abood, Norm Fields, Rick Geary, Kirk Vanderbeek, Brian Schirmer, Paul Constant.

Artists: Peter Snejbjerg, Frank Cammuso, Dean Motter, Greg Scott, Rick Geary, Joel Ojeda, Joel Ojeda & Juan Castro, Ryan Kelly, Shane Oakley, John Lucas.

Geof Darrow: Shaolin Cowboy – Start Trek

The Shaolin Cowboy walks the action-packed path of three enemies:

Those from the past, who still pursue him, those from the future who are waiting for him, and those from the present who find killing him isn’t going to be as easy as he looks.

The original Eisner winning series published by Burlyman Entertainment in all its bloody glory.

It’s fat, it’s fast, it’s furious!!!

Collects Shaolin Cowboy: The Burlyman Series #1-7.

Antoine Maillard: Slash Them All

A tranquil seaside town is upended by the arrival of a serial killer.

2022 WINNER for Best Crime Graphic Novel at the Angouleme International Comics Festival

Two high school students are found dead, stoking fears amongst the student body and surrounding community of a serial killer on the loose.

Yet summer is approaching, and the future is fraught with uncertainty―if only things could go back to normal for just a while longer.
Instead, the heightened police presence prevents Pola from dealing at school while her best friend, the typically discreet Daniel, resists increasingly morbid impulses.

News crews speculate about the Bloody Batter, triggering PTSD and fueling paranoia.
Meanwhile, evil has its own plans.

Slash Them All is cartoonist Antoine Maillard’s tribute to 1980s American horror cinema, skillfully absorbing the traditions and tropes of the genre, yet drawn in a gorgeous, grayscale pencil style that evokes 1950s film noir more than Jason or Freddy Kreuger.

This singular work of graphic fiction is a story about adolescents thrust unexpectedly, unwillingly, and unpreparedly into adulthood, told with a graphic acuity and emotional depth that transcends its simple slasher inspirations.

Mark Russell & Sean Izaakse: Fantastic Four – Life Story

An incredible exploration of the fabulous foursome’s lives if they aged in real time across the decades!

Amid the backdrop of the Space Race, an accident gives the Fantastic Four great powers and entangles them in the history of their planet. But as the years pass, the four heroes struggle to find their role in a rapidly changing world.

As Sue continues to fight for social causes, Reed becomes increasingly obsessed with preparing for the prophesied arrival of Galactus! And in the end, after six decades of triumphs and tragedies, love and loss, can the aging heroes make a final stand against the implacable might of Doctor Doom?

Collects Fantastic Four: Life Story #1-6.

Mike Mignola: Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. – The Return of Effie Kolb and Others

Collected in one volume for the first time, revisit some of the most beloved Hellboy short stories, including The Return of Effie Kolb, Long Night at Goloski Station, The Seven Wives Club, Her Fatal Hour and The Sending.

Dive into these harrowing adventures with Hellboy creator Mike Mignola as he’s joined by artists Zach Howard, Matt Smith, Tiernen Trevallion, and Adam Hughes, along with colorist Dave Stewart, for a stellar fright fest!


Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña: Seven to Eternity – Deluxe Edition

The entire SEVEN TO ETERNITY epic collected in one deluxe, OVERSIZED, hardcover edition!

The God of Whispers has spread an omnipresent paranoia to every corner of the kingdom of Zhal; his spies hide in every hall spreading mistrust and fear.

Adam Osidis, a dying knight from a disgraced house, must choose between joining a hopeless band of magic users in their desperate bid to free their world of the evil God, or accepting his promise to give Adam everything his heart desires.

Writer RICK REMENDER reteams with collaborators JEROME OPEÑA (Fear Agent) and MATT HOLLINGSWORTH (TOKYO GHOST) in this giant prestige edition loaded with variant covers, sketches, model sheet designs, raw inks, and script pages — the ultimate oversized format to enjoy this groundbreaking and critically acclaimed series.

Collects SEVEN TO ETERNTITY #1-17.

Paul B. Rainey: Why Don’t You Love Me?

Claire and Mark are in the doldrums of an unhappy marriage.

She doesn’t get out of her bathrobe and chain-smokes while slumped on the couch.

Mark has lost track of the days and can’t get the kids to school on time.

They’ve lost interest in family and have pizza and Chinese food delivered every night.
Mark sleeps on the couch and has trouble remembering his son’s name. He feels like a fraud at work but somehow succeeds.

Claire stalks an ex-boyfriend. How could he have left her to this life?

Claire and Mark are both plagued by the idea that this is all a dream. Didn’t they have different lives? When reports of an imminent nuclear war come on the radio, the truth begins to dawn on them: This is not the life they chose.

Why Don’t You Love Me? is a pitch-black comedy about marriage, alcoholism, depression, and mourning lost opportunities.

Paul B. Rainey has created a hilariously terrifying alternate reality where confusion and pain might lead people to make bad choices but might also eventually led to freedom . . . maybe.

Incredible Science Fiction

Incredible Science Fiction arrives in a strange new land: the Twenty-First Century!

Fully remastered in magnificent digital color, this far-out volume includes twenty unbelievable tales from a stellar collection of writers and artists: Jack Oleck, Al Feldstein, Wally Wood, Bernard Krigstein, Joe Orlando, Jack Davis, Roy G. Krenkel, and Al Williamson.

Featuring a foreword by Mark Evanier!

Collects Weird science-fantasy #27-#29 and Incredible science fiction #30-#33, originally published between January 1955 and February 1956.

Kevin Burke & Selina Espiritu: Critical Role – The Mighty Nein Origins: Fjord Stone

Fjord Stone’s early years to life in this all-new hardcover Critical Role graphic novel!

Kevin Burke and Chris “Doc” Wyatt, writers for the Amazon Original animated series Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina, join fan-favorite artist Selina Espiritu, colorist Diana Sousa, letterer Ariana Maher, and Matthew Mercer and Travis Willingham from the cast of Critical Role to bring Fjord’s early years to life in this all-new hardcover graphic novel!

More than just an orcish face!

Growing up in an orphanage on the Menagerie Coast, Fjord Stone has never been comfortable with the assumptions people draw from his half-orc heritage.

But his sweet, sensitive nature will do him no favors in Port Damali.
Luckily, a chance encounter on the docks lands Fjord with a job, a mentor, and more adventure than he could ever dream of on the path that will eventually lead him to the rest of the Mighty Nein!

Sherri L. Smith & Agustin Padilla: Avatar – The High Ground 3

Jake Sully’s fears have come crashing to Pandora, guns blazing. The Sky People are planet-side, and taking Hell’s Gate by storm.

Jake and Neytiri’s children are still on base, surrounded and outgunned. Years of advancement on Earth means they’ll be bringing more firepower than Jake could anticipate.

Unable to fully rely on his intel, Jake will have to improvise and risk it all to protect his family, his people, and their home.
The battle is underway and every Na’vi is in danger.

Experience the epic finale of James Cameron’s original story “The High Ground” in this graphic novel adaptation written by award-winning author Sherri L. Smith (The Toymaker’s Apprentice, Orleans) and illustrated by Agustin Padilla (Suicide Squad, Transformers, Borderlands, Predator: Hunters II) and Miguel Angel Ruiz (The Passing, Crossed: Badlands).

The exciting conclusion to Avatar: The High Ground leads you directly into the opening of the long-awaited film sequel Avatar: The Way of Water!

Alex Ross: Fantastic Four – Full Circle


An all-new Marvel Comics graphic novel starring the Fantastic Four, written and illustrated by renowned artist Alex Ross.

It’s a rainy night in Manhattan and not a creature is stirring except for… Ben Grimm.

When an intruder suddenly appears inside the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Four—Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), the Invisible Woman (Susan Storm Richards), the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), and the Thing (Ben Grimm)—find themselves surrounded by a swarm of invading parasites.
These carrion creatures composed of Negative Energy come to Earth using a human host as a delivery system. But for what purpose? And who is behind this untimely invasion?

The Fantastic Four have no choice but to journey into the Negative Zone, an alien universe composed entirely of anti-matter, risking not just their own lives but the fate of the cosmos!

Fantastic Four: Full Circle is the first longform work written and illustrated by acclaimed artist Alex Ross, who revisits a classic Stan Lee–Jack Kirby story from the 1960s and introduces the storyline for a new generation of readers.
With bold, vivid colors and his trademark visual storytelling, Ross takes Marvel’s first team of super heroes to places only he can illustrate.

The book also features a special poster jacket, with the front flap unfolding to reveal an all-new fully painted origin story of the Fantastic Four.

Welcome to the Negative Zone and MarvelArts—a new collaborative line of books between Marvel Comics and Abrams ComicArts—where nothing is impossible and anything can happen!

Sergio Toppi: The Toppi Gallery – Harlots and Mercenaries

The third book in the Toppi Gallery series features the master’s non-sequential, stand-alone illustration work (as opposed to his graphic novel stories featured in The Collected Toppi series).

This volume focuses on themes of masculinity and femininity, showcasing images of soldiers and beautiful women from the artist’s fifty-year career in the field of illustration in many newspapers, magazines, and books worldwide.

Featuring both black and white and full color works with captions and text about various subjects throughout.

Riad Sattouf: Esther’s Notebooks

Every week, the comic book artist Riad Sattouf has a chat with his friend’s 10-year old daughter, Esther.

She tells him about her life, her family, her school, her friends, her hopes, her dreams and her fears. And then he creates a one-page comic strip based on what she says.

This book is a collection of 156 of those strips, comprising the first three volumes as they appeared in Europe, spanning Esther’s life from age 10 to 12.

As The Guardian noted: “Each page of Esther’s Notebooks is self-contained—there’s usually a neat punchline—but read them all, and you come to see that Sattouf has drawn a portrait of a generation: their hopes, dreams and cultural references; the way that their personalities, backgrounds—many of the children portrayed have parents who are immigrants—and preconceived ideas about sexuality begin to play out even before they’ve begun secondary school.
The result is a bit like a cartoon version of Michael Apted’s landmark TV series, Up.
These funny, well-observed comics are fantastically daring.”



Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 123

Metsästäjä osa 2/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Tähtivaeltaja #164 (1/23)

Mukana mm.:

Laura Luotola – Leikkiä ja työtä omilla ehdoilla

Petri Hänninen & Jussi Kaakinen: Kaunis vanhuus (sarjakuva)

Kumpi voittaisi, Hulk vai Wolverine?

Sarjakuvavuosi 2022 Amerikassa

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 124

Metsästäjä osa 3/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Tommi Musturi: Future #10

Future-sarjan päättävän kymmenes osa, jonka myötä lukija päätyy mm. ihmisen mieleen ja Future-tuotantoryhmän karonkkaan.

Futuren lukuisten tarinoiden viimeisetkin sirpaleet käpertyvät yhteen.



Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 125

Metsästäjä osa 4/4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Joe Brusha & Julius Abrera: Robyn Hood Annual – Children of Darkness

Robyn’s true past and her ties to the Children of Darkness have always been a mystery to her.

But now, as she tries to help Mystere and Talisman escape their own darkness, some of her past secrets will finally be revealed.

Don’t miss this special 64-page annual!


Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 126

Punaisen keihään tarina, osa 1.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Soldier Stories

SOLDIER STORIES features four compelling tales of military conflict, all written by veterans who served.

These first-person accounts of real-life warfare have been reimagined across a variety of genres from sci-fi to horror to personal memoir all written by veterans who served from the Vietnam era to Afghanistan.

What’s it like to wait out a chemical attack?
How does it feel to abandon your allies?
In a world of push-button warfare, has killing gotten too easy?
How do you go on when the war is over but the struggle is not?

These are personal stories, compelling stories, stories that will haunt and surprise you.
Because every soldier has a story.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 127

Punaisen keihään tarina, osa 2.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Jed MacKay & Federico Sabbatini: Moon Knight Annual #1


In the Darkhold, there is a prophecy of how a god might die.

Jack Russell, more familiar with that cursed tome than most, would like very much to kill a god and save his people, the people bound in servitude to the moon.

But to fulfill that prophecy requires the blood of the Fist of Khonshu, and Moon Knight doesn’t bleed easily.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 128

Punaisen keihään tarina, osa 3.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle.
Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Donny Cates & Geoff Shaw: Crossover #1 3D SPECIAL

Imagine everything you thought was fantasy…was real. Now, join us in a world where reality is dead-and anything is possible…

The powerhouse creative team of DONNY CATES (Venom, Thor), GEOFF SHAW (GOD COUNTRY, Thanos Wins), DEE CUNNIFFE (REDNECK), and JOHN J. HILL (NAILBITER) is proud to present the bestselling first issue of CROSSOVER in THREE GLORIOUS DIMENSIONS!

This special edition uses a magical KLC Press 3D process and includes custom glasses for your viewing pleasure.

Plus, an ALL-NEW story (also in 3D) with new revelations about the Dome, written by DONNY CATES and illustrated by MEGAN HUTCHISON-CATES.

Benjamin Percy & Juan José Ryp: Ghost Rider – Vengeance Forever #1


Johnny Blaze, still reeling from his time in Hayden’s Falls, seeks the counsel of a seer – named Necro the Tattooist – who uses his needle to bring dark truths to the surface.

What follows is not only a wild tour through Ghost Rider’s lost history, but also a warning about the future and an examination of the troubling weight of legacy.

Rich Woodall: Sgt. Werewolf #1

Sgt. Steve Hovatter leads a small group of U.S. Commandos to infiltrate Lichtenstein castle in Germany and recover intel on Nazi Occult operations.

The Commandos are captured, and Sgt. Hovatter is executed.

Hours later Sgt. Hovatter is transformed into a Werewolf and uncovers a much more sinister plot at Castle Lichtenstein.

The Nazis are trying to evoke the Norse God of Thunder, Thor to aid them in their war efforts.
Sgt. Werewolf must save his team from this Castle of Horrors, but he’ll have to go through an army of Golems first.

Victor Santos: Until My Knuckles Bleed – One Deadly Shot #1

Victor Santos, creator of Polar (now a Netflix motion picture) brings us a new story of crime and capes in the line of THE BOYS, WATCHMEN and SIN CITY set in the world of his new hit series Until My Knuckles Bleed, a one-deadly-shot about war, violence, consequences and redemption.

Gabin Hart, former 90s superhero, is serving sentence for the events of the “Extremely Damaged” arc.

If he wants some kind of mercy, he should tell something about one of the darkest stories of the most extreme of superhero ages.
A story which involves his old team, the CIA and a buried creature in the heart of Europe.

Revealer #1

Spinning out of this summer’s hit indie horror film REVEALER, these four stories tie directly into the movie!

Learn more about the characters, the lore, the Revealers adult bookstore, and what awaits on the other side of the biblical apocalypse.



David Andry & Daniel Kraus: Nightfall Double Feature #1


Grab your popcorn and clamber into your sleeping bag for two tales of terror from the creative teams of The Autumnal, The Plot, and Resonant!

After human bones begin growing inside inanimate objects all across the globe, a renegade scientist and brilliant theologian delve into the cemeteries where the bones originated, discovering an otherworldly force tired of being buried in darkness.

A family’s cross country roadtrip goes off the map and into the unforgiving wilds of Joshua Tree National Park, when mom and wife-to-be Helene succumbs to a malevolent force tucked inside an abandoned camping trailer.

Tim Seeley & Jim Terry: Hack/Slash – Hot Shorts #1

Slasher hunters Cassie Hack and Vlad are back with a one-shot collecting the all-new short stories from the HACK/SLASH DELUXE EDITION HARDCOVERS.

Our heroes battle bloodstains in “Slice of Life,” written and drawn by SEELEY, while a new kind of monster slayer stalks the backroads of America in “Highwayman to Heaven” and Cassie meets up with the baddest bad girl in the multiverse in “I Will Destroy You All.”

Also contains all-new pin-ups!
The perfect celebration of the slasher season!

Alter Ego #180

In-depth look at The Young All-Stars, the late-1980s successor to All-Star Squadron!

Interviews with series artists Brian Murray, Howard Simpson, and Lou Manna, surprising insights by writer/co-creator Roy Thomas, plus a panorama of never-seen Young All-Stars artwork!

All-new cover by Brian Murray!
Plus FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and beyond!

Edited by Roy Thomas.

Shudder #9

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!





Brian K. Vaughan & Tony Harris: Ex Machina 1 – The First Hundred Days (K)


Set in our modern-day real world, Ex Machina tells the story of civil engineer Mitchell Hundred, who becomes America’s first living, breathing superhero after a strange accident gives him amazing powers.

Eventually tiring of risking his life merely to help maintain the status quo, Mitchell retires from masked crime-fighting and runs for Mayor of New York City, winning by a landslide!

But Mayor Hundred has to worry about more than just budget problems and an antagonistic governor, especially when a mysterious hooded figure begins assassinating plow drivers during the worst snowstorm in the city’s history!

Zeb Wells & Angel Medina: Venom – Dark Origin (K)


On the unlikely day when an embittered, washed-up journalist met a spurned symbiotic organism from an alien planet, one of Spider-Man’s greatest enemies was born… a force of evil and vengeance like no other in the Marvel Universe – VENOM!

But is it as simple as that?
Discover the true, twisted roots that gave rise to a lifetime of malevolence for Eddie Brock and the symbiote!

Writer Zeb Wells (Amazing Spider-Man) and artist Angel Medina (Sensational Spider-Man) shed a little light on one of Marvel’s darkest monsters!

Collects Venom: Dark Origin #1-5.

Brian K. Vaughan & Tony Harris: Ex Machina 2 – Tag (K)


Retired super-hero and current New York City Mayor Mitchell Hundred makes the most controversial decision of his political career.

As the mayor’s administration deals with the fallout, a supernatural terror stalks the subways beneath Manhattan.
What connection does this mysterious new threat have to Hundred’s past as the heroic Great Machine?

This second volume of the critically acclaimed series collects the GLAAD Award-nominated TAG story arc from issues 6-10.

Written by Wizard top ten creator Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man) with art by Eisner Award-winning artist Tony Harris (Starman), this book also features an introduction by the Wachowski Brothers.

Franquin & Batem & Yann: Marsupilami 7 – Boavistan kulta (K)

Palombian sademetsässä kuohuu taas.
Kaupungista ryöstetyt katulapset päätyvät keskelle viidakkoa, missä he joutuvat raatamaan kullankaivajien vankeina.
Kaksi heistä yrittää pakoon mutta heillä on tuskin toivoa selvitä hengissä vihreässä helvetissä… ellei sitten vanhan ystävämme Marsupilamin avulla!



Brian K. Vaughan & Tony Harris: Ex Machina 3 – Fact v. Fiction (K)


Mayor Mitchell Hundred makes a difficult decision about his own future, becoming part of a shocking trial complicated by the unexpected arrival of an all-new superhero.

At the trial’s end, the Mayor leaves New York City for the first time since his election to embark on a strange adventure!

This third volume of the critically acclaimed series reprints issues #11-16.

Jason: Säg mig en sak (K)


“Säg mig en sak” får vi återigen följa fågelmannen från Jasons uppskattade bok “Schhh!“.

Den här gången blir mannen indragen i en komplex historia om kärlek med förhinder och yrkesmördare.
Berättelsens två parallellhandlingar utspelar sig dels under 20-talet och dels i nutid.

“Säg mig en sak” är norrmannen Jasons mest avancerat berättade seriebok hittills, och det är fullt förståeligt att han i en allt högre grad röner uppskattning långt utanför sitt hemlands gränser.

Brian K. Vaughan: Ex Machina 4 – March to War (K)


Set in the modern-day real world, “Ex Machina” tells the story of civil engineer Mitchell Hundred, who becomes America’s first living, breathing superhero after a strange accident gives him amazing powers.

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan

Artists: Tony Harris, Chris Sprouse, Tom Feister, Karl Story.

Pictopia 2 (K)

Sisäkannessa edellisen omistajan nimi.
Stories and art by Jim Woodring, Dave Cooper, Kim Deitch, Jacques Tardi, and more.




Brian K. Vaughan & Tony Harris: Ex Machina 5 – Smoke Smoke (K)


Set in the modern-day real world, “Ex Machina” tells the story of civil engineer Mitchell Hundred, who becomes America’s first living, breathing superhero after a strange accident gives him amazing powers.



Jason: Den hemlighetsfulla mumien (K)


“Den hemlighetsfulla mumien” är på 128 sidor och samlar de bästa humorserierna Jason har tecknat under de senaste åren.

De flesta serierna saknar ord, men en avdelning med helt färska tvåsidorsavsnitt har dialog.
Bland figurerna återfinns diverse djur, Elvis, Darth Vader (bland annat ingår klassikern där han misslyckas med att hyra videofilm), Tom Waits och de härliga skelett och mumier som vi känner sedan tidigare.

Jason heter egentligen John Arne Sæterøy och är född 1965 i Molde, Norge.
Han är en av de mest internationellt uppmärksammade Skandinaviska serieskaparna någonsin, med böcker översatta till nio språk i 15 länder.

Genom åren har han mottagit flertalet utmärkelser, som det svenska Urhunden-priset för bästa översatta album och det prestigefyllda amerikanska Harvey-priset.

Brian K. Vaughan: Ex Machina 6 – Power Down (K)


Mitchell Hundred, mayor of New York City, faces his most difficult challenge to date–handling the massive 2003 blackout.

But what secret connection does Mitchell have to this devastating event?


Nalle Virolainen: Anarkomania (K)


Suomen tunnetuimpiin anarkisteihin lukeutuva taiteilija Nalle Virolainen iskee täysillä rikkoen rajoja niin kaavoihinsa kangistuneen yhteiskunnallisen ajattelun kuin sarjakuvailmaisunkin saralla.

Underground-legendan laajan sarjakuvatuotannon maine on jo pitkään ollut pieniä painosmääriään suurempi.
Omakustanteissa ja lukuisissa pienlehdissä ilmestyneet sarjakuvat ovat skaalaltaan vaihdelleet huumoristripeistä kauhun ja väkivallan kautta pornoon.

Tähän kokoelmaan on koottu Nallen sarjakuvan yhteiskuntakriittistä kärkeä vahvalla punk-särmällä kolmelta vuosikymmeneltä.

Kokoelma herättää takuuvarmasti niin ajatuksia, keskustelua kuin naurunpyrähdyksiäkin.


Brian K. Vaughan: Ex Machina 7 – Ex Cathedra (K)


Mayor Mitchell Hundred is summoned to Rome for an audience with the Pope.

But as Hundred makes his travel plans, he is unaware of the assassin who has him in his sights.


Cullen Bunn & Baldemar Rivas: Unearth 1 (K)


When a flesh-warping disease ravages a remote village in Mexico, a scientific task force travels to the inhospitable area to investigate the contamination.

As victims of the illness are transformed in horrible ways, the task force traces the source of the disease to a nearby cave system.
Venturing into the dangerous tunnels, the team discovers a bizarre, hostile ecosystem and a supernatural revelation from which they may never escape.

Nothing can prepare you for the ghastly twists and turns of this completely different horror story.

This new subterranean nightmare is brought to you by writers CULLEN BUNN (REGRESSION) and KYLE STRAHM (SPREAD) and rising star artist BALDEMAR RIVAS!

Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 1 – Room & Boredom (K)


“House of Mystery” features five characters trapped in a supernatural bar.

Each has a terrible past they’d like to forget, and with no newspapers or TV allowed in the House, they face an eternity of boredom.

But stories become the new currency, and the fouse attracts only the finest storytellers.

Writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham

Artists: Luca Rossi, Ross Campbell, Jill Thompson, Zachary Baldus, Steve Rolston, Sean Murphy.

Frank Miller & John Romita Jr.: Superman – Year One (K)


From legendary writer Frank Miller comes a groundbreaking, definitive treatment of Superman’s classic origin story, with art by John Romita Jr.

From the collapsing spires of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, from the submerged splendors of Atlantis to the chaotic energy of the Daily Planet, the story of Clark Kent, last son of the House of El, is the stuff of legend.

Now, two of comics’ greatest creators join forces to bring a bold new vision of the Man of Steel’s origin to life.

With Superman: Year One, writer Frank Miller (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Ronin, Sin City), and artist, John Romita Jr. (Iron Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, Kick-Ass) bring their renowned storytelling talents to bear as they reimagine the formative trials that young Clark must undergo to claim his place in our world.

As he learns to balance the grave responsibilities of his powers against their limitless possibilities, Clark must also build his humanity just like everybody else-one relationship at a time.

Greater than a super-powered adventure, more powerful than a coming-of-age tale, Superman: Year One is a visceral exploration of the fundamental importance of choice in this American icon’s journey into heroism.

Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 2 – Love Stories for Dead People (K)


Matthew Sturges, writer of the Eisner-nominated JACK OF FABLES, and his JACK co-writer Bill Willingham, the creator of FABLES, proudly unlock the doors to the HOUSE OF MYSTERY, a new graphic novel series that reinvents the classic DC Comics concept.

It focuses on five characters trapped in a supernatural bar, trying to solve the mystery of how and why they’re imprisoned there.

Each one has a terrible past they’d like to forget, and with no books, newspapers or TV allowed in the House, they face an eternity of boredom.
But stories become the new currency, and fortunately, the House attracts only the finest storytellers.

Writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, Bethany & Peter Keele
Artists: Luca Rossi, Tony Akins, Andrew Pepoy, David Petersen, Henry Flint, Bernie Wrightson, Kyle Baker.

Warren Ellis & Tula Lotay: Supreme – Blue Rose (K)


“You are not dreaming.
We are trying to communicate with you.
Local reality has been reinstalled.
Things have gone wrong. The revision has corrupted.
Finding Ethan Crane is your supreme priority.
Do not trust Darius Dax. We are all going to die.”

Supreme: Blue Rose re-introduces the central Image Comics character Supreme, in a multi-layered and often hallucinatory mystery presented by New York Times bestselling writer Warren Ellis and acclaimed new artist Tula Lotay in her astonishing graphic novel debut.

Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 3 – The Space Between (K)


Matthew Sturges, writer of the Eisner-nominated JACK OF FABLES, and his JACK co-writer Bill Willingham, the creator of FABLES, continue unlocking the doors to the HOUSE OF MYSTERY, the graphic novel series that reinvents the classic DC Comics concept.

This newest volume features Sex, suspicions and treachery as the characters trapped in a supernatural bar inch finally discover how and why they’re imprisoned there.

Featuring back-up stories illustrated by today’s top talent including Jim Fern (CROSSING MIDNIGHT), Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets, SLOTH) David Hahn (BITE CLUB, FABLES), Eric Powell (The Goon) and many more!

Writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, Chris Robertson

Artists: Luca Rossi, José Marzan Jr., Jim Fern, Grazia Lobaccaro, Stefano Landini, Ralph Reese, Sergio Aragones, Eric Powell, Neal Adams, Josh Adams, Gilbert Hernandez, David Hahn.

Becky Cloonan & Karl Kerschl: Gotham Academy 1 – Welcome to Gotham Academy (K)


Welcome to Gotham Academy, the most prestigious school in Gotham City.

Only the best and brightest students may enter its halls, study in its classrooms, explore its secret passages, summon its terrifying spirits…

Okay, so Gotham Academy isn’t like other schools.
But Olive Silverlock isn’t like other students. After a mysterious incident over summer break, she’s back at school with a bad case of amnesia, an even worse attitude and an unexplained fear of bats.

Olive’s supposed to show new student Maps Mizoguchi the ropes.
Problem: Maps is kid sister of Kyle, Olive’s ex.

Then there’s the ghost haunting the campus, the secret society conducting bizarre rituals and Bruce Wayne, the weirdo billionaire who funds the Academy – and may know the secret to Olive’s big mystery.

Find out in GOTHAM ACADEMY VOL. 1, the acclaimed new series from co-writers Becky Cloonan (DEMO) and Brendan Fletcher (BATGIRL) and artist Karl Kerschl (TEEN TITANS: YEAR ONE)! Collects GOTHAM ACADEMY #1-6.”

Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 4 – The Beauty of Decay (K)


A new storyline, “The Beauty of Decay,” begins with this volume!

The House of Mystery has been temporarily relocated to the Space Between, where death rules and the body count continues to rise.

Meanwhile, Fig, Peter and Jordan venture out into the city of ghosts to visit the long-abandoned Pathfinder’s Academy where the most desperate specters wail and gnash.

But the Pathfinder’s Academy holds more than ghosts – it also contains ancient dark secrets that will change Fig’s life forever.

Will Fig and Peter find a way out? And to make matters even worse, the House of Mystery’s previous owner has returned to reclaim what’s his.

Special guest artists include Al Davison (THE DREAMING, The Spiral Cage), Werther Dell’Edera (LOVELESS), Antonio Fuso (Fear Agent, GI Joe), and a special tale of Fig Keele: “Teen Detective” by SWEET TOOTH creator and Xeric, Alex and Shuster Award-winner Jeff Lemire (THE NOBODY, The Essex County Trilogy).

Writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham

Artists: Luca Rossi, Werther Dell’edera, José Marzan Jr., Andrew Pepoy, Joe Rubinstein, Richard Corben, Al Davison, Jeff Lemire, Antonio Fuso, Michael Wm. Kaluta.

Bill Willingham: Fables – Werewolves of the Heartland (K)


Bigby Wolf embarks on a quest through the American Heartland to find a new location for Fabletown, a secret society of exiled fairy tale characters living among the “mundys.”

In his wanderings, Bigby stumbles across Story City, a small town that seems to be occupied solely by werewolves. Oddly enough, they seem to already know and revere Bigby, but at the same time they’ve captured and caged him.

FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND tells an epic tale that began well before Bigby Wolf set foot in the bucolic plains of the Midwest.

It began long ago when he served in World War II and became mired in a Nazi experiment that would change nations.
It’s soon evident that murder in Story City is the least of their sins, and unraveling the town’s many mysteries may cost Bigby, the seventh son of the North Wind, much more than his own life.

This new hardcover is a must-have for any longtime FABLES fan, as well as a great entry point for new readers.

Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 5 – Under New Management (K)


A new era for the House of Mystery begins as Fig reopens the bar to the public, with Cain himself as her new partner.

Trouble arises, though, when a young man arrives claiming to have a very special relationship with Fig.
The problem: Fig has no idea who he is. And she doesn’t much like him, either.

Writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, David Justus, Paul Levitz, Alisa Kwitney

Artists: Luca Rossi, José Marzan Jr., Sergio Aragones, Farel Dalrymple, Sam Kieth, John Bolton.

Pauli Kallio & Ville Pirinen: Ornette, Elvis ja juhlamokkakengät (K)

Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi pienellä.

Ornette Birks Makkosen toiset seikkailut.

Ornette seikkailee taas niinkuin ei olisi koskaan mitään muuta tehnytkään.


Matthew Sturges: House of Mystery 6 – Safe As Houses (K)


HOUSE OF MYSTERY focuses on characters trapped in a supernatural bar, trying to solve the mystery of how and why they’re imprisoned there.

Each one has a terrible past they’d like to forget, and with no books, newspapers or TV allowed in the House, they face an eternity of boredom.
But stories become the new currency, and fortunately, the House attracts only the finest storytellers.

In this sixth volume, witches and goblins abound as Fig and The Witch Queen run from the Thinking Man’s robot army which is fighting for control of the Summerlands.

Pauli Kallio & Ville Pirinen: Ornette Birks Makkonen autiolla saarella (K)


Taskukokoinen mutta taattu Ornette-tarina.

Suuren Kurpitsan taskulörkkö 4.


Petri Hiltunen: Väinämöinen 2 – Tervetuloa muukalainen (K)


Toinen albumi Väinämöinen-strippejä.

Albumi sisältää Suomen Kuvalehdessä julkaistuja sarjoja sekä sanomalehdissä ilmestyneitä strippejä.

Väinämöinen on saanut Vuoden sarjakuvateko -palkinnon sekä Strippi-Lempin.

Jacques Martin: Alix 11 – Niilin prinssi (K)

Yläreunassa taittuma. Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.

Kun Aleksanteri Suuri valloitti Egyptin, hän kaatoi faraon ja uskoi vallan kenraali Ptolemaiokselle.

Mutta jotkut prinssit pakenivat Niiliä ylös kannattajiensa kanssa. He perustivat etelään kilpailevan kuningaskunnan, jota hallitsi suuri Rames Menkara.

Roomassa olevat Isiksen papit tunnistavat Enakin Menkaran jälkeläiseksi. Nuorukaiset matkustavat välittömästi Nubiaan, jossa heidät otetaan juhlallisesti vastaan.

Virtaako Alixin toverin suonissa todella kuninkaallinen veri?

Daniel Warren Johnson: Wonder Woman – Dead Earth (K)


It’s Wonder Woman as you’ve never seen her before-fighting monsters in a postapocalyptic Earth, as brought to life in a daring sci-fi epic by visionary writer and artist Daniel Warren Johnson!

Princess Diana of Themyscira left paradise to save Man’s World from itself.
When Wonder Woman awakens from a centuries-long sleep to discover the Earth reduced to a nuclear wasteland, she knows she failed.

Trapped alone in a grim future, Diana must protect the last human city from titanic monsters while uncovering the secret of this dead Earth – and how she may be responsible for it.

Collects Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1-4.

Jacques Martin: Alix 13 – Karthagon aave (K)

Ekalla sivulla edellisen omistajan nimi.
Takakannen alaosassa pieni taitos.

“Delenda Carthago”, sanoi suuri Cato.

Roomalaiset hävittivät puunilaiskaupungin armotta maan tasalle ja myivät henkiinjääneet asukkaat orjiksi. Sata vuotta myöhemmin raunioiden viereen on noussut roomalainen siirtokunta.

Alix on palannut Karthagoon kunniavieraana ja joutuu heti todistamaan outoja tapahtumia. Raunioiden keskellä liikkuu öisin salaperäinen valo, joka käy roomalaisten valloittajien kimppuun.

Onko kyseessä vanhan Karthagon aave?

Tämä tarina on sekoitus yliluonnollisia tapahtumia, antiikin tiedettä ja historiallisia takaumia.
Ennen kaikkia kyseessä on Jacques Martinin kunnianosoitus Gustave Flaubertin Salambolle.

Kirjalle, jonka innoittamana hän loi Alixin yli 60 vuotta sitten.
Flaubertin tavoin myös Martin vieraili aidoilla tapahtumapaikoilla albumia tehdessään.

