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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet 11/2024


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Ulkomaiset uutuudet
Lehdet ja kirjat
Käytetyt sarjakuvat


Diaz Canales & Guardino: Blacksad 7 – Kun kaikki sortuu 2. osa

Blacksadin viimeisin seikkailu päättyy ryminällä!

Kissaetsivän ystävä, lehtimies Weekly on pidätetty epäiltynä murhasta.
Kykeneekö Blacksad todistamaan, että Weekly on lavastettu?

Samaan aikaan julma Shelby jatkaa ruumiiden tehtailuja, eikä mikään tunnu estävän häikäilemättömän grynderi Solomonin puuhia.

Kaiken huipuksi Blacksadin vanha mielitietty Alma on palannut kaupunkiin.

Mestarillisesti kuvitettu ja kirjoitettu albumi edustaa eurooppalaista sarjakuvataidetta parhaimmillaan.

Jenni Varila: Hullu koiramuija

Mitä kaikkea koiran omistamiseen liittyy?

Hullu Koiramuija tarjoaa aiheeseen vilauksen yhden koirahullun naisen silmin.
Lennokas ja humoristinen teos kulkee syvällä pentukuplassa ja yhdistelee koiran kanssa elämiseen liittyviä faktoja ja myyttejä.

Koiramuija ei etsi täydellisyyttä, vaan omaa tapaansa nauttia ja selvitä koira-arjesta. Yllätykset eivät ole vain ulkoilun haasteissa, siivousrumbassa tai tuhotuissa tavaroissa – suurin yllätys on se syvä kiintymys koiraan, jonka pieni pentu tuo omistajiensa elämään. Hieno kotimainen sarjakuvaromaani koiran omistamisen iloista ja suruista.

Gijé & Carbone: Soittorasia 4 – Kummallinen katoaminen

Nola-tytön seikkailut maagisessa Pandorientin maailmassa jatkuvat.

Nola löytää vintiltä äidin avaimen, jonka kuva on äidiltä jääneessä päiväkirjassa. Avaako avain kenties jotakin Soittorasian maailmassa?

Siellä Nola, Igor ja Andrea tutustuvat Pajuun, jonka opettaja on kadonnut salaperäisesti, joten kolmikko päättää auttaa uutta ystäväänsä.

Lisäksi Lamusteka on joutunut hankaluuksiin.

Upeasti kuvitettu fantasiasarja kaiken ikäisille lukijoille!

Pia Westerholm: Poikani Vimma

Pia Westerholmin henkilökohtainen ja koettu esikoissarjakuva kertoo, mitä transnuoret joutuvat käymään läpi saadakseen apua.

Perheen teinin voimat loppuvat kesken ja myös vanhempien elämä järkkyy. Tulee päiviä, jolloin nuoren itsetuhoisuus on vaarassa johtaa pahimpaan mahdolliseen loppuun. Alkaa pitkä ja mutkainen tie nuoren auttamiseksi.

Muutoshoitoa tarvitsevan täytyy todistaa uuvuttavissa kuulusteluissa, että hän todella on transsukupuolinen. Luottamus yhteiskunnan apuun horjuu, sillä päätöstä avun saamiseksi voi joutua odottamaan vuosia.

Piia Westerholm on tehnyt pitkän uran graafikkona ja kuvittajana.
Hänen ansioluetteloonsa kuuluvat Kirsi Kunnaksen Tiitiäisen kissa- ja koiraystävät -kirjan kuvitukset, oma lastenkirja Lemmikkiloma Las Palmasissa sekä nivaska Apilatien aapisia ja muita oppimateriaaleja.

Carl Barks: Carl Barksin sankarit – Pelle Peloton

Pelle Peloton on yksi Ankkalinnan kiehtovimmista hahmoista.

Tähän näyttävään opukseen on koottu Carl Barksin klassisia Pelle-tarinoita, joissa urhoollinen keksijä pääsee osoittamaan nokkeluutensa – vaikka aina keksinnöt eivät täysin vastaakaan sitä, mitä niiden toivottiin tekevän.

Mukana kuvioissa on toki Pellen uskollinen Pikku Apulainen!

Kirja sisältää mm. tarinat ”Ajatuslaatikot”, ”Teräsmadot” ja ”Keksijäin mittelö”.

Carl Barks: Carl Barksin Aku Ankka 7

Barksin mestarillisia Ankka-sarjakuvia julkaiseva albumisarja jatkuu.

Tästä osasta löytyvät tarinat ”Rämeikön arvoitus”, ”Rottasota” ja ”Akun höyrylaiva”.
Kaikki klassiset sarjat julkaistaan uusilla, korjatuilla väreillä ehostettuina.

Kuplat on ladottu Barksin käsialaan perustuvalla fontilla.


Blutch: Lucky Luke uudet seikkailut 18 – Kurittomat

Blutch eli Christian Hincker nousi 1990-luvulla ranskalaisen sarjakuvan kirkkaimpaan kärkeen.

Nyt tämä useasti palkittu sarjakuvantekijä pääsee esittelemään oman tulkintansa legendaarisesta Lucky Lukesta.
Nykysarjakuvan jättiläinen on jo näyttänyt kyntensä historiallisten aiheiden käsittelijänä, joten herran näkemystä Villistä lännestä odotetaan vesi kielellä ympäri maailmaa.

Ranskassa tämä albumi on ehdottomasti sarjakuvavuoden suurimpia tapauksia.

Luvassa on villiä viivankäyttöä ja kurittomia kakaroita, kun Blutch ottaa haltuunsa Morrisin luoman maailman.

Matti Hagelberg: Ruris Futurum

“Tulevaisuudessa kaikki maaseudun navetat on photoshopattu.
Emännät ja isännät ovat huippumalleja, kampaus on moitteeton, työasu suoraan Pariisista.
Traktoreissa on suihkumoottorit. Piharakennukset on täytetty supertietokoneilla. Häkkikanoilla on terapeutit.”

Uudessa kirjassaan Matti Hagelberg ennustaa maaseudun tulevaisuutta ja muistelee sen menneisyyttä.

Avaruuden harmaat nappaavat lehmät pelloilta ja Johnny Weissmuller kiertää maaseudulla tervehtimässä Tarzan-kerhon jäseniä.

Tapaamista jännittävä nuori Matti Hagelberg piiloutuu ruokakomeroon valkokankaan apinamieheltä ja ikimuistoinen kohtaaminen jää näin tapahtumatta.

Ufohavainnon Hagelberg kuitenkin vuosia myöhemmin tekee kävellessään ahon laitaa.

Ruris Futurum (B.E.M. 27) on raapekartongille huolella veistetty tiivistunnelmainen novellikokoelma klassista Matti Hagelbergia.

Jiipu Uusitalo: Pimeän rihmasto

Pimeän rihmasto on syvyyspsykologinen kauhusarjakuva Freudin, Jungin ja Eugen Drewermannin hengessä.

Perinteinen kummitustarina laajenee kuvaamaan murtuvaa mieltä, piilotajuisen vaikutusta meissä ja psykologista vallan väärinkäyttöä.

Uskallatko kaivautua pitkin pimeän rihmastoa ihmismielen kauhujen ytimeen?

Pimeän rihmasto on Jiipu Uusitalon viides pitkä albumi.

Saija Ketola: Pari suhdetta

Saija “Saiccu” Ketolan omaelämäkerrallinen esikoisteos johdattaa lukijan nostalgiselle aikamatkalle vuosituhannen vaihteen Satakuntaan.

Ihastumisen huuma, perhosten lepatus vatsassa ja hirmuinen pettymys, jos ihastuksen kohdetta ei näe koulussa.
Teini-ikäisen Saikun hormonit hyrräävät ja kuvioihin alkaa tupsahdella toinen toistaan söpömpiä poikia.

Aikuisuuden portit raottuvat ja elämä tarjoaa ihanan jännittäviä hetkiä, mutta niiden mukana seuraavat myös uudenlaiset huolet ja murheet. Ensirakkaus antaa paljon, mutta kyllä se totisesti ottaakin.

Paljonko iskuja herkän tytön sydän kestää?

Sarjakuvan nettiversio palkittiin vuonna 2022 Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalin Zine Festissä vuoden taivaallisimpana verkkosarjakuvana.

Wallu Vaalio: Hessu-kissan kissanpäivät

Hessu-kissa on seikkaillut Lastenmaa-lehdessä jo joulusta 1985 alkaen.

Voidaan siis puhua pienimuotoisesta lastensarjakuvaklassikosta!

Puupää-hatullakin palkittu taiteilija ja luokanopettaja Harri Wallu Vaalio aloitti sarjan piirtämisen, kun hänen silloiset tokaluokkalaisensa ilmestyivät eräänä kesäloma-aamuna hänen ovelleen ja toivat hänelle lahjaksi kissanpennun, jonka olivat jo nimenneet Hessuksi. Hessu on siis ihan oikea kissa.

Hiiri Pikkulakin asuu taiteilijan talossa, sillä usein iltaisin vintiltä tai jostain seinän raosta kuuluu rapinaa. Mutta Pikkulaa Wallu ei ole onnistunut koskaan näkemään, ja siksi hiiri ei olekaan piirroksissa ihan oikean hiiren näköinen.

Tämän Hessu-kirjan sarjakuvia ei ole aiemmin julkaistu kirjana.

Mutta nyt MIAU! eli iloisia lukuhetkiä!

Katie Cook & Elli Puukangas: Star Stable – Sielunratsastajat: Pimeyden laulu

Maaginen sarjakuvaseikkailu hevosten saarella!

Sielunratsastajat seikkailevat nyt suomalaistaiteilija Elli Puukankaan kuvittamassa sarjakuvakirjassa ja yrittävät kumota metsää kuihduttavan kirouksen.

Jorvikissa kasvaa muinaisia elämää varjelevia puita, joiden juuret ulottuvat saaren jokaiseen kolkkaan, mutta jokin on vialla.
Puista huokuu pimeyden laulu, ja Lisan, Annen, Alexin ja Lindan on selvitettävä, mistä oikein on kyse.

Koko elämän kiertokulku on uhattuna, mutta ehkäpä pieni lintu voi johdattaa Sielunratsastajat oikealle polulle ennen kuin on myöhäistä?

”Pimeyden laulu” -sarjakuvakirja sijoittuu aikaan kirjatrilogioiden jälkeen.
Mitä ystävyksille kuuluu ja mitä heillä on seuraavaksi edessään? Luvassa on ainakin jännitystä, vauhtia, mystiikkaa ja tietenkin paljon hevosia!

Star Stable on maailman nopeimmin kasvava hevosnettipeli, jossa ratsastetaan maagisiin seikkailuihin yhdessä ystävien kanssa:

Edgar Rice Burroughs & Russ Manning: Tarzan – Paluu Opariin

Yksi suosituimmista Tarzan-kirjoista on Tarzan ja Oparin aarre.

Nyt julkaistavassa kirjassa seikkailu saa jatkoa, kun Tarzan ryöstetään Opariin. Tarzanin poika Korak lähtee etsimään isäänsä tarunhohteisesta, eristäytyneestä kaupungista, joka on täynnä rikkauksia.

Russ Manningia pidetään Tarzan-sarjakuvien taitavimpana piirtäjänä. Hän piirsi sarjaa 1967-1979 sekä sanoma- että sarjakuvalehtiin. Tämä albumi koostuu arkipäiväsarjoista vuosilta 1967-1969.

Tämän kirjan seikkailua ei ole julkaistu täydellisenä koskaan suomeksi.

Toimittanut Petri Aarnio.

Johanna Witick: Oravalaakson tarinat 2 – Maailman suurin käpy

Jättikäpy rikkoo Oravalaakson rauhan.

Ossi-oravan ja Titityy-linnun pähkähauska sarjakuvaseikkailu jatkuu.

Ossin ja Titityyn leppoisa elämä sateenkaarten koristamassa Oravalaaksossa saa yllättävän käänteen, kun heidän tielleen tipahtaa yllätys: maailman suurin käpy!

Toiset oravat muuttuvat kateudesta vihreiksi. Hekin haluavat palan jättimäisestä ihmeellisestä kävystä.

Siitä alkaa hillitön takaa-ajo, josta ei mutkia ja kaahausta puutu. Käpyä on suojeltava!

Humoristinen ja hihityttävä uusi sarja riemastuttaa ja houkuttelee lukemaan!

Vesa Vitikainen & MIkael Mäkinen: Sotakamreeri Reino Lehväslaiho

Sotakamreeri Reino Lehväslaiho (1922-2019) oli suomalaisen sotakirjallisuuden legenda.

Mutta sitä ennen hän oli talvisodan vapaaehtoinen sissi, panssarimies jatkosodassa ja todellinen sotasankari.
Lehväslaiho haavoittui kolme kertaa rintamalla ollessaan. Kerran talvisodassa ja kahdesti jatkosodassa.

Silti hän palasi riviin, lyöden vasten ylivoimaisen vihollisen rintamaa.
Palvellessaan panssarikenraali Ruben Laguksen joukoissa hän oli mukana kaikkein kovimmissa paikoissa, joissa vain panssareita ja panssarivaunumiehiä tarvittiin. Aina Lapin sotaan saakka.

Vaikka tiedettiin että panssarijoukoissa tappiot olivat suuret, oli näihin joukkoihin eniten pyrkijöitä. Vaikka miehet ja vaunut vaihtuivat, sota jatkui.

Tämä on totinen tarina sodasta, yksinäisyydestä ja uhrauksista, mutta myös toveruudesta ja selviytymisestä.



Taiga Sassa: Bird ihmemaassa 3

Osa 3/10+

Isabella Birdin ja Itô Tsurukichin matka halki Japanin jatkuu!

Tässä osassa tutustutaan niin sodan jälkiin kuin japanilaiseen keittiöönkin.
Matkustustapa vaihtuu hevosista jokilaivaan, jossa on mukavuudesta huolimatta omat haasteensa…

Samaan aikaan eräs henkilö saapuu Iso-Britannian lähetystöön etsimään Itôta, eikä ole tyytyväinen kuullessaan, missä tämä paraikaa on.

Bird ihmemaassa pohjautuu matkakertomukseen Unbeaten Tracks in Japan.

Ikäsuositus: 10+ / Historia/draama

Natsumi Ando: Horoskooppimysteerit 4

Osa 4/4

Lili ja Hiromi tekevät vierailun ”Kohtalon kartano Zeukseen” katsastaakseen uuden kilpailijan.

Mutta siellä heitä odottavat lukuisat yllätykset, jotka kietoutuvat yhteen Lilin kohtalon kanssa…

Horoskooppimysteerit saavuttaa tässä osassa päätöksensä!

Ikäsuositus 10+

Hiromu Arakawa: Hero Tales 2

Osa 1/5

Taitoo taistelutovereineen matkaa syvemmälle keisarikuntaan miekkavaras Shimein perässä.

Pian sankareillemme paljastuu, että kyse ei ole tavallisesta varkaasta, vaan mahtavan sotaherran juonesta, joka uhkaa keisarikunnan hyvinvointia.

Ikäsuositus: 12+ / Seikkailu/fantasia

Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 18

Osa 18/19+

Hirviöistä mahtavimmat selvittelevät välejään Walpurgis-kokouksessa.

Kauhun tasapaino uhkaa horjua ja Clayman yrittää kaikin keinoin poistaa pelistä valtaansa jatkuvasti kasvattavan Rimurun.
Lima liittolaisineen osoittautuu kuitenkin sitkeäksi ja viekkaaksi vastustajaksi jopa demoniruhtinaista voimakkaimmalle…

Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä on Japanissa suositun isekai- eli ”toiset maailmat” -genren menestyneimpiä edustajia.

Ikäsuositus: 12+ / Fantasia

Ryosuke Takeuchi & Hikaru Miyoshi: Patriootti Moriarty 14

Osa 14/15+

Kuningatar Viktoria pyytää Sherlock Holmesia pidättämään rikoslordin.

William Moriarty haluaa sinetöidä yhteiskuntaa mullistavan suunnitelmansa kuolemallaan, mutta ovatko hänen toverinsa valmiita sallimaan tämän uhrin?

Ikäsuositus 15+ / Jännitys

Keiko Nobumoto & Toshitsugu Iida: Wolf’s Rain 1

Osa 1/2

Maa kuihtuu ja järjestynyt yhteiskuntarakenne on hajonnut.

Jäljelle jääneet ihmiskunnan rippeet sinnittelevät usein kyseenalaista turvaa tarjoavissa kaupungeissa, joiden pimeillä kujilla kuiskitaan salaperäisestä paratiisista, jonka vain sudet saattavat löytää.

Mutta sudet ovat oppineet pysymään piilossa ihmisiltä muuttumalla ulkoisesti ihmisiksi.

Ikäsuositus: 12+

Hirohiko Araki: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure 6 – Stone Ocean 2

Jotaro arrives to break Jolyne out of jail, but they fall right into the enemy’s trap, leaving father and daughter to fight for their lives inside a dream while their real bodies are being dissolved.

Then, their unknown enemy steals Jotaro’s Stand and memories, effectively putting him in a state that might as well be death.
But there’s hope!

Ermes discovers that someone is storing memories and Stands in discs, and she and Jolyne volunteer for a search-and-rescue mission to find her father’s discs!

Keiko Nobumoto & Toshitsugu Iida: Wolf’s Rain 2

Osa 2/2

Maa kuihtuu ja järjestynyt yhteiskuntarakenne on hajonnut.

Jäljelle jääneet ihmiskunnan rippeet sinnittelevät usein kyseenalaista turvaa tarjoavissa kaupungeissa, joiden pimeillä kujilla kuiskitaan salaperäisestä paratiisista, jonka vain sudet saattavat löytää.

Mutta sudet ovat oppineet pysymään piilossa ihmisiltä muuttumalla ulkoisesti ihmisiksi.

Ikäsuositus: 12+

Jun Mochizuki: Vanitaksen kirja 2

Osa 2/10+

Noé saa kutsun Toismaailmassa järjestettäviin naamiaisiin, ja luonnollisesti Vanitas tulee mukaan kuokkavieraana.

Kuten arvata saattaa, juhlat eivät suju täysin rauhallisissa merkeissä… Kohtaaminen salaperäisen Charlatanin kanssa saa Noén palaamaan hetkeksi lapsuuteensa.

Siellä hän joutui oppimaan, että pelkkä tahto auttaa ei aina riitä.

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Fantasia/ Steampunk



Joannis Clementides: Tulijumala (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Joannis Clementidesin kirjan nimisarjakuvanovellissa Tulijumala päähenkilö Jonny ja hänen samanniminen possunsa Jonny törmäävät vihollisiin ja avaruuden jumaliin.

Lisäksi kirjassa painiskellaan peliaddiktion kanssa sekä harrastetaan kungfua buddhalaisluostarissa.
Sarjakuvat ovat osin mielikuvitusta, mutta Clementides ottaa vaikutteita teoksiinsa myös historiasta, uskonnoista ja mytologioista.

Clementidesille taiteen tekeminen ei ole yhdentekevää: ”Taide merkitsee minulle paljon, se antaa elämälle tarkoituksen.”

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Kirjat on tehty tuetuissa taidestudioissa eri puolilla Suomea: Helsingissä Aula-työkodin Studio Aulassa ja Autismisäätiön Vallilan taidestudiolla, Pieksämäellä Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialueen Taidepesulassa sekä Porvoossa Ateljee Eivorissa.

Hei muuten -julkaisusarja punoo umpeen kuilua, joka jättää erityistä tukea tarvitsevat taiteilijat sarjakuvakentän ulkopuolelle. Sarjan taiteilijat tuovat kaikki taide- ja kirjallisuuskeskusteluun jotain, mitä aiemmin ei olla nähty.

Taiteilijoiden työskentelyä on mentoroinut Miissa Rantanen, ja koko sarjan on mahdollistanut Koneen Säätiön tuki.

Rosa Haikarainen: Tuuli (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Rosa Haikaraisen sarjakuvat ovat lyhyitä, runollisia ja rytmiltään rauhaisia.

Aiheita teoksiinsa Rosa poimii ympäriltään: hän piirtää ja maalaa pandemiasta, sodasta, Suomen historiasta ja auringosta.

Haikarainen kertoo kirjansa nimisarjakuvasta Tuuli: ”Rupesin miettimään Tuuli-tarinaa, kun oli surullinen olo. Ajattelin myrskyä ja tuulta. Tuli mieleen joku iso laiva, joku pitkä laiva.”

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Anna-Stina Helander: Kukkia ja keppareita (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Anna-Stina Helanderin sarjakuvateoksessa kukkien ja keppareiden seassa vuorottelevat koirat, perhoset ja ötökät. Kirjassa käydään myös sienessä ja kalassa.

Helander piirtää tusseilla ja puuväreillä.
Joskus värikkäät sarjakuvaruudut täyttyvä kokonaan elävällä, kuvituksenomaisella graafisella jäljellä kukista.

Toisinaan sommittelu on simppelimpi ja ruudun keskellä on vain keppihevonen. Helanderin kirjan eläinhahmot ovat useimmiten iloisia, mutta joskus myös myrtsejä tai väsyksissä.

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Olli Kanninen: Cowboy Laukkaavan Kuoleman rötökset ja Kaatopaikka lammen pohjassa (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Olli Kannisen sarjakuvateos jakaantuu kahteen tarinaan: Cowboy Laukkaavan kuoleman rötökset on western-sarjakuva täynnä räiskintää, varastelua, uhkapelaamista ja juopottelua Saluuna Kännikalassa.

Kaatopaikka lammen pohjassa taas on kantaaottava, tosielämään perustuva sarjakuva Kaatron kahdesta suonenjokelaisesta lammesta, joita ihmiset piittaamattomuuttaan tuhoavat.

Kanninen on runsas värien käyttäjä, ja hänen sarjakuvasivuissaan tapahtuu paljon; ne on sommiteltu täyteen. Kanninen kertoo, että taiteessa hänelle tärkeää on ”muiden sekä itseni arvostus artistina sekä omana itsenä”.

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Maija Möttö: Rakkausretki (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Maija Mötön Rakkausretki-teoksessa eläimet haisunäädistä kummituseläimiin ja bonobo-apinoihin kuvaavat ystävyyttä, kiintymystä ja läheisyyttä.

Joskus eläinhahmoille maistuu tupakka, ja joskus pökerrytään kärpässienistä. Kokonainen luku kirjassa on omistettu kuvaamaan rakkautta ruokaan.

Äiti opetti Maija Mötön piirtämään Aku Ankkoja, mutta Mötön sanojen mukaan ”sitten tuli mielikuvitus”.

Mötön sekatekniikassa tussiviiva, vahaliidut, akryylimusteet ja kuivapastellit vuorottelevat.

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Riina Noro: Riemuloma (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Riina Noron sarjakuvateos Riemuloma kertoo lomasta, joka ei ole normaali.

Sarjakuvassa matkaillaan niin huvipuistossa kuin kylpylässä ja ITE-taidepuistossakin, mutta tavanomaista turistia vaanii alituiseen kuolema, piraijat tai paholaisaurinko.

Esseetyyppisiin sarjakuviin sekoittuu Balkanin alueen kriisejä, isovihan aikaa, Estonian uppoamista ja suomalaista aluepolitiikkaa samalla kun androidi luukuttaa musaa, sukulaiset tappelevat kesähäissä ja Arvi Lind viettää kaksoiselämää.

Noro kuvaa omaa työskentelyään: ”Taiteen tekeminen merkitsee tutkimustyötä paperilla ja kiinnostuskohteiden esittämistä. Taiteen tekeminen opettaa minua salaa tästä maailmasta.”

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Elias Pylvänäinen: Pekan elämää (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Elias Pylvänäisen sarjakuvateoksen Pekan elämää sivuilta löytyy Pekka Puupää ja Duudsonit, mutta myös Justin Bieber ja Härski Hartikainen.

Pylvänäinen havainnoi sarjakuvassaan ympäröivää yhteiskuntaa kuvaamalla liikennettä ja infrastruktuuria: junia kiskoilla, mopoilijoita ruuhkassa, autoja, kellotauluja.
Joskus sarjakuvaruudun tapahtumiin sekoittuu hampurilaisketjun logo, joskus peukalo.

Elias Pylvänäinen piirsi aiemmin yksityiskohtaisia näkymiä arkipäiväisistä paikoista kuten uimahalleista ja rautatieasemista.

Nyttemmin Pylvänäisen kuvailmaisu on siirtynyt ekspressiivisempään suuntaan; hän hyödyntää piirustus- ja maalausvälineitä ennakkoluulottomasti.

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.

Kenneth Wallenius: Avaruusajatuksia (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kenneth Walleniuksen sarjakuvateos Avaruusajatuksia on kokoelma sanattomia avaruusaiheisia kohtauksia.

Wallenius on piirtänyt sarjakuvaksi ajatuksiaan avaruusobservatoriosta, astronauteista, timanttilöydöksistä, kuuajelusta ja avaruuskissasta.

Wallenius on saanut vaikutteita Tintistä, Myrskylinnuista, Pentujengi avaruudessa -elokuvasta ja Olipa kerran avaruus -animaatiosarjasta.
Wallenius on piirtänyt sarjakuvan mustalla tussilla ja puuväreillä.
Wallenius luo uskottavasti perspektiiviä ja kuvaa tarkasti avaruuslaitteita herkällä viivalla. Walleniuksen sarjakuvan henkilöhahmot hymyilevät aina.

Hei muuten on sarjakuvakirjojen sarja, joka kokoaa yhteen kahdeksan taiteilijan esikoissarjakuva-albumit.




Les visions de l’introspection nordique, des montres de poche occultes, de la dérive en banlieue, des forêts sauvages et de l’appréciation des papillons se réunissent dans un tissage gluant de bandes dessinées finlandaises d’avant-garde.

Tihku rassemble les travaux de douze artistes finlandais issus du groupe Kutikuti.
Cet ouvrage collectif est le premier volume d’une série. Association et collectif, Kutikuti regroupe une soixantaine d’autrices et d’auteurs de bande dessinée vivant en Finlande.

Artistes: Terhi Adler, Terhi Ekebom, Esko Heikkilä, Jyrki Heikkinen, Ivanda Jansone, Joonas Järvi, Tiina Lehikoinen, Hanneriina Moisseinen, Lauri Mäkimurto, Jyrki Nissinen, Kati Rapia et Katja Ronkanen

[/ˈtihku/, ˈt̪içku] – bruine. En météorologie, la bruine est une précipitation de très petites gouttelettes d’un diamètre de 0.1 mm environ. Si elle est parfaitement visible sur les verres de lunettes, elle est trop légère pour dessiner des ronds dans les flaques. La bruine résulte de la condensation des nuages..

Howard Chaykin: Time2 Omnibus

Graphically experimental, narratively daring and visually explosive, Howard Chaykin’s Time2 was a work ahead of its time.

Now, to commemorate the project’s 35th anniversary with the arrival of its long-awaited conclusion…it still is.

In addition to remastered versions of the long-out-of-print first two volumes, The Epiphany and The Satisfaction of Black Mariah, the Time2 Omnibus completes the trilogy with the new 48-page volume Hallowed Ground0, plus many never-before-seen extras from the project.

J. M. Dematteis & Todd Nauck: Magneto – Magneto Was Right

A blast from the past, set when Magneto was headmaster of Xavier’s School!

Magneto may once have been the X-Men’s fiercest foe – but when Professor X leaves the planet for life-saving treatment, the Master of Magnetism inherits a new title: teacher!

The New Mutants suddenly find themselves under his tutelage, but can these young X-Men-in-training learn to take orders from a reforming super villain who’s tried to kill them and their predecessors?!

There are two sides to every story, and J.M. DeMatteis and Todd Nauck weave a tale that will show how Magneto was right…from a certain point of view.
In fact, the mutant known as Irae has taken Magneto’s lessons to heart in a way that will upend even his best strategies!

Prepare to meet the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants!

Collecting MAGNETO (2023) #1-4.

Jim Zub & Rob de la Torre: Conan the Barbarian 1 – Bound in Black Stone

He is CONAN THE BARBARIAN – THE GREATEST WARRIOR OF ALL TIME and he’s back in this all-new fantasy graphic novel, heralding a new era of savage, sword-slashing, brooding action, in search of high adventure and blood-soaked battle!

90 years ago, Robert E. Howard forged a whole new genre – SWORD AND SORCERY when he unleashed his immortal creation CONAN on an unsuspecting world.

Often copied, but never bettered, this is the welcome return of the first and mightiest hero ever to stride and slash his way across the world.

Featuring an action-packed script written by Jim Zub that would make Robert E. Howard proud, and Buscema-inspired dynamic artwork by Roberto De La Torre!
Together these two titans of the comic world have breathed new life into one of the most recognizable characters in fiction and in doing so, have unleashed a fantastic new era!

On the eve of his first major battle, young Conan of Cimmeria pictures a life beyond the borders of his homeland and yearns for a life of adventure undreamt of in his small village.

Visions of future allies and unspeakable evils he will eventually encounter throughout his fabled life fill his mind, as he makes the choice to take his first fateful step into the Hyborian Age in search of blood-soaked glory.

For fans of heroic blood-soaked action-adventure and ancient arcane wizardry.

Collects issues #1-4, plus material from the Free Comic Book Day 2023 special edition.

Marc Guggenheim & Manuel Garcia: X-Men – Days of Future Past: Doomsday

Return to the future in a tale that reveals the events leading up to the timeless classic!

In a world where mutants are more than simply hated and feared but not yet slain and apprehended, Senator Kelly’s assassination comes to pass – bringing with it the Mutant Control Act and Sentinels on every corner.

But with mutantkind on their back foot, what lengths will Kate Pryde, Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Banshee, Angel, Cyclops, Professor X and the rest of the X-Men go to in order to find some way to survive?
And what scheme of Magneto’s will bring about their ultimate doomsday?

Witness the thirty-year descent into dystopia as one of the most celebrated X-Men timelines is explored in-depth for the first time!


Alejandro Jodorowsky & Jerry Frissen: The Metabarons – The Complete Second Cycle

This edition collects the entire four volume collection of The Metabaron in one book for the first time.

The Techno Empire’s cruel reign and boundless ambition have the universe in a chokehold, but one obstacle remains before them: The Metabaron.

The Metabaron once single-handedly brought the Techno-Techno Empire to its knees.

In the chaos that followed, however, a new regime has taken hold, one that has seized control of the rare and vital fuel for intergalactic travel known as epiphyte.
As the Metabaron launches a counter-offensive, the Empire will send its most feared soldiers to defend the power they have amassed, even to the doors of the Metabunker itself.

To make matters even more dire, the Metabaron’s less than honorable son seeks to usurp the power of the father who abandoned him. Can the Metabaron withstand the many challenges before him and save the universe once more?

Born on the pages of Moebius and Jodorowsky’s legendary The Incal, the mighty Metabaron has been starring in his own spinoff stories since 1992.

Now, The Metabaron returns as a collaboration between Jodorowsky and Jerry Frissen ( Fires of Theseus, The Zombies That Ate the World), exhibiting the work of an all-star lineup of international artists: Valentin Secher, Niko Henrichon, and Pete Woods.

Alejandro Jodorowsky & Pete Woods: The Metabarons – Second Cycle Finale

This Limited Edition release is a companion to the previously released hardcover edition of The Metabarons: Second Cycle Complete, allowing fans to complete their collection in hardcover.

For every Metabaron there comes a time when the mantle must pass.
Now, that time has come for No Name.

His son is of age and ready to take his familial right… by killing his father!

Born on the pages of Moebius and Jodorowsky’s legendary The Incal, the mighty Metabaron has been starring in his own spinoff stories since 1992.

Now, The Metabaron returns as a collaboration between Jodorowsky and Jerry Frissen ( Fires of Theseus, The Zombies That Ate the World), exhibiting the work of a variety of talented artists.

In the Second Cycle’s long-awaited Finale, Harvey Award-nominee Pete Woods ( Deadpool, Justice League) joins Jodorowsky and Frissen for the greatest challenge the Metabaron has ever faced, as No Name stares down his own mortality… and a terrifying threat to existence itself.

Weird Science 3

Long before “one giant leap for Mankind,” EC Comics speculated on the wonder–and horror–posed by space travel.

The EC Archives: Weird Science volume 3 features the zenith of these explorations by comics pioneers Al Feldstein, William Gaines, Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, Joe Orlando and more.

This value-priced softcover volume collects Weird Science issues #13-#18 with remastered digital color based on Marie Severin’s original tones.

Includes the adaptations of two Ray Bradbury tales, “The Long Years” and “Mars is Heaven.”

Foreword by Jerry Weist, comic art historian and author of the Hugo Award-nominated Ray Bradbury: An Illustrated Life.

Tradd Moore: Doctor Strange – Fall Sunrise Treasury Edition

Brace yourself for a Doctor Strange story like you’ve never seen!

From the uncanny mind of Tradd Moore (SILVER SURFER: BLACK), the Master of the Mystic Arts stars in one of his most mind-bending adventures – now wilder than ever on the oversized pages of a Treasury Edition!

Doctor Strange awakens alone in a distant world not his own. Lost of purpose and surrounded by danger, the wandering sorcerer must explore this land of blades and mystery to unravel arcane secrets and escape the deadly horrors that lie in wait!

Strange is pulled in every direction by powerful figures while millions of lives rest in the balance – including his own!
Who can he trust? Can this world’s deadly ritual be stopped? Or is the answer simply…blood? Heaven help us, it must be blood!

Collects Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise (2022) #1-4.

Alan Moore & David Lloyd: V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

A frightening tale of the loss of freedom and identity in a chillingly believable totalitarian world, V for Vendetta stands as one of the highest achievements of the comics medium and a defining work for creators Alan Moore and David Lloyd.

Set in an imagined future England that has given itself over to fascism, this groundbreaking story captures both the suffocating nature of life in an authoritarian police state and the redemptive power of the human spirit that rebels against it.

Crafted with sterling clarity and intelligence, V for Vendetta brings an unequaled depth of characterization and verisimilitude to its unflinching account of oppression and resistance.

V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition collects DC Comics’ original 10-issue series in its entirety, including the “bridging” pages colored by David Lloyd, which originally ran between the issues’ story pages.
This deluxe volume also includes Lloyd’s and Moore’s introductions to the series as well as Moore’s extended history of its creation, “Behind the Painted Smile,” and an expanded sketchbook section by Lloyd.

Collects V for Vendetta #1-10.

Frank Miller & David Mazzucchelli: Daredevil – Born Again Gallery Edition

“And I – I have shown him…that a man without hope is a man without fear.”

From the powerhouse pairing of Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli comes the definitive DAREDEVIL tale!

Karen Page, Matt Murdock’s former lover, has traded away his secret identity for a drug fix.
Now, Daredevil must find all the strength he can muster as Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, wastes no time taking him down as low as a human can get!

As he is nursed back to health by a nun named Sister Maggie, Matt discovers a shocking secret that will change their relationship forever!
But can he piece his life back together and survive a battle against the brutal super-soldier named Nuke?

Guest-starring Captain America, this classic masterpiece looks better than ever on the oversized pages of a Gallery Edition!

Collecting DAREDEVIL (1964) #226-233.



Shudder #15

Shudder revives the iconic Warren illustrated horror magazines of the 60’s and 70’s by replicating Warren’s early page layouts and publishing new, classic-styled work by original Warren artists, writers, and editors.

Each issue is a highly collectible instant classic!





Suicide Squad Most Wanted – Deadshot

One of the stars of this year’s highly anticipated action blockbuster takes aim at a shocking solo adventure in SUICIDE SQUAD MOST WANTED: DEADSHOT, from writer Brian Buccellato (THE FLASH) and artist Viktor Bogdanovic (BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT) —a high-octane thriller that will blow you away!


Floyd Lawton is the deadliest marksman in the world—but there are targets even the legendary mercenary known as Deadshot hasn’t been able to hit.

As a longtime member of the Suicide Squad, he does the bidding of his ruthless supervisor Amanda Waller, killing whomever she says needs killing before heading back to Belle Reve Penitentiary to reload. And when the Squad saddles him with a new partner, the time to take the safety off has come.

Now Deadshot’s on his most personal mission of all: he’s going to kill the parents who made him the man—and the murderer—he is today.

But Floyd’s far too valuable an asset to let loose, and the Suicide Squad will stop at nothing to put this lone gunman back in their arsenal—including threaten the one person he truly cares about. Deadshot’s about to learn the hard way that when it comes to weapons, there’s always a bigger gun…

Suicide Squad Secret Files

Three of the most dangerous members of the DC Universe’s least predictable team share the spotlight in this killer collection, starring characters from the blockbuster movie!

KILLER CROC is the Suicide Squad’s biggest, baddest beast, which makes him the right monster for the job when an island full of terrifying creatures becomes a threat to the world at large.
But when he’s confronted with the horrible truth of these mutant menaces, will humanity or monstrosities win in the end?

BOOMERANG is a hardcore mercenary who thinks his mission to take down a Central American dictator is just another job-but trouble has a way of returning to him like one of his trademark weapons.
Alone behind enemy lines, can Boomerang make a comeback?

AMANDA WALLER may be a regular human, but she has perhaps the greatest ability of all: she understands how power works – and how to wield it.
That’s how she’s kept the Squad under control and become one of the best deprogrammers of brainwashed villains.

But when one of her subjects turns the tables on her, can she save the Squad from a killer who knows all their secrets?

Declassify the answers in SUICIDE SQUAD: SECRET FILES-an action-packed showcase from a squad of today’s top writers and artists and featuring characters from the award-winning film Suicide Squad! Collects stories from SUICIDE SQUAD MOST WANTED #1-6.

Suicide Squad Most Wanted – El Diablo

When a sudden pardon springs the powerful pyro-kinetic formerly known as Chato Santana from Belle Reve Prison-and frees him from the control of Task Force X’s ruthless commander, Amanda Waller – his only desire is to return home to reunite with his family.

But a vicious attack cuts short his plan and puts him on the radar of Checkmate, a metahuman black ops organization that puts the Suicide Squad to shame.

Alongside his new comrades, El Diablo embarks on a whirlwind tour of the DC Universe’s most dangerous hotspots, from the technological terrors of Metropolis to the dark nights of Gotham City, making strange allies and unstoppable enemies along the way.

With his old team closing in and his new team’s agenda shrouded in mystery, will the devil get his due, or is El Diablo doomed to die once more?

Find out in SUICIDE SQUAD MOST WANTED: EL DIABLO, a scorching new thriller featuring the fiery antihero from the award-winning movie Suicide Squad, from writer JAI NITZ and artist CLIFF RICHARDS! Collects the El Diablo stories from SUICIDE SQUAD MOST WANTED #1-6.

Geoff John & Jim Lee: Justice League 1 – Origin (K)

In a world where inexperienced superheroes operate under a cloud of suspicion from the public, loner vigilante Batman has stumbled upon a dark evil that threatens to destroy the earth as we know it.

Now, faced with a threat far beyond anything he can handle on his own, the Dark Knight must trust an alien, a scarlet speedster, an accidental teenage hero, a space cop, an Amazon Princess and an undersea monarch.

Will this combination of Superman, The Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman be able to put aside their differences and come together to save the world?
Or will they destroy each other first?

As a part of the monumental DC Comics—The New 52 event, comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee bring you an all-new origin story for the Justice League!

This powerhouse creative team re-imagines the classic heroes of the DC Universe for the 21st century.
This volume collects issues #1-6 of Justice League.

Geoff Johns & Jim Lee: Justice League 2 – The Villain’s Journey (K)

The Justice League is the greatest force for good the world has ever seen. But not everyone sees them that way.

Their never-ending battle against evil results in casualties beyond its super-powered, costumed combatants.
The League’s attempts to safeguard innocent lives cannot save everybody.

Unbeknownst to Earth’s greatest champions, their greatest triumph may contain the seeds of their greatest defeat.

For heroes are not the only people who face tragedy and are reborn as something greater than they were before. Villains can take this journey, too.

And once they start out on this dark path, the road could lead straight to the destruction of the Justice League….

The New York Times bestselling team of Geoff Johns (Green Lantern) and Jim Lee (Batman: Hush) are joined by artists Gene Ha (Top 10) and Carlos D’Anda (Deathblow) for JUSTICE LEAGUE VOL. 2: THE VILLAIN’S JOURNEY, collecting issues #7-12 of the series.

Can the world’s greatest super heroes survive a voyage deep into the heart of darkness?
It all ends with one of the most shocking … and surprising moments in DC history!

Geoff Johns & Jason Fabock: Justice League 7 – Darkseid War Part 1 (K)

DC superstars Geoff Johns (FOREVER EVIL) and Jason Fabok (DETECTIVE COMICS) bring you the start of the Darkseid War, the epic event that has been building since the formation of the Justice League.

The Justice League first came together years ago to stop Darkseid and his Parademon army from invading our Earth.
Now Darkseid will once again make the planet a war zone, as Earth becomes the frontline in his battle with the Anti-Monitor one of the most powerfully destructive creatures ever created.

Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and the rest of the Justice League are working with Mister Miracle to stop the coming bloodshed, but when two unstoppable forces of evil go to war, even the world s greatest heroes might not be enough to save the world!


Steve Orlando: Justice League of America 1 – The Extremists (K)

Written by rising star Steve Orlando (BATMAN, MIDNIGHTER) and illustrated by a league of superstar artists including Ivan Reis (GREEN LANTERN) and Andy MacDonald (DETECTIVE COMICS), this JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD spin-off is a JLA for a whole new era–exploding from the pages of the blockbuster DC Rebirth event!

The Justice League and the Suicide Squad–the World’s Greatest Heroes and its worst–went to war.

A team unlike any other rose from the ashes.

Batman. Black Canary. Vixen. The Atom. The Ray. Killer Frost. Lobo.

Some are heroes, some are villains and some exist in the gray area in between.
But the Caped Crusader sees the potential in all of them to show everyday people that their superhuman guardians are just like them: capable of fighting for justice despite their flaws.

Batman had better be right, because Earth is about to be invaded by a threat from beyond our universe.
The tyrant called Lord Havok and his army of Extremists are out to make the planet safe again–by destroying the free will of all its inhabitants.

Can this untested new Justice League help America fend off the Extremists’ agenda?

And can the Dark Knight contain the Main Man–the living weapon of mass destruction known as Lobo?


Collects issues #1-6 and JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA: REBIRTH #1.

Steve Orlando: Justice League of America 2 – Curse of the Kingbutcher (K)

DC characters Vixen, Lobo, the Ray, the Atom, Black Canary and Killer Frost are no one’s idea of Earth’s greatest heroes…and yet they’ve all been brought together by Batman to form a new incarnation of the Justice League and all that it stands for.

This new League was founded on principles of hope, on the idea that everyone deserves a second chance…and yet those same ideals now threaten to tear the team apart.

When the team rescues Makson, a strange man from a hidden land of monsters, it seems like he’s ready for that exact kind of second chance.

But Batman has his doubts.
If he’s wrong about Makson, does he really believe in the optimistic vision that the team was founded on?
And if he’s right, does anyone ever deserve the Justice League’s trust again?

Writer Steve Orlando (MIDNIGHTER AND APOLLO) and artists including Felipe Watanabe (CYBORG) and Andy MacDonald (DETECTIVE COMICS), Jamal Campbell ( Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and Neil Edwards (JUSTICE LEAGUE) test the limits of the strangest team to ever call themselves the Justice League of America!

Collects issues #7-11.

Peter Milligan & Mikel Janin: Justice League Dark 1 – In the Dark (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics – The New 52 event of September 2011, a new type of super-team must come together when supernatural forces threaten the DCU – Justice League Dark!

The witch known as The Enchantress has gone mad, unleashing a wave of chaos that not even the combined powers of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg can stop.

Shade the Changing Man, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna, Mindwarp and John Constantine may be our only hope – but how can we put our trust in beings whose very presence makes ordinary people break out in a cold sweat?

Critically acclaimed writer Peter Milligan brings together an unorthodox team for the most unnatural threats.

With stunning art by up and coming star Mikel Janin, Justice League Dark Vol. 1 visits the unexplored corners of the DCU!

Joshua Williamson & Stjepan Sejic: Justice League Odyssey 1 – The Ghost Sector (K)

When a cosmic menace threatens worlds beyond our own in the Ghost Sector, it falls to a new Justice League team to answer the call to battle!

Cyborg, Starfire, Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and an out-of-his-element Azrael head to deep space inside a commandeered Brainiac skull ship.

Spinning out of Justice League: No Justice comes Justice League Odyssey!
This ragtag team of new recruits will face threats in the deep reaches of space like no League ever before, called upon by Darkseid to help him save the Multiverse!

Written by Joshua Williamson ( The Flash) with unbelievable illustrations from Stjepan Sejic ( Aquaman), Philippe Briones ( New Suicide Squad) and Carmine Di Giandomenico ( The Flash), Justice League Odyssey takes the new Justice League places they’ve never been before!

Collects issues #1-5 along with a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes artwork.

Dan Jurgens & Aaron Lopresti: Justice League International 1 – The Signal Masters (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics—The New 52 event of September 2011, the United Nations brings together Batman, Booster Gold, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, August General in Iron, Fire, Ice, Vixen and Rocket Red–a new group called Justice League International!

With the growing presence of super beings around the world, the JLI are charged with promoting unity and trust–but if they’re going to discover the mystery behind the giant alien Signalmen who are appearing all over the globe can they reach that goal without killing each other first?

Geoff Johns & David Finch: Justice League of America 1 – World’s Most Dangerous (K)

Following the events of Throne of Atlantis, it is deemed necessary to create a new Justice League.

This new superhero team is under the command of Col. Steve Travor, of the United States Military’s A.R.G.U.S. division (Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans).

Signing up for duty with this new incarnation of the JLA are Catwoman, Katana, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Steve Trevor, Hawkman, Star Girl and the long-awaited return of 80s superhero, Vibe.

Collects issues #1-7.

Future State – Justice League (K)

The first Future State collections are here!

In the far-flung future, an all-new Justice League must investigate the mysterious death of their greatest foes – the Legion of Doom!

The Justice League Dark emerges from years of hiding to fight the villainous force stalking supernatural heroes and villains alike!

John Stewart and his band of abandoned Green Lanterns must hold the line against an invasion of murderous zealots in an uncharted dark sector after their rings have stopped working!

Barry Allen battles for the soul of his former Flash partner, Wally West!

And Jackson Hyde and Andy Curry, son of Black Manta and daughter of Aquaman, must find each other again after being torn apart if they hope to escape the mysterious universe-spanning One Great Ocean!

Collects Future State: Justice League/Justice League Dark #1-2, Future State: Aquaman #1-2, Future State: Flash #1-2, and Future State: Green Lantern #1-2.

Future State – Superman (K)

The first Future State collections are here!

We all know the history of Superman and his family, but what lies ahead for them is just as exciting as what has come before.

Peer across centuries as your favorite Kryptonians and their allies and enemies grow and change.

Watch Jonathan Kent endeavor to establish himself as the true Superman while his father, Clark, battles in the arenas of Warworld.

Peer into a far-flung era where Kara Zor-El, once Supergirl and now Superwoman, creates her own fortress of peace on the Moon.

Cheer for Lois Lane as she tries to stop Lex Luthor from wrecking the United Planets.

Also featuring stories about the Guardian trying to keep Metropolis from crumbling in the absence of its regular protectors, Midnighter undertaking a secret mission to give Clark a fighting chance, and Shilo Norman, a.k.a. Mister Miracle, bouncing between both worlds, looking for the answer that links them both.

Meet a brand-new version of Black Racer, and a transformed Legion of Super-Heroes.
And to cap it off, join the millennium where Clark Kent’s descendants protect the universe as the House of El.

Collects Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1-2, Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1-2, Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1-3, Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #1-2, Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes #1-2, and Future State: Superman: House of El #1.

George Perez & Jesus Merino: Superman 1 – What Price Tomorrow? (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics – The New 52 event of September 2011, comics legend George Perez and artist Jesus Merino present the new adventures of the Man of Steel!

Metropolis fears him.
The Daily Planet agrees.

This new volume of SUPERMAN finds our hero with a startling new status quo.

As Superman finds ways to dodge the scrutiny placed upon him by the public and media, he must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis – one that he somehow is the cause of!

The next chapter in the legendary history of the Man of Steel is built here!

Dan Jurgens & Keith Giffen: Superman 2 – Secrets and Lies (K)

Tucked away high in the Himalayas, a long dormant evil has made these snowy mountain tops its home.

Helspont, a decendant of the ancient alien race of Daemonites, has enlisted an army of robots to obtain all there is to know about the Kryptonian meanace standing between him and dominion over the people of Earth.

Can Helspont gain control over Superman and use him to execute his invasion plan? Or will the Earth’s alien protector cast Helspont back to the planet of Daemon?

Collects Superman #7-12, Superman Annual #1.

Dan Jurgens & Lee Weeks: Superman – Lois and Clark (K)

The Superman and Lois Lane of the pre-New 52 DC Universe return in SUPERMAN: LOIS AND CLARK, from the creative team of Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks!


They were the first couple of truth and justice, the Man of Steel and the tough-as-nails reporter who was the love of his life.

Then came the Flashpoint…the Convergence…and their world was wiped from reality, replaced with the New 52 worlds that make up the Multiverse.

Now Lois and Clark, as well as their young son, Jonathan, have been transported to an Earth much like the one they left behind, yet radically different.
An Earth with familiar heroes, familiar faces, familiar names, but entirely different ages and attitudes.
An Earth with its own Lois Lane, its own Clark Kent—its own Superman.

An Earth where Superman is distrusted—and where two Supermen could cause a disaster.

For years they’ve stayed below the radar, with Clark fighting evil under the cover of darkness and Lois crusading against crime as an anonymous journalist.
But now all their secrets are about to be exposed to a world far harsher than the one they left behind—and Jonathan is caught in the crossfire.

Now only one question remains:

Has the time come for the original Man of Tomorrow to reveal himself?


Mark Waid & Leinil Francis Yu: Superman – Birthright (K)

The whole world knows that Superman fights for truth and justice…but why does he?

What drives a farmboy from Kansas to divide his life between posing as a mild-mannered reporter and embarking on a career as a super-hero?

Superman: Birthright tells the exciting origin of The Man of Steel, incorporating his vast and colorful legend into a brand-new epic tale…a battle to save both the legacy of Krypton and the future of Metropolis!

This volume collects Superman: Birthright #1-12.

Future State – The Next Batman (K)

The first Future State collections are here!

Giant, sprawling future Gotham City is under martial law, protected and regulated by a private security force led by the infamous Peacekeepers.

Their mandate is to maintain the safety of the citizens of Gotham, regardless of any constitutional rights, and to hunt down, incarcerate, or kill all masked vigilantes, villains, and criminals in the city limits.

It’s a dangerous and violent look at a possible future Gotham City and the heroes and villains who live there!

Collects Future State: The Next Batman #1-4, select stories from Future State: Dark Detective #1-4, and Future State: Nightwing #1-2.

James Tynion IV: Batman Detective Comics 1 – Rise of the Batmen

Batman puts together his own team of Gotham City vigilantes in this great new starting-point graphic novel, BATMAN – DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN, from DC Rebirth!

An elite fighting force modeled after the Dark Knight has invaded the streets of Gotham.

Their armor, weaponry and surveillance equipment are based on Batman’s tech and tactics, but they’re far beyond anything he’s ever seen. And while these Batmen’s motives remain a mystery, their targets are all too clear…

They’re gunning for Gotham’s vigilantes.

Batman knows he can’t face this foe alone, and neither can the crime-fighters caught in the crossfire. So with Batwoman—secretly Bruce Wayne’s cousin, Kate Kane—as his general, he’s organizing the next generation of Gotham heroes into an army.

Tim Drake, a.k.a. Red Robin.
Stephanie Brown, a.k.a. Spoiler.
Cassandra Cain, a.k.a. the Orphan.
And reformed criminal Basil Karlo, a.k.a. Clayface.

These are the shock troops in Batman and Batwoman’s war. When they finally see the face of their true enemy, will they stand together…or fall apart?

Find out in BATMAN: DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN, a great jumping-on point for new readers!
This masterful high-octane thriller from writer James Tynion IV (BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL) and artists Eddy Barrows (NIGHTWING) and Alvaro Martinez (Ultimate Comics X-Men) explodes from the blockbuster DC Rebirth event!

Collects DETECTIVE COMICS #934-940.

Brian Michael Bendis & Nick Derington: Batman – Universe (K)

The Dark Knight embarks on a global adventure!

Batman takes on an old foe outside of the Gotham City limits when the Riddler’s theft of a Fabergé egg leads the Dark Knight thousands of miles away in search of answers.

When the immortal super-villain Vandal Savage joins forces with the Riddler, Batman is transported to the Old West and meets the original owner of the egg, gunslinger Jonah Hex!

Along with Jonah, the Dark Knight teams up with fellow heroes including Green Arrow and Green Lantern on a quest to find the Riddler and crack the egg’s dangerous power.
But will these superheroes get the edge over the most brilliant villain Batman has ever faced? Or will the Riddler’s nefarious scheme run its course exactly as the clever criminal planned?

Find out in Batman: Universe!

From the stellar creative team of legendary writer Brian Michael Bendis ( Superman) and fan-favorite artist Nick Derington ( Doom Patrol), this hardcover edition collects Batman: Universe #1-6 and a host of behind-the-scenes extras.

Alan Burnett & Ty Templeton: Batman – The Adventures Continue Season One (K)

Picking up where New Batman Adventures left off, Batman comes face to face with a whole host of new adversaries and allies.

Someone is stalking the Dark Knight and his comrades from the shadows of Gotham with the sole intent of taking out the Batman!

Can Batman figure out why Lex Luthor has come to Gotham City?

Who is Deathstroke and what are his plans for Batgirl and Robin?

Through all these adventures, a long-buried secret from Batman’s past comes to light, and it might just tear apart the Bat-Family once and for all!

Reunited visionary producers of Batman: The Animated Series Alan Burnett and Paul Dini show tha Batman’s adventures in Gotham always continue!
Teaming up with beloved artists Ty Templeton and Monica Kubina, they bring the treasured animated world back to life for the modern age.

Collecting Batman: The Adventures Continue #1-8, this collection features all the original title cards from the digital chapters and character sketches.

Brian K. Vaughan: Batman – False Faces (K)

The Dark Knight has always managed to balance his double life as Batman and billionaire Bruce Wayne.

But what happens when leading a double life becomes too much for him to handle?

Up against his old enemies the Ventriloquist and the Mad Hatter, the guardian of Gotham City must keep it together in the face of their criminal endeavors.

Pencillers: Scott McDaniel, Rick Burchett, Scott Kolins, Marcos Martin.

Paul Dini & Dustin Nguyen: Batman – Streets of Gotham: Hush Money (K)

How will the police feel about this new Batman — and can he control the crime in Gotham the way the old Batman did?

Commissioner Gordon’s about to find out as teams with the new Batman to combat the fiery threat that Firefly has spread across Gotham City.

Then, Bruce Wayne has seemingly returned, promising to lead his city into a new golden age.

But while this phony devotes his fortune to rebuilding Gotham City, he fights violent opposition from Batman, Robin and a host of DC Universe heroes!

David Finch & Paul Jenkins: Batman The Dark Knight 1 – Knight Terrors (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics – The New 52 event of September 2011, the Dark Knight continues his crusade as defender of Gotham City, taking on his greatest foes during a breakout at Arkham Asylum.

But when his enemies gain powers and abilities far beyond their normal capacities, the Caped Crusader’s crusade may finally be at an end!

Originally published in single magazine form in Batman the Dark Knight #1-9.

Tony S. Daniel: Batman Detective Comics 1 – Faces of Death (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics — The New 52 event of September 2011, “Detective Comics” is relaunched for the first time ever with an all-new number #1!

Bruce Wayne returns as Batman, and sets his sights on new villain the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman.

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who’s visiting Gotham City to cover the gruesome slayings-while also trying to uncover Bruce’s own mystery.

But time is running out as both Commissioner Gordon and Batman work to uncover the true identity of this new serial killer.

This volume collects issues 1-7 of “Detective Comics,” part of the DC Comics–The New 52 event.

Tony S. Daniel: Batman Detective Comics 2 – Scare Tactics (K)

Batman must face the madness of the Mad Hatter, and then take on the Talons of the Court of Owls!

But even if he survives that, he must face a whole new set of fears when the Scarecrow returns! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terror the Scarecrow brings?

And explore the bizarre similarities between these two enemies and how the idea of fear has shaped their lives!

Originally published in single magazine form in Batman: Detective Comics #8-12, #0 and Detective Comics Annual #1.

John Layman: Batman Detective Comics 3 – Emperor Penguin (K)

Oswald Cobblepot has a plan.

No longer content with merely being the crime lord the Penguin, he yearns for the love of Gotham City. All he has to do is call a hit on Bruce Wayne, and in one night, the Penguin goes from notorious criminal to beloved savior of Gotham. Everything is going exactly according to plan.

But when chaos strikes, even the best plan crumbles. And when Joker returns to Gotham, chaos comes with him.

Now, with Penguin temporarily out of commission and Batman busy trying to stop Poison Ivy and a group of Joker-obsessed maniacs, a new threat creeps in from the sidelines.

He calls himself Emperor Penguin.
He’s everything Penguin was and more.

And he’s bad news for Batman…and very bad news for Oswald Cobblepot.

BATMAN – DETECTIVE COMICS: EMPEROR PENGUIN Acclaimed writer John Layman (CHEW) makes his mark on the Dark Knight Detective, with incredible art from Jason Fabok (BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT) and Andy Clarke (BATMAN AND ROBIN). Collects issues #13-18.

John Layman: Batman Detective Comics 4 – The Wrath (K)


The Caped Crusader is challenged by the mystery of the 900 in a special tale celebrating the 900th issue published of Detective Comics!

Plus, Batman faces against two new foes: Emperor Penguin and the deadly vigilante known as the Wrath, a dark counterpart to the Dark Knight.

Collects issues Batman: Detective Comics #19-24, Detective Comics Annual #2.

John Layman: Batman Detective Comics 5 – Gothtopia (K)


Gotham City is and always has been a crime-free utopia, where the heroes are celebrated through the streets of one of America’s best cities.

Batman is a universally beloved vigilante clad in white.
His sidekick is Selina Kyle, otherwise known as Catbird.

Who — or what — has created the Dark Knight’s alternate hometown?

This twisted take on Gotham City, written by John Layman (Chew) and illustrated by Jason Fabok (BATMAN: ETERNAL), includes the monumental issue DETECTIVE COMICS #27 that celebrates the 75th anniversary of Batman.

Collects issues #25-29.

Gregg Hurwitz: Batman – The Dark Knight 4: Clay (K)

The shape-shifting Clayface–formerly the disgraced actor Basil Karlo–is on a rampage, and Batman must battle his way through a network of his deadliest enemies to uncover the truth.

But how do you stop a killer who can be anywhere–and anyone?
And soaring above Gotham is another threat in the form of the Man-Bat, whose unstable serum has made his predatory plans much more deadly!

In BATMAN – THE DARK KNIGHT: CLAY (collects issues #22-29), writer Gregg Hurwitz (DETECTIVE COMICS, “Wolverine”) teams with superstar artists Alex Maleev (BATMAN, “Daredevil”), Ethan Van Sciver (GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH), and Alberto Ponticelli (DIAL H) for tales of Gotham City’s greatest villains!

Tim Seeley & Tom King: Batman – Preludes to the Wedding (K)

You are cordially invited…

Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are about to tie the knot, uniting two of Gotham’s greatest vigilantes in the wedding of the century.

But the city’s deadliest villains are determined to crash the party, and only Batman and Catwoman’s closest allies stand in their way!

Robin vs. Ra’s al Ghul: It’s grandson versus grandfather as the son of the Bat faces the head of the Demon in a fatal family feud!

Nightwing vs. Hush: Batman’s original partner turned best man squares off against Bruce Wayne’s oldest friend turned bitterest enemy!

Batgirl vs. the Riddler: Two of Gotham City’s greatest minds clash as the one-time Oracle and the overlord of Zero Year launch a war of wits!

Red Hood vs. Anarky: Agents of chaos collide in a battle between the Dark Knight’s rogue Robin and the underworld’s most unpredictable mastermind!

Harley Quinn vs. The Joker: Once upon a time, they too might have said, “I do.”
Now the Clown Prince of Crime and the Mistress of Mayhem are at each other’s throats, with all nine of Catwoman’s lives hanging in the balance!

Writer Tim Seeley and an all-star wedding band of artists proudly present Batman: Preludes to the Wedding, a killer collection of action-packed matrimonial madness that will help determine the fate of comics’ greatest couple!

Collects Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs. Ra’s al Ghul, Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush, Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Batgirl vs. Riddler, Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky, Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Harley Quinn vs. The Joker, DC Nation #0 and #2.

Tom King: Batman 7 – The Wedding (K)

Batman and Catwoman are about to have the wedding of the century… or are they? For these star-crossed crime-fighters, nothing ever comes easy.

As Bruce and Selina prepare to tie the knot, the time-traveling hero called Booster Gold crashes the party with a dangerous and deadly mission that will send them hurtling through the space-time continuum — and threaten to rip it all apart.

And though Gotham City’s greatest couple is ready to elope in order to escape their enemies, Batman’s greatest nemesis is not about to hold his peace.
The Joker intends to make himself the Dark Knight’s best man–and wherever the Clown Prince of Crime goes, chaos is sure to follow.

The stage is set for an event that will change the lives of two of comics’ most iconic characters forever!

You are cordially invited to attend Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding.
Featuring the union of acclaimed writer Tom King ( Mister Miracle) and Bat-artists Tony S. Daniel ( Deathstroke) and Mikel Janín ( Grayson), with a host of comics’ most talented artists on the guest list! Collects stories from Batman #45-50 and DC Nation #0.

Bryan Hill & Dexter Soy: Batman & the Outsiders 1 – Lesser Gods (K)

Years ago, an evil organization called the Ark experimented on an innocent family, transforming them into metahumans.

Batman defeated the Ark and safely placed its victims into hiding. Or so he thought.

Now, most of the family is dead. The sole survivor is on the run, and Ra’s al Ghul himself is on the hunt for her.

When this case gets too dark for even Batman to handle alone, he must form a new team to light the way.

Katana. Orphan. The Signal. And their leader, a living symbol of hope in the darkness–Black Lightning.
They’re the only ones Batman can trust to keep his secrets and fight his battles.

But this team isn’t made of mindless followers, and if the Dark Knight or the Demon’s Head get in their way, these soldiers aren’t afraid to break ranks…

Join writer Bryan Hill and artist Dexter Soy as a thrilling new chapter for one of the comics’ most legendary superhero teams begins!

Collects Batman and the Outsiders #1-7 and story from Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1.

Bryan Hill & Dexter Soy: Batman & the Outsiders 2 – A League of Their Own (K)

Get ready for an intense, action-packed thrill ride from author Bryan Hill in Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2!

Ra’s al Ghul gains power as he cultivates more of the Outsiders for his taking.

Cassandra Cain is caught in the middle between friendship, family, and her own moral judgments.

Meanwhile, Black Lightning continues to make his moves while Batman deals with some supernatural problems surfacing back home.

The team faces its greatest crisis ever! Could the absence of the Dark Knight mean the end of the Outsiders?

Collects Batman & the Outsiders #8-12 and Annual #1.

Joshua Williamson & David Marquez: Batman/Superman 1 – Who Are the Secret Six? (K)

Batman teams up with the Man of Steel to track down and help those who have been infected by a ravenous, mutated Joker virus. Just one problem: they don’t know who they are.

A virus is spreading, and it’s not just after innocent people but some of our most powerful heroes, as well. The biggest question isn’t why or how, but who?

The Batman Who Laughs was one of the premier villains crawling his way from the depths of the Dark Multiverse and wreaking havock on the DC Universe.

Now he has been infecting some of the biggest heroes across the DC Universe with a mutated version of the Joker virus that is coursing through him.

Cue the team-up of two of the greatest superheroes in history: Batman and Superman.

They decide to work together to find out who is infected and hopefully cure them before it’s too late.

Gail Simone: Secret Six 1 – Friends in Low Places

Superstar writer Gail Simone (BIRDS OF PREY, BATGIRL, WONDER WOMAN) reinvents her fan-favorite super-team-up!

Six strangers captured, drugged and thrown together in a prison cell in the middle of the ocean. All of them with certain special abilities. None of them exactly superheroes.

How are they connected? Why were they taken?

With no answers coming, these unlikely allies must band together to escape the shadowy figure who locked them away and continues to hunt them down for reasons they don’t understand.
If they can manage not to kill each other first, they may just stay alive long enough to get their revenge on the mysterious Mockingbird. And a taste for revenge, it turns out, is the one thing they all have in common.

Not quite heroes, not quite villains; one thing’s for sure these ain’t the Justice Dorks.

Featuring art from Ken Lashley (ACTION COMICS), Dale Eaglesham (GREEN LANTERN), Tom Derenick (INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US) and more!

Collects issues #1-6 and DC SNEAK PEEK: SECRET SIX #1.

Geoff Johns & Gary Frank: Doomsday Clock 1 (K)

The world of Watchmen collides with the DC Universe in the most shocking story in DC history!

Written by master storytellers Geoff Johns and Gary Frank–As the Doomsday Clock ticks toward midnight, the DC Universe will encounter with its greatest threat: Dr. Manhattan.

But nothing is hidden from Manhattan, and the secrets of the past, present and future will leave ramifications on our heroes lives forever.

Something is amiss in the DC Universe. Following the events of DC Universe: Rebirth and Batman/The Flash: The Button, Geoff Johns (Flashpoint, Justice League, DC Universe: Rebirth) and Gary Frank (Batman: Earth One, Shazam!, DC Universe: Rebirth) reunite to rewrite the past and future of the DC Universe in a story hailed as a masterpiece!

Seven years after the events of Watchmen, Adrian Veidt has been exposed as the murderer of millions.

Now a fugitive, he has come up with a new plan to save his once-adoring world: find Dr. Manhattan.
Alongside a new Rorschach and the deadly Mime and Marionette, he arrives in the DC Universe and finds it on the brink of collapse.

International tensions are running rampant with The Supermen Theory implicating the U.S. government in creating superhumans to maintain global dominance!
But what is Dr. Manhattan doing in the DC Universe?
And how is he related to the events of DC Universe: Rebirth and Batman/The Flash: The Button?

Collects Doomsday Clock #1-6.

Jeff Lemire: The Terrifics 1 – Meet the Terrifics (K)

A billionaire genius.
A shape-shifting wise guy.
An intangible alien.
An elemental powerhouse.

At first glance, these four heroes have nothing in common. But when Plastic Man, Phantom Girl, Metamorpho and Mr. Terrific are thrown together by fate, they become something greater than the sum of its parts…something truly terrific!

Unleashed by a tragic accident, supernatural forces have bound this unlikely team together, stranding them deep in the nightmare realm known as the Dark Multiverse.
Now they must learn to work together to find a cure for their condition, a pathway home…and a missing hero who just might hold the key to it all.

But something even deeper than their shared plight binds them together.
In each of these incredible characters, the spirt of exploration and the hope for a better tomorrow burns so brightly that not even the black magic of the Dark Multiverse can snuff it out!

Join the journey in The Terrifics Vol. 1: Meet the Terrifics.

The all-star creative team of Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis, Evan “Doc” Shaner and Joe Bennett usher in a new age of heroes with the most talked-about team book of the year!

Collects The Terrifics #1-6.

Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artists: Ivan Reis, José Luis, Joe Bennett, Evan “Doc” Shaner.

Geoff Johns: Shazam! And the Seven Magic Lands (K)

Legendary comics writer Geoff Johns continues his modern reimagining of Shazam following the hit 2019 Warner Bros. movie starring Zachary Levi.

In these stories, after a stop at the mysterious subway location of the Rock of Eternity, source of his mighty powers, Shazam and his foster siblings take a trip to a series of magical lands including the Funlands and the Wozenderlands.

But these dreamlike fantasy worlds hide a nightmarish reality, as the young heroes must face the tyrannical King Kid and try to avoid being fed to hungry tigers.

Collects Shazam! #1-12.

Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons: Watchmen (K)

DC Comics presents a special, new edition of the WATCHMEN TP, complete with recolored cover art by artist extraordinaire Dave Gibbons.

The WATCHMEN INTERNATIONAL EDITION TP is created especially for the international market, and is also available in the U.S. and Canada.

One of the most influential graphic novels of all time and a perennial bestseller, WATCHMEN has only grown in stature since its original publication.

Along with a new cover by Gibbons, this volume features the high-quality, recolored pages from WATCHMEN: THE ABSOLUTE EDITION, restored by WildStorm FX and original series colorist John Higgins.

Judd Winick & Pablo Raimondi: Red Hood – The Lost Days (K)

Kansissa kulumaa.

After his death at the hands of The Joker, Jason Todd was resurrected by Batman’s foe Ra’s al Ghul as a weapon against The Dark Knight.

Now, learn what secret events led Jason on his eventual path of death and destruction as he tours the DC Universe learning dangerous skills in an effort to find his way in a world that left him behind.

Scott Snyder & Yanick Paquette: Swamp Thing 1 – Raise Them Bones (K)

In the 40-years since its debut, Swamp Thing has been graced with some of the best writers in comics from Len Wein to Alan Moore and now, as part of the DC Comics–The New 52, ‘American Vampire’ scribe Scott Snyder brings his talents to an all new Swamp Thing series set in the DC Universe.

Following the events of ‘Brightest Day, ‘ Alec Holland has his life back…but the “Green” has plans for it.

A monstrous evil is rising in the desert, and it’ll take a monster of another kind to defend life as we know it!

Steve Orlando & Riley Rossmo: Martian Manhunter – Identity (K)

Takakannessa taitos.


Back on Mars, J’onn J’onzz was about as corrupt as a law officer can be.

When a reckoning comes for his entire society, he’ll get a second chance on Earth he doesn’t want or deserve.

One shocking murder and an unexpected fragment of the Mars he lost will change his life–and the course of the Earth–forever!
Witness J’onn’s unforgettable journey as he begins a new chapter.

No matter what you know about J’onn J’onzz, you’re not prepared for this!

The acclimed team of writer Steve Orlando and artist Riley Rossmo ( Batman/The Shadow, Batman: Night of the Monster Men) reteam for a reinvention of the Manhunter from Mars in this twisted, unexpected series.

Collects all 12 issues of Martian Manhunter, as well as an extensive bonus gallery featuring interviews, behind-the-scenes art process pieces, and more!

Keith Giffen & Scott Kolins: Larfleeze 1 – Revolt of the Orange Lanterns (K)

In his debut solo adventure, Larfleeze meets Laord of the Hunt, a pan-dimensional cosmic entity that believes all living things are prey–and he’s out to turn the universe into his own private hunting reserve!

And the only thing worse than Laord is the deadly beings he can summon!

This volume collects Larfleeze #1-5 and select stories from Threshold #1-6.


Grant Morrison & Liam Sharp: The Green Lantern 1 – Intergalactic Lawman (K)

Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman, Final Crisis, Happy!) is joined by superstar artist Liam Sharp (The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman) as together they explore just what makes Hal Jordan tick.

It all begins when Earth’s Green Lantern encounters a mysterious alien hiding in plain sight, setting off a chain of events that will bring the Green Lantern Corps to its knees.

There’s an intergalactic conspiracy afoot, as well as a traitor in the Green Lantern Corps’ ranks.

Hal Jordan has faced the universe’s greatest threats, but what he faces next will challenge everything he believes in. The rules of planet Earth do not apply in outer space.

To what lengths will Hal Jordan go to get his man?

Find out in this mind-bending adventure that will forever change how you see the Green Lantern Corps!

Collects issues #1-6 of the hot new series!

Peter J. Tomasi & Fernando Pasarin: Green Lantern Corps 1 – Fearsome (K)

As part of the DC New 52 event, the Green Lantern Corps return, led by fan favorite Lanterns Guy Gardner and John Stewart.

When a new menace, The Keepers, begins to march across the space sectors and devouring not only their natural resources but their entire populations, it is up to The Corps, severely outnumbered, to stop them.

The Corps soon find one of their own held by the ruthless Keepers and must figure out a way to save their comrade and defeat the Keepers without the Green Lantern’s most powerful weapon, their power rings.

Peter J. Tomasi & Fernando Pasarin: Green Lantern Corps 2 – Alpha War (K)

As part of the DC New 52 event, the Green Lantern Corps return, led by fan favorite Lanterns Guy Gardner and John Stewart.

When the Alpha Lanterns, an internal police force for the Corps, arrest Green Lantern John Stewart for the murder of a fellow Lantern, it sends shock waves throughout the entire Corps.

It is up to Guy Gardner and the rest of the Green Lanterns to break Stewart out and bring down the emotionless Alpha Lanterns.

Collects issues #8-14, #0.

Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason: Green Lantern Corps – Sins of the Star Sapphire (K)

Hal Jordan may be Earth’s best-known Green Lantern, but he’s not alone.

He is just one of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force, each of whom protects his or her space secret from evil with the aid of a power ring capable of anything its wearing can imagine.

In this new GREEN LANTERN CORPS volume, the powerful and beauteous Zamorans, led by their queen, Star Sapphire, have a new mission: to “cure” the evil Sinestro Corps by forcibly infusing them with love.

Green Lantern Corps – Revolt of the Alpha-Lanterns (K)

In the wake of BLACKEST NIGHT and the dawn of BRIGHTEST DAY, the Alpha Lanterns seek to force Green Lanterns John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and former Guardian Ganthet into their ranks.

Will they be able to resist, stop the revolt of the Alpha Lanterns led by their evil mastermind, Cyborg Superman, and discover his sinister new secret agenda?


Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason: Green Lantern Corps – Emerald Eclipse (K)

Takakannessa vanha hintalappu.

It’s the prelude to “The Blackest Night” as the “War of Light” continues to intensify!

Mongul attempts to establish his hold on the Sinestro Corps by enslaving the planet Daxam and making it the home world of his Corps. What does Sinestro’s right hand man, Arkillo, think of all this?

And will Sodam Yat, the Green Lantern known as Ion, fight to save his homeworld, which he’s vowed to never return to?

Tony Bedard & Tyler Kirkham: Green Lantern – New Guardians 2: Beyond Hope (K)

When Green Lantern Kyle Rayner found one of each of the multi-colored Lantern rings in his possession, he found himself hunted by some of the most power, diverse and dangerous members of the other Lantern corps.

Now the mystery must be put on hold as Odym, the homeworld of the Blue Lanterns, is being attacked by alien conquerors know as The Reach.

But betrayed by one of their own, the NEW GUARDIANS uneasy alliance teeters on the edge of destruction.


Scott Lobdell & Brett Booth: Teen Titans 1 – It’s Our Right to Fight (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics – The New 52 event of September 2011, writer Scott Lobdell (X-Men, The Age of Apocalypse) and artist Brett Booth (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA) deliver a fresh new take on DC Comics’ teen heroes, the Teen Titans.

Tim Drake, Batman’s former sidekick, is back in action when an international organization called Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E. seeks to capture, kill or co-opt super-powered teenagers.

As Red Robin, he’s going to have to team up with the mysterious and belligerent powerhouse thief known as Wonder Girl, the hyperactive speedster calling himself Kid Flash and few more all-new teen super-heroes to stand any chance at all against N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

But as Superboy meets them for the first time, the Titans have to wonder, is he a friend – or foe?

Scott Lobdell & Brett Booth: Teen Titans 2 – The Culling (K)

As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics–The New 52 event, this second volume of Teen Titans launches the mini-event The Culling featuring Superboy and Legion Lost!

When the organization known as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. captures Superboy, the Teen Titans, and Legion Lost and pits the young heroes against each other to weed out the weak, it will take everything the most famous teen heroes of the DC Universe have to save themselves from eachother.

But the ruthless Harvest won’t give up easily leading to one of the young heroes making the ultimate sacrifice for the others.

Collects Teen Titans #8-14 and DC Comics Presents #12.

Brian Michael Bendis & Patrick Gleason: Young Justice 1 – Gemworld (K)

Superboy! Wonder Girl! Robin! Impulse! Amethyst!

All united in Young Justice! The hottest new super-team, written by award-winning author Brian Michael Bendis as part of his imprint Wonder Comics!

When the nightmare dimension known as Gemworld invades Metropolis, teen heroes will unite to deal with the situation–but they’re quickly shocked to discover the battle may be the key to the return of Conner Kent, a.k.a. Superboy!

This mix of fan favorites and new legacy heroes will be the center point for some of the biggest goings-on at DC!
As if that weren’t enough, Brian Michael Bendis ( Superman, Action Comics, Pearl) reunites with all-star artist Patrick Gleason ( Superman, Action Comics, Green Lantern Corps) to bring the new heroes of DC’s Wonder Comics to life!

Aimed at providing readers with honest and innovative reading experiences, Brian Michael Bendis’ Wonder Comics is a celebration of the moments in life when discoveries are made — when purpose and meaning are revealed and destinies are defined.

Featuring the young heroes of the DC Universe as penned by all-star creative teams in exciting new adventures that will celebrate the wonders of life, love and comics.

Collects Young Justice #1-6.

Brian Michael Bendis & Patrick Gleason: Young Justice 2 – Lost in the Multiverse (K)

Robin. Superboy. Wonder Girl. Impulse. Teen Lantern. Jinny Hex. Amethyst.

They’re the most dynamic young heroes in the world–or they would be, if their most recent adventure hadn’t left them scattered across the Multiverse!

To get back home, the members of Young Justice will have to fight their way through some of the most dangerous realities in all of creation–including one ruled by their own evil doppelgängers, the Young @#&*$^*!–and join forces with Zan and Jayna, a.k.a. the Wonder Twins, and the newly minted superhero Naomi for an all-out assault on S.T.A.R. Labs!

Join superstar writer BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ( Action Comics, Event Leviathan) and acclaimed artists JOHN TIMMS, ANDRÉ LIMA ARAÚJO, and NICK DERINGTON for the ultimate Wonder Comics team-up in YOUNG JUSTICE VOL. 2: LOST IN THE MULTIVERSE.

Secrets will be revealed, mysteries will be solved, and the heroes of Young Justice will never be the same!

Collects issues #7-12.

Brian Azzarello & Emanuela Lupacchino: Birds of Prey (K)

Black Canary’s life has spiraled out of control: her personal life is going through the ringer and her band is in crisis when an old flame resurfaces only to flicker out and set her on an all-new mission against an all-new opponent.

The only thing she has to be grateful for is the fact that she’s not alone, as Huntress finds herself on a collision course with Black Canary’s quarry at Detective Montoya’s urging.

Meanwhile, Harley Quinn has resurfaced outside of Gotham City and out of the Suicide Squad, with a new lease on life that is sure to make everyone else’s life more complicated.

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti: Harley Quinn 1 – Die Laughing (K)

Harley’s back in this new Vol. 1 graphic novel from DC Rebirth!

Her name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel-better known to her friends and enemies as Harley Quinn.

Her very-very-ex-boyfriend the Joker may be the Clown Prince of Crime, but Harley’s the Queen of Coney Island!
So when the zombie apocalypse threatens her li’l seaside stretch of paradise, who else would ya call to give the undead a blow to the head?

In these platitudinous pages, the baddest bad girl in the entire DC Universe joins forces with everyone from her gal pal Poison Ivy to the New York City punk scene to take down anyone who stands between her and a good time-living, dead or undead.

Fists will fly, hammers will fall, dudes will be brutalized and the ladies will rule the night!

The acclaimed writing team of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti joins forces with artists John Timms and Chad Hardin and draft a new beginning for DC’s craziest anti-hero in HARLEY QUINN VOL. 1: DIE LAUGHING-exploding from the blockbuster DC Rebirth event!

Collects HARLEY QUINN #1-7.

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti: Harley Quinn and Power Girl (K)

Spinning out of the hit series HARLEY QUINN, this six-issue miniseries tells the story-within-the-story of the unlikely super-duo’s adventures in outer space!

Hey, remember the panel gutter between panels 3 and 4 of page 20 of HARLEY QUINN #12? What? You don’t? It’s only, like, the most memorable panel gutter of the twenty-first century!
We’ll jog your memory our heroes, Harley Quinn and Power Girl, were tossed through a teleportation ring, dropping them into galaxies unknown.

It’s a cosmic adventure beyond your wildest imaginings: Power Girl and Harley Quinn, stranded in a forgotten dimension, on the homeworld of the amorous warlord Vartox!

They’ll sacrifice anything they have to in order to get home except their dignity. Kidding! That’ll be the first thing to go.

HARLEY QUINN writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are joined by artist Stephane Roux (BIRDS OF PREY) and writer Justin Gray (ALL-STAR WESTERN) for an unforgettable tale of friendship, romance and butt-kicking!


Hope Larson & Rafael Albuquerque: Batgirl 1 – Beyond Burnside (K)

Barbara Gordon’s heart belongs to Burnside, the ultra-hip Gotham City neighborhood. But some threats are bigger than Burnside. And when those threats come calling, Batgirl will answer!

When Babs plans a trip to train with the greatest fighters in the Far East, she has no idea her vigilante life will follow her.
Lethal warriors are out to take her down, each bearing the mysterious mark of “The Student.”

And where there are Students, there must also be…a Teacher.

Batgirl’s quest to track down her enemies’ master will take her from Okinawa to Singapore to Seoul to Shanghai.
Along the way, she’ll enhance her martial arts skills, and meet legendary heroes.

New York Times best-selling creators Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time) and Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE) take one of Gotham’s greatest heroes on a whirlwind world tour in BATGIRL VOL. 1: BEYOND BURNSIDE. Collects BATGIRL #1-6.

Hope Larson: Batgirl 3 – Summer of Lies (K)

From the Eisner and Ignatz award-winning author Hope Larson comes the next chapter for Gotham vigilante Batgirl!

Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson are a very different kind of Dynamic Duo.

No matter how far apart their careers as Batgirl and Nightwing take them, they always seem to be drawn back together.
But the true nature of their undeniable feelings for each other is a mystery even these world-class crime-fighters can’t crack.

They’d better figure it out fast, because when a deadly villain from their past resurfaces, the star-crossed superheroes are forced to remember a time they’d like to forget.
And once they realize that they’re caught in a trap years in the making, it may be too late for either of them to escape with their lives, let alone their hearts.

Can Barbara and Dick defeat the powerful enemy behind it all? Or will this case be their last dance?

Find out in Batgirl Vol. 3: Summer of Lies. Featuring art by Chris Wildgoose, Eleonora Carlini and Inaki Miranda and guest-starring Catwoman and the Mad Hatter, this story collects Batgirl #12-17.

Hope Larson: Batgirl 4 – Strange Loop (K)

The best-selling Rebirth series by Hope Larson returns in Batgirl: Vol. 4, a chilling metropolitan mystery for the ages!

It’s the holiday season in Burnside, and everyone is getting into the spirit…including Harley Quinn and the Penguin!

After the maid of mischief infects Barbara Gordon’s company party with a killer virus, Batgirl must embark on a wild-goose chase around the city to find a cure.

Meanwhile, a massive blizzard hits Gotham City without warning, and Batgirl must brave the bitter cold to discover the truth behind the storm.

When the storm finally clears, Batgirl begins a thorough investigation into a string of attacks targeted toward women in Burnside.
But she’s not the only one searching. Can a father-daughter duo put their differences aside long enough to crack the case?

New York Times best-selling creators Hope Larson ( A Wrinkle in Time) and Rafael Albuquerque ( American Vampire) present Batgirl Vol. 4.

Collects issues #18-23.

Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang: Wonder Woman 1 – Blood (K)

Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, has kept a secret from her daughter all her life-and when Wonder Woman learns who her father is, her life will shatter like brittle clay.

The only one more shocked than Diana by this revelation?

Bloodthirsty Hera – so why is her sinister daughter, Strife, so eager for the truth to be told?

Superstar writer Brian Azzarello creates a new direction for one of DC’s best-known heroes, with spectacular art by Cliff Chiang and Tony Akins!

Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang: Wonder Woman 2 – Guts

Wonder Woman goes to hell!

After playing Poseidon, Hades, and Hera against each other, Hades strikes back by kidnapping Zola and trapping her in the Underworld.

It’s up to Wonder Woman–with a little help from the God of Love and the God of Smiths — to break Zola out.

But what is Hades’ real game, and once you get into the land of the dead, how exactly do you get out?

Collecting WONDER WOMAN #7-12.

Greg Rucka & Bilquis Evely: Wonder Woman 4 – Godwatch

Princess Diana—Wonder Woman—is a hero to the world.

But there are those who see her very differently.
And one of those, Veronica Cale, the leader of the all-powerful Godwatch, will stop at nothing to use Diana to get what she wants: revenge on the gods themselves!

As the story unfolds from year to year, bridging the gap between the YEAR ONE story to present day, Wonder Woman faces off against not just scheming Cale, but also the powerful witch Circe and her own former friend Barbara Ann Minerva, now known as the Cheetah!

The celebrated run from writer Greg Rucka (GOTHAM CENTRAL) ends with WONDER WOMAN VOL. 4: GODWATCH, with art from Bilquis Evely, Mirka Andolfo and Nicola Scott.

Collects stories from WONDER WOMAN even issues #16-24 and WONDER WOMAN ANNUAL #1.

Shea Fontana & Mirka Andolfo: Wonder Woman 5 – Heart of the Amazon (K)

She is the greatest warrior the world has ever seen; a guardian of peace and justice with the power of a goddess.

But even Diana of Themyscira — the superhero better known as Wonder Woman — is entitled to a little downtime. And after the incredible trials she’s just endured, she could use it.

But when she goes to a wedding with her best friend Etta Candy, all hell breaks loose.

A madwoman’s attack on the reception ignites an all-out war for Wonder Woman’s most precious resource: the DNA that makes her an Amazon.

It could be a miracle cure…or a doomsday weapon.
Soon the planet’s most powerful bounty hunters are on her trail, out to acquire her genetic makeup by any means necessary.

Can Wonder Woman fend off this ruthless attack? Or will the heart of the Amazon be exposed for the world to see?

Find out in Wonder Woman Vol. 5: Heart of the Amazon, from best-selling author of DC Super Hero Girls Shea Fontana and artists Mirka Andolfo and David Messina, and featuring additional work from Tim Seeley, Inaki Miranda, Christian Duce and more.

Collects Wonder Woman #26-30, Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor #1 and stories from Wonder Woman Annual #1.

James Robinson: Wonder Woman 6 – Children of the Gods (K)

Until recently, Wonder Woman had no clue she had a twin brother, taken away from Themyscira in the dead of night.

The mysterious Jason (the only male ever born on the island) has been hidden somewhere far from the sight of gods and men…but his life and Wonder Woman’s are about to intersect in a terrifying way.

Before she can unravel that secret, Diana has to contend with the return of Grail, who is tracking down her half-siblings, the offspring of Zeus.

As each demigod dies, the energy is channeled to Grail’s father and master, the reborn Darkseid. And now Wonder Woman will be drawn into the battle against the deadly Lord of Apokolips.

Will Jason fight at her side, or do his loyalties lie elsewhere?

Writer James Robinson ( Starman, JSA: The Golden Age) and artists Carlo Pagulayan ( Batman and Robin Eternal), Sergio Davila ( Superman) and Emanuela Lupacchino ( Starfire) pit Wonder Woman against a cosmic threat she never imagined and introduce her to the family she never knew she had.

Collects Wonder Woman #31-37.

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti: Wonder Woman – Come Back to Me (K)

Joining Wonder Woman on her search for Steve Trevor is none other than his commanding officer and jack-of-all-trades Etta Candy!

The two quickly find themselves trapped in a mysterious storm and land on a mysterious uncharted island.

Is this where Steve went? If so, he may not have survived as the island is overrun with lost relics of the past, present and future all colliding at once!

As if things weren’t bad enough, lurking in the shadows is Wonder Woman’s deadliest foe, the Cheetah!

Husband/wife team Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti team up with their Harley Quinn collaborator Chad Hardin to show how far Wonder Woman will go to get the man she loves back, while literally going through the past, present and future to find him!

Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato: The Flash 1 – Move Forward (K)

Struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals, Central City Police scientist Barry Allen was transformed into the fastest man alive.

Tapping into the energy field called The Speed Force, he applies a tenacious sense of justice to protect an serve the world as The Flash! The Flash knows he can’t be everywhere at once, but he has seemingly met his match when he faces DC Comic’ hottest new Super Villain, Mob Rule, who really can be everywhere at once!

As Mob Rule wages a campaign of crime across Central City, including an electromagnetic blast that plunges the city into darkness, The Flash learns the the only way he can capture Mob Rule and save Central City is to learn how to make his brain function even faster than before–but as much as it helps him, it also comes with a steep price.

Written and gorgeously illustrated by the creative tag team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, THE FLASH VOL. 1: MOVE FORWARD is the perfect vision of the Scarlet Speedster brought to life.

This stunning graphic novel is one of the fastest and easiest entry points in all of DC Comics’ vast library.

This volume collects issues #1-7.

Francis Manapul: The Flash 2 – Rogues Revolution (K)

Struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals, Central City Police scientist Barry Allen was transformed into the fastest man alive.

Tapping into the energy field called The Speed Force, he applies a tenacious sense of justice to protect and serve the world as The Flash!



Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis: Aquaman 1 – The Trench (K)

Aquaman is back to challenge his status as a second-tier superhero.

Maligned for years as the man who talks to fish, Arthur Curry stakes his claim as one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe in AQUAMAN VOL. 1: THE TRENCH.

As the King of the Seven Seas, Aquaman has sworn to protect his ocean home and there’s been no greater threat to date than what’s to come.

They are called the Trench. And they are hungry.

As thousands of carnivorous beasts emerge from the ocean’s depths, can Aquaman protect his people from this deadly new threat? And also the surface world that he now calls home?

This is Aquaman’s renaissance—a cutting-edge revival of the King of the Seven Seas featuring the creative team behind New York Times best-selling graphic novels BLACKEST NIGHT and JUSTICE LEAGUE: THRONE OF ATLANTIS!

Dan Abnett & Stjepan Sejic: Aquaman 4 – Underworld (K)

A whole new era of AQUAMAN begins as master storyteller Stjepan Sejic ( Sunstone, Death Vigil) joins series writer Dan Abnett for Arthur’s boldest and most harrowing adventure yet in AQUAMAN VOL. 4: UNDERWORLD!

Former terrorists have replaced the Atlantean police.
Crime lords control huge swaths of the kingdom.
And a deadly undersea arsenal is trained on the surface-dwellers.

All is as King Rath commands–and yet whispers persist of a rebel in the slums of Atlantis: A hero with the potential to change the world.

In a tale that echoes sci-fi and fantasy sagas of the past, this critically acclaimed graphic novel is already being hailed as one of the greatest Aquaman stories ever told.

Collects AQUAMAN #25-30.

Dan Abnett & Riccardo Federici: Aquaman 5 – The Crown Comes Down (K)

Once, Aquaman was King of Atlantis–but his crown was stripped from him and given to Corum Rath.

Now, Atlantis has been cut off from the rest of the world, trapped by powerful ancient magic called the Crown of Thorns. No one can get in — or escape the deadly enforces of King Rath.

Now, Aquaman is part of the underground resistance fighting back against Rath, along with the mysterious Dolphin and his former sworn enemy, Vulko.
Only Aquaman can unite the factions needed to take down Rath–but only if he agrees to become King once more, which Arthur has sworn will not happen.

But when Arthur discovers the love of his life, Mera, has been afflicted with a strange mystic illness that can only be cured outside Atlantis, suddenly the Crown of Thorns becomes a death sentence.

Nothing will stop Arthur from leading the resistance to take down Corum Rath once and for all. The Crown must fall and so must the King!

Writer Dan Abnett ( Titans, The Silencer) continues his epic story that began with DC: Rebirth, aided by the art of Riccardo Federici ( Batman: The Murder Machine).

Collects Aquaman #31-33 and Crownspire Annual #1.

Dan Abnett & Riccardo Federici: Aquaman 6 – Kingslayer (K)

A new era for Aquaman continues here, as Arthur Curry battles the nefarious King Rath in Aquaman Vol. 6: Kingslayer!

Even after a decisive victory is won by Aquaman and the resistance, King Rath tightens his grip on Atlantis by unleashing an ancient magic that has not been seen for thousands of years.

But little is known about the true origin of the man who calls himself king… until now!

Witness the shocking origin of the nefarious King Rath in this earth-shattering volume!

The critically acclaimed creative team of Dan Abnett ( Annihilation) and Stjepan Sejic ( Sunstone, Death Vigil) continues remaking the mythology of Aquaman’s world in this new saga mixing science fiction, fantasy and superheroics.

Collects issues #34-40 and Annual #2.

Green Arrow 1 – The Midas Touch (K)

The Emerald Archer returns, relaunched for a new generation of readers!

The masked vigilante Green Arrow is used to looking for trouble, but now trouble’s come looking for him!

Enter Rush and his gang of thrill-seeking trust fund babies, buying their super powers and treating the world as their playground.

Along with their rotting man-monster Midas and the assassin Blood Rose, Rush plans to kill a super hero live on the Internet.
Even with his cutting-edge weapons and tech from Q-Core, the odds are stacked against Green Arrow!

From Dan Jurgens ( Superman), J.T. Krul ( Captain Atom), Keith Giffen ( O.M.A.C.) and George Perez ( Worlds’ Finest), this latest chapter of Green Arrow is a can’t-miss event!

Ann Nocenti: Green Arrow 2 – Triple Threat (K)

The stress of running a multi-billion dollar corporation and being the guardian of Star City has frayed Oliver Queen’s last nerve.

When he encounters the genetically modified triplets known as “Skylark” during a mission, Queen, entranced by their beauty and the new technology they give him, agrees to meet their “father” King Leer.

King Leer’s fortress, buried deep within a frozen mountainside, hides the true nature of his work, genetically modifying animals of all species – including humans – in order to take over the world.

His work is funded by the gold mine he has seized and rules the native people through starvation by polluting the environment.

Can Oliver Queen stop King Leer before he releases his creations upon the world, or will he end up as one of Leer’s experiments?

Originally published in single magazine form in Green Arrow #7-13.

Judd Winick & Phil Hester: Green Arrow 3 – Straight Shooter (K)

Written by Pulitzer Prize-nominee Judd Winick, with art by Phil Hester and Ande Parks, Green Arrow discovers corporate corruption in Star City and goes after those responsible!

But the last thing he was expecting was a fight with a 3-ton ogre!

As he delves into this mystery, he also falls into an unexpected romance, with tragic results.

Collects GREEN ARROW #26-31.

Brad Meltzer & Phil Hester: Green Arrow 4 – The Archer’s Quest (K)

The Emerald Archer returns from the dead and sets off on an adventure that tests his courage and brings formerly hidden facets of the Green Arrow legend to light.

Featuring an introduction by Senator Patrick Leahy, a foreword by Greg Rucka (WONDER WOMAN), Meltzer’s original notes to the series, and the script to issue #16.

Collecting GREEN ARROW #16-21 by Brad Meltzer (IDENTITY CRISIS)!

Judd Winick & Scott McDaniel: Green Arrow 8 – Crawling Through the Wreckage (K)

Oliver Green, also known as the Green Arrow, must take on his archenemy Deathstroke in order to save Mayor Queen.




Tim Seeley & Javier Fernandez: Nightwing 3 – Nightwing Must Die!

Dick Grayson’s DC Universe Rebirth adventure from fan-favorite creators Tim Seeley (BATMAN ETERNAL, GRAYSON) and Javier Fernandez (RED HOOD/ARSENAL) continues in NIGHTWING VOL. 3: NIGHTWING MUST DIE!

As the original Robin, Dick Grayson has long lived in the shadow of Batman.
But now, as Nightwing, he’s finally his own man. He has a new city to protect in Blüdhaven, and a new love in his life—former villain Shawn Tsang.

But someone doesn’t think that Nightwing is quite the hero he could be.
They’ve sent a twisted doppelgänger, Deathwing, to Blüdhaven to kidnap Shawn…sending Dick on a globe-spanning chase to get her back before something terrible happens.

Together with current Robin Damian Wayne, his partner from his brief stint as Batman, Dick must stay one step ahead of an enemy who seems to have all of his skills and memories.

But when Nightwing finds out who’s pulling Deathwing’s strings, he’ll realize the shadow of his time as Batman might be too long to ever truly escape.

Collects issues #16-21.

Kyle Higgins & Brett Booth: Nightwing 4 – Second City (K)

Kyle Higgins sends Nightwing to the Windy City to track down his parent’s killer!

This volume collects Nightwing #19-24.



Tim Seeley: Nightwing 5 – Raptor’s Revenge (K)


And now nemesis.

From his career as one of the Court of Owls’ hired killers to his stint as Dick Grayson’s would-be partner and teacher, the man called Raptor has always been one of the world’s deadliest fighters.
And now that Nightwing has rejected his offer, he’s poised to become the greatest foe the black-and-blue guardian of Blüdhaven has ever known.

But Nightwing has other, older enemies in his adopted hometown. Now he’ll need to count on them as allies.

When Raptor’s vendetta threatens the lives of every man, woman and child in the Blüd, Nightwing is forced to turn to the man who hates him most, Blockbuster, for help.

It’s a team-up like nothing Nightwing has ever known–as if Batman and The Joker joined forces.

That’s exactly what makes the alliance so dangerous.
If it succeeds, Raptor will feel victory slip through his talons.
But if it fails, the entire city of Blüdhaven will fall…

Nightwing Vol. 5: Raptor’s Revenge is a pulse-pounding thriller that pits Nightwing against an unforgettable addition to his rogues gallery, from writer Tim Seeley (Batman Eternal) and artists Javier Fernandez (Red Hood/Arsenal), Miguel Mendonça (Wonder Woman) and Diana Egea (Smallville: Season Eleven).

Collects Nightwing #30-34.

Sam Humphries & Bernard Chang: Nightwing 6 – The Untouchable (K)

A threat from Dick Grayson’s past past resurfaces in NIGHTWING VOL. 6: THE UNTOUCHABLE!

Nightwing finally feels like he’s got his life in Blüdhaven under control.

But the one thing he wasn’t expecting was for a case from his past in Gotham City to rear its head here — a murderer he never set eyes on, but whose unmistakable signature has arrived in his new city!

How many people will die before he’s stopped this time? Or worse than that…what if Dick can’t stop him?

Incoming creative team Sam Humphries (GREEN LANTERNS) and Bernard Chang (BATMAN BEYOND) will take Nightwing back to his days as Robin and force him to question his future as well in NIGHTWING VOL. 6: THE UNTOUCHABLE! Collects #35-41.

Benjamin Percy: Nightwing 7 – The Bleeding Edge (K)

It’s a new beginning for Dick Grayson, as novelist Benjamin Percy takes the vigilante on a high-octane, adrenaline-fueled adventure in Nightwing Vol. 7, a great jumping on point for new readers!

Change is on the horizon.

A new technologist sets his sights on Blüdhaven, creating a holographic, interconnected city where everyone is an individual and part of a larger network.
It’s the internet made physical.
Gentrification on gigabyte-laced steroids.

But when this new utopia encroaches on his turf, Nightwing starts to uncover a sinister plot based not on revenge…but on a reckoning.

Incoming creative team of horror novelist and Green Arrow alumn Benjamin Percy and artist Chris Mooneyham (Boom Studios’s Planet of the Apes) will take Nightwing on a digital nightmare that will have long-lasting ramifications for the DC Universe in NightwingVol. 7!

This great new jumping-on point is perfect for readers wanting to catch up with Dick Grayson!

Collects #44-49 and Annual #1.

Peter J. Tomasi & Rags Morales: Nightwing – Freefall (K)

Writer Peter Tomasi’s first tales of Nightwing are collected in this volume featuring issues #140-146!

When the bodies of fallen villains begin to disappear, Nightwing is drawn into a web of intrigue involving Talia al Ghul and the diabolical Dr. Creighton Kendall.



Nightwing – Knight Terrors (K)

Who is Dick Grayson?

A young Dick Grayson hopes to escape the shadow of the Bat and earn the title of Nightwing, while an older Dick Grayson must deal with a blow he did not see coming.

A common enemy unites the timelines: the Scarecrow!
This story explores the mythology and nightmarish development of classic Batman villain Dr. Jonathan Crane!

The creative team of horror novelist and Green Arrow alum Benjamin Percy and artist Chris Mooneyham (BOOM! Studios’ Planet of the Apes) will take Nightwing on a nightmare run that has the former Robin tangling with the king of fear in Nightwing: Knight Terrors!

Nightwing – Burnback (K)

Dick Grayson was a lot of things.

The first Robin. Ward to Bruce Wayne. Spyral agent. Titan. Nightwing.

But Ric Grayson doesn’t remember any of that.
The bullet to the head that caused his amnesia wiped out every trace of Dick Grayson…and provided a fresh start.

Now Ric drives a cab in Blüdhaven and is starting a burgeoning romance with an incredible woman named Bea. She doesn’t know anything about his past, but neither does Ric.

But the legacy of Nightwing isn’t going to be quite so easy to leave behind.

A collection of Blüdhaven’s finest police and firefighters have been dressing up in Nightwing’s old outfits to take justice into their own hands and keep the city safe.
And now they want Ric on their team.

Even without Dick Grayson’s memories, years of training with the world’s greatest fighters have provided Ric with instincts he can’t forget…and a thirst for justice he can’t control!

With Ric’s help, can the Nightwings save Blüdhaven from threats like the insane Joker’s Daughter and the living flame known as Burnback?

If Ric Grayson becomes Nightwing, can the rest of Dick Grayson’s old life be far behind?
And what does it mean for the new life that Ric is building?

Writers DAN JURGENS (BATMAN BEYOND) and SCOTT LOBDELL (RED HOOD: OUTLAW) and artists CHRIS MOONEYHAM (Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens ), RONAN CLIQUET (GREEN LANTERNS) and TRAVIS MOORE (FABLES: THE WOLF AMONG US) present the most unusual chapter yet in the saga of Nightwing!

Collects NIGHTWING #57-62.

