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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet 42/2021


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Jiipu Uusitalo: Okanaamio

Uusitalon trilogian ensimmäinen osa on Kukkaisruoska, joka käsittelee rangaistusvaltaa.

Sitä seuraa Puupenni, jossa tutkitaan rahan mahtia.

Kolmikon täydentää sosiaalista valtaa tutkiskeleva Okanaamio.

Se on katastrofisarjakuva, jossa tulvan erilleen heittämät rakastavaiset joutuvat pohtimaan millaisia valta-asetelmia terveyden, varallisuuden ja sukupuolen kaltaiset tekijät tuovat sosiaalisiin tilanteisiin.

Mustanaamio – Kova koville

Vanhan viidakon sanonnan mukaan Mustanaamio on kova koville.

Tämän kokoelman kuuden klassikkotarinan sivuilla tästä kovuudesta saadaan useita esimerkkejä, kun kuolematon sankarimme kohtaa orjakauppiaita, merirosvoja, verenhimoisia kissapetoja, mafiosoja ja noidutun kuningattaren.

Perinteistä seikkailusarjakuvaa nostalgian, vauhdin ja vaarallisten tilanteiden ystäville.
Tekijöinä loistavat legendaariset Lee Falk, Sy Barry ja Wilson McCoy.

Keväällä 85 vuotta täyttänyt Mustanaamio jaksaa yhä viihdyttää!

Korkeajännityssarja – Battler Britton 1958

Battler Brittonin huimien seikkailujen myötä sotasarjakuvat suorittivat lopullisen maihinnousunsa Korkeajännityksen sivuille ja pian tieteisviihde ja etsivätarinat jäivätkin pysyvästi sivuosaan.

Tämä näköispainos kattaa viisi ensimmäistä Battler Brittonin seikkailuihin keskittyvää Korkeajännityssarjan numeroa.
Näissä ajan huolellisesti patinoimissa tarinoissa yliluonnollisilla lentotaidoilla varustettu Robert Hereward ”Battler” Britton puolustaa Britannian ilmatilaa pahoilta natseilta toisen maailmansodan melskeissä.

Suurella sydämellä toteutettua ilmasotaviihdettä 50-luvun villin menon ja meiningin ystäville!

Aymond & Bollée: Bruno Brazil – Black Program osa 1

Salainen agentti Bruno Brazil ja iskuryhmä Kaimaani suoriutuivat aina menestyksekkäästi vaarallisimmistakin haasteista – aina viimeiseen tehtävään asti, jonka yhteydessä moni ryhmän jäsen menetti henkensä tai loukkaantui vakavasti.

Toverien kohtalo vaivaa edelleen Brazilia, mutta kun uusi uhka kohottaa päätään, hänen on unohdettava suru ja palattava kentälle vielä kerran. Iskuryhmän vanhoja vastustajia tapetaan järjestelmällisesti, ja henkiin jääneiden kaimaanien on yhdistettävä taas voimansa…

Gregin ja William Vancen luoma Bruno Brazil on yksi sarjakuvamaailman omaperäisimpiä sankareita.
Nyt uusi tekijätiimi LF Bollée ja Philippe Aymond jatkaa Bruno Brazilin, Gaucho Moralesin, Whip Rafalen ja muiden kiehtovien hahmojen tarinaa..

Ruju Pasquale & Milano Mario: Tex Willer värialbumi 1 – Ruoska

Armoton desperado Diego Portela on hautonut kostoa don Alvaradolle jo pitkään, mutta onko vendettan kohde myrkyllisempi kuin tämä noiduttu pistolero?

Tex Willer ja Kit Carson karauttavat keskelle väkivallan kierrettä Winchesterit laulaen, mutta sen jälkeen otteet vain kovenevat…

Kostonhimoa ja taikavoimia Rio Grandelta etelään!


Gianluigi Bonelli & Galep: Tex Willer Kirjasto 61 – Desperadojen hyökkäys

Tex ja hänen toverinsa suuntaavat Meksikoon järjestämään vastarintaa desperadojen piirittämälle tilalle.

Kaikki tuntuu menetetyltä, kun odottamaton yllätys ratkaisee tilanteen!

Sitten Tex kumppaneineen jää kiipeliin Arizonan autiomaahan…

Värillisessä Kirjasto-sarjassa julkaistaan kaikki Tex Willer -tarinat kronologisessa järjestyksessä.

Kari Korhonen: Roope Ankan päiväkirjat

Ankkamestari Kari Korhonen paljastaa nuoren Roopen polun Klondikesta Ankkalinnaan!

Miten nuoresta kullankaivajasta tuli uljaan ankkakaupungin ykkösmies? Helppoa se ei ollut, sillä matkan varrella Roope joutui mittelöön niin Karhukoplan, Pennosen suvun kuin monien muidenkin kierojen kelmien kanssa.

Näissä tarinoissa valotetaan myös itse Ankkalinnan historiaa sekä monien tuttujen hahmojen, kuten neiti Näpsän ja Pelle Pelottoman, taustoja. Luvassa on historiallisen vauhdikasta ja mukaansatempaavaa sarjakuvaseikkailua.

Korhosen kehutut tarinat Roopen nuoruudesta on koottu kaikkien Ankka-fanien iloksi upeaksi kirjaksi. Teos sisältää neljä tarinakokonaisuutta, joita ei ole aiemmin julkaistu kirjamuodossa.

Don Rosa: Don Rosa -kirjasto osa 1: Roope-setä ja Aku Ankka – Auringon poika

Don Rosa -kirjasto kokoaa yhteen tunnetun taiteilijan kaikki Ankka-sarjat ryyditettynä hupaisilla muisteloilla elämästä rakastettujen sarjakuvahahmojen siivellä ja piirtäjälegenda Carl Barksin jalanjäljissä.

Kirjasarjan ensimmäisessä osassa nähdään mm. huima aarrejahti Auringon poika, fysiikan lakeja ravisteleva Karhukoplakahakka Rahavirta sekä Klondiken kultamaille sijoittuva Lumikenttien kimallus, joka valottaa Roopen ja lumoavan Kultu Kimalluksen mutkikasta suhdetta.

Sarjat julkaistaan Don Rosan itsensä tarkistamassa asussa ja viimeisimmillä, virallisilla värityksillä.

Carl Barks: Carl Barksin joulutarinat 1950–1957

Carl Barksin (1901–2000) ankkataiteilijan uran aikana Ankkalinnassa vietettiin yli kaksikymmentä joulua, joista pidetty ja palvottu piirtäjänero kehitti koko joukon huimia ja hulvattomia sarjakuvaseikkailuja.

Barks lähettää sankarinsa välillä joulunviettoon jopa meren pohjaan, mutta jotenkin Pukki aina tavoittaa ankanpojat – eikä Akun ja Roopen alituinen nahistelukaan pysty vesittämään juhlatunnelmaa.

Tähän kirjaan on koottu Carl Barksin joulusarjat vuosilta 1950–1957. Mukana on mm. kaikkien havuntuoksuisten nyyhkytarinoiden kiistaton ykkönen, Tyhjälän joulu.



Kohei Horikoshi: My Hero Academia 19

Osa 19/28+

Jos jokin on koulumaista niin kulttuurijuhla!

Viime aikoina on ollut paljon pahisongelmia, joten meidän on syytä auttaa tunnelman kohottamisessa.
En totta puhuen tiedä, osaanko olla hyödyksi, mutta rokkaan minkä osaan!


Genre: seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+

Kousuke Oono: The Way of the Househusband 6

All of Tatsu’s hustling and networking since leaving the yakuza has earned him an offer he can’t refuse—an invitation to run with the women’s association, the movers and shakers of his neighborhood.

But before he can be initiated, the Immortal Dragon must prove to the board’s heavyweights that he truly can hack it as a homemaker.

It will be the greatest test of this househusband’s skills yet!



N. K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell: Far Sector

The first murder in 500 years. Twenty billion suspects. One hope.

The City Enduring, a booming metropolis at the edge of the universe, hasn’t experienced a violent crime in generations. The Emotion Exploit has erased its citizens’ full range of feelings, allowing three resident races to overlook their turbulent history and coexist peacefully–until now.

Rookie Green Lantern Sojourner “Jo” Mullein is still adjusting to her assignment to protect this strange world when a brutal murder rattles its social order, threatening to undo centuries of controversial progress.

As the populace rises up against the legacy of the Emotion Exploit and leaders grapple for power under threat of a new war, Jo must rely on her unique instincts–as a Green Lantern and the only human in this sector–to solve the crime and guide the City Enduring toward a more promising future.

Hugo Award-winning author N.K. Jemisin joins bestselling Naomi artist Jamal Campbell in the Eisner Award-nominated sci-fi murder mystery Far Sector, collecting all 12 issues, concept art and character designs, and an introduction by Gerard Way.

Joshua W, Cotter: Nod Away 2

An SF graphic novel, the second in an epic series, set in a near-future where the internet is telepathic and its hub is a human child.

Vol. 2 moves away from the deep space transport where Vol. 1 took place and moves to earthly terrain, peeling back layers of Cotter’s world-building to reveal the bigger picture of this graphic novel series in ways that upend expectations.

Aveline Moiré is a headstrong but self-destructive young French woman. When she meets and moves in with a young artist, Walter Walker, little do they know that the wheels they set in motion may bring about the end of humankind.
Working within the structure of SF, Nod Away moves back and forth between physical and psychological worlds.
It utilizes traditional and abstract storytelling styles to explore what consciousness could be, its location, what function or point it might serve, and how a lack of personal responsibility and accountability will always corrupt it.

At a projected seven volumes and over 2000 pages in all, Nod Away is poised to be one of the great comics classics of the 21st century.

Laurie Halse Anderson: Wonderful Women of the World

Women change the World…

…they’ve been doing it for centuries.

Now New York Times bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson has gathered female and nonbinary writers and artists to reveal the women making our world better day by day.
Real-world heroes who exemplify the best of Wonder Woman herself: her strength, compassion, and commitment to truth, equality, and justice.

Read the stories of Beyoncé (by Mikki Kendall and A.D’Amico), Keiko Agena (by Sarah Kuhn, Lynne Yoshii, and Carrie Strachan), Márcia Barbosa (by Corinna Bechko and Anastasia Longoria), Brené Brown (by Louise Simonson and Nicole Goux), Mariana Costa Checa (by Melissa Marr and Marcela Cespedes), Mari Copeny (by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Sharee Miller, and Silvana Brys), Teara Fraser (by Traci Sorell and Natasha Donovan), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (by Lilah Sturges, Devaki Neogi, and Triona Farrell), Judith Heumann (by Marieke Nijkamp and Ashanti Fortson), Marsha P. Johnson (by Jadzia Axelrod and Michaela Washington), Leiomy Maldonado (by Magdalen Visaggio and Emma Kubert), Ellen Ochoa (by Cecil Castellucci and Carina Guevara), Francisca Nneka Okeke (by Dr. Sheena C. Howard and Laylie Frazier), Greta Thunberg (by Kami Garcia and Igzell), Naomi Watanabe (by Jody Houser and Michiums), Serena Williams (by Danielle Page, Brittney Williams, and Caitlin Quirk), Edith Widnsor (by Amanda Deibert and Cat Staggs), Malala Yousafzai (by Son M. and Safiya Zerrougui), and Khatijah Mohamad Yusoff (by Amanda Deibert, Hanie Mohd, and Shari Chankhamma).

Jerry Moriarty: Visual Crime

This graphic novel is Jerry Moriarty’s tribute to fine artists who make their living in commercial art.

Rotart Sulli is a painter who illustrates crime fiction.

In the first of two stories that comprise Visual Crime, Sulli gets a call from the publisher who gives him an assignment for Visual Crime Magazine, which comes with a peculiar requirement: Sulli is to stay at Hotel Ace in room 611 until his assignment is finished. He completes the assignment in the basement of the hotel but not without coming to blows with a janitor with a penchant for chucking toys into the furnace.

In the book’s second story, Sulli is once again hired to illustrate a crime story; and once again, it comes with a peculiar demand: he’s told to place the finished work “in your back window ― it will be seen.” In between these two stories are a dozen short stories occupying a single page, all illustrated by paintings by Sulli.

Painted panel sequences alternate with Moriarty’s rough-hewn, proletarian pen and ink panels amidst the luminous, Hopperesque paintings by Rotart Sulli, creating a portrait of the artist working alone in a mysterious and uncertain world, creating stunning images that transcend the melodramatic stories they illustrate.

Alejandro Jodorowsky: The Jodorowsky Library 1

The Jodorowsky Library: a collection of deluxe matching volumes cumulating the iconic works of the legendary Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Included in this volume are the bawdy secret agent tale ANIBAL 5 (illustrated by Georges Bess) and the sci-fi epic MEGALEX (illustrated by Fred Beltran), along with a selection of stories from SCREAMING PLANET with artwork by Adi Granov, Axel Medellin, and other comics art legends.

Includes previously unseen bonus materials and extras, including rare pages from Jodorowsky’s never-reprinted comics debut in 1966!

Sean Murphy: Batman – Curse of the White Knight

The sword of Azrael unleashed!

The urban jungle that is Gotham City is being torn apart by the war between Batman and the Joker—a war in which the difference between hero and villain has become impossibly blurred.
Now, with his do-gooding Jack Napier personality submerged beneath an ascendant Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker is ready to take that war to the next level—and his army has a new recruit.

Wielding a flaming sword and bearing the weight of hundreds of years of history on his shoulders, Azrael is a knight darker than any that Gotham has seen before. One by one, the Batman’s enemies will fall beneath his blade—and bit by bit, this new crusader will remake Gotham City into his own version of heaven on Earth.

Only Batman and his estranged allies can stop him—but the distrust between them runs deep. And when the Joker and Azrael expose the hidden history of the Wayne family, all faith in the Dark Knight may be shattered for good.

Acclaimed writer and artist Sean Murphy continues his thrilling and thought-provoking reimagining of the Batman mythos in Batman: Curse of the White Knight, a stunning sequel to his groundbreaking graphic novel Batman: White Knight.

This volume collects all eight issues of the DC Black Label series as well as the Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze one-shot written by Murphy and illustrated by legendary comics artist Klaus Janson.

Eleanor Crewes: The Times I Knew I Was Gay

A charming, highly relatable graphic memoir that follows one young woman’s adventures in coming out and coming of age.

Ellie always had questions about who she was and how she fit in.
As a girl, she wore black, obsessed over Willow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and found dating boys much more confusing than many of her friends did.

As she grew older, so did her fears and a deep sense of unbelonging.
From her first communion to her first girlfriend via a swathe of self-denial, awkward encounters, and everyday courage, Ellie tells her story through gorgeous illustrations—a fresh and funny self-portrait of a young woman becoming herself.

The Times I Knew I Was Gay reminds us that people sometimes come out not just once but again and again; that identity is not necessarily about falling in love with others, but about coming to terms with oneself.

Full of vitality and humor, it will ring true for anyone who has taken the time to discover who they truly are.

Keanu Reeves & Ron Garney: BRZRKR 1

Keanu Reeves makes his comic book writing debut alongside New York Times bestselling co-writer Matt Kindt and acclaimed artist Ron Garney in a brutally violent new series about one immortal warrior’s fight through the ages.


The man known only as B. is half-mortal and half-God, cursed and compelled to violence…even at the sacrifice of his sanity.
But after wandering the world for centuries, the Berzerker may have finally found a refuge – working for the U.S. government to fight the battles too violent and too dangerous for anyone else.

In exchange, B. will be granted the one thing he desires – the truth about his endless blood-soaked existence…and how to end it.

Keanu Reeves makes his comic book writing debut alongside New York Times bestselling co-writer Matt Kindt (Folklords, Grass Kings) and legendary artist Ron Garney (Wolverine) in a brutally violent new series about one immortal warrior’s fight through the ages.

Collects BRZRKR #1-4.

Saladin Ahmed & Sami Kivelä: Abbott – 1973

Elena Abbott is one of Detroit’s toughest reporters, who must now exhaust all her abilities as a reporter and a supernatural savior to rescue Detroit from dark forces trying to corrupt the city’s most important election–but at what cost to her own life?


Elena Abbott is one of Detroit’s toughest reporters–and after defeating the dark forces that murdered her husband, she’s focused on the most important election in the city’s history.
But when someone uses dark magic to sabotage the campaign of the prospective first Black mayor of Detroit, it becomes clear to Abbott that the supernatural conspiracy in her city is even greater than she ever imagined.

Now Abbott must exhaust all her abilities as a reporter and a supernatural savior to rescue Detroit–but at what cost to her own life?

Miles Morales: Spider-Man mastermind & Eisner Award-winning writer Saladin Ahmed and acclaimed Machine Gun Wizards artist Sami Kivelä return to the Hugo Award-nominated world of Abbott, as the eponymous unstoppable reporter tackles a new corruption taking over Detroit in 1973 and the supernatural threat behind it.

Collects Abbott: 1973 #1-5.

G. Willow Wilson: Ms. Marvel – Something New

The malleable Ms. Marvel continues her hero’s journey as an enemy from her past begins targeting those closest to her — a challenge that calls into question everything about Kamala Khan. Not just as a super hero, but as a human being!

Who can Ms. Marvel trust with everyone in Jersey City against her…and a new crimefighter moving in on her turf?

Meanwhile, Bruno may be far away at a prestigious school in Wakanda, but adventure still finds him!
And when calamity strikes while Kamala is having a sleepover with Nakia, Zoe and Mike, can Ms. Marvel save the day without bailing on her best friends?
Then, a long-awaited reunion turns a little crazy, causing Ms. Marvel’s powers to fritz — and Kamala will have to pull it together to battle a classic Marvel villain!

COLLECTING: Ms. Marvel (2015) #25-38.

Emma Kubert & Rusty Gladd: Inkblot 2

Oblivious to the profound grief it has caused the Seeker, the cat continues to meander through time and space wherever its mood takes it.

Occasionally evasive and consistently playful, it threatens to destroy what little control the sorcerers have over the realms, and unravel what the Seeker knew to be true of magic itself.

Collects INKBLOT #7-12.

René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo: Asterix Omnibus 1

Asterix is celebrating 60 sensational years as an international comics superstar, and in the first collected edition from Papercutz, the stories are newly translated into American English for a new generation of fans!

The story of Asterix starts here.
These are the first three adventures of Asterix as he defends his tiny village from the overwhelming forces of the Roman Empire.
Join the short, spunky, and super-powerful warrior from Gaul and his faithful friends–including the boar-eating delivery man Obelix and the ecologically-minded canine, Dogmatix–as they battle to protect their village against impossible odds.

Asterix Omnibus volume one collects ” Asterix the Gaul,” ” Asterix and the Golden Sickle,” and ” Asterix and the Goths.”
Three classic adventures in one great volume!

Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo: Batman – Last Knight On Earth

Powerhouse creative team Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo (Batman: The Court of Owls, Dark Nights: Metal) conclude a decade-long partnership with the Caped Crusader in Batman: Last Knight on Earth.

Twenty years in the future, Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum.
Young. Sane. And…he’s never been Batman.

To piece together the mystery of his past, the Dark Knight embarks on a sprawling quest through this unknown world, meeting futuristic versions of former friends and enemies, including a grisly traveling companion–the Joker’s head. Somehow still alive, Joker’s decapitated head becomes Batman’s ghoulish guide through the landscape of the devastated DC Universe.

But to unravel the cause of this terrible future, he’ll need to track down the unspeakable force that destroyed the world he once knew.

This could be the last Batman story ever told…

Michael Walsh: The Silver Coin 1

The story starts with a failing rock band whose fortune changes overnight when they find the mysterious silver coin.

Next, it helps handle some mean girls at sleep-away camp.

Follow the curious token as it changes hands over centuries―from Puritan New England to the scavenged junklands of 2467―and discover how much pain a cursed coin can purchase.

Eisner-winning artist MICHAEL WALSH (Star Wars, Black Hammer/Justice League) teams with all-star collaborators―CHIP ZDARSKY (STILLWATER), KELLY THOMPSON (Sabrina the Teenage Witch), ED BRISSON (Old Man Logan), and JEFF LEMIRE (GIDEON FALLS)―on this new ongoing horror anthology series for mature readers.

Collects THE SILVER COIN #1-5.

R Kikuo Johnson: Night Fisher

First-rate prep school, SUV, and a dream house in the heights — an island paradise was handed to Loren Foster when he moved to Hawaii with his father six years ago.

Now, with the end of high school just around the corner, his best friend, Shane, has grown distant. Rumors abound. Loren suspects that Shane has left him behind for a new group of friends. Their friendship is put to the test when they get mixed up in a petty crime.

Johnson has a naturalistic ease in exploring these relationships, which sets this drama apart. This graphic novel debut is at once an unsentimental portrait of that most awkward period between adolescence and young adulthood and that rarest of things — a mature depiction of immature lives. His lush-yet-unsentimental-depiction of Maui creates an immersive, visceral sense of place.

In 2006, critics heralded R. Kikuo Johnson’s Night Fisher as one of the most exciting debuts in the medium’s history.
Johnson won the prestigious Russ Manning Newcomer Award at the 2006 Eisner Awards, the Harvey Award for Best New Talent, and a Harvey Award nomination for Best Graphic Novel.
On its 15th anniversary, Fantagraphics is proud to publish this new edition of Night Fisher in hardcover for the first time.

Jean-David Morvan & Rey Macutay: Ashes, Ashes

In a post-Apocalyptic future, all traces of technology have seemingly disappeared from the surface of the Earth.

Two surviving bands face off against each other in tribal combat, while the Patriarch of the larger clan plans his attack to destroy the “infernal machine” designed by his opponent. Because he remembers how technology made humanity weak, and how it almost wiped us out 100 years before…

Flashback to the year 2052, An unexplained and unexpected natural phenomenon causes electricity itself to simply fail. And in its disappearance, civilization falls to its knees, almost instantaneously.

A cautionary, post-apocalyptic tale told from both sides of the downfall.

Dash Shaw: Discipline

A teenage Quaker joins the Union Army and experiences firsthand the brutality of the Civil War in this singular graphic novel by a beloved comics artist and animator.

During the Civil War, many Quakers were caught between their fervent support of abolition, a desire to preserve the Union, and their long-standing commitment to pacifism.

When Charles Cox, a young Quaker from Indiana, slips out early one morning to enlist in the Union Army, he scandalizes his family and his community.

Leaving behind the strict ways of Quaker life, Cox is soon confronted with the savagery of battle, the cruelty of the enemy (as well as of his fellow soldiers), and the overwhelming strangeness of the world beyond his home.

He clings to his faith and family through letters with his sister, Fanny, who faces her own trials at home: betrayal, death, and a church that seems ready to fracture under the stress of the war.

Discipline is told largely through the letters exchanged between the Cox siblings—incorporating material from actual Quaker and soldier journals of the era—and drawn in a style that combines modern graphic storytelling with the Civil War–era battlefield illustrations of the likes of Thomas Nast and Winslow Homer.

The result is a powerful consideration of faith, justice, and violence, and an American comics masterpiece.

Paul Allor & Paul Tucker: Hollow Heart


EL used to be human.

Now he’s a jumble of organs in a bio-suit. El is also in tremendous pain and has been for a very long time.

Hope arrives in the form of Mateo, a mechanic brought in to work on EL’s suit. Mateo sees EL in a way no one else ever has. And what’s more: Mateo offers EL an escape.

Hollow Heart reunites Tet creators Paul Allor and Paul Tucker for a queer monster love story about the choices we make between giving our loved ones what they want and giving them what we think they need.

Collects the complete six-issue series.

Steve Orlando & Alex Sanchez: Party and Prey

Alan is an older gay man on the prowl for a young, 30-ish hookup.

He finds the perfect match in Scott, but when they go back to Alan’s sprawling estate, “Scott” suddenly turns on his older date.

Turns out, Alan isn’t the picture-perfect sugar daddy, but a sociopath responsible for the disappearance of numerous young gay men.

“Scott” isn’t really looking for a boyfriend, but revenge for a fallen friend…unfortunately for Scott, he may have underestimated Alan and when he finds one of Alan’s victims still alive, his mission swerves from one of revenge to a rescue.

From Jeffrey Dahmer to Ed Buck…to the Toronto gay murders…authorities have a pattern of overlooking crimes against gay men until it’s far too late.
In PARTY & PREY, we match this unfortunate truth with the hard-to-believe, but real-life extremes that gay power brokers like Peter Thiel go to in attempts to preserve their youth…creating a gay revenge thriller with a true-crime twist that flips our sympathies just when we start to feel bad for Alan.

Think a gay Get Out crossed with Criminal, Stray Bullets, or Dead Inside.

Mirka Andolfo & Andrea Broccardo: Deep Beyond 1

In an underpopulated future Earth, devastated by the dire consequences of the millennium bug, the survival of mankind–and, maybe, of the planet itself–is handled by a small number of people.

These are talented scientists who, despite the adverse situation and the stupid feuds that continue to divide the small number of people still alive, try to understand and study what is hidden in the depths of the abyss–something mysterious and dangerous, which could eventually cause an even worse and more destructive catastrophe!

The 100 meets LOW, with a hint of Death Stranding in the brand-new sci-fi thriller series from acclaimed creator MIRKA ANDOLFO (UNNATURAL, MERCY, SWEET PAPRIKA), teaming up with writer DAVID GOY, rising-star artist ANDREA BROCCARDO (Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Empyre: X-Men), and colorist BARBARA NOSENZO (The Ballad of Halo Jones).

Collects DEEP BEYOND #1-6.

Mariko Tamaki & Babs Tarr: Overwatch – Tracer–London Calling

Overwatch may be disbanded, but Tracer’s time in ”retirement” is up . . .

After a punk-rock omnic named Iggy shows Tracer the dire living conditions forced upon London’s omnics, Tracer vows to help.
But things might not be so easy, especially with larger forces sowing conflict between humans and omnics in London.

Acclaimed Eisner and Harvey award-winning writer Mariko Tamaki (This One Summer, Wonder Woman) and kinetic artist Babs Tarr (Batgirl, Motor Crush) are joined by colorist Rachael Cohen (Snotgirl) and letterer Deron Bennett (Tale of Sand).

Collects the five-issue miniseries.

Joann Sfar & Lewis Trondheim: Dungeon Zenith 1-2 – The Barbarian Princess

Welcome to Dungeon, the looniest world of horror and heroic fantasy you’ll ever be transported into!

A spoof of Dungeons & Dragons and all heroic fantasy tropes.

This series, a best-seller in many countries, starts with the apogee of Dungeon, a mighty castle filled with monsters, trolls, and goblins kept by a wily bird, the Dungeon Keeper, and the object of desire of many an uncouth and disgusting forms of life (and afterlife), and Herbert the Timorous Duck is assigned to defend it!

Thank goodness, the Dungeon Keeper has assigned Marvin the Dragon, a blood-thirsty, uh, vegetarian, warrior, to his side.

4 full stories in one omnibus volume at a new larger size! (Combines the 1st 2 volumes originally published).

Steve Foxe & Shadia Amin: Spider-Ham – Great Power, No Responsibility

Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham (and breakout character from Into the Spider-Verse), arrives in this all-new, original graphic novel for younger readers!

Experience a laugh-out-loud day in the life of Spider-Ham!

After long being derided by the citizens of New York, Spider-Ham has finally been recognized for his outsized contribution to the city’s safety, and receives the key to the city from none other than the mayor (and, being a cartoon universe, the key actually unlocks New York City’s political and financial institutions).
Sure, it’s just a publicity stunt for the beleaguered mayor-and yeah, maybe every single other super hero was busy that day — but an award is an award!

Of course, Spider-Ham isn’t paying attention to the fine print telling him he didn’t actually get to keep the key, and he swings off without returning the highly coveted oversized object. The next day, when the mayor’s office finally gets in touch to ask for the key back, Spider-Ham realizes he must have dropped it sometime in the last 24 hours. YIKES.

Now, our notoriously empty-headed hero must retrace his steps from the past day, following his own trail to discover where he dropped the key before it falls into villainous hands.
Did he lose it during a rooftop chase with the Black Catfish?
Drop it in the middle of a tussle with the Green Gobbler?
Leave it behind while visiting Croctor Strange’s magic mansion?
Accidentally store it next to May Porker’s vacuum cleaner?
Who knows?

You’ll have to read to find out! But one thing’s for sure — Great Power, No Responsibility is an action-packed, hilarious adventure perfect for younger readers.

Howard Wong & Robin Simon Ng: Damned, Cursed Children

A series of terrifying attacks have left a city overrun by children gone murderous!

In the sudden aftermath of a series of horrifying attacks, a group of strangers are forced together in a city gone mad under the onslaught of an unimaginable terror!


Can they overcome every deeply ingrained human instinct and do the unimaginable to survive in a world overrun with Damned, Cursed Children?!

Collecting all five issues of the acclaimed hit mini-series, with behind the scenes bonus content, and a special introduction from Jimmy Palmiotti.

Mariko Tamaki & Natacha Bustos: Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Willow

Now, truly alone for the first time in her life, Willow must rely only on her instincts – and her magic – to save herself from a different kind of threat than Buffy ever prepared her to face in her first ever comic book series!


After everything – and everyone – she lost to the Hellmouth, Willow is leaving Sunnydale behind for a new school that promises “to help you prioritize your true self.”
But Willow soon learns that all is not as it seems, and if your true self isn’t what the school thinks it should be…well, don’t worry, they’ll help you get there. By any means necessary.

Now, truly alone for the first time in her life, Willow must rely only on her instincts – and her magic – to save herself from a different kind of threat than Buffy ever prepared her to face!

Award-winning writer Mariko Tamaki (She-Hulk) and superstar artist Natacha Bustos (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur) bring Willow face to face with the truth of her past… and plant the seeds for a future no one could’ve predicted.

Collects Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow #1-5.

Tyrone Finch & Alain Mauricet: Swine

Ellis Rafferty spent seven years in prison after being wrongly convicted for the murder of his wife, Becky.

Now released, he seeks to avenge her death.
Joining forces with Becky’s sister, Zoey, they hit the road to take on the most pernicious threat in human history: bloodthirsty, cunning, immortal demons originally cast into the bodies of swine—and they are Legion.

Ellis and Zoey travel the country to put a stop to the pigs’ murderous rampage, leaving carnage in their wake in this horror story with a dark-comedy cream filling.

Christa Faust & Michael Deodato: Redemption 1

The dusty desert town of Redemption survived the apocalypse but is hanging on by a thread.

A despot rules the town with an iron fist and controls its most precious resource: water.
When that strongman marks her mother for death, young Rose Obregon ventures into the perilous wasteland to seek the help of the legendary gunslinger Cat Tanner, only to discover that the so-called “Butcher” is long retired, living in solitude, far from what’s left of the world, and preferring to keep it that way.

When Rose arrives on Tanner’s doorstep, with gunmen hot on her trail, the Butcher has a choice to make: sit on the sidelines or pick up her guns and do what she does best?

Al Ewing: S.W.O.R.D. by Al Ewing 1

One giant leap for mutantkind!

The new nation of Krakoa has quickly become a major force on the world stage…but why stop there?

The X-Men have relaunched the Sentient World Observation & Response Directorate — a fully independent organization dealing with all things extraterrestrial on behalf of Earth.
And S.W.O.R.D. is thrown right into the deep end of a planetary crisis as Krakoa battles the invading King in Black!

Meanwhile, Abigail Brand prepares a deniable operation all her own. What is Protocol V — and can the Earth survive it?
Then, walk a mile in the Manifold’s shoes as S.W.O.R.D.’s Quintician takes a journey across the universe — and comes face to face with a deadly enemy!
And as the Quiet Council discuss the rules of murder on Krakoa, in space the killings have already begun…

COLLECTING: S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1-6.

