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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet viikolla 10/2022


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Tuula Mäkelä: Rappuset

Miltä hirvestä tuntuu, kun se pudottaa sarvensa?
Miltä maistuu härän mahalaukku?
Tietävätkö sirpaleet onnea?
Mitä Katri Helena laulaa Lui-nimisessä kappaleessa?
Onko taivaalla mustia aukkoja?

Aitta oli ollut pihassa aina.
Ala-aitassa oli moottorisaha ja Fiatin talvirenkaat.

Yläaitassa säilytettiin kaikkea jännää muistoina ja kaiken varalta. Rappuset on kertomus isän ja tyttären yhteisestä kesäpäivästä, jonka aikana korjataan aitan rappusten rikkoutunut askelma.
Päivä vaikuttaa aluksi aivan tavalliselta, mutta sen mittaan saadaan vastaus moneen kysymykseen.

Tuula Mäkelä on Kyyjärvellä vuonna 1979 syntynyt ja kasvanut sarjakuvantekijä, joka opettaa graafista suunnittelua Ikaalisten käsi- ja taideteollisuusoppilaitoksessa.
Talvisin hän tykkää tehdä pahkatöitä ja kesäisin pelastaa kimalaisia ynnä muita uimataidottomia veden varasta.

Rappuset on hänen ensimmäinen sarjakuvakirjansa.

Keijo Ahlqvist: Taide

Taide on taiteen tekemisen pieni filosofinen opas, taiteen luennan lyhyt ja pitkä oppimäärä, aforistinen, uniikki, ruuduton ja rajaton sarjakuvateos.

Taide on itsereflektiivinen, vallaton valtaus, vapauttava tapahtuma ja vaurautta tiiviydessään.

Taide on Keijo Ahlqvistin kolmas oma sarjakuvakirja, elämänmittaisen ajattelutyön kypsä hedelmä.

Piirtäjänä Keijo Ahlqvist (s. 1955, edelleen elossa) on suuri pelkistäjä. Hän tiivistää oleellisen muutamilla viivoilla, eikä sanojakaan tuhlailla. Lopputulos patistaa lukijaa ajattelemaan (myös) itse.

Sarjakuvaneuvoksen arvonimellä palkittu Ahlqvist piirsi Kemissä kunnalliskertomuksia sarjakuvamuotoon, kunnallispoliittista Kemistit-sarjakuvaa Sortteeriin ja laati yhdessä Ari Kutilan kanssa ensimmäisen suomalaisen sarjakuvan oppikirjan Piirrä sarjakuvaa! (1988).

Vuonna 2000 Ahlqvist oli perustamassa Limingan taidekouluun sarjakuvalinjaa.
Hän opetti siellä vuoteen 2017 asti, vaikka välillä kirjautui kouluun opiskelijaksi: ensin 2009 kuvataidelinjalle ja 2015 omalle sarjakuvalinjalleen.
Ahlqvistille ominaista on pyrkiä tutkimaan asioiden kaikki puolet.

Hiljaiselo omien teosten suhteen loppui vuonna 2019, jolloin Ahlqvistin sarjakuvia julkaistiin kahtena kirjana, K ei joo (Täysi Käsi) ja Kaunakirja (Zum Teufel).
Eläkkeelle jäämisensä jälkeen Ahlqvistin uteliaisuus todellisuuden olemuksesta ei ole sammunut. Päinvastoin, lakkaamattoman pohdiskelun tuloksia piirtyy paperille hurjaa tahtia.

Keijo Ahlqvistin mukaan taide ei ole ensisijaisesti ammatti eikä varsinkaan palkkatyö. Taide on vapaus, joka kuuluu kaikille. Taide elää meissä kaikissa, kunhan sen antaa elää.

Kirjan esipuheen on kirjoittanut Ahlqvistin kollega, entinen oppilas ja opettaja Tessa Astre.

Diaz Canales & Guardino: Blacksad 6 – Kun kaikki sortuu 1. osa

Blacksad on yksi 2000-luvun suosituimmista sarjakuvista.

Kissahahmoisen etsivän seikkailut sijoittuvat 40-50-lukujen Yhdysvaltoihin, jossa korruptio rehottaa ja ongelmat ratkaistaan nyrkeillä tai pyssyillä.
Tarinat huokuvat perinteistä dekkaritunnelmaa ja maalattu kuvitus on pullollaan kiehtovia yksityiskohtia.

Kaikki sarjan viisi aiempaa osaa on julkaistu suomeksi, ja uutta albumia on odotettu innokkaasti.

Tällä kertaa Blacksad sotkeutuu gryndereiden ja politiikan kiemuroihin. Yksinkertainen henkivartijan työ johtaa sankarimme syvälle rakennusalan synkälle puolelle, ja kun raha puhuu, turvassa ei ole kukaan.

Miten Blacksadin vanhat ystävät ja kunnianhimoinen teatteriseurue liittyvät New Yorkin massiivisiin rakennusprojekteihin?
Upeasti piirretty albumi tarjoaa yllätyksiä ja vauhdikkaita käänteitä alusta loppuun asti.

Dav Pilkey: Koiramies – Kenelle pallot soivat

Koiramies kohtaa uuden superrikollisen ja yrittää päästä eroon vanhoista huonoista tavoistaan.

Lukeminen antaa supervoimia! Neropattiakin suositumpi sarja tuo iloa koululaisten arkeen.

Mukana uusissa seikkailussa jälleen myös Pete, maailman häijyin kissa, ja Pikku-Pete, hyvis kissanpentu.
Kun Peten oma isä saapuu paikalle, Peten pitää kohdata menneisyytensä ja oppia ymmärtämään elämän suuria arvoja.

Seitsemäs ratkiriemukas Koiramies-sarjiskirja. Jaana Kapari-Jatan kekseliäs suomennos.



Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 13

Osa 13/13+

Rimurun ura hallitsijana on ollut riemukulkua voitosta voittoon, mutta on tullut aika maksaa menestyksen lunnaat.

Suojellakseen ystäviään ja kaupunkiaan sankarimme on pakko turvautua äärimmäisiin keinoihin!

Fantasia / Ikäsuositus: 12+

Takaaki Kugatsu: Ravintola maailmojen välillä 3

Osa 3/4.

Nekoya on pieni ravintola, jonka listalta löytyy erityisesti japanilaisia tulkintoja länsimaisesta ruuasta.

Normaalin asiakaskuntansa lisäksi Nekoyalla on myös erikoisempia kävijöitä. Lauantaisin sen ovi näet aukeaa maailmaan, jota kansoittavat ihmisten lisäksi haltiat, liskokansa, lohikäärmeet ja muut oudot otukset…

Tällä kertaa luvassa on muun muassa voileipien taisto, noidan jälkiruoka sekä uuniperunaa. Tervetuloa herkuttelemaan!


Peach-Pit: Shugo Chara! 1

Osa 1/12.

Amu Hinamorilla on koulussaan viileän koviksen maine.

Tämä on kuitenkin vain pintaa – pohjimmiltaan Amu on herkkä tyttö, joka ei tahtoisi olla roolinsa vanki.

Eräänä aamuna hän löytää viereltään kolme värikästä, kananmunan kaltaista esinettä.
Niistä kuoriutuu pieniä Shugo Charoja, suojelushahmoja, jotka sekoittavat Amun elämän ja roolit.

Ikäsuositus: 10+

ONE & Yusuke Murata: One-Punch Man 11

Osa 11/20.

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta



Shiro Amano: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories 1

Osa 1/2.

Aku, Hessu ja muut tutut seikkailevat nyt mangassa!

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories on sarjakuva, jota Disneyn, Kingdom Heartsin tai mangan ystävä ei voi jättää huomiotta…

Toimintaroolipelisarja Kingdom Hearts syntyi japanilaisen peliyhtiö Square Enixin ja Disneyn yhteistyönä. Päähenkilö Sora seikkailee Disneyn animaatioelokuvien kuten Herkules ja Aladdin maailmoissa.
Matkakumppaneina hänellä ovat Aku ja Hessu. Disneyn sankareiden lisäksi kohdataan tietenkin myös elokuvista tuttuja konnia.

Eikä siinä kaikki: Mukana on myös elementtejä maailmankuulusta Final Fantasy -pelisarjasta!

Kaksiosainen manga Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories perustuu pelisarjan samannimiseen peliin. Se on jatkoa aiemmin julkaistulle Kingdom Hearts Final Mixille.

Seuraavaksi on tulossa pelisarjan jatko-osaan pohjautuva Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (5 osaa)!

Kaikenikäisille / Seikkailu

Tatsuki Fujimoto: Chainsaw Man 7

Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man!

Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world.

After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous—Chainsaw Man!

Denji’s gotten too famous!
After a news program broadcasts Chainsaw Man’s heroics, the whole world now wants in on the action!

Can Denji’s new protection detail keep him safe from all the talented assassins that have assembled in Japan to take him down?!

Hiro Maijima: I Am a Cat Barista 1

Take a coffee break in this supernatural spin on a cat café!

For some people, the daily grind of city life is exhausting.

Yet somewhere between the busy streets there’s a mysterious cat café that can only be found by weary souls.

What’s on the menu? A delicious drink, specially brewed for each customer…by a cat barista!

You Someya: Pleasure and Corruption 2

It is becoming apparent to Zen, and his rope-art instructor Ayame, that while his behavior has been lacking, it is his homelife that is truly damaging.

By teaching how best to test the limitations of bonds, Ayame intends to give Zen the strength to speak up to his parents.



You Someya: Pleasure and Corruption 3

Zen’s new hobby has not just helped his homelife, but it is starting to do wonders for his social life.

Ayame has added a new member, Miwa Aoi, the student body president, to her circle.

Now the three of them will have plenty of chances to become close-knit friends.


You Someya: Pleasure and Corruption 4

Bondage of the mind is falling prey to external influences and one’s frailties.

Having experiences the pleasures of bondage, Aoi has her eyes set on sharing that high with the guy she has her eyes set on.

But when she cannot put her man on lockdown, she decides to use her ropes for pain.



Petteri Tikkanen: Humala (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Eeron elämä uudella paikkakunnalla ei etene niin kivuttomasti kuin olisi odottanut.

Napanuora kotikaupunkiin on edelleen vahva ja saa nuoren miehen sahaamaan edestakaisin etappien välillä.
Uudet kämppäkaverit rasittavat ja isän kierre syvenee.

Onko etäsuhteessa mitään järkeä?

Petteri Tikkasen Eero-sarja jatkuu.
Kuudes osa valottaa Eeron askeleita kohti itsenäisyyttä.

“Lämminhenkistä sarjakuvaa, jonka tarinaa maistuu aidolta ja eletyltä.” – Toni Jerrman, Tähtivaeltaja

Siiri Viljakka: Kohti sumua (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kohti sumua on teos naisrakkaudesta, luopumisesta ja mystisestä majakkasaaresta.

Muistinsa menettänyt Natalie huuhtoutuu majakalle. Hänet pelastaa saaren ainoa asukas, Eleonore.

Naisten yhteiselo eristyneellä saarella luo heidän välilleen läheisyyden, mutta paikan paljastuvat salaisuudet pakottavat heidät tekemään omat valintansa.

Siiri Viljakka (s. 1995, Varkaus) on monien reittien kautta Turkuun päätynyt sarjakuvataiteilija.

Hän on aiemmin työskennellyt sekä yksin että yhteistyössä pienlehtien, antologioiden ja sarjakuva-albumien parissa. Tavoitteellinen sarjakuvatyöskentely alkoi vuonna 2014 Limingan taidekoulun sarjakuvalinjalla, ja jatkui Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa.

Viljakka valmistui kuvataiteilijaksi vuonna 2020. Sarjakuvien lisäksi hän nauttii hapanjuurileipomisesta ja maratonpuheluista.

Kohti sumua on Viljakan ensimmäinen sarjakuvaromaani.



Philip Gelatt & Tyler Crook: Petrograd

Petrograd tells the untold tale of the international conspiracy behind the 1916 murder of Grigori Rasputin.

The year is 1916.
The fate of millions of people hangs in the balance, and in Russia’s capital city of Petrograd, corruption rules the day and conspiracy rules the night.

But to British intelligence officer Cleary, the Petrograd post is all about relationships and carousing.
He drinks and parties with the rich and powerful; he flirts and cavorts with workers and countrymen.

His life is all late, drunken nights, bleary-eyed mornings, and the occasional report back to London.

However, the city is like a tinder box ready to be set ablaze, and there are dark clouds on the horizon for Cleary.
Rumors circulate that the Tsarina’s most trusted advisor is counseling the Tsar to make peace with Germany.
Cleary, to his horror, is tasked with ending the influence of that advisor. A man famous for his acts of debauchery; for his heresy and his power: Gregori Rasputin.

And so, the stage is set for one of the most infamous and strangest assassinations of all time, and a world that would never be the same.

Acclaimed writer and director Philip Gelatt ( Europa Report, They Remain) and renowned artist Tyler Crook ( B.P.R.D., Harrow County)’s debut comic is back in print, featuring a new cover and introduction from established historian David R. Stone.

Ram V & Filipe Andrade: The Many Deaths of Laila Starr

Humanity is on the verge of discovering immortality.

As a result, the avatar of Death is cast down to Earth to live a mortal life in Mumbai as twenty-something Laila Starr.

Struggling with her newfound mortality, Laila has found a way to be placed in the time and place where the creator of immortality will be born.
Will Laila take her chance to stop mankind from permanently altering the cycle of life, or will death really become a thing of the past?

A powerful new graphic novel from award-winning writer Ram V (These Savage Shores, Swamp Thing) and Filipe Andrade (Captain Marvel) that explores the fine line between living and dying through the lens of magical realism.

Collects The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #1-5.

Kelly Thompson: Black Widow 1 – The Ties That Bind

Kelly Thompson. Black Widow. ‘Nuff Said!

The best-selling, Eisner-nominated writer of CAPTAIN MARVEL joins rising star artist Elena Casagrande to change everything for Natasha Romanoff!

The Widow has been a spy almost as long as she’s been alive. And she’s never stopped running, whether she was working for the good guys or the bad.

But now something is very wrong with Natasha: she’s…happy?!

Retirement definitely agrees with the world’s deadliest woman, as she revels in the perfect life that she never dreamed she could have.
But scratch the surface of that perfect life and you’ll find something very wrong lurking beneath it…and a woman like Nat just can’t help but scratch.

Beyond San Francisco’s Golden Gate lies a mystery that only the Marvel Universe’s greatest spy can solve! Prepare for a heartbreaking, can’t-miss thrill ride!


Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley: Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus 1

In the year 2000, Marvel launched the Ultimate Universe, reinventing Spider-Man and his mythos for a new millennium!

Now, the first three years of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley’s fan-favorite, award-winning take on the webslinger are collected in one oversized volume!

Relive Peter Parker’s early days as Spider-Man, learning to fight crime by trial and error as he struggles to balance his new life with the demands of high school: puberty, homework and dating! Even with the help of his best friend Mary Jane Watson, Peter has a heavy load to bear.
But the neophyte Spider-Man is making enemies left and right — including the Green Goblin, the Kingpin, Doctor Octopus, Kraven the Hunter and the maniacal Venom — and unless he can rise to the occasion, Spidey may not survive until prom!

COLLECTING: Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) #1-39, #1/2.

Tales from the Crypt 1

As any fan of comics knows, EC Comics still represent the best of golden age writing and artwork.

Now, Dark Horse Books is proud to bring you the very first issues of EC’s Tales from the Crypt, featuring the amazing artistic talents of Johnny Craig, Al Feldstein, George Roussos, Wally Wood, Harvey Kurtzman, Graham Ingels, and Jack Kamen!


K. O’Neill: Aquicorn Cove

Now available in paperback, AQUICORN COVE is the beloved K. O’Neill story about a young girl who must protect a colony of magical seahorse-like creatures she discovers in the coral reef.

When Lana and her father return to their seaside hometown to help clear the debris of a big storm, Lana remembers how much she’s missed the ocean–and the strong, reassuring presence of her aunt.

As Lana explores the familiar beach, she discovers something incredible: a colony of Aquicorns, small, magical seahorse-like creatures that live in the coral reef.

Lana rescues an injured Aquicorn and cares for it with the help of her aunt, who may know more about these strange creatures than she’s willing to admit.
When a second storm threatens to reach the town, choices made many years ago about how to coexist with the sea start to rise to the surface.

Lana realizes she will need to find the strength to stand on her own, even when it means standing up to the people who she has always relied on to protect her.

Shock SuspenStories 1

The classic EC series, presented as a deluxe-size trade paperback!

This high-quality trade reprints the first six complete issues of the pulp-comic classic Shock SuspenStories!

Featuring the titanic artistic talents of Al Feldstein, Jack Kamen, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingles, and Wally Wood, with a foreword by Steven Spielberg!

Collects Shock SuspenStories issues #1-6.

K. O’Neill: Princess Princess Ever After

When the heroic princess Amira rescues the kind-hearted princess Sadie from her tower prison, neither expects to find a true friend in the bargain.

Yet as they adventure across the kingdom, they discover that they bring out the very best in the other person.
They’ll need to join forces and use all the know-how, kindness, and bravery they have in order to defeat their greatest foe yet: a jealous sorceress, who wants to get rid of Sadie once and for all.

Join Sadie and Amira, two very different princesses with very different strengths, on their journey to figure out what “happily ever after” really means–and how they can find it with each other.

The Haunt of Fear 1

The Haunt font overfloweth!

Collecting issues #15-#17 and #4-#6 of the classic horror series, and features gorgeous new digital colors–using Marie Severin’s original palette as a guide, this volume includes unforgettable stories drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Al Feldstein, Harvey Kurtzman, Harry Harrison, Wallace Wood, Graham Ingles, Jack Kamen, and Jack Davis!


K. O’Neill: The Tea Dragon Festival

Now available in paperback, revisit the enchanting world of Tea Dragons with the beloved companion story to the two-time Eisner Award-winning graphic novel The Tea Dragon Society.

Rinn has grown up with the Tea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turns out to be a different matter entirely!

Aedhan is a young dragon who was appointed to protect the village, but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago.
With the aid of Rinn’s adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, they investigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep… but Rinn’s real challenge is to help Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he has lost.

Critically acclaimed graphic novelist K. O’Neill delivers another charming, gentle fantasy story about finding your purpose, and the community that helps you along the way.

Weird Science 1

Find out what made EC among the most influential comic book lines ever in this complete and newly re-colored collection!

Featuring seminal stories by Al Feldstein, Harvey Kurtzman, Harry Harrison, Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, and Graham Ingles from the first six issues of this pivotal comic book title!

Collects Weird Science issues #12-#15 and #5-6.

Mariko Tamaki & Dan Mora: Batman Detective Comics 1 – The Neighborhood

With the loss of his fortune and manor, the election of Mayor Nakano, and the growing anti-vigilante sentiment in Gotham, Bruce Wayne must rethink how to be Batman…or risk being left behind by his own city.

Introducing Mr. Worth!

When his daughter is killed during the brutal crime wave gripping Gotham City, eight-foot-tall stack of muscle and money Roland Worth sets out on a path of revenge toward the prime suspect in the crime: Batman!

The Dark Knight has been framed for murder, and to make matters worse, this grisly deed seems to be connected to yet another emerging villainous force on the horizon.

It’s a rogues gallery explosion, and this time there’s no mansion on the hill for Bruce Wayne to mount his counterattack from!

Eisner Award-winning writer Mariko Tamaki and superstar artist Dan Mora begin an exciting, surprising, and death-defying new story for the World’s Greatest Detective.

Includes Detective Comics #1034-1039.

Classic Science Fiction Comics 2

Here it comes, blasting into orbit!

Just take a look – there’s Captain Rocket, Attack on Planet Mars, Flying Saucers, Robotmen of the Lost Planet, and Space Man!

All reproduced completely from cover to cover, just like the original comic and absolutely crammed with tales of science fiction, fantasy, horror and suspense created by the absolute cream of 1950’s comic book talent including Gene Fawcette, Joe Kubert, Carmine Infantino, Wally Wood and Jack Sparling.

Shannon Hale & Dean Hale: Amethyst – Princess of Gemworld

Shannon Hale and Dean Hale, the New York Times bestselling creators of Diana: Princess of the Amazons, team with artist Asiah Fulmore to explore Gemworld!

Amaya, princess of House Amethyst in Gemworld, is something of a troublemaker.

She and her brother have great fun together until a magical prank goes much too far and her parents ground her…to Earth!
They hope a whole week in the mundane world will teach her that magic is a privilege…and maybe washing dishes by hand will help her realize the palace servants should be respected.

Three years later, Amy has settled into middle school and ordinary life.
She doesn’t remember any other home. So when a prince of the realm brings her home and restores her magical destiny, how will she cope?

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld introduces a new generation to a fantastical place and a truly fantastic princess.

Classic Adventure Comics 1

Classic Adventure Comics is just like those old Saturday morning cinema clubs -there’s the Son of Sinbad securing the release of the slave girl and recovering a fortune in gems and jewels in the process.

Daring exploits of US foreign agents during the Cold War in Secret Missions, and The Mask of Dr. Fu Manchu, and High Adventure and Great Exploits!

All reproduced completely from cover to cover, featuring some of the best comic book talent including Joe Kubert, Carmine Infantino, Wally Wood, Alvin Hollingsworth, Bernie Krigstein, Frank Borth, Art Peddy, Morris Waldinger and Enrico Bagnoli.

Collects Son of Sinbad #1 (1950), Secret Missions #1 (1950), The Mask of Dr. Fu Manchu #1 (1951), High Adventure #1 (1957), and Great Exploits #1 (1957).

Tom Taylor & Andy Kubert: Batman – The Detective

An epic tale begins that will take Batman on a harrowing, action-packed European adventure in a new miniseries by superstar creators Tom Taylor and Andy Kubert!

A horrific tragedy in the United Kingdom sends a very personal and deadly message to the Dark Knight–one that will draw Batman out of Gotham City to investigate!

From the moment he lands in Europe, Batman will face a difficult investigation and unheard-of adversaries and find the assistance of a partner once more–all in the hunt for the villain known as Equilibrium!

New villains! New allies! A thrilling overseas adventure begins for the Dark Knight!

As Batman’s pursuit goes on, the mystery around the organization known as Equilibrium deepens!
Just who are these enigmatic villains, and why are they out to erase the Dark Knight’s legacy?

And how does Henri Ducard play into all this–can this face from Bruce Wayne’s past be the key to it all?

Collects Batman: The Detective #1-6.

Jody Houser & Selina Espiritu: Critical Role – The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast

Vox Machina Origins writer Jody Houser joins fan-favorite artist Selina Espiritu, and Matthew Mercer and Liam O’Brian to reveal Caleb’s troubled past in this all-new hardcover graphic novel!

Fans of Critical Role won’t want to miss this newest edition to their Mighty Nein library!

A fire can keep you warm…or it can consume you.

When Bren Aldric Ermendrud was chosen to attend the Soltryce Academy, everyone knew he would have an important future in service to the Empire.
But nobody–least of all Bren himself–could foresee the cruelty he endured, and the ways in which it would break and remake him.

Witness the events that transform Bren into the Mighty Nein’s Caleb Widogast, and how they’ll inform the path he’ll take in the future.

Mattson Tomlin & Andrea Sorrentino: Batman – The Imposter

Bruce Wayne’s mission as the Batman has only been underway for a year or so, but he can tell he’s making a difference in this city.

Unfortunately, he’s made some powerful enemies-and not just among the colorful maniacs called “super-villains.”
All the traditional power brokers of Gotham resent the disruption the Batman has brought to town… and it seems one of them has a plan to neutralize him.

There’s a second Batman haunting Gotham’s rooftops and alleys-and this one has no qualms about murdering criminals, live and on tape.
With the entire might of the Gotham City Police Department and Gotham’s rich and powerful coming down on his head, Batman must find this imposter and somehow clear his name…but how can you prove your innocence from behind a mask?

Mattson Tomlin-creator of the hit Netflix series Project Power and director of the upcoming Mother/Android-has teamed up with Eisner-winning suspense and horror artist Andrea Sorrentino (JOKER: KILLER SMILE, Gideon Falls) to create a wholly new version of Gotham City, informed by grim reality, where every punch leaves a broken bone and every action has consequences far, far beyond Batman’s imagination!

Sergio Toppi: The Toppi Gallery – Scenes from the Bible

This collection of artwork from European comics master Sergio Toppi focuses on illustrations of biblical characters he drew during his lengthy collaboration with the journal Il Giornalino.

Hundreds of character portraits and key scene illustrations from both the Old and New Testament are presented in Toppi’s inimitable pen-and-ink style. Master artist Sergio Toppi depicts iconic scenes from the most widely read scripture in the world.

Sergio Toppi’s work has been hailed as an influence by such artistic masters as Sean Gordon Murphy and Walter Simonson.
See his amazing vision for The Bible across many beautiful illustrations of biblical characters drawn during Toppi’s lengthy collaboration with the journal Il Giornalino.

Hundreds of character portraits and key scene illustrations from both the Old and New Testament are presented in Toppi’s inimitable pen-and-ink style.

From the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis through the many moving character tales throughout the Old Testament to the gospels and tales of the apostles in the New Testament, this stunningly illustrated volume will give new life and visual reference for some of the most familiar passages in the Bible.

Tom Peyer & Jamal Igle: The Wrong Earth 2 – Night & Day

Two alternate versions of the same masked hero meet face-to-face for the first time, in this second volume of the smash-hit The Wrong Earth!

The vengeance-dealing Dragonfly sticks it to the man!
The acrobatic sleuth Dragonflyman works with the police!

These two alternate versions of the same masked crimefighter meet face-to-face for the first time in second volume of the smash-hit The Wrong Earth!

Will their impossible encounter result in a team-up…or an all-out war?



Harri Römpötti: Taas päin näköä – 12 suomalaista sarjakuvataiteilijaa

Suomalaisen sarjakuvan satavuotisjuhlien aikaan vuonna 2011 Ville Hänninen ja Harri Römpötti loivat katsauksen tärkeimpiin kotimaisiin taiteilijoihin haastattelukirjassaan Päin näköä.

Kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin Römpötti nostaa Taas päin näköä -kirjassa esiin tusinan seuraavan sukupolven taiteilijoita.

Mukana ovat JP Ahonen, Juliana Hyrri, Leo Kuikka, Kaisa Leka, Reetta Niemensivu, Emmi Nieminen, Jenna Oldén, Ville Pirinen, Heikki Rönkkö, Tiitu Takalo, Petteri Tikkanen ja Emmi Valve. Haastattelujen ohella kaikki ovat tehneet kirjaan uuden sarjakuvan ja kertovat sen synnystä.

Harri Römpötti on työskennellyt vapaana toimittajana ja kriitikkona vuodesta 1989. Sarjakuva on aina kuulunut hänen erikoisaloihinsa. Vuonna 2001 Suomen sarjakuvaseura nimitti Römpötin sarjakuvaneuvokseksi ansioistaan kriitikkona.

Tähtivaeltaja #160 (1/22)
Mukana mm.

– R. F. Kuang – Unikkosotien keisarinna
– Chinelo Onwualu: Kosketuksen lahja (novelli)
– Kivi Larmola: Kaikki liikkuu, osa 9 (sarjakuva)
– Sarjakuvavuosi 2021 Amerikassa





Fournier: Pikon ja Fantasion seikkailuja 25 – Omenaviiniä tähtiin (K)


Sieninevassa tapahtuu kummia!

Lehmät ja siat pillastuvat, rauhalliset maanviljelijät katoavat jäljettömiin ja selittämättömät taivaanilmiöt säikäyttävät pormestarin lähes sanattomaksi.

Kiihtyneet asukkaat kääntävät – kuten tavallista – huomionsa linnan suuntaan saadakseen vastauksia – mutta kreivi on sulkeutunut muuriensa suojaan.

Mitä on tekeillä?

Mort Walker: Masi menee armeijaan (K)


Maseja vuosilta 1950-51.



Charlier & Giraud: Luutnantti Blueberryn seikkailuja – Kadonnut kaivos (K)

KÄYTETTY. Takakannessa pieni hintalapun jättämä tummentuma ja pientä tahraa.

Jalavan julkaisema harvinainen albumi.



Charlier & Giraud: Luutnantti Blueberryn seikkailuja – Kultainen luoti (K)

KÄYTETTY. Pieni taitos etukannen oikeassa yläkulmassa ja takakannen vasemmassa alakulmassa.

Jalavan julkaisema harvinainen albumi.



Joshua Ortega & Francis Manapul: Necromancer 1 (K)


From science fiction writer Joshua Ortega (Frequencies) and fan favorite penciler Francis Manapul (Witchblade, The Darkness), comes the story of Abigail van Alstine.

Necromancer is a gothic fantasy adventure brought to you by two storytelling powerhouses who pull you in and never let go!

Find out about the book people have been talking about all year!

Ed Brubaker & Steve Epting: Captain America – The Death of Captain America 2 (K)


After the Civil War ends, the Winter Soldier finally chooses a side–his own–but the Red Skull and his minions are up to something behind the scenes.



D.J Kirkbride & Anthony Wu: Popgun 4 (K)


POPGUN is back with another eclectic collection of established fan-favorite creators and rising stars coming together for a new edition of the Eisner and Harvey winning comic book anthology!

Volume 4 includes the 2011 Eisner-nominated short story “Hamburgers For One” by Frank Stockton!

From high-octane action to heart-tugging drama to laugh-out-loud comedy, this collection features comics you’ll love — over 500 full-color pages of them!

Jim Krueger & Alex Ross: Justice 1 (K)


When a conspiracy of villains finds a way to defeat the Justice League, while looking like heroes to the public, the JLA reserve members must come up with a way to turn the tide against the villains.



Jim Krueger & Alex Ross: Justice 2 (K)


When a conspiracy of villains finds a way to defeat the Justice League, while looking like heroes to the public, the JLA reserve members must come up with a way to turn the tide against the villains.



Jim Krueger & Alex Ross: Justice 3 (K)


In the final volume of the series, the Justice League must storm the stronghold of their greatest foes in order to free the world from their grasp.



Taki Soma & Michael Avon Oeming: Rapture (K)


After warring for a century, Earth’s greatest champions and villains suddenly disappear, leaving the planet decimated.

Like a rapture, the Powers are gone and humanity is left behind to pick up the pieces.
Amongst this wreckage, two lovers, Evelyn and Gil, find themselves separated by a continent and will do anything to find each other again.

But when a strange being named “The Word” turns Evelyn into a champion with an angelic spear, she finds the force of her love for Gil clashing with her newfound power.

Love and destiny collide in what will become the worst breakup ever!

Paul Dini & Kenneth Rocafort: Madame Mirage 1 (K)


A pair of sisters seek payback on a supervillain syndicate ― but all is not as it seems!

Combining action, engaging characters, and a unique concept involving high-tech illusions, noted writer Paul Dini has crafted a compelling tale of mystery, revenge, and deception.

Madame Mirage features stunning artwork by Top Cow’s latest find, Kenneth Rocafort.

Peter Milligan & Esad Ribic: Sub-Mariner – The Depths (K)


Throughout the ages, a few men have wondered if this fabulous place actually exists.

Fewer have imagined that the city is protected by a wild and vengeful being, the very embodiment of the untameable depths themselves – the Sub-Mariner!

When a deep sea expedition mysteriously vanishes without a trace near the Marianes trench, legendary adventurer Randolph Stein embarks on a journey that will rock him – and his crew – to their very core!

Greg Rucka & Michael Lark: Gotham Central 4 – The Quick and the Dead (K)


Living in the shadow of the Dark Knight makes the detectives of Gotham’s police force determined to prove they have what it takes to enforce the law in a city rife with criminals–with or without Batman’s help.



Mighty Marvel – Women of Marvel (K)


All-new action-packed tales showcasing Marvel’s most powerful women!

When granted a second chance at life, Firestar has just one question: what do I do with it?

And the powerful agent of ATLAS and Atlantean Princess known as Namora finds a missing colony of her aquatic people in the Barents Sea, and goes to bring them back to the new home of Oceana. But the Atlanteans are unwilling to leave and now Namora is also compelled to stay…and serve THE KRAKEN!

Then check out one of Rescue’s incredible solo adventures, as Pepper Potts lets loose with her bleeding-edge suit and her astonishing power!

Also, the chromosomal clusterhiccup that is Lady Deadpool tries to survive in a world without TV, Valkyrie is reborn, Sif sets out with Beta Ray Bill to fight her way back to true warrior’s glory, Spitfire must conquer her past in order to save her future, X-23 faces her toughest obstacle yet and Galacta has to save the planet from herself!

Collects Firestar (2010) #1, Lady Deadpool (2010) #1, Namora (2010) #1, Valkyrie (2010) #1, Rescue (2010) #1, Sif (2010) #1, Dazzler (2010) #1, Spitfire (2010) #1, X-23 (2010) #1, Galacta: Daughter of Galactus (2010) #1 And Women Of Marvel (2010) #1-2.

Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning: Nova – Secret Invasion (K)


Beginning an all-new adventure starring Galactus and the Silver Surfer!

Nova has received an emergency call from a planet in peril – but how do you save a world from being devoured by a force of nature?

Is there any way to stop the big G from eating, or do you instead try to save as many refugees as possible? And do you reach out to your former ally, who is once again a feared Herald?

Whatever Nova decides, nothing will prepare him – or you – for the horror known as Harrow!

With all these awesome ingredients (Galactus! Silver Surfer! Nova! A new villain! A killer creative team!), this is your chance to check out what Wizard calls “one of Marvel’s most consistently entertaining monthly books!”

Collects Nova #13-18.

Tim Seeley & Stefano Caselli: Hack/Slash 1 – First Cut (K)


In almost every slasher movie, there’s one girl who makes it all the way to the end.

She’s the survivor… the last girl. Meet Cassie Hack, the lone survivor of an attack by a vicious slasher called The Lunch Lady.

Now, Cassie ― along with her monstrous partner, Vlad ― travels the country, hunting down other slashers before they can leave a trail of blood and terror.

Tim Seeley & Emily Stone: Hack/Slash 6 – In Revenge & In Love (K)


Hot off of the Hack family reunion, Cassie and Vlad are stopped in their tracks as Cassie is blamed and arrested for the murders committed by the very slashers she has sworn to eliminate.

Things get worse as they cross paths with everyone’s favorite 8-year-old dream-reaper, Ashely. All this, as well as a much un-requested encore by the worst slasher this side of Nef, Six Sixx.

Dan Brereton & Hector Gomez: Buffy The Vampire Slayer – The Dust Waltz (K)


Who are the mysterious sisters who have come to Sunnydale, and what are those nasty beasts that they have brought with them?

It’s Buffy’s job as the slayer to find out, and do it but good!

Of course, things can’t help but be complicated — one of the sister’s has her sights on Angel!

Balancing school books with the undead, Buffy takes the definition of awkward teen years to the extreme.
Based on the popular television series!

Brian Lynch & Franco Urru: Angel – After the Fall 1 (K)


In Angel’s final television season, his world ended… but his story didn’t.

Picking up where Season Five of the fan-favorite TV show left off, this first collection looks at who lived after that climactic battle, who died, and what happened to all of Los Angeles in its wake.


Christopher Golden & Brian Horton: Angel – Hunting Ground (K)


Cordelia is thrilled when she is granted the opportunity to star in an indepedent horror film about three filmmakers searching for the Helm of Haraxis, unaware that the Helm is a real object and that someone else is seriously after it.



Christopher Golden & Hector Gomez: Angel – The Hollower (K)


In a graphic novel based on the popular television series, Angel, a young vampire, confronts an ancient enemy from his past, the Hollower, a hideous creature that preys on vampires.



Paul Cornell & Leonard Kirk: Captain Britain and MI13 (K)


Collects Captain Britain and the MI13 #1-4.

The Skrull Invasion isn’t restricted to the US. When the Skrull Invasion hits England, only Captain Britain and MI13 stand in their way.

Can they find out what the Skrulls are after before it’s too late?

Jeph Loeb & John Cassaday: Fallen Son – The Death of Captain America (K)


The superhero Captain America has been killed by a sniper’s bullet, and now Marvel characters–including Wolverine, the Avengers, Spider-Man, and Iron Man–reflect on his death and how his passing will change the Marvel Universe.



Jason Aaron & Joshua Hale Fialkov: Pilot Season 1 (K)


In 2007 Top Cow unleashed a unique concept on the world of comics ― “Pilot Season” ― which showcased five self-contained issues starring established characters by five unique creative teams.

And then, partnering with MySpace, Top Cow allowed fans to vote online to determine which two characters received their own series in 2008.

For the first time in comics history a publisher put the fans directly in control of their publishing schedule and the response was thunderous!

Pilot Season 1 by Jason Aaron, Joe Casey, Joshua Hale Fialkov, Joshua Ortega, Ian Edgington, Jorge Lucas, Kevin Maguire, Rick Mays, Jonboy Meyers, Stjepan Sejic.

Greg Rucka & Judd Winick: Outsiders/Checkmate – Checkout (K)


Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka Art by Joe Bennett, Matthew Clark, Eddy Barrows and others.

Cover by Clark & Art Thibert.

Collecting the explosive crossover from Checkmate #13-15 and Outsiders #47-49!

The DCU’s top spies throw down with the DCU’s most troublemaking hero team as Checkmate hunts the Outsiders!

Geoff Johns & Judd Winick: Teen Titans/Outsiders – The Insiders (K)


The Outsiders think that Indigo, the mysterious and beautiful android, is a traitor, but before they learn who set her up, they receive a cry for help from the Teen Titans as their own traitor is revealed.



Phil Jimenez & Judd Winick: Teen Titans/Outsiders – The Death and Return of Donna Troy (K)


Originally published in single magazine form in Titans/Young Justice: graduation day #1-3, Teen Titans/Outsiders secret files 2003, DC special: the return of Donna Troy #1-4.


Brian Wood & Becky Cloonan: Conan le Barbare 1 (K)


Depuis les années 70, les aventures de Conan en BD ont toujours été dessinées dans un style classique et réaliste, aussi… est-il temps que ça change !

Dark Horse Comics, qui publie’ les aventures du Cimmérien, a pris cette initiative retentissante. Une équipe internationale de dessinateurs a été réunie, emmenée par le scénariste Brian Wood (Wolverine & the X-Men : Alpha & Omega, DMZ). Dans ce premier album, Becky Cloonan (Northlanders) et James Harren (B.P.R.D.) font revivre sous leurs crayons la rencontre entre Conan et Bêlit, la femme pirate.

En bonus, découvrez une interview exclusive de Brian Wood.

Mark Waid & Kenneth Rocafort: Cyberforce/Hunter 1 – Killer (K)


Two of Top Cow’s most popular properties are back in a big way!

Cyberforce, the original creation of Marc Silvestri (Dark Avengers/X-Men) which launched Top Cow and helped launch Image, and Hunter-Killer, Silvestri’s most recent co-creation with superstar writer Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Amazing Spider-Man) return in the biggest Top Cow event of 2009.

When two old enemies of the teams unite for a diabolical alliance, the teams must put aside their mutual distrust and join forces to stop them from getting control of unparalleled information banks.

But in the end and far too late, they discover the goal is much, much more sinister…

Phil Hester & Michael Broussard: The Darkness – Accursed 1 (K)


Following the events of First Born, Jackie Estacado relocates to the secluded nation of Sierra Munoz, where he explores new uses of his powers with the help of mysterious professor.

But Jackie is being manipulated, and when he finally realizes it, not even his Darkness powers may be enough to save him.

Death, mayhem, destruction… all that and more are in this introductory Darkness story that will surely become an instant classic.

Phil Hester & Lucas Jorge: The Darkness – Accursed 2 (K)


Weakened and battered after a conflict with The Darkness itself, Jackie Estacado flees Sierra Munoz and heads back to the States.

But the road home is no easy journey as he runs afoul of Mexican witches, wannabe gangsters, and even Aphrodite IV!

Jackie soon discovers his battle with The Darkness cast his soul into Hell while leaving his body and mind on Earth.
Enter The Sovereign, an arch-demon who promises to reunite Jackie’s body and soul, but at a price that may be worse than Hell itself!

Plus, witness a possible future ruled by The Darkness run amok in a spectacular story drawn by a list of all-star artists!

Garth Ennis & Marc Silvesteri: The Darkness Collected Deluxe Edition (K)


Originally published in 1996 as the opening story in The Darkness convention preview book, this “Introduction to the Darkness” is now presented for the first time in it’s finished form.

This short story was the first collaboration between Marc Silvestri.


Robert Rodi & Esad Ribic: Thor & Loki – Blood Brothers (K)


There are two sides to every story.

You’ve heard Thor’s — now it’s time to hear Loki’s.
Odin’s least favorite son rewrites Asgardian lore from his perspective, featuring the breathtaking painted artwork of Esad Ribic (WOLVERINE). In this story, Loki’s insatiable lust for power, his conflicted sentiments toward Sif, his antipathy toward Balder, and the deep-seated feelings of longing and resentment toward his older brother, Thor, and uncaring father, Odin, will take on new meaning.

And if that’s not enough, just stare at the lush painted art by Ribic – you won’t be disappointed!

Scott Beatty & Marcos Martin: Batgirl – Year One (K)


After graduating college in her teens, Barbara Gordon hopes to follow in her father’s footsteps and serve in the Gotham City Police Department.

But when her plans are derailed, Barbara takes a different path and adopts the crime-fighting identity of Batgirl.
As she learns the ropes of the vigilante lifestyle, she finds herself thrown into conflict with Batman and in the crosshairs of Gotham City’s super villains.

When Batman, Robin and Batwoman are captured by the Cobra Gang, a new young heroine swings to their rescue. But who is this Bat-Girl and how does she know Batwoman’s secret identity?

Bryan Q. Miller & Lee Garbett: Batgirl – The Flood (K)


Batgirl must stop The Calculator from unleashing upon Gotham City a nanovirus that will turn its citizens into mindless techno-zombies.

A string of bizarre, technology-based suicides gets the attention of both Batgirl and Oracle – for very different reasons.

The two heroes soon realize that they’re targets of The Calculator, a nefarious villain bent on revenge against the original Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, now known as Oracle.

Bryan Q. Miller & Lee Garbett: Batgirl – Batgirl Rising (K)


In the wake of “Batman R.I.P.”and BATTLE FOR THE COWL, Stephanie Brown, the vigilante formerly known as The Spoiler and Robin has taken on the identity of Batgirl as she begins her nocturnal crusade to take back the night from the underworld.

Now she has become the target of both Gotham City’s heroes (who don’t take kindly to a new person wearing the cape and the cowl) and its villains (who want to see the entire Bat-family six feet under).

Ed Brubaker & Marc Andreyko: Captain America & Bucky – The Life Story of Bucky Barnes (K)


Think you know the story of Cap and Bucky’s origins?

Well, think again.

The secret story of the early days of Captain America is revealed here, told from Bucky Barnes point of view.
What was Cap and Bucky’s first mission together?
What was the tragedy that happened on it that changed everything about who Bucky was?

And what is the secret that connects the Cap and Bucky series to Cap’s modern day stories?

Collects Captain America and Bucky #620-624.

Stan Lee & Steve Ditko: Essential Spider-Man 1 (K)


The celebrated hero whose powers stem from the bite of a radioactive spider battles with forces of evil, including the Red Skull, Mysterio, and the Lizard.



Gerard Way & David Laphman: Young Liars – Daydream Belivers (K)


You may think you know everything there is to know about Danny Noonan.

Well, you’d be wrong.

He was once a normal, angst-ridden kid – until the day he met Sadie.
And something so wonderful happened to him, it could only end in unimaginable horror!

Ivory Madison & Cliff Richards: Huntress – Year One (K)


As the last survivor of a crime family eliminated by bloody rivalries among the mobs of Gotham City, the orphaned Helena Bertinelli grew into the mysterious vigilante known as the Huntress.

New writer Ivory Madison shines a light on the dark underbelly of the mob world spanning from Gotham to Sicily, exploring exactly what led Helena away from a life in the Cosa Nostra criminal society and set her on a path of vigilantism.

Also, find out more about Batman’s first meeting with the fledgling female crime-fighter and why, to this day, they struggle to see eye-to-eye.

Judd Winick & Phil Hester: Green Arrow 3 – Straight Shooter (K)


Written by Pulitzer Prize-nominee Judd Winick, with art by Phil Hester and Ande Parks, Green Arrow discovers corporate corruption in Star City and goes after those responsible!

But the last thing he was expecting was a fight with a 3-ton ogre!
As he delves into this mystery, he also falls into an unexpected romance, with tragic results.

Collects GREEN ARROW #26-31.

Brad Meltzer & Phil Hester: Green Arrow 4 – The Archer’s Quest (K)


The Emerald Archer returns from the dead and sets off on an adventure that tests his courage and brings formerly hidden facets of the Green Arrow legend to light.

Featuring an introduction by Senator Patrick Leahy, a foreword by Greg Rucka (WONDER WOMAN), Meltzer’s original notes to the series, and the script to issue #16.

Collecting GREEN ARROW #16-21 by Brad Meltzer (IDENTITY CRISIS)!

Judd Winick & Scott McDaniel: Green Arrow 8 – Crawling Through the Wreckage (K)


Oliver Green, also known as the Green Arrow, must take on his archenemy Deathstroke in order to save Mayor Queen.



Judd Winick & Cliff Chiang: Green Arrow/Black Canary – The Wedding Album (K)


Green Arrow and Black Canary are ready to exchange vows ― but can they make it down the aisle alive?

This new trade paperback collects the GA/BC WEDDING SPECIAL and the first five issues of the happy couple’s monthly series and guest-stars the Justice League of America.

Young Avengers Presents (K)


Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan, Vision, Stature and Hawkeye!

Where have they been and what is their place in this new post-Civil War Marvel Universe?

Writers: Ed Brubaker, Brian Reed, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Paul Cornell, Kevin Grevioux, Matt Fraction

Artists: Paco Medina, Harvey Tolibao, Alina Urusov, Mark Brooks, Mitch Breitweiser, Alan Davis

Collects Young Avengers Presents #1-6.

Mark Millar & Leinil Yu: Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates (K)


The two most powerful super teams in the Ultimate Universe collide in the brawl of the century!

A misunderstanding has brought these two colossal teams to blows and their battle may just spell the end for the Ultimate world!

Collects Ultimate Comics Avengers vs. New Ultimates #1-6.

Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang: Doctor 13 – Architecture & Morality (K)


Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang join forces to tell the adventures of Dr. Terrence Thirteen, a parapsychologist who disproves reports of supernatural activity.

In this story collected from TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED #1-8, Dr. Thirteen rounds up a group of the world’s magical beings to prevent strange forces from tearing asunder the very fabric of the past, present, and future!


Brian Michael Bendis: New Avengers 5 – Civil War (K)


Collects New Avengers (2004) #21-25.

The Avengers are about to go to war over their beliefs in the super hero Civil War, and the shake-up will shock you. See the affects as Civil War tears the greatest super hero team ever apart!


Brian Michael Bendis & Leinil Yu: The New Avengers 6 – Revolution (K)


The New Avengers versus the Hand.

The New Avengers versus the Mighty Avengers.

The identity of the new Ronin revealed. Who is the new mystery player in the New Avengers?

This collection reveals all.

Brian Michael Bendis & Leinil Yu: The New Avengers 7 – The Trust (K)


In the wake of the superhero civil war, outlaw Avengers Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Dr. Strange and Iron Fist are still fighting the good fight, joined by new recruits Echo and Ronin.

When they find out about a plot involving shapeshifters, paranoia starts to tear the team apart.

Rob Williams & Simon Coleby: The Royals – Masters of War (K)


The year is 1940. As the Blitz destroys London and kills thousands, the Royal Family looks on.

But in this world, the only people with special abilities are Royalty, and the purer the bloodline, the greater their abilities.
So why don’t they stop the carnage with their powers?
A truce between the Earth’s nobles has kept them out of our wars–until now.

When England’s Prince Henry can take no more and intervenes, will it stop the planet’s suffering or take it to another level?

Writer Rob Williams (Judge Dredd: Trifecta, Low Life, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN and Daken) and artist Simon Coleby (The Authority, Judge Dredd: Year One and Trifecta) team up to bring you this epic of World War proportions.

History will be transformed in a way you’ve never seen before.

Ed Brubaker & Steve Epting: Captain America – The Death of Captain America 1 (K)


After the Civil War ends, the Winter Soldier finally chooses a side–his own–but the Red Skull and his minions are up to something behind the scenes.



Chris Yost & Ramon Bachs: Red Robin – The Grail (K)


Following the aftermath of BATTLE FOR THE COWL, a new Batman watches over Gotham City.

But not everyone is ready to give up on the old one.
Someone believes that Bruce Wayne may still be alive…and that someone is Red Robin.

But who is wearing the Red Robin costume, and why is he traveling the globe looking for a dead man?
Whoever he is, he’s not alone in his search and has been targeted by the League of Assassins.
What does Ra’s al Ghul want with Red Robin?
Why are members of the League of Assassins being targeted for death?

And what happened to the life Red Robin left behind?

Batman – Battle for the Cowl Companion (K)


Gotham City is plagued with crime and corruption in places high and low, but one man has taken a stand against evil of all forms: the dark avenger known as Batman.

But now Batman is gone – believed dead after the events of Batman R.I.P. and Final Crisis – and Gotham is a hotbed of possibility.

A wave of heroes arrives in town to help calm the city, but can they succeed against Batman’s terrifying enemies, who have their own plans for the new status quo?
And how will Commissioner Gordon and Gotham’s police force take down criminals like Mister Freeze without the Dark Knight’s help?

Written and illustrated by comics stars including Fabian Nicieza (“X-Men”) and David Hine (“Strange Embrace”), this is a must-read companion to the “Battle for the Cowl” storyline.

Batman – Joker’s Asylum (K)


Take a twisted journey with Batman’s deranged enemy, the Joker, to explore the psychosis of several of the Dark Knight’s famous foes.

Writers: Arvid Nelson, Jason Aaron, JT Krul, Joe Harris, David Hine

Artists: Alex Sanchez, Jason Pearson, Guillem March, Juan Doe, Andy Clarke

Paul Dini: Batman: Detective (K)


Batman has to outthink the unpredictable Joker, Riddler, and Penguin, as well as brand-new villains.



Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee & Sean Phillips: Batman – Jekyll & Hyde (K)


A rash of brutal murders is plaguing Gotham city, and a possible suspect, Two-Face, has just escaped from Arkham Asylum, but with the aid of a mad doctor, he will attempt to control his “Jekyll and Hyde” syndrome once and for all–even if it means experimenting on everyone in Gotham, including Batman.


Geoff Johns & Gary Frank: Batman – Earth One 1 (K)


Batman is not a hero.

He is just a man.

Fallible, vulnerable, and angry.

In a Gotham City where friend and foe are indistinguishable, Bruce Wayne’s path toward becoming the Dark Knight is riddled with more obstacles than ever before.
Focused on punishing his parents’ true killers, and the corrupt police that allowed them to go free, Bruce Wayne’s thirst for vengeance fuels his mad crusade and no one, not even Alfred, can stop him.

In the tradition of the #1 New York Times bestselling Superman: Earth One, writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank re-imagine a new mythology for the Dark Knight, where the familiar is no longer the expected in this long-awaited original graphic novel from DC Comics.

World’s Finest (K)


After recent major events shook the Batman and Superman franchises over the last year, this series brings the families of The Dark Knight and The Man of Steel together to explore what makes them both tick.

Pairing crime fighters such as Supergirl with the all-new Batgirl, the new Red Robin and the fresh Kryptonian hero Nightwing and many others, expect to also see some of the top villains in both Batman and Superman’s rogues galleries mix it up with the newest heroes of tomorrow.

Writers: Sterling Gates, Geoff Johns, Gerry Conway

Artists: Julian Lopez, Ramon F. Bachs, Jamal Igle, Phil Noto, Jesus Merino, José Luis Garcia-Lopez

Dan Abnett & Karl Kerschl: Majestic – Strange New Visitor (K)


A new collection including the “Strange New Visitor” storyline from ACTION COMICS #811, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #624, SUPERMAN #201 as well as the 4-issue miniseries that returned the Kheran warrior to the WildStorm Universe!


Brian Michael Bendis & Leinil Yu: Secret Invasion (K)


The shape-shifting alien race known as the Skrulls has secretly infiltrated every super-powered organization on Earth with one goal – full-scale invasion!

Filled with shocking revelations and powerful action, this adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat as Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains ask – Who do you trust?

Thor – Wolves of the North (K)


Three action-packed tales starring Asgard’s favorite son!

Hela lays siege to Asgard, and demon hordes are loose on Earth.
Thor must make a dangerous bargain with a mortal woman in order to launch a last assault on the forces of death.

Then legendary writer-artist Alan Davis sends Thor on one of his most epic adventures in history!

Plus, enemies from Thor’s past are back and howling for revenge!

Writers: Mike Carey, Alan Davis, Peter Milligan
Artists: Mike Perkins, Alan Davis, Tom Grindberg, Mico Suayan

Peter David & Val Semeiks: She-Hulk 7 – Here Today… (K)


This is it, the return of…the Savage She-Hulk?!

Three months ago, Jennifer Walters – known throughout her career in the Marvel Universe as a high-profile lawyer – was disbarred. But why?
Who engineered the scandal that resulted in our heroine losing the one thing that has defined her for so long?

Time to answer all the questions…as a controversial side of the jade giantess erupts once again!

Then, from the pages of INCREDIBLE HERCULES comes…yeah, you guessed it, Hercules!
Plus, a sci-fi spectacular guest-starring the Lady Liberators and the female heroes from the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Joe R. Lansdale & Timothy Truman: Jonah Hex – Two-Gun Mojo (K)


Two-Gun Mojo is a five-issue Jonah Hex storyline published by the Vertigo Comics imprint.

Following the conclusion to Hex, a series that placed him into a post-apocalyptic future, this was the first Jonah Hex project in five years and returned him to his Western roots.

Marvel Point One (K)


START READING with these Point One Issues!

The House of Ideas proudly presents an exciting collection of one-shots that bring the history of its greatest heroes into the modern era of the Marvel Universe.

Witness the birth of a new Spider-Man! The Avengers battle the Intelligencia!
The new Captain America goes on trial!
Deadpool faces down the Wrecker!
General Fortean challenges the Red Hulk!
Iron Man takes his first steps into the future!
The Secret Avengers go public!
The nefarious Grey Gargoyle challenges Thor for the prize of immortality!
X-Force protects Utopia against Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers! The X-Men defend Magneto’s!
And Wolverine’s birthday goes very bad, very fast!

Hop aboard the Marvel Universe here!

Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #654.1, AVENGERS (2010) #12.1, CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) #615.1, DEADPOOL (2008) #33.1, HULK (2008) #30.1, INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #500.1, SECRET AVENGERS #12.1, THOR (1966) #620.1, UNCANNY X-FORCE #5.1, UNCANNY X-MEN #534.1 and WOLVERINE (2010) #5.1.

Jonathan Hickman & Carlos Pacheco: Ultimate Comics – Thor (K)


Loki has warned of it, and now Ragnarok has arrived.

And with it comes betrayal, death and the destruction of fabled Asgard!
But what connects the battle that forever rages against the Norse godhood with a Zemo-led Nazi plot set in 1939?

And what secrets lie inside the mind of a man enrolled in the European Super-Soldier Program and deemed mentally unstable by scientists?

These three story strands merge in a masterful narrative full of excitement and drama – with action that takes readers from Midgard to Valhalla while exploring the origin of Thor and the majesty of fabled Asgard!

Mark Millar & Leinil Francis Yu: Ultimate Comics – Avengers: Crime & Punishment (K)


Some jobs are just too dirty for the Ultimates.

For these, Nick Fury must gather the Avengers, a black-ops team willing to do the missions that others won’t.
What role will an infamous mass killer play in Fury’s plans?

Find out here, as the Punisher returns to the Ultimate Universe!

The blockbuster team of MARK MILLAR (ULTIMATES) and LEINIL FRANCIS YU (SECRET INVASION) opresent this explosive story that can only be called CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.

Mark Millar & Carlos Pacheco: Ultimate Comics – Avengers: Next Generation (K)


Collects Ultimate Avengers #1-6.

It’s a mind-blowing, heart-pounding, and gut-wrenching event of epic proportions!

When a highly-classified secret threatens Captain America, only the newly-returned Nick Fury has the tools to bring ’em in!

Jeph Loeb & Frank Cho: Ultimate Comics – New Ultimates: Thor Reborn (K)


Ultimatum claimed the lives of countless heroes.

The world changed completely.
This is what happens next!

The Ultimates have regrouped to protect a world that still needs saving.

But with Loki and the Enchantress on the attack, the planet’s fi nest team of heroes sorely misses the might power of one of its founding members. Where is Thor, and will he be reborn in time to save the day?

Jonathan Hickman & Esad Ribic: Ultimate Comics – The Ultimates 1 (K)


Nations fall, gods die, and Earth’s mightiest heroes face their ultimate challenge!

Iron Man, Thor and Hawkeye form the core of the Ultimates – S.H.I.E.L.D.’s finest fighting force, all too often the only thing keeping the world from total disaster.
But when the walls of the mysterious City open up and the hyper-evolved Children of Tomorrow spill out, the Ultimates suddenly find themselves powerless against an unbeatable enemy.

And even as Thor’s Asgardian brethren fall before the Children, the God of Thunder makes a startling discovery about this incredible new threat – which might not be such a new threat after all!




My Neighbor Totoro – 10 Pop-Up Notecards and Envelopes

Studio Ghibli comes to life as pop-up notecards!

Showcasing classic scenes from the studio’s revered film My Neighbor Totoro, these cards add a pop of whimsy to any correspondence–a joyful note to send and receive for Totoro and animation fans of every age.

Sisältää viisi erilaista pop-up-korttia, kaksi kappaletta kutakin.

