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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet viikolla 24/2022


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Tuomas Myllylä: Pakanat

Viikinkiajan Suomeen sijoittuva huima seikkailukertomus juhlavana, kangaskantisena kirjana!

Kostolla on aina hintansa.
Nuoren Ari Halikon koko elämä mullistuu talvisena yönä vuonna 916, kun kahden suvun välinen verikosto huipentuu talonpolttoon ja Halikon suvun veriseen tuhoon.

Tästä alkaa Arin koko elämän läpi käyvä kostotie, joka vie hänet loputtoman idäntien läpi, orjasta soturiksi, soturista päälliköksi ja takaisin riitaisten suursukujen hallitsemaan Suomeen.

Hatara rauha järkkyy Ari Halikon saapuessa sotureineen rakentamaan sukunsa kotia uudelleen ja maksamaan vanhoja verisiä velkoja.

Voiko kerran miekkaan tarttunut Ari välttyä tekojensa seurauksilta, kun ruotsalaiset, suomalaiset ja hämäläiset imeytyvät kaikki mukaan sodan kurimukseen ja metsäiset rannat peittyvät savuun ja ruumisröykkiöihin?

Tuomas Myllylän Pakanat on jo muodostunut suomalaisen historiallisen seikkailusarjakuvan moderniksi klassikoksi.
Tämä restauroitu juhlajulkaisu sisältää koko alkuperäisen sarjan uudelleenladottuna, upouuden epilogin, arkeologi Sami Ranisen artikkelin Ari Halikon maailmasta sekä Myllylän uuden esipuheen.

“Pakanat on tarina Suomesta ja suomalaisuudesta, sen kauniista ja rumemmista puolista. Se ammentaa tutuista myyteistä, mutta sijoittaa elementit elävästi kuvattuun historialliseen kehykseen. Tämän saagan luettuaan ei voi kuin ihmetellä: miksi kukaan kotimainen sarjakuvantekijä ei ole tehnyt tällaista aikaisemmin?”
– Petri Hiltunen.

Stéphane Deteindre: Joe Bar Team 5

Sarjan viidennessä albumissa nemmän tai vähemmän päätön meno jatkuu.

Tosin Joe baarissaan yrittää hillitä pahimpia menohaluja.

Heikosti se vaan onnistuu, ei reikäpäitä voi rajoittaa.


Jarkko Vehniäinen & Marja Lappalainen: Kamala luonto – Voimakirja

Voimaudu yhdessä Kamalan luonnon eläinten kanssa.

Ketäpä ei joskus elämä potkisi päähän? Kamalan luonnon kirjasarja täydentyy kokoomateoksella, Voimakirjalla!

Sen kansien väliin on koottu sarjakuvastrippejä, joissa ilves, kärppä, kettu ja kumppanit kamppailevat elämän jokapäiväisiä metkuja vastaan ja joko selviävät niistä tai eivät selviä.

Hauskojen strippien joukossa on metsäneläimiä elämänohjeineen myös sivun kokoisina maalauksina. Arjen murjoma lukija saa vertaistukea, oivalluksia ja tsemppifiilistä – siinä Kamala luonto ja sen eläinhahmot ovatkin aina olleet paikallaan. Vaikka välillä mikään ei ole kunnossa, kaikki järjestyy!

Tämä kaunis albumi sopii lahjaksi ystävälle ja itselle.

Stéphane Deteindre: Joe Bar Team 6

Keulien tai ilman, mutta baarin kautta mennään!

Leuhkimaan mitä tuli taas tehtyä tai pitäisi tehdä.



Kaisa Leka & Christoffer Leka: Before the Sun Sets

This was the plan: In the summer of 2019 the three of us (Kaisa, Jonne and Christoffer) were to ride our bikes from Alaska to California.

But as we know all too well, life rarely submits to the plans of us mortals.

Depression made an unwelcome appearance in Jonne’s life the fall before our journey. Months passed, spring arrived with green leaves and bird songs, but he dull blanket of greyness that enclosed Jonne would not let go. It became apparent that our grand expedition would be one cyclist short of three.

But even though Jonne wouldn’t be able to accompany us in person we nonetheless wanted to include them in this exciting adventure of ours in an alternative way: Every day during the journey we would seek out a post office and mail Jonne a postcard (and on occasion more than one) in which we recollected all the ups and downs on the journey – sharing with Jonne the thoughts while pedaling on those endless roads.
We told them about the people we met, reported the roads we took, and disclosed what kind of weather we endured.

And that is what you will find inside this box: The story of our great journey along the Western coast of America, beautifully reproduced in what came to total a full 123 postcards.
There’s also a wonderful little map with additional information, because every adventurer needs a map!



Yoshihiro Takahashi: Noah 8

Osa 8/11+

Ōun nelijalkaisten sankareiden elämästä kertova tarinakokonaisuus astuu nyt uuteen vaiheeseen.

Hirviömäinen Monsoon-karhu kätyreineen on voitettu, mutta elämä Pohjois-Japanin vuorilla on yhä täynnä haasteita.

Noah jatkaa sarjojen Hopeanuoli, Weed, Orion ja Last Wars tassunjäljissä!

Ikäsuositus: 13+ / Toiminta/Seikkailu

Kohei Horikoshi: My Hero Academia 23

Osa 23/28+

Maailmassa, jossa erilaiset supervoimat ovat jokapäiväistä arkea, niitä vailla oleva Izuku on poikkeustapaus.

Siitä huolimatta hän haaveilee pääsevänsä sankarien joukkoon.
Eräänä päivänä nuorukainen kohdaa sankareista suurimman, All Mightin, ja pääsee osalliseksi tämän salaisuudesta.

Suuri seikkailu voi alkaa!

My Hero Academia yhdistelee nerokkaasti perinteistä supersankariseikkailua tuoreisiin ideoihin.

Monipuolinen hahmogalleria, mielikuvituksekkaat taistelut ja koukuttava juoni ovat tehneet siitä jättimenestyksen sekä Japanissa että USA:ssa ja Euroopassa.

Genre: seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 12+

Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 15

Osa 15/18+

Falmuthin armeijan tuhon jälkeen Rimurun on vihdoin aika kehittyä demoniruhtinaaksi.

Tämän prosessin ajaksi hän vaipuu syvään uneen seuraajineen päivineen. Pakkolevon ajan hän on altis hyökkäyksille, mutta juuri esiin manattu voimakas salaperäinen uusi apuri haluaa rakastetun limamme selviytyvän tästäkin pälkähästä…

Fantasia / Ikäsuositus: 12+

Takaaki Kugatsu: Ravintola maailmojen välillä 5

Osa 5/5

Nekoya on pieni ravintola, jonka listalta löytyy erityisesti japanilaisia tulkintoja länsimaisesta ruuasta.

Normaalin asiakaskuntansa lisäksi Nekoyalla on myös erikoisempia kävijöitä. Lauantaisin sen ovi näet aukeaa maailmaan, jota kansoittavat ihmisten lisäksi haltiat, liskokansa, lohikäärmeet ja muut oudot otukset…


Yoshiki Tonogai: Judge 5

Osa 5/6

Kuolemansynteihin syyllistyneet ovat tuntemattoman tahon järjestämän murhapelin nappuloina.

Ansasta ei vaikuta olevan ulospääsyä ja peli muuttuu askel askeleelta sadistisemmaksi. Voittavatko julmuus ja röyhkeys jalouden ja rohkeuden?

Ikäsuositus: 14+

Keiichi Koike: Heaven’s Door – Extra Works

A sci-fi manga collection of psychedelic short stories by Keiichi Koike. A drug in paper form! This is his first full-length book published in English.

Contains these stories:

Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother
Lazarus Franco’s 4 A.M.
The Ronin and the Sea
Kenbo’s Diary
Sponge Generation
Stereo Scope

Tatsuki Fujimoto: Chainsaw Man 10

Having been forced to kill a friend, Denji finds that his brain has turned to mush from despair.

Without the motivation to keep going, he seeks help from Makima.

But Makima is not what she appears, and Denji’s pain is only just beginning.


Tatsuki Fujimoto: Chainsaw Man 11

Chainsaw Man has escaped Makima’s attempts to control him so far, but she now reveals the full extent of her plans.

Denji will need the help of his remaining friends if he is to have any chance of defeating Makima in their final confrontation!



Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata: Death Note Short Stories

Is Kira’s story truly over, or does his influence linger?

In this complete collection of Death Note short stories penned by the series’ creators, discover tales of lives irrevocably changed by the sinister influence of the Death Note, with surprising and thrilling answers to the question of what it truly takes to use the Death Note…or fight it.

Contains stories “C-Kira,” “a-Kira,” the Death Note pilot chapter, vignettes of L’s life, and more.

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 0

The prequel to the supernatural exorcist adventure Jujutsu Kaisen!

In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna were lost and scattered about.

Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!

Yuta Okkotsu is a nervous high school student who is suffering from a serious problem–his childhood friend Rika has turned into a Curse and won’t leave him alone.

Since Rika is no ordinary Curse, his plight is noticed by Satoru Gojo, a teacher at Jujutsu High, a school where fledgling exorcists learn how to combat Curses. Gojo convinces Yuta to enroll, but can he learn enough in time to confront the Curse that haunts him?

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 1

Although Yuji Itadori looks like your average teenager, his immense physical strength is something to behold!

Every sports club wants him to join, but Itadori would rather hang out with the school outcasts in the Occult Research Club.

One day, the club manages to get their hands on a sealed cursed object.

Little do they know the terror they’ll unleash when they break the seal…

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 2

When a cursed womb appears at a detention facility, Jujutsu High dispatches Itadori and the other first-years to handle the situation.

However, the curse they encounter is far stronger than they ever expected!
Itadori and friends now have two options: run and maybe live, or fight and die.

While they are distracted, powerful curses with mysterious designs on Jujutsu High and Satoru Gojo are gathering…

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 3

Tensions are high as the Goodwill Event between the Tokyo and Kyoto campuses of Jujutsu High approaches.

But before the competition can even begin, a couple of Kyoto students confront Fushiguro and Kugisaki.

Meanwhile, Yuji’s training gets interrupted by a mysterious crime involving grotesque bodily alterations caused by a cursed spirit…

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 4

While investigating a strange set of mysterious deaths, Itadori meets Junpei, a troubled kid who is often bullied at school.

However, Junpei is also befriended by the culprit behind the bloody incident—Mahito, a mischievous cursed spirit!

Mahito sets in motion a devious plan involving Junpei, hoping to ensnare Itadori as well.

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 5

Everyone’s surprised (and not necessarily in a good way) when they find out Itadori is still alive, but there’s no time for a heartwarming reunion when Jujutsu High is in the midst of an intense competition with their rivals from Kyoto!

But good sportsmanship doesn’t seem to be in the cards once the authorities decide to eliminate the Sukuna threat once and for all…


Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 6

During the Goodwill Event, the Kyoto School’s authorities order their students to assassinate Itadori.

However, Mahito and a horde of special grade curses and curse users complicate matters by attacking the students. The teachers move quickly to counterattack but find themselves cut off by a barrier.

Can the students survive this demonic onslaught?!

Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 7

Despite the injuries and losses they suffered in an attack on the Goodwill Event, the students of Jujutsu High have little time rest as people start dying under mysterious circumstances.

Could these strange deaths have anything to do with Sukuna’s lost fingers?



Gege Akutami: Jujutsu Kaisen 8

Yuji Itadori and his classmates are fighting two of the three reincarnated Cursed Womb: Death Paintings brothers.

Meanwhile, Megumi Fushiguro loses consciousness after finally defeating a special grade curse that possessed a Sukuna finger!

Whoever wins the fight between Itadori and the brothers will be the one to secure the prized finger!



Moon Knight Omnibus 1

Discover the many faces of the Moon Knight!

Mercenary. Werewolf hunter. Millionaire playboy. Cab driver. Super hero?

Moon Knight is many things to many people, and he has the multiple personalities to match!

Follow Marc Spector, the earthly Fist of Khonshu, as he battles to find his place in the Marvel Universe — and builds the strangest rogues’ gallery in all of comics. Prepare yourself for the deadly Bushmaster!
Arsenal, the one-man army!
Stained Glass Scarlet, the nun with a crossbow!

And more! Featuring iconic stories by Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz!

COLLECTING: Werewolf by Night (1972) #32-33; Marvel Spotlight (1971) #28-29; Defenders (1972) #47-50; Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #22-23; Marvel Two-in-One (1974) #52; Moon Knight (1980) #1-20; Marvel Team-Up Annual (1976) #4; Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #220; material from Defenders (1972) #51; Hulk Magazine (1978) #11-15, #17-18, #20; Marvel Preview (1975) #21.

The Frank Book

The definitive collection of Jim Woodring’s mysterious anthropomorph!

Since 1991, Jim Woodring’s lusciously rendered, hypnotic fables have dazzled readers the world over, and the runaway success of the Frank-co-starring graphic novel Weathercraft and the first true Frank graphic novel Congress of the Animals have only whetted readers’ appetites for more.

In honor of Frank’s 20th anniversary Fantagraphics is re-releasing the massive, long out of print Frank Book omnibus, which collected all the Frank material up to the mid-aughts, including several jaw-droppingly beautiful full-color stories, literally dozens of lushly-delineated black-and-white stories, and a treasure trove of covers and illustrations.

The Frank Book also features an introduction by one of Frank’s biggest fans (himself a Frank, or almost): Francis Ford Coppola.

32 full-color and 320 black-and-white illustrations.

Moon Knight Omnibus 2

The end of the beginning!

Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz’s landmark, critically acclaimed run comes to a close.
But first Moon Knight must survive threats old and new — including the madness of Morpheus, the deadly return of Stained Glass Scarlet, the devious Black Spectre and a rematch against the Werewolf by Night!

Moon Knight teams with Iron Man, Brother Voodoo, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and more — but when tragedy strikes, the dead walk and secrets come to light, will Moon Knight meet his final rest?

Or will he rise again, reinvigorated as the Fist of Khonshu?

COLLECTING: Moon Knight (1980) #21-38, Iron Man (1968) #161, Power Man and Iron Fist (1978) #87, Marvel Team-Up (1972) #144, Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu (1985) #1-6, Marvel Fanfare (1982) #30; material from Solo Avengers (1987) #3, Marvel Fanfare (1982) #38-39, Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #1.

Terry Moore: Serial Omnibus

When Zoe’s friend falls victim to a female serial killer, Zoe vows to find the killer before the police and deliver her own razor-edged justice.

But the clever assassin proves to be very hard to find as Zoe follows the trail of bodies and the few clues left behind.

Using her own unique set of skills, Zoe eventually closes in on the killer until they come face to face for the final kill.

Who will walk away?

Find out in Terry Moore’s newest suspense thriller featuring the irrepressible Zoe from Rachel Rising!

Dave Sim: Cerebus 2 – High Society

The graphic novel classic of political intrigue and adventure is back, just in time for its eleventh US Presidential Election!

High Society was masterfully restored back in 2015, but this new edition features improved paper stock, binding, and rich state-of-the-art sheet-fed offset printing, as well as a dozen pages from newly-surfaced original art!

The graphic novel that’s been making folks laugh since the middle of the first Reagan Administration.

Collects Cerebus #26-50.

12. painos.

Mark Millar & Wilfredo Torres: Jupiter’s Legacy 1

In mid-century America, the world’s greatest superheroes face epic threats in public while battling private scandals behind closed doors.

Now adapted into a big-budget Netflix Original series, get in on the ground floor with one of the most critically acclaimed superhero series of the past 10 years.

Collects JUPITER’S CIRCLE #1-6.


Paco Roca: The Lighthouse

Francisco, a wounded, despairing sixteen-year-old Republican guard in the Spanish Civil War, is trying to flee to freedom by crossing the French border.

In his escape, he encounters an old remote lighthouse, far from the warring factions.

He is granted shelter by Telmo, the aging operator of the lighthouse.
As Francisco recuperates, Telmo’s tales of epic adventurers who sailed the lost seas and discovered worlds unknown reignite the spark of life in the young soldier.

By one of the most brilliant new talents in comic art in Spain, author of the world-wide bestseller Wrinkles.

Mark Millar & Wilfredo Torres: Jupiter’s Legacy 2

By day, they are the world’s greatest heroes.

By night, they struggle with the same problems as the rest of us, and as the pressure increases on these super-celebrities, one of the team breaks away to become embroiled in the social unrest and political upheaval of America in the 1960s.

You’ve never read a book like JUPITER’S LEGACY before, now a major Netflix Original series.

Collects JUPITER’S CIRCLE, VOL. 2 #1-6.

Philippe Thirault & Roberto Zaghi: Makhno – Ukrainian Freedom Fighter

The spellbinding true story of the infamous Ukrainian anarchist and revolutionary.

In early 20th century Ukraine, anarchist Nestor Makhno, the son of peasants, was among the most heroic and colorful figures of the Russian Revolution, encouraging his people to find and embrace social and economic self-determination.

This is his story, of a military strategist who tirelessly defied both the Bolsheviks and the Germans to protect his homeland.

In support of the people of Ukraine, a portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated directly to Ukrainian relief efforts.

Jonathan Hickman & Mike Huddleston: Decorum

The highly lauded, mouthwateringly illustrated miniseries Decorum from the bestselling, comics titan Jonathan Hickman ( House of X, Powers of X, East of West) and acclaimed artist Mike Huddleston ( Middlewest, House of X) now collected in its entirety in a stunning hardcover edition for the first time.

Decorum blends the high impact, event level storytelling of Hickman’s recent re-envisioning of X-Men with the sprawling, addictive worldbuilding of the recently concluded East of West.

In the world of Decorum, there are many assassins in the known universe. Decorum is the story of the most well-mannered one.

The perfect standalone story for fans of epics like Star Wars and assassin action tales like John Wick-but set in a lush science fiction world where the stakes are even higher.

Collects DECORUM #1-8.

Tom Taylor & Bruno Redondo: Suicide Squad – Bad Blood

There’s no “love” in “team”!

When the Suicide Squad is assigned to neutralize a group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries, the last thing they expect is for the survivors to join the team!

Who can Squad veterans Harley Quinn and Deadshot trust when their new teammates are the very people they were sent to kill?
This crew could survive the mission, but they might not survive each other— so don’t get attached.

Acclaimed writer TOM TAYLOR (DCeased) reunites with celebrated Injustice collaborators BRUNO REDONDO (Justice League) and DANIEL SAMPERE (Action Comics) for the GLAAD Media Award nominated Suicide Squad: Bad Blood.

Collecting all eleven issues of the critically lauded maxiseries, this hardcover edition also features a special Task Force X: Declassified art gallery of designs by Redondo.

Jadzia Axelrod & Jess Taylor: Galaxy – The Prettiest Star

Taylor Barzelay seems to have the perfect life, with good looks and good grades, but they are actually an alien princess from the planet Cyandii, and after six long years of accepting the duty to remain in hiding as a boy on Earth, it all changes when they meet confident Metropolis city girl Katherine.



Paul Bolger & Barry Devlin: Hound

In 50 BCE, Morrigan, the goddess of war, has become restless as a long-lasting peace settles over Ireland.

Deciding the time of peace must end, she chooses Setanta, the nephew of the king of the north, to become her ward.

After a young Setanta slays the demon-hound of Cullan, he becomes known as Cú Cullan– The Hound of Cullan.
As Cú Cullan grows older, it is apparent that an extraordinary power lies within him . . . and a great darkness.

When he chooses the quiet life of a farmer over the sword, Morrigan, angry at the betrayal, instigates an invasion of his homeland and Cú Cullan must challenge fate itself to keep the goddess at bay.

This exciting, ancient tale is retold for a contemporary audience by master storytellers Paul J. Bolger ( Cool World, The Land Before Time, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!), Barry Devlin ( Horslips: The Táin, U2: Making of Rattle & Hum, A Man of No Importance), and Dee Cunniffe ( The Paybacks, Redneck).

Kaare Andrews: Amazing Fantasy

Kaare Andrews (SPIDER-MAN: REIGN) presents an all-new vision of the Marvel Universe!

Spy-school Black Widow, teenage Spider-Man, World War II Captain America — the most iconic versions of your favorite Marvel characters from across time and space — all wake up on an island of intrigue, darkness and amazing fantasy.

Are they dead? Are they dreaming? Or have they truly been transported to another fantastical realm? And as the heroes explore their uncanny surroundings, can they find a way to return home?

This isn’t just a love letter to your favorite Marvel eras, it’s a reinvestment in the seminal characters you’ve always loved, plucked from their quintessential timelines. This is the one you’ve been waiting for, True Believers — an Amazing Fantasy for the ages, featuring Kaare’s unique artwork on the oversized pages of a Treasury Edition!

COLLECTING: Amazing Fantasy (2021) #1-5.

Sophie Lambda: So Much for Love – How I Survived a Toxic Relationship

Part memoir, part self-help book, So Much For Love offers hilarious and empathetic advice on how to survive a relationship with a master manipulator.

Sophie had always been cynical about love–until she meets Marcus.

His affection and doting praise melt away her defenses.
The beginning of their relationship was a whirlwind romance, but over time she finds herself on uneven footing.

Marcus lies. He’s violently angry and bewilderingly inconsistent. Yet somehow he always manages to explain away his behavior and to convince Sophie that it’s all in her head.

The whiplash of this toxic relationship has Sophie’s head spinning. When she hits rock bottom, she fights her way out with fierce honesty, irreverent humor, and the help of Chocolat, a wisecracking, booze-drinking bear.

Spider-Gwen – Deal with the Devil

Gwen and Miles, sitting in a tree…K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

The most sensational web-spinners of the 21st century cross paths — and lock lips!

Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales are two young heroes from different dimensions, but what threat could unite the Spider-Man and Spider-Woman of the new generation? The answer will rock both their worlds!

First comes love, then comes much worse, then comes chaos in the Multiverse!
Back in Gwen’s dimension, Matt Murdock — the Kingpin of Crime — is plotting something. But what does it have to do with Harry Osborn? Why will it pit Spider-Woman against the Wolverine of Earth-65?

And what have Gwen’s band the Mary Janes been up to while she’s so busy?

COLLECTING: Spider-Man (2016) #12-14, Spider-Gwen (2015B) #16-23.

Jake Wyatt & Choo: The Well

A fantasy graphic novel about Lizzy, a girl who gets cursed by a wishing well, and her adventure to grant three wishes in order to break free.

Li-Zhen’s life on the archipelago is simple.

Known to friends and family as Lizzy, she takes care of her grandfather and their goats, she flirts with the woman who helps row the ferry, and she stays away from the fog that comes in the night―and the monsters hiding within it.

But Lizzy’s life comes apart when she steals a handful of coins from a sacred well to cover a debt.

The well requires repayment, but it doesn’t deal in coins. It needs wishes, and its minions will drown Lizzy in its depths if she doesn’t grant them.

Lizzy finds herself on a quest to uncover hidden memories, bestow great wealth, and face the magical secrets that nearly destroyed her family―and are now returning to threaten everything she has ever known.

In this breathtaking graphic novel, Jake Wyatt and Choo have created a modern fable based on magic and family secrets, exploring the power―and limits―of wishes.

Emma Grove: The Third Person

A boldly drawn, unforgettable memoir about trauma and the barriers to gender affirming health care.

In the winter of 2004, a shy woman named Emma sits in Toby’s office.

She wants to share this wonderful new book she’s reading, but Toby, her therapist, is concerned with other things.
Emma is transgender, and has sought out Toby for approval for hormone replacement therapy. Emma has shown up at the therapy sessions as an outgoing, confident young woman named Katina, and a depressed, submissive workaholic named Ed.
She has little or no memory of her actions when presenting as these other two people. And then Toby asks about her childhood . . .

As the story unfolds, we discover clues to Emma’s troubled past and how and why these other two people may have come into existence.

As Toby juggles treating three separate people, each with their own unique personalities and memories, he begins to wonder if Emma is merely acting out to get attention, or if she actually has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Is she just a troubled woman in need of help? And is “the third person” in her brain protecting her, or derailing her chances of ever finding peace?

The Third Person is a riveting memoir from newcomer Emma Grove.
Drawn in thick, emotive lines, with the refined style of a comics vet, Grove has created a singular, gripping depiction of the intersection of identities and trauma. The Third Person is a testament to the importance of having the space to heal and live authentically.

Gilbert Shelton: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers – The Idiots Abroad and Other Follies

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers are the most iconic and enduring underground comix characters ever created, having sold over 45 million comics in 16 languages.

Created in 1968 by Gilbert Shelton, widely recognized as one of the funniest cartoonists who ever lived, the Freak Brothers’ rollicking and hilariously self-destructive escapades are comedic masterpieces of farce and satire.

Fantagraphics is proud to announce that it is collecting all their cannabis-fueled adventures in a new series, Freak Brothers Follies.
Each deluxe hardcover will feature a special die-cut cover.

The first volume leads off with “The Idiots Abroad,” a brilliant, novel-length tour de force of slapstick and screwball adventure, showcasing Shelton’s gift for weaving together an intricate plot with droll dialogue and pitch-perfect comedic timing.

Phineas, Freewheelin’ Franklin, and Fat Freddy head out with high hopes for Colombia, but (as always!) their plans go awry in the most hilariously self-destructive way possible.
Scattered around the world — to Scotland, Russia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East — they manage to antagonize, offend, and otherwise annoy various groups of nuclear terrorists, human traffickers, pirates, and religious fanatics.

Meanwhile, Fat Freddy’s Cat, abandoned at home, not only has his own fur-raising adventure, he even sells the story to Hollywood!

The Freak Brothers, an animated series, set in modern-day San Francisco, is scheduled for release in 2021. The show stars the voices of Woody Harrelson, Pete Davidson, John Goodman, and Tiffany Haddish.

Kurt Busiek & Carlos Pacheco: Arrowsmith 1 – So Smart in Their Fine Uniforms

The return of a classic!

An oversized, fully remastered collection of the fantasy-adventure epic to accompany the all-new series.

Young Fletcher Arrowsmith learns the true cost of war in an alternate history where dragons and magic spells are as much a part of World War I as bullets and barbed wire.

This edition, in hardcover for the first time, will present the art as PACHECO originally intended.

Collects ARROWSMITH, VOL. 1 #1-6.

Grace Ellis & Hannah Templer: Flung Out of Space

A fictional and complex portrait of bestselling author Patricia Highsmith caught up in the longing that would inspire her queer classic, The Price of Salt.

Flung Out of Space is both a love letter to the essential lesbian novel, The Price of Salt, and an examination of its notorious author, Patricia Highsmith .

Veteran comics creators Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer have teamed up to tell this story through Highsmith’s eyes–reimagining the events that inspired her to write the story that would become a foundational piece of queer literature.

Flung Out of Space opens with Pat begrudgingly writing low-brow comics.
A drinker, a smoker, and a hater of life, Pat knows she can do better. Her brain churns with images of the great novel she could and should be writing–what will eventually be Strangers on a Train– which would later be adapted into a classic film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951.

At the same time, Pat, a lesbian consumed with self-loathing, is in and out of conversion therapy, leaving a trail of sexual conquests and broken hearts in her wake.
However, one of those very affairs and a chance encounter in a department store give Pat the idea for her soon-to-be beloved tale of homosexual love that was the first of its kind–it gave the lesbian protagonists a happy ending.

This is not just the story behind a classic queer book, but of a queer artist who was deeply flawed. It’s a comic about what it was like to write comics in the 1950s, but also about what it means to be a writer at any time in history, struggling to find your voice.

Author Grace Ellis contextualizes Patricia Highsmith as both an unintentional queer icon and a figure whose problematic views and noted anti-Semitism have cemented her controversial legacy.

Highsmith’s life imitated her art with results as devastating as the plot twists that brought her fame and fortune.

Frank Miller: Sin City 4 – That Yellow Bastard

The last honorable detective in the police force fights against corruption in this volume of the acclaimed crime noir, presented at original size with new wrap-around cover art by Frank Miller.

It’s his last day on the job and honest Detective John Hartigan has one loose end left to tie up.

Little Nancy Callahan, age eleven, has been kidnapped by a lunatic who likes to hear little girls scream.
Nancy isn’t his first victim, and she won’t be his last–unless Hartigan can put a stop to him, no matter how important the heinous psycho’s father is.

But this case is drowning in more perversion than even Hartigan realized . . . If justice is possible in this city, this man is going to start his retirement with justice.

The fourth editions of Frank Miller’s hit graphic novel series continue with Volume 4 That Yellow Bastard.

This edition does include the pinup gallery from previous editions, with art from Mike Allred, Kyle Baker, Jeff Smith, and Bruce Timm.
And, also included is an eighteen-page expanded gallery of covers and back covers from previous editions.

Devoted fans and new readers can again experience the groundbreaking and unparalleled noir masterpiece that has engrossed readers for nearly three decades!

Sergio Toppi: The Collected Toppi 7 – Sharaz-De

This seventh volume collects the master’s adaptations of the Tales from the Arabian Nights.

Featuring a foreword by Walt Simonson.



Garth Ennis & Liam Sharp: Batman – Reptilian

What strikes fear into the hearts of those who terrorize Gotham? It used to be Batman…

But now something far more frightening than a mere man stalks the shadows– and it’s after Gotham’s villains.

How savage must a monster be to haunt the dreams of monsters?

In this collection, Batman hits the streets in search of the creature terrorizing Gotham’s underworld–and hits them hard.

The Dark Knight’s search for clues will lead him to every villain in Gotham–but will he be able to reach any of them in time?

Collects Batman: Reptilian #1-6.

Francois Schuiten & Benoit Peeters: The Tower

Masterful fantasy comes alive as the fifth release in Alaxis Press’ The Obscure Cities series brings the award winning graphic novels to readers in English with an all-new translation!

Giovanni Batista is a third-class maintainer of the Tower.

His section is deteriorating more and more by the day and he has not heard from any of his inspectors or fellow maintainers in months. Running out of supplies and having filed multiple written complaints, he decides to descend to the base.

Using a chute of his own making, he crash lands and is found by Elias Aureolus Palingenius and the lovely Milena. He finds a world full of books and people he never knew of, but the mystery of why the Tower was built still nags at Giovanni so he and Milena decide to climb to the top to find answers.

The Tower, presented in this new edition, is a fabulous story for the exploration of a deliquescent world, an epic fable to the dimensions of world-building, a fantastic escape full of paradoxes, simulacra, and pretense.

Magnificent mastery, invention, and poetry, this is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful jewels of the exciting saga of the OBSCURE CITIES.

Bill Willingham & Brian Level: Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham

Fables’s infamous sleuth Bigby Wolf goes head-to-head with the world’s greatest detective, Batman!

Somebody’s scouring Gotham for a very powerful book-and they’re covering their tracks with acts of horrific book-related terrorism.

That book’s power flows from Fabletown…which means it’s fallen to Bigby Wolf to cross the dimensional divide and find it before it lands in the wrong hands.

But unfortunately for Bigby, the Batman doesn’t take kindly to interlopers in his city-and neither man backs down easily!

Collects Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham #1-6.

Natasha Alterici: Heathen – The Complete Saga




Born into a time of warfare, suffering, and subjugation of women, and exiled from her village for kissing another woman, the lesbian Viking warrior, Aydis, sets out to destroy the god-king Odin and end his oppressive reign.

She is a friend to many as she is joined by mermaids, immortals, Valkyries, and the talking horse, Saga.

But she is also a fearsome enemy to the demons and fantastic monsters that populate the land.

Heathen – The Complete Series Omnibus Edition trade paperback collects the entire twelve-issue series.

Soon to be movie directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight, Red Riding Hood, Lords of Dogtown)

Perfect for fans of Monstress, Helheim, and Northlanders..

Tim Seeley & Sarah Beattie: Money Shot 3

Break ups are hard, but when the replacement is scorching-sun hot, life gets a lot easier.


With a founding member on the outs, Chris seeks a replacement whose hotness might melt the icecaps.

But when the earth is overrun by a vicious species that can’t be reasoned with or sexed up, the fractured team will have to hold together long enough to (un)screw the entire planet.

Collects issues #11-15 of the super-hot monthly series!

Julie Doucet: Time Zone J

A wormhole into a fleeting romance told in a mind-bending first-person chorus.

Time Zone J is Julie Doucet’s first inked comic since she famously quit in the nineties after an exhausting career in an industry that, at the time, made little room for women.

The year is 1989 and twenty-three-year-old Doucet is flying to France to meet with a soldier.

He’s a man she only knows through their mail correspondence, a common enough reality of the zine era, when comics were mailed from cartoonist to reader and close relationships were formed. Time is not on their side–the soldier is just on furlough for a few days–but the two make the most of their visit and discuss future plans, maybe even Christmas in Doucet’s city, Montreal.

Based on diary entries from the whirlwind romance, the passion and high emotions of youth–before you know the limits of love, before you know the difference between love and lust–seep through the pages. In contrast to the tryst, Doucet draws herself today, at fifty-five.

After years of being in a crowd of men, Doucet compulsively returns to drawing, creating an alternate universe that foregrounds women. The pages of Time Zone J overflow with images pulled from past and present, faces and people that have inspired Doucet across more than three decades of creative work.

Regis Loisel: Mickey Mouse – Zombie Coffee

Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Horace Horsecollar, and Clarabelle Cow go camping to forget the Great Depression.

But when they return to Mouseton, they find shady real-estate developer Rock Fuller destroying it to build a golf course… with the help of an army of zombies, transformed from normal citizens with a magic drink!

What does Mickey’s old enemy Pegleg Pete have to do with this evil scheme… and can Mickey trip it up?

Famed French cartoonist Régis Loisel won the Angouleme International Comics Festival’s Grand Prize in 2006, and has been nominated in other years for numerous projects. Loisel has also worked as a Disney animator and was thrilled to produce this stellar tribute!

Zombie Coffee is told in the daily-comic-strip-serial style of Disney legend Floyd Gottfredson’s beloved early Mickey adventures — packed with action, laughs, and magnificent details that explode off the pages!

This deluxe edition is a landscape-formatted hardcover that comes in a portrait-formatted slipcase — and so the buyer can shelve it vertically but read it in its full cinemascope-style glory!

Mike Mignola: Hellboy in Hell and Other Stories Artisan Edition

See Mike Mignola’s art as you never have before-presented in IDW’s Artisan Edition format!

Mike Mignola has been (and remains!) one of the preeminent comics creators of the past several decades.

His career was already firmly established for his outstanding work on characters like Batman, Wolverine, a myriad of beautiful covers and more… And then came Hellboy.

Mignola’s iconic creation struck a meteoric chord with fans from the very start and has not abated in the 25-plus years since the character’s debut.

This Artisan Edition features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories-the two initial four-pagers, produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne’s Nextmen #21-plus The Corpse, and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion.

Nearly every page has been scanned from Mignola’s original art and showcases the artist’s gorgeous work as closely as possible to the physical page-this is a book for fans of great storytelling and students of the craft.

An Artisan Edition endeavors to mimic as closely as possible the experience of viewing the actual original art-for instance, corrections, blue pencils, paste-overs, all the little nuances that make original art unique.
Unless you are holding Mike’s art in your hands, there is no way to better experience his original art.

Chris Samnee & Laura Samnee: Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters 2

Jonna and Rainbow are sisters, but that doesn’t mean they’re all that similar: Rainbow’s the bookish one, Jonna is the whirlwind.

Jonna’s also incredibly strong and nearly invulnerable–which will come in handy as they search the ruined, monster-infested wasteland that was once their home while looking for their missing father.

Their world, once lush and bountiful, has been overrun by giant monsters and prickly, unnatural vines that strangle the life from the natural flora and fauna. The girls thought that they had found a place of calm and security–a notion proved false when a huge beast literally crashed through the walls.

With their safe haven destroyed, the girls set out again, this time following a lead to a hidden city of humans that have built a home in the shattered remnants of a mighty redwood forest.

Lured by heartwarming tales of community, Rainbow and Jonna find that life in the big city can be a little confusing!
Jonna finds celebrity in the monster-fighting arena, while Rainbow explores their new surroundings, searching for a bit of human kindness and not liking what she sees.

Can the two keep their spirits up and their skin on as they outpunch unpossible monsters and outwit not-so-nice humans that stand in their way?

Martin Vaughn-James: The Projector and Elephant

Two surreal graphic novels about technology, corporatization, and alienation in the modern world by a cult-favorite comics innovator.

In 1968, the British artist and writer Martin Vaughn-James emigrated to Canada.

Over the next eight years, he proceeded to produce some of the most mesmerizing and inventive works in comics, light-years ahead of his contemporaries.

Among them were Elephant and The Projector, linked graphic novels that guide the reader (and a bespectacled Everyman) through landscapes built out of both the everyday and the nightmarish.
Jam-packed superhighways, plummeting horses, vast urban wastelands, colossal businessmen, demented cartoon animals, and interstellar oranges are just a small part of Vaughn-James’s prophetic vision of society’s turn away from the natural world to the artificial.

Together for the first time in a single volume, designed and edited by Seth and with an introduction by Jeet Heer, Elephant and The Projector stand as a reminder that we have yet to catch up to Vaughn-James.

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman Book One

Neil Gaiman’s award-winning masterpiece The Sandman is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time.

The series is a rich blend of modern and ancient mythology in which contemporary fiction, historical drama, and legend are seamlessly interwoven.

This first book collecting Neil Gaiman’s genre-defining series about the Dream King.

Collects the story arcs “Preludes and Nocturnes,” “The Doll’s House,” and “Dream Country,” from The Sandman #1-20.

Joann Sfar & Lewis Trondheim: Dungeon Twilight 1-2 – Cemetery of the Dragon

The planet Terra Amata, on which Dungeon resides, has stopped turning.

On one side, total darkness and absolute coldness; on the other, a searing desert and eternal day.

The survivors live on a thin slice of earth where day and night meet.
A territory known as TWILIGHT.

Welcome to the third facet of the Dungeon world, its dark downfall.

Marvin, now old and blind, sensing his end, goes on a long trek to the legendary cemetery of dragons.
And then, saved at the last minute from certain death in a duel by his young warrior admirer Marvin the Red, he simply cannot be let to die like he wishes!
Whatever he loses, he regains in different powers. He’s even become invincible.

It’s to the point where he’d rather exchange body parts to get back his mortality! But then he is led to a discovery that may make continuing to live actually worth it…

Tails of the Super-Pets

Where would our heroes be without their Super Pets? Follow the adventures of Krypto the Super-Dog, Streaky the Super-Cat, and Ace the Bat-Hound in theis incredible collection!

The Super Pets are icons in their own right!

Collected together are the tales of Krypto the Super-Dog, Streaky the Super-Cat, and Ace the Bat-Hound through a variety of classic comics!

This collection includes stories from Action Comics #261-266, 277-293; Batman #125; Adventure Comics #210-256, 293-322, 364; Superman #176; Wonder Woman #23; and Superboy #76!

Jessica Campbell: Rave

A queer coming-of-age story, complete with secret cigarettes, gross gym teachers, and a lot of church.

It’s the early 2000s.

Lauren is fifteen, soft-spoken, and ashamed of her body.
She’s a devout member of an evangelical church, but when her Bible-thumping parents forbid Lauren to bring evolution textbooks home, she opts to study at her schoolmate Mariah’s house.

Mariah has dial-up internet, an absentee mom, and a Wiccan altar–the perfect setting for a study session and sleepover to remember.

That evening, Mariah gives Lauren a makeover and the two melt into each other, in what becomes Lauren’s first queer encounter. Afterward, a potent blend of Christian guilt and internalized homophobia causes Lauren to question the experience.

Author Jessica Campbell ( XTC69) uses frankness and dark humor to articulate Lauren’s burgeoning crisis of faith and sexuality.

She captures teenage antics and banter with astute comedic style, simultaneously skewering bullies, a culture of slut-shaming, and the devastating impact of religious zealotry.

Rave is an instant classic, a coming-of-age story about the secret spaces young women create and the wider social structures that fail them.

Guillem March: Karmen

Spanish writer and artist GUILLEM MARCH is best known for his ongoing, extensive work with DC Comics on Batman, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn and has worked as an artist on several graphic novels including the English editions of Monika with Titan Comics and The Dream with Europe Comics.

Here, he takes up his pen for an edgy new volume about a highly unconventional angel named Karmen and the young woman she takes under her wing when a case of heartbreak strikes hard.

Packed with surprises and metaphysics, this gorgeously drawn series deploys tenderness and humor as it dives deep into topics that matter.

Collects KARMEN #1-5.



Ruudinsavu 1/2022


Teksasin hurjapäät
Tukkilaisista seikkailuihin – Westernin vaikutus suomalaisessa elokuvassa
Spede, Vesku, Simo ja Samuel – Hirttämättömät
Kuparimaa – sympaattinen amerikansuomalainen länkkäri
Billy the Kidin ensimmäinen kerta – novelli
Suomentamattomia länkkäriklassikoita osa 7: The Day the Cowboy Quit
Millaista oli suomentaa Wanted Lucky Luke -albumia
Sarjakuvat: Wanted Lucky Luke ja Königin Luke Swiss Bliss
Elokuvat ja sarjat: Ennio, The Hired Hand, 1883
Kirjat: Haukansilmä, Colt 44, Apassien aarre, Virran kummitus, Ei enää mitään
Tosi Länsi: Ukonnuoli ja Nopsajalka
Klassikkoelokuva: Lännen sankarit (1936)

Robert Coover & Art Spiegelman: Katukyttä

Kuvitettu pienoisromaani.
Millaista jälkeä tulee, kun legendat kohtaavat?

Kokeilevan kirjallisuuden legenda Robert Coover ja underground-sarjakuvan legenda Art Spiegelman ovat yhdistäneet voimansa, ja tuloksena on kuvitettu pienoisromaani Katukyttä, tulevaisuuteen sijoittuva kertomus poliisimiehestä, joka joutuu työpäivän aikana kohtaamaan kaikenlaista robottipoliiseista eläviin kuolleisiin, loppujen lopuksi myös itsensä.

Kun Coover ja Spiegelman ovat asialla, mikään ei ole pyhää, ja kyytiä saavat instituutiot siinä missä ihmisetkin. Ja virukset. Ja naurun säestyksellä.

Koronaviruspandemian takia tekijät eivät työn aikana kohdanneet kertaakaan, vaan kaikki yhteydenpito tapahtui verkon kautta. Tuloksena on sanojen ja kuvien ilotulitus, pieni kirja jolla on suuri sydän.

Bronze Age Rarities & Oddities, spotlighting rare European Superman comics of the 1980s!
Plus: Curt Swan’s Batman, Jim Aparo’s Superman, David Anthony Kraft’s Marvel custom comics, Michael Uslan’s unseen Earth-Two stories, Leaf’s DC Secret Origins, Marvel’s Evel Knievel and Kool-Aid Man, early cover variants, and more!
Featuring Eduardo Barreto, Paul Kupperberg, Alex Saviuk, and more.
Superman cover by Joe Kubert.
Spotlighting the artists of Roy Thomas’ 1980s DC series All-Star Squadron!
Featuring illuminating interviews with artists Arvell Jones, Richard Howell, and Jerry Ordway, conducted by Richard Arndt!
Plus-the Squadron’s final secrets-including an amazing universe of previously unpublished Squadron art, including covers for issues that never existed by pro and amateur artists alike!
Also: FCA, Michael T. Gilbert, and more!
Wraparound cover by Arvell Jones!

Introducing Cousin Batvark Girl! Hubba Hubba! (or whatever the Politically-Correct term for Hubba-Hubba is these days) and her new husband, Batvirgil!

Ever wonder what the Batvarks who play Batvark in the CIH? comics are like in real life and behind the scenes?

Batvark: A Poet in the Family answers your questions as we take you to Mama Batvark’s place in Infernal Gilead for the High Holidays and the evening of Yom Kippur.

Meet the Batvark Cousins: Jethro Batvark, Abner Batvark, Elvis Batvark, Jerry Lee Batvark and Jed “Too Tall” Batvark.

After reading the issue, vote on what you want to have happen to Batvirgil’s bottom half!

You’ll swear it’s 1988 all over again!

Ed Piskor: Red Room – Trigger Warnings #3

Hop on a luxury yacht to the far reaches of the globe in this most unusual Red Room saga yet.

Welcome to the island of Pitcairn, home to a native civilization that has been sacrificing their people to the gods for generations in hopes for a good crop season — until bitcoin pirates discover the island and hatch their own plans.

The smash hit splatterpunk series continues, from the creator of X-Men: Grand Design and Hip Hop Family Tree, and co-host of the YouTube comics sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe.

Heavy Metal #316

The third of four INTERCONNECTED covers by the master illustrator KIM JUNG GI, an otherworldly TAARNA cover by the legendary SIMON BISLEY, and a blank sketch cover!

Heavy Metal’s flagship character TAARNA returns in an otherworldly story by writer Helen Mullane and artist Osvaldo Pestana!

The debut of the episodic technothriller WIREMONKEYS by creator/writer/artist Dan Schaeffer!

A new battle rages in Heavy Metal’s zombie saga COLD DEAD WAR by David Erwin and artist Vassilis Gogtzilas!

YA horror serial THE AXE continues by Fall Out Boy’s lead guitarist Joe Trohman and writer/actor Brian Posehn with Deadpool artist Scott Koblish!

Cyberpunk serial ENGAGERS by Beyond Kuiper author Matthew Medney and artist John Roi Mercado continues!

The strange history of DEATH DEFIED by Joe Harris and Federico Pietrobon continues to unfold!

Heavy Metal’s female space explorer returns in the newest chapter of THE ADVENTURES OF ADRIENNE JAMES by Matthew Medney (Dark Wing) and artist Santa Fung

George C. Romero’s THE RISE begins its second half of the origin of the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD with art by Diego Yapur!

Finally, an interview with Simon Bisley showing the process of creating his TAARNA cover for the magazine’s milestone issue!

It’s a massive celebration of 45 years publishing groundbreaking stories of science fiction, fantasy, and horror from The World’s Greatest Illustrated Magazine!

