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Sarjakuvakaupan uutuudet viikolla 7/2022


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Ulkomaiset uutuudet
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Käytetyt sarjakuvat


Christian Debarre: Joe Bar Team 1

Pariisin esikaupunkialueella majailee romanttista yksilöllisyyttä sekä moottoripyöriä palvova joukko, joka kokoontuu epäsäännöllisen säännöllisesti Joe Bar:iin pätemään omalla erikoisella tavallaan.

Koska he voivat.

Toiminta on ensimmäisten superpyörien aikana raakaa ja rehellistä ja ah! niiin vauhdikasta ja sitoutunutta.

Ja aina löytyy syy hiukan kisata…

Tiina Paju: Uutisista hyvää iltaa

UUTISISTA HYVÄÄ ILTAA kertoo korona-ajasta television uutistoimituksen nurkasta nähtynä. Näkijä on uutislähetysten taustakuvia toimittava graafikko, jonka pesti alkoi juuri, kun korona lähti valloitusretkelleen maailman halki.

Töiden ja elämän pyörteistä piirtyy mediamuistojen sävyttämä ajankuva. Uusissa tehtävissä on paljon opittavaa.
Ihmeteltävää riittää myös maailman, kaupungin ja kotiolojen muutoksissa. Jollain tavalla kuitenkin aina selvitään, ystävyyden ja työtoverien kannattelemana.

Käsikirjoittaja ja piirtäjä Puupää-hatulla palkittu sarjakuvantekijä, kuvittaja ja visuaalinen journalisti, jonka piirtämiä sarjakuvia ovat mm. Maisa & Kaarina ja Biljoona Oy. Uutisista hyvää iltaa on ensimmäinen albumi, jonka hän on myös käsikirjoittanut.

Stéphane Deteindre: Joe Bar Team 2

Aikaa kuluu 20 vuotta – mikään ei ole enää entisensä…paitsi asenne.

Pyörät päivittyvät uuteen – nahkatakit ja äijät eivät.

Aivan kuin kaikki alkaisi kiertää kehää, uutta sukupolvea pukkaa kadulle, väärällä asenteella tietysti!


Jyrki Nissinen: Exät

Vivians, Simo, Uroz ja Hemppe elävät tahoillaan urakeskeistä elämää johon kuuluu biletystä, deadlineja, seksiä ja harmoniaa.

Kaikki tuntuu olevan ok. He kaikki ovat toistensa exiä.

Mutta miltä vitulta homma alkaa tuntumaan, kun heidät kaikki pestataan samaan produktioon? Kuka vetää pisimmän korren ja kuka on pelkkä luuseri?

Exät on viiltävän realistinen pala draamaa stadin luovan luokan jet set -elämästä, joka tarjoillaan kylmänä. Kun kortsupaketin hinnalla saa paikan taivaassa, ei vaihtoehtoja enää ole!

“Täysin vakavien ja totaalisen dorkien asioiden samanaikaisuus toistuu teoksen sisällössä ja muodossa. Exät pyörittelee ihan oikeita aikuisten kysymyksiä nopeatempoisen hupailunsa avulla.
Vaikutus on suunnilleen sama kuin jos Pulttibois olisi pintansa alla viiltävän tarkkanäköinen, yhteiskunnallisia trendejä pöyhivä aikalaissatiiri.” – Ville Pirinen, Kulttuuritoimitus

“Nissinen pyörittää hätkähdyttävää korkkiruuvia lukijan kloaakkiin.” – Keijo Ahlqvist.

Stéphane Deteindre: Joe Bar Team 3

Sarjan kolmas osa.




Stéphane Deteindre: Joe Bar Team 4

Sarjan neljäs albumi.






C. S. Pacat & Johanna The Mad: Fence 1

Novelist C.S. Pacat (Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad team up for a new series perfect for fans of Check, Please! and Yuri!!! on Ice.

Nicholas Cox is determined to prove himself in the world of competitive fencing, and earn his place alongside fencing legends like the dad he never knew, but things get more complicated when he’s up against his golden-boy half-brother, as well as the sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama.

Collects issues #1-4.

Paru Itagaki: Beastars 16

Gray wolf Legoshi joins forces with Beastar horse Yahya to try to apprehend a mixed-species elephant poacher.

Meanwhile, gray wolf Juno meets with red deer Louis and learns why he can’t be with her, even if he wanted to.

Juno and Legoshi commiserate about the drawbacks of being in love with a beast of another species.

Then Legoshi falls into a trap he can’t escape without the aid of a stranger, and Louis gets an offer he might not be able to refuse.

C. S. Pacat & Johanna The Mad: Fence 2

Tryouts are well underway at King’s Row for a spot on the prodigious fencing team, and scrappy fencer Nicholas isn’t sure he’s going to make the grade in the face of surly upperclassmen, nearly impossibly odds, and his seemingly unstoppable roommate, the surly, sullen Seiji Katayama.

It’ll take more than sheer determination to overcome a challenge this big!

From the superstar team of C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes the second volume of this acclaimed, dynamic series.

Kousuke Oono: The Way of the Househusband 7

Tatsu is tasked with squeezing the locals for money owed to the association– the neighborhood association, that is.

But when the former gangster tries to collect, what should be a quick and easy job ends up anything but!

All your faves are back in action as the cozy yakuza comedy continues!


C. S. Pacat & Johanna The Mad: Fence 3

Scrappy fencer Nicholas Cox comes to the end of his path to prove himself worthy of a father he never knew in the face of surly upperclassmen, nearly impossible odds, and the talent of his rival, sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama.

Sparks fly white-hot on the pitch as Nicholas and Seiji finally face off once again in the halls of King’s Row.

It’s a match that will change King’s Row (and both of them!) forever, and set the stage as the team journeys to face their bitter rivals and prove themselves once and for all.

The third volume of the breakneck series from writer C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes at you as fast as a parry and hits as hard as a strike.

Yeon Sang-Ho & Choi Gyu-Seok: The Hellbound 1

Available for the first time in English! Experience the intense and heart-pounding horror of The Hellbound volume one by Yeon Sang-Ho, director of the internatonal hit and cult favorite film Train to Busan and cartoonist Choi Gyu-Seok, creator of the acclaimed webtoon Songgot.

Fear and panic spread as a sinister phenomenon marks individuals for certain death.

One day, you will receive a message from an unknown sender.

The message will only include your name, the fact that you are going to hell, and the time you have left to live.
There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide–no escape.

When the time counts down to zero, supernatural beings manifest to condemn you to hell. As the nation falls into unrest, a new religious sect begins to interpret the bizarre occurrence as the will of the divine. Could this be a sign of something grander–a blessing in disguise, a holy reckoning, or an evil curse?

Amid social chaos and increasing hysteria, the people must find a way to survive this inexplicable terror.

Masakazu Ishiguro: Heavenly Delusion 1

Within the safety of the walls, youths are raised in a nursery-style setting by robots. While life there may appear stale on the surface, the children are full of potential and curiosity.

In many ways it is like a slice of heaven.

The outside world is a hell-scape. It is almost entirely void of anything mechanical and is now inhabited by bizarre, yet powerful super-natural beings.

Maru, with the aid of Kiruko, is out there crisscrossing what was once Tokyo for heaven. But after searching for so long, maybe heaven is more of an untenable dream than a potential reality.

Tatsuki Fujimoto: Chainsaw Man 4

Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man!

Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world. After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous—Chainsaw Man!

Devil Extermination Special Division 4 is in serious trouble as a devil has sent a whole team of assassins to take Denji’s heart.

In order to survive the onslaught, Denji, Power and Aki will have to get stronger.
But is Denji smart enough to learn how to control his devil powers?
Can you can teach an old chainsaw-dog-devil new tricks?

Hirohiko Araki: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure 5 – Golden Wind 3

A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil!

The legendary Shonen Jump series is now available in deluxe hardcover editions featuring color pages!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor and frenetic battles.

Narancia Ghirga is under siege!

Chased all over by an enemy Stand user, Passione member and Bruno Bucciarati ally Narancia has been shrunk to the size of a doll and faces certain death!
Narancia is unable to locate his enemy, separated from his team, and at risk of being eaten by rats and—even worse—spiders!
His only hope of turning it around and saving himself is using his own Stand to counter the enemy.

Is this the end of everyone’s favorite immature gangster, or will Narancia’s temper somehow help him save the day?

Tatsuki Fujimoto: Chainsaw Man 6

Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man!

Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world. After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous—Chainsaw Man!

A new girl named Reze has shown up and swept innocent Denji right off his feet.

But is Reze exactly what she seems? (Spoiler: Nope!)

Is Denji about to find happiness once and for all? (Spoiler: Nope!)

Prepare for the storm of all storms when Chainsaw Man looks for true love!



Natalia Batista: Sword Princess Amaltea 1 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Tarina on kaikille tuttu: Urhea prinssi lähtee uhmaamaan suuria vaaroja, pelastaakseen prinsessan lohikäärmeen kynsistä ja periäkseen puolet valtakunnasta.

Mutta entä, jos tällä kertaa prinssi olisikin… prinsessa?

Satumaailmassa, jossa kuningattaret hallitsevat ja magia on valtaa, prinsessa Amaltea lähetetään elämänsä suurimman haasteen eteen – pelastamaan pulassa oleva prinssi ja täyttämään velvollisuutensa prinsessana.
Hemmoteltu, ennakkoluuloinen ja maailmalta suojassa kasvanut Amaltea lähtee vastahakoisesti matkalleen ja löytää “prinssinsä pulassa”… vain saadakseen selville, ettei tämä olekaan järin halukas liittymään hänen seuraansa.

Natalia Batistan uusi fantasiaseikkailu on huima matka täynnä toimintaa, huumoria ja rakkautta!

Dav Pilkey: Koiramies – Kenelle pallot soivat (ENNAKKOTILAUS)

Koiramies kohtaa uuden superrikollisen ja yrittää päästä eroon vanhoista huonoista tavoistaan.

Lukeminen antaa supervoimia!
Neropattiakin suositumpi sarja tuo iloa koululaisten arkeen.

Mukana uusissa seikkailussa jälleen myös Pete, maailman häijyin kissa, ja Pikku-Pete, hyvis kissanpentu. Kun Peten oma isä saapuu paikalle, Peten pitää kohdata menneisyytensä ja oppia ymmärtämään elämän suuria arvoja.

Seitsemäs ratkiriemukas Koiramies-sarjiskirja.
Jaana Kapari-Jatan kekseliäs suomennos.

Keijo Ahlqvist: Taide (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Taide on taiteen tekemisen pieni filosofinen opas, taiteen luennan lyhyt ja pitkä oppimäärä, aforistinen, uniikki, ruuduton ja rajaton sarjakuvateos.

Taide on itsereflektiivinen, vallaton valtaus, vapauttava tapahtuma ja vaurautta tiiviydessään. Taide on Keijo Ahlqvistin kolmas oma sarjakuvakirja, elämänmittaisen ajattelutyön kypsä hedelmä.

Piirtäjänä Keijo Ahlqvist (s. 1955, edelleen elossa) on suuri pelkistäjä. Hän tiivistää oleellisen muutamilla viivoilla, eikä sanojakaan tuhlailla. Lopputulos patistaa lukijaa ajattelemaan (myös) itse.

Sarjakuvaneuvoksen arvonimellä palkittu Ahlqvist piirsi Kemissä kunnalliskertomuksia sarjakuvamuotoon, kunnallispoliittista Kemistit-sarjakuvaa Sortteeriin ja laati yhdessä Ari Kutilan kanssa ensimmäisen suomalaisen sarjakuvan oppikirjan Piirrä sarjakuvaa! (1988).

Vuonna 2000 Ahlqvist oli perustamassa Limingan taidekouluun sarjakuvalinjaa.
Hän opetti siellä vuoteen 2017 asti, vaikka välillä kirjautui kouluun opiskelijaksi: ensin 2009 kuvataidelinjalle ja 2015 omalle sarjakuvalinjalleen. Ahlqvistille ominaista on pyrkiä tutkimaan asioiden kaikki puolet.

Hiljaiselo omien teosten suhteen loppui vuonna 2019, jolloin Ahlqvistin sarjakuvia julkaistiin kahtena kirjana, K ei joo (Täysi Käsi) ja Kaunakirja (Zum Teufel). Eläkkeelle jäämisensä jälkeen Ahlqvistin uteliaisuus todellisuuden olemuksesta ei ole sammunut. Päinvastoin, lakkaamattoman pohdiskelun tuloksia piirtyy paperille hurjaa tahtia.

Keijo Ahlqvistin mukaan taide ei ole ensisijaisesti ammatti eikä varsinkaan palkkatyö. Taide on vapaus, joka kuuluu kaikille. Taide elää meissä kaikissa, kunhan sen antaa elää.

Maikki Harjanne: Täydellinen Minttu – Kaikki Minttu-sarjakuvat (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Minttu, Ville, Tuusannuuska, Mikko Neppius ja muut tutut ovat täällä taas!

Maikki Harjanteen Minttu on lastenkirjaklassikko, joka ei esittelyjä kaipaa. Minttua on luettu lapsille pian 45 vuoden ajan, ja tuona aikana tuhannet lapset ovat saaneet nimensä Mintun mukaan.

Minttu-sarjakuvat ovat jääneet kuvakirjoja vähemmälle huomiolle – ja aivan syyttä!
Sarjakuva-Minttu ystävineen seikkaili Kotiliesi-lehdessä vuosina 1982-1990 aivan yhtä hersyvästi kuin kuvakirjoissakin. Minttu pohtii, tutkii, auttaa, keksii, kyselee ja kokeilee, aivan kuten lapsilla tapana on.

Täydellinen Minttu -kokoelma sisältää kaikki Minttu-sarjakuvat. Osaa niistä ei ole aiemmin julkaistu kirjamuodossa. Isokokoisessa, nelivärisessä kirjassa on yli 200 sivua.

Maikki Harjanne (s. -44) on kirjoittanut ja kuvittanut yli sata teosta. Hänet on palkittu työstään mm. Nuorisokirjallisuuden valtionpalkinnolla, Lastenkulttuurin valtionpalkinnolla, Kaarina Helakisa -palkinnolla ja Pro Finlandia -kunniamerkillä.

Mikko Metsähonkala: Talleyrand – Sontaa silkkisukassa, sanoi Napoleon (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838) Autunin piispa, kansanedustaja, ministeri ja beneventon ruhtinas, aloitti pappisuralla, mutta tempautui Ranskan suuren vallankumouksen aikoihin politiikan tuoksinaan ja onnistui pysymään pinnalla läpi myrskyjen ja myllerrysten.

Hän oli etevä diplomaatti, mutta myös selkäänpuukottaja, opportunisti, uhkapeluri, irstailija ja kirkon kiroama piispa – sontaa silkkisukassa, kuten Napoleon häntä parjasi.

Talleyrand oli ihanteeton mies suurten aatteiden ja intohimojen aikakaudella. Nyt on takapirun aika astua kulisseista parrasvaloihin.

MIKKO METSÄHONKALA on 1966 Ylöjärvellä syntynyt arkkitehti, kuvittaja ja sarjakuvantekijä, joka on vaikuttanut viimeiset kymmenen vuotta Tampereella.

Tuula Mäkelä: Rappuset (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Miltä hirvestä tuntuu, kun se pudottaa sarvensa? Miltä maistuu härän mahalaukku? Tietävätkö sirpaleet onnea? Mitä Katri Helena laulaa Lui-nimisessä kappaleessa? Onko taivaalla mustia aukkoja?

Aitta oli ollut pihassa aina.
Ala-aitassa oli moottorisaha ja Fiatin talvirenkaat.

Yläaitassa säilytettiin kaikkea jännää muistoina ja kaiken varalta.

Rappuset on kertomus isän ja tyttären yhteisestä kesäpäivästä, jonka aikana korjataan aitan rappusten rikkoutunut askelma. Päivä vaikuttaa aluksi aivan tavalliselta, mutta sen mittaan saadaan vastaus moneen kysymykseen.

Tuula Mäkelä on Kyyjärvellä vuonna 1979 syntynyt ja kasvanut sarjakuvantekijä, joka opettaa graafista suunnittelua Ikaalisten käsi- ja taideteollisuusoppilaitoksessa.
Talvisin hän tykkää tehdä pahkatöitä ja kesäisin pelastaa kimalaisia ynnä muita uimataidottomia veden varasta.

Rappuset on hänen ensimmäinen sarjakuvakirjansa.

Juliana Hyrri: Päivänkakkarameri (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Päivänkakkarameri on kertomus kulttuurien välissä kasvamisesta, yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen etsimisestä ja hylkäämisen pelosta.

Tarinaa kannattelee ajatus eräänlaisesta jälleennäkemisestä lapsuuden kanssa, vuoropuhelusta, ehkä hyväksymisestäkin.

Juliana Hyrri (s. 1989, Kohtla-Järve, Viro) on helsinkiläinen kuvataiteilija, joka tekee sarjakuvia, maalauksia, installaatioita ja kuvituksia. Päivänkakkarameri on hänen toinen sarjakuvakirjansa.

Suomen arvostelijain liitto palkitsi esikoisteoksen Satakieli joka ei laulanut Kritiikin kannuksilla vuonna 2020.

Alessandro Ferrari & Kawaii Studio: Star Wars – Tasavallan viimeiset päivät (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Imperiumin vauhdikkain sarjakuvaromaani!

Tästä kaikki alkoi.

Pimeän uhka, Kloonien hyökkäys ja Sithin kosto samoissa kansissa.
Lähde suureen hyvän ja pahan väliseen seikkailuun Obi-Wan Kenobin, Padmé Amidalan, Yodan ja muiden kanssa.

Tämä sarjakuvaromaani on tehty kaikille visuaalisen kerronnan ja suurten seikkailujen ystäville.

Alice Oseman: Heartstopper 1 – Poika tapaa pojan (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Poika tapaa pojan. Pojista tulee ystävät. Pojat rakastuvat.

Sydämen sulattava sarjakuvaromaani ystävyydestä ja tunnemyrskystä, jonka vain ensirakkaus voi synnyttää.

Charlie ja Nick käyvät samaa koulua ja tapaavat yhteisellä kurssilla. Charlien sydän on pysähtyä, kun hän näkee Nickin ensi kerran, ja rakastuu päätä pahkaa.
Vaikka Charlien järki sanoo, ettei heidän välillään voi koskaan olla mitään ystävyyttä enempää, hän ei voi tunteilleen mitään. Voisiko Nick sittenkin olla vähän kiinnostunut Charliesta…?

Heartstopper-sarjassa käsitellään ystävyyttä, rakkautta ja rohkeutta olla oma itsensä. Charlien ja Nickin polut kietoutuvat yhteen ja muodostavat suuremman tarinan, joka ei jätä ketään kylmäksi

Kirjailija-kuvittaja Alice Oseman syntyi Kentissä Englannissa 1994.
Hänen esikoisromaaninsa Solitaire julkaistiin, kun hän oli vasta 19-vuotias. Myöhemmin Osemanilta on ilmestynyt myös kolme muuta nuorten aikuisten romaania.
Syksyllä 2016 nettisarjakuvina alkanut Heartstopper oli hänen läpimurtonsa, ja nyt Charlien ja Nickin tarinaa kuvataan myös Netflix-sarjaksi.

Dav Pilkey: Kisuliin sarjiskerho – Perspektiivejä (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kisuliin sarjiskerhossa opetellaan paitsi piirtämään ja tekstaamaan, myös ymmärtämään muita.

Hyppää mukaan tekemään hassuja, hauskoja ja jännittäviä sarjiksia

Koiramiehestä tuttu kiltti ja sympaattinen Kisulii jatkaa sarjiskerhon pitämistä vauvasammakoille ja muille halukkaille.
Kaikki saavat yrittää ja onnistua. Viimeksi opeteltiin muun muassa haikujen tekoa, nyt vuorossa on perspektiivin etsiminen.

Miltä maailma näyttää kaverin tai vihamiehen näkökulmasta? Siitäkin voi tehdä sarjiksen.

Martin Widmark & Helena Willis: Sarjakuvamysteerit – Lasse-Maijan etsivätoimisto (ENNAKKOTILAUS)

Suomen suosituimmat lapsietsivät nyt sarjakuvakirjassa!
Sotkuja teatterissa ja käsipallokentällä!
Kahvipurkin salaisuus ja jääkylmä rikos!

Lue kuinka Lasse, Maija ja Vallilan poliisimestari selvittävät mysteerin toisensa perään – nyt sarjakuvamuodossa! Ensimmäinen Lasse-Maijan sarjakuvamysteerikirja sisältää 11 dekkaritarinaa, joissa riittää viihdykettä ja ratkottavaa kesäloman ratoksi.

Martin Widmark (s. 1961) on yksi Ruotsin suosituimmista lastenkirjailijoista. Widmark on saanut kotimaassaan lukuisia kirja-alan palkintoja, ja hänen teoksensa komeilevat jatkuvasti myyntilistojen kärjessä. Lasse-Maijan etsivätoimiston hauskat kuvitukset ovat Helena Willisin käsialaa.



X-Men – Hellfire Gala

Don your finest dress or sharpest suit – or get Jumbo Carnation to whip you up something new just for the occasion!

You are cordially invited to the hottest mutant event of the season: the Hellfire Gala!

Everyone who’s anyone in the hot new world of mutantkind will be there.
All of your favorite heroes and their closest allies – and even their worst enemies – for a special night of dinner, drinks, diplomacy and deceit!

The very first democratically elected team of Krakoan X-Men will at last be revealed to the world, and that’s just the first of the surprises mutantkind has in store for the evening!

Whatever you do, don’t miss this one-of-a-kind X-event!

Collects Marauders (2019) #21, X-Men (2019) #21, Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1, S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6, material from Classic X-Men (1986) #7.

Varian Johnson & Daniel Isles: Mister Miracle – The Great Escape

A modern YA reimagining of the iconic Jack Kirby characters that explores identity, trauma, and the sacrifices it takes to be a hero.

From acclaimed author Varian Johnson ( The Parker Inheritance) and popular sci-fi artist Daniel Isles, a.k.a. DirtyRobot, comes the story of an escape plan that will take a miracle to pull off.

Luckily for Scott Free, everyone calls him MISTER MIRACLE! Okay, no one calls him that…yet.

Once Scott pulls off his foolproof plan and becomes the first person to escape the fiery pits of the planet Apokolips, he’s sure to be considered one of the greatest superheroes of all time…at least among his friends.
The only problem is: his plan never involved falling in love with the head of the Female Furies, Big Barda–the one person tasked with ensuring he never escapes.

Robert MacKenzie & Justin Greenwood: Compass 1 – The Cauldron of Eternal Life

GREG RUCKA proudly presents a new direction in adventure!

Shahidah El-Amin is many things: scholar, cartographer, astronomer, mathematician, scientist, explorer, adventurer, and–when need be–two-fisted fighter.

Setting out from Baghdad’s legendary House of Wisdom during the Islamic Golden Age, Shahi’s quest brings her to 13th-century Britain…where the Welsh are whispered to possess the secret of eternal life.

But Shahi’s not the only one after it…

Re-teaming from the pages of THE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME, writers ROBERT MACKENZIE and DAVE WALKER (LAZARUS: SOURCEBOOK) and artist JUSTIN GREENWOOD (LAZARUS: X +66, Stumptown) take you on a breathless race across the map. Follow the Compass to unlock the secrets of the ancient world!

Collects COMPASS #1-5.

Warwick Johnson-Cadwell: Falconspeare

Jump into an eerie Victorian-style mystery with an off-kilter, charming twist in the next knockout collaboration from Mike Mignola and Warwick Johnson-Cadwell!

Monster hunters extraordinaire Professor Meinhardt, Mr. Knox, and Ms. Van Sloan have teamed up to slay spooks and investigate the uncanny before, but now they’ll tackle a question that’s haunted them for years: What happened to their friend and vampire slayer extraordinaire, James Falconspeare?

Rendered in Johnson-Cadwell’s signature loose, expressive style, and with gorgeous cover from Mignola and colorist Dave Stewart, this hardcover will be a treat for fans of Mr. Higgins Comes Home and Our Encounters with Evil as well as folks new to the world Johnson-Cadwell and Mignola have created.

Kurt Busiek & Yildiray Cinar: The Marvels 1 – The War In Siancong

Kurt Busiek (MARVELS) is back, with the biggest, wildest, most sprawling series you’ve ever seen — telling stories that span decades and range from cosmic adventure to intense human drama, from street-level to the far reaches of space, starring literally anyone from Marvel’s very first heroes to the superstars of tomorrow!

Featuring Captain America, Spider-Man, the Punisher, the Human Torch, Storm, the Black Cat, the Golden Age Vision, Melinda May, Aero, Iron Man, Thor and many more — and introducing two brand-new characters destined to be fan-favorites — a thriller begins that will take readers across the Marvel Universe…and beyond!

Get to know Kevin Schumer, an ordinary guy with some big secrets — and the mysterious Threadneedle as well!
But who (or what) is KSHOOM?

It all starts here. And it goes…everywhere!


Andy Eschenbach & Kate Sherron: Chained to the Grave

The Old West springs to afterlife in otherworldly color!

He may have died at high noon, but he’ll be back in the saddle by midnight!

Outlaw Roy Mason has come back from the dead, chained to the tombstone that marked his grave.
It’s a lawless time, a magical time, and the undead Roy soon finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place as he sets out in search of treasure.

But Roy, trying to do right by the wife and children he left behind, soon finds out that everything is not always as it seems…

A classic tale of gunslinging revenge with a supernatural twist, Chained to the Grave presents western horror with a wholly unique visual style for a tale as refreshing as a second first breath.

Ryan Cady & Jan Bazaldua: Winter Guard – Operation Snowblind

Winter comes for the White Widow and the Red Guardian!

Russia is cleaning house — and when the Red Guardian starts hunting down state secrets, he finds himself square in his country’s crosshairs — dragging the White Widow along with him.

The motherland has new heroes now…and not even the Red Room could have prepared Alexei Shostakov and Yelena Belova for this terrible retribution.

Now, it’s a race across Russia as the Winter Guard rush to Red Guardian’s hometown, in hopes of discovering the secrets of project Snowblind.
But with the Crimson Dynamo in critical condition, can the Guard keep it together to uncover the truth before time runs out?

Bold twists and bombastic action abound as Russia’s mightiest protectors dig deep into their nation’s dirtiest secrets!

COLLECTING: Winter Guard (2021) #1-4.

Julie Doucet: Dirty Plotte – The Complete Julie Doucet

An enduring collection of revolutionary comics from a genre-transforming and critically acclaimed cartoonist.

Julie Doucet arrived in comics in the 1990s as a fully formed cartoonist.

Her comic book series Dirty Plotte was visionary both for the medium and for storytelling.
Her stories are candid, funny and intimate, plumbing the depths of the female psyche while charting the fragility of the men around her.

Her artwork is dense and confident, never wavering in the wit and humour of its owner.
Doucet was active in comics for fifteen years before she moved on to other mediums. Her influence casts a long shadow over the medium, Dirty Plotte is quite simply one of the most iconic comic book series to have ever been created.

Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet collects the entire comic book series, including the acclaimed My New York Diary, as well as rare comics and previously unpublished material; a reproduction of the first Dirty Plotte mini comic; essays about her comics legacy and feminist influence by curator Dan Nadel and academic Martine Delvaux respectively; an interview by comics scholar Christian Gasser; and personal anecdotes from Jami Attenberg, Adrian Tomine, and more.

Doucet uses the covers of this two-book box set to present an all-new comic that explores her complicated relationship with femininity and the importance of her relationships with female readers. Astonishingly honest, brutal, and funny, Dirty Plotte is a revelatory journey into a legendary cartoonist’s oeuvre.

Jacques Tardi: The True Story of the Unknown Soldier

Mad geniuses, Jules Verne-style deliriums, dinosaurs, sex, bloodshed, and the madness of World War I — two strange and surreal early works by a master of the comics form.

Fantagraphics presents two experimental, early works by the French cartooning legend Tardi.
These comics, created in the mid-’70s, provide a fascinating preview of the masterworks of his prolific career. While they are not narratively linked, an eerie sense of foreboding suffuses stories in this collection: they both depict sex and brutal violence and condemn the horrors of war.

The True Story of the Unknown Soldier follows a pulp novelist turned soldier who, driven to delirium amidst the trenches of WWI, becomes tormented by visions of his own seedy creations.

This stream-of-consciousness tale visualizes the tortured psyche of its protagonist through dazzling dreamscapes and surreal scenarios.

In The National Razor, a soldier returns from war a shattered man.
Drowning himself in drink, he wanders the streets of Paris without purpose; in this numb stupor, he finds himself caught up in strange situations, lashes out in unexpectedly violent ways, and ultimately meets with a bloody end.

At once a visceral depiction of the trauma wrought by war and a powerful denunciation of the death penalty and France’s iconic guillotine.

Budjette Tan & KaJo Baldisimo: Trese 3 – Mass Murders

12 midnight at Metro Manila.

Try to remain calm as you walk down the dimly lit streets.

If you are suddenly surrounded by a pack of dogs that appear from nowhere – these might be segben tracking down their prey.
Avoid the butcher’s shop that’s open at this hour. It might be a front for a gang of vampiric aswang.

Yet, there’s an even deadlier threat to the city tonight. An ancient being that thrives on violence and thirsts for blood has found new disciples in this modern-day city.
Sacrifice has been demanded. Rituals must be executed. When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Trese.

Trese Vol 3 “Mass Murders” contains five separate stories from the case files of Alexandra Trese:

1. A Private Retaliation
2. Patient 414 at Mandaluyong
3. The Fort Bonifacio Massacre
4. The Baptism of Alexandra Trese
5. An Act of War

BONUS: Features all new, redrawn artwork throughout and bonus case files material by creators Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo!

Aaron Lopresti: Garbage Man

Ambitious lawyer, Richard Morse, uncovers the illegal operations of a pharmaceutical giant and is abducted and experimented on by the Corporation’s scientists.

Morse’s body is destroyed in a lab explosion, but his chemically charged remains merge with the soil and refuse changing him into the revenge minded monster/hero, Garbage Man.

This volume collects the Garbage Man story featured in Weird Worlds #1-6 and My Greatest Adventure #1-6.

Michael Allred: Madman Library Edition 2

The Madman comics universe begins here–with over 600 pages drawn by legendary comics creator Michael Allred!

For the first time, Madman’s debut series is presented in color for the ultimate surreal superhero reading experience in a deluxe, oversized, hardcover format.

Volume Two collects many of Mike Allred’s popular Madman Comics stories including numerous Madman spinoffs and crossovers featuring the Superman/Madman crossover and the Powers/Madman one-shot written By Brian Michael Bendis and drawn By Michel Avon Oeming.

This six-volume Madman universe omnibus library edition series collects all of Allred’s award-winning Madman universe (a.k.a. the Madmaniverse) stories in selected reading order for the ultimate Madman fan!

Collects MADMAN COMICS 11-20, SUPERMAN/MADMAN Hullabaloo, NEXUS MEETS MADMAN, MADMAN JAM, MADMAN KING-SIZE Super Groovy Special!, WHO KILLED MADMAN? (POWERS crossover), MADMAN All-New, Giant-Size Super Ginchy Special!, MADMAN Monster!, and MADMAN Detour to Armenia.

Milestone Compendium One

Milestone Compendium is a can’t-miss collection for any Milestone Comics or 90’s comics fan!

Some of your favorite Milestone comics from the 90’s are collected together in this brilliant compendium edition featuring tales from Dwayne McDuffie and Bob Smith and stunning art from Denys Cowan and M.D. Bright!

Milestone Compendium collects Blood Syndicate #1-12; Hardware #1-12; Icon #1-10; Static #1-8; Xombi #0-11; Shadow Cabinet #0.


Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips: Cruel Summer

In the summer of ’88, Teeg Lawless comes home to plan the biggest heist of his career.

But Teeg’s son Ricky and his friends are starting down the same dark path their fathers are on, and this is about to become the worst summer of their lives.

An epic tale of tragedy handed down from generation to generation, CRUEL SUMMER is a crime comic masterpiece from the most celebrated noir masters in the industry, creators of CRIMINAL, FATALE, KILL OR BE KILLED, THE FADE OUT and the RECKLESS series of graphic novellas.

Collects CRIMINAL #1 and #5-12 with additional behind-the-scenes material.


Celebrating powerful voices: Represent! collects the revolutionary digital-first series!

New voices present relevant, topical visions of social change and personal histories, some true-to-life while others are semi-fictionalized accounts of real experiences.

Jules, a Black teenager, is given a pair of old binoculars as he heads out for a morning of birdwatching in Central Park. He soon learns the binoculars show him a lot more than birds, and maybe they keep him safe, too.

Jesse Holland’s Mississippi farm has been in his family since their first ancestor was freed from slavery, tended by his grandfather and his father before him.
But as Jesse grows into a man, he’s unsure if a patch of land in the Piney Woods and a life of tilling soil is his true destiny. But destiny can mean so much more than dirt and a tractor.

Lanice’s passion for cooking and desire for a career in the culinary arts are challenged by the source of her inspiration, her father, who is concerned about his only daughter working in a kitchen, like so many Black Americans before her.

These stories and more all have one thing in common: innovative styles and compelling stories that examine how our culture builds understanding, tracing society’s arc toward justice as we evolve in pursuit of a more just and compassionate world.

This graphic novel collects Represent! #1-14.

Jason Reynolds & Danica Novgorodoff: Long Way Down

Jason Reynolds’s Newbery Honor, Printz Honor, and Coretta Scott King Honor–winning, #1 New York Times bestselling novel Long Way Down is now a gripping, galvanizing graphic novel, with haunting artwork by Danica Novgorodoff.

Will’s older brother, Shawn, has been shot.

Will feels a sadness so great, he can’t explain it. But in his neighborhood, there are THE RULES:

No. 1: Crying.
No matter what.

No. 2: Snitching
No matter what.

No. 3: Revenge
No matter what.

But bullets miss. You can get the wrong guy. And there’s always someone else who knows to follow the rules…

Marvel’s Voices – Legacy

Stories from the world outside your window, by diverse creators who are making theirs Marvel – and making their voices heard!

Inspired by Marvel’s acclaimed podcast series MARVEL’S VOICES, new and established writers and artists share their unique perspectives on legendary characters – including Black Panther, Storm, Blade, Ironheart, Luke Cage, Spectrum, Shuri, Doctor Voodoo, Nick Fury and the Blue Marvel.

It’s a dizzying array of adventures that will inspire and uplift!
Plus: The opening chapter of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ revolutionary BLACK PANTHER epic, the sensational first meeting of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and a stunning gallery of Ernanda Souza’s Black History Month variant covers!

Collects Marvel’s Voices: Legacy (2021) #1, Black Panther (2016) #1, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2015) #1, Black History Month variants; material from Marvel’s Voices (2020) #1, Marvel’s Voices (2020) #1 [New Printing], Black Panther (2018) #23-25.

Matteo Mastragostino & Paolo Castaldi: Vann Nath – Painting the Khmer Rouge

The true story of the Cambodian painter Vann Nath, who used his art to fight against barbarism and tyranny.

In 1978, a young painter named Vann Nath was arrested by the Khmer Rouge, the violent and totalitarian Communist Party of Kampuchea that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979.

Imprisoned in the infamous Tuol Sleng prison, better known as S-21, painting became synonymous with survival for him.
Ordered, like many Cambodian artists and craftsmen, to put his talent to use to glorify his captors, upon his release he continued painting–this time, to remember and pay tribute to the victims of Pol Pot’s regime.

A story as fascinating as it is powerful.

Stjepan Sejic: Death Vigil 1


Join the Death Vigil in their ongoing war against the ever-growing power of the Primordial Enemy!

Only catch is you have to die first.

Become a corporeal immortal Death Knight and obtain reality-altering weaponry in the never-ending battle between good and evil.

Frank Miller: Sin City 1 – The Hard Goodbye

The acclaimed crime noir from comics legend Frank Miller is presented at original size with new wrap-around cover art and pinup gallery.

This tale of Marv and his angel is steeped in murder, mystery, corruption, and vengeance.

There is no light in a place like Sin City—only misery, crime, perversion . . . But for a single moment, amid the filth and degenerates, the hulking and unstable ex-con Marv has found an angel.
She says her name is Goldie—a goddess who has blessed this wretched low-life with a night of heaven.

But good things never last—a few hours later, Goldie is dead—murdered by his side without a mark on her body.
Who was she? And who wanted her dead?
The cops are on their way—it smells like a frame job, and this time, they won’t let him live. Whoever killed Goldie . . . is going to pay. Marv’s got a soul to send to hell, and it’s going to get nasty.

Frank Miller returns to his hit comic opus with original cover art for the fourth editions of the graphic novel series, printed at their original size, beginning with Volume 1 The Hard Goodbye.

This volume also includes a new pinup gallery featuring art from Joyce Chin, Amanda Conner, Klaus Janson, Paul Pope, Philip Tan, and Gerardo Zaffino!
Devoted fans and new readers can again experience the groundbreaking and unparalleled noir masterpiece that has engrossed readers for nearly three decades!

Chris Claremont & Frank Miller: Wolverine by Claremont & Miller

Chris Claremont and Frank Miller’s character-defining Wolverine tale gets the deluxe treatment it deserves!

Logan’s vacation from the X-Men is interrupted when he discovers that his beloved, Mariko Yashida, has been married off by her criminal father Lord Shingen! When Shingen humiliates Wolverine in front of Mariko, the hero loses heart, drowning his sorrows in beer, bar fights…and the arms of wild assassin Yukio.

But when betrayal strikes from a most unexpected source, can Wolverine reclaim his honor and rescue Mariko and himself from the trap Shingen has set?

Then, the X-Men travel to Japan to rejoin their wayward teammate — but Viper and the Silver Samurai want to guarantee that the mutants’ story won’t have a happy ending.
Secrets, shockers and broken hearts await in Wolverine’s legendary first solo adventure!

COLLECTING: Wolverine (1982) #1-4, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #172-173.

Frank Miller: Sin City 2 – A Dame to Kill for

Old flames die hard in this volume of the acclaimed crime noir. Presented at original size with new wrap-around cover art, this is a sordid tale of love, betrayal, and deadly temptation.

Stuck with nothing but a seedy gumshoe job, a tattered string of failed romances, and his demons, Dwight’s thinking of all the ways he’s screwed up.

And what he’d give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb gray hell that is his life.
He’d give anything to cut loose, to just feel the fire, one more time. But he can’t let himself lose control again, can’t ever let the monster out . . . And then Ava calls.

The fourth editions of Frank Miller’s hit graphic novel series continue with Volume 2 A Dame to Kill For. Devoted fans and new readers can again experience the groundbreaking and unparalleled noir masterpiece that has engrossed readers for three decades!

Ram V & Mike Perkins: The Swamp Thing 1 – Becoming

Swamp Thing returns in a new series that stars Levi Kamei as the next Guardian of the Green!

Unable to control his transformation into the monstrous Swamp Thing, Levi is thrust into the harsh, unforgiving mystery of grisly murders committed by a supernatural desert legend.

Levi must revisit past events in his homeland of India and face the deadly reality of a ravenous new villain in order to comprehend what he is truly, and horrifyingly, becoming.

A new era of global action and horror blossoms here, and Swamp Thing will be at the root of it!

Collects Future State: Swamp Thing #1-2 and Swamp Thing #1-4.

Excalibur Omnibus 2

Continuing the offbeat adventures of the strangest X-team of all!

Legendary creator Alan Davis returns to steer Excalibur to new heights of greatness — and oddness…but the sinister Technet aren’t far behind him!

As the Captain Britain Corps puts Brian Braddock on trial, the rest of the team must face the fearsome threat of the Anti-Phoenix — but who has been pulling Excalibur’s strings since the very beginning?

Rachel Summers takes a journey of discovery, the team expands with strange new members, faces from Captain Britain’s past resurface when the Warpies and the RCX return — and Excalibur fights the future with a trip to the Days of Future Past!

COLLECTING: Excalibur (1988) #35-67, Excalibur: Weird War III (1990) #1, Excalibur: The Possession (1991) #1, Excalibur: Air Apparent (1991) #1, Excalibur: XX Crossing (1992) #1, Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #26; material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #75, #110.

Rikke Villadsen: Cowboy

A rugged outlaw rides into a typical nineteenth-century Western town, swinging his six-guns and stirring up trouble.

Meanwhile, an idle young woman gets the notion to outfit herself as a cowboy and makes her getaway.

Danish cartoonist Villadsen’s off-kilter vision of the Old West features exploding prostitutes, menstruating cowgirls, mysterious gender-bending, and much more.


Brockton McKinney & Magenta King: Jenny Zero 1 – In His Shadow

Meet Jenny Zero, the hard partyin’ daughter of Japan’s most beloved superhero.

After washing out as the military’s top Kaiju-killer, Jenny lives the celebutante life with her hotel heiress bestie.

But freakish creatures, secret societies, and her father’s legacy now have her wondering if she can sober up – just long enough to save the world!

This volume collects Jenny Zero #1-#4, as well as a sketchbook section with creator commentary!

John Ridley & Giuseppe Camuncoli: The Other History of the DC Universe

The long-awaited miniseries written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, Let It Fall) and beautifully illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea Cucchi is now available in one volume!

The Other History of the DC Universe takes a look at the mythology of the DC Universe as seen through the prism of several generations’ worth of DC Super Heroes who come from historically disenfranchised groups.

Extensively researched and masterfully executed, The Other History of the DC Universe promises to be an experience unlike any other.

You may think you know the history of the DC Universe…but the truth is far more complex.
The Other History of the DC Universe isn’t about saving the world – it’s about having the strength to simply be who you are.

Collects The Other History of the DC Universe #1-5.

Tomi Ungerer: The Party

Tomi Ungerer eviscerates the 1 percent in this series of cartoon vignettes (a proto-graphic novel) that are unfortunately as relevant now as the time they were drawn and shall remain so forever and ever.

Created in the 1960s, The Party takes place in the Hamptons.

It’s attended by captains of industry, tycoons, magnates, moguls, and various undistinguishable fat cats, luxuriating in their tuxedos, evening gowns, and prattling small talk.

The depiction of one grotesquerie after another — often couples — cavorting through the haze of booze and caviar, with the occasional wanton display of sybaritically libidinal impulse.

Ungerer accompanies each full-page image with a hilarious, hand-lettered caption, which provides the characters’ names and a brief deadpan description of their social standings, creating a dissonance between image and text.

Jean-Patrick Manchette & Jacques Tardi: Streets of Paris, Streets of Murder 1

The first of two volumes presenting all of the world-renowned hardboiled crime graphic novels (one of which has never before been collected in English!) in a luxurious oversize format.

In the never-before-collected Griffu, the titular character is a legal advisor, not a private eye, but even he knows that when a sultry blonde appears in his office after hours, he shouldn’t trust her — and she doesn’t disappoint.

Griffu is soon ensnared in a deadly web of sexual betrayal, real estate fraud, and murder.

In West Coast Blues, a young sales executive goes to the aid of an accident victim, and finds himself sucked into a spiral of violence involving an exiled war criminal and two hired assassins.

This volume also offers a bonus, 21-page unfinished story by Manchette and Tardi, as well as a single page introduction to another incomplete story, both appearing in English for the first time.

Steve Skroce: Post Americana

From MAESTROS creator, WE STAND ON GUARD co-creator, and The Matrix storyboard artist STEVE SKROCE with coloring by Eisner Award-winning DAVE STEWART.

The Cheyanne mountain installation, aka The BUBBLE, is the most sophisticated super bunker in the world.

It was built to ensure the survival of America’s executive branch of government and its most important citizens, should the unthinkable happen.

When the world ended, the executive branch failed to reach the sanctuary, but the elite citizenry did.
Eighty years later, one of their own has named himself the new President of the United States. His plan? Subjugate the survivors of the American Wasteland using the same bunker resources meant to rebuild it.

The only thing standing in their way is a deadly Wasteland girl, hellbent on revenge!

Collects POST AMERICANA #1-7.

Jean-Patrick Manchette & Jacques Tardi: Streets of Paris, Streets of Murder 2

The second of two volumes presenting all four hardboiled graphic crime novels by Jean-Patrick Manchette and Tardi.

Like a Sniper Lining Up His Shot — Martin Terrier, killer-for-hire, needs just one more big job so that he can turn in his guns for good and return home to marry his childhood sweetheart.
But soon, he’s on the run — not only from the authorities and his treacherous ex-clients, but also from a crime syndicate seeking revenge for an earlier hit on one of theirs.

In Run Like Crazy, Run Like Hell, philanthropist Michael Hartog hires Julie, just out of a psychiatric asylum, as a nanny. But he plans to fake the kidnapping of his son, Peter — and frame Julie for it.

But Julie is no pushover, and soon, Julie and Peter are on the run, pursued by the police, and by Hartog’s enforcer, the hulking contract killer, Thompson.

Michael Moreci & Hayden Sherman: Wasted Space 4

A dangerous mission … a diabolical move. Nothing good awaits the trio on Earth.


Billy, Molly, and Dust finally make it to Earth–and nothing is what it seems. Danger and deception awaits at every turn as the Creator makes a diabolical move against Billy.

What started as a mission to kill a god turns into something much more sinister.

Howard Chaykin: Hey Kids! Comics! 2 – Prophets & Loss

Digging deeper into the sordid, seedy, and always entertaining lives of the men and women who built the comic book business, volume two of Howard Chaykin’s acclaimed Comics à clef tells the story of those who pushed the boundaries of the lowest common denominator-at their peril -and those happy enough to ride the waves others created.

Along the way there’s exploitation, Blaxploitation, custom toilet paper, death at the dinner table and plenty more as fans turn pro and pros turn bitter.




Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal: Swords of Cerebus in Hell? 8

The Legend of The IRON MANTICORE starts here! SEE!
The development of his rocking theme song that would transform Western society (and many parts of China and San Francisco)!
TIME magazine declares it “THE IRON MANTICORE AGE” (do they still publish TIME magazine?)!
The IRON MANTICORE performs at the halftime show at the Superbowl! The UN-BEDDABLE VARK releases his rocking theme song, as do Kanye West and Taylor Swift! All crash and burn!
The IRON MANTICORE uses an unprintable homophobic slur!
SEE! The IRON MANTICORE drunk as a skunk!
SEE! The IRON MANTICORE get as far as page one of his book on FRACTALS! (PHILIP K. DICK mention!)

Including the 15th Anniversary tribute to indy comics legends, POSSUM AT LARGE and FLYBOY and the first Aardvark-Vanaheim Adult Colouring Book!
Featuring HOW TO COLOUR!
Legal threat from Mark Zuckerburg!
How to keep your vagina “kissing fresh”!

Cerebus declares himself a BLOCKCHAIN CRYPTO-CURRENCY and writes a new book, The HandM.A.I.D.’s Tale!
Pushing The Whore of Babylon’s Inner Gwyneth Paltrow button!
Batvark decides to remake STAR WARS as a “Post-Modern Deconstructionist Production”!
Dante as Producer!
Talking Cerebus into starring as “Luke”! Satan as Princess Leia!
Making light sabres out of fluorescent bulbs filled with gasoline!
WHO will be “Han Solo”? Jingles? Cerebus? Batvark? Francis as Obi-Wan?
BEATRICE AS THE PRINCESS LEIA HOLOGRAM (“Help me, Dan-te Alighieri, you’re my only hope.”)

Don’t miss the Earth-One Ending!
Don’t miss the Earth-Two Ending! (Note: There will be a new SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? volume every month (God willing) which will not be reprinted until the following year, so make sure to order accordingly and enough to last you the year!!).


Käytetyt sarjakuvat

Victor Gischler & Bong Dazo: Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth – Head Trip (K)


It’s the Merc with two mouths! Deadpool travels to the Savage Land to retrieve what might be the deadliest bioweapon the universe has ever seen.

What is this deadly object?
Well, Deadpool’s employer is being a little vague about that. Let’s just say when the secret is finally revealed, it’s enough to throw even the Merc with two Mouths for a loop.

Collecting: Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #1-13.

Alejandro Jodorowsky & Francois Boucq: Bouncer – The Executioners’ Mercy (K)


Welcome to Jurytown, where disillusioned Confederate soldiers rape and murder anyone who accepts the South’s defeat, and the only way out of a barroom brawl is as a corpse or a killer.

Welcome to the home of The Bouncer, the fastest one-armed gunslinger in the West.

This ain’t no place for a kid.

Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri: Clone (Druuna) (K)

Druuna is trying to escape from the city of machines, the lifeless city.

She wanders along a riverbank, trying to reach the world that Shastar had told her about.

This world is not new, it is simply forgotten…

Druuna will ultimately find out that what she is seeking lies deep in her own heart.

Charlier & Giraud: Blueberry – Apaches (K)


Au sortir de la guerre de Sécession, le lieutenant Blueberry n’est plus qu’une épave.

Véritable tête brûlée, rien ne compte plus pour lui que l’alcool et la bagarre ! C’est ainsi que, à moitié soûl, il regagne sa première affectation dans un fort de l’Ouest menacé par les Apaches.
Rebelle à toute autorité, il ne cesse de se heurter aux autres militaires et aux colons, trop prompts à « casser de l’Indien ». D’ailleurs, lorsque Blueberry rencontre Geronimo qu’il doit combattre, il se lie rapidement à lui par une étrange fascination réciproque. Au point que le chaman apache sera véritablement à l’origine de sa métamorphose et de la naissance du personnage que l’on connaîtra ultérieurement. Jean Giraud offre un cadeau à tous ses fans ! En effet, dans son dernier cycle, Mister Blueberry, il avait mis en scène, sous forme de flashs-back fragmentés, la confession de Blueberry, narrant cette première rencontre quinze ans auparavant avec Geronimo, l’homme-sorcier des Apaches. C’est ce « récit dans le récit » que redonne aujourd’hui cet album hors série, en le dégageant de tous les épisodes annexes du célèbre duel de OK Corral. Mais entre-temps, Jean Giraud a fourni un travail considérable sur cette « oeuvre rénovée », afin de réordonner ce puzzle et d’assurer sa continuité dramatique. Il livre ainsi une aventure d’une force et d’une cohérence remarquables qui jette une splendide lueur sur la genèse du lieutenant, puisque chronologiquement cet épisode se situe juste avant Fort Navajo, le premier volume de la saga Blueberry..

