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Viikon 22/2020 uutuudet Sarjakuvakaupalla


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Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo & Catherine Anyango Grünewald: Scandorama

Scandorama on skandinaavinen idylliyhteiskunta, paikka jossa halutaan tulla täydellisiksi, eliittivaltio tiukkojen rajojen sisäpuolella.

Stohome on puhdas, kirkkaiden valojen kirjoma.
Toisella puolella lahtea sijaitsee Helsingy City, rapistunut ja rähjäinen, siellä asuu Miskatt.
Kaupungin pirstaleissa elää ihmisten pirstaleita, niiden epäsopivien pirstaleita jotka eivät mahdu Scandoramaan. Miskatt on yksi heistä, Homo Felinus, geneettinen hybridi naisesta ja kissasta. Miskatt piiloutuu maan alle elättääkseen itsensä valonaroilla vastarintatehtävillä, samalla hän ajautuu yhä kauemmas erään tietyn golden boyn, unelman, luota.

Hannele Mikaela Taivassalon kirjoittama ja Catherine Anyango Grünewaldin kuvittama sarjakuvaromaani hyvinvoivasta mutta muukalaisvihamielisestä Scandoramasta on vahva kommentti sitä vallitsevaa yhteiskunnallista ilmapiiriä vastaan, jossa paperittomat eivät saa olla olemassa.

“Scandoraman tarina on tieteiskirjallisuuden saralla pikemminkin klassinen kuin kekseliäs. (–) Tuttuihin kaavoihin ja käytäntöihin nojaaminen on kuitenkin mahdollisuus, jonka Scandorama käyttää hyvin.
Konventioiden kautta muodolla on tilaa hengittää. Tämä näkyy erityisesti ruotsalais-kenialaisen Anyango Grünewaldin kuvissa, kekseliäissä kompositioissa ja ilmeikkään herkissä viivoissa, joita sininen ja harmaa akvarelli sitoo yhteen. Hiljaisuus saa ruuduissa paljon tilaa.”

Matti Hagelberg: Läskimooses 49/2019

49: Lempinkäisen sotiinlähtö





Late ja kumppanit: Vastatuulen saluuna #4






Matti Hagelberg: Läskimooses 50/2020

50: Kauniin neidin kosinta





Jason Lutes: Berliini 3 – Kuohuva kaupunki

Mestarillinen Berliini-trilogia päättyy eeppisen komeasti.

Natsismin nousua kuvaavan suurteoksen viimeisessä osassa Hitler saapuu Berliiniin.

Toimittaja Kurt Severing ja taiteilija Marthe Müller seuraavat kauhuissaan, kun yhteiskunta heidän ympärillään murenee ja fasismi ottaa vallan.


Matti Hagelberg: Läskimooses 51/2020

51: Sampon varastus







Kohei Horikoshi: My Hero Academia 10

Bakugo joutui pahisten kaappaamaksi!

Hyökätessään he satuttivat montaa muutakin koulutoveriani, ja lisäksi UA on nyt arvostelun kohteena.

Kaikki, myös minä, teimme minkä voimme! Mutta onko tulevaisuus enää säihkyvä…?

Genre: seikkailu/ Ikäsuositus 11+

Ryosuke Takeuchi & Hikaru Miyoshi: Patriootti Moriarty 9

Kiristäjäkuningas Charles Milverton pääsee vihille Moriartyn ”veljesten” todellisesta alkuperästä.

Teekutsujen järjestäminen Moriartyn kartanolla osoittautuu haasteeksi rikollisneroillekin.

Genre: Jännitys / Ikäsuositus 15+


Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 2

Rimuru alkaa sopeutua elämäänsä limapallona fantasiapelimaailmassa.

Hirviöiden ja arkisempienkin vastustajien kohtaaminen alkaa sujua rutiinilla, mutta sitten kohtalo heittää hänen matkansa varrelle neljä seikkailijaa, joista yksi tarjoaa sankarillemme tulisen haasteen.

Pian valtavat voimat mullistavat Rimurun uuden elämän…

Fantasia / Ikäsuositus: 12+



Kazuo Umezz: The Drifting Classroom – Perfect Edition 1

A definitive edition featuring an all-new translation and deluxe hardcover design that reestablishes Kazuo Umezz’s The Drifting Classroom as a timeless horror classic.

In the aftermath of a massive earthquake, a Japanese elementary school is transported into a hostile world where the students and teachers are besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness.

Out of nowhere, an entire school vanishes, leaving nothing but a hole in the ground. While parents mourn and authorities investigate, the students and teachers find themselves not dead but stranded in a terrifying wasteland where they must fight to survive.

Frank Miller & Bill Sienkiewicz: Daredevil/Elektra – Love and War

Writer Frank Miller and artist Bill Sienkiewicz are two visionary creators -and when their talents combine, the results are spectacular!

In the acclaimed Daredevil graphic novel LOVE AND WAR, Miller and Sienkiewicz take a unique look at the bitter rivalry between the Man Without Fear and the Kingpin of Crime- as all that Wilson Fisk holds dear is placed in grave danger!

And in ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN, Miller’s deadly creation – the Hand’s greatest warrior, the former love of Matt Murdock – returns for a stunning tale of good and evil, life and death, triumph and tragedy!
Featuring Sienkiewicz’s startling painted artwork on oversized pages, Daredevil and Elektra have never looked more incredible!

Kazuo Umezz: The Drifting Classroom – Perfect Edition 2

A definitive edition featuring an all-new translation and deluxe hardcover design that reestablishes Kazuo Umezz’s The Drifting Classroom as a timeless horror classic.

In the aftermath of a massive earthquake, a Japanese elementary school is transported into a hostile world where the students and teachers are besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness.

A group of students stranded out of time face an internal power coup, a wasteland monster with a voracious appetite and a plague.
As tensions mount, the kidsface a harsh truth: they must venture out into the bleak world beyond the school walls in order to survive.

Jane Zei: Success Is 90% Spite

With favorites from viral webcomic The Pigeon Gazette, along with never-before seen comics, Success is 90% Spite is a reminder that there’s nothing you can’t achieve through hard work, persistence–and really wanting to prove someone else wrong.

– A hilarious and high-energy collection that captures the all-too-real difficulties of life as a 20-something in a modern world
– Comics follow Jane’s endearingly awkward and whimsical efforts to navigate adulthood.
– Covers a range of topics in both short, four-panel, and longer-form comics

When life gives you lemons . . . throw those suckers back into life’s stupid face and make your own success.

Jane’s stories of awkward subway flirting, mounting credit card debt, office pooping etiquette, navigating friendships as an adult, and taking countless snack breaks (and other people’s snacks) are told with upbeat and imaginative twists that show just how ridiculous growing up can be.

Kazuo Umezz: The Drifting Classroom – Perfect Edition 3 (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


A definitive edition featuring an all-new translation and deluxe hardcover design that reestablishes Kazuo Umezz’s The Drifting Classroom as a timeless horror classic.

In the aftermath of a massive earthquake, a Japanese elementary school is transported into a hostile world where the students and teachers are besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness.

After a disastrous journey into the wasteland outside the school, Sho and the rest of the surviving students return to their fortress, only to discover an even deadlier danger waiting for them.
Former friends must fight a final battle as Kazuo Umezz’s horror classic careens toward an epic conclusion!

Disa Wallander: Becoming Horses

Sometimes I dream about myself
and in my dream I’m someone else
But also, I am me
becoming the horse that I want to be.

Was it always like this?
What if your self portrait was a collection of weird shapes?
Have you ever felt like an abstract painting?
Do you ever simultaneously wish and worry that the boundaries of your body will melt away and you’ll become a magnificent horse?

Becoming Horses is a book about squinting hard and looking from the right angle to find that everything around you sparkles–just a little–and the shapes of things are not firm but fuzzy. The You you know may shift and take form as a beautiful horse, a sunset, or something so special, so huge that you could never describe it.

Disa Wallander’s Becoming Horses is a mix of delicate cartooning and brash collage–watercolor and photography.
Her colorful flowing drawings and watercolors are experimental yet accessible, as her characters mull big questions about life and art, philosophizing in a thoroughly modern voice. Bright dialogue and pleading silences create a beautiful journey that is, in fact, “the destination.”

A fantastic exploration of movement and form. Evokes equal parts Jules Feiffer and Tove Jansson.–Michael DeForge, author of Leaving Richard’s Valley.

Warren Ellis & Jason Howard: Trees 3 – Three Fates

The acclaimed TREES series returns with a brand new story of murder and ghosts.

In the remote Russian village of Toska, there’s a dead body by the leg of the Tree that landed eleven years ago.

Police sergeant Klara Voranova, still haunted by that day, has no idea how this murder will change everything, nor what awaits her in the Tree’s shadow.

John Constantine, Hellblazer 22 – Regeneration

Confronting the demons of one’s past should be familiar ground for John Constantine. But some vicious memories are so horrible and buried so deep that digging them up could leave no one to pick up the pieces.

Dreams of what could be and the nightmares of what is clash in John Constantine’s mind as he slips in and out of fevered consciousness while past and present collide. A journey through the darkness of his heart discovers fear, regret, and the most terrible emotion of all–love.

As strange as it sounds, seducing a 2,000-year-old demon with a grudge isn’t the riskiest stunt John Constantine has ever pulled.
But tipping the supernatural scales for a chance at love will exact a cost higher than he ever thought possible. And try as he might, is this something that devil-may-care Constantine can walk away from?

Don’t miss out on the start of an intense, mind-bending new era for John Constantine in John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 22. Collects Hellblazer #250-260 and Hellblazer Special: Chas– The Knowledge #1-5.

The Joker – His Greatest Jokes

They don’t call him the Crown Prince of Crime for nothing!

Just in time for the upcoming Warner Bros. movie Joker, DC serves up a new helping of The Joker’s best capers from the pages of Batman #8, 67, 145, 260, 353 and #366; Detective Comics #388 and #833-834; The Spectre #51; and Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Harley Quinn vs. The Joker #1.


Sara B. Elfgren & Karl Johnsson: Vei 1

In the midst of a bloody battle between giants, Asgardian gods, and humans, deceit and betrayal run wild.

One warrior must fight to discover who she can trust and beat the odds to determine the ultimate fate of her people.

She trained her whole life to become the strongest warrior of Jotunheim, to become the beloved champion of her gods. But when the time came to finally prove her strength, Vei was cast into the sea by the very god she fought for.

Rescued by a Viking ship, Vei returns to Jotunheim, home of the legendary giants.

There she finds herself caught in the Meistarileikir, a bloody game between the humans, the giants, and the gods of Asgard that will determine who will have the right to rule the land of Midgard.
Having lost the confidence of her own god, Vei must take her place in the Meistarileikir and fight not only for the control of Midgard, but for her very life, in this epic battle against daring warriors, fearsome monsters, and even the gods themselves.

A bestseller in Sweden, Vei weaves together an incredible tale that pits man against God and God against God in an outstanding Hunger Games meets Norse mythology graphic novel.

DC: Harley Quinn (Tiny Book)

Celebrate your love of Harley Quinn with this adorable pocket-sized book of her best comic quotes and moments!

Harley Quinn made her comic book debut in The Batman Adventures #12 and soon became one of the most popular characters in the DC pantheon.

From there, Harley made regular appearances in multiple series and eventually got her own ongoing comic in 2001.
This cute book is the perfect celebration of all things Harley. Packed with iconic covers, colorful panels, and quotable lines, DC: Harley Quinn is a compact and colorful guide to one of the most popular characters in comic book history.

Sara B. Elfgren & Karl Johnsson: Vei 2

The fate of Midgard and Jotunheim hangs in the balance in this epic conclusion of Vei!

In a violent tournament between Asgardians and giants, Vei reigns victorious as the undefeated champion of the Meistarileikir.
But the brutal gladiator games are far from over, and the constant barrage of death begins to take its toll.
As the line between friend and foe becomes harder to distinguish, Vei is forced to question everything she’s ever known: What is really worth fighting for?

And how much is she prepared to sacrifice?

Vei, Vol. 2 is the final part of an epic fantasy series by best-selling Swedish author Sara B. Elfgren and artist Karl Johnsson. Celebrated as “enthrallingly original” by writer Mike Carey (Lucifer, Unwritten), “one stunning masterstroke” by author Lev Grossman (The Magicians trilogy), and “no doubt, Sword & Sorcery at its best” by Comics Grinder, this series is a must-read for comics and fantasy fans of all kinds.
