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Viikon 34/2021 uutuudet


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Jarkko Vehniäinen & Marja Lappalainen: Kamala luonto – Salatut eläimet

Mitähän kaikkea jännittävää mahtaa tapahtua ihan tavallisessa suomalaisessa metsässä?

Kamalan luonnon maailmasta löydät ainakin sekoilevan ketun, ikuisesti rakkauden perässä juoksevan hirven, tavoittamattomista naaraista haaveilevan tehokaksikon ilveksen ja kärpän, sosiaalisia kontakteja pakoilevan majavan sekä parisuhteiden ja elämää suurempien kysymysten kanssa kamppailevan jänislauman.

Tassuissasi oleva kirja jatkaa aiempien isojen Kamala luonto -albumien sarjaa: Salatut eläimet sisältää jälleen uuden annoksen sarjakuvan suosittuja sanomalehtistrippejä.

Liity nyt Kamalan luonnon ystävien laajaan joukkoon ja selvitä kuka on sinun toteemieläimesi!



Ukami: Gabriel Dropout 10

Osa 10/10+

Ei ole helppoa olla Taivaan lähettiläs, kun mieli tekisi keskittyä nettipeleihin!

Nuori enkeli Gabriel, ystävien kesken Gabi, on tullut Maan päälle oppimaan lisää ihmisistä, jotta osaisi auttaa ja johdattaa heitä. Mutta ihmisten huvitukset kiinnostavat heitä itseään enemmän…

Tässä osassa on tarjolla hikkaa, laihdutusta, enkelten taistoa sekä hyviä töitä!

Vierailevina tähtinä Satanian vanhemmat.

Ikäsuositus 10+ / Komedia

Taiki Kawakami: Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 10

Osa 10/12+

Rimuru on taistellut lukuisia mahtavia hirviöitä vastaan ja luonut valtakunnan käytännössä tyhjästä.

Nyt hän joutuu kohtaamaan toistaiseksi suurimman haasteensa: kokonaisen koululuokallisen huonosti käyttäytyviä kakaroita.

Nouseeko Rimuru opettajana lähellekään edesmenneen ystävänsä Shizun tasoa?

Ikäsuositus: 12+ / Fantasia



Mauri Tuure: Vanha Erkki – Huijaus ja muita tarinoita (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Sota. Sota ei koskaan muutu.

Vanha Erkki – Huijaus ja muita tarinoita sisältää yhdeksän kappaletta Mauri Tuuren sotasarjakuvanovelleja. Jokaisessa tarinassa on sama kertoja, joka liikkuu monella nimellä.
Vanha kehno. Kalmiston Nestori. Tuoni. Kalma. Paholainen. Piru. Kuolema.

Vanha Erkki on varsinkin lentäjien keskuudessa levinnyt lempinimi kuolemalle. Ja koska tässä sarjakuvassa on useampi lentosotaa käsittelevä osuus, on meidänkin luonteva käyttää tätä nimeä.

Kuolema kulkee sodassa, sehän on selvää.

Tuuren tarinat liikkuvat aina Suuresta Pohjan sodasta nykyaikaan saakka, viipyen toki pidempään Suomen sodissa. Osa tapahtumista perustuu tositapahtumiin, ja loputkin ovat voineet tapahtua.

Janne Kukkonen: Voro 3 – Jumalten hauta (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Valloittavan sarjakuvasaagan loppuhuipennus.

Rämäpäinen voro päätyy Kalman kylmiltä kruununmailta keskelle jumalten valtapeliä, jonka panoksena on koko maailma.

Lilja ja hänen opettajansa Seamus tempautuvat huimaan seikkailuun yrittäessään kukistaa haudasta nousseen Ithielin ja voittamattoman Tulikiven armeijan.
Kauas jäävät maalliset murheet, sillä voro tanssii nyt jumalten kanssa.

Janne Kukkosen luoma Voro jatkaa seikkailujaan kansainväliset mittapuut täyttävässä sarjakuvaromaanissa.

Ensimmäinen Voro voitti Sarjakuva-Finlandian vuonna 2016, ja sen julkaisuoikeudet on jo myyty mm. Ranskaan, USA:han ja Italiaan.

Pertti Jarla: Fingerporin koko kuva 9 – Musa tuntuu (ENNAKKOTILAUS)


Kaikki suosikkisarjakuvan menopalat vuosilta 2016-2017 yksissä kansissa.

Sarjakuvassa ei ole ääntä, mutta siinä on rytmi.
Fingerporin koko kuva 9:n kannessa tunnettu rytmihäirikkö Gootti-Kustaa esittelee miten lähtee gootti’n’roll ja samalla yleisökin.

Strippien ohessa sarjakuvan luoja Pertti Jarla kertoo omista seikkailuistaan musiikin maailmassa eikä encoreitakaan ole unohdettu.



Eddie Campbell: Alec – The Years Have Pants

For the first time ever, the pioneering autobiographical comics of master cartoonist Eddie Campbell (From Hell) are collected in a single volume!

Brilliantly observed and profoundly expressed, the ALEC stories present a version of Campbell’s own life, filtered through the alter ego of “Alec MacGarry.”
Over many years, we witness Alec’s (and Eddie’s) progression “from beer to wine” – wild nights at the pub, existential despair, the hunt for love, the quest for art, becoming a “responsible breadwinner,” feeling lost at his own movie premiere, and much more!

Eddie’s outlandish fantasies and metafictional tricks convert life into art, while staying fully grounded in his own absurdity.

This Life-Size Omnibus edition of ALEC includes all the stories from The King Canute Crowd, Three-Piece Suit, How to be an Artist, and After the Snooter, as well as the very early, out-of-print ALEC stories and a staggering amount of bonus material.



Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 105

Pistolero, osa 3.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen. Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 106

Pistolero, osa 4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen. Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 107

Pikku villikko, osa 1.
Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen. Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa. Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.
Pikku villikko, osa 2.
Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa.
Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Pikku villikko, osa 3.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa.
Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.

Petri Hiltunen: Kalkkaro 110

Pikku villikko, osa 4.

Kalkkaro on Petri Hiltusen piirtämä ja käsikirjoittama lännensarja, joka on ilmestynyt sanomalehdissä vuodesta 2005 alkaen.
Sarja sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosaan 1860-luvun lopulle. Tarinoita ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu albumeissa.
Kalkkaro ilmestyy kerran kuukaudessa.
Cerebus’ adventures in Hell? (with a question mark) continue!
Including the Two-part “Secret Origin of Batvark!”
The first appearance of Fredric Nietzsche and fan-favurite Jingles, the world’s greatest collector of CGC-graded Dog Comics!
Avengers movies remade with an all-Kardashian sister cast!
Life With Archie Civil War!
“Whatever Happened to Tex Thompson, Pep Morgan, Chuck Dawson and Scoop Scanlon?” Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad! Plato vs. Aristotle!
Obama voters!
Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks!
Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir!
Chester Brown and the Whore of Babylon!
The Legion of Miniaturized Super-Cerebus Robots! And lots more!
Collects Batvark #1, Aardvark Comics #1, Strange Cerebus #1, and The Death of Cerebus in Hell? #1.
In AE #170, it finally happens!
Jack Kirby showcased cover-to-cover in an issue of Alter Ego—behind a never-before-printed Kirby cover!
Will Murray on Kirby’s crucial contributions to the creation of Iron Man—FCA on his Captain Marvel/Mr. Scarlet work at early-’40s Fawcett—special Kirby sections by Michael T. Gilbert & Peter Normanton—Kirby in 1960s fanzines—Stan Lee’s colorful quotes about “The King”—Roy Thomas on being a Kirby fan (and occasional foil) from 1946 till today—plus other klassic Kirby sightings!
Kuinka kiroilla tyylikkäästi kuin kapteeni Haddock?Sarjakuvasankari Tintin uskollinen ystävä kapteeni Haddock tunnetaan äkkipikaisesta luonteestaan sekä omaperäisistä manauksistaan.
Pasi Heikura (Alivaltiosihteeri, Aristoteleen kantapää) on toimittanut Haddockin hauskimmat ja ikimuistoisimmat sadattelut kirjaksi, joka avaa oivallisesti kunkin parjauksen taustoja.

Tämä ainutlaatuinen, runsaasti kuvitettu tietoteos on ehdoton lisä kaikkien Tintti-fanien kokoelmaan.

Tintti Suomessa 60 vuotta!



Kurt Busiek & Cary Nord: Conan the Barbarian by Kurt Busiek Omnibus (K)

KÄYTETTY. Takakannen alakulmassa pieni osuma.

Award-winning writer Kurt Busiek reinvents the Hyborian Age with a gritty new take on Conan the Barbarian!

From his birth on a Cimmerian battlefield to his coming-of-age during the Battle of Venarium, witness Conan’s legendary rise. As he wanders the ancient world in search of adventure, Conan will face the Vanir, be enslaved by an ageless evil and battle Janissa the Widowmaker!
He will experience the mystery of the Frost Giant’s Daughter, the horror of the God in the Bowl, and the secrets of the Tower of the Elephant!
Plus, witness the origin of Conan’s arch-enemy Thoth-Amon!

Allied with an outstanding array of artistic talent, Busiek’s Conan sagas mix jaw-dropping adaptations of original Robert E. Howard stories with incredible interlocking new tales!

COLLECTING: CONAN: THE LEGEND (2003) #0; CONAN (2004) #1-28, #32, #39, #45-46; CONAN: BOOK OF THOTH (2006) #1-4.

Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo: Batman 2 – The City of Owls


“NIGHT OF THE OWLS” continues here! Batman must stop the TALONS that have breeched the Batcave in order to save an innocent life … and Gotham City! In the backup story, learn more about the PENNYWORTH family and the secrets they’ve kept from the Wayne family! Collects BATMAN #8-12 and BATMAN ANNUAL #1.

Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion

Artists: Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, Rafael Albuquerque, Jason Fabok, Becky Cloonan, Andy Clarke, Sandu Florea.

George Pérez: Wonder Woman by George 1 (K)

KÄYTETTY. Selkämyksessä taitos.

Once upon a time, the world’s greatest heroine was reimagined by a comic book legend.

More than forty years after debuting in ALL STAR COMICS #8, the Wonder Woman was reshaped by the legendary George Pérez and returned to the public eye in 1986.
She was met with such acclaim that Pérez’s original commitment of six months was extended, and extended, until almost five years had passed.

In collaboration with co-writer Len Wein and inker Bruce Patterson, Pérez spearheaded Wonder Woman’s adventures for years, leading her to an unprecedented level of success.

Now these groundbreaking tales are available in the first of a series of trade paperbacks, collecting WONDER WOMAN #1-14 with bonus material including a Who’s Who of Wonder Woman’s world and an art gallery.

Tom King & David Finch: Batman 1 – I Am Gotham (K)


A new era for the Dark Knight begins here in BATMAN VOL. 1: I AM GOTHAM, part of the most critically acclaimed, best-selling, all-new line of volume one graphic novels, DC Universe Rebirth!

He is Gotham City’s hero, its Dark Knight, its greatest protector. He is Batman. And he is not alone.

There are two new heroes in town—a pair of masked metahumans with the powers of Superman and a devotion to preserving all that is good about this twisted city. Calling themselves Gotham and Gotham Girl, they’ve saved Batman’s life, fought by his side and learned from his example.

But what happens if Gotham’s new guardians go bad? What if they blame the Dark Knight for the darkness that threatens to drown their city?

When sinister forces are unleashed that can warp the minds of men and make heroes into monsters, the time will come for Batman and his allies to decide once and for all: Is Gotham a force for good…or an engine of evil?

From the blockbuster DC Universe Rebirth event comes BATMAN VOL. 1: I AM GOTHAM—the beginning of an all-new saga in the life of the Dark Knight from superstars Tom King (GRAYSON) and David Finch (WONDER WOMAN), featuring an all-star cast of creators such as Scott Snyder (BATMAN: THE COURT OF OWLS), Ivan Reis (JUSTICE LEAGUE) and Mikel Janín (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK)! This great starting-point graphic novel collects BATMAN: REBIRTH #1 and BATMAN #1-6..

Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp: Wonder Woman 1 – The Lies


Heroic. Iconic. Unstoppable. Armed with her Lasso of Truth and imbued with the power of the gods themselves, Princess Diana of Themyscira—known to the world as Wonder Woman—is one of the greatest superheroes in history.

But who is she…really? Not even Wonder Woman herself knows for sure. Diana’s links to both the Amazons and the Gods of Olympus have been severed. Her memories are a tangle of contradictions that even her lie-detecting lasso cannot untangle.

To solve the riddle of her origin, she must embark on her greatest quest of all: finding a way back to her vanished home.
To get there, she must team up with her greatest enemy, the feral beast-woman, Cheetah.

Will this unlikely alliance shine the light of truth on Diana’s darkest secrets, or bury them—and her—forever?

Find out in WONDER WOMAN VOL. 1: THE LIES—exploding from the blockbuster DC Rebirth event! Legendary Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka (BATWOMAN: ELEGY) makes his triumphant return to the character for the first time in years and joins renowned fantasy artist Liam Sharp (2000 AD) for one of the most momentous stories in Diana’s history! Collects WONDER WOMAN #1, #3, #5, #7, #9, #11 and the WONDER WOMAN: REBIRTH one-shot..

Tom King & Janín Mikel: Batman 2 – I Am Suicide (K)


He’s the one man who broke the Bat. He rules the island prison that once held him captive with an iron fist. He is Bane, and he has something-or someone-that Batman needs. And Batman will risk a suicide mission to take it, or them, from him.

But to infiltrate the stronghold of a criminal genius, the Dark Knight will need to raise his own army of criminals. From the bowels of Arkham Asylum, he’ll select an elite squad of the craziest, deadliest, most dangerous villains alive-including Catwoman, the one woman in the world who knows him best, despite the blood on her claws.

But Batman’s makeshift Suicide Squad is every bit as unstable as the real deal. As lust, addiction, insanity and betrayal take their toll on his team, not everyone will make it out of Bane’s fortress alive and unbroken…

New York Times best-selling writer Tom King (THE OMEGA MEN) continues his groundbreaking Dark Knight saga, joined by artists Mikel Janín (GRAYSON) and Mitch Gerads (SHERIFF OF BABYLON). Collects BATMAN #9-15.

Greg Rucka & Nicola Scott: Wonder Woman 2 – Year One


New York Times best-selling writer Greg Rucka continues his return to WONDER WOMAN!

The team of Rucka and artist Nicola Scott weave the definitive and shocking tale of Diana’s first year as Earth’s protector.
Paradise has been breached, Ares stirs, and the Amazons must answer with a champion of their own…one who is willing to sacrifice her home amongst her sisters to save a world she has never seen.

Wonder Woman’s journey begins in this epic origin story!

Collects WONDER WOMAN #2, #4, #6, #8, #10, #12, #14.

Tom King & David Finch: Batman 3 – I Am Bane (K)


Superstar artist David Finch (WONDER WOMAN) completes his run on the Dark Knight in BATMAN VOL. 3: I AM BANE, the stunning new chapter in writer Tom King’s (THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON) wildly acclaimed Batman saga.

He is not a joke. He is not a riddle. He is not a bird or a cat or a penguin, not a scarecrow or a plant or a puppet. He is not a fairy tale or a circus act, a broken friend or a regretful mentor. He is no rich boy pretending to be a knight.

He is Bane. The Batman invaded his home, scarred his mind and broke his back. Now Bane has returned to Gotham City for a single purpose: break the Batman once and for all. But first, he’ll destroy everyone the Dark Knight has ever loved…or loathed.

The young heroes who’ve worn the mantle of Robin. The cops, crime-fighters and vigilantes who make up Batman’s army of allies. Even the madmen and monsters that haunt the halls of Arkham Asylum. Batman will need all of their help—and more—to fend off this unstoppable challenger.

Because both Bane and Batman know one thing: only one of them will walk away from their final confrontation unbroken…

Collects stories from BATMAN #16-20, 23-24 and BATMAN ANNUAL #1..

Greg Rucka & Liam Sharp: Wonder Woman 3 – The Truth


WONDER WOMAN VOL. 3: THE TRUTH is the latest chapter of the instant-classic saga from writer Greg Rucka and artist Liam Sharp.

They say the truth will set you free. That’s what Princess Diana—the hero known to the world as Wonder Woman—believed. But she discovered a far darker truth, learning that her entire life and history had been transformed…and it has driven her to madness.

Even as her life unravels, sinister forces threaten all she holds dear. No matter how great the trauma, she must continue to fight against the evil and lies that have destroyed her life.

With the help of her closest allies—and her greatest enemy, the Cheetah—Diana will put the pieces of her broken mind back together and do battle against her fearsome new foes.

Will she defy the will of the gods, save her Amazon sisters and solve the mystery of her own existence once and for all? Or is the cost of the truth too steep for even Wonder Woman to bear?

Exploding from the pages of the blockbuster DC Rebirth event, this storyline collects odd-numbered issues from WONDER WOMAN #13-25..

Batman – Night of the Monster Men


It’s the storm of the century, and it’s headed straight for Gotham City.

The guardians of this sprawling urban center-Nightwing, Batwoman and the Batman himself-think they’ve prepared for the worst. They have no idea.

Thanks to the machinations of the macabre scientist Dr. Hugo Strange, the storm has unleashed a rain of monsters upon the city. Colossal creatures are stomping through the streets, terrorizing the citizens and challenging the skills of even Gotham’s greatest heroes.

Can the Dark Knight and his allies stem the tide of destruction? Or will the Night of the Monster Men mark the fall of the Bat?

Find out in BATMAN: NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN, the first crossover of the DC Rebirth era from the creative team of Steve Orlando (MIDNIGHTER), Tom King (BATMAN), Tim Seeley (BATMAN ETERNAL), James Tynion IV (DETECTIVE COMICS), Riley Rossmo (CONSTANTINE: THE HELLBLAZER), Roge Antonio (BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY) and Andy MacDonald (THE NEW 52: FUTURES END). This epic of horror and heroism collects BATMAN #7-8, NIGHTWING #5-6 and DETECTIVE COMICS #941-942.

Greg Rucka & Bilquis Evely: Wonder Woman 4 – Godwatch


Princess Diana—Wonder Woman—is a hero to the world.

But there are those who see her very differently. And one of those, Veronica Cale, the leader of the all-powerful Godwatch, will stop at nothing to use Diana to get what she wants: revenge on the gods themselves!

As the story unfolds from year to year, bridging the gap between the YEAR ONE story to present day, Wonder Woman faces off against not just scheming Cale, but also the powerful witch Circe and her own former friend Barbara Ann Minerva, now known as the Cheetah!

The celebrated run from writer Greg Rucka (GOTHAM CENTRAL) ends with WONDER WOMAN VOL. 4: GODWATCH, with art from Bilquis Evely, Mirka Andolfo and Nicola Scott. Collects stories from WONDER WOMAN even issues #16-24 and WONDER WOMAN ANNUAL #1.

Tom King & Mikel Janin: Batman 4 – The War of Jokes and Riddles (K)


Early in Batman’s career, the Joker and the Riddler would seemingly be natural allies.

But each man determined that he and he alone must be the one to kill the Bat…and either would sooner burn down Gotham than be beaten to the punch line.

Untold until now, one of the darkest chapters in Batman’s history sees all of Gotham’s villains choosing sides in a battle of wits that soon turns into a full-blown war—complete with civilian casualties. In the War of Jokes and Riddles, only one side can claim victory…but the scars it leaves will shape Batman’s future as he makes the most important decision of his life.

From the critically acclaimed, best-selling creative team of Tom King (GRAYSON, The Vision) and Mikel Janin (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK), the epic graphic tale BATMAN: THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES has quickly embedded itself as one of the great stories in the Dark Knight’s mythology. Collects issues #25-32.

Marv Wolfman & George Pérez: The New Teen Titans 1 (K)


The first 8 issues of the groundbreaking 1980s NEW TEEN TITANS now available for the first time in years!

When the series launched, writer Marv Wolfman (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS) and artist George Perez (FINAL CRISIS: LEGION OF THREE WORLDS, Avengers) crafted a timeless story starring Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Cyborg, Changling, Raven and Starfire – a group of young individuals with great powers and strong personalities who learned their way in the world through the strength of their friendship and the adventures they shared.

Gail Simone: Secret Six – Unhinged (K)


The Secret Six are back in an all-new ongoing series that promises to deliver some of the darkest, most twisted action-adventure the DC Universe has seen since…well, the last time the Secret Six got together!

Join Catman, Scandal, Deadshot, Ragdoll, and their two newest members as they hit the road on the run from some of the world’s most dangerous killers! A contract has been put out on the lives of the Six, but the sly team has some tricks – and a whole lot of bullets – up their own sleeves! Prepare for an adventure that will take them through a gauntlet across the seediest parts of the DC Universe, and will ultimately pit them against a foe more monstrous and murderous than any they’ve ever had to face!

Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Nicola Scott

Gail Simone: Secret Six – The Darkest House (K)


As a member of the Secret Six is determined to bring back a loved one from the Gates of Hell using a “Get Out of Hell Free”card stolen back in the first arc of the series. Meanwhile, Bane must face his inner demons and make some crucial decisionsregarding his future with the Secret Six!

Originally published in single magazine form in Secret Six 30-36 and Doom Patrol 19.

Nick Spencer & Luke Ross: Secret Avengers 1 – Reverie (K)


The new Nick Fury leads an all-new, ultra-covert Avengers strike team including Hawkeye, Black Widow, the Hulk, Winter Soldier, Maria Hill and Phil Coulson on missions so dangerous, that even the team members themselves can’t know about them!

How is that even possible? The hush-hush answer awaits you inside!
Fury knows who he wants as his next recruit for the Secret Avengers: the deadly mercenary known as Taskmaster! But how to extract S.H.I.E.L.D.’s newest prospective agent from the only prison cell in Bagalia – the nationstate built by, and for, super villains?

Plus, learn the deadly secret of the new Iron Patriot, as the Scientist Supreme and the new High Council of A.I.M. launch their first attack, igniting global war – with Quake and Nick Fury caught in the crosshairs!

COLLECTING: Secret Avenger s 1-5, material from Marvel Now ! Point One.

Jonathan Hickman & Jim Cheung: Infinity 1 (K)


To save the world from ever-greater dangers, the Avengers got bigger.

Yet when the oldest race in the universe marks Earth for destruction, it’s time for Captain America to think grander still. As the most powerful Avengers team ever assembled heads into space to join an intergalactic alliance against the ancient Builders, an old enemy deems their home unprotected.
Thanos, the Mad Titan, unleashes his forces on Earth in the latest chapter of his endless quest for death.

But even a world without Avengers has its defenders. Among them, the secret cabal of history-shapers known as the Illuminati – a group riven with internal conflict already confronting another planet-ending crisis.
As Earth’s Mightiest Heroes wage war on multiple fronts, their battle for Infinity threatens to descend into Inhumanity.

Collecting Infinity #1-3, Avengers #18-20, New Avengers 9-10.

Jonathan Hickman & Jim Cheung: Infinity 2 (K)


The outbreak of war on two fronts: Earth and Space, with our heroes torn between them!

Plus, the world shattering return of Thanos!

Collecting Infinity #4-6, Avengers #21-23, New Avengers 11-12.

Grant Morrison & Sean Murphy: Joe the Barbarian (K)


One of the hottest writers in the industry, Grant Morrison, brings this Home Alone meets The Lord of the Rings story to life.

Joe is an imaginative eleven year-old boy.
He can’t fit in at school. He’s the victim of bullies. His dad died overseas in the Iraq war. He also suffers from Type 1 diabetes.

One fateful day, his condition causes him to believe he has entered a vivid fantasy world in which he is the lost savior — a fantastic land based on the layout and contents of his home.
His desperate attempts to make it out of his bedroom transform into an incredible, epic adventure through a bizarre landscape of submarine pirate dwarves, evil Hell Hounds, Lightning Lords and besieged castles.

But is his quest really just an insulindeprived delirium — from which he can die if he doesn’t take his meds — or something much bigger?

Paul Dini & Bruce Timm: Batman: Mad Love and Other Stories (K)


Tales by two of the creators behind the acclaimed Batman Animated TV series are collected for the first time!

The centerpiece of this fantastic collection is the Eisner Award-winning BATMAN: MAD LOVE, the surprisingly dark origin of Harley Quinn, co-starring The Joker and Poison Ivy as well as Batman.

Also included are tales by Dini, Timm and others that feature the Scarecrow, Ra’s al Ghul, Mr. Freeze, Batgirl and more, from BATMAN ADVENUTURES ANNUAL #1-2 and stories from the BATMAN ADVENTURES HOLIDAY SPECIAL, ADVENTURES IN THE DC UNIVERSE #3 and BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE #1!

Predator Omnibus 1 (K)

KÄYTETTY. Takakannesta lähtenyt väriä.

Dark Horse Comics set the comics industry on its ear with its comics expansion of the Predator mythos, a comics series so true to the spirit of the original 20th Century Fox film blockbuster that concepts from the first Predator comics series were incorporated into the Predator screen universe.

Now, the three core Dark Horse Predator graphic novels-Concrete Jungle, Cold War, and Dark River – and several other chilling Predator tales, some never before reprinted, are collected together for the first time, in a value-priced, quality-format omnibus, featuring over 400 explosive story pages in full color.

Written by screen and television scribe Mark Verheiden (The Mask, Battlestar Galactica) and comics legend Dan Barry and illustrated by Chris Warner, Ron Randall, Dan Barry, and others, Predator Omnibus Vol. 1 is an essential piece of the Predator mythos and a great entry point into the storied Dark Horse Predator library.

The definitive comics collection of all things Predator starts here!

Predator Omnibus 2 (K)


Trophy hunters from another world, hiding in plain site, drawn to heat and conflict.

A historical scourge, lethal specters, powerful, savage, merciless. Utilizing their feral instincts and otherworldly technology in the sole pursuit of the most dangerous game . . . Man.

Whether haunting the blazing deserts of the Southwest, stalking the claustrophobic woods of the Pine Barrens, or infiltrating a maximum security prison, the Predators take no prisoners and leave only death in their grisly wake. But even these bestial killing machines can meet their match when men swallow their fear and channel their own primal rage . . . and the hunter becomes the hunted!

Dark Horse Comics set the comics industry on its ear with its comics expansion of the Predator mythos, comics so true to the spirit of the Fox film blockbuster that concepts were incorporated into the Predator screen universe.

Predator Omnibus Volume 2 continues the complete presentation of these comics classics-some never before collected-featuring over 400 gripping story pages in full color, penned by a who’s-who of top writers..

Predator Omnibus 3 (K)


Death often hides in the dark, isolated corners of the earth – in thick woods, steaming swamps, or angry seas.

These natural dangers of animal, weather, and terrain often give rise to legends and folk tales of demons, serpents, and ghosts to put an understandable face to the unknown.

And while many myths have a basis in reality, some are reality, the reality of the presence of Predators: alien hunters as savage as they are intelligent, as cunning as they are merciless.

And when rational men stand face to face with a sea serpent, a Gollywomp, or the New Jersey Devil bent on taking trophies, they have but two choices – fight the myth or become history!

Predator Omnibus 4 (K)

KÄYTETTY. Etukannen yksi nurkka ja muutama ensimmäinen sivu taittunut.

Across the centuries, humanity’s capacity for violence has marked time as surely as the movement of the stars.

And from those very stars have come an invisible participant in our history, the extraterrestrial Predator, who has used mankind’s own penchant for murder and mayhem as a shadow to cover its own bloody tracks.

But the Predator has not passed through the ages unnoticed, and despite the alien killer’s strength, cunning, and advanced technology, there are few things more certain than how far men are willing to go when it’s time for a little payback!

Predator Omnibus Volume 4 concludes the complete presentation of these never-before-collected classic Dark Horse Predator tales, presenting over three hundred thrilling story pages in a high-quality, value-priced format and featuring work by top comics creators.

Jeph Loeb & John Romita Jr.: Hulk – World War Hulks (K)


Hulks. Will. Fall. But who will take the biggest fall of all?

The Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. government. But will they destroy each other before they can triumph?
Guest-starring Thor, Captain America, the X-Men, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four and more, this monster-sized saga kicks off with the death of a longtime Hulk legend and never lets up! And in the aftermath, the truth is finally out: The identity of the Red Hulk is revealed!

Everything Hulk fans have been waiting for pays off here, but it only whets the appetite for the epic final showdown between Red and Green Hulks – a cataclysmic battle that will settle once and for all which one is the strongest there is!

Collecting FALL OF THE HULKS: GAMMA and HULK (2008) #19-24.

X-Men – Messiah Complex (K)


The biggest event to hit the X-Men in ten years is here!

Just when it looked like there was no possibility of a future for mutants, hope arrives. But the X-Men aren’t there to meet it – The Marauders and Purifiers beat them to it.
Now the race is on to get the first new mutant since House of M!

Collects X-Men: Messiah Complex One-Shot, Uncanny X-Men #492-494, X-Men #205-207, New X-Men #44-46, and X-Factor #25-27.

X-Men – Second Coming (K)


The climax of four years of X-Men stories is the X-Event of 2010!

What started in HOUSE OF M with the Decimation of mutantkind and erupted with the first new mutant birth in MESSIAH COMPLEX finishes here.

In the epic crossover SECOND COMING, Cyclops’ faith pays off when Cable returns to the present with Hope, the girl he believes to be the mutant messiah. But will she be the savior or destroyer of mutantkind?

We may never know, as she is the target of an initiative for mutant eradication unlike anything the X-Men have ever experienced.
Many will be wounded.
Several will die.
Is Hope worth it?

COLLECTING: Second Coming: Prepare, Second Coming #1-2, Uncanny X-Men #523-525; New Mutants #12-14, X-Men Legacy #235-237, X-Force #26-28.

X-Necrosha (K)

KÄYTETTY. Kansissa jälkiä.

Necrosha, the massive event tying X-FORCE, X-MEN LEGACY and NEW MUTANTS!

Selene’s Inner Circle stands revealed and her master plan has been set into motion.

Watch as the the resurrected dead lay siege to the X-Men’s headquarters, and the fight to survive the Black Queen’s vengeance begins. But while Warpath and Wolverine realize what’s happening, they may be too late to stop it. Because Selene is already well on her way to achieving ultimate power half a world away.
Plus, the rest of the X-Men fight mutants back from the dead!

COLLECTING: New X-Men #32, X-Force #11, #21-25, New Mutants #6-8, X-Men: Legacy #231-234, X-Force/New Mutants: Necrosha One-Shot, X Necrosha: The Gathering, material from X-Force Annual.

Matt Fraction & Michael Allred: FF 2 – Family Freakout


Did a good-natured prank-gone-wrong mean Ben Grimm caused the accident that led Victor Von Doom down his wicked path?

As the sickness spreads to the other members of the family, their attention turns to righting this past wrong – could saving Victor be the only way stop Dr. Doom?

Before they answer that, however, they have to deal with the Council of Dooms who treat the day of the Incident as a kind of nativity – and dozens of Dooms from dozens of realities have come to witness the birth of the Alpha Doom…oh boy that dorm room is gonna get crowded fast.

COLLECTING: FF #9-13. Also includes exclusive AR video content!

Jim Shooter & Gerry Conway: Avengers Epic Collection – The Final Threat


A new era in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes begins with an all-new Avengers lineup under the guidance of writers Gerry Conway and Jim Shooter.

Teamed with a who’s who of top 1970s art talent-George Pérez, Jim Starlin and John Byrne-these storytellers pit the Avengers against the greatest threats in the Marvel Universe.

From Dr. Doom to Ultron and Attuma to the Sub-Mariner, the Avengers are put to the test in issue after action-packed issue. Ant-Man amok, the return of Wonder Man, and the Avengers’ all-time classic battle with Thanos highlight this epic collection!

COLLECTING: AVENGERS (1963) #150-166, ANNUAL (1967) #6-7, SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP (1975) #9 & MARVEL TWO-IN-ON E ANNUAL (1976) #2.

Jonathan Maberry & Goran Parlov: Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher (K)


Jonathan Mayberry and Goran Parlov take you on a journeyinto the darkest territory.

A terrible plague has swept the Earth, turning everyone–human, hero, villain, god and monster–into sadistic cannibal predators.
As Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Thing and other infected start a feeding frenzy, the world falls in a wave of insatiable violence.

Now, five years later, one man stands against the hordes of monsters who hunt the night.

He is the Punisher, and he has an endless supply of ammunition.

Jonathan Maberry & Laurence Campbell: Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (K)


Enemy or ally, Wolverine takes on all comers!

Chaos washes over the streets of New York when the Amazing Spider-Man becomes patient zero in a global epidemic that turns its victims into predatory cannibals!

One by one, the heroes of the Marvel Universe succumb to this incurable genetic mutation, and the brightest minds in the world – Reed Richards, Henry McCoy, T’Challa and Hank Pym – can’t stop the epidemic.
Humanity’s last hope, Wolverine, races to find the key to the cure before the world is overcome with super-powered beings that crave human flesh.

COLLECTING: Marvel Universe vs . Wolverine #1-4.

Michael Avon Oeming & Bryan J. Glass: Mice Templar 1 (K)

KÄYTETTY. Kansissa hieman jälkiä.

Before their fall, the Templar preserved the order of the natural world, maintaining the balance of life and death for all creatures.

But an ideological dispute pitted the noble brotherhood against itself, where they destroyed themselves in a vicious civil war.
Chaos descended in their wake, where predatory and scavenger creatures now reign supreme bringing anarchy to the night world of the Shadow Time.

Karic soon learns of an ancient prophecy that one mouse will be chosen to recreate the heroic exploits of the past, and thereby save his family and his people.
But Karic’s calling soon makes him both a target of his enemies, and a tool to be exploited by those seeking to use the savior of all for their own schemes.
And thus begins the first chapter in an extraordinary adventure of magic and wonder, faith and valor, and of one small mouse whose destiny might change the entire world.

Collects Mice Templar #1-6.

Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 2


Rock saa tuta, että elämä BLACK LAGOONIN kannella on toisinaan hiuskarvan varassa: yksinkertainen tavaran noutokeikka muuttuu kiihkeäksi tulitaisteluksi natsien kanssa!

Lisäksi uusin miehistön jäsen selvittää välejään herkän liipaisinsormen omaavan Revyn kanssa kohdattuaan nunnien huumeliigan.

Kun eräs vinksahtanut palkkatappajakaksikko saapuu Roanapuriin, edessä on täysimittainen jengisota ja BLACK LAGOONIN miehistö joutuu myrskyn silmään!

Lataa, äläkä varmista!

Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 4


Balalaika palkkaa Rockin toimimaan tulkkinaan ja Revy seuraa mukana Rockin henkivartijana talviseen Tokioon.

Tuhon partaalla oleva yakuza-perhe hakeutuu yhteistyöhön Hotel Moscowin kanssa.

Hornankattilan räjähtäessä silmille yakuzoille kuitenkin valkenee, että heidän olisi ennemmin kannattanut tehdä sopimus itse pirun kanssa!

Lataa, äläkä varmista!

Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 5


Rock ja Revy liittoutuvat vastahakoisesti Ginjin kanssa pelastaakseen Yukion sieppaajiltaan.

Hotel Moscowin ja Washiminen välinen konflikti saa teurastamon vaikuttamaan lomaparatiisilta!

Lisäksi Rock ja Revy päätyvät eri puolille Balalaikan kanssa, mikä ei lupaa onnellista loppua.

Lataa, äläkä varmista!

Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 7


Tieto Garcia Lovelacen isän palkkamurhasta Venezuelassa iskee Roanapuriin kuin yhdeksännen asteen maanjäristys!

Psykosisäkkö ja ex-terroristi Roberta vaatii vastuullisten päitä vadille, eikä aio edes mahtavan USA:n armeijan hidastaa itseään.

Roanapurin rikollisliigat eivät halua kenenkään kiinnittävän pikku suojasatamaansa yhtään ylimääräistä huomiota ei varsinkaan Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen!

Kuinka ollakaan, Black Lagoonin miehistö lähtee mukaan helvetistä karanneen psykosisäkön etsintään.

Lataa, äläkä varmista!

Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 8


Rock ja Revy palkkaavat vanhoja tuttavia avukseen pysäyttääkseen vendettan sokaiseman Robertan.

Roanapur alkaa muistuttaa verihurmeista sotatannerta, kun Robertaa jahtaavat niin FARCin terroristit kuin USA:n kommandotkin – CIA:n ja NSA:n eliittijoukoista puhumattakaan.

Ruudin ja veren tuoksun houkuttelemana myös Hotel Moscow syöksyy paikalle!

Lataa, äläkä varmista!

Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott: Baby Blues – Lahjontaa, kiristystä ja videonauhaa (K)

KÄYTETTY. Pieniä jälkiä kannessa.

Ullan ja Paulin elämä ei käy kuivaksi.

Talo kärsii vesivahingoista, lapset Suvi ja Saku vesirokosta.

Baby Blues on reseptivapaata masennuslääkettä lapsiperheille.

1. painos.

Byron Erickson & Giorgio Cavazzano: Dragonlords – Lohikäärmeherrojen valtakunta (K)

KÄYTETTY. Pieni taitos etukannessa, muuten hyvässä kunnossa.

Byron Ericksonin ja Giorgio Cavazzanon Dragonlords – Lohikäärmeherrojen valtakunta heittää Akun, Roopen ja ankanpojat elämänsä hurjimpaan seikkailuun.

Taistelussa Morkinmaasta ja lohikäärmeiden herruudesta on niin ihmisten kuin ankkojenkin kohtalo alituiseen vaakalaudalla.

2. painos.

George Herriman: Krazy & Ignatz 2 – 1917 (K)


Weekly adventures of Krazy and Ignatz from the year 1917.



George Herriman: Krazy & Ignatz 5 – 1920 (K)


Weekly adventures of Krazy and Ignatz from the year 1920.



George Herriman: Krazy & Ignatz 6 – 1921 (K)

KÄYTETTY, takakannen kulma taittunut.

Weekly adventures of Krazy and Ignatz from the year 1921.



George Herriman: Krazy & Ignatz 1 – 1916 (K)


A week by week account of Krazy + Ignatz saga though year 1916.



Otto Messmer: Felix the Cat – Keeps on walkin’ (K)


Otto Messmer created Felix the Cat in 1919 for animated films.

In 1950 he began a series of classic comic book stories for Toby Press.
This is one of a series of anthologies, reprinting the best of Messmer’s 1950-1955 comics.


Pictopia 1 (K)


Where is Pictoria?

In a bunker in Berlin?
Is it a field on the outskirts of Buenos Aires?
Or a classified location near the border of Kuwait?
Is it an endlessly forking road?
Or the mean streets of Houston?
Is it a dream city surrounding two pyramids?

Pictopia 4 (K)


Featuring stories by Alberto Breccia, Dave Cooper, Comrade Crovsky, Bill Griffith, Julie Doucet, Aline Kominsky, Ida Marx, James Sturm, and more!



Ulf Lodin: Öronälskaren (K)


Fol försvinner spårlöst.

Mitt i den stockholmska sommaridyllen.
En skärgårdsfest urartar och slutar med en katastrof.

Öronälskaren är helt enkelt ett svenskt seriealbum vars like du aldrig sett.



World War 3 Illustrated – 1980-1988 (K)


World War 3 Illustrated 1980-1988 is the buried history of the Reagan Years, a thundering reply to despair and political complacency.

Kuper and co-editor Seth Tobocman have assembled this striking collection of comics and graphics from the pages of the New York-based magazine of cartoon political commentary, including work by the two editors, Eric Drooker, Girltalk editor Sabrina Jones, and (very early) Peter Bagge, plus text pieces, posters, and more.

Under a striking collage cover, World War 3 is some of the most stirring and important political cartooning of the decade.



Pertti Jarla: Fingerpori tiedekalenteri 2022

Fingerporin keskushenkilö Heimo Vesa on ruskeaan kokovartaloalusasuun pukeutuva Tiedekeskus Fingerpolin tutkija.

Suositun kalenterin teemana ovat tiede ja keksinnöt.

Kierreselkäinen, ripustusreikä. Suomenkielinen.





Zack Snyder’s Justice League (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)


Varmistaakseen, ettei Supermanin (Henry Cavill) äärimmäinen uhraus valu hukkaan, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) yhdistää voimansa Diana Princen (Gal Gadot) kanssa rekrytäkseen metaihmisryhmän.
Maailman pelastaakseen liittoutuneet Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) ja The Flash (Ezra Miller) saattavat olla myöhässä vastassaan Steppenwolf, DeSaad ja Darkseid hirvittävine aikeineen.

Pohjoismainen versio.




Wonder Woman 1984 (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)


Patty Jenkinsin ohjaama ja Gal Gadotin tähdittämä Wonder Woman 1984 pikakelaa 80-luvulle ja tuo valkokankaille seikkailun, jossa Wonder Woman kultaisiin siipiin sonnustautuneena ratsastaa salamoilla halki taivaan jahdaten sekä unelmaansa että kahta uutta mahtavaa vihollista: Max Lordia ja Cheetahia.

Maailman kohtalo on jälleen vaakalaudalla ja vain Wonder Woman voi pelastaa sen.
Tämä uusi luku Wonder Womanin tarinassa sijoittaa Diana Princen kuolevaisten keskuuteen 1980-luvulle – ylettömyyden aikakaudelle, jolloin menestyksen tavoittelu ohjaa kaikkea.

Vaikka Diana on saavuttanut täydet voimansa, hän pitää matalaa profiilia hoitaen antiikkiesineiden kokoelmaa ja toteuttaen supersankarillisia tekojaan vain salaa.
Nyt hänen täytyy kuitenkin astua parrasvaloihin ja viisautensa, voimansa ja rohkeutensa avulla pelastaa ihmiskunta sen omilta aikaansaannoksilta.

Elokuvassa nähdään myös Chris Pine Steve Trevorina, Kristen Wiig Cheetahina, Pedro Pascal Max Lordina, Robin Wright Antiopena ja Connie Nielsen Hippolytana.

Pohjoismainen versio.

