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Viikon 38/2020 uutuudet


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Francois Walthéry: Natasha 3 – Cherchemidin vyö


Nataša on kuvankaunis ranskalainen lentoemäntä, joka valloitti lukijansa jo aikoinaan esiintyessään Ruutu- ja Non Stop -sarjakuvalehdissä.

Tässä albumissa Nataša ja stuertti Walter päättävät viettää rauhallisen loman Etelä-Ranskassa, mutta he törmäävätkin tohtori Cherchemidiin, joka on kehittänyt mullistavan keksinnön.
Cherchemidin vyö suojelee kantajaansa kaikelta ulkoiselta uhalta, mikä herättää välittömästi rikollisten piirien kiinnostuksen.
Nataša ja Walter yrittävät pelastaa omaperäisen Cherchemidin armottomilta kidnappaajiltaan, ja matkan varrella niin Marseillen kuin Pyreneidenkin maisemat joutuvat todistamaan henkeäsalpaavaa seikkailua…

Pahkasika 12 (remasteroitu)

Legendaarisen huumorilehti Pahkasian uusi painos. Remasteroitu versio numerosta 12, joka ilmestyi alunperin vuonna 1982.

Pahkasika numeron 12 sivuilla ovat koolla jo lähes kaikki Pahkasian keskeisimmät kirjoittajat ja piirtäjät. Kiirehtipä lehden päätoimittaja heti tuoreeltaan julistamaan numeron siihenastisista parhaaksi.

Pahkasian 12. numerossa alkaa huippusuosittu käytännön piloja -sarja. Ensimmäisenä ovat käsittelyssä käytännön pilat liikenteessä.
Vanhat herrat ovat taistelulentäjiä vanhojen Korkkareiden henkessä.
Hiljennymme myös ikuisuuskysymyksen äärellä: onko luontoon menemistä?
Tässä numerossa on myös ensimmäinen Pahkasika-News-palsta.

Ensimmäinen Pahkasika ilmestyi vuonna 1975. Kaikkiaan Pahkasikoja on ilmestynyt 79 numeroa. Lähes kaikki on myyty jo loppuun – osa jo vuosikymmenet sitten.

Kaikista Pahkasian numeroista julkaistaan uudet painokset. Remasteroidut sivut, parannettu painojälki, täydelliset versiot. Rajoitettu painos.

Pahkis 12:n kannessa on 1930-luvun henkeen sovitettu muotokuva Lea Liidosta. Sisäsivulla on aukeaman juttu nuoren neitokaisen viimeisestä lennosta. Tämä artikkeli oli ensimmäinen – ja ilmeisesti ainoa – kerta, jolloin Pahkasika julkaisi jutun, jonka tarkoitus oli olla surullinen.

Pahkasika 12 – sisällysluettelo:

Pahkasian pienoisparlamentti
Rintaliiveillä taantumusta päähän
Kananmuna-attentaatti Reagania vastaan
Koskenkorvan kivennäisvesi
Pahkasian joulumaa
On tullut aika
Jälleen uusi lastentarha
Kustannusliike Syyskuu
Huolla itse rannekellosi
Tuntemattoman saaren salaisuus
Vanhat herrat taistelulentäjinä
Vuoden flegmaatikko
Mitä tuoksusi kertoo?
Käytännön piloja liikenteessä
Kasvien ja eläinten risteytys
Pahkasian panoptikon
Sukellusvene Saimaalla!
Luokitellut ilmoitukset
Luonto – Onko sinne menemistä?
Hanki Lokomovits
Minä mitätön mies johtajana
Piskit pylväillä
Urheilun pääasia
Väkivalta- ja päihdeongelma
Lea Liito
Lukijain leperryksiä
Ruska tulee!

Kevyt Metalli 8

Spekulatiivisen fiktion sarjakuvalehti.

Tekijöinä: Julia Riitijoki, Tuomas Koivurinne, Ilpo Koskela, Mikael Mäkinen, Aleksi Kuutio, Mauri Tuure, Markus Tuppurainen, Vesa Vitikainen, Anssi Rauhala, Ninni Aalto ja Antti Kosonen.



Pahkasika 13 (remasteroitu)

Legendaarisen huumorilehti Pahkasian uusi painos. Remasteroitu versio numerosta 13, joka ilmestyi alunperin vuonna 1983.

Pahkasika numero 13 on todellinen tee-se-itse-väen unelmapakkaus. Albumin sivuilla neuvotaan, miten tavallisesta Hooverin pölynimurista saa värkättyä atomipommin, kuinka wc-pöntöstä tulee näppärä pikkupyykkäri ja miten vaativatkin lääketieteelliset toimenpiteet – mukaan lukien lobotomialeikkaukset – voi suorittaa itse Pahkasian korilääkärioppaan avulla.

Maailma on muuttunut paljon vuosikymmenien saatossa. Esimerkiksi artikkelissa Merkillisiä kivipatsaita kerrotaan tutkimusmatkailija Thor Heyerdahlin löytämästä Ahvenanmeren pienestä saaresta, johon on pystytetty useita yli kymmenmetrisiä Kekkosen kivipäitä, jotka kaikki katsovat itään. Nuoremmalle väelle tämä vitsi tuskin aukeaa, mutta yli 40-vuotiaille artikkeli on edelleen ruutia.

Numerossa 13 on myös legendaarinen Kansatiede-artikkeli, jossa professori Pietro-Oldemar Veturi käsittelee etnologiaa. Teksti on hauska sinältäänkin, mutta jos lukija on tarpeeksi iäkäs tietääkseen, mikä oli Pikkujättiläinen, paikat alkavat ratkeilla…

Vanhojen herrojen ensimmäinen pitkä sarjakuvaseikkailu Vanhojen herrojen poika puhuttelee kaikenikäisiä. Samoin vaikkapa Jurpon ja Pahkeisen varhaiset stripit. Muita klassikoita: Market-sarjakuva, Käytännön piloja rakkauselämässä ja Hämmelmäen hautalöytö.

Albumin kannessa esitellään maailman koko historia 210 kuvan pikakelauksena. Ajattele, mikä ajansäästö lukion laajempaan historiankurssiin verrattuna!

Pahkasika 13 – sisällysluettelo:

Olin seota
Arkhimedestä pännii
Vanhojen herrojen poika
Rakenna itsellesi oma atomipommi
Merkillisiä kivipatsaita
Odottamaton vieras
Veikko Huovinen juopottelijana
Pekka meni ja rupesi feministiksi
Urheiluyliopisto vaatii
Viidakon värikäs maailma
Hämmenmäen hautalöytö
Ytypommin keksijä
Pysähdy ajattelemaan!
Käytännön piloja rakkauselämässä
Hulluja ja humalaisia
Pahkasian pikkupyykkäri
Tomi ja Jeri
Pahkasian kotilääkäri
Vanhat herrat feministeinä
Vanhojen herrojen lisävarusteet
Tää on mun työ
Historian korvien havinaa
Luokitellut ilmoitukset
Tee mitä teet
Lukijain leperryksiä
Singles´ Bar

Pahkasika 14 (remasteroitu)

Legendaarisen huumorilehti Pahkasian uusi painos. Remasteroitu versio numerosta 14, joka ilmestyi alunperin vuonna 1983.

Pahkasian numerossa neljätoista on jo mukana joukko lehden tunnetuimpia vakiopalstoja, -juttuja ja -sarjakuvia. Mm: Vanhat herrat, Jurpo, käytännön pilat, Pahkasika News, leperrykset ja pahkamyyntiluettelot.

Numeron 14 kansikuvassa on otos eteläamerikkaiselta sokeriruokoviljelmältä. Albumi onkin nimetty suureksi Havanna-numeroksi – vaikka Havasta ei muuten ole koko niteessä sanaakaan.

Tämän albumin kolme Pahkis-fanien eniten muistelemaa juttua ovat: Miten hämäät tv-lupatarkastajaa, Vandaalikoulu ja Käytännön liimapilat.

Pahkasika 14 – sisällysluettelo:

Tähän on tultu
Miten hämäät tv-lupatarkastajan
Taidetta sika-naudasta
Vanhat herrat perustavat yhtyeen
Spiritistinen istunto
Miten vähennät nautintoainekulujasi
Sitä päivää en unohda koskaan
Lusikka aiheuttaa syöpää
Uskomatonta vaiko totta?
Lauantaitansseja laajennettava
Käytännön liimapiloja
Ufot kävivät Suomessa
Vessahuumori viehättää aina
Pahkasian huoltokoulu: Koira
Jättiläiskaatopaikan salaisuus
Suomalaista osaamista
Rakkaus alkaa Argentiinan pustalta
Ratkaiseva päätös
Elävän elämän elektroniikkapelejä
Pahkasika News
Kansanedustajan suuri käsikirja
Pastori N.N. myöhästyy töistä
Haluatko eroon perhetytön maineesta
Kuinka pääsen eroon asuntolatoveristani
Ekonomi Arvo
Lukijain leperryksiä
Johtaja pitää työmoraalia kohottavan puheen kansalle

Pahkasika 15 (remasteroitu)

Legendaarisen huumorilehti Pahkasian uusi painos. Remasteroitu versio numerosta 15, joka ilmestyi alunperin vuonna 1983.

Pahkasian 15. numero on todellinen tee-se-itse-alan toivepakkaus.
Pahkis neuvoo, miten aivan tavallisesta pahvilaatikosta voi konstruoida atomisuojan. Käsistään kätevä saa neuvot miten rakentaa toimiva sielu.
Lisäksi saamme tietää, keitä ovat ne ammattimiehet, jotka ovat valmistaneet kaikki baarien heiluvat pöydät, vaatekauppojen sovituskoppien liian kapeat oviverhot ja yleisten käymälöiden toimimattomat lukot.

Numeron 15 kansikuvassa näemme jotakin, mikä jakaa kansakunnan kahteen osaan: Vanhempi väki tunnistaa kannessa olevat kuvat oitis. Nuoremmille ne eivät merkitse mitään. Kyse on purukumipakkauksien mukana tulleista keräilykuvista, jotka olivat huippusuosittuja 1960-luvulla.

Tämän albumin kolme Pahkis-fanien eniten muistelemaa juttua ovat: Vanhojen herrojen kissa, Tee-se-itse atomisuoja ja Kaikki irti vahinkosattumuksista.

Pahkasika 15 – sisällysluettelo:

Suomi – onnellisten maa
Vanhojen herrojen kissa
Tekijä esiin!
Pieni rajasota tekisi terää
”Tapu tapu”
Lattapäiset laineilla
Bulgarian lahja ihmiskunnalle
Antiikkia jokamiehelle II
Kheopsin pyramidin arvoitus
Uskomatonta vaiko totta II
Tee-se-itse atomisuoja
Itsenäinen maksamakkarayhdyskunta löydetty
Onko meillä varaa tähän?
Leevi viides, jumalan lapsi
Pieni matkavokabulariumi
Helsingin sanomaatti
Rakennamme sielun
Matkailu avartaa kukkaroa
Hiiren itsemurha l–IV
”Tosta poikki”, sanoi lekuri
Pahkasian kotilääkäri
Kaikki irti vahinkosattumuksista
Pahkasika news
Aja naapurisi hulluksi
Tuttu vieras
Lukijain leperrykset



Kohei Horikoshi: My Hero Academia 12

Erikoistekniikat – tässähän alkaa innostua!

Muokkaan asuakin komeammaksi ja yllätän kaikki uudella stailillani!

Ja eikun kokeeseen hankkimaan tilapäistä sankarilupakorttia! PLUS ULTRA!!

Genre: seikkailu / Ikäsuositus 11+

Reiko Yoshida & Mia Ikumi: Tokyo Mew Mew 6

Ichigon ja Masayan romanssia ei hetkauttanut se, että Masaya sai tietää Ichigon salaisen henkilöllisyyden.

Sankarittaremme mielenrauha sen sijaan järkkyy, kun ilmenee, että hänen salaperäinen kissasuojelijansa Alto onkin Ryoo Shirogane… Ja luvassa on vielä yksi paljastus – nimittäin Sinisen ritarin henkilöllisyys!

Tässä kirjassa myös bonustarina ”Vadelmametsän prinsessa”!

Ikäsuositus: 9+



Kieron Gillen & Jacen Burrows: Warhammer 40,000 – Marneus Calgar (ENNAKKOTILAUS)

The saga of WARHAMMER 40,000 comes to Marvel Comics!

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

Marneus Calgar, the legendary Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, leads his elite Space Marines against humanity’s greatest threats in a galaxy engulfed in endless war.

Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY, The Wicked + The Divine) spearheads a new publishing initiative with Marneus Calgar’s never-before-told origin story – from his beginnings on Nova Thulium and his campaigns in the Black Crusades, to the unfolding mystery of the Black Altar, as a deadly threat from Calgar’s past reemerges to threaten the present of the Ultramar system!
It’s essential reading for 40K aficionados – and the perfect primer for those new to the universe of WARHAMMER 40,000! Be prepared!


Ulkomaiset uutuudet

Frank Miller & Rafael Grampá: The Dark Knight Returns – The Golden Child The Deluxe Edition

It’s been three years since the events of Dark Knight III: The Master Race.

Lara has spent the time learning to be more human, and Carrie Kelley has been growing into her new role as Batwoman.
But a terrifying evil has returned to Gotham City, and Lara and Carrie must team up to stop this growing threat–and they have a secret weapon.
Young Jonathan Kent, “the golden child,” has a power inside of him unlike anything the world has ever seen, and it’s about to be unleashed…

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child is Frank Miller’s triumphant return to the world of the Dark Knight and joining him is the superstar artist Rafael Grampá, the mastermind behind the groundbreaking Mesmo Delivery.
Following work in advertising and film, this incredible collaboration marks Grampá’s first comics work in six years, bringing his extraordinary detail and storytelling to the Dark Knight saga, resulting in a Dark Knight story like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

Shuzo Oshimi: Happiness 1

Nothing interesting in happening in Makoto Ozaki’s first year of high school.

His life is a series of quiet humiliations: low-grade bullies, unreliable friends, and the constant frustration of his adolescent lust. But one night, a pale, thin girl knocks him to the ground in an alley and offers him a choice.

Now everything is different.
Daylight is searingly bright. Food tastes awful. And worse than anything is the terrible, consuming thirst.
The tiny shames of his old life have been replaced by two towering horrors: the truth of what will slake his awful craving, and high school itself.

Paru Itagaki: Beastars 8

At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, friendships maintain the fragile peace. Who among them will become a Beastar–a hero destined to lead in a society naturally rife with mistrust?

Gray wolf Legoshi begins training with giant panda Gohin in order to better protect his friend, but he faces an ethical paradox when he is told he must eat meat to grow more powerful.
Meanwhile, herbivorous red deer Louis is choking down the flesh of beasts to maintain his status as the leader of a carnivorous lion gang. Yet when he runs into Legoshi carrying a bag of meat, Louis feels betrayed.
Legoshi continues to train, becoming more powerful in some ways yet weaker in others–and then his grades begin to drop. Even worse, dwarf rabbit Haru is mad at him!

Shuzo Oshimi: Blood on the Tracks 1

From the creator who brought you notable works such as The Flowers of Evil, Happiness, and Inside Mari, comes a new suspense drama centering on the theme of a toxic parent.

Dive into this latest thriller by master storyteller, Shuzo Oshimi.

Seiichi’s mother loves him very much, and his days pass with placid regularity. School, friends, even the attention of his attractive classmate Fukiishi. Until one terrible summer day, that all changes…

Shuzo Oshimi ( The Flowers of Evil) delivers his most unsettling work yet, the tale of a seemingly normal family suddenly swallowed up by the creeping horror of everyday life. Gorgeous art and an understated script only serve to heighten the tension as we watch Seiichi Osabe’s life spiral into nightmare.

Be Gay, Do Comics

The dream of a queer separatist town.
The life of a gay and Jewish Nazi-fighter.
A gender reveal party that tears apart reality.

These are the just some of the comics you’ll find in this massive queer comics anthology from The Nib.

Be Gay, Do Comics is filled with dozens of comics about LGBTQIA experiences, ranging from personal stories to queer history to cutting satire about pronoun panic and brands desperate to co-opt pride.
Brimming with resilience, inspiration, and humor, an incredible lineup of top indie cartoonists takes you from the American Revolution through Stonewall to today’s fights for equality and representation.

Featuring more than 30 cartoonists including Hazel Newlevant, Joey Alison Sayers, Maia Kobabe, Matt Lubchansky, Breena Nuñez, Sasha Velour, Shing Yin Khor, Levi Hastings, Mady G, Bianca Xunise, Kazimir Lee, and many, many more!

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 1

College dropout Isao Komori wakes up one morning to find himself in the body of a high school girl, Mari Yoshizaki.

How did this happen? Where is his body? And who exactly is this girl and what of the soul who previously inhabited the body he is possessing?

Shuzo Oshimi is the best-selling author behind works such as Flowers of Evil and Happiness. His works mix in the struggles of youth along with modern fantasy themes.

“Inside Mari is currently the standard for the body-swap genre.” –Makoto Shinkai, Director of Your Name

Joe Simon & Jack Kirby: Blue Bolt – The First Ten Stories

Cosmic rays, exotic villainess, alternate dimensions, monsters & mayhem!

In the early days of comic books’ golden age, the heroic superhero, Blue Bolt, battles the beautiful seductive villainess, the Green Sorceress, and her strange army, in the sci-fi subterranean land of Deltos!

These amazing first ten comic book stories of Blue Bolt comics, created by Captain America comics co-creator, Joe Simon, features the first team-up of the legendary Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
Blue Bolt: The First Ten Stories is a time capsule of co greats developing their talents that would bring comics into maturity!

Full color. Includes a Preface.

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 2

It is becoming clear to Isao and Yori that finding Mari is going to take more time than expected.

As the two continue their search they’ll have to cooperate, despite their contrasting personalities, to preserve Mari’s social life.



Joe Hill & Dave Stewart: Basketful of Heads

.1 New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill asks, “With a cursed Viking axe, what can you accomplish?” and June Branch is ready to answer!

June Branch visits her boyfriend, Liam, on Brody Island for a relaxing last weekend of summer.
After an escaped group of criminals breaks into the house that June and Liam are watching, Liam is taken by them. J
une grabs a strange Viking axe and flees from the intruders. When one of the attackers finds her, she swings the axe and takes off his head, which rolls away and begins to babble in terror.

For June to uncover the truth, she’ll need to hear the facts straight from the mouths of her attackers, with…or without their bodies attached.

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 3

Mari’s life is starting to fall apart.

She’s fallen out with her friends, teachers and family.

So, with few clues as to where she has disappeared to, Isao and Yori turn their focus on the man currently living in the Komori apartment.


Johnny Gruelle: Mr. Twee Deedle – Raggedy Ann’s Sprightly Cousin

A spectacular re-presentation of a lost classic.

The second Marschall Books collection from Fantagraphics is a magnificent collection of Mr. Twee Deedle, Johnny Gruelle’s masterpiece, unjustly forgotten by history and never before reprinted since its first appearance in America’s newspapers from 1911 to 1914.

The title character in the Sunday color page, Mr. Twee Deedle, is a magical wood sprite who befriends the strip’s two human children, Dickie and Dolly.
Gruelle depicted a charming, fantastical child’s world, filled with light whimsy and outlandish surrealism. The artwork is among the most stunning ever to grace an American newspaper page, and Gruelle’s painterly color makes every page look like it was created on a canvas.

Gruelle’s creation was the winning entry out of 1500 submissions to succeed Little Nemo, which the New York Herald was losing at the time to the rival Hearst papers.
With such import, the Herald added a $2000 prize, a long contract, and arguably the most care devoted to the reproduction of any color newspaper comic strip before or since. Y
et the wood sprite and his fanciful world have been strangely overlooked, partly because Gruelle created Raggedy Ann immediately after the strip’s run, eclipsing not only Mr. Twee Deedle but almost everything else the cartoonist ever did.

Mr. Twee Deedle stands as a bizarre time-warp: at a time when most children’s literature and kids’ comic strips were somewhat violent or starkly moralistic (the Brothers Grimm; the Katzenjammer Kids; and even Little Nemo itself, which often depicted nightmares, fears, and dangers), Twee Deedle was sensitive and whimsical. Instead of stark moralizing, it presented gentle lessons.
It reads today like a work for the 21st century… indeed for all times, all ages.

Mr. Twee Deedle is edited and includes an introduction by comics historian Rick Marschall. The volume will present the first year of the forgotten masterpiece and selected episodes from later years, as well as special drawings, promotional material, and related artwork.

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 4

Komori’s apartment has led them to a dead-end.

Yet, after days without a reasonable lead to Mari’s whereabouts, one finds them.
Mari has called home!

Where has she been? Why has she disappeared? And why did she decide to make contact now?


John Stanley: Little Lulu – Working Girl

The first in a five-volume best-of series, featuring an introduction from Margaret Atwood!

Lulu Moppet is an outspoken and brazen young girl who doesn’t follow any rules–whether they’ve been set by her parents, the neighborhood boys, or society itself.

In 2019 D+Q begins a landmark full-color reissue series collecting five volumes of Lulu’s funniest suburban hijinks: she goes on picnics, babysits, and attempts to break into the boys’ clubhouse again and again.
Cartoonist John Stanley’s expert timing and constant gags made these stories unbelievably enjoyable, ensuring that Marge’s Little Lulu was a defining comic of the post-war period.

First released in the 1940s and 1950s as Dell comics, Little Lulu as helmed by Stanley remains one of the most entertaining works in the medium.
In this first volume, Little Lulu: Working Girl, we meet the series’ mainstay characters: Lulu, Tubby, Alvin, and oodles more neighbourhood kids. Little Lulu’s comedy lies in the hilarious dynamic between its cast of characters.

Lulu’s assertiveness, individuality, and creativity is empowering to witness–the series is powerfully feminist despite the decades in which the stories were created.
It’s the character’s strong personality that made her beloved by such feminist icons as Patti Smith, Eileen Myles, and more.

Lovingly restored to its original full color, complete with knee-slapping humor and an introduction by Margaret Atwood that explains the vitality of Lulu herself, Little Lulu: Working Girl is a delight for classic comics fans and the uninitiated.

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 5

With an unexpected clue, Yori and Isao are to wait for further contact from Mari.

Unfortunately, neither one of them is strong enough currently to handle this sudden turn of events.

Their next step will be to settle their differences with the hope that they’ll better understand Mari’s troubles.


Darwyn Cooke & Tim Sale: Superman – Kryptonite The Deluxe Edition

Legendary, award-winning creator Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER) joins forces with acclaimed artist Tim Sale (BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN) for this edition of SUPERMAN: KRYPTONITE DELUXE EDITION!

This classic graphic novel features an unforgettable story of Superman’s first encounter with Kryptonite, the radioactive chunks of his home planet which can kill him and how it changed his life forever!
And even if the Man of Steel can survive, will he be able to save Lois Lane from the clutches of a mysterious stranger?

This deluxe hardcover graphic novel features covers, behind-the-scenes sketches and scripts from Cooke and Sale.

Shuzo Oshimi: Inside Mari 6

As “Mari” grows closer to Yori and Isao, it becomes apparent that the three may not be together for too much longer.

The plan always was to join forces to find the real Mari; not collaborate to rescue Isao Komori from his pathetic life.



Alan Davis & Paul Renaud: Tarot – Avengers/Defenders

An all-new epic teaming Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with Marvel’s premier non-team!

A strange and impossible lost memory from World War II draws Namor the Sub-Mariner to his onetime compatriot Captain America — but the two heroes and their respective allies soon find themselves pulled into a labyrinth of madness, pain and destruction courtesy of the Infernal Ichor of Ish’lzog!

Avenger must battle Defender as the alchemist Diablo casts cards from the deck of fate, pitting hero against hero for his own nefarious purposes!
As chaos spreads, the two groups find themselves confronted by the most unlikely characters in Marvel history! Would you believe – the Unbelievables?!
And as the cosmic chaos reaches its peak, the Avengers and Defenders are literally merged — becoming composite costumed champions! But can any of them put an end to the reality-altering madness?

Jason Lutes: Berlin

During the past two decades, Jason Lutes has quietly created one of the masterworks of the graphic novel golden age.

Berlin is one of the high-water marks of the medium: rich in its well-researched historical detail, compassionate in its character studies, and as timely as ever in its depiction of a society slowly awakening to the stranglehold of fascism.

Berlin is an intricate look at the fall of the Weimar Republic through the eyes of its citizens—Marthe Müller, a young woman escaping the memory of a brother killed in World War I, Kurt Severing, an idealistic journalist losing faith in the printed word as fascism and extremism take hold; the Brauns, a family torn apart by poverty and politics.
Lutes weaves these characters’ lives into the larger fabric of a city slowly ripping apart.

The city itself is the central protagonist in this historical fiction.
Lavish salons, crumbling sidewalks, dusty attics, and train stations: all these places come alive in Lutes’ masterful hand.
Weimar Berlin was the world’s metropolis, where intellectualism, creativity, and sensuous liberal values thrived, and Lutes maps its tragic, inevitable decline.
Devastatingly relevant and beautifully told, Berlin is one of the great epics of the comics medium.

Sean Murphy: Batman – Curse of the White Knight

.In this explosive sequel to the critically acclaimed blockbuster Batman: White Knight, The Joker recruits Azrael to help him expose a shocking secret from the Wayne family’s legacy-and to run Gotham City into the ground!

As Batman rushes to protect the city and his loved ones from danger, the mystery of his ancestry unravels, dealing a devastating blow to the Dark Knight.
Exciting new villains and unexpected allies clash in this unforgettable chapter of the White Knight saga-and the truth about the blood they shed will shake Gotham to its core!

With Gotham City’s identity and institutions hanging in the balance, Barbara Gordon decides to take matters into her own hands-but will her rogue actions play right into The Joker’s plans?
It all leads to the final battle of the Bats-Bruce Wayne versus Azrael-with the fate of the city at stake.

Al Ewing & Joe Bennett: Immortal Hulk 7 – Hulk Is Hulk

There’s a new monster in town. He’s cuddly. He’s lovable. He’s down with the kids. And he’s available for your corporate retreat.

Yes, there was another Hulk once — the one who made all those nasty threats about ending the world. But who needs him?
The Living Hulk is here — you might know him as Xemnu. And he’s going to save us all, or your money back! But who will triumph when Xemnu battles Robert Bruce Banner, the strangest man of all time?!
Plus: As events grow ever stranger, the Thoughtful Man arrives — and his dreadful thoughts are vast and dark enough to swallow even the Devil.
And when the war with the Minotaur finally ends, a grateful humanity will know who saved them all.
Can there be a happy ending for the Immortal Hulk?

Jeff Lemire & Andrea Sorrentino: Joker – Killer Smile

The Eisner-nominated creative team of writer Jeff Lemire and artist Andrea Sorrentino (Green Arrow, Gideon Falls) reunite for a psychological horror story that delves into the bottomless insanity of The Joker.

Everyone knows The Joker doesn’t have the most promising history with psychotherapists.
In fact, no one’s even been able to diagnose him.

But that doesn’t matter to Dr. Ben Arnell; he’s determined to be the one to unravel this unknowable mind.
And there’s no way The Joker could ever get through the therapeutic walls Ben has built around himself. Right?
There’s no way The Joker’s been entering his house at night…right?
There’s no way The Joker has stood over his son’s bed and put that book in his hands, the one with the, the, the…

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The IDW Collection 1

Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and writer Tom Waltz guide readers through a ground-breaking new origin and into epic tales of courage, loyalty, and family as the Turtles and their allies battle for survival against enemies old and new in the dangerous streets and sewers of New York City.

Collects the first 12 issues of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series, plus the Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Splinter Micro-Series one-shots.

Gina Siciliano: I Know What I Am – The Life and Times of Artemisia Gentileschi

This is a graphic biography of a pioneering woman painter in 17th century Rome.

In 17th century Rome, where women are expected to be chaste and yet are viewed as prey by powerful men, the extraordinary painter Artemisia Gentileschi fends off constant sexual advances as she works to become one of the greatest painters of her generation.

Frustrated by the hypocritical social mores of her day, Gentileschi releases her anguish through her paintings and, against all odds, becomes a groundbreaking artist.

Meticulously rendered in ballpoint pen, this gripping graphic biography serves as an art history lesson and a coming-of-age story.
Resonant in the #MeToo era, I Know What I Am highlights a fierce artist who stood up to a shameful social status quo.

Black & white illustrations throughout.

Sophie Yanow: The Contradictions

The Eisner Award–winning story about a student figuring out radical politics in a messy world

Sophie is young and queer and into feminist theory.

She decides to study abroad, choosing Paris for no firm reason beyond liking French comics.
Feeling a bit lonely and out of place, she’s desperate for community and a sense of belonging.

She stumbles into what/who she’s looking for when she meets Zena. An anarchist student-activist committed to veganism and shoplifting, Zena offers Sophie a whole new political ideology that feels electric.
Enamored―of Zena, of the idea of living more righteously―Sophie finds herself swept up in a whirlwind friendship that blows her even further from her rural California roots as they embark on a disastrous hitchhiking trip to Amsterdam and Berlin, full of couch surfing, drug tripping, and radical book fairs.

Capturing that time in your life where you’re meeting new people and learning about the world―when everything feels vital and urgent―The Contradictions is Sophie Yanow’s fictionalized coming-of-age story.
Sophie’s attempts at ideological purity are challenged time and again, putting into question the plausibility of a life of dogma in a world filled with contradictions.
Keenly observed, frank, and very funny, The Contradictions speaks to a specific reality while also being incredibly relatable, reminding us that we are all imperfect people in an imperfect world.

